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S04.E04: Happily Never After

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It's probably similar to the Style by Stassi blog or whatever that was.

  what is it with these chicks and their "fashion blogs"? I remember that loser from Dallas, Courtney?, had a lame one as well.

Pretty isn't a fact. As cliche as it sounds, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I don't find Pandora to be pretty, but I don't think she's all that heinous either. Just like I find Katie to be the prettiest on the show, and others have said they do not find her good looking at all. We're all entitled to our opinions.

I have no issues with Pandora's appearance, but she has a major case of "bitchface". My issue is her bitchy attitude, like that nasty passisve-agressive comment to Shwartzie. If you have an issue with him cutting and running at the first sign of trouble, say it, don't beat around the bush with this vaguely specific comment and then smirk about how clever you are.
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No, she is not pretty at all. And her attitude makes her just heinous. She is a troll. A disgusting wretch. Which is amazing because I think her mother is a knockout


It's my opinion that she is pretty-looking, just like it's your opinion she isn't. I'm entitled to my opinion without someone trying to dispute it, thanks.


In my own defense, I haven't seen enough of Pandora to know what her personality is like. I've only seen seasons 4 and 5 of RHOBH and all the seasons of VPR but she hasn't seemed to appear much on this show. So maybe I just haven't seen enough of this "troll" personality yet. 


Now somebody like Stassi, I can get behind saying she's not attractive at all. She's conventionally pretty, but her personality is so ugly that it makes her just an ugly person in general. 

Edited by BogoGog24
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Sorry...I was just stating my opinion that she is heinous. I guess i should always use the "in my opinion" tag for everything i say as the one judge on The Good Wife insists... I was not trying to change anyone else's minds or say that anyone else's opinion is "wrong", just saying that I disagree and why i thought that way. Most of it has to do with her "better than you" attitude. And I would wholeheartedly agree that Stassi is hideously ugly. At a glance I would think she was pretty but after getting to know her, as much as we can get to know someone thru edited reality shows, for 3 seasons she is just disguating, in my opinion.

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what is it with these chicks and their "fashion blogs"? I remember that loser from Dallas, Courtney?, had a lame one as well.

Believe it or not, having a popular fashion blog can be an extremely lucrative deal for stylish young women, especially if they already have a big following from a popular reality show.

Several of the former/current Housewives even have them---fashion brands will sponsor/request representation via these ladies, and offer them free clothes/invites and more if they have followings that will allow for more business via their fans clicking on those links to purchase those items.

I follow a lot of fashion blogs myself so I've seen how monetized they've made the more popular fashion bloggers; some of them end up quitting their day jobs just to blog full-time, it's such a booming business with sponsors willing to pay good dough for advertising and links at the bigger fashion blogs.

Some of the most popular fashion bloggers from Pink Peonies, Atlantic-Pacific, Kayture, Man-Repeller, etc are said to make upwards of 6 figures alone thanks to their blogs and it's no wonder; the items they feature/link on their blogs often end up selling out due to being featured.

That being said, I've tried to get into Katie's blog, but it's as boring and yawn-worthy as you'd expect, so no love from me there.

Stassi's blog is a bit better, although she's really lazy about updating it regularly---fashion bloggers need to update and post nearly daily if they want to create traffic on their blogs. She's got a nice sense of upscale LA casual style and could really monetize her fashion blog to grander heights if she worked at it a bit more, but I guess her lame podcast is keeping her busy enough these days.

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I actually like Katie's blog. I've been reading it for awhile, though not particularly consistently. There are some good DIY skin care recipes with "L.A." trendy ingredients that you can get at a health food store versus a makeup counter for a 300% markup.

Stassi's blog on the other hand, I just can't. All it consists of are posts about things she likes and why she likes them and why they look good on her and how they make her feel wearing them, and that you dear reader can be just like her for a small donation. Obviously blogs reflect the blogger, but there is NO suggestion as to why SOMEONE ELSE may enjoy something outside of having the pleasure of being in following with Stassi's fashion authority.

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If Tom had the anxiety attack or whatever it was, I asked up thread why Pandora would take the meeting at all, and someone wrote that bringing the sangria onto VPR was good marketing. That is true; it was good marketing. But, was it nice? To bring these somewhat neurotic guys out to Villa Rosa where they are intimidated, have them kiss her ass because they truly need the money, only for Pandora to lecture them and correct them and send them off with no positive feedback whatsoever, and not putting them out of their misery by just telling them it's not going to work, but instead send them away with a homework assignment to make a proposal or something, when she knows they're wasting their time, because she had no wish to work with them?

 Pandora's husband actually comes from serious money. That's why I think they're like royalty

Thank you! You hit the nail on the head - that is what bugs me about her, other than her troll looks. She punches down. She brings them into a meeting where they will be required to kiss her ass on national tv. They can't walk away from this show, they are not marketable as actors, this is the only way for them to make any money...she knows this. Also she's not where she is because of hard work.

