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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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My son my son. That’s all Ridge can see the forester for the trees. Mr Hyde is not capable of being Dr Jekyll. He always will be Mr Hyde.  

I’m not sure that Mr Hyde can take Douglas away from Hope without her permission.  Is there another custody battle in the works.  

My dislike for pseudo Foresters has now reached a boiling point. What makes it worse for me is that I know people just like them. 

I guess Stuffy is over killing Shiela because she back to her old Pit Bull self.  

Both Ridge and Stuffy are so full of hot air, they should have Goodyear tattooed on their foreheads. 

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57 minutes ago, Artsda said:

How does Steffy or Thomas think Douglas can go anywhere without Hopes approval?



I am wondering that myself since Hope legally adopted Douglas?

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Ridge is such a tool. "you just attacked my daughter." You mean like your daughter attacked her? And like you're attacking her now? Fuck right off. And "I know he loves you, because he says it every five minutes. It's all he ever talks about." Um, is that not cause for concern, given his past, Ridge?  

Ridge and the Taytots are acting like Hope and Thomas have been together three or four years, and she's still refusing to get engaged. It has been nine months since they kissed in Rome. And, again, I ask, is her divorce even final yet? 

I'm cracking up at how Ridge is all over defending Steffy when Hope airs her legitimate gripes about how she's interfering in her relationship. But then when Steffy gets there and pulls her bitch shit with Brooke, suddenly, Ridge is trying to rein her in. And when Brooke says the exact same thing Hope said, that Steffy is turning this into a Forresters vs. Logans thing, he looks at Steffy like "is that true?" 

Thomas is a tool. He promised Hope that he wouldn't pressure her about getting engaged, spent the next three months pressuring her anyway, and now he's having a tantrum over her not just giving in to the pressure. If he actually tries to take Douglas out of the country to get back at her, I hope she goes scorched earth on his ass for reverting right back to using Douglas to manipulate her, and that it ends up blowing this chance he had to be with her. Because fuck this guy. He had what he wanted. They were together. She was becoming more and more committed to him as the months went on. She was wearing his damn ring around her neck as requested. And he couldn't be fucking patient. So, I hope he loses her completely. 

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23 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Rebound from Lame angle, that's understandable, because Hope has done that before with Wyatt.

Now THERE was a relationship where Hope strung Wyatt along and switched him out like swapping baseball cards when Liam was five minutes late to a wedding. I can't tell you how much that storyline ruined Hope for me and I was skeptical I even wanted her back when AN was cast. I miss the backbone that KM!Hope had for legitimate foolishness but God was she an absolute pill for all of 2014 without Steffy as a foil.

Hope has not treated Thomas as though she was settling or weaponized him to make Liam fall in line. In fact, he's been the absolute *least* relevant factor in their relationship.

3 hours ago, Artsda said:

How does Steffy or Thomas think Douglas can go anywhere without Hopes approval?



The same way Steffy jet set off the Europe with Kelly without letting Liam know when JMW left for one of her pregnancies, cuz everyone is a spineless jellyfish in her world 🙃🫠

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

And when Brooke says the exact same thing Hope said, that Steffy is turning this into a Forresters vs. Logans thing, he looks at Steffy like "is that true?" 

Is water wet?!

My god, no wonder Stephanie was so frustrated with Eric and her male children because they all have two brain cells to share between them :|

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You know I have been pissy at Thomas all week - but today I saw his points just as I saw Hope's very valid points.

Leaving is the right thing and if he isn't planning on coming back then he should take Douglas with him as much as that hurts Hope.  I  don't think he was trying to hurt Hope  or even being vindictive but doing what is best for him. I liked that he told her he knew she loved him but held on to the words until she was rejecting him. Why?  I still think he did it to himself, but a clean break is necessary.

Hope needs to really self reflect on what is holding her back, maybe she still wants Liam or maybe what she feels for Thomas is gratitude and not love. Why is she still processing the end of her marriage all these months later.  She has every right to not be ready another marriage. I liked that she pointed out to Thomas that HE put that ring on that necklace.  She has been completely honest with Thomas but maybe as Ridge said, she hasn't been honest with herself.  I do believe she loves Thomas, but after the years of hurt with Liam I can see her not wanting to fully commit to another man.

Princess Stuffy was certainly on fire today..

