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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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Natural hormone replacement does NOT do much at all to relieve hot flashes for many women, especially those experiencing bad hot flashes/mood swings/night sweats, and have you seen SS lately? She looks HORRIBLE and is a walking advertisement to stay away from her so called products. LOL

Agreed, my doctor (a woman by the way) wanted to know if I wanted any HR for my symptoms and I said no thanks women have been going thru this for centuries without any meds.

I came out on the other side just fine.

Ladies, listen to your own bodies and advocate for yourself whatever the choice is meds or not.

  • Love 17

Remember that Yolanda got her diagnosis of Lyme disease from her local Beverly Hills doctor. Then went around the world looking for a cure. A reputable doctor would have prescribed a regimen of medications for Lyme disease, as a friend of mine had it. Everyone's case of having Lyme's is different, so I am in no way trying to diagnose.

I really think, my personal opinion, that someone saw a money maker with her, and she got sicker due to not being properly diagnosed with the leaking breast implant.

  • Love 17

Is there more than one variety of Lyme disease?  It's spread through a tick bite.  Why would Yolanda's children also have it?  They were all bitten by ticks?

Yes, good questions. If the two daughters have L.D. They are not laying around sick. Gigi is constantly on social media, seems like 24/7. The other daughter is out there working too . Does your age have any effect with how the disease hits you?

  • Love 1

I haven't seen SS lately.  But she's no spring chicken, so I wouldn't let that influence me.  I know that the second I start to experience Menopause, Im running, not walking to a endocrinologist or specialist in Natural Hormone Replacement. lol...

Medical HR is a treatment that works for most women but it is not recommended for long term treatment, unless one had their ovaries removed young, because they can and do cause other problems, life threatening, when taken long term. AND, as soon as you stop them you go right back to experiencing the same, if not worse, symptoms you had that made you seek them in the first place. NHR helps those with mild symptoms but not the women that get the bad hot flashes/mood swings/night sweats. If ones symptoms are mild to moderate, it is safer/better to just go through it than to delay it.

Is there more than one variety of Lyme disease?  It's spread through a tick bite.  Why would Yolanda's children also have it?  They were all bitten by ticks? 

Yolanda announced that Bella/Anwar also have NLD at the awards gala LDA held in NY. Bella now blames NLD for her DUI, not the fact that she blew a 0.14 as a minor.

  • Love 12

True...Whole Foods has an entire aisle devoted to natural cosmetics.  I give her credit though, for going "naked".  That takes REAL courage!  I wouldn't do it!

Being filmed in her own home without makeup is fine and IS brave IMO BUT going to a dinner party without any makeup on was a calculated move by Yolanda to garner sympathy from the viewers because she HAD to go per her HW contract.

  • Love 18

Yolanda announced that Bella/Anwar also have NLD at the awards gala LDA held in NY. Bella now blames NLD for her DUI, not the fact that she blew a 0.14 as a minor.

Wait for real? She really said she wasn't actually drunk even tho she failed the test? I read Yo's letter of shame to her...does she blame the bloody tampons in her car on NLD too?

  • Love 9

First episode is always catch up and I didn't expect any drama.  I like Kyle and Lisa and getting along.  Like Lisa said in Amsterdam, Kyle is her favorite person to have fun with.  I can do without grumpy Ken.


Missed Eileen but understand what she and her family are going through.


Lisa R is doing damage control on her daughters.  I think the girls 'learned' from last season as well.  That's a good thing.  Lisa does make me laugh at times - Harry's number 13 (?).  I like that they really do seem to love one another.


The sunglasses didn't bother me.  Kyle explained on WWHL that it's a line in her store.  It's part of the reason why I watch these shows.  And the sunglasses Lisa gave Lisa looked great on her. 