Lisa gives me a whif of this power bullshit too- she has total control over these people, she knows they are fame hungry and they have to kiss her ass to stay on the show. It almost gives ME an anxiety attack.

I think Lisa knows deep down that her daughter is uggo.

Does his family have money?? We met them on Real Housewives of BH and I thought they seemed totally out of their element in Beverly Hills, norm-core clothes and such. They seemed all impressed with the Vanderpump fountain in the driveway. Seemed very nice! But didn't give a money vibe at all.

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Thank you! You hit the nail on the head - that is what bugs me about her, other than her troll looks. She punches down. She brings them into a meeting where they will be required to kiss her ass on national tv. They can't walk away from this show, they are not marketable as actors, this is the only way for them to make any money...she knows this. Also she's not where she is because of hard work.

Lisa gives me a whif of this power bullshit too- she has total control over these people, she knows they are fame hungry and they have to kiss her ass to stay on the show. It almost gives ME an anxiety attack.

I think Lisa knows deep down that her daughter is uggo.

Does his family have money?? We met them on Real Housewives of BH and I thought they seemed totally out of their element in Beverly Hills, norm-core clothes and such. They seemed all impressed with the Vanderpump fountain in the driveway. Seemed very nice! But didn't give a money vibe at all.

I agree that Pandora has shades of Lisa and vice versa. And it's unnerving.

Oh, my bad about Jason and his family having money. When they were on RHBH, I got the impression that they were old money. I can't remember why now. Something about the way they carried themselves I guess. But I must have read that wrong. Wow, now I see that relationship through an entirely different lens.

This episode should have been called 'Shay's Rebellion.'

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It's my opinion that she is pretty-looking, just like it's your opinion she isn't. I'm entitled to my opinion without someone trying to dispute it, thanks.


In my own defense, I haven't seen enough of Pandora to know what her personality is like. I've only seen seasons 4 and 5 of RHOBH and all the seasons of VPR but she hasn't seemed to appear much on this show. So maybe I just haven't seen enough of this "troll" personality yet. 

Does it help to know Pandora and Stassi are good friends?
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Jason Sabo used to work at Villa Blanca as a manager, has his MBA and majored in Philosophy in undergrad. He's a nobody.

Also, "Pandora Vanderpump" is a stupid, tacky name but we all know Lisa's penchant for choosing tacky, corny over-the-top names.

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I want to get into the girls´looks discussion but change it up a bit and bring up Sheana. I think she looks like an insect, the botton half of her face is so thin and pointy, and she makes it look worse when she puts fake lashes on. I started out thinking she was very cute and sometimes beautiful and I never thought she looked weird until this season. She´s more glamorous than Kristen, whom I find very plain with a great body, but I think Kristen is much better looking than Sheana this season. Katie is more of a girl next door type and as such she is very pretty and definitly the prettiest girl on the show imo. Adriana looks normal. Tom Swarts (I don´t know how to spell all their names, sorry) is starting to look old (still cute, but oldish), Sandoval has always been a shade of ugly and a shade of beautiful mixed together, he hasn´t changed. Jax is a true troll, I wouldn´t put Pandora into his clan, she would be okay if I wasn´t comparing her to Lisa. And finally, I want to say that Lisa V, my all-time favorite, has started to annoy me. She´s faking a bit too much interest and worry over those Sur-schmucks of hers. I didn´t think there could be too much Lisa anywhere but this season has had too much, or what she says is just to boring or something. I like James the muppet baby, I don´t blame him for treating Kristen poorly after the way she treated him last season, and if I were Sandoval I would never forgive her. I mean she cheated on him with Jax! And she brought in all kinds of whores to try to take him down. But ofcourse I like her on the show.

Edited by halkatla
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bblancobrnx, on 27 Nov 2015 - 08:23 AM, said:

No, she is not pretty at all. And her attitude makes her just heinous. She is a troll. A disgusting wretch. Which is amazing because I think her mother is a knockout


This strikes me as unnecessarily mean and over-the-top.  I mean, do I think she hit the beauty lottery? No.  But she's not horrible looking.  Plus she's insanely rich (and most likely always will be) with a nice-looking husband, so in any case, I think she's doing Ok...


Silo, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:58 PM, said:

Jason Sabo used to work at Villa Blanca as a manager, has his MBA and majored in Philosophy in undergrad. He's a nobody.

Also, "Pandora Vanderpump" is a stupid, tacky name but we all know Lisa's penchant for choosing tacky, corny over-the-top names.


LOL so an MBA graduate is a "nobody"?  Ok then!


And no, I don't think Jason gives off a gay vibe.