ETA: That ending scene with AN, with her feeling for the ring. Bravo 👏 

Edited by bluvelvet
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1 minute ago, bluvelvet said:

Hope needs to really self reflect on what is holding her back, maybe she still wants Liam ...

Dear GOD @ TPTB anything but Hope and Liam again. Haven't we suffered enough?!

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2 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

ETA: That ending scene with AN, with her feeling for the ring. Bravo 👏

I swear, if AN doesn't get a lead actress nomination this year... 

I don't think Thomas should get to just take Douglas with him, and that's that. They need to work out a custody arrangement. Hope is his mother and, last we knew, had primary physical custody. I understand Hope being mad at Steffy for interfering in her relationship with Thomas, but she should be even more furious with both Steffy and Thomas for thinking that Thomas can just up and take her son away from her for good. As much as Steffy may not like it, Hope is Douglas's mother, period. And Thomas is the one who made that choice. He can't unring that bell now. 

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Marriage marriage marriage. It’s another thing that gets repeated over and over again like Mr Hyde’s constantly droning on that Hope is the only woman for him.  Why does Hope have to marry Mr Hyde in order to show complete devotion to him.  Wanting to marry Hope is basically his uncontrolled obsession. They talk about being great parents but when was the last time we saw them with Beth and Douglas. It’s not even necessary for the kids to be on the show but someone could mention that Hope and Mr Hyde were at the beach or the park with them instead of Donna.  

Fuck you Ridge. Stand there, with your thumb up your ass and not tell Stuffy to shut her pie hole about belittling Hope and Brooke.  

Beside other things, Stuffy has become a ventriloquist and stuck her hand up Mr Hyde’s ass so it sounds like Mr Hyde is talking but it’s Stuffy’s words.  Get off your high horse Stuffy. How many times have you played with Liam’s emotions or Wyatt’s emotions.  You even played with Finn’s emotions. Stuffy, your glass house is full of broken windows. 

Stop groveling Hope. Mr Hyde instead on you wearing the ring around your neck. If I was you, I would take the ring and shove it up Stuffy’s VJ because it’s her talking not Mr Hyde. 

Hope said no to him taking Douglas but he will take Douglas anyway without any consideration that he’s actually kidnapping Douglas. In essence, there is nothing that keeps the pseudo Foresters from doing anything they want without giving two shits about anyone’s feelings. In that regard, Douglas loves Hope, don’t they think that it wouldn’t be dramatic to Douglas?  

One last thing. By Mr Hyde leaving, HFTF is probably no more. So Stuffy, the fantastic business woman, doesn’t care that she looses a profitable part of FC.  Is now Z going to be the lead designer who clearly failed before the reinstatement of Mr Hyde. 

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I tuned in for the first time in weeks to find Steffy back on the Bash The Logans train and I wanted to smack the black shoe polish off her weave. 

Thope ending. Well, I’m not surprised. Thomas just couldn’t be satisfied with being with Hope in every way that truly counts.  She’s all of 8 months out from her divorce. If he’s waited all these years and grown and changed, then he can wait a little longer. But his unwillingness to give her the time and space anyone in her position would understandably need shows he hadn’t changed a bit. It’s not enough that she forgave him all his transgressions. It’s not enough that she’s in his bed. It’s not enough that she loves him. 

Good riddance, IMO. He never deserved her in the first place given he helped to keep her from her own flesh and blood for months and used his own son so that he could try to get in her pants. 

The sex was off the charts 🔥 but even it got stale and boring after a while and all the boning in the world couldn’t erase the memories of Thomas gaslighting Hope, keeping Beth from her parents, threatening and scaring Douglas, attempting to drug Hope so he could rape her, helping to kill Emma and looking on with glee at the crash site, to name a few. 

So assuming this isn’t a manipulative stunt on his part to have her begging to marry him, yep, I’m good if they’re over. 

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I don't even like Brooke but she stood there while Ridge didn't even defend her. She needs to be done with him. 

Thomas claimed he loved Hope and one woman for him, blah blah.  Then he throws in her face if someone out there will love him as much as he loves her. Another woman already and then taking Douglas from his home, school, house, friends and family to take to Paris? He was Steffys puppet. 

Steffy should have been slapped today.  

Thomas was right on the I love you coming at time of rejection. 

