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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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If Dr Finn is so wonderful, than why doesn’t he send Stuffy to the hospital for more tests instead of more pain pills. 

Can Lurch be a bigger prick?  Stuffy is hurting and instead of empathy he’s rubbing salt into the wound.  Yes, Lurch is here for Stuffy, just like a Vampire is here for your blood.  

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I swear, in the preview for the show, when it was coming back from shutdown, there was a scene of Thomas at the cliff house, Steffy & Finn in the living room, & Thomas said "take care of my sister." They haven't shown it, have they? I don't remember it. It seemed like Steffy would move to Finn at the pace relationships usually move, but this is moving at a snail's pace, if even that. Geez, if it was Liam, she'd already be married & separated, considering it's been a month. 

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On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 11:59 AM, CountryGirl said:

Fridge (Faux Ridge)

This has got the be new the name for them, because they leave me cold!  so Burn the Bridge down and put them in the Fridge (but don't put them back together..... PLEASE let them be on ice :p

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wonder if Dr. Finn didn't catch on and now they're reviving the Steffy/Liam/Hope mess AGAIN?

The show just started back up around July 20th. There isn't even enough time to gage his popularity or to "correct" course.

Having said that, I was never convinced Finn was gonna be here for the long haul to begin with. Bell has ripped up pairings with far more substantial legs than Sinn to prop up tired ass relationships: the scores of relationships and characters sacrificed to appease Bridge alone would make ancient ritual leaders blush.

And then that bullshit of having Taylor be in love with Ridge outta the blue when she got with Rick when there were so many more interesting story beats to be explored there--why not have them get married and let Brooke be the mother-in-law from hell that she so richly deserves? Instead we get some tired ass revenge shit from Rick that didn't have many roots to go. Lame.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

I swear, in the preview for the show, when it was coming back from shutdown, there was a scene of Thomas at the cliff house, Steffy & Finn in the living room, & Thomas said "take care of my sister." They haven't shown it, have they? I don't remember it. It seemed like Steffy would move to Finn at the pace relationships usually move, but this is moving at a snail's pace, if even that. Geez, if it was Liam, she'd already be married & separated, considering it's been a month. 

LOL about Liam because you sure enough aren't wrong. He moves fast - but then so do all the men on this show. Zoe and Carter will probably be engaged in a month.

The thing about 'Sinn' is that if he's a good guy, he can't get involved with her while he's her doctor. The set-up is even dicier that he's giving her pain meds and making house calls which is crossing a lot of lines. Add in that the woman IS recovering from a bad accident, in chronic pain, is trying to raise a toddler and run a corporation and is pretty much housebound and how WOULD they be able to write a courtship that's appropriate?  If he wasn't her doctor but just the new neighbor who happened to be a doctor who she was making googly eyes at before her accident then I may be into them more. Right now it seems forced because I know this guy is her love interest but I buy Steffy and Vinnie more as a couple with him not even onscreen but just relaying his regards to Steffy via Thomas.

2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Having said that, I was never convinced Finn was gonna be here for the long haul to begin with. Bell has ripped up pairings with far more substantial legs than Sinn to prop up tired ass relationships: the scores of relationships and characters sacrificed to appease Bridge alone would make ancient ritual leaders blush.

Ingo as recast Thorne; Maya as the new Erica Kane of B&B. Bell loves to pitch big ideas and they crash and burn or never even come to fruition.  Finn doesn't come across as a credible interloper. I like the guy and the actor but he has stunt casting with fingers crossed he could become something more but not really written all over him. His entry story has been poorly written and the general circumstances Steffy is currently in don't allow for a romance I can be invested in at the moment. The problem with having Steffy in an addiction story is that during her addiction and recovery she really shouldn't be in any relationships as she can sublimate the drug addiction with the relationship which is unhealthy.  If you are really gonna go there then - and I hate to say this - the guy who she's involved with is someone she needs to have history with - Liam, Wyatt, or Bill.  Bill is the most compelling to be the one since he accidentally caused the accident and Still really does have a deep connection AND we would wonder if this is a healthy situation (kind of like RIck and Taylor). But the problem is they have Bill navel gazing about Brooke while she's chasing after Ridge.

