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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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Remember how Yo was so fragile she couldn't sit through a reunion that was centered around the horrific behavior of her chief ally in the cast? And the subsequent reports that she was so delicate she would only participate as a cameo guest star in season 6 if at all? I'd just like to point out that both original full-time cast additions (Angie and Erika) are being introduced as her friends. For that to make any narrative sense, she had to have intended to remain full-time all along.

  • Love 10

Yo and David seemed like they never had anything to talk about, and often looked uncomfortable with each other.  I'm not surprised they are splitting. 


I agree.  They never seemed like a love match to me.   She carried on non-stop about how much she loved & adored him, but I can't remember ever seeing him act as if he even liked her.  Every scene they had together seemed awkward and unnatural.  She spent a lot of time telling us all about his professional accomplishments, and he never seemed the slightest bit interested in her.   I don't think this marriage ended because of her LD.   I would have been shocked if they had stayed together much longer anyway.

  • Love 23

If she is in fact suffering from depression, that's all the more reason she should not be doing a reality show.  I worked in the mental health field for years, and I can't imagine any mental health professional thinking that was a good idea.  Yolanda is also certainly aware of the public criticism and judging that goes along with putting yourself out there, and it makes no sense that she would think she has the energy to deal with all of that along with LD and depression.  It's the last thing someone in precarious shape needs, most especially someone suffering from a depressive disorder.


I also don't think anyone said she's faking LD.  Just that she's embellishing.  

Agree. I am waiting for YoFo to start claiming PTSD now that she and her king are divorcing. 



Even if she wasn't sick, why should ANY woman be obligated to look perfect all the time?

No woman should be obligated. However, this is YoFo here, and watching her these past seasons, she has made it her mission to be a perfect woman for David in many ways including her appearance. The one almond woman was so concerned about her white pants not fitting her properly due to possible weight gain. I bet on her worse day she wore make-up in David's presence. I don't think this was the first time the rest of the cast ever saw YoFo ill. Surely they saw her ill many times in the past year alone.  This just happened to be the first time they saw her out and about being sick AND without make-up.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15

Remember how Yo was so fragile she couldn't sit through a reunion that was centered around the horrific behavior of her chief ally in the cast? And the subsequent reports that she was so delicate she would only participate as a cameo guest star in season 6 if at all? I'd just like to point out that both original full-time cast additions (Angie and Erika) are being introduced as her friends. For that to make any narrative sense, she had to have intended to remain full-time all along.

ITA! I keep going back to my initial thought, IF you are THAT ill, THAT frail, WHY would you subject yourself to being on a "reality" TV show that is based on DRAMA as a full time cast member? She knows that she is required to attend events/fumctions and go on trips that are full of BS drama to keep her full time status/role and she has NO control on how production will portray her after all is said and done. Is fame THAT importnt to her, more important than her recovering her health, I guess that fleeting fame IS more important to her as she is back full time.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 17

I haven't seen SS lately.  But she's no spring chicken, so I wouldn't let that influence me.  I know that the second I start to experience Menopause, Im running, not walking to a endocrinologist or specialist in Natural Hormone Replacement. lol...

I experience major hot flashes and other menopause symptoms on a daily. Nothing has helped. I will just endure.

ITA! I keep going back to my initial thought, IF you are THAT ill, THAT frail, WHY would you subject yourself to being on a "reality" TV show that is based on DRAMA as a full time cast member? She knows that she is required to attend events/fumctions and go on trips that are full of BS drama to keep her full time status/role and she has NO control on how production will portray her after all is said and done. Is fame THAT importnt to her, more important than her recovering her health, I guess that fleeting fame IS more important to her as she is back full time.


OK, I am just going to say it, Yolanda had a major hot flash at LisaR's party and nothing more IMO. Menopause is also effecting her and she, IMO, refuses to acceptthat fact. I wonder how many symptoms she is blaming on NLD (no longer just LD or even CLD now) when they are just menopause that most women go through at her age?