Edited by Artsda
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I don't want to agree with Thomas about anything, ever, but... I do agree that Hope does not love him like he loves her. And she knows she doesn't. She loves him to some degree, but a lot of what she loves is that he's so into her. She loves that he's Douglas's father. She loves the sex. But, she isn't as deeply in love with him as he wants her to be. And, even though she's fighting right now to save the relationship, she's not ready to put any kind of timeline on being ready to marry him (which is the one thing that would reel him back in). I don't blame her on that, at all, but this is why she shouldn't have ever gone there with him in the first place. No matter how "all better" everyone thinks he is, he's been obsessed with her from the moment he and Douglas came back to L.A. The odds of ever being able to have a healthy, balanced relationship are pretty non-existent when that's the starting point. The best thing Hope can do for herself and Thomas is to let him go and spend some time being single and focusing on her kids.  Which is not, of course, to say that she should just let him take Douglas out of the country right this second out of anger. She should be firm in saying "you can go now, and we'll discuss a schedule for Douglas to travel back and forth. He has school, he has friends, he has activities, he has a sister he loves. You can't just completely uproot our son because you're pissed at me." 

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10 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

Btw anyone miss RJ? I just realized I ain’t seen his mug in WEEKS..High School GIF

Ssh if you speak it, it appears...

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Douglas looking taller and more grown. 

The guilt trip by the kid…not cool !! 😡 

Otherwise HOPE!!


Give AN that Emmy !!

ETA : you know what, F**K Steffy/Stuffy/Satanie..I wish her nothing but pain and misery. While I’m at it ..F**k Thomas  

I still want Thope but Thomas is on my sh*t list. 

Whew - show has been damn good lately. 

ETA:dialed down the vitriol lol. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Damn I'm tired of episodes with Hope crying and Brooke coddling her. (AN deserves better.)

BOTH are at fault here. And the break-up is on Hope and Thomas themselves.

Edited by EleanorD
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That was awful. Steffy is so vile, smug and hateful that I can’t even stand to see her on screen. I don’t want Thomas and Hope to ever reunite, so if Steffy’s hideous behavior is some weird attempt to prop them as a couple, it’s a fucking failure with me. If it’s an effort to make the audience want Steffy launched into Jupiter’s orbit via giant trebuchet - well, that’s a resounding success. She’s not a bad ass or strong woman; she’s just an overbearing, arrogant asshole.

Douglas’ little speech - woof. That was some high level manipulative garbage that didn’t really ring true with the smart, honest kid we’d seen before. That whole scene was appalling.

I guess the message is that if a woman doesn’t want to get married after less than a year of dating, she deserves to be punished, scorned, painted as a libidinous manipulator and be separated from her children? What alternate dimension do these characters inhabit?

Thomas, fuck off with your manipulative trip out of town. Ridge, fuck off with your weasel like, trying to take everyone’s side bullshit. Scrounge up the courage to tell your daughter what’s what. Brooke, run from a man who stands there like a dope while his wretched ogre of a child attacks your daughter. Hope, consider yourself lucky.

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Today was good, old-fashioned soap. A few points, though…

1. Why didn’t Brooke hug Douglas goodbye? He stopped & looked at her, & she’s his grandmother. I understand she was shocked, but a natural human instinct would’ve been to hug him & tell him that she loves him.

2. This week is all we need to prove which actors are superior. AN absolutely crushed it this week. She hit all of the notes, especially today ~ anger, sadness, loss, love (for Douglas), confusion, hatred (for Steffy). JMW had one setting: raging bitch. She literally can’t play anything well besides raging bitch, there’s no nuance, no subtlety, she’s just a mean girl bitch. 

3. I do not all like that they had Douglas trying to manipulate Hope, & I really don’t like the insinuation that because she isn’t ready to marry Thomas, that she’s not Douglas’ “real” mom. I get the Caroline birthed him, but since Caroline’s death, Hope has more-than-stepped-up, even stood up to Steffy & Thomas on Douglas’ behalf, she is his mom in every single way that counts. This show is so disrespectful to adoptive parents. 