Oh Yo.  Anybody else notice that Yo didn't have the 'cough' when she was filmed with Cody's mom?  And then at the dinner she had it?  I have a hard time with Yo's Lyme because it just seems so convenient.  I'm not surprised she and David are getting divorced.  There's two ways of looking at it.  The first is that Yo was a bit of a trophy wife for David and she wasn't anymore or he just couldn't handle Yo's 'quirkinesses' that developed into an over the top quest for treatment of Lyme Disease that seemed awfully convenient at times.  I don't think any of us make conclusions on this.  That she was changing her name to include Hadid was a clue that the divorce was eminent. 


Do we really need these two new housewives?  Neither of which I'm interested in.  I'd much rather see Adrienne, Camille and even Taylor come back for 'visits than see these two. 

  • Love 11

Remember that Yolanda got her diagnosis of Lyme disease from her local Beverly Hills doctor. Then went around the world looking for a cure. A reputable doctor would have prescribed a regimen of medications for Lyme disease, as a friend of mine had it. Everyone's case of having Lyme's is different, so I am in no way trying to diagnose.

I really think, my personal opinion, that someone saw a money maker with her, and she got sicker due to not being properly diagnosed with the leaking breast implant.

When will women stop injecting poison (Botox) and implanting fake/dangerous bags into their bodies?
  • Love 17

For $75k, they'd better come with a built-in floatation device.

The best news of the night? Eileen is redecorating! In the understatement of the week category, she said she has too much stuff. Looked like the outside hadn't been touched since last season. I am ridiculously fascinated by Casa Van Davidson.

RIP Dickie


For 75 thou, they better freakin' cook & clean, take the kids to school & def NOT bang my hubby, thank you.


Well, Brandy was kinda right.  She just was obnoxious as all fuck to actually say so.  Look, everyone has the right to decorate their home as they wish & nobody should judge -- and yet we all do.  Eileen's place needed (and still desperately needs) some updating & a shit-ton of de-cluttering.  It looks like a pack-rat's delight.  Ew.


Hey, Satan Andy, will ya tell Rinna to stop fuckin' laughing at everything she says in her TH's?  It's not cute or funny or charming.  It's really annoying as all fuck.  Hate it, hate it, hate it.  Make it stop immediately!


Can it be said too many times that Ken is a nasty mean old fuck?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 10

 I feel for Yolanda but by the same token I just don't think the show needs to be the Yolanda health seminar.  Sorry just not interesting and even less interested in seeing how the others respond to her various maladies.

This is how I feel, too. She's annoyed me with her uppityness, aggravated me with her name tags and made me snicker when she baked chicken for My Love in lingerie. But I have sympathy for her because I believe she's very sick. And now her marriage is over. One more tough pill to swallow along with the dozens she already takes. I really don't want to see the others give her a hard time. To her face or behind her back. And we wouldn't have to if she'd sat this season out for the sake of her health and her credibility.

Bella now blames NLD for her DUI, not the fact that she blew a 0.14 as a minor.

Source, please! I thought this was something that another poster was joking about. Did Bella really make this statement?
  • Love 6

Yolanda had foundation on so I don't buy the no make-up thing.

Thank you!  Just because she left off the 10 lbs of makeup didn't mean she wasn't wearing any.  I find that I have little sympathy for this bit because while we have been hearing about her LD for several seasons, as many have noted she was always fit as a fiddle for her show scenes.  It just seems to me that she has taken note of that, and decided that looking and acting pathetic is her "storyline" for this season.  I'm already bored with her, not that I wish her anything bad.

  • Love 7

Wait for real? She really said she wasn't actually drunk even tho she failed the test? I read Yo's letter of shame to her...does she blame the bloody tampons in her car on NLD too?

Yes, for real and Yolanda is also claiming that NLD caused her DUI! Convient excuse now isn't it, especially since they never said that Bella, or Anwar, had LD or CLD let alone NLD when she was arrested. Oh, and they both have said that Bella's NLD is why she doesn't "work/model" as much as Gigi.

  • Love 6

This is how I feel, too. She's annoyed me with her uppityness, aggravated me with her name tags and made me snicker when she baked chicken for My Love in lingerie. But I have sympathy for her because I believe she's very sick. And now her marriage is over. One more tough pill to swallow along with the dozens she already takes. I really don't want to see the others give her a hard time. To her face or behind her back. And we wouldn't have to if she'd sat this season out for the sake of her health and her credibility.

