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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Deacon sees the crazy right? I mean, there are plenty of people out there that commit murder, or attempt to commit murder, but that doesn't mean they are psychos. They are just wretched, miserable, mean assed people, but that is not Sheila. The fact that Sheila won't listen to any reason, or rational thinking, but remains 110% focused on Finn, should tell Deacon it is time to clean his fucking house. 

For reasons I don't really understand I kinda giggled a little when Sheila's head popped around the corner. 

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4 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I really hope we don't get a dementia story with Eric.  It was a little alarming when he couldn't remember Hays' name.

It was at the start of the scene, surely they could have stopped right there and done another take.

On 9/2/2023 at 1:24 PM, KerleyQ said:

When we saw Sheila's silhouette outside the patio doors, I was hoping we'd next see Deacon's silhouette, as he either dragged her away or tackled her. 

I think it will turn out to be someone else. And this prompts the Forrester-Finnegans to go on a pregnancy leave/vaca. I doubt the hospital where he works will even notice that he's gone.

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24 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Why don’t Finn and Steffy lock their doors? Install some cameras? Hire actual security? Shelia lurking while the need to have some make up sex overtakes them is so stupid. 

This is the kind of shit Finn should have been doing while Steffy was staying at Eric's - installing as much security as possible all around the interior and exterior of the house. Extra sturdy locks and alarms on every door and window, cameras that cover every angle of their yard, so that there's nowhere for anyone to lurk without being seen, etc. It's practical, and it would show Steffy he was taking the threat seriously. 

Also, I would love to see Deacon go to Finn and warn him. Say, "hey, if you actually do want her in your life, that's your call, but I think you need to know that she is just as obsessive and delusional about being in your life now as she ever was, and she blames and resents Steffy for that not already being the case." Throw in an "I don't want to end up in her crosshairs, so, you didn't hear this from me." 

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11 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

For reasons I don't really understand I kinda giggled a little when Sheila's head popped around the corner. 

Giggled? LOL. When she emerges from the behind the curtain, she did it in a kind of slow motion action, that creeped me the fuck out the more I rewound and watched tbh.

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I watched today's rerun of the HFTF fashion show. The first time I saw it I thought Liam was a douche. But seeing it again after all the crap he's done, man he seemed even douchier. And boy oh boy, we need a good $Bill story, and not some sappy which-Logan-does-he-love-this-week story. But most of all - Douglas was there! Someone needs to program the ai to write him in now and then. I'm afraid he'll be all grown up the next time we see him.

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On 9/3/2023 at 6:12 AM, RuntheTable said:

Deacon sees the crazy right? I mean, there are plenty of people out there that commit murder, or attempt to commit murder, but that doesn't mean they are psychos

Granted, he *was* married to Quinn for a hot minute  and she quite literally threw him over a cliff after imprinting on Liam, so you'd think he'd have learned a lesson on not sticking his dick into crazy by now.

But at any rate, for as rabid and obsessive as Quinn was, Wyatt was able to talk her down more often than not and I don't think even on her worst day would she ever harm him, even by accident. Quinn also had a friend in Shauna that by B&B standards appeared to be genuine and didn't exist solely to scheme overall man, the Vegas wedding to Ridge notwithstanding. Sheila OTOH is absolutely unreachable and when she feels slighted,no force on the earth will keep her from drawing blood.

All the same, I'd forgive all her sins if she pops a cap in Liam's ass and puts us out of his misery.

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On 9/3/2023 at 10:57 AM, Snaporaz said:

I really hope we don't get a dementia story with Eric.  It was a little alarming when he couldn't remember Hays' name.

To be honest, I watched that moment and thought, "That was in the script, right?"


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RJ needs to go back to wherever he came from. He's way too invested in Liam and Hope. I can't tolerate him at all. 

"Have you met Liam Spencer. " Lol good for Hope. 

Good for Ridge for pointing out how Liam's love for his daughter would change based on Hope. 

