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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Not gonna lie-the BEST part of today’s show was the scene with Brooke and Deacon. Specifically, when he lowered his voice, made that clicking sound as he asked her if Hope and Finn had had sex! Made me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 because Deacon didn’t actually say the words, but used his hands to gesture his way of “saying” sex! 😂😂😂😂

I wonder if Sean ad-libbed that part?

At least he’s not being all sanctimonious and JUDGMENTAL  like Brooke is.

As for the rest?

STFU  Ridge and Steffy.

Hope. Stop acting like a teenager already. I get it-she’s developed lustful feelings for Finn, but the constant daydreaming and flashbacks are just making me 🙄🙄🙄 at this point. Only Finn laying one on her will have me interested. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The next time Steffy starts laying down the law with Finn about Sheila and Hope, he should respond "OK, but I'm going to have to demand that you stop hanging around Liam all the time and your father is left out of our marital issues."  Ridge ordering Finn around is even more obnoxious than Steffy ordering Finn around. 

Oh, yeah, Sheila is definitely going to start working on hooking Hope and Finn up. It'll be hilarious if, after whatever scheme she concocts actually works, Finn and Hope both still stand by not wanting her around the kids. 

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22 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

At least he’s not being all sanctimonious and JUDGMENTAL  like Brooke is.

Considering he took Bridget's virginity over a phone call to her family, I would certainly hope not!

And God, I don't care to bash Brooke  but when she gets up on her high horse it's hard not to be irritated with her, especially when she had no problem encouraging Hope to jump into bed with Liam to spite Steffy when she was younger and more naive 🤦‍♀️ Hope is, for the time being, exercising a level of restraint that Brooke never has when going after a man.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Considering he took Bridget's virginity over a phone call to her family, I would certainly hope not!

Before my time.

My point is, Deacon, from what I've seen this past year-is no hypocrite.

And what I'm really looking forward to, and hoping we'll see again, is Deacon in a tiara, playing with his granddaughter.

12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Oh, yeah, Sheila is definitely going to start working on hooking Hope and Finn up.

And her smile of glee and cunning is just further proof she hasn't changed.


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15 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Considering he took Bridget's virginity over a phone call to her family, I would certainly hope not!

I had to search for a clip of this scene.  It's a camp classic.  So bad, it's good.  It's not everyday a young woman has sex for the first time while her mother, father and big brother listen to it on a phone.  I did forget how truly gorgeous KKL was in her heyday.

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I'm no Logan (or Brooke) fan but I really don't get judgmental, hypocritical or sanctimonious from Brooke re:  Hope and Finn.  To me, she was playing it just as she finally said a few episodes later:  "I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did."  Which, now that she's 60 years-old, feels appropriate.  She finally realizes all the havoc she caused by pursuing the wrong or unavailable men.  

But, I don't think that's going to stop Hope.

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I had to search for a clip of this scene.  It's a camp classic.  So bad, it's good.  It's not everyday a young woman has sex for the first time while her mother, father and big brother listen to it on a phone.  I did forget how truly gorgeous KKL was in her heyday.

I mean, they could've just hung up the phone instead of putting themselves through that 'torture' hehe.

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Brooke really thinks that Deacon wouldn’t tell Shiela about Hope’s feelings for Finn?  If she really thought that Deacon wouldn’t tell Shiela, then why tell Deacon in the first place.  


Stuffy, your relationship with another persons husband ruined that other person’s marriage. 


I don’t know how many times I can say this. Stuffy you’re a pseudo Forester not a Forester by blood. 

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On 6/17/2024 at 2:17 PM, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

I read that they have cast Josh Morrow's (Nick of Y&R) 19 year oldish kid Crew as Will Spencer. It will be his first TV acting job (Crew, not Josh).

So, OG Victoria Newman’s son is biologically her brother’s child?? Sounds about right for B&B. 😏

* Despite the fact that I get way too into B&B, I’m joking, & I know it’s not real, just clearing that up. Although, if HT had stayed on Y&R, she technically would’ve been romantically-paired with her real life brother, David (as Victoria & his short-lived return as Billy). *


On topic, seeing smug Steffy get smacked down by Daddy is a thing of beauty.

