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"The View": Week of 12/07/15

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I come from a tiny family now.... brother, sister, 2 nieces. I had the show on this morning but was a blubbering mess with joy because a niece had a baby last night.....our first new member of the family in 37 years!






I missed this----A NEW BABY!  Happiness xo…...

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Without all of her ridiculous heavy makeup, strange hair, and kooky outfits, Raven is a very attractive woman. I know it's part of her crazy persona, but it would be nice to see her toned down and acting more mature. She's 30, not 16.

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If there is a ban on Muslims, wouldn't people just pretend not to be Muslims? I don't get it, but Trump really sounded like more of a moron than usual; and he IS big ole bigot. If not, I'll eat your hat. .


I felt embarrassment for Raven wearing that --- whatever that was. I'm all for funky and edgy on younger folks, but that was just awful imo. That white trail thing looked like the pull device that you dry your hands on in that rotator towel contraption at a gas station bathroom.


Did Joy get a whole hour for her Bday? I know Whoopi did.


Get off my lawn kids! And pull your damn pants up! :)

Or do what the Danes did when Hitler came to town.  Many people wore Jewish stars.  Everyone could be Muslim.  

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If there is a ban on Muslims, wouldn't people just pretend not to be Muslims?


Because what he really means by that is, if you look or sound Muslim, you'd be banned. If you have darker skin, a headscarf, long beard, or God forbid have Mohamed or Ahmed anywhere in your name, you're screwed. 


He sounded so silly on Morning Joe talking to Willie Geist, saying that when someone lands in the US, the customs agent would ask "are you Muslim?" and if the answer is Yes, they would not be allowed in. His whole "idea" is absolutely absurd and batshit crazy, but this little gem took the cake. 

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Because what he really means by that is, if you look or sound Muslim, you'd be banned. If you have darker skin, a headscarf, long beard, or God forbid have Mohamed or Ahmed anywhere in your name, you're screwed. ...


Which means that one of the Muslims I know would easily elude this sophisticated investigative procedure.  She was born in the USA to a Catholic family & converted as an adult -- Caucasian redhead, dressed as the western professional woman she is (maybe a scarf around the neck but not on the head), with an "American" name.  Fortunately, she's a pacifist, so no harm done.

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My son-in-law is half American Norwegian and half Saudi Arabian, but he looks Middle Eastern and his name is Omar. He is not a Muslim, and his dad, who has lived in the US for over 45 years, is not Muslim either. Right after 9/11 people gave my son-in-law, who was in college, a bit of a hard time, even here in Oregon. That treatment subsided, but now that Trump and his cronies have upped the hate and fear, I really feel badly for my-son-in law, who has to fly quite a lot for his work. Thank goodness he doesn't have a beard, or the animosity would be even greater.  The rhetoric against anyone who looks like a Muslim or is Middle Eastern is very dangerous and harmful to so many people.

Edited by Kenz
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According to Wikipedia, being directionally challenged isn't necessarily a choice: "Topographical Disorientation, also known as Topographical agnosia and Topographagnosia, is the inability to orient oneself in one's surroundings as a result of focal brain damage.[1] This disability may result from the inability to make use of selective spatial information (e.g., environmental landmarks) or to orient by means of specific cognitive strategies such as the ability to form a mental representation of the environment, also known as a cognitive map. It may be part of a syndrome known as visuospatial dysgnosia."


The article gives good examples and is less clinical than the above.

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Hey Maggie .... How's the new baby (boy/girl) doing & more to the point, how's Auntie Maggie doing?

Just fine MedineCrow.....thanks for asking. Alas, I live on the west coast and they live on the east coast. But photos darling........

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I know, that's what i thought when raven went off on paying taxes AND going to school and working. Poor thing. What an idiot! Enjoying a high paying, part time, job, resting on her millions, getting free tickets to Janet Jackson, and a bunch of other junk, and she still doesn't get the meaning of acceptance or gratitude, or "dancin with the one that brung ya", or playing the hand you get. What a maroon!