Yep. For sure. As the flash comes over (and I have them a lot), it does feel overwhelming at times, but nothing to the point that YoFo made it seem.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4


I came out the other side with great skin, hair and nails!

Me, too! I don't mind menopause. It is better than having my periods. Hot flashes are the only bad thing about enduring this. Now, if only YoFo would just accept her menopause and get herself checked for free-form silicone that has leaked from her fake boobs. Has she had them removed? She didn't look like she was wearing a bra at the celebration. In the limo, her nipples were showing.

  • Love 5

Me, too! I don't mind menopause. It is better than having my periods. Hot flashes are the only bad thing about enduring this. Now, if only YoFo would just accept her menopause and get herself checked for free-form silicone that has leaked from her fake boobs. Has she had them removed? She didn't look like she was wearing a bra at the celebration. In the limo, her nipples were showing.

I don't think so at this point, someone here said she had the surgery in Aug., well after this episode was filmed.


I too went through menopause without anything/meds but I admit, my symptoms weren't that bad. My SIL was so bad that she went on HR for years and then when her Dr said no more meds her symptoms were worse!

  • Love 3

Me, too! I don't mind menopause. It is better than having my periods. Hot flashes are the only bad thing about enduring this. Now, if only YoFo would just accept her menopause and get herself checked for free-form silicone that has leaked from her fake boobs. Has she had them removed? She didn't look like she was wearing a bra at the celebration. In the limo, her nipples were showing.

Yep, unnatural crap (Botox, silicone, saline bags) leads to the body rejection of them.

  • Love 2

Me, too! I don't mind menopause. It is better than having my periods. Hot flashes are the only bad thing about enduring this. Now, if only YoFo would just accept her menopause and get herself checked for free-form silicone that has leaked from her fake boobs. Has she had them removed? She didn't look like she was wearing a bra at the celebration. In the limo, her nipples were showing.

When talking to Angie Simpson, she said that she was having pains and gestured to the area under her breasts. There's a pix from her picnic w/ BG & KR and I think it looks like the implants are gone.

  • Love 1

I can't hear about expensive sunglasses and not think about Dana/Pam.  I loved that little striver and miss her.


I don't like Yolanda.  I never have.  I don't know if she's faking, or exaggerating, or not, but I do know she looked and seems sick as hell.  I feel really bad for her, like sad enough to cry.  I hope she finds the cure she's looking for and gets better.  That being said, I don't watch this show to feel sad and think deep thoughts, so I hope her illness is not a major focus unless it is to show her getting better.  I don't keep up on the tabs or gossip sites, so I have no idea how she's doing right now.



There are varying degrees of LD.  I currently am functional, except for the relentless headache, that feels like I drank an entire bottle of tequila (the cheap kind) the night before.  But 2 years ago, I, like Yolanda couldn't read, write, comprehend, had no short term memory and I couldn't sit, walk or stand (the nerve pain was so extreme). My brain swelled and I (a shy person) had to call an ambulance on more than one occasion. (Due to chest pain, erratic heart rate and losing consciousness).  Anyway, there are functional Lyme patients and literally dying Lyme patients.  Doctors tell me that I'll have for life (as it wasn't caught early): but I pray it stays in remission!!!) 

Everyone is different; but I'd rather look damn good than go "naked" to garner sympathy.


I'm so sorry that you had to go through that and hope it stays in remission.  It sounds really horrible.

  • Love 7

Wow, who knew Ken could be so bitchy? "Just so everyone knows, I only said she looked nice because she looked so awful!" Shut it, you grump.