Either Thomas is clueless about how his words/actions are provoking and not helping Stefffy, or the guy is straight up maliciously manipulating her to get back at her for 'betraying' him to Liam and Hope and pushing her into addiction to provoke a custody battle that will turn her against Liam and cause angst to Liam and Hope with the desire to tear these families apart. I mean on one hand I'd hate that Thomas would be that calculating and evil but given the ish he's done and the threats he launched at Liam, he seems depraved enough to take this route.  We'll see!

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I am already over the Steffy addiction storyline. Her OTT snarling at Hope set my teeth on edge. A better actress might be able to sell this hootch but BA Emmy notwithstanding, Jacqui doesn’t have what it takes. 

I’m also not here to see Hope get dragged for quite rightly knowing that something is way OFF with channeling-a possessed-Regan-from-The-Exorcist Steffy and her protective instincts kicking in. But Hope can’t win.  If she doesn’t pay as much attention to Kelly, she’s a selfish, jealous, insecure bitch. And if she does? Still a selfish bitch but add in controlling and manipulative. 

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Please Lurch crawl back into the black hole you came from.  Lurch is the type of person that can take all the air out of the room. Lurch is the brother that is not happy until his sister is as miserable as he is. 

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Whoa, Hope's extremely high-waisted jeans. I guess that's fashionable now? 😮

Does Hope drive a minivan? Seems like she'd need one if she's toting three young kids around. Even Douglas probably still has to use a car seat.

So while Justin parachuted in to deliver his none-too-subtle diversity message, why was Wyatt smirking and Bill acting bored? Whatever, now Bradley can check the "BLM Initiative Completed" box on the form he has to send back to CBS. (Yeah, I'm cynical like that.) 😒

Gotta love watching Hope and Liam trying to be simple and homespun while living in Brooke's cabin on Brooke's estate. They do dishes and fold laundry! The rich are just like us!

Oy, Thomas is up to something not good. From where I'm sitting, he seems to be talking advantage of Steffy's current vulnerability to mess with her head about Hope and Liam and Kelly.

Don't be so hard on yourself, $Bill. At least you didn't get two women pregnant inside a year like one of your sons did.

Hope. Hope. Hope. Giiiirrrlll. It's definitely going to look like you're trying keep Kelly from her mother. You might want to pump the brakes before you make another of your infamous unilateral decisions without consulting the key parties.

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I think I understand what the writers are trying to do with Thomas and his conversations with Steffy. Siblings are masters at pointing out realities that the other doesn't want to address, but they're just writing it so badly. They're having him lecture her every time he's there. Unless they're attempting to go down yet another path of him being manipulative, they're just bungling the writing on it, which sucks, cause I think he has really good points. I think Thomas is pointing out things that Steffy hasn't let herself face, but the writers are going about it wrong. 

And good lord, Hope. Her decisions with Kelly look so much worse based on the fact that they're having her keep Liam out of it, basically, and make it look like it's her wanting all this, and Liam is just in the dark. Why not have it with both her and Liam on the same page, but because Liam sucks at this stuff, keeps leaving Hope as the messenger? She keeps trying to say it's cause Kelly is having fun, and they want to give Steffy time to heal, but taking the decision away from Steffy does nothing good, and she'd rightfully flip if the roles were reversed and Steffy did this to her. It all just makes me mad because this could be so much better, but with how she gave Steffy all of .5 seconds to accept the Beth/Phoebe thing before taking her away from Steffy, then having Thomas give her Douglas, this stuff with Kelly looks really really bad. It's starting to feel like kids are Pokemon to her, gotta catch 'em all. 