I know, that's what i thought when raven went off on paying taxes AND going to school and working. Poor thing. What an idiot! Enjoying a high paying, part time, job, resting on her millions, getting free tickets to Janet Jackson, and a bunch of other junk, and she still doesn't get the meaning of acceptance or gratitude, or "dancin with the one that brung ya", or playing the hand you get. What a maroon!

Responding to ari333, abt Raven's lack of awareness.

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Raven needs someone to get up in her mid bitch-session about taxes and simply walk over and flip the light switch pluning the studio in darkness.  And say with all the wisdom and workplace professionalism of Whoopi "work and study for school now bitch".  You want to pay no taxes?  See how far you drive on non-tax paid roads.  Use utitlities whose infrastructure was often paid for and still offset by taxes.  You want proper change for your bill you just paid?  See how well the poor cashier does even on a machine that does it all if he or she was not edcuated in our public system (yeah I know that is not quite as compelling but still).  I would love someone to pull away from these entiteldd assholes what taxes has and does provide in terms of making their lives so easy.  No taxes?  Well we sure wouldn't have cable telelvision or That is So Raven which gave her her money to pay the taxes in the first place. 


Granted Whoopis is just as bad and ignorant.  But there is something about Raven's whiny idiocy that seems just that.  To have someone be so deliberately stupid just annoys the heck out of me.  Even just not realizing what the alternative is.  You paid taxes.  Because you made money.  How about we simply take the made money out of the equation then dumbass?  How 'bout that?


The thing is Trump said stop letting Muslims into the country.  Which didn't just exclude Muslims traveling to the US for business or pleasure.  It also meant no Muslin could return to this country.  His incredibly stupid question at the border would mean returning members of our military might be off duty and put through this same level of bile and bullshit since Trump simply said that everyone should be asked if they are a Muslin when trying to enter the US.


What bothers me about CCB's attitude though is that it still places a huge if quiet emphasis that there is a perceived layer of quality here.  'If they do that when will they come after churchs and synagogues."  Well.  No.  That is not something to take into consideration.  That is not something to make it worthwhile.  Going after mosques is wrong all on its own.  It does not need pretend ramped up idiocy.  No one thinks rape is a crime more because the rapist might then kill the victim.  To me it is a huge condescension on her part because it says what if unchecked they try to attack what matters?  I get in some senses it ties into the saying about how the Nazis first came for the Jews and then the communists etc.  Which is a fine warning to the point that for extreme points of view most of us are outsiders.  But here we are talking about equality.  And equality is not deigned upon a segment.  It is not given in fear that if it isn't we might be next.  It is given because it is simple and right and as a nation we claim that even if we do not always practice it. 


Heck if I had my way I go all Henry VIII on all religions and tax the heck of it and make those mega churches, giant mosques etc into affordable housing and food shelters.  Throw that Raven's way.  See how she would like maybe offsetting her taxes with wiping out tax free status for organized religion.  And make sure CCB and Paula are there with Whoopi that day.  I suggest anyone going to be the studio audience that day bring a plastic tarp like it is a Gallagher performance.  Because the blood is going to spray.  It might be on in my market at 11 am, but if that ever happened and I could make sure to watch, I might mix up a nice pitcher of mojitos and sit back and write the rest of the day off.  Well other than coming here to savor and share it all with you!

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What bothers me about CCB's attitude though is that it still places a huge if quiet emphasis that there is a perceived layer of quality here.  'If they do that when will they come after churchs and synagogues."  Well.  No.  That is not something to take into consideration.  That is not something to make it worthwhile.  Going after mosques is wrong all on its own.  It does not need pretend ramped up idiocy.  No one thinks rape is a crime more because the rapist might then kill the victim.  To me it is a huge condescension on her part because it says what if unchecked they try to attack what matters?  I get in some senses it ties into the saying about how the Nazis first came for the Jews and then the communists etc.  Which is a fine warning to the point that for extreme points of view most of us are outsiders.  But here we are talking about equality.  And equality is not deigned upon a segment.  It is not given in fear that if it isn't we might be next.  It is given because it is simple and right and as a nation we claim that even if we do not always practice it.