I have a chronic illness that causes (among other things) fatigue, pain, brain fog, and inflammation. I went into this season really thinking I would have empathy, if not sympathy, for Yolanda. Honestly though, after one episode I'm over her. If I want to watch someone be sick and pasty looking I'll stare at myself in the mirror. At least then I'll be watching someone who doesn't seem to be emotionally invested in being The Sick One Who Needs Sympathy. I've never cared for Yolanda at all and I don't find anything appealing about this new story line of hers. As a fellow human being I sincerely wish her good health but as the viewer of a reality show I can't help but speculate that maybe she would be better of if she stopped all the wacko alternative treatments and focused on taking care of herself instead of making a show of how sick she is. Yolanda claiming that both of her daughters have Lyme Disease gives me a serious case of side-eye. That seems ... not likely.


Kyle looks very pretty in her talking head where she's wearing orange. (There, I got my required one nice thing about Kyle in for this season.)

Edited by Thick McRunFast
  • Love 15

ITA! I keep going back to my initial thought, IF you are THAT ill, THAT frail, WHY would you subject yourself to being on a "reality" TV show that is based on DRAMA as a full time cast member? She knows that she is required to attend events/fumctions and go on trips that are full of BS drama to keep her full time status/role and she has NO control on how production will portray her after all is said and done. Is fame THAT importnt to her, more important than her recovering her health, I guess that fleeting fame IS more important to her as she is back full time.


Yes, apparently it is.


I really think that if most of us were in the medical situation that she describes, the first thing we would eliminate from our lives would be appearing on a reality show.  Especially when finances are not at all an issue.  It doesn't make sense that she would be suffering so much and in such bad shape, and yet willing to make room in her life to film a reality show, of all things!


So either she's a serious famewhore or she's a liar.  Personally, I think it's both.

  • Love 18

Holistic means the "doctor (not an MD)" treats the whole patient, not just the disease. So you treat the body, mind, and spirit (without drugs) using different types of "natural" remedies and stuff. No drugs. Conventional medicine on the other hand is all about using a drug to treat an illness. 


Holistic works almost entirely because of the placebo effect. Fact..


Show was FAB without Brandi! Yea! I feel sad for Yolanda. She really looks sick,  be it from depression, Lyme, or menopause, leaky implants, divorce, ect. She isn't well. My feeling is that she is sick from the Lyme disease and her husband is not interested in her any longer which has made her really depressed. She was always so in love with him and I always thought she seemed nervous that she would lose him. Yes, she probably should have made an attempt to look better at the dinner so all the attention wouldn't be on her (that was slightly calculated) but I do think she sort of wanted to show people she was sick because she wanted their support. 


Lisa Rinna is sort of annoying, and she seems fake to me. I don't feel like she fits in that well for some reason.


I think this is going to be a great season. Can't wait to see what happens with everything. It seems like there is some tension already. 

  • Love 9

Are they really gonna spend the season doubting Yolanda's illness?  Seriously, really?  My mom had this same thing 25 years ago.  She went to dozens of doctors before she was finally diagnosed correctly & was somewhat helped.  Mostly, it just takes time to get over it.  The symptom that's most noticeable to others is the tiredness.  I get why Yo didn't wear make-up.  It was NOT to be dramatic.  I'm sure of that.  This disease wears you out terribly, so you're often just not up for doing anything & it changes your moods, often shifting to depression.


This is an easily misdiagnosed disease & not always possible to "prove".  So if we're in for another version of Crooks' fake cancer, I may just check out of this season.  Too manipulative & distasteful & not for me.  Satan Andy is lazy & can be extremely repetitive across his shows, so it won't surprise me if this season is Crooks' Fake Cancer 2.0.


So Rinna, you're showing off your underage daughters & talking about their boobs?  Good choices there, hun.


What's with Vince & that old man walk?   Guess too much tennis does that to ya?

I bailed on OC mostly because I don't think "is he sick?" great entertainment (also because of Vicki's meltdown hearing about her mother's death, and the online discussion of the reality of that moment), and I'm not down for a season revolving around questions about Yolanda's health, either.  Morality aside, I can't even play along at home trying to solve the medical mystery with the evidence offered up by a reality show.  Also, too- didn't we do this last season with Kim and her substance abuse?  There has to be something else going on in Beverly Hills...