Hope fashion still great since free from Liam. 

Why didn't Steffy call cops while Finn went outside. Doesn't she have a restraining order? Sheila changed how many times? Finn is just ridiculous catering to anything Sheila. 

RJ saying Hope will get through this while she thinks of Thomas and smirks she will. RJ just helped Thomas while thinking he was pushing her to Liam. Lol the building and support is not Liam, Hope knows it's Thomas. We saw it on yesterday's repeat episode. 

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Finn and Liam are both ass holes but who’s the bigger ass hole?  It depends on the day. 

Stuffy sees Shiela, but Finn just sits there with a thumb up his ass and doesn’t go outside to check. He just accuses Stuffy of seeing things. Finally Finn gets off his ass and he does find Shiela lurking.  Did anyone else hear the sound of hammering in the background?  That’s the sound of Shiela driving nails into Finn’s coffin. 

Hope has never looked so good but it’s waisted on Lurch. Lurch would have sex with Hope, if she hasn’t showered for months and hung a 3 day old dead fish around her neck.  


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Please give RJ something to do. He’s like an annoying meddling grandmother stuck in a 20 year old jock 😩

A Liam free Hope is looking GOODT!!..😀. RJ yapping on about how lost Hope must feel while she’s thinking of Thomas and 🔥office sex..you saw that smirk 🤣 she got the good D glow up…

Finn is a dumbass who stood there with a dumbass look on his dumbass face…ugh..dumbass.


Edited by bluvelvet
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It’s so odd, RJ is the only biological child of - as gross as it is - THE legacy couple of B&B. How does he have nothing to do, besides stick his nose in each of his sister’s bidness?? Give the kid something to do. 

Sheila just can’t help herself. I can’t understand how she’s a mastermind at getting around all of the fantastic security that each of the Forresters have in place, 🙄 but can’t keep her shadow out of Steffy’s line of vision. I don’t hate her, I think she’s an exciting character to watch, in small doses, & if she’d permanently take down Ridge or Liam, I’d forgive another year of her, but it’s not feasible that she’s still in town at this point. She should take a break & come back in a few years. Small doses are best. 

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When Sheila keeps going on and on about her great bond with Finn, and how all she wants in the whole wide world is to have a relationship with him, I'm surprised Steffy doesn't go with the rather obvious response to that. If he was so important, why didn't she ever make a move to meet him before he married Steffy?  She knew who he was and where he was. But she never made a single move to meet him until he was a part of the family she's been obsessed with for decades. It would have been easier to meet him and form some kind of relationship with him when her baggage with the Forresters wasn't a part of it all, but she didn't even try then. If he'd married some random woman with no ties to the Forresters, who knows if she ever would have made a move to meet him. And she did it in such an underhanded way. Instead of contacting him at the hospital, she snuck into Eric's home during the wedding and hid until she could get Finn alone. Because it wasn't about meeting him, it was about staging a power play against his new in-laws. 

It seems like such an obvious "this isn't really about you, Finn" way to try to snap him out of his confusing feelings, and she hasn't used it. 

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16 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Please give RJ something to do. He’s like an annoying meddling grandmother stuck in a 20 year old jock 😩

OMG yes! Remember when he first came back to town, he made it so very clear that he stayed away because of all the family drama, and he didn't even want to consider working at FC because of all the family drama. And now I find myself wondering how the youngest adult in the family has become its biggest busybody?! Constantly putting himself in the middle of...all the family drama?

41 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

When Sheila keeps going on and on about her great bond with Finn, and how all she wants in the whole wide world is to have a relationship with him, I'm surprised Steffy doesn't go with the rather obvious response to that. If he was so important, why didn't she ever make a move to meet him before he married Steffy?  She knew who he was and where he was. But she never made a single move to meet him until he was a part of the family she's been obsessed with for decades. It would have been easier to meet him and form some kind of relationship with him when her baggage with the Forresters wasn't a part of it all, but she didn't even try then. If he'd married some random woman with no ties to the Forresters, who knows if she ever would have made a move to meet him. And she did it in such an underhanded way. Instead of contacting him at the hospital, she snuck into Eric's home during the wedding and hid until she could get Finn alone. Because it wasn't about meeting him, it was about staging a power play against his new in-laws. 