Very well said!

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Hello everyone, I am a new poster but a long time reader of the site.

Not to defend Whoopie, but I think Dyslexia is a structural issue of the brain, a disorder, sort of.

Being directional challenged is a choice, and can be changed through learning skills and tools. It is not a structural brain issue (disorder). Paula gave us the example NSEW she uses to orient herself.

I disagree. If I know which way north is, I can find the other directions. That's not the issue. If I go down a curved street and you ask me which direction I'm facing, I can't figure it out. Someone asked me which way my office window faced, and it took me several minutes to go through the steps to figure it out. My husband ALWAYS knows what direction he's facing no matter what. It truly is like he has an internal compass. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I do not choose to be directionally challenged, believe me. I have a lot of strategies I use to compensate for it. When I have to drive someplace new, I hAve to spend a lot longer than most people would studying a map, AND step by step directions, and going over it in my head, visualizing the route. It's not that I don't go anywhere. It's that it takes a lot of effort for me , and I still get turned around pretty often. I am good at a lot of things,, but I lack that particular skill.

According to Wikipedia, being directionally challenged isn't necessarily a choice: "Topographical Disorientation, also known as Topographical agnosia and Topographagnosia, is the inability to orient oneself in one's surroundings as a result of focal brain damage.[1] This disability may result from the inability to make use of selective spatial information (e.g., environmental landmarks) or to orient by means of specific cognitive strategies such as the ability to form a mental representation of the environment, also known as a cognitive map. It may be part of a syndrome known as visuospatial dysgnosia."

The article gives good examples and is less clinical than the above.

Thanks. That makes sense. We are all different, not all brains are identical. What's easy to one person is difficult to another. Edited by backformore
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We are all different, not all brains are identical. What's easy to one person is difficult to another.



Yeah, backformore.  If Whoopi has a deficit, it's very important and we MUST understand it and make accommodations.  Others'?  She will rant them into submission!

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What a day to get my TV sound back! Truly, who wants to watch a one-percenter get more gifts for an hour? Someone at The View has a very warped idea of what this viewer, at least, finds entertaining.


Have to agreed with everyone who blinked at Raven's costume choice. She can look cute and quirky. Today, with the gas station roll of sanitized hand towels appearing as part of her outfit, wasn't one of them.


I did a LOT of fast forwarding today.

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I DVR'd Raven's birthday episode and I'm not sure if I even want to try and watch it. I had it on there for about 30 seconds after the opening yesterday and saw the screen in the back of them wishing her a "Happy Birthday" and switched the channel. 

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Raven's outfit reminded me of one of my patients, putting her own clothes over her hospital gown, to go outside to smoke.  See it all the time.


I felt embarrassment for Raven wearing that --- whatever that was. I'm all for funky and edgy on younger folks, but that was just awful imo. That white trail thing looked like the pull device that you dry your hands on in that rotator towel contraption at a gas station bathroom.

That was the first thing I thought too!  Or maybe a roll of paper towels got caught in the back of her pants, like a roll of toilet paper.  

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I want to add to the taxes rant .... Don't taxes pay for police and firefighters? (Am I wrong?) Bridges.... roads, as mentioned.... libraries if people even use those anymore. Raven just makes me sick. She is not a struggling middle classer. Then I can see the tax bitch speech. SHE HAS MILLIONS. Suck it up.

Edited by ari333
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A few highlights from Raven's "Is she really thirty, because I think she's stuck at 12, maybe" Birthday Indulgence:


First off, she seemed really happy (being the center of attention) in a genuine way (child-like)


What the fuq was that ... pile of clothes she threw over her head? Never mind, I answered my own question. I saw a certain "fashionable" QVC host wearing the same long, white diaper-hanging-down-the-back "garment" and I gasped and gagged then as well. Well, now, it's Little One's Party - let's not fart all over it, ladies. I may enjoy edgy fashion, but Ugly is Ugly. Moving on, ....