That's what I'm saying right now, anyway.  I reserve the right to switch my opinion when I really need a trash tv fix and/or am enjoying a post-work drink or three. 


I loved the taglines.  I also loved watching Kyle/Lisa at their lunch.  It was so awkward, watching them set up the season, and pre-emptively defend their behavior ("I tried to reach Yolanda, here's my phone where you can see the evidence.")  Weird, and somehow awesome because of it.


What I did not love: Brandi flashbacks and previews already.  Let her go, Bravo. 

  • Love 12

I agree!


And she hires people to do her makeup all the time, so why not for this party, which she knew very well was going to be televised?  If she can sit in a car and if she can sit a table, then she can sit while someone does her makeup.  It's not as though it would be a new experience for her or something she can't afford.  


I agreed with Lisa - Take 10 seconds to dab some concealer under your eyes.  It's not even about looking good.  I understand letting all of that go when you feel like crap.  But for me, it's about the bullshit factor.  Is she sick?  Probably.  Is she milking it?  Absolutely.  And it's so transparent.

Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth! She's milking that cow dry and then some. I don't know how physically sick she is, but IMO she's definitely emotionally and/or mentally ill. She's desperately begging for attention, which is borderline narcissistic. Nobody in their right mind goes to a party, a party filmed for TV no less, looking like shit AND complaining of ailments the entire time 20 minutes (?) they're there unless they're attention-seeking. I'm anxious to see what will happen the day David files for divorce.
  • Love 14

Yolanda sure looked sick to me, swollen-faced & unattractive.  IMO, no aging former model, known for her beauty, would venture on TV sans make-up, all tiny-eyed & drab, unless she was damn ill & appearing for contractual reasons only.  But what's Kyle's excuse?  That scene of her & Mauricio in their kitchen was SCARY - hideous bouffant "do" that revealed she's hair-challenged on the 5-head & SHINY as shit in the same area.  Could those gorgeous tresses be "enhanced?"   Could that peerless skin be botoxed - duh!  Could Mo REALLY luv her?!

  • Love 5


This episode was easy to watch with no screeching loon (BG) or non-sober bitch (KR).

As Melissa Gorga would say "Thank You Jesus!"


Overall I enjoyed it.   I didn't mind the talk about Kim because I think it added some continuity and needed to be addressed.  Do I want the whole season to be about Kim?  No thanks- been there.  I know she is going to make some appearances - those will likely be the episodes I don't watch or channel flip during.


Lisa - you were throwing out a baseball - you weren't trying to cure some disease. 


Not too impressed with what I saw of the new person in the previews for the season, and not sure how she will fit in. I don't think she is needed, as evidenced by last night - the two Lisas, Yolanda, Eileen and Kyle can carry the show, especially with periodic appearances by Adrienne and Camille. Perhaps given Yolanda's illness, Bravo felt they needed another player.


I did not know the Fosters were divorcing until I saw it on Twitter last night.  (Who gets the Refrigerator?)  On a more serious note, Yolanda does indeed, look very very ill.  And I think that's the point that Ken was trying to make by saying she looks bad.  And it was sort of sad to see her talking so positively about David, now knowing what we know.  I wonder if the breakup of her marriage, which clearly didn't happen overnight, has contributed to her inability to seem to recover from whatever is going on with her.


I thought the stuff about Kyle's reality show was interesting in terms of her family's response.  I sort of do hope they go a little deeper into that - not Kim so much, but the dynamics between Kyle and Kathy.  I think there's alot there.


I had forgotten Dick Van Patten was Eileen's father in law.