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I am not an ass like these people are, and have had a decent paycheck for years and years. Still, I wasn't able to afford anything better than Ikea until I was at the end of my 30s; in fact, I still have quite a bit now because it's nice to look at and serves my purposes. I like it and I am "hard-pressed" to call my furniture, previous apartments, or life in general a "shithole." But maybe I am not classy...not that being a bastion of class is a goal I have in mind; I'm just glad that I don't judge perfectly normal, acceptable apartments and furnishings so harshly, as it would have sucked to live in a so-called shithole from age 18 until I was able to buy a place three years ago in my 40s.

This always bugs me. And not just on this board. There are a LOT of us who live in "White boxes" because we can't afford a house. Or we don't want one-yes it's true,not every one wants the expense and worry of a home. I love that when my appliances break or my HAVAC goes out it doesn't cost me a penny. Yes I know, my rent pays for it, I mean out of pocket right then bill. Anywhoo I live in an apartment and it's hardly a "shit box". I also have furniture that's NOT solid oak so side eye all you want! It just strikes me as classist that if you don't have a big house and expensive furniture you're not doing well! I have a great apartment and hand me down furniture and I'n long past my 20's or even my 30's. I'm almost 60!

If Shena can't live with a sober person then SHE has a drinking problem.

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Scheana clarified herself in an Instagram post over Thanksgiving about the whole "I can't be with someone sober" comment:

Happy Thanksgiving! I just want to say today how thankful I am for my amazing husband @mikeshaymusic and everything he's been thru and accomplished. It's been a long road and it's not over yet. I appreciate all of your support you've given us but also some things have been misinterpreted. I NEVER EVER EVER said I "couldn't be with SHAY if he chose to be 100% sober" or meant it to come off that way AT ALL! I was telling a story in an interview about a time I went on a first date with someone fresh out of rehab when I was 22 and super in the club scene I was like "ya I could never be w someone completely sober bc that doesn't fit w my lifestyle and friend group" WHEN I WAS 22!!! Not in any way speaking about Shay currently. I would never even for a second consider leaving him if he chose to be completely sober. I would support him all the way and go sober myself! We are married!! For better or for worse and just trying to figure things out in front of the whole world. Literally! Shay is a grown man and one who I love and support very very much! If he wants to drink still I said to try and cut back. That's what I meant by "get a buzz, don't get drunk". I am not his boss. I would never encourage something that was bad for him, same as I cannot make decisions for him, but I will help him with whatever he needs. I don't know a lot about addiction, that's true. But I do know that he's my entire world. He's doing what he thinks is best for him now and what makes him happy and I support him 10000000%. I am so fucking proud of him for everything he has already accomplished and will accomplish in the future! Remember, what you see isn't from just yesterday. Time passes and things change. We've done counseling since. So, keep watching... And Thank You for following us on our journey and supporting us. I am literally so thankful for each and every one of you (haters included)! #HAPPYTHANKSGIVING

A photo posted by Scheana Shay (@scheanamarie) on Nov 26, 2015 at 4:30pm PST

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 LOL so an MBA graduate is a "nobody"?  Ok then!.

I said he was a nobody, not a loser. And he is a nobody, not famous, doesn't come from money. He got a Master's degree in business BFD.

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I realise Pandora does have a brain in her head, but putting down the Toms the way she did was unnecessary. At least they're trying. Pandora was born with every opportunity imaginable. She's successful in promoting something, but it happens to be her MOTHER'S already successful product. She's not exactly struggling to get her own business off the ground. She has no cause to be so smug, condescending and cruel.

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Four episodes and that's a great down payment on a house where I live (with no PMI!) and a whole season should be an amazing down payment even for California.  They don't have to move in to a place like Villa Rosa.  They all need to grow up.  Sandoval especially - relying on his name to sell sangria in St. Louis because he knows everybody?  Dude, you're not that famous.  And your business pitch was awful.  And it really bothers me that every time Tom Sandoval talks he sounds like he's whining.


In the area they live in, WeHo, a cheap house is going to run at least $1.5M.  I recently saw a listing for a 450 sq ft studio condo in WeHo for like $350k (that'd be more depressing than any of their apartments if you ask me).  I live about 4 miles southeast of WeHo in a far less fashionable marginal working class neighborhood and my shithole house is worth about $750k.  My house is almost 100 years old.  My kitchen was last updated in 1940 or 1950 and barely has room for 1 person in it.  I've put a lot of time and money into redoing the house.  I'm 5 years and at least $100k in and I've still got I've got the kitchen, 1 bathroom, 1 bedroom, and the exterior left to do.  I don't see any of these chucklefucks putting that work in and I don't see them wanting to live so "far" away from the action.  Even my mom's modest 1300 sq ft track house in the IE is worth over $300k.  Even back in 2008/2009 when the market had crashed it was hard work finding something decent in LA proper for under $400k and forget it if you wanted it to be move-in ready.