It seems like such an obvious "this isn't really about you, Finn" way to try to snap him out of his confusing feelings, and she hasn't used it. 

Nah. Sheila would just blame it all on Jack. And Finn would buy it.

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It seems like such an obvious "this isn't really about you, Finn" way to try to snap him out of his confusing feelings, and she hasn't used it. 

Well let's face it, you and probably most on this board have put more thought into this story than the so called writers!


I think she’s an exciting character to watch, in small doses

While I agree Sheila is better in small doses, I'm going to disagree with the notion she's an exciting character. She hasn't exciting or interesting in years and years. They've gone to the Sheila well too often as far as I'm concerned. And wasting Deacon on her? Ugghh.

They've got nothing for RJ to do because there are no characters his age on the show! Giving him something to do besides worry about his sisters love lives would require effort and all of us know these writers aren't up to the task!

It's the same lazy triangles over and over with the same lazy dialogue day in and day out, for years now. Anytime they do something a bit different, we immediately default right back to the status quo - see the brief Taylor/Brooke friendship.

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So now, in Liam’s pea brain, Shiela is a bigger threat to Stuffy and the kids than Lurch is to Hope and Beth. It’s either that or Liam can only focus at one thing at a time. 

Ridge can go fuck himself with Carter’s dick. Who the fuck is he to threaten Deacon.  Where is Ridges security team to protect Stuffy. It seems that Shiela can come and go where and when she pleases. 

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I am so sick of Sheila telling Finn how much she has always loved him, how she gave birth to him and has this “bond” with him that every mother has, etc, etc. Please! Get rid of this woman!! Also get rid of Finn. He’s not at all effective in being forceful with Sheila. I wouldn’t be afraid of him if I was his cleaning lady. 

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Man, Steffy is just surrounded by crap dads.

First, Finn turns his back on Kelly and she almost drowns.  Then we learn Ridge took all three toddler kids to Greece (likely as the sole parent given Taylor’s frequent dirtnaps), rented a house, on a cliff, and Steffy, thinking she could fly, jumped.  And broke her arm. 

Excellent parenting, guys. 

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Sheila is just so whiny and delusional. She's way overstayed her welcome this time around. 

I love Wyatt. They really need to use him more and give him his own story instead of just being Liam's sounding board. 

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Steffy knows that a full frontal assault on Sheila will only make things worse, which puts Finn in a no win situation. If he pokes the angry bear, that will only stir up more trouble, and if he doesn't poke it, then he will be accused of colluding with the enemy. They could beef up security around Cliff House, but I don't think Steffy will ever feel safe again as long as Finn is in the picture. Unfortunately for him, he still doesn't understand the lingering effects of his actions with Sheila. He thinks rational talk will be all it takes. He should know better after spending all that alone time with her after he was shot. 

I refuse to watch Liam, and I didn't want to have a rage blackout, so I skipped Ridge bullying Deacon. 

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I probably mistyped when I said Sheila is an “exciting” character. A better word would’ve been “unpredictable”, which is good on this show. Who was surprised when Liam kissed Steffy after seeing the Thope kiss? No one. Who was surprised that Sheila cut off her toe? I don’t know about anyone else, but that was unexpected to me.


I also think that every show needs a good baddie, who doesn’t get watered-down. How boring would this show be if it was all good guys, Hope, Finn, etc.? They’d even like us to believe that Ridge is a good guy, as well as Waffles. Jr. Sheila is an unrepentant baddie, she owns it, I just think that her brand of crazy ~ again, in much smaller doses than we’ve had the last few years ~ is not the worst thing. 