Edited by NetflixandChill
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33 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Don't be so hard on yourself, $Bill. At least you didn't get two women pregnant inside a year like one of your sons did.

Uhhhh, what’s the supposed age difference between Liam and Wyatt? May not be inside of a year but pretty darn close. 😂

36 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Gotta love watching Hope and Liam trying to be simple and homespun while living in Brooke's cabin on Brooke's estate. They do dishes and fold laundry! The rich are just like us!

Guiding Light did it better. Or worse depending on your POV.

Given that Liam gave up the cliff house to Steffy so Kelly would have a home, you’d think he’d get off his ass and pony up money for a home for his other daughter already instead of having her live in a guest house on her grandmother’s property. If Katie can have her own house, why not Liam and Hope.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Please Lurch crawl back into the black hole you came from.  Lurch is the type of person that can take all the air out of the room. Lurch is the brother that is not happy until his sister is as miserable as he is. 

Eh, those two have always had no qualms about using the other for their nefarious purposes. They're both royal schmucks.

8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

The problem with having Steffy in an addiction story is that during her addiction and recovery she really shouldn't be in any relationships as she can sublimate the drug addiction with the relationship which is unhealthy.  I

While this is true of IRL, I cannot stress enough how much I hate Steam and I will take anything short of yet another Misunderstanding(tm) to curbstomp it into the ground. Forever.

8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Add in that the woman IS recovering from a bad accident, in chronic pain, is trying to raise a toddler and run a corporation and is pretty much housebound and how WOULD they be able to write a courtship that's appropriate?

Like that stopped TIIC from having Taylor pursue Ridge and pretty much every other one of her patients. Pfft.

Besides, Steffy is supposedly the "bad girl" who doesn't care about the rules....her compromised condition notwithstanding, isn't that part of the #brand this show has been shilling about her from the day Kim Matula was cast as good girl Hope? Yet has she ever done anything that outrageous? Snaking your sister's fiancee is not great, bit the native Angelinos tell me for the Bel Air set, that's known as "Tuesday." Plus the Logans did it better....ho him.

I dunno, I remember when ATWT had Luke blackmail Dr Reid to do his bidding, which I loathed way more and then somehow the show managed to salvage that to the point that people actually rooted for this pairing by the end of the show, so stranger things have happened. Brat Bell would need to actually...yanno... care about the series but history has proven over and over he'll take the path most traveled that's backed up for the next ten miles before really, truly investing in a single novel idea.

Sad, really.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I had secondhand embarrassment for JMW during that final scene with Hope. The acting was that bad.  I also had a good laugh yesterday when the props people didn't bother to conceal the label on the bottle of O'Douls, then I wondered if it was intentional. Steffy woke up looking like she'd downed more than one pill with a fifth of vodka. I still believe that JMW's been binge-watching "Intervention" to get into character because those people go berserk over the thought of losing their kids. I also think she got the inspiration for her makeup from that commercial for the drug for narcolepsy. And WTF with that mesh track suit thing she was wearing? 

I agree that JMW just doesn't have the acting chops to pull this off.  In the hands of a more skilled actress, it could be a much more compelling storyline. Please make it end quickly! I can't stand another day of the moaning and groaning. With fractured ribs and a sprained back (though not discounting the injuries), shouldn't Steffy be getting better by now?  Wouldn't she be going to PT for her back? 

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I think Show is confused, and is unsure what direction they want to take these characters. They have baited several hooks, but appear unwilling to cast the lines into the water. 

Ridge declaring his undying love for Brooke, while starting a new life with Shauna

Brooke, still pursuing her Destiny, while confessing lingering feelings for Bill

Bill, also declaring his undying love for Brooke, while still telling Katie he wants a future with her

Steffy, trying to figure out life without Liam, while flirting with Dr. LB, and still receiving gifts from Vinnie

Thomas, straddling the fence of sanity and delusion about Steffy, Liam and Kelly, and happy families

Eric, supporting Quinn, and then ending up hanging with Donna and expressing his displeasure with Quinn

So, in a beautiful, golden land, far, far away.........