Out pops one of Raven's buddies - Jesse or Jussee - Jussie!! from Empire to tell us that he lectures Raven EVERY DAY that she is African-American - called her a "fool," if I caught that right!! Raven laughed and agreed, and said she has "a special mouth." Surprised none of y'all caught that interesting exchange. Then again, who dared to watch????? I was unloading a couple boxes of holiday stuff, and put it on for noise. Noise, I got!!


There may have been more - and I recorded it!! But at the moment I think I may have to "move on" azz wellll - I can stomach Raven in small doses, but my Whoopi tolerance is near zero, and I'm trying to maintain that veneer of holiday cheeriness that easily melts off to reveal Festivus lurking beneath .....


Oh yeah - I hate to be a beech, but could we not go on about people's babies? a quick mention, but then I really would like to avoid scrolling through posts that end up being confusing - what baby are we talking about???? Sorry - unless it's a baby related to the show, I'd rather not ..... like if a fellow poster has/had cancer, or their cat died. We all have stuff going on. A mention is fine - all the follow up condolences and congrats drag the thread down, IMHO - sorry!! I guess Festivus is near .....

Edited by Jeanius
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What bothers me about CCB's attitude though is that it still places a huge if quiet emphasis that there is a perceived layer of quality here.  'If they do that when will they come after churchs and synagogues."  Well.  No.  That is not something to take into consideration.  That is not something to make it worthwhile.  Going after mosques is wrong all on its own.  It does not need pretend ramped up idiocy.  No one thinks rape is a crime more because the rapist might then kill the victim.  To me it is a huge condescension on her part because it says what if unchecked they try to attack what matters?  I get in some senses it ties into the saying about how the Nazis first came for the Jews and then the communists etc.  Which is a fine warning to the point that for extreme points of view most of us are outsiders.  But here we are talking about equality.  And equality is not deigned upon a segment.  It is not given in fear that if it isn't we might be next.  It is given because it is simple and right and as a nation we claim that even if we do not always practice it. 



I'd never defend CCB bc I really cant stand her, but I didnt' take it that way. I do see your point. I took it more like, you have to care about others' rights bc next time it could be your own getting snatched away. Everyone's own rights hit home harder for any individual, but I was shocked to hear CCB even make a statement that considered someone else's feelings... especially a person different than herself. Great point about the military people coming home and some ARE Muslims. Trump is an idiot imo.

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HOw does Raven wash her hair with the yarn in there?

So CCB, lying is the same as murder. Check please.

Any of those three women singers' outfits (SWV) would have looked good on Raven. Raven looked like she was in her PJs and just woke up or had just wandered in from mowing the lawn.

Edited by ari333
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In the Christian community..there is a philosophy that God rates all sin the same..whether it's murder, lying, gossiping, judging, etc.

I don't agree with everything CCB says, but I do notice on many places including here..the judgement toward her...ironically, doing the same thinges she's accused of doing..hmmm.

Whether liberal, conservative, moderats,etc...we all judge.

That said, Ravens outfit was interesting. It looked more like pajamas then an actual outfit..but it was her birthday so I figured she opted to wear her pj's to work.

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Maybe we don't have to agree with everything Peggy Noonan has to say but she is smart, well spoken and I liked that Sunny Hostin was on today with her. Joy is so good as moderator and I liked what she said to Raven and her stupid promo for Antman. Then when Joy was finished with the subject at hand she led Raven to the promo. Also Raven is 30 years old as she told us again today, acts like 12 and maybe someday will act her age.


Joy acting mushy about Steve was surprising but very sweet.

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I'd never defend CCB bc I really cant stand her, but I didnt' take it that way. I do see your point. I took it more like, you have to care about others' rights bc next time it could be your own getting snatched away. Everyone's own rights hit home harder for any individual, but I was shocked to hear CCB even make a statement that considered someone else's feelings... especially a person different than herself. Great point about the military people coming home and some ARE Muslims. Trump is an idiot imo.