Watching today, though, I’d guess Sheila’s days are numbered, on this go-around. Steffy can’t return as long as Sheila is around Finn. Sheila isn’t going away from Finn voluntarily, so I’m betting that she leaves, ambiguously, to bring JMW back from maternity leave. I’m betting 6 more weeks of Sheila, give or take. She’ll be back in the future, but I’m guessing she’ll be off-canvas for a while very soon.

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Does anyone else see the parallel  here?  Stuffy can’t stand that Finn has Shiela in his life and Liam can’t stand that Hope has Lurch in her life.  The big difference is that Hope was willing to give it another try with Liam but Stuffy is not willing to give Finn another chance and is moving out of LA. I guess that’s the way the monkeys with a keyboard decided how to give Stuffy maternity leave.  Since JMW already had her baby, she will be back sooner than later. Maybe not, 4 children in  5 years of marriage, JMW, at 36, I couldn’t imagine she’s not contemplating another child. 

Stuffy thinks about going overseas but getting Liam’s and Finn’s permission to do so doesn’t matter in the broad sense of things.  Why would I even think that Liam wouldn’t agree to this arrangement. 

Physician do no harm but it looks like Finn is going to “eliminate” Shiela permanently. Let’s buy a bag of twizzlers so we can chew on them as we contemplate how to dispatch Shiela. 

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Deacon needs to wake up and get a clue.  Sheila still psycho crazy and needs to be done.  So tired of this with her. He should not be trying to make her feel better. 

Finn's going to make sure Sheila stays away? How? He's done nothing but encourage her.  

Sheila sees Steffy has feelings for Liam? When and where? 


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That parting scene with JMW and TN today was so painfully bad, that I laughed all the way through it. Between his perma-furrowed brow and her scrunchy-faced tears ... 😁

HOW exactly is Liam going to be able to keep Sheila "miles away" from Steffy and Kelly? Oh, right. He'll foist it off on  Daddy Dollah to figure out. And where the Sam Hill is all of this beefed-up security? First, Sheila was able to slip into a private beach a few weeks ago, and now, she's walking directly up to the house with nary a second glance from any security guards. 

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"My mother isn't a murdering psychopath." And, yet Steffy still chose Finn over you, Liam. 

"We have a great love story." I could not stop laughing at that line. Dude, she was your backup whenever you were having problems with Hope. She banged your father while you were married. And you only decided you had a great love for the ages when you got your pride hurt by Hope kissing Thomas. 

I fear that, somehow, Deacon is going to be the one who ends up killing Sheila. 

Taylor is going to go with Steffy?  When she was nearly suicidal with depression and grief, she sent her overseas with two small children on her own to get therapy, because she wanted to stay behind and try to get into her married ex's pants. But, now that she has no current path to Ridge's dick, she can go overseas with her and the kids? 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Not to be all logical or anything, but what's to stop Sheila from following Stuffy to Rome and doing her in?  Sheila sees Stuffy as the obstacle to her Finn obsession, so without Stuffy the path is clear to Finn her darling darling son. With whom she has a forever, for always, for all time and eternity, unbreakable mother-son bond.

Rome traffic is insane, so a quick push in front of a Ferrari, and oooops ... squashed Stuffy.

Not that I want Deacon to be a killer,. but it would be great drama if he's the one who offs Sheila. His affair with Sheila would never come out and he'd be a "hero" to so many people.  The trick is to make is "accidental" so Lt. Hot dog Baker doesn't charge Deacon with murder.

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16 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Not that I want Deacon to be a killer,. but it would be great drama if he's the one who offs Sheila. His affair with Sheila would never come out and he'd be a "hero" to so many people.  The trick is to make is "accidental" so Lt. Hot dog Baker doesn't charge Deacon with murder.

Even if Deacon committed the act on the police station front stairs, if Ridge decides he won't be charged...he won't.  