If Scheana is clueless/dumb for thinking Shay should be able to "drink just enough for a buzz," then Tom Sandoval is equally clueless and dumb for asking Lisa to give him a job at a bar. At any rate, one of them (might have been Tom Sandy) asked Shay if he had withdrawal symptoms when he wasn't taking pills and he said yes, so clearly he has an addiction issue, not just that he's covering something up. 


To be fair, I took 3 or 4 vicodin per day for a few weeks following a surgery (the prescription was for up to 8 a day, so I don't know that 5 is a ton) and even after such short term consistent use I had some withdrawal symptoms.  I wasn't like a scene out of Trainspotting or Mr. Robot, but there were some mild symptoms.  I had used Vicodin off and on over 4 or 5 years to treat chronic pain from an injury before finally having surgery to put everything back together, but post-op was the only time I used it consistently and I don't think I was ever a pill addict.  I don't think you have to be that hardcore to have some withdrawal.


Jason Sabo used to work at Villa Blanca as a manager, has his MBA and majored in Philosophy in undergrad. He's a nobody.

Also, "Pandora Vanderpump" is a stupid, tacky name but we all know Lisa's penchant for choosing tacky, corny over-the-top names.


I think her maiden name was actually Pandora Todd.  Ken's last name is Todd, not Vanderpump.  I don't recall if Lisa changed her name to Todd and just uses Vanderpump professionally or not.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Regarding Pandora's looks:

Her teeth have apparently been fixed already and she has nice hair, she just suffers from a naturally thick/big-boned body type and her face definitely looks like someone squished her face down too far---losing some of that chunk, an eyebrow-lift and maybe a chin-shaving plus a nose job would certainly help improve her aesthetically, but then how could she possibly acquire a necessary personality implant?


This is a good inventory of what she can do (if she's interested in maximizing her looks). Check out this picture below:


I got it from Googling Pandora and images. It's funny, because Pandora is in the center, and Stassi is on the right, and they look like a before and after picture. Stassi vaguely looks like Pandora, but she is the Pandora who's had all the procedures that Sun-Bun suggested above. It really is like night and day.

I want to get into the girls´looks discussion but change it up a bit and bring up Sheana. I think she looks like an insect, the botton half of her face is so thin and pointy, and she makes it look worse when she puts fake lashes on. I started out thinking she was very cute and sometimes beautiful and I never thought she looked weird until this season. She´s more glamorous than Kristen, whom I find very plain with a great body, but I think Kristen is much better looking than Sheana this season. Katie is more of a girl next door type and as such she is very pretty and definitly the prettiest girl on the show imo. Adriana looks normal. Tom Swarts (I don´t know how to spell all their names, sorry) is starting to look old (still cute, but oldish), Sandoval has always been a shade of ugly and a shade of beautiful mixed together, he hasn´t changed. Jax is a true troll, I wouldn´t put Pandora into his clan, she would be okay if I wasn´t comparing her to Lisa. And finally, I want to say that Lisa V, my all-time favorite, has started to annoy me. She´s faking a bit too much interest and worry over those Sur-schmucks of hers. I didn´t think there could be too much Lisa anywhere but this season has had too much, or what she says is just to boring or something. I like James the muppet baby, I don´t blame him for treating Kristen poorly after the way she treated him last season, and if I were Sandoval I would never forgive her. I mean she cheated on him with Jax! And she brought in all kinds of whores to try to take him down. But ofcourse I like her on the show.

This is good! You nailed the cast. I like the idea of broadening the discussion. I like to hear what everyone else thinks of their looks. So much of this show is based on looks.

I can't separate the person from the personality. I don't think there has been a drop-dead gorgeous member of this cast, male or female. I guess I think Stassi and Scheana are the two most classically beautiful girls, but it's literally hard for me to, like, separate Scheana from her, like, voice and excessive swearing, which are, like, totally fucking annoying, and it's literally making it fucking hard for me to think she's pretty. Stassi also isn't a super-model, and she's kind of plastic, especially now that we know about the chin implant. I think, from the previews that we've seen, she's gained even more weight than she had last year. And her figure was probably her best physical trait.

I like Katie, and I see why people think she's beautiful, but I find something masculine about her beauty. Ariana has a great body, and a really interesting face. I think she could be someone's muse or something. But she has no sex appeal. Kristen is much the same--attractive, but not sexy. The difference is that I love Kristen's crazy ass, and I reality-show hate Ariana. Kristen and Katie have really upped their hair game this year. I don't love Scheana with solid dark brown hair. I think some highlights would soften her up.