  • Love 2

I think Yo is sick. Lyme is tricky to diagnose, even harder to cure. I have a couple of friends who had it and it took years of IV antibiotics, rest and rehab for them to get better. I think that Yo is rushing from one treatment to the next in hopes that she will wake up and feel normal one day. It doesn't work like that. It's a slow process. I also think she may be menopausal and for sure she looks depressed. Whether that's about being sick or about her divorce, I have no idea. I think she needs to be a victim not of her own doing otherwise her prefect life narrative doesn't work. That's why you show up looking like shit. OTOH, how effed up is everyone in BH that showing up in public with no makeup is a cause for concern. Yo is pale and she is in her 50s. That's how not surgeried non made up women look. GMAFB. I have no idea why Yo and the King are divorcing, he seems like a self absorbed asshole. When it's not all about him, he hits the road. Yo should have looked at his track record before taking the leap with him. My guess is he will be with someone else in a few months if he isn't already. He's that kind of a guy


Did I see Kim in the previews? WTF? What happened to Andys speech about it not being good for Kim to be on the show?


I agree that LR is in damage control mode with her girls. But hell woman, don't take them shopping because you have massive body issues which were clear for everyone to see. Harry is a babe, but why is he still in Mad Men character? That show wrapped a year ago, lol


Lisa V will always be Lisa. She never breaks character. Ken has the grumpy old Brit down pat also. 


Please no cry whining from Kyle this season. We don't want to hear about your fucked up family anymore. Just give me travel and house porn, OK? That TV show she is involved in sounds stupid, but I really don't care and would never watch it. 


That new ho looks like a piece of trash. Couldn't they get someone classier?

  • Love 7

Speaking of the ailing,I never realized how Ken had been affected with his hip injuries/surgeries.  He seems to be having to adjust, judging by his gait and limp. He seemed to have a bit of a time getting around to round up the dogs.  I did love the dogs going after the ball in Lisa's hand. Lisa with a muffin top-brave to strip down to her bra on camera.  Something a but honest about it.  She seemed like she was having fun with the whole Dodgers thing.  I appreciated the update on her status with Brandi.  She stayed true to her word.  I think Lisa will be very candid this year and I may appreciate that in her. 


Eileen and redecorating, shows she took the criticism ( not just Brandi's to heart).  It is too bad we didn't get to see Dick and his wife last year on the show.  More Vince and Eileen this year.   


Nice to see Harry Hamlin and Lisa's girls.  They are cute and much less bratty (so far) this year.  I like Lisar mentions HH changed agents and is getting a lot of roles.  I often wonder why Oprah does a where are they now show when the person is on a successful basic TV show.  Maybe the time to do it is before she signs on. 


I found the  most interesting part of the show the very brief conversation between Lisa and Kyle where Kyle mentions her sisterS are miffed over Kyle getting a TV show produced.  Since Kathy Hilton thinks nothing of showing up on the show to be filmed I think she needs to actually make a comment or two about something other than Adrienne doing magic.  The resentment level over Kyle's success is an interesting storyline about these sisters.  I don't think Kyle could keep Kim out of her storyline since the dumb bitch spent the better part of the summer acting up and getting arrested.  Kim's drinking and drugging is no more of a private family matter than Paris' sex tape.  Loved that Mauricio is invoking the tough love rule regarding Kim.  The Umanskys need to be free to live their lives and not feel guilty about not being there for Kim to wipe her feet on.


I think the whole Yolanda thing about no make up was poorly edited.  I guess RH attract a type- I am expecting to hear that no one has stood by, supported or given the right type of attention to Yolanda.  No wonder Lisa is showing text messages.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 20

I like Lisa Rinna's self deprecating humour.... But then I AM Australian! We love laughing at ourselves (and each other)! I think too many celebrities (reality and fiction actors) take themselves waaaaay too seriously and believe their own hype.

Lisa R is the cast member I would love to spend time with....oh, and Eileen too!

  • Love 19


I thought the stuff about Kyle's reality show was interesting in terms of her family's response.  I sort of do hope they go a little deeper into that - not Kim so much, but the dynamics between Kyle and Kathy.  I think there's alot there.