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I hate defending Thomas (cuz he’s an asshole right now)  but I don’t think he’s leaving to be manipulative. I think he’s leaving because he just can’t be around Hope in any capacity and their lives are so intertwined.  I’ve been there, dated someone and I wanted a committed relationship and he wasn’t there due to just coming off a 5 yr relationship. I broke up with him and told him we couldn’t be friends. Told him no contact because it was too painful for me. He looked like I kicked him in the gut,  I hated hurting him but I had to protect my emotions . About a yr later I was in a place to reinitiate contact.  Anyway we became acquaintances and both moved on. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I guess the message is that if a woman doesn’t want to get married after less than a year of dating, she deserves to be punished, scorned, painted as a libidinous manipulator and be separated from her children? What alternate dimension do these characters  writers inhabit?

FYP. The B&B writers still live in pre-womens’ lib 20th century.

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11 hours ago, EleanorD said:

Can someone oblige me, please: why does Steffy get called Stuffy? 

Mostly because  of all the Botox in her face and she puffs out her chest when she tries to show superiority.  



That fucking piece of shit. Mr Hyde has weaponized Douglas once again. Like Stuffy being a ventriloquist for Mr Hyde, Mr Hyde is a ventriloquist for Douglas. 

What the fuck?  Douglas brings up Caroline, as his birth mother,  and his dad was good enough for her. That goes even more to the brainwashing of Douglas by Mr Hyde. Douglas doesn’t even know he wasn’t conceived in love but by lust and I’m going to say it by rape. Caroline and Mr Hyde weren’t ever married and I believe they live separately in NYC.  So for Douglas there is revisionist history instead of misunderstanding night. 

Do I feel bad for Hope?  Only when it comes to Douglas but she has dodged a bullet when it comes to Mr Hyde. If Mr Hyde is not to be seen for a long long time, I’m happy for me. 

Edited by Waldo13
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18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

That fucking piece of shit. Mr Hyde has weaponized Douglas once again. Like Stuffy being a ventriloquist for Mr Hyde, Mr Hyde is a ventriloquist for Douglas. 

What the fuck?  Douglas brings up Caroline, as his birth mother,  and his dad was good enough for her. That goes even more to the brainwashing of Douglas by Mr Hyde.

I have a feeling I am going to get a little rage-y when I watch today's episode. 

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4 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I hate defending Thomas (cuz he’s an asshole right now)  but I don’t think he’s leaving to be manipulative

The reason it strikes me as manipulative is that Thomas is getting everything he wants, with Hope telling him repeatedly she’s not ready for marriage. She’s giving him sex, intimacy, co-parenting, working with him… and she sets one very reasonable boundary that he can’t be arsed to respect. When he fails to break down that one wall, he takes his ball and goes off to Paris like a big baby. Not only that, he takes off with Douglas to add insult to injury. Hope has been crystal clear about the marriage thing, Thomas is probably hoping breaking up with her will cause Hope to chase after him and withholding their son will pressure her into making a “real family.” I can definitely see an argument where he’s not being manipulative, only heartbroken, but he is being punitive. He’s putting his hurt feelings over what’s best for Douglas.

I really hope Thomas coached Douglas to say all those awful things to Hope. I’d hate to think Douglas was naturally blossoming into a horrible Taytot. Not that Thomas needs more strikes against him, but it’s better than Douglas coming up with it on his own. 

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Wow the using of Douglas against Hope was disgusting.  That child should not be speaking like that. Using Caroline against the woman who raised him and legally adopted him. 

Douglas should be playing in a sandbox not saying all this.  He should not be choosing like this.  

Someone needs to tell Steffy to shut up. Her being so happy was gross. She's making me wish Sheila would show up.  

See how Thomas stood up for Hope against Steffy.  Brooke should have questioned Ridge why he couldn't do that. 


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Oh, that look Hope gave Steffy at the end..I'm betting cash money that Steffy just unleashed something in Hope.  Something that will resemble the "Logan' myth that Steffy keeps spinning. Hope should start whispering in Finn's ear about what little remorse Steffy feels for killing Sheila, reminding him that Steffy actually said she wanted Sheila dead the very day she ended up killing her, letting him know that Steffy also killed her emotionally troubled young cousin.  She needs to tell Finn the entire history of Steffy chasing every man Hope was ever involved with.  And give details!