After Ridge makes it clear he is not coming back to her, and appears to be enjoying his new life with his new wife, Brooke chooses to focus on herself, and decides she wants something new and fresh in her life. She approaches Bill about developing an online fashion business, that focuses on quality clothes at affordable prices, but she wants a certain type of fashion, and wants Sally to be her designer. Bill is on board, because Bill would be on board for anything that put him in Brooke's orbit. None of the usual players are pulled in, because Brooke wants this to be her thing, so no Hope, Liam, Katie, Wyatt.........

After Dr. LB refuses to give her any more meds, Steffy seeks out another doctor, who is not so ethical, and offers Steffy pills that are not filled at a pharmacy. No money, no scripts; just the pills to get Steffy dependent on him. Dr. LB, no longer Steffy's doctor, is now free to come visit, and start actively courting Steffy. Vinnie also takes the plunge and starts calling on Steffy. After a few weeks, Kelly has become a permanent fixture at Hope and Liam's and Steffy is more zombie like daily. Both of her new suitors can see that Steffy is in some kind of trouble, but they don't know the source, cause Dr. LB is not prescribing any meds, and Vinnie is not supplying any. Steffy runs out of pills, and the new Dr. refuses to give her anymore, so Steffy shows up at his office begging him, saying she will do anything for a fix. So, the good doc holds out his hand, and the game begins, with the amount climbing per pill request. One day, Dr. LB stops by on his way home from work, and finds Steffy collapsed on the floor. Vinnie shows up a few minutes later, he and Steffy had a prescheduled date, and finds the doctor hovering over an unconscious Steffy. While waiting for the ambulance, Steffy's secret stash is found, and both men claim ignorance. Vinnie and Dr. LB actually kind of like each other, but they both are in love with Steffy, so a new triangle begins during her recovery. 

Ridge eventually grows tired of Shauna's fawning, and decides if she tells him one more time what kind of wife he deserves, he is gonna punch her in the mouth. He desperately wants his vibrant, beautiful, sexy, Logan back, but she has moved on with a whole new life. Ridge is at a loss. He knows how to battle another man for Brooke, but he doesn't know how to battle her independence from their Destiny. He can't blame another man, and he can't blame Brooke for anything other than fixing her life. This is new and frightening territory for Ridge. He wants to go over to Bill's and punch him, but Brooke is not intimately involved with Bill, he and Brooke are business partners and nothing more. He finds himself stuck with his perfect wife, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Ridge starts to slowly lose his mind; kind of like this:

Eric overhears Shauna and Quinn discussing VegasGate, and unlike his son, doesn't run away; instead storming into the room demanding clarification. He erupts in anger, and throws Quinn out, and tells Shauna she needs to do the right thing and let Ridge go, but Shauna isn't having it. She is Mrs. Ridge Forrester, and that is how she is staying. Once Wyatt hears what Shauna did, he also learns that Flo knew about it all along. He can't believe Flo would lie to him again. He tells her he can't forgive her this time because it seems like she just wants to screw up other people's lives. Flo is devastated, but leaves because Wyatt doesn't want to talk to her anymore. As soon as the door is closed behind Flo, Wyatt is calling Sally, who has also reinvested in her business life, and tells Wyatt she can't be bothered. 

Wyatt and Katie hook up

Bill and Sally hook up

Eric and Donna hook up

Oh well.....

What we will get though is Brooke still chasing her ever loving Destiny, engaging in verbal wars with Quinn and Shauna. 

Steffy starting to rely on Liam more and more, and starting that whole mess again

Hope will be vilified once more as the evil step mom who tried to steal baby Kelly. 