Absolutely agree, its the kind of dynamic that makes this housewives show a tad more interesting to me - the hollywood background, dysfunctional family, hiding their skeletons fiercely, etc.  In fact, I really enjoyed hearing about Kyle's remembrances of Dick(ie) Van Patten, and the other tv kids.  And I love seeing Eileen, she's the most seemingly down-to-earth and it fascinates me given her line of work & celebrity.


Lisa Rinna is such a type - I'm not sure how to characterize it, but her over-the-topness is both fun to watch and incredibly irritating.  It's like she's constantly in a state of walking into a party with all eyes on her, even in her own home.  Must be maddening to be around her for more than an hour or so.  (Although Harry seems to have stuck it out, and seems to love her, and they've found a way to stay committed, sincere props to them for that.)  Then she'll make a most insightful comment, like about LA women and their make-up armour.  So true.  I'm glad I live on the East Coast.  In fact, I just stopped wearing makeup over the past year.  Such freedom.  My partner encouraged it, he doesn't think I need it, he loves me for other things than my appearance.  


Having said that, I see both sides of everyone's interpretations of Yolanda's showing up at that party.  On the one hand, women aren't obligated to dress the part if they don't feel like it.  Fuck that shit.  But, yeah, she really was working an angle and it was hard to watch.  Even harder to watch those superficial women squirm in the shadow of her sad visage.  I think she is suffering from something systemic, maybe Lyme, maybe a combo of things, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that the realization that her King was going to dump her once she wasn't performing to his liking, sent her into a tailspin.  I can relate, I was married to someone with a massive ego like David's.  Quietly arrogant, wanted to have me like a piece of furniture or art, then tired of me after 9 years of marriage, onto the next.  She definitely played a role and there was a lot to not love in her behavior, but still, in her hour of need, he's shown what he's made of. 


Off topic, I'm also on the other side of menopause and have better hair, and am sleeping better than I have in like forever.  I resisted HRT and glad I did having read about some of the potential dangers and the fact that it just delays menopause symptoms (I didn't know that before, but makes sense.)

  • Love 12

I don't know....I have Lupus SLE which in most cases can be an "invisible disease"...where people say "but you don't look sick" and I have been very sick. It is a struggle to get people to understand what life is like when you have a chronic illness.


I usually send people this link and it helps them understand a bit better. 




I am also menopausal...or in early menopause. I am 50 and it sucks...

  • Love 6

I like Lisa Rinna's self deprecating humour.... But then I AM Australian! We love laughing at ourselves (and each other)! I think too many celebrities (reality and fiction actors) take themselves waaaaay too seriously and believe their own hype.

Lisa R is the cast member I would love to spend time with....oh, and Eileen too!

You might like this recap from Vulture Bryan sets forth all the reasons to like Lisar.  http://www.vulture.com/2015/12/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-season-6-episode-1.html

  • Love 2

It was an ok start to the season. Them starting right off the back with Yolanda felt very strange, but they probably think since Kim/Brandi are gone, might as well go after her next and have her be the villain so they don't have to be. Vanderpump saying that her and YoYo aren't really friends since she said bad things about her (2 years ago) made no sense, she had her own things with Lisa that she wanted to address and at this point, every HW has gone against Lisa at some point, how many times have she and Kyle kissed and made up?


Even though Kim is no longer a HW, she is still very much part of the show which is kind of sad. If she isn't there, then kyle it is time to mention her once and move on with your storyline. 

  • Love 3

You might like this recap from Vulture Bryan sets forth all the reasons to like Lisar.  http://www.vulture.com/2015/12/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-season-6-episode-1.html

Oh...now I'm doubting my love! Spelt out like that she sounds so pretentious! Mind you, I'm like that about every single one of these housewives from every single franchise. Love one minute/loathe the next. Except for a couple of loathe constantly gals (looking at you Kim and Brandi).

  • Love 2

Does David Foster own but one dress outfit...black suit, white shirt, black tie?  Every picture of him is the same - boring.  You'd think that for all his $$$, he could spring for a dozen different shirts and ties! 