As for Brittani not being too good looking: I don't know about her face, but she has a killer, absolutely killer, body. Sometimes one can make up for the other. But pretty can't fix smart. Lol. I think Lala is a Laura-Leigh 3.0 (Vail being the Laura-Leigh 2.0). She's very pretty, with a flawless body, but these girls are a dime a dozen in LA. I do think someone would pay to fly her to Italy for modeling, even though that didn't turn out to be the case. It's not like Katie said--that there are enough pretty girls in Italy that they don't need to import other pretty girls. Agents, managers, and PR people have relationships in this industry, and if someone was doing a shoot for, say Seventeen magazine, in Italy, and they saw a picture of Lala and they wanted her for the shoot, they wouldn't think twice about sending her over there. You generally don't start casting when you're on location. That would be too expensive. Casting in a foreign country if you don't have contacts there is hard, especially if there's a language barrier.

As far as the guys, I'm ashamed to admit that I'd probably find Jax to be one of the best looking of them IF I knew nothing, absolutely nothing, about his personality. Once he opened his mouth, we'd be done. I think James, while not sexy, has the striking looks to model. As for the Toms, I think Tom Schwartz is good-looking, but his energy is a little too feminine (a little ironic, considering I find his girlfriend to be a little bit masculine). I don't think Tom Sandoval is in any way attractive. He looks like he should be in a salon in Transylvania with Dracula or something.

I think Lisa has attractive features, but I think she easily looks ten years older than her 53 years. Oh yeah, and because it can't be said enough: go away Lisa; stop meddling!

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Pretty isn't a fact. As cliche as it sounds, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I don't find Pandora to be pretty, but I don't think she's all that heinous either. Just like I find Katie to be the prettiest on the show, and others have said they do not find her good looking at all. We're all entitled to our opinions.

True.  I don't find Pandora to be homely or otherwise unpleasant looking.  She's not her mom, for sure, but I think she's quite pretty, and I've never seen/heard anything that made me think she has a bad attitude or is otherwise unpleasant to be around.

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As for Brittani not being too good looking: I don't know about her face, but she has a killer, absolutely killer, body. Sometimes one can make up for the other. But pretty can't fix smart. Lol. I think Lala is a Laura-Leigh 3.0 (Vail being the Laura-Leigh 2.0). She's very pretty, with a flawless body, but these girls are a dime a dozen in LA. I do think someone would pay to fly her to Italy for modeling, even though that didn't turn out to be the case. It's not like Katie said--that there are enough pretty girls in Italy that they don't need to import other pretty girls. Agents, managers, and PR people have relationships in this industry, and if someone was doing a shoot for, say Seventeen magazine, in Italy, and they saw a picture of Lala and they wanted her for the shoot, they wouldn't think twice about sending her over there. You generally don't start casting when you're on location. That would be too expensive. Casting in a foreign country if you don't have contacts there is hard, especially if there's a language barrier.



Yeah, but is Lala really going to be doing editorial work?  She's probably just doing catalog work if anything, just like the rest of VPR gang that models, and in that instance, I think Katie is right.  You don't fly someone to Italy for catalog work.

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Yeah, but is Lala really going to be doing editorial work?  She's probably just doing catalog work if anything, just like the rest of VPR gang that models, and in that instance, I think Katie is right.  You don't fly someone to Italy for catalog work.

I don't know, MMV of course, but I don't think Lala has the classic good looks to do catalogue. Her mouth is a little weird. But I do think she has the body and looks to do low-end editorial, like Seventeen. (If I'm wrong and she's done a catalogue campaign, can someone post a link? I'd be interested to see that).
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I want to get into the girls´looks discussion but change it up a bit and bring up Sheana. I think she looks like an insect, the botton half of her face is so thin and pointy, and she makes it look worse when she puts fake lashes on.

I think she's very pretty, but she's already going overboard with Botox (which she admits to getting). FWIW I have no problem with Botox, but she's using enough to get the perma-surprised expression and distracting forehead that draws attention to her somewhat triangular face. Slightly OT, but I read something about how East and West coasters use injectables differently, and it was so true--the RHONY women use it to shave off some years without making it so they have no discernible facial expressions. The OC ladies (minus Heather) and BH wives (minus Yolanda) intentionally go for a slightly cat lady/duck face look that is neither young nor old, just Botoxed. Scheana is taking the latter route.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Silo, on 29 Nov 2015 - 2:35 PM, said:Silo, on 29 Nov 2015 - 2:35 PM, said:Silo, on 29 Nov 2015 - 2:35 PM, said:

I said he was a nobody, not a loser. And he is a nobody, not famous, doesn't come from money. He got a Master's degree in business BFD.


So, in your estimation, all it takes to be a "somebody" is to come from a wealthy family? I'll just say we have radically different interpretations of the word and leave it at that.  


And now that he's married to LV's daughter and on 2 reality shows, I'd certainly argue that he's not "famous" to some extent of the word now.   

Edited by Duke2801
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Is Pandora's accent even real? Based on when I remember Lisa saying she moved here, I would imagine Pandora has been here since she was a child.