Source, please! I thought this was something that another poster was joking about. Did Bella really make this statement?

Sorry, I can't post, copy/paste, links but if you google Bella/LD I am sure you will find her statement along with Yolanda's statement. It really was a head scratcher IMO.

I usually like Ken but wtf was that? I have no idea why he felt the need to go on an on about how awful Yolanda looked and how he should be sainted for lying and saying she looked decent because hearing you look ok from anyone with a dick is such a massive gift. Nasty old fuck is right.

IMO, Ken is still upset at Yolanda's claim he abused her even when shown that he did no such thing, and got his dig in about/at her tonight. It was beneath him and showed a nastier side of him that comes out time to time. I don't think he is aging well, he seems get grumpier each year. LOL

  • Love 7

Do we know all the treatments Yo has tried? And in what duration of time? I was exhausted listening to her talk about what she has done since last season at the start of one of her segments. I am all for her finding something that works for her, but it just seemed like a lot. Like others, I do think she is sick, but probably embellishing it a bit. I too, do not really want to watch sick Yo all season not really doing anything besides treatments and showing up briefly to events. If this is the case and Bravo really wanted her on, I wish she was demoted to friend of the housewives.

  • Love 5

Are they really gonna spend the season doubting Yolanda's illness?  Seriously, really?  My mom had this same thing 25 years ago.  She went to dozens of doctors before she was finally diagnosed correctly & was somewhat helped.  Mostly, it just takes time to get over it.  The symptom that's most noticeable to others is the tiredness.  I get why Yo didn't wear make-up.  It was NOT to be dramatic.  I'm sure of that.  This disease wears you out terribly, so you're often just not up for doing anything & it changes your moods, often shifting to depression.


This is an easily misdiagnosed disease & not always possible to "prove".  So if we're in for another version of Crooks' fake cancer, I may just check out of this season.  Too manipulative & distasteful & not for me.  Satan Andy is lazy & can be extremely repetitive across his shows, so it won't surprise me if this season is Crooks' Fake Cancer 2.0.


So Rinna, you're showing off your underage daughters & talking about their boobs?  Good choices there, hun.


What's with Vince & that old man walk?   Guess too much tennis does that to ya?

  • Love 9

I believe that Yolanda has lyme disease, but I also think she's going thru menopause and probably some major depression. I believe she herself said that when she split from Mohammed that she went thru some fairly major depression & while she and David just announced their split, no way has that not been in the wind for a while. You couple all that with all the wacky treatment she's been undergoing and I think you probably have a pretty big mess.

I was recently forced into early menopause at 38 to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer and honestly it sucks. The hot flashes and mood swings are no small thing. I feel for Yolanda, but I do wonder if she's doing more harm to her body than good at this point.

And the ladies may have been a little bitchy, but they have to be questioning why Yolanda has chosen to be on the show.

  • Love 14

Do we know all the treatments Yo has tried? And in what duration of time? I was exhausted listening to her talk about what she has done since last season at the start of one of her segments. I am all for her finding something that works for her, but it just seemed like a lot. Like others, I do think she is sick, but probably embellishing it a bit. I too, do not really want to watch sick Yo all season not really doing anything besides treatments and showing up briefly to events. If this is the case and Bravo really wanted her on, I wish she was demoted to friend of the housewives.

I did find it telling that she claime she recieved "Holistic Antibiotics" but NOT traditional Western Antbiotics used in the treatment of LD. If she never tried any of the traditional antibiotics when she was first diagnosed then I question whether or not she has tried ANY traditional Western medical treatment for LD and why hasn't she since nothing "Holistic" has worked.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

Honestly, it really pains me that Kim is coming back.  She is being used by phony baloney Kyle (for a storyline) -- and Bravo & Satan Andy for ratings.  It makes me shudder they would all sink so low to use her again.  Sure, Kim is jumping at the chance to go back.  She's desperate for the money & she craves the cameras & attention.  Ugh, just ugh.