Edited by nkotb
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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I had to search for a clip of this scene.  It's a camp classic.  So bad, it's good.  It's not everyday a young woman has sex for the first time while her mother, father and big brother listen to it on a phone.  I did forget how truly gorgeous KKL was in her heyday.

I'm almost certainly this clip aired in late August at the latest because I remember hearing about this nonsense second hand. Assuming that's when it was, the fact that Brooke will be banging him by Thanksgiving makes it all the more ridiculous.


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Ridge and Carter's reaction to Steffy saying Brooke has to pitch was good. It shut her up fast. 

I wish someone would tell her she's no more a Forrester than the Logan she's attacking.  Her son though is a Forrester, Rick needs to return. 

Sheila hasn't changed at all. Despite how much she says it.  Hope wasn't shot and left in alley. 

Deacon is stupid if he doesn't realize Sheila overhead. 

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I'm torn about Hope/Finn for a couple of reasons. Don't get me wrong, Steffy absolutely deserves to be on the losing side for once - how many times has she gone after men who were attached to Hope and her Logan relatives? Until Finn, that was basically the single uniting thread for Steffy's love interests: she wanted to "steal" them from their Logan women.

  1. First and foremost, will Finn actually reciprocate because so far it seems very one-sided on Hope's part? I fear it turning into yet another way for Steffy to "best" Hope because her man is totally loyal to her and not in any way attracted to Hope.
  2. If we clear the first hurdle, and Finn does return Hope's affections, I'd cheer ... but still wouldn't be entirely onboard. Turning Hope into another Brooke, or indeed another Steffy, is a major blow to her established character. Thomas was bad enough; it was a betrayal of her daughter whom Thomas was complicit in keeping from her parents for the first year of her life, but at least he was single. For Hope to now go after a married man is just such a departure from her moral code. This is more about my personal perception of the character, of course - not what Hope's detractors think, because quite frankly she has no way of winning them over since they are still hung up on Hope sleeping with Liam (and conceiving Beth II) before he'd signed his divorce papers - never mind that he was already out of the marriage and Steffy had already cheated on him with his own father.

If we could find some way to overcome #2 I'd be totally onboard. But it feels like they've gone to the brain tumor/injury once too often at this stage. Alley Mills' character on GH had cobalt poisoning from a tainted implant; any way they can retcon Hope having suffered an offscreen injury that required a similar implant? Maybe while she was in Italy between her miscarriage and her return to LA when Liam's marriage imploded due to Steffy's adultery with her FIL Bill?

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Deacon should have been hearing warning sirens as soon as Sheila started talking about how she just knows Finn and Hayes would be in her life if not for Steffy. At that point, the best case scenario is "oh, she overheard me and Brooke, and she wants to see Finn with Hope," vs. "she wants to kill Steffy, doesn't she?" I really couldn't believe that, despite mentioning multiple times that Deacon shouldn't tell anyone, Brooke failed to add "and I know she's your wife, but especially not Sheila. Who knows what she'd do with this kind of information."  I mean, we know the horse was already out of that barn, but Brooke didn't. 

"Finn and Hope showed up for our wedding." Sheila and Steffy have so much in common. They both refuse to acknowledge reality when it gets in the way of their narrative.  Sheila, Finn didn't show up for your wedding. He showed up for pizza. He thought your wedding was somewhere else, making that a good time for him to show up there. Yes, he stayed, but he didn't intentionally show up for your wedding. 

Ridge actually standing up against Princess SuperBitch is the best. In my wildest dreams, when she pushes back more in tomorrow's show, Ridge says "well, I happen to have my father's proxy on this issue, so let's have a vote." And, Steffy, Brooke is just as much a Forrester as you are - via a no longer existing marriage. (Hers to Eric, and your grandmother's to Eric). And Brooke has contributed just as much to that company as anyone. As a matter of fact, let's look at her greatest contribution to the company and yours. Brooke - invented a fabric that made the company a lot of money. Yours - almost had sex with Bill. 