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Yes Bill there is a better chance of Liam forgiving Hope since Stuffy is out of the country.  

It looks to me that Liam loves Stuffy more than he hates Lurch.  Liam seems to be reconciling to the fact that Lurch is going to be with Hope. 

Ridge and Brooke, did you even think that Eric is enjoying himself working than he ever could with a life of leisure.  To some men, a life of leisure is a death sentence. 

Yes Brooke and Ridge you did do something right when you raised RJ. You let him be and in staying away from your influence.  Sometimes absentee parents are the best parents. 

Did Liam ever tell Finn he wants Stuffy back or just that he still loves her?  Is Finn making that up to make him look better in Li’s eyes or deflect the truth that he has feelings for Shiela. 

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5 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Not to be all logical or anything, but what's to stop Sheila from following Stuffy to Rome and doing her in?  Sheila sees Stuffy as the obstacle to her Finn obsession, so without Stuffy the path is clear to Finn her darling darling son. With whom she has a forever, for always, for all time and eternity, unbreakable mother-son bond.

Rome traffic is insane, so a quick push in front of a Ferrari, and oooops ... squashed Stuffy.

And, Steffy is taking Hayes, AKA "my grandson" with her.  Married to Finn or not, being Hayes's mother is always going to have her on Sheila's radar, because, even if Steffy leaving him has Finn deciding to form a relationship with Sheila, she's not going to be happy with just Finn in her grasp. She's going to want the complete set. 

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On 9/5/2023 at 6:14 PM, bluvelvet said:

May not have been. Possible JMC just forgot ☹️

To be fair, I don't think that Eric and Hayes have ever been in a scene together. I can't even remember that last time we saw Hayes. And I doubt that JMC watches the show.

On 9/6/2023 at 12:54 PM, KerleyQ said:

When Sheila keeps going on and on about her great bond with Finn, and how all she wants in the whole wide world is to have a relationship with him, I'm surprised Steffy doesn't go with the rather obvious response to that. If he was so important, why didn't she ever make a move to meet him before he married Steffy?  She knew who he was and where he was. But she never made a single move to meet him until he was a part of the family she's been obsessed with for decades. It would have been easier to meet him and form some kind of relationship with him when her baggage with the Forresters wasn't a part of it all, but she didn't even try then. If he'd married some random woman with no ties to the Forresters, who knows if she ever would have made a move to meet him. And she did it in such an underhanded way. Instead of contacting him at the hospital, she snuck into Eric's home during the wedding and hid until she could get Finn alone. Because it wasn't about meeting him, it was about staging a power play against his new in-laws. 

It seems like such an obvious "this isn't really about you, Finn" way to try to snap him out of his confusing feelings, and she hasn't used it. 

IIRC, Stuffy has said that to Finn multiple times, especially back in the beginning of all of this. But Finn wasn't hearing her.

On 9/6/2023 at 6:39 PM, hypnotoad said:

They've got nothing for RJ to do because there are no characters his age on the show! Giving him something to do besides worry about his sisters love lives would require effort and all of us know these writers aren't up to the task!

Didn't RJ come on around the time that the writers strike started. I'm wondering if his story got put on hold until it's over. Perhaps there is a "no new characters" edict until the strike is resolved and his story will feature a Forrester fit model or intern.

But perhaps his story is slowly starting with Eric. I am interested in what's happening with this.

Was Thursday's episode showcasing the acting chops of Stuffy and Fibberty Jibberty a new low for this show?  

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RJ needs some friends. A bad boy bestie and two lady friends a good girl and a bad one. I don’t mind him helping his grandad for now. It’s insulting for Ridge to say Eric should golf and play pickle ball. Brooke just laughing and going along with anything Ridge says. Pathetic. 
I hope Finn and Li kill Shelia. They’re doctors, it should be easy. 

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26 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

I haven’t watched the show for a while. Tuned in today to see RJ watching his grandfather and aunt making out.

Well, I’m back out.