I think the family moved to the US when Pandora started Pepperdine or when she was in high school so her accent makes sense. Max has one too.

I don't think Pandora is a great beauty, but I think her main problem is she inherited her mom's piss poor sense of style. Lisa is a very beautiful woman so she sort of gets away with it, but Pandora always looks tacky. I always thought she'd look much better with a darker hair color and a sleeker cut. That Barbie hair of hers isn't the easiest look for anyone to pull off and she is not pulling it off.

Edited by FozzyBear
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Someone already posted something with her modeling a dress or maxi skirt for some catalog or website.  It had free shipping.


i went back and found the post:  http://forums.previously.tv/topic/34704-s04e03-pretty-little-lies/?p=1724127

Oh yes, of course, how did I forget that? I'm sort of blowing my own mind with how much wrong info I've brought to this board. First I said Jason came from serious money when he didn't, then I said Lala couldn't do catalogue modeling. If I were this inaccurate IRL, my life would be a mess lol. Sorry about that y'all.

Yourmomiseasy, thanks for posting the link. She looks like a bone fide model. Good for her.

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I want to get into the girls´looks discussion but change it up a bit and bring up Sheana. I think she looks like an insect, the botton half of her face is so thin and pointy, and she makes it look worse when she puts fake lashes on. I started out thinking she was very cute and sometimes beautiful and I never thought she looked weird until this season. She´s more glamorous than Kristen, whom I find very plain with a great body, but I think Kristen is much better looking than Sheana this season. Katie is more of a girl next door type and as such she is very pretty and definitly the prettiest girl on the show imo. Adriana looks normal. Tom Swarts (I don´t know how to spell all their names, sorry) is starting to look old (still cute, but oldish), Sandoval has always been a shade of ugly and a shade of beautiful mixed together, he hasn´t changed. Jax is a true troll, I wouldn´t put Pandora into his clan, she would be okay if I wasn´t comparing her to Lisa. And finally, I want to say that Lisa V, my all-time favorite, has started to annoy me. She´s faking a bit too much interest and worry over those Sur-schmucks of hers. I didn´t think there could be too much Lisa anywhere but this season has had too much, or what she says is just to boring or something. I like James the muppet baby, I don´t blame him for treating Kristen poorly after the way she treated him last season, and if I were Sandoval I would never forgive her. I mean she cheated on him with Jax! And she brought in all kinds of whores to try to take him down. But ofcourse I like her on the show.

I noticed Schena looks a LOT better without the spackled on makeup and stuff. I don't recall seeing her that way before. Kristen looks greasy and like she smells of stale cigarettes and beer. DJ Muppet Baby, well...

Speaking of whom, is he playing LaLa and Kristen against each other or something?

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So, in your estimation, all it takes to be a "somebody" is to come from a wealthy family? I'll just say we have radically different interpretations of the word and leave it at that.

And now that he's married to LV's daughter and on 2 reality shows, I'd certainly argue that he's not "famous" to some extent of the word now.

Strawman, party of...you? I never said anything about his character or value as a human being. But in terms of bringing into his marriage being a celebrity, a title, an old-monied name, or old money itself, he did not. In the circle in which he travels, because he does not have any of those characteristics, he is considered a "nobody". Marrying Pandora might make him a somebody, but he came into the marriage with nothing, in those regards making him a nobody until marriage.

So yes, he was a nobody. Just like the rest of us :)

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I think all the girls are pretty including Pandora.  It's hard for me to rate them because I think they are all pretty in their own ways - Katie, Scheana (better before the nose job), Kristen, Lala, and Arianna.


Pandora does have a unique face for sure but I think she is pretty, too.   I  think her face is prettier when she is slimmer.  I can say that 'cause I'm the same way!  More weight means less attractive face.  She's also not a slouch.  She graduated from Pepperdine University I believe.   Jason also graduated from Pepperdine and has an MBA. Neither are slouches.

Edited by Jextella
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This show deosn't need Stassi back. Glad she's gone.

They need to find a way to get Kristen back to working at SUR again, where she can interact with everyone on a regular basis. Especially once Lala starts dating James.

Having Scheana as the lead will be the kiss of death for this show.

I felt sad for Kristen when Tom S. Gave James a big hug upon greeting him. Everyone really has been forgiven and is back in the group, except for Kristen.

Agreed about Scheana.  I actually like her a great deal (although I like the entire cast), but I don't think she can carry the show by herself.


I'm sorta torn on what direction the show should take.  The bar shenanigans were fun for awhile but I don't know that I'll want to watch a slew of new bar staff every few seasons.  I've grown sort of attached to the current cast and would much rather see them on their next leg of life....assuming they do actually move on in substantive ways (for example, I'd love to see how Jax' restaurant goes).  I guess they'd have to change the name of the show, though. 


Unrelated note about James.  I can't help but wonder if he is still on the show in part because of Lisa V.  Do the two families know each other from England? 