  • Love 10

WTF is holistic antibiotics? That is such a stupid meaningless buzzword.

I am a Pharm Tech, retired now, and have never heard of "Holistic Antibiotics" before either. LOL


ETA....I just did a quick google search and found NO listing for any "Holistic IV Antibiotics" but did find the top 5 "oral holistic antibiotics" though. They are listed as Garlic, Collidal Silver, Oil of Oregano, Echinccea and Manuka Honey. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 11
I like Kyle and Lisa and getting along.  Like Lisa said in Amsterdam, Kyle is her favorite person to have fun with.



Yes, hurray!  I like Lisa and Kyle together when they aren't fighting - they are fun and actually look like they're enjoying themselves.  I'm looking forward to seeing their vacation on the yacht.  Bring on Travels of the Rich and Gaudy!


I hope Kyle got all her Kim-talk out of her system in that kitchen with Mauricio.  I guess for casual viewers it made sense to catch everyone up on what's been going on since the Reunion, but I am sick to death of Kim and do not want to even hear about her again.


Yo should have sat this season out.

  • Love 11

IIRC, Yo did have western antibiotic treatment.  However, it seems that Yo goes from one treatment to another without giving her body time to heal.  IMO, this is her problem.  She goes chasing one 'cure' to another without giving her body to build up it's immunity or to recover from treatments and I question many of these treatments.  Lyme can do much damage and a big part of the recovery is to let your body heal.  IMO, she'd be much better off eating a well balanced diet and have an exercise routine rather than chasing miracle cures.  In the end, she's done herself much more harm than good.  After all, this is the woman who planted how many lemon trees so she could do lemon cleanses. 

  • Love 14

Honestly, it really pains me that Kim is coming back.  She is being used by phony baloney Kyle (for a storyline) -- and Bravo & Satan Andy for ratings.  It makes me shudder they would all sink so low to use her again.  Sure, Kim is jumping at the chance to go back.  She's desperate for the money & she craves the cameras & attention.  Ugh, just ugh.

I'm NOT so sure that Kyle wanted her back, Andy...YES, Kyle, NO.

  • Love 9

Yes, hurray!  I like Lisa and Kyle together when they aren't fighting - they are fun and actually look like they're enjoying themselves.  I'm looking forward to seeing their vacation on the yacht.  Bring on Travels of the Rich and Gaudy!


I hope Kyle got all her Kim-talk out of her system in that kitchen with Mauricio.  I guess for casual viewers it made sense to catch everyone up on what's been going on since the Reunion, but I am sick to death of Kim and do not want to even hear about her again.


Yo should have sat this season out.

Sadly, I suspect we will hear more about Kim, and sister Kathy, this season from Kyle because of all the trouble Kim got into and because of the Hilton wedding.

  • Love 7

I am hoping this season doesn't mirror OC with people questioning Yolanda's illness. She did look bad tonight, I don't think she's faking having LD but I do feel she does milk it a bit. "I have no brain function...I couldn't handle my Malibu house..I can only handle these four small walls...." It was a bit much. Her not wearing makeup wasn't an issue to me. The woman is sick, I don't get her being slammed for not glamming up.


Now on to Lisa "I'd ride in on a unicycle with a monkey playing an accordion for attention" Rina. I really cannot stand her sometimes. She comes across so phony to me, Her over the top laugh and silly faces seem rehearsed and are annoying as hell. She is always so amused with herself. Everything is always so amazing, or so hilarious..she's just to much. I have literally LOL before when they show her walking because she does this slow, slinky, cheesy wannabe sexy thing sometimes that looks ridiculous. She needs to bring it down a few notches.


Ken has always been a snobby, cranky and mean spirited jackass to me. 


Glad Kim and Brandi are gone.


Love Love Love Eileen.

  • Love 10

In some of her recent pictures, her hair looks like a light brown. But I don't see why it's a big deal that she didn't want to put on makeup. Even if she wasn't sick, why should ANY woman be obligated to look perfect all the time?