Agreed.  There are many people who aren't able to empathize with others until they consider how they would feel if they were personally affected.  We saw this a lot with gay rights/marriage.  Many politicians were against it... until they had a gay family member.  Often you hear about bad treatment of women, and the response to the apathy is, "What if it was YOUR mother/sister/daughter?"-- because the bad treatment only matters if it harms someone you care about.  CCB's comments speak to the number of people in this country who heard Trump's disgusting plan and shrugged, but who may suddenly give a damn if it affected them or their families.  There are more people in that group than you would think.

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HOw does Raven wash her hair with the yarn in there?


I really don't think she has any hair! 


It is shaved at the sides and different contraptions glued to the top of her head. Is there any real hair?

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Remember how Michelle was talking about secondary embarrassment the other day? That's exactly what I feel for Raven every single day. Every time she opens her mouth. She is just SO immature! And her birthday party was one big embarrassment. I can't believe SHE is the one they chose to represent the 'younger' generation!


CCB doesn't bother me. I thought she would, but she doesn't. I may not agree with her politically, but she does manage to show compassion and doesn't seem always angry like our former Republican Bitsy.

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On the billboard.  Come on CCB, do you really think only Christians know what it is to be good?  I am an atheist and I have a strong set of beliefs that guide me to be the best person I can be.  And it has nothing to do with your "gospel."  I don't even know what that word means.  

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I agree, plus it is like saying a Buddhist or Hindu cannot live a good moral life.


Yes.  And you never hear them talk about their way being the right way; they don't even mention their religion!  They just live it. 

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Come on CCB, do you really think only Christians know what it is to be good?



I think she truly believes that, wings707.  If others don't read/believe in her particular version of the Bible, they won't have the "correct" Ten Commandments to follow.  No way can anyone be good without them.   I wonder if she goes through life not being able to trust anyone who doesn't profess the Born Again "virtues."

Joy is so good as moderator and I liked what she said to Raven and her stupid promo for Antman.



I blame production for Raven's interruption.  She probably had someone buzzing in her ear to READ THE TELEPROMPTER!

In the Christian community..there is a philosophy that God rates all sin the same..whether it's murder, lying, gossiping, judging, etc.



That HAS to be a small segment of a Christian community.  Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc. surely don't hold that belief.   Actually, this makes me smile...that God "rates" sins.  Apparently God has spoken to many different people and given each different rules, guidelines, punishments, etc.  

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In the Christian community..there is a philosophy that God rates all sin the same..whether it's murder, lying, gossiping, judging, etc.


I'm too lazy to look it up, but Biblically, I believe the one unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  All other sins are equally abhorrent to God. That's why it makes me roll my eyes when radical Christians focus exclusively on the "sin" of homosexuality (which is Biblically very iffy as a sin anyway) while totally ignoring all the other things that Christ focused on -- loving thy neighbor, feeding the poor, treating strangers as brothers, forgiving your enemy. Christians are taught that sin is not only offensive to God, but harmful to themselves. So all sin except the biggie is equally harmful, and equally forgivable.


I think CCB is wayyyyy off-base in her assertion that only good works and deeds can come from Christianity. Wow. That's a pretty strong and unfounded (IMO) statement. She frightens me with her narrow dogmatic views. People all over the world do wonderful, moral, ethical things and live wonderful, moral, ethical lives. Some have never heard of Christ. Some choose not to follow Him. In fact, people were moral, kind and ethical long before 2000 years ago, when Christianity began. (My best friend is a vocal atheist, and while he and I disagree on just about everything having to do with religion, he is one of the kindest, most generous people I've ever known.)


I laughed out loud when the mics caught Joy apologizing for not having enough time for Peggy Noonan. "Sorry. You got screwed." Love Joy!

Edited by ChicagoCita
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In the Christian community..there is a philosophy that God rates all sin the same..whether it's murder, lying, gossiping, judging, etc.