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7 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy you’re a pseudo Forester not a Forester by blood. 

Because her father, Ridge Forrester, is the result of a one-nighter between his mother, Stephanie (Douglas) Forrester, just before she married Eric Forrester, and Massimo Marone, IV, a character who hasn't been seen on the show since 2006.

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What exactly have Eric's biological progeny contributed to FC?  Thorne is a functionary with a basement office and, as designers, Kristen and Felicia are just ok. 

On the other hand, Show tells us Ridge "Marone" is one of the world's top designers, even besting his legendary father in their most recent head-to-head.  Ridge's son Thomas' designs have taken the HFTF line to new heights.  And RJ, with no training (or real desire) has been shown to have significant talent.  And Steffy is CEO.

Seems to me the "Marone" Fauxrresters have contributed significantly more to the company than the blood Forresters.

ETA, Zende, adopted as a tween, also seems to be talented, lending further proof to the idea that biology is not destiny.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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9 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

What exactly have Eric's biological progeny contributed to FC? 

More than Steffy has from what I can see.

9 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

And Steffy is CEO.

And again, how did she earn that position? All I see her do is whine to Liam, bully Finn (and making out with him) and Hope, and prance around pointing her fingers and making ultimatums. Oh and flips a folder open for 5 seconds then looks at her laptop blankly.

The sticking point for me is she does all this by claiming she has all the rights because she’s a Forrester, and biologically she’s not, AND that Hope and Brooke have no right because of the blood running through their veins.

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4 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The sticking point for me is she does all this by claiming she has all the rights because she’s a Forrester, and biologically she’s not, AND that Hope and Brooke have no right because of the blood running through their veins.

Can someone remind me how old Steffy was when it was revealed Ridge is a Marone?  
Scenario 1:  the reveal happened when Steffy was late teens/early adult, so thus, lived her entire formative years believing she’s a Forrester, so thus, still feels entitled to the name and everything that comes with being a Forrester.

Scenario 2:  the reveal happened when Steffy was a child (no older than, say, 10), so thus, lived some of her formative years knowing she’s not a blood Forrester, but Ridge/Eric/Stephanie kept reassuring her she’s still a “real” Forrester because they say so. Thus, in her mind, that’s why she keeps harping on her Forrester-ness.  (Well this, but also because she’s an arrogant, entitled, bitchy asshat.)

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The sticking point for me is she does all this by claiming she has all the rights because she’s a Forrester, and biologically she’s not, AND that Hope and Brooke have no right because of the blood running through their veins

This right here.

One of the very few things Bell got right in the Massimo story was that Ridge never considered him his father. The one time he did call him Father was in anger and was embarrassed after it happened in front of Eric, but it was the one and only instance of this show not holding up biology as the be all, end all of everything holy.

Bloodlines were never an issue until Steffy made it one in her vendetta with Hope and no one has ever clocked her or Thomas for this.


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Again today:



A defeat for Steffy.  FINALLY.

Wait, so is Bill in love with both Katie and Poppy? Because telling Katie you still feel the same and Poppy you’re in wuv with her? Dude. Can’t have it both ways, but now I see why he lets her barge in whenever.

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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bloodlines were never an issue until Steffy made it one in her vendetta with Hope and no one has ever clocked her or Thomas for this.


See, I don't think it's blood that animates the claim of entitlement.  It's the way they were raised (both personally and professionally), the years they've put in and the contributions they've made that make them feel FC is "theirs".  And that's why the Marones v. "real" Forresters (let's just crap all over adoptive families, btw) doesn't make sense because Eric's "blood" hasn't really set the world on fire.

Andplusalso, Hope (and Carter and Ridge, but mostly Hope) going on about Brooke's contributions as a way to make her seem worthy of a senior executive role doesn't really ring true.  While BeLieF and Brooke's Bedroom have been undisputed successes, you don't ascend the corporate ranks for shit you did thirty years ago.  Corporate success is based on "what have you done for me lately" and a vision for the future.  Neither of which apply to Brooke in this case.