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I really hope that Hope is one thousand percent done with Thomas now. He's not changed, he was just behaving because he was getting what he wanted. As soon as things didn't go his way, he used Douglas as a weapon to hurt her. Sending him in there to tell Hope that Caroline is his mother and he wants to leave was the single most painful thing he could do to her, and he knows that. A decent father would have told Douglas that the romantic relationship between him and Hope does not affect his relationship with either parent, that they both still love him more than anything in the world, just like they were both his parents who love him when Hope was married to Liam. Instead, he sends Douglas in there with the "why aren't we good enough" line. Whenever he comes back to town, he should be dead to her, period. No sex is good enough for his bullshit. And all of his assurances of how "I would never hurt you," meant "as long as you do what I want." 

And his bitchass sister? Oh, fuck her. Get her good, Hope. Tear her marriage to pieces and then help Finn fight for custody. I want to see RJ tear into her, too. And who holds Forrester stock?  Let's see Steffy get booted from her position for decimating what seems to be the company's most successful line. Let's see her start facing some consequences for her bullshit. 

And, Ridge, it's past time you have a talk with your little princess about how you, Brooke, and her sainted mother were all responsible for the decisions and mistakes that were made over the years. Brooke didn't singlehandedly bring chaos into their lives. He brought chaos into their lives when he couldn't decide between two women and flitted back and forth. Taylor brought chaos into their lives when she stayed away for years at a time, even doing it still to this day, not staying in town to be with her kids and grandkids if Ridge's dick isn't included in the deal. Hell, throw Eric into the mix with the other three, since he was certainly involved in all of that mess at various points. And, of course, the fifth adult, who was probably the biggest agent of chaos - her dear granny. Stephanie interfered and manipulated (you know, just like her bitchass granddaughter) in everyone's love lives whenever things weren't going how she wanted them to go. She was probably responsible for more than half of the chaos, and another quarter or so of it was everyone's reactions to her chaos. Ridge needs to get some balls and tell her that she needs to treat his wife (or whatever they are now) with some amount of respect, and if she has complaints about her childhood, she needs to direct them to him, because he was her father, and he was the one who made choices that affected her and her siblings. The buck should stop with him. 

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The writing for this show is absolutely deranged. Clearly the show takes place in an alternate universe where women who don’t accept marriage proposals on the man’s timeline are exiled to Bitchville after a period of shaming. The people in charge of this clown show should put a disclaimer at the beginning of every episode: Misogynistic Dystopia Ahead.

Oh, and the gaslighting. The endless gaslighting that must be deployed in order to keep the fucked up Forester branch squeaky clean. Steffy is completely fabricating a version of Thomas & Hope that never existed and punishing Hope for it. Ridge and Steffy both acting brand new, as if Hope hadn’t repeatedly and clearly told Thomas she wasn’t ready for marriage, was the cherry on the shit sundae. When Ridge shrugged his shoulders at Brooke after she pointed out the cruelty of taking Douglas to Paris, like “herp derp what are you gonna do, he kept proposing and she said no“, I wanted Brooke to give him a second vasectomy. Or how about the casual way he brushed off the baby Beth thing? No wonder his kids with Taylor are broken toys.

Hey, was Steffy talking to a mirror at the end there? I could have sworn she was describing herself when I heard the word “trash”. I could have done without Hope describing the relationship as beautiful or healthy, but I hope she stays motivated to make Steffy regret her vulgar behavior.

Zende, please stop. I feel like he could easily get a date and not have to moon after his cousin’s girlfriend. Hey, how come RJ hasn’t proposed to Luna yet? They’ve known each other for at least a week and had sex. 

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A Friday episode should leave viewers wanting to see what happens next on Monday instead of being thankful for the break.

I feel bad for the writers who had to rewrite different versions of the same dialogue for SEVEN whole episodes.

The one good thing about this episode is maybe, god willing, it meant an end to this Hope-Thomas-Steffy-Ridge-Brooke argument/debate that's been going on for SEVEN EPISODES.

Did I mention the same thing's been rehashed for seven episodes?

Also Brooke complaining about anyone being mean is kind of like Gengis Khan complaining about meanness.

At least Hope got a little fire in her. 🔥 If that's what it takes to stop her from being sad and boring, I'm all for it.

Lastly, WHY would you end on a Luna and Zende scene? No one cares! Not even RJ could be bothered to be around for it. I mean, good for us, but going back to what I said in the beginning: a Friday episode is supposed to want to make viewers tune in on Monday. End with a tease! Not a pee break.