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James's mother sort of knows Lisa. He claims they were friends but I think in reality according to Lisa they just had lunch once or twice or something like that.

I suspect, even though none of the cast has really "gone anywhere" yet, that even if they did do something substantive with their careers it will never be shown or focused upon because the idea/appeal of the show is working actors/models/singers whatever. In some interview a producer explained the reason they never get to fly first class like the Housewives is because it would lose that image of them being working class.

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I'm sorta torn on what direction the show should take.  The bar shenanigans were fun for awhile but I don't know that I'll want to watch a slew of new bar staff every few seasons.  I've grown sort of attached to the current cast and would much rather see them on their next leg of life....assuming they do actually move on in substantive ways (for example, I'd love to see how Jax' restaurant goes).  I guess they'd have to change the name of the show, though. 



I've realized that I'm definitely attached to the originals and I don't think I've taken to any of the interlopers that the show has tried to add in.  It could just be that Vail, James, Lala, et al. all suck though.

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I know it sounds very victim blamey, but I read it more like "before you realize that you don't have to put up with being disrespected."


I agree with the terminology "you let them" because it's true. If someone belittles you, or downright trashes you, and you accept it (Let them") even if only once, you have set the self-respect bar too low to nurture a healthy relationship.  It's impossible to allow someone to talk down to you, and then demand they not talk down to you in your next breath. And it's not worth it. Why would anyone want to stay with someone who clearly does not respect or love you?

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 but I think she's quite pretty, and I've never seen/heard anything that made me think she has a bad attitude or is otherwise unpleasant to be around.

That's what I have always found to be puzzling on this show... it's the perception the guys and gals have of themselves. They truly believe themselves to be a group of 'beautiful people' and they refer to each other as such, but they are far from it... I am not saying that they are unattractive, as they all are fine enough. But they are not anywhere near 'gorgeous'. Maybe they photograph well? They are so plain jane vanilla they'd never grace Vogue magazine, and for that matter their looks aren't even quirky enough to be 'oddly beautiful'.

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On 11/29/2015 at 5:02 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I can't separate the person from the personality. I don't think there has been a drop-dead gorgeous member of this cast, male or female.


On 1/13/2016 at 11:29 PM, Chalby said:

That's what I have always found to be puzzling on this show... it's the perception the guys and gals have of themselves. They truly believe themselves to be a group of 'beautiful people' and they refer to each other as such, but they are far from it... I am not saying that they are unattractive, as they all are fine enough. But they are not anywhere near 'gorgeous'. Maybe they photograph well? They are so plain jane vanilla they'd never grace Vogue magazine, and for that matter their looks aren't even quirky enough to be 'oddly beautiful'.

It's funny. Normally when I read comments about different Bravo cast members' looks, I think wow, tough crowd. I find so many of the Housewives SO pretty. I can even see the outer beauty in many of the women who seem like horrible people on the inside. 

But when Lisa Vanderpump, the Vanderpump Rules cast themselves, Andy Cohen, and all the fans raved about how gorgeous everyone on the show is, I was kind of stumped. They're a good-looking bunch, don't get me wrong. But with a few exceptions, they're all pretty average for LA standards. 

To prove I'm not a hater . . . Cynthia Bailey is one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. I didn't love her personality, but Joanna Krupa is outwardly flawless. I think Erika Jayne should be fired, but she's a blonde bombshell. Ditto glamour Barbie Dorit. Garcelle is drop dead gorgeous. Lizzie Rovsek reminded me of Sophia Loren. Gizelle Bryant is breathtaking. Stephanie Hollman reminds me of a Disney princess because she is so pretty and sweet. Julia Lemigova is stunning. Whitney Rose is perfection. I just don't see most of the Vanderpump Rules cast exceptionally hot. 

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:


It's funny. Normally when I read comments about different Bravo cast members' looks, I think wow, tough crowd. I find so many of the Housewives SO pretty. I can even see the outer beauty in many of the women who seem like horrible people on the inside. 

But when Lisa Vanderpump, the Vanderpump Rules cast themselves, Andy Cohen, and all the fans raved about how gorgeous everyone on the show is, I was kind of stumped. They're a good-looking bunch, don't get me wrong. But with a few exceptions, they're all pretty average for LA standards. 

To prove I'm not a hater . . . Cynthia Bailey is one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. I didn't love her personality, but Joanna Krupa is outwardly flawless. I think Erika Jayne should be fired, but she's a blonde bombshell. Ditto glamour Barbie Dorit. Garcelle is drop dead gorgeous. Lizzie Rovsek reminded me of Sophia Loren. Gizelle Bryant is breathtaking. Stephanie Hollman reminds me of a Disney princess because she is so pretty and sweet. Julia Lemigova is stunning. Whitney Rose is perfection. I just don't see most of the Vanderpump Rules cast exceptionally hot. 