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Doesn’t anyone realize that it was Bill seeking out Poppy and not the other way around?  Doesn’t anyone realize that Poppy wasn’t sure that Bill was Luna’s father and if she came out right away with the news, she would seem like she was a gold digger.  


Katie only wants Bill now that he has another woman in his life.  Katie is using Will to pull on Bill’s heart strings. What are the odds that Katie will pull another fake heart attack is Bill is going to marry Poppy?  


I’m quite sure that Stuffy’s rant about not wanting to work with Brooke actually talked her into taking the job. Brooke didn’t want Stuffy to rule FC without checks and balances. 


It’s quite evident and it has been for a while, Li is very jealous of Poppy and her life style because she’s not a traditionalist to her culture.  In a sense, Poppy has rejected tradition and Li is a traditionalist. 


Bloodline has everything to do with Stuffy’s success. As far as I’m concerned, Stuffy is a shit ass executive and could not be an executive without nepotism. For one thing, she’s too emotional and secondly her fashion sense sucks.  

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

See, I don't think it's blood that animates the claim of entitlement.  It's the way they were raised (both personally and professionally), the years they've put in and the contributions they've made that make them feel FC is "theirs".  And that's why the Marones v. "real" Forresters (let's just crap all over adoptive families, btw) doesn't make sense because Eric's "blood" hasn't really set the world on fire.

Andplusalso, Hope (and Carter and Ridge, but mostly Hope) going on about Brooke's contributions as a way to make her seem worthy of a senior executive role doesn't really ring true.  While BeLieF and Brooke's Bedroom have been undisputed successes, you don't ascend the corporate ranks for shit you did thirty years ago.  Corporate success is based on "what have you done for me lately" and a vision for the future.  Neither of which apply to Brooke in this case.


First, I just want to say that I'm not shitting all over adoptive families. I would never. If someone told any of my adopted relatives that they weren't really family, I'd be all over them. But, Steffy wants it both ways.  She wants to, along with Thomas and Ridge (and even Taylor at times) be considered "real Forresters" and talk about how this company is in their blood. But, Brooke and Hope are part of the family, too. And they've both spent most of their adult lives working for the company, just like Steffy has. So, if Steffy wants to play that "real Forresters" card all the time, while insinuating that those who are in the Forrester family by marriage, not blood, are not "real Forresters," then she needs to look in the mirror. Brooke is the mother of two of Eric's children and one of Ridge's. She's Ridge's partner (I don't believe they've remarried yet). Ridge helped to raise Hope. Hope is the mother of one of Ridge's grandsons. Steffy likes to pat herself on the back for blending her family with Hope's, when it suits her (and because she wants access to Beth), but Hope and her mother are poisonous outsiders whenever it fits her mood. 

And if we hold them all to the "what have you done for the company lately" standard, what has Steffy done as co-CEO? Overseen one of the company's most successful lines faltering twice*? It seems like all of the company's recent successes (HFTF, and the fashion showdown) have been due to other people (Hope, Thomas, Ridge, Eric). None of them were even her idea. She has a history of making decisions based on personal feelings. She does things like complain about Ridge calling another meeting, because she is way too busy for that. But, at the same time, when Hope was going to go back to work until everyone was ready for the meeting to start, Steffy ordered her back so she could lecture her about a personal matter from her power position in the office, on company time, when Steffy is supposedly too busy for a meeting. (Not to mention her earlier meeting, again during work, where she ranted at Brooke to keep Hope away from her husband). Now, she has the co-CEO and the COO (and Eric would probably side with them if he was there) saying that they think Brooke stepping in is a good idea for the company, and Steffy wants to argue against it not for business reasons, but for personal reasons. She's made it very clear in the meeting about this that her reasons for opposing Brooke are part of her Forresters vs. Logans crap. 

*Both of those times have been because Steffy (and Ridge for one of the incidents) allowed personal issues regarding her psycho brother to seep into the company. 