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I really don't understand the trash and slut comments from Steffy. Hope has been with Liam mainly during her run on the show, she did a short stint with Wyatt and starting last year Thomas.  She is the least promiscuous of the bunch.

I read MA has a side project so Thomas isn't gone gone.  At least they wrote him out vs him just disappearing.

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Steffy:  Big Bad Black-haired Bitch.  🙄

Hope:  Spotless, Blameless, Harmless.  Coulda been a nun. 🙄

I'm so sick of the stark contrast the writers are making between these two.  Steffy's no devil for encouraging her brother to clear his mind and move on from Hope.  Hope is no angel for leading Thomas on and giving him hope that she would accept his proposal. 

Yeah, just my opinion.

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Stoop low, Hope! Lower! Bounce that ass up & down & get low! Ask her about having to take paternity tests on both of her kids. Ask her about boning her father-in-law while she was Mrs. Liam Spencer. Remind her that the Slut from the Valley married/slept with a father & both sons, & Steffy is just 1 marriage short ($Bill) of hitting the trifecta, too. Nail her bitch ass, Hope!

Was today the first time we’ve gotten previews? I don’t remember seeing any before. Trying not to sweat that both-single Hope & Liam were sharing a scene. 

I despise Ridge, but I really despise that he just stands around letting Steffy slam  Brooke like she does. If Brooke dared bring up Steffy’s indiscretions, Ridge would be on her on a nanosecond. If Ridge was my husband & didn’t defend me like that, I’d rethink “destiny”. 

Someone upthread mentioned RJ, I’m glad he’s not around for this. ‘I’m sads, my sister turned down my brother’s proposal, so my brother sent in my nephew, who I originally thought was my brother, to manipulate her, after my other sister twisted off & convinced my brother to skip town, because she hates that she shared a husband with said-sister for the past decade. They should try these new mints…’ 😏

Edited by nkotb
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Watched today after months and Hope should have hauled back and BITCH SLAPPED  Steffy. That was a weak attempt and Steffy saw it coming.

For those of you who used to watch General Hospital , the slap should be the kind where Robin hauled off and slapped Cujo(I  REFUSE to say her name). I wish there was a gif of that, but there is only the clip. But it was GLORIOUS.

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Hope should have tried to slap her again after her slut and trash comment. 

Ridge is bipolar. He was team Thomas and Hope, he stood by and did nothing while Steffy attacked Brooke then he says today how much he loves her? She should have walked out on him. 

Who is Steffy talking about a slut and trash? She really is disgusting today.

Steffy slept with her father in law,  Steffy slept with Hopes husband and needed a paternity test and Hope still forgave them. Hopes been with Liam majority of her life. Steffy has kissed Liam how many times since Rome while Finn has no idea?  But she's talked about sluts? 

Go find out about that Hope and sing like a canary! 


Edited by Artsda
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Stuffy, I got news for you, Hope committed her body to Mr Hyde time and time again but that wasn’t enough for that piece of shit you call a brother. How many times have you committed your body, Stuffy, to men when you weren’t married.  Sex toy, Stuffy, your sex toys were Wyatt, Liam, Bill etc. A few more men that Hope has ever had.  Hope, I got a great idea how to get back at Stuffy. Take Finn from her. Keep reminding Finn that Stuffy killed your birth mother. Also Hope to tell Finn to reclaim his balls and tell Stuffy she a murderer. 

X, you are just like Mr Hyde in harping on your fixations and making other people feel very uncomfortable. It’s none of his fucking business whether or not Luna told RJ. RJ will know when he cuts off your balls. 

As I said before, Stuffy is called Stuffy because you can see her puffing out her chest as she confronts Hope and her lips are plumped up not only from Botox but from being an absolute bitch. 

Right now I don’t know who pisses me off more, Stuffy or Z.  They both are pathetic fools.  

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When Steffy blocked her slap, I was hoping Hope would follow it up with a good swift kick. 

"You should have been honest with him that that was all you were interested in." Um, she was. She was very clear when they started hooking up that it was all she was interested in. Thomas was the one who decided it was going to turn into a grand love story and marriage. Thomas was the one who bought a fucking ring months into it and kept pressuring her to turn it into more. Hope was always very direct about what she wanted and what she wasn't ready for. 