That HAS to be a small segment of a Christian community.  Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc. surely don't hold that belief.   Actually, this makes me smile...that God "rates" sins.  Apparently God has spoken to many different people and given each different rules, guidelines, punishments, etc.  


I agree, FormerNun. When CCB made that comment about sins being all equal or however she phrased it, I thought what happened to an eye for an eye? And Im sorry, but I don't see how a lie is in any way equal to a murder. There are degrees of bad things in human life, aren't there?

Flove Joy as mod!

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I think she truly believes that, wings707.  If others don't read/believe in her particular version of the Bible, they won't have the "correct" Ten Commandments to follow.  No way can anyone be good without them.   I wonder if she goes through life not being able to trust anyone who doesn't profess the Born Again "virtues."


I blame production for Raven's interruption.  She probably had someone buzzing in her ear to READ THE TELEPROMPTER!


That HAS to be a small segment of a Christian community.  Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc. surely don't hold that belief.   Actually, this makes me smile...that God "rates" sins.  Apparently God has spoken to many different people and given each different rules, guidelines, punishments, etc.  



She definitely believes that!  That is precisely my issue with her.


I agree. It was clear that Raven was instructed to do that promo through her ear bud. 

Edited by wings707
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I really wish the show would not continue to discuss different types of Christianity.......it seems to today it is being done a lot and it is not helpful to pit one against another, or  let alone to other forms of religion such as Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, etc. 


Religion should be between a person, their families and friends (that want to discuss it) and their place of worship.

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I am not a Peggy Noonan fan. She has a weird, condescending way of speaking, plus her constant criticisms of Pres.Obama and Hillary Clinton and praise for all things Reagan are getting old.


Saw someone posted on The View's FB page that it's "confirmed" that Whoopi's leaving and Meredith is coming in.

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I am not a Peggy Noonan fan. She has a weird, condescending way of speaking, plus her constant criticisms of Pres.Obama and Hillary Clinton and praise for all things Reagan are getting old.


Saw someone posted on The View's FB page that it's "confirmed" that Whoopi's leaving and Meredith is coming in.


How could that be?  Isn't Meredith's show doing well?  Maybe a case of wishful thinking on the part of the poster?   ;-)

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In the Christian community..there is a philosophy that God rates all sin the same..whether it's murder, lying, gossiping, judging, etc.

Yes, and it's a philosophy I have, too, although it feels weird to discuss it in relation to a talkshow. I wonder why Candace wants to bring up her religion all the time; I mean, not bringing it up doesn't mean you're ashamed of being Christian.


I really doubt the truth of the Whoopi leaving/Meredith returning 'confirmation,' but it would be wonderful. Plus, Meredith's show may not get another season so she might be available for 2016-17. A panel with Meredith, Joy, and Paula would be fantastic. I say bring Lilliana and Meghan from that other show to fill the other spots, they're great, but I'm slipping into fantasy land. lol I happened to see Lisa Ling listed for the Steve Harvey show yesterday, and it's hard to imagine she was ever on The View with the way it is now.


I would say this was the best show in a while if Sunny and Raven hadn't been there. I do like how Joy and Paula worked together to moderate, with Paula taking them to break. Flashbacks to what could've been with Whoopi/Rosie O. I notice we haven't seen any of the contributors in a while.... I guess the Sarah/Sunny rumors are true. I hope Sunny'll be fired at the end of the season with Whoopi and Candace then because I can't stand her any more than Raven.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I don't think anyone would really want to deal with The View's mess and replace Whoopi. I barely watch, but it's always like "Who the fuck is that talking?" so obviously something is happening. The show should be so funny since the shit is really hitting the fan in the US, lots to talk about, but they manage to make it dull and talk about Sugardaddy.com which has been around for a long time. Besides a last ditch effort to get Kathy Griffin on the panel (at least she'd be fun with the celeb gossip like Wendy Williams) I am out of ideas (and Kathy couldn't pull in viewers for her Bravo show anyways so who knows).