I love that Ridge shut her bullshit down, and that Brooke accepted the job. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy is a shit ass executive and could not be an executive without nepotism. 

Brooke was hired (and put in a position to create BeLieF) because she was Eric's wife.  Ridge, Thorne, Kristen and Felicia were hired because they're Eric's kids.  And, in turn, their kids, Steffy, Thomas, RJ and Zende were hired because of their last names.  

Brooke's toehold in the company paved the way for the hiring of Katie and Donna.  Hope was only given her HFTF line because acting-CEO Aunt Katie was pissed at Steffy for her almost-affair with $Bill.

Hell, even Eric didn't succeed solely on his own merit.  He was given a boatload of capital from his wife to start FC.  He didn't have to beg bankers or scrounge for money, he just had to ask his wife.

Every soap is rife with nepotism.  This one is no different.

31 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

First, I just want to say that I'm not shitting all over adoptive families. I would never. If someone told any of my adopted relatives that they weren't really family, I'd be all over them. But, Steffy wants it both ways.  She wants to, along with Thomas and Ridge (and even Taylor at times) be considered "real Forresters" and talk about how this company is in their blood.

I certainly don't mean to imply you or anyone is shitting on adoptive families.  Sincere apologies if it came across that way.  I'm railing against the concept of "Fauxrresters", not anyone specifically.  But, I do think Steffy and Thomas can claim FC is in their blood because it is.  It's just not Eric's blood.  It's Ridge's blood which, arguably, has contributed more to FC than Eric's.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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5 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Ridge, Thorne, Kristen and Felicia were hired because they're Eric's kids.  And, in turn, their kids, Steffy, Thomas, RJ and Zende were hired because of their last names.  

And yet, only R.J is called out for being a nepo-baby so far lol......Also the show doesn't shove the other Forresters down our throats as shining, stellar, untouchable examples the way Ridge, Steffy and (until recently)Thomas are....It might not be so bad if they were good people but they aren't. The point of found family/adoptive trope imo was to have them be better(personally & ethically not just professionally) than the original family/actual blood relatives & members. That's simply not the case with those three. Even if they were related to Eric they'd still be assholes. They'd basically just be the Newman or the Corinthos family variety of asshole. 

To build off of KerleyQ's point, Steffy only plays the blood card when it suits her so it's only fair that it be played when it doesn't. Also to me Eric didn't "adopt" Ridge in the barest sense. He didn't find out the truth when Ridge was a minor but when he was in his thirties? forties? With grandkids he also loved and he realistically/rightfully wasn't going to disown any of them. Although if Eric's mind worked the way Steffy's does,  then he most certainly would have. That's the whole point of the "Fauxrrester" drag against her specifically. 

Examples of adoption that get trampled on when it serves a Marone that I can think of are, when Ridge adopted Hope and raised her alongside his own kids but that pissed in Steffy’s cereal post SORAsing so the show killed that non-blood bond. I want to put out there that Ridge was called a deadbeat to the Tridge kids by fans for years over that. Hope very legally adopts Douglas, loves and dotes on him and get's branded a child thief for her trouble. When Thomas kept Douglas at Eric's, Steffy in her usual condescending short-sigthed fashion repeatedly said that Douglas should be with his "real" family, the Forresters. Excluding his legal mother, and Brooke who had embraced him as her grandson. So I'm not sure why it's unreasonable or distasteful to hold Steffy to the same standard. Even without her nonexistent business acumen being brought up, which is a completely fair point.

Furthermore, if it can be said that Ridge (a non-Forrester to some) has contributed more to FC than Eric, and is more deserving of power & the final say than the latter. Then it's just as fair to say Brooke(a non Forrester to many and by the show itself) has contributed more to FC than Steffy, and thus is more deserving of more say, and power.