Thomas will be busy interfering in everything he shouldn't be

Ridge will be happy though, riding his high horse of morality, while being catered to by his perfect wife. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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^^^^All this. Well, except for the part about Sally. AFAIC she needs to be free of this entire mess, in a wonderful place called Genoa City. 🙂


Uhhhh, what’s the supposed age difference between Liam and Wyatt? May not be inside of a year but pretty darn close.

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out which is the older brother. The show's been cagey about it, and on their Soap Central character profiles neither one has a birthdate listed. It's odd, no? Whatever, I think if they were that close in age someone--like Bill--would've brought it up after Liam had two kids born practically at the same time. My theory as to why no one has tried to shade Liam about it is because Bill is Kelly's daddy. I AM NOT LETTING THAT GO, B&B! But feel free to drag the reveal out as long as you want, okay? Maybe Kelly can find out when she's graduating from high school. 😏


I agree that JMW just doesn't have the acting chops to pull this off.

I think she has about the same level of ability Susan Lucci had when she finally won her Emmy for her addiction storyline. The difference is JMW already has an Emmy, for pretty much which all she had to do was show up every day. Pssht, the Daytime Emmys are a joke now.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

^^^^All this. Well, except for the part about Sally. AFAIC she needs to be free of this entire mess, in a wonderful place called Genoa City. 🙂


2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

My theory as to why no one has tried to shade Liam about it is because Bill is Kelly's daddy.

I could easily be down with this too! Actually, I can be down with anything regarding Bill as long as it does not involve a reconciliation with Katie. 

I can't deny that I miss my redhead though, and I will be forever pissed that she was sacrificed for Zoe, Carter, Flo and Shauna, none of which bring a thing to the table. No deep connections, or connections of any type. Zoe and Carter put me to sleep, and I can barely discuss those Fulton women, much less tolerate their presence on my screen. GAH!

And I still remember those scenes when Sally came into Bill's office packing heat. The sparks were just a flying! I wanted them to kiss so damn bad. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Hope’s not wrong in her observations. But given her history with Steffy, it’s not going to be received well by anyone and considered suspect.

Alright, Finn. You actually impressed me today. You could tell from the way he kept eyeballing that picture of Liam and Steffy that he’s put the pieces together pretty quickly about Steffy’s issues and how she’s ripe for developing an addiction due to the overall pain in her life. She slipped right into coquettish damsel mode seeking some pills but he nipped that in the bud. Enter Vinnie....

I still don’t like nor fully buy the angle they’re trying to sell that it’s her pain over losing Liam and the family she thought they’d have that’s the big issue with her pain/addiction issues. It feels like backtracks on a lot of the progress she was making and continues to make him look like a schmuck. (I know, I know, Liam is always gonna be a schmuck) 

Meanwhile Liam/Bill are having a nice father/son chat but it’s over Steffy and given their rocky history and recent reunion it just feels a bit laughably weird and awkward. Liam shouldn’t forget- Steffy helped to break up the marriage with her affair with Bill. It’s more than understandable that ultimately he moved on. That she hasn’t is not his fault-especially when she was scheming with her brother once again just last year to keep him from Hope.

Liam don’t ever thank Justin for anything. His non legal eagle butt couldn’t be bothered helping you in the Captive Cabin aftermath. Yeah, I still remember and I’m still petty 😂


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Poor Liam, all worried because he doesn't know if his two baby mamas are playing nice without him there to referee. 😼

No, Liam, if the situation were reversed Steffy would not be taking care of Beth. Brooke would not allow it. Do you have amnesia or are you just nuts?

Finn is letting himself into Steffy's house now. Hmmm. 🤔

OMG, Hope! Why do you have such a hard time minding your own business? Even if you are sort of right, because maybe Steffy should be working with a pain specialist instead of trying to brave it out.