I sincerely hope that Hope steals Steffy's husband. 

Brooke should have walked right out of that conference room. Ridge is a dick. 

Zende, please, stop. You're creepy, dude. You know that Luna never wanted to sleep with you. You know that she has turned you down multiple times. You know how upset she is about what happened between you. And you're still pulling the "do you ever think about us?" bullshit on her?  You have to know that that is just going to make her uncomfortable. Go hit a bar and pick up a woman, for the love of fuck, and stop creeping on this girl. 

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Zende, please, stop. You're creepy, dude. You know that Luna never wanted to sleep with you. You know that she has turned you down multiple times. You know how upset she is about what happened between you. And you're still pulling the "do you ever think about us?" bullshit on her?  You have to know that that is just going to make her uncomfortable. Go hit a bar and pick up a woman, for the love of fuck, and stop creeping on this girl. 

Luna doesn’t want to tell RJ not to protect herself but to protect RJ’s and Z’s relationship. Do you actually think that Z gives two shits about his and RJ’s relationship. Z actually think that he can get Luna and RJ will be ok with it.  Z thinks that RJ will just capitulate to the better man, the better more educated designer.  

Do me a favor Z and grow your hair back.  Your bald head looks too much like a coconut.  




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It was noted on another site that Hope uttered Brooke’s infamous line to Stephanie to Steffy. The one about “ I don’t know how or when etc”…this was right before Brooke went on to sleep with Eric. I’m now remembering that line. I forgot what Stephanie did  but maybe  someone else remembers. With how terrible Steffy is being I almost want Hope to bag Finn, almost  but I don’t need Hope fighting Steffy for another 10 years over Finn and  Hope/Finn have zero sexual chemistry. 

Steffy with the “I won’t let you steal my brother “  eww… she’s coming across like a jilted lover. Eww Eww 

Bridge really gotta stop. The lack of chemistry is glaring in scenes with Ridge talking about how he can’t keep his hands off Brooke like Thomas/Hope . .. just eww eww again. I was kinda cringing. 


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5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

t was noted on another site that Hope uttered Brooke’s infamous line to Stephanie to Steffy. The one about “ I don’t know how or when etc”…this was right before a Brooke went on to sleep with Eric. I’m now remembering that line. I forgot what Stephanie did  but maybe  someone else remembers

If I recall correctly, it was right after Brooke returned from the hospital after her miscarriage and Ridge broke up with her.

Kind soul that he is, he waited until she got home. Caroline had told him it was Brooke who prevented lied to him about her coming to see him to get back together or something? There was another part to it, which I’m blanking on, because when Ridge was dumping her, Stephanie’s name came up and Brooke said something like “she didn’t tell you about that” or something. 

Blackmail , maybe?

Stephanie saw Brooke packing and gloated, taunting Brooke that “he dumped you” which led to Brooke’s threat.

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5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Steffy with the “I won’t let you steal my brother “  eww… she’s coming across like a jilted lover. Eww Eww 

I know, right? Like what kind of relationship do Steffy and Thomas have exactly? I could understand if Steffy meant that Thomas spent so much time with Hope that he none left for his family or if Hope and Thomas moved to Antarctica at Hope’s insistence. Steffy and Thomas live in the same neighborhood and work in the same damn building. 

Also gross is Steffy clinging to the childish, outdated notion that brothers and husbands can be “stolen.” She acts like Brooke broke into their happy home, stuffed Ridge in a burlap sack and absconded with him back to her supervillain lair. A grown ass woman needs to acknowledge that her father has agency. I kind of wish RJ could hear his darling sister slagging his mom and other sister, but knowing this show, he’d just bow down to Queen Steffy. 

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On 3/28/2024 at 5:17 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

I really hope Thomas coached Douglas to say all those awful things to Hope. I’d hate to think Douglas was naturally blossoming into a horrible Taytot.

It's not entirely unbelievable that he did. He's certainly proven himself capable of far worse manipulation.

But I can attest to the fact that it's a pretty horrid feeling to be stuck in the middle of your parents hatred of the other. My mom and aunt forced me to call my dad by his first name to cut the bond and while my dad absolutely didn't deserve my love and affect for a host of reasons, that's not something you put an 11 year old child through. It just isn't.