Thank you!! Holy crap no one needs to feel like they have to wear makeup. Ever. For anyone else's benefit.

Lisa saying that she should put on a swipe of under-eye makeup made me feel repulsed.

Speaking of repulsive, I hope Ken gets shit for being an asshole about both the Yolanda comments AND the hit-Brandi-with-a-ball bullshit comments. What the fuck was that??

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 10

Here's my opinion on Yolanda's health. She'd be questioned on illness if she didn't attend the party, yet is questioned when she does.  When sickness is a constant, it really is a pick and choose with everything. From what your going to eat, drink, listen to and where to put your focus every single hour.   She has always said she tries to lead an authentic life. Maybe she feels it is more authentic to not fuss with the external, when it is the internal sickness she's battling.  I don't know what Yolanda suffers from, but I do know she'd have been the 1st to thank someone who was ill for making the effort to appear AND she would have had a classy way of bringing them into conversation instead of the awkward silence she sat thru at Lisa's party. From what I saw it looked like anxiety is what had her go to the bathroom. I can imagine after many months with little outside activity, a filmed dinner party could prove too much.
The reactions from her HW 'friends' proved to me they are not her real life friends. Friends would have insisted the conversation be how brave and courageous she was to SHOW UP with something but pajamas on. I'm certain , had she shown up in full makeup, pushed up cleavage peekaboo dress with a fur wrap, those table guests would be questioning how sick can she be. Tsk. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Seeing her visit with her friend in private, I think she was referring to the separation from David when talking of how she is not doing good.


Agree with other people on here, who are saying: I don't want to watch a 'how sick is Yolanda' season.
Lisa R is funny to me. Eileen is refreshing and classy. And I don't miss Kim or Brandi one bit either. YAY!

Looking forward to seeing the lives of the new gals.

  • Love 12

Honestly, it really pains me that Kim is coming back.  She is being used by phony baloney Kyle (for a storyline) -- and Bravo & Satan Andy for ratings.  It makes me shudder they would all sink so low to use her again.  Sure, Kim is jumping at the chance to go back.  She's desperate for the money & she craves the cameras & attention.  Ugh, just ugh.

Wait. What. WHAT? Kim is coming back for real? Please let this be a joke.. or a rumor.. because I will jump Bravo ship. Shit. really?

  • Love 3

Does David Foster own but one dress outfit...black suit, white shirt, black tie?  Every picture of him is the same - boring.  You'd think that for all his $$$, he could spring for a dozen different shirts and ties!  Is he just color challenged, so this makes it easier for him to get dressed?


Take a look at TMZ's site, and be sure to scroll through the slideshow of photos.  Maybe Yo is just posing next to a cardboard cutout of David???



  • Love 4

I can't quote (and can't separate paragraphs on a handheld, so apologies) but I never wrote that fantasizing about one's death on national television was irresponsible conduct *for* American cable; I wrote that it is, in my subjective opinion, a gasp-worthily reprehensible transgression as a parent to state that one's suffering is so intense that one's obligations to their children is the only reason one is making the effort to struggle through said pain *on* American cable. It is, at best, a narcissistically myopic and self-involve formulation that burdens those children with the implied responsibility of their mother's continuing agony - agony that was explicitly articulated as worse than death. This is certainly not the worst incident or assertion that has cropped up across the franchise over the years (Gretchen's sexual battery may never be topped, though the Brooks saga came close) or even this particular city (the exploitation of Russell's suicide and the collective malignment of his name postmortem was a nadir as well as Taylor's efforts to demonize Camille that year) but immortalizing a sentiment of the fashion that did is sicker than falsely accusing Ken of mandhandling her - it's on par with Phaedra Parks fantasizing with her own mother about her husband slaughtering their sons . . . And no one stated that a woman is obligated to don cosmetic products at any time. The collective point is that slapping on some makeup is a walk in the park relative to getting off your ass, climbing into a limousine, getting chauffeured across town, and subjecting yourself to a social event with a not insignificant number of people. It's too exhausting to perform the presentational routine that you have for every year prior that you've participated in filming this show but not too tiring to thrust yourself onto a reality set that doubles as a dinner party? You can't handle anything but a stripped-down "minimalist" apartment but you can handle a restaurant festooned with decorations *and* the nattering of a crowd of people that you don't really like? . . . And while specific viewers may sympathize with the experience that Yolanda is describing (because they genuinely did contend and do contend with those symptoms), Yo herself has, for four years running, magically recovered at the commencement of filming like clockwork and, just as coincidentally, had relapses during the interim between production requirements as well as during times when she might have to deal with some unpleasant accountability - like reunions. Funny how that happens; oh wait, it's not - I'm calling bullshit.