My friend dresses in beautifully cut, button down, white shirts and black trousers, every single business day.  She always looks put together and switches it up with shoes and jewelry.  I'm a little jelly that I didn't think of it first. She must own 25 white button downs in cotton, linen, silk. I'm not a clothes horse any more and it just seems like a smart, elegant way to roll if you can pull it off.


Kyle looks very pretty in her talking head where she's wearing orange. (There, I got my required one nice thing about Kyle in for this season.)


I was almost having a nice thought about her last night but then she started to cry/croak and talk about Kim.  Oh well.  I'll try again next week.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 1

When talking to Angie Simpson, she said that she was having pains and gestured to the area under her breasts. There's a pix from her picnic w/ BG & KR and I think it looks like the implants are gone.

The implants were still there.  She didn't have them removed until August, and they started filming in June.  Apparently she began to feel much better almost immediately, which I will assume will be part of her story this season. 




Notice the photo of herself she tweeted out after she had them removed.  



I agree with some others in that the reason there is a little snark about Yo's appearance/lack of makeup by the others is because they think she might be playing it up for sympathy. I do think they believe she is ill, but just not to the extent that she claims. I think that she is suffering as well, but there is little doubt in my mind that it seems to be convenient. I get that with any illness you will have good days and bad days, but she seems to take this to the extreme.  


See the picture below as an example, and I'm assuming the kind of thing that probably makes the other girls give her the side-eye to an extent.  She took this photo of herself the middle of June, and they began filming shortly after (or were already filming).  True, it doesn't look like she is wearing much make-up, but it is her attitude. One of strength and of being sexy. She tweets out things like this a lot, mingled with others of her zonked out in a hospital bed in some remote location. I think that Kyle said it best when she said more than anything it is just confusing. 



  • Love 2

This episode was a bit of a snooze but there were some interesting stages being set.  I think Eileen having a decorator in her house is fabulous but she couldn't make it to Lisa's bday dinner?  How is leaving ones house disrespecting the passing of her father in law?


Kyle seems like she may have gone to Alanon, finally she is sticking to her resolve about detaching with love.  So proud of her!  When Kyle was looking at the sunglasses it made me think of Dana and her 24K gold sunglasses and how everyone was put off by her announcing they cost $25,000. 


Lisa R. those earring were to die for!  I would have expected a bigger reaction if I were Harry Hamlin. 

Lisa VP throwing out the first pitch was an honor but the stadium was practically empty.  Ken looks much better this season, more robust.


Yolanda, the intermittent sweating is not Lyme's it's menopause, not fatal just annoying as hell.  All the tinctures in the world will not make it go away.  As for her illness, enough already with all that snake oil.  The cures that her team are bringing to her are probably worse than the actual symptoms and is she actually giving one course time to work before the next shiny thing comes along? 

Ok, now for some snark 'cause we all are thinking it but...does her illness seem to be getting worse as Gigi's career seems to be really taking off?  Her need to be the focus must be in overdrive trying to get the sympathy vote.

If David wanted to slow down and back off the constant travel he could, just sayin'.  He may welcome the excuse to get away and Yolanda just might have a divorce story line next season, David does not seem like the type of man that can be alone...just sayin'.






  • Love 7

If it wasn't for Yo's story line this thread would only have like 10 posts instead of being three pages long.  I hope she goes away just so I don't have to sort through all of those posts to get to the funny, snarky stuff :)


I thought it was great season opener.  No Brandy or Kim is such a relief!  I'm hoping those new housewives don't have much screen time - or are more interesting than they seemed in the previews.

  • Love 12

My favorite part of this episode was hearing that my favorite TV dad was the same in real life as he was on his show. Not to get too maudlin but I grew up with alcoholic abusive parents. I would watch 8 is Enough and pretend that Tom Bradford was my dad. As silly as it sounds, those fantasies got me through some dark times.

I cried when he passed.

Sorry for being off topic.