I always notice how pretty Candace's hair is, and what a monster Raven is. Her style is just so repulsive to me. I don't think Joy could think fast enough to process that Candace just said all Commandments are equal.

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My son-in-law is half American Norwegian and half Saudi Arabian, but he looks Middle Eastern and his name is Omar. He is not a Muslim, and his dad, who has lived in the US for over 45 years, is not Muslim either. Right after 9/11 people gave my son-in-law, who was in college, a bit of a hard time, even here in Oregon. That treatment subsided, but now that Trump and his cronies have upped the hate and fear, I really feel badly for my-son-in law, who has to fly quite a lot for his work. Thank goodness he doesn't have a beard, or the animosity would be even greater.  The rhetoric against anyone who looks like a Muslim or is Middle Eastern is very dangerous and harmful to so many people.


Kenz, thank you for posting this. I have lived long enough to know that these times of extreme prejjudice and bigotry come in waves. And the targets often come out of the blue and absolutely unpredictable. Most often they are based upon absolutely external facial features and nothing else. My grandson is 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Caucasian and looks for all the world as 100 percent Korean (his Korean grandparents love it :) )


So, I know the day will come when his ethnic group will be targeted. It's only a matter of time. Something that the insaniac who heads up North Korea will do something that makes every asian looking person in true jeopardy in the US.


I feel your fear and frustration, Kenz. I often say that the only group that won't ever suffer from this are the people who are all for what Trump wants. Why? Because there are a whole hell of a lot of stupid people. Too many to round up.


It made me very happy, therefore, to hear what the panel had to say about Trump's ugliness and bigotry. It's good to see people of all different beliefs come together on this one. Thank you panel.

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Thank you, maryis1, for your comment. The words that Trump and his followers throw out are truly dangerous and actually traitorous and will continue to cause a lot of unnecessary fear and angst for innocent people.  First he labels Mexicans as pretty worthless, then a whole population of a religion is labeled as possible terrorists. I'd be interested to know what percentage of his supporters are old white people who are scared  of losing their sense of superiority. I'm an old white person too, so I'm entitled to that opinion! Anyway, I'm hoping that my one year old granddaughter will grow up in a multi cultural United States where tolerance for others is the norm, and idiots like Trump will be ignored completely. ( I can dream, can't I ?)

Edited by Kenz
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One thing I've been noticing is that Paula has a lizard tongue that keeps popping out.  I wish she'd stop it, but I think it's a nervous thing & totally forgive her!!

I'm too lazy to look it up, but Biblically, I believe the one unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  All other sins are equally abhorrent to God. That's why it makes me roll my eyes when radical Christians focus exclusively on the "sin" of homosexuality (which is Biblically very iffy as a sin anyway) while totally ignoring all the other things that Christ focused on -- loving thy neighbor, feeding the poor, treating strangers as brothers, forgiving your enemy. Christians are taught that sin is not only offensive to God, but harmful to themselves. So all sin except the biggie is equally harmful, and equally forgivable.


I think CCB is wayyyyy off-base in her assertion that only good works and deeds can come from Christianity. Wow. That's a pretty strong and unfounded (IMO) statement. She frightens me with her narrow dogmatic views. People all over the world do wonderful, moral, ethical things and live wonderful, moral, ethical lives. Some have never heard of Christ. Some choose not to follow Him. In fact, people were moral, kind and ethical long before 2000 years ago, when Christianity began. (My best friend is a vocal atheist, and while he and I disagree on just about everything having to do with religion, he is one of the kindest, most generous people I've ever known.)


I laughed out loud when the mics caught Joy apologizing for not having enough time for Peggy Noonan. "Sorry. You got screwed." Love Joy!

I was keeping an ear peeled for that while watching tonight & replayed it to be sure -- Joy directed that comment to CCB.  Just sayin'.

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CCB and her ilk scare the hell out of me.  Anyone who needs a book to tell them right from wrong is scary.  The "book" also tells you to seclude yourself from male family members during your period.  Do you do that CCB?  I see her husband was clean shaven.  I believe that is a huge no no in the bible..........

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