It's honestly fine that Steffy et al. is a Forrester in name only imo, but she needs to be reminded of that if she wants to keep getting on her soap box about anyone else not being a "real" Forrester and who deserves what title because of it. It's not right that she can run her mouth about anyone not really being family when the same argument could be made for her and her parents/siblings. Whether it's fair or not is up to the individual viewer I guess, and I'm not telling one what to think or feel about it....But as far as the in-universe aspect of things, it's really a simple case of keep that same energy or just shut the fuck up. 

Edited by Skarzero
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3 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Every soap is rife with nepotism.  This one is no different.

True but some examples are worse than others. And sticking to B&B specifically Steffy being co-CEO(thanks to Quinn) when the only things she's done is a revamp of a more successful bedroom line and have an affair with Bill*(not a "almost-affair" by any stretch, otherwise what leverage did she have on him that he couldn't deny or handwave?) suitably qualifies as one of the worse examples of nepotism in the show. Second only to her brother, who's let back in the fold repeatedly despite his sins.

*It's funny to think that Hope's biggest, and only success to date is because of Steffy's shiesty behavior and her aunt's (understandably) petty reaction to it....Whatever headache HFTF is causing Steffy now, she's the one who knocked the dominoes over via Still 1.0 for HTFT  in the first place. Even funnier to think that it still isn't enough karma for her ass yet. 

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I agree that nepotism runs ramped at FC. The point I was making it wasn’t for nepotism, Stuffy wouldn’t have an executive position. As I said, Stuffy makes her decisions based on emotions then on a business acumen.  Stuffy sent Thomas off to Paris, basically because she thought that Hope was using him.  Stuffy, knowing that there was a major possibility HFTF would tank, had to be punished for something she pushed in the first place. 

If memory serves, way back when, Stuffy put a profitable HFTF on the back burner in favor of her own line which was a looser.  


Now, with not wanting to work with Brooke, is an emotional decision.  It was a very good idea that Ridge goes back to designing office instead of the executive office because it’s the best way to keep FC profitable. 

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Would be a good storyline if Hope, after witnessing the chaos Brooke wrought through the years, with a revolving succession of men, many of whom were attached, actually started to exhibit the same behavior.  If she were to become what she wanted most to avoid, she could both empathize more with her mother and, at the same time, be supremely disappointed in herself because she, even with her mother’s negative example, ended up doing the very same thing. 

Would be a good storyline.  Which means it won’t happen. 

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From the team that brought you BIRTH MOTHER and TEN TOES… 

An experience like all the others. The final installment of the B&B trilogy will leave you the way it found you. You will hear it repeatedly until it loses all meaning. It’s…


He used to have a name, but the game has changed. 

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Waaaa waaaaa waaaaa, nothing but whining from Steffy today. And not five minutes after she assured Ridge she would work with Brooke, she’s whining to Finn about being forced to work with not one, but two “Logans” as if they’re on the same level with Sheila. And AGAIN she’s looking at Finn like he’s a toddler who piddled on the carpet because he said something nice about Brooke?

Oh man oh man. Me thinks Tom is not long for this world!

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Stuffy, Ridge didn’t respect you for at least talking to her before offering Brooke a CO-CEO position?  How about not respecting Ridge about your decision to drop HFTF.


Katie lives on Meow Mix and a bowl of warm milk. I’m waiting for Katie to start licking herself. 


Again with Stuffy’s husband. Brooke his name is Finn. Repeat after me FINN.  


Stuffy you hypocrite. Finn has to know his place when it comes to opining on HFTF but it’s ok for Finn to intercede when it comes to Brooke entering the C Suite.  




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57 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

From the team that brought you BIRTH MOTHER and TEN TOES… 

An experience like all the others. The final installment of the B&B trilogy will leave you the way it found you. You will hear it repeatedly until it loses all meaning. It’s…


He used to have a name, but the game has changed. 

If Li wasn't so busy getting in her daily "you're a gold digger" shots at her sister, I'd be waiting for Li to start calling him this, too. Li calling her son "Steffy's Husband" would be even more fun than when Taylor was sleeping with Eric, so Steffy and Thomas started calling him Eric instead of Grandpa. 