I can't quote (and can't separate paragraphs on a handheld, so apologies) but I never wrote that fantasizing about one's death on national television was irresponsible conduct *for* American cable; I wrote that it is, in my subjective opinion, a gasp-worthily reprehensible transgression as a parent to state that one's suffering is so intense that one's obligations to their children is the only reason one is making the effort to struggle through said pain *on* American cable. It is, at best, a narcissistically myopic and self-involve formulation that burdens those children with the implied responsibility of their mother's continuing agony - agony that was explicitly articulated as worse than death. This is certainly not the worst incident or assertion that has cropped up across the franchise over the years (Gretchen's sexual battery may never be topped, though the Brooks saga came close) or even this particular city (the exploitation of Russell's suicide and the collective malignment of his name postmortem was a nadir as well as Taylor's efforts to demonize Camille that year) but immortalizing a sentiment of the fashion that did is sicker than falsely accusing Ken of mandhandling her - it's on par with Phaedra Parks fantasizing with her own mother about her husband slaughtering their sons . . . And no one stated that a woman is obligated to don cosmetic products at any time. The collective point is that slapping on some makeup is a walk in the park relative to getting off your ass, climbing into a limousine, getting chauffeured across town, and subjecting yourself to a social event with a not insignificant number of people. It's too exhausting to perform the presentational routine that you have for every year prior that you've participated in filming this show but not too tiring to thrust yourself onto a reality set that doubles as a dinner party? You can't handle anything but a stripped-down "minimalist" apartment but you can handle a restaurant festooned with decorations *and* the nattering of a crowd of people that you don't really like? . . . And while specific viewers may sympathize with the experience that Yolanda is describing (because they genuinely did contend and do contend with those symptoms), Yo herself has, for four years running, magically recovered at the commencement of filming like clockwork and, just as coincidentally, had relapses during the interim between production requirements as well as during times when she might have to deal with some unpleasant accountability - like reunions. Funny how that happens; oh wait, it's not - I'm calling bullshit.

  • Love 20

When you have Lyme, you hear about various Holistic and western treatments.  Many swear by Colloidal Silver and Oil of oregano.  Many believe that various longterm herbals are as potent; but less harmful to the body as opposed to longterm antibiotics.  I chose (well, my Lyme Doc) chose a combo of many herbals, antibiotics, probiotics and many vitamins. Btw, I was familiar with all the treatments that she has undergone.  They're chatted about often on Lyme Facebook groups.  She wasn't doing anything way out of the ordinary (except maybe the stem cell in Korea?...that didn't seem to help)...

Many Western medicines are plant/nature derived, so they are "holistic" in that aspect. 1 of the main reason that many "treatments" do NOT come under the banner of Western medicine is that the companies pushing these treatments will not do the blind studies/tests requierd by the FDA to get approval because many of them contain very little of the "natural ingredient"  in them. If they are not considered a "drug" they are not required to prove they actually work as claimed or that they have consistant levels of the "main ingredient" in them when dispensed. I am not saying that all holistic treatments are bogus but many are and one has to be careful of where they get their "holistic" treatments from. Yolanda has recieved many, many questionable treatments in foreign countries that do not regulate these kinds of clinics. And she has never given any 1 treatment time to work, she is looking for that 1 quick cure all for whatever is wrong with her. Sadly, I don't think LD, in any form, is the ONLY cause of her ill health.  JMO

IIRC, Yo did have western antibiotic treatment.  However, it seems that Yo goes from one treatment to another without giving her body time to heal.  IMO, this is her problem.  She goes chasing one 'cure' to another without giving her body to build up it's immunity or to recover from treatments and I question many of these treatments.  Lyme can do much damage and a big part of the recovery is to let your body heal.  IMO, she'd be much better off eating a well balanced diet and have an exercise routine rather than chasing miracle cures.  In the end, she's done herself much more harm than good.  After all, this is the woman who planted how many lemon trees so she could do lemon cleanses. 