I get it. I had not dad. Loved 8 is Enough too. But Michael Landon was my TV Dad

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 4


I found the  most interesting part of the show the very brief conversation between Lisa and Kyle where Kyle mentions her sisterS are miffed over Kyle getting a TV show produced.  Since Kathy Hilton thinks nothing of showing up on the show to be filmed I think she needs to actually make a comment or two about something other than Adrienne doing magic.  The resentment level over Kyle's success is an interesting storyline about these sisters.  I don't think Kyle could keep Kim out of her storyline since the dumb bitch spent the better part of the summer acting up and getting arrested.  Kim's drinking and drugging is no more of a private family matter than Paris' sex tape.  Loved that Mauricio is invoking the tough love rule regarding Kim.  The Umanskys need to be free to live their lives and not feel guilty about not being their for Kim to wipe her feet on.





I love having Kyle and Lisa V. together again.  I didn't like Kyle when she was being shady to Lisa; I didn't like Lisa when she was being nasty to Kyle.  But I like them together.  Could they please be the franchise friendship that lasts?  (They're still going strong as of this moment, so maybe, yes!)


I actually am grateful to hear more about the sister dynamic from Kyle's perspective.  I desperately wanted Kim off the show, and I never want to hear the other evictee's name again, but the dynamic with Kyle and her sisters is complicated and interesting and relatable, and I want to know more about it.  So I'm grateful for that.  Even more, I am grateful to see both Lisa and Mauricio stepping up to support Kyle.  I think she needs it and I think she deserves it.   I have long wished that Mauricio was the man Kyle portrays (believes) him to be, and I will keep my fingers crossed that it is so.  Of all the Housewives, the two marriages that I really believe in and want to see last are Heather/Jonathan (on RHONY) and Kyle/Mauricio.  For some reason, I care about those relationships and want them to succeed.  (I don't root for any of them to fail, of course.  Divorce sucks.)

  • Love 16

Okay, so I am a little late in finding out that David and Yo have called it quits, HA, I was right! LOL.


The cast seems like they can have more fun now with Brandi and Kim not in the mix.  Do we know what fabulous vacation location they are going this year?  I actually am taking a few extra days in Amsterdam before my Nov. 2016 European river cruise because of their trip last year, (that and I got a nasty flu during my one and half days there last year).

I wonder if Bravo realizes the effect on the travel industry that these shows have. I buy into it, I can't be alone in this.


  • Love 5
I found the  most interesting part of the show the very brief conversation between Lisa and Kyle where Kyle mentions her sisterS are miffed over Kyle getting a TV show produced.  Since Kathy Hilton thinks nothing of showing up on the show to be filmed I think she needs to actually make a comment or two about something other than Adrienne doing magic.  The resentment level over Kyle's success is an interesting storyline about these sisters.  I don't think Kyle could keep Kim out of her storyline since the dumb bitch spent the better part of the summer acting up and getting arrested.  Kim's drinking and drugging is no more of a private family matter than Paris' sex tape.  Loved that Mauricio is invoking the tough love rule regarding Kim.  The Umanskys need to be free to live their lives and not feel guilty about not being their for Kim to wipe her feet on.



Yes, I would love to see them delve more into the dynamic between Kyle and Kathy. And as I admittedly was following right along with Kim's antics since the reunion ended, I get why her name is going to crop up, particularly as they were filming when the second arrest happened.  


As far as Yolanda in this episode, I have to agree that this was pretty much a show to let everyone know just how ill she was.  My interpretation of the ladies' reaction wasn't so much "OMG, no makeup, how dreadful!", but more that this was the first time they'd seen Yolanda not even put in the effort when joining them for something like a dress-up dinner.  Ken, though, that was a whole different thing. He has to still be pissed about Yolanda's accusations from before.  Yes, it was two years ago, but that's not something you easily get over.  Having said that, damn Ken, he really wanted to let the world know he thought Yolanda looked like shit.  

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