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Is Finn allowed to form his own opinions about anybody at all? Steffy loses all of her "she's got a point" credits about Sheila when she shuts down Finn's positive (or even just not negative) opinions on anyone she doesn't like. He can't even tell her "maybe working with Brooke won't be so bad"?  She truly has to be one of the worst characters. It's not even like she's fun to hate. She's just a miserable controlling manipulative bitch who hasn't displayed a redeeming quality in I don't know how long. I dislike her more than I dislike Sheila, and I really dislike Sheila. 

Speaking of Sheila... That poor man thinks he's turning his life around, and he's going to end up being killed by that psycho, despite the fact that he helped Finn and Deacon find her. 

Brooke, you know what doesn't help someone forget their crush? Repeatedly bringing it up. And in the fucking office? Where eavesdropping is part of every employees' duties? After today's conversation between her and Hope, and putting it together with her headaches, I suspect we're going to find out that Hope has a tumor. But, the twist is going to be that, after she's cured, she still ahs feelings for Finn, and he'll have them for her, too by then. Maybe if Finn ropes his mom into helping him with Hope's case, Li will have something to do that doesn't involve jealous snarling at her sister. 

I'm embarrassed for Katie. Make it stop. She didn't spend that much time in that house when she lived there, for fuck's sake.  And, this isn't exactly the first previously unknown child of Bill's that has turned up. I think Will can handle the shock and doesn't need so much fretting over how he'll take it. Also, it's weird for Bill to even be concerned over whether Katie is hurt by all of this. His night with Poppy was way before he married Katie. And he didn't know about Luna until well after he and Katie were divorced. Nothing in any of this is something that was done to her. 

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On 6/19/2024 at 2:57 PM, CharlizeCat said:

Like son, like father? 😆

And like grandfather too. Bill Sr for all his correct and justified hatred of Ridge could be just a waffle-y, being mad with Margo but yet still holding on the that sham marriage that he went into knowing she was hung up on Clarke "Gigolo" Garrison.

On 6/19/2024 at 6:26 PM, Cool Breeze said:

Every soap is rife with nepotism.  This one is no different

This show did use to be better at masking that, though. Yes, they were all Eric's kids and he made room for them but not even Ridge had his own name on any of the clothing lines. Felicia ended up at Spectra because her spoiled princess ass was too impatient to work with Eric. He didn't just give her a line or made her head designer like he and Ridge did with RJ. Even Thornecs work in the basement for logistic and sourcing was well respected until Show decided it wasn't.

That's a problem because ALL of them are rich nepo babies with squabbles that  are rather petty. The show used to have outsiders like Sally and Nick and even Bill for the first few years read the Forrester-Logans for the brats they all were, which made those fights more tolerable.

The fact is Steffy got out shares out of favoritism.from Taylor and the co-CEO position from her ex-MIL/ex-step-grandmother who was trying to buy her affection and Hope got HFTF because Katie wanted to give Steffy the middle finger for sniffing around Bill. But Steffy been needed to take a hard L for a while, so I'll be dusting off the violin I have sitting inside of my sewing thimble to play a song for her.

2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Also, it's weird for Bill to even be concerned over whether Katie is hurt by all of this. His night with Poppy was way before he married Katie. And he didn't know about Luna until well after he and Katie were divorced. Nothing in any of this is something that was done to her. 

Right,and she didn't wig out when Liam and Wyatt turned up. Granted, Liam's mother was dead and Bill seemed like he'd rather sit in a cactus than be anywhere near Quinn again but she welcomed them with open arms. She'll get over it....or not, but as they've been divorced for twice as long as they were married, it's not Bill's problem. And Will has Wyatt and Liam in between his waffling to talk to if he's "confused," but it feels like Katie is just milking this for her own insecurities.

She can take another heart attack like she did at that one Bridge wedding 🤣

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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

That poor man thinks he's turning his life around, and he's going to end up being killed by that psycho, despite the fact that he helped Finn and Deacon find her. 

That poor man needs to learn to mind his own damn business. Nobody asked for his two cents...as if Deacon didn't already know.