Yes, she did a short round when she was first diagnosed but was also doing her "cleanse" during that time as well. She never gave traditional treatments a chance again after that because she wants a speedy/overnight recovery and will settle for nothing less.

Wait. What. WHAT? Kim is coming back for real? Please let this be a joke.. or a rumor.. because I will jump Bravo ship. Shit. really?

Kim will be on a few episodes a a FOH, not a regular, full HW. The same with Brandi.

  • Love 13

Thank you! Just because she left off the 10 lbs of makeup didn't mean she wasn't wearing any. I find that I have little sympathy for this bit because while we have been hearing about her LD for several seasons, as many have noted she was always fit as a fiddle for her show scenes. It just seems to me that she has taken note of that, and decided that looking and acting pathetic is her "storyline" for this season. I'm already bored with her, not that I wish her anything bad.

This is what I was thinking as well. For the past 3 seasons she's been perfectly fine filming and traveling with her King. Then come reunion time she would deflect all her bad behavior on Lyme brain. She's been using this as a get out of jail free card against any criticism of her antics and Brandi bonding. I'm not forgetting that shit. She can fake cough and be hooked up to an IV drip all she wants. I'm not buying it. She even said people in her own family didn't believe her.

Edited by charming
  • Love 22

This is what I was thinking as well. For the past 3 seasons she's been perfectly fine filming and traveling with her King. Then come reunion time she would deflect all her bad behavior on Lyme brain. She's been using this as a get out of jail free card against any criticism of her antics and Brandi bonding. I'm not forgetting that shit. She can fake cough and be hooked up to an IV drip all she wants. I'm not buying it. She even said people in her own family didn't believe her.

Not to forget that each year her diagnosis gets worse. First it was LD, then last season it became CLD and now it is NLD. AND Bella/Anwar have it and have had it as long as she has, yet we never heard word 1 about them being sick....ever. I am not saying that Yolanda isn't sick but IMO, something is way off in her ever changing story.

  • Love 14

My favorite part of this episode was hearing that my favorite TV dad was the same in real life as he was on his show. Not to get too maudlin but I grew up with alcoholic abusive parents. I would watch 8 is Enough and pretend that Tom Bradford was my dad. As silly as it sounds, those fantasies got me through some dark times.

I cried when he passed.

Sorry for being off topic.

No worries, my dad was a shit heel also.
  • Love 5

What a bunch of vain, shallow witches some of these women are. Wow. I couldn't believe it every time I heard them aghast that Yolanda didn't have any makeup on. So fucking what?! My god, who cares whether or not she decided to slather her face with makeup? If you ask my opinion, the rest of them wear way too much makeup.

It felt like I was listening in the Jr High school bathroom where the tweens are making fun of one of the girls because she doesn't wear makeup.

These women would think I'm an alien. I very rarely wear makeup. It's just not important to me. As long as a person is happy with what's on their face, why is it anybody else's business?

I'm in the minority but I believe Yolanda is really sick. She's never been a favorite of mine but I believe her. It's weird to me that their friend is sick and they're questioning it.

I'm glad none of these women are my friends.

I don't think that the other woman were commenting on Yo's lack of appearance out of being vain, well, maybe Lisa, but rather out of the fact that Yo always wore makeup in the past and was very much into her appearance.  I don't think they were 'aghast' about this as much as they were taken aback that she looked 'sick'.  I didn't find anything absurd about this except Ken's reaction which to me was a bit insulting.  But I find Ken insulting. 

  • Love 15

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