It could be worse. He could see his brother and sister making out.

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Hope doesn't look like she's regretting anything Brooke the last time she was in the office. 

Good for Ridge pointing out they are grown ups.  

I liked Thomas and Carter friends.  But the trying to foreshadowing this RJ is the second coming of Christ because he's spawn of Brooke I can't stand.  

Thomas went to school, worked for it and RJ is going to be best designer in this family according to Ridge because of what? 

Eric couldn't have Zende or Thomas help, RJ instead has to be forced in this. 

Eric was doing his secret line in middle of the living room? Against both CEOs and COO uninvolved? 

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Yes this RJ is the bestest designer EVAH..…🙄

Blech….you can pass me with that bullshit. 

Hope isn’t regretting a damn thing. She’s too busy polishing Thomas’s joystick and getting her back blown out on the regular ..

Edited by bluvelvet
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I was definitely getting the vibe that they're foreshadowing a Forrester family feud coming up. Shifting directly from Thomas saying "Forresters always stick together" to Ridge saying that RJ is going to be the most talented designer in the family, and all while the Eric/RJ secret is going on, and then ending the episode with Eric obviously still angry with Ridge... Yeah, we're getting a family/company feud in the near future. 

It will be potentially interesting to see where the battle lines are drawn and which side everyone is on. 

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And ... throw in Ridge getting butt-hurt because Brooke kept a secret from him about Eric and RJ's surprise swan song line. Hence, another divorce after Bridge wedding number 2,000, and Ridge running back to Taylor.

Who is dressing Brooke these days? Frist, there was that Golden Girls duster from last Friday and today's floral suit. I thought the suit was pretty, but the skirt was a bit too short. And please do something with her hair. That messy bun she's been sporting lately is just that ... MESSY! 

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On 9/9/2023 at 2:03 PM, SweePea59 said:

Didn't RJ come on around the time that the writers strike started. I'm wondering if his story got put on hold until it's over. Perhaps there is a "no new characters" edict until the strike is resolved and his story will feature a Forrester fit model or intern.

To be honest, it gives vibes to when Phoebe Forrester was brought on in '06 as the sole teenager on the show. She had nothing to do beyond helping Taylor cover up for Darla's death and then she was put in a relationship with Rick, was was a totally inappropriate choice for so many reasons. This was as Bridget (then in her mid 20s) was spending all her time with Nick, who was in his forties and looked 60. At the time, I was absolutely stunned as to how these idiots were running the show but now, such decisions are known as "Tuesday."

2 hours ago, Artsda said:


I liked Thomas and Carter friends.  But the trying to foreshadowing this RJ is the second coming of Christ because he's spawn of Brooke I can't stand.  

Thomas went to school, worked for it and RJ is going to be best designer in this family according to Ridge because of what?

I didn't think they would force anything more ridiculous as Bridget's Madame X stint at Jackie M but this truly takes the cake. Thomas has been working towards being a designer since RJ was still a seed in his daddy's ballsack. He's also got his aunts Kristen and Felicia who are designers in their own right and Zende who ALL should be called in before RJ, who has never sketched so much as a stick figure, much less a couture gown.

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If Li & Finn are involved in killing Sheila, it’ll have to be Li that does the legwork. She had the balls to let Sheila die in the ER, it was idiot Finn who insisted on saving her. 

I’d love to have a reveal ~ reminiscent of the Honey Bears reveal, where we thought Eric was playing racquetball, but he was really banging Donna ~ where Li & $Bill have been seeing each other in secret for months. I was so glad Bill was back Friday, but such a waste to spend the day with Waffles, Jr.’s lady problems. Good to see him, nonetheless. 

Poor RJ, how gross up see your aunt & grandpa sucking face. Also gross to know your sister & brother are having sex. He’s so going to grow up & fall for Taylor. Literally can’t think of any other female on-cast, that he isn’t biologically-related to. Paris, I guess.

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