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9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm embarrassed for Katie. Make it stop

Same. I don’t care if Poppy is the gold diggingest gold digger who ever gold dug. You just don’t swan into someone’s house and act like that. Katie might as well sneak in on the regular and piddle on everything to re-establish ownership. It’s depressing to watch a character with so little self respect.

It’s just intolerable trying to watch Steffy. She acts like a spoiled child who thinks all Logans have cooties. Poor Finn doesn’t really have an identity anymore; everyone just talks about him like he’s Steffy’s property. Ridge waited way, way too long to stop spoiling and indulging her mean spirited ass. 

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Oh Steffy, how do I hate thee; let me count the ways:

Elitist snob










And, to top that off, Steffy is redefining unprofessionalism. But then when you have been gifted an executive position, I guess you don't really have an accurate gauge on how to conduct your business. Steffy accepted the position with some mail room experience and her efforts to win the company's shares back from Bill; her only other qualification being her last name. Yet, she feels her talents are superior to Brooke's. Granted, when Brooke took over, she had zero management experience, but she had been employed by FC's for some time. Her role meant she was intimate with the fabrics, and the designing, unlike Steffy who was getting firsthand knowledge of who read what newspaper, or who received a piece of certified mail. Brooke didn't just occupy the office; she set about putting her own mark on the company, unlike Steffy who has done very little to improve, or move the company forward. 

It really annoys me when Brooke's contributions are summed up as just Brooke's Bedroom and BeLeif. There was also the Men's line and International, both her brainchildren, not to mention that she also modeled and was a spokesperson for the company. Brooke was an icon and the press adored her. And it wasn't about all her supposed "scandals" either, because most of that is just hyperbole and old wives tales. They loved Brooke because she was gracious, and talented, and innovative, and sexy as hell. The quintessential California golden girl, that was also the quintessential sex kitten. Brooke smiled and laughed and had fun, but also knew how to make bold choices that would be winners. 

What has Steffy done for FC's that has set the tone for the next ten years? Five years? Two years? Steffy's talents are limited to whining, gossiping, bullying, and in general being a nasty little sourpuss who thinks you get ahead by playing class wars. Really no different than her namesake and her mother, who both taught her well. Watching her snotting to her father about not respecting her right on the heels of her unilateral decision to dump HFTF is a perfect example of her inability to lead, and to make important business decisions. Not wanting to work with Brooke is completely personal, not to mention childish, and another perfect example of her inability to rise above and do what is best for the company. 

I don't know how Brooke will play this, but all she has to do is the job, and everything else will fall into place. There doesn't need to be any verbal sparring, no heated discussions, just Brooke doing what has been asked of her will put Steffy's lack of business savvy in the spotlight. 

I could be imaging things, but I feel like they have been chem testing Carter and Steffy. 

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12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Brooke, you know what doesn't help someone forget their crush? Repeatedly bringing it up.

This! So much! It has only been a DAY since Hope admitted her feelings to Brooke but Brooke is acting as if it's been weeks or months.  Yeah realistic to tell someone to "stop" having feelings. What Hope can do is not take any actions or do anything; but turn off her feelings? Nothing short of a lobotomy or amnesia at this point will accomplish that.

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Brooke "I'm Just Following My Destiny" Logan of all people should know that people do not turn off feelings at the drop of a hat just because someone tells you to. The only time she herself ever made such an attempt was after learning Nick was Ridge's brother and was trying not to fall into her old patterns, but obviously that was short lived. Every other attempt to turn off her feeling for Ridge has been half assed at best, so until Hope puts a bed in her office for the purposes of seducing Finn on it like a certain former FC CEO, she can take several seats and bring the histrionics down to a 7.

It also bears repeating where this Brooke Logan was over a decade ago when Hope was fretting over Liam and Brooke was telling her to get it over with and bang him to even the playing field. One person elsewhere stated that as a woman in her 60s, she's moving into the wise sage role now but she wasn't exactly a spring chicken 12 years ago either 

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