Given all the turmoil Douglas has lived through and him probably having clued in on the history between his two grandmother's, it's equally possible he though this up also as a way to avoid conflict much like asking to live with Steffy temporarily. And that's honestly worse.

On 3/29/2024 at 11:17 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

Hey, how come RJ hasn’t proposed to Luna yet? They’ve known each other for at least a week and had sex. 

😂 I know this is the very obvious joke that should be made but let's not give these idiots any ideas or reasons to showcase those two more often than their contracts require 🤪

I keep forgetting about that mess of a story until it's shoved back in my face. :|

Edit: I forgot if it was here or another board but I realized he's the only one of his material half-siblings who wasn't married or tried to be married fresh out of high school. Largely because the show has done fuck all with him until now, but breaking the cycle is breaking the cycle, I guess 🤷‍♀️

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Well my spiteshipping of Thope barley lasted a week. Thomas putting Douglas in adult business again, and using him to make Hope feel guilty brought me back to my senses. I'm not sure what his half-assed comment to Steffy about not trashing Hope came from but he's a day late and dollar short with it.  

Also NOW everyone remembers Caroline? When Hope was still married to Liam, and outright rejecting Thomas all I heard for years is "Hope is Douglas' mother. So Hope & Thomas have to xyz, etc." But now Caroline is a factor? Because Hope doesn't want to marry Thomas? That's too fucked up for words. I'm okay with Thomas leaving Hope, on his fucking own terms without Steffy's uninformed opinion about something that's none of her business. 

On 3/28/2024 at 8:17 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

She’s giving him sex, intimacy, co-parenting, working with him… and she sets one very reasonable boundary that he can’t be arsed to respect. When he fails to break down that one wall, he takes his ball and goes off to Paris like a big baby. Not only that, he takes off with Douglas to add insult to injury. Hope has been crystal clear about the marriage thing,

For some reason that part seems not to click because Hope wore that necklace. Like okay just forget that Thomas asked her to do it after already being turned down again.....If sex, defending him at every turn, forgiving him for helping keep her baby from her, and working with him wasn't enough for his whiny, turncoat ass, then nothing would be enough. Not even marriage. Yeah...Hope should not look at this as a loss. 

48 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:
6 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Steffy with the “I won’t let you steal my brother “  eww… she’s coming across like a jilted lover. Eww Eww 

I know, right? Like what kind of relationship do Steffy and Thomas have exactly? I could understand if Steffy meant that Thomas spent so much time with Hope that he none left for his family or if Hope and Thomas moved to Antarctica at Hope’s insistence. Steffy and Thomas live in the same neighborhood and work in the same damn building. 

She and the og Stephanie the definition of emotional incest. A better soap would portray that as weird and disturbing, instead of endearing and rootable. 

Even if she were looking out for her grown, completely autonomous brother, why drag Brooke into it then? Why call Hope everything but a child of god? What's the grand excuse for that? Other than Steffy is the queen and she's never out of pocket...She's not protecting anyone she's being a bully and is thoroughly enjoying it.

I'm neutral on Hope stealing Finn away, it's not like Steffy doesn't deserve it. But with Liam up her ass & Finn being conflicted about pycho Sheila, it might not be much of an L in the long run. Steffy will remember the pain of an ass whooping next time she wants to talk shit though. Most bullies, who end up getting fucked up do.  

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This is what I hope happens:  I want Finn to leave Steffy on his own accord because of her complete inability to see he has a right to his feelings regarding Sheila and I want Hope to be the shoulder he leans on.  I want Hope to be a reassuring presence to Finn, a person he knows he can trust while he slowly loses trust in Steffy, and the entire time I want Hope to be pointing out how self-involved Steffy, how lacking in compassion and understanding she is.  And when Finn finally leaves because he refuses to accept the ultimatum Steffy throws at him, I want to see Hope in the background, smirking.  WOO HOO!!  Then Sheila can show up alive again :)

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Cujo ROTFLMAO!!!  😂

I absolutely LOVED OG Carly( Sarah Brown) and was shipping Jarly hard but I stopped watching GH  around Tamara Braun Carly (I don't remember why)..

Anyway back on topic - Steffy's Karma is coming, they didn't make her so hateful for no reason and I don't think it will involve  Hope sleeping with Finn.

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