I agree about Cynthia Bailey, Joanna Krupa, Dorit Kelmsley, Gizelle Bryant, and Julia Lemigova. 

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19 hours ago, ZettaK said:

I agree about Cynthia Bailey, Joanna Krupa, Dorit Kelmsley, Gizelle Bryant, and Julia Lemigova. 

Same!  I’d add Garcelle, she was drop dead gorgeous in her day.

Erika Jayne is potato-faced* and Whitney rose is… ok.  

Lisa always went gaga for Jax, which was weird.

Edited by heatherchandler
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8 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Same!  I’d add Garcelle, she was drop dead gorgeous in her day.

Erika Jayne is potato-faced* and Whitney rose is… ok.  

Lisa always went gaga for Jax, which was weird.

Garcelle was drop-dead gorgeous and is aging beautifully. She lights up when she smiles or laughs. 

Thank you for your opinion of Erika Girardi. We have seen her without makeup. 

LVP likes guys, especially guys who are nothing like Ken. 

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56 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Same!  I’d add Garcelle, she was drop dead gorgeous in her day.

Erika Jayne is potato-faced* and Whitney rose is… ok.  

Lisa always went gaga for Jax, which was weird.

Jax is funny. Maybe Lisa has a soft spot for Jax because he makes her laugh. 

34 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Garcelle was drop-dead gorgeous and is aging beautifully. She lights up when she smiles or laughs. 

Thank you for your opinion of Erika Girardi. We have seen her without makeup. 

LVP likes guys, especially guys who are nothing like Ken. 

lol see what I mean! Erika is such a bombshell to me. I feel like I'm easier to impress than most folks. I find Lisa Vanderpump herself strikingly beautiful. I can see why Denise Richards was a Bond Girl. I think Meredith Marks is gorgeous. Kenya Moore still looks like a beauty queen. D'Andra Simmons looks like she would have been Miss Texas. Kyle look like Demi Moore. Eva Marcille still looks like a "top model." Sonja Morgan had a unique and sophisticated beauty when she became a Housewife. Yolanda Hadid is even prettier than her daughters. VPR is the only show where everyone else sees gorgeous people, and with a few exceptions, I see cute/everyday pretty girls. 

LVP likes guys better in general, or she seems to find the guys more attractive? I can see all the guy cast members as models, especially Schwartz. Lala is the only girl who looks like a model imo. She would turn heads even in Hollywood. 



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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Same!  I’d add Garcelle, she was drop dead gorgeous in her day.

Erika Jayne is potato-faced* and Whitney rose is… ok.  

Lisa always went gaga for Jax, which was weird.

Sorry, I forgot Garcelle. I would add her too.

Edited by ZettaK
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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Jax is funny. Maybe Lisa has a soft spot for Jax because he makes her laugh. 

lol see what I mean! Erika is such a bombshell to me. I feel like I'm easier to impress than most folks. I find Lisa Vanderpump herself strikingly beautiful. I can see why Denise Richards was a Bond Girl. I think Meredith Marks is gorgeous. Kenya Moore still looks like a beauty queen. D'Andra Simmons looks like she would have been Miss Texas. Kyle look like Demi Moore. Eva Marcille still looks like a "top model." Sonja Morgan had a unique and sophisticated beauty when she became a Housewife. Yolanda Hadid is even prettier than her daughters. VPR is the only show where everyone else sees gorgeous people, and with a few exceptions, I see cute/everyday pretty girls. 

LVP likes guys better in general, or she seems to find the guys more attractive? I can see all the guy cast members as models, especially Schwartz. Lala is the only girl who looks like a model imo. She would turn heads even in Hollywood. 



Meredith Marks was beautiful before having fillers- she was a model for the Ford Agency. Yolanda Hadid, especially with short hair, Kenya Moore, and Eva Marcille are beautiful. I would add Lisa Wu from Atlanta, again before having fillers, and Monique Samuels from Potomac. I'm sure we are forgetting a few more.

And yes, Lala Kent looks like a model.

Edited by ZettaK
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1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

Meredith Marks was beautiful before having fillers- she was a model for the Ford Agency. Yolanda Hadid, especially with short hair, Kenya Moore, and Eva Marcille are beautiful. I would add Lisa Wu from Atlanta, again before having fillers, and Monique Samuels from Potomac. I'm sure we are forgetting a few more.

And yes, Lala Kent looks like a model.

Oh yeah, I listed many people but by no means did I list everyone on Bravo I think is gorgeous. There are so many!

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Getting back to the show this thread is about, I find all the cast extremely unattractive because they all more or less have fairly awful personalities and I see their exteriors as a reflection of how they behave, which includes but is not limited to being: narcissistic, vapid, superficial, moronic, insipid, needy, self obsessed, selfish, childish, etc. 

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