Lol, bet Hope is going trip all over herself to tattle to Liam about Finn and Steffy. 🤗

Finn is an ER or ICU doctor, isn't he? I don't get why he's even involved in Steffy's situation now, other than he's trying to put a move on her. And oh yeah, he lives nearby. 😒 (Are we to assume Finn also lives in Malibu? I'm not sure what is considered "nearby" in LA.)

Gosh, there's this amazing new technology where people can communicate by live video over phones and computers! Good grief, it's not like little Kelly has to be completely out of touch with her mommy while Steffy is recuperating. This storyline is taking a large crap on my ability to suspend disbelief.

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41 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

No, Liam, if the situation were reversed Steffy would not be taking care of Beth. Brooke would not allow it. Do you have amnesia or are you just nuts?

Finn is letting himself into Steffy's house now. Hmmm. 🤔

OMG, Hope! Why do you have such a hard time minding your own business? Even if you are sort of right, because maybe Steffy should be working with a pain specialist instead of trying to brave it out.

Lol, bet Hope is going trip all over herself to tattle to Liam about Finn and Steffy. 🤗

True, Steffy wouldn’t be taking care of Beth because Hope has a coven of Logan women ready to pitch in to help her including her mother. There’d be no need for Steffy to offer assistance. But since Taylor can’t be bothered to drag her ass back to LA to tend to her daughter and granddaughter and old ass Ridge is too busy in his love triangle and Thomas is....Thomas, Steffy really doesn’t have anyone else to help her. And Liam as Kelly’s dad most definitely should be parenting his child and helping take stress off Steffy in the day-to-day care. If he wasn’t we’d be calling him a deadbeat dad.

Just like with Quinn letting herself into Brooke’s house, apparently with social distancing in effect the party line is ‘the door was open so I let myself in’. Storywise Finn could credibly believe be concerned Steffy was in distress since he knows she’s recovering from debilitating injuries and was yelling so it’s not unreasonable for him to come in a he may have thought she was in trouble.

I just don’t find it out of line for Hope to voice her concerns about Steffy’s behavior. And better to voice it to her face than via Liam which would look all the more undermining. Before Liam, they were raised as sisters and related to each other grudgingly as family -depending on the week. Their relationship is highly complicated and Hope can be pushy but I’m not getting the vibe Hope wants Kelly, she’s just being a little too pushy like her Aunt Katie but her instincts aren’t wrong and no one else - Ridge, Liam, Taylor - is really pushing the issue except for Thomas who looks like he’s actually going to be playing the role of being her drug pusher to ‘help’ her not realizing that he’s enabling her addiction.

I am cracking up at the thought of Hope burning rubber to spill the details of Finn to Liam, Brooke, Donna, and Katie because her eyes were bugging when he walked in and she learned who he was. 😂 Steffy's ‘ Oh S#$t reaction when Hope saw him walk in was good because she knew she was gonna be in for it now.

Rumor has it 


Steffy is going to intentionally play up to Finn’s obvious attraction to her in order to ingratiate herself and try to score more pills. She tells him all about her drama and trauma including losing baby ‘Phoebe’ which is some kind of low using that kid to score drugs. I get she lost a daughter but Phoebe didn’t die, she’s Beth and she’s still a sister to Kelly so....yeah. Steffy is gonna go from bad to a manipulative user with a quickness. 


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48 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

True, Steffy wouldn’t be taking care of Beth because Hope has a coven of Logan women ready to pitch in to help her including her mother. There’d be no need for Steffy to offer assistance. But since Taylor can’t be bothered to drag her ass back to LA to tend to her daughter and granddaughter and old ass Ridge is too busy in his love triangle and Thomas is....Thomas, Steffy really doesn’t have anyone else to help her. And Liam as Kelly’s dad most definitely should be parenting his child and helping take stress off Steffy in the day-to-day care. If he wasn’t we’d be calling him a deadbeat dad.

Just like with Quinn letting herself into Brooke’s house, apparently with social distancing in effect the party line is ‘the door was open so I let myself in’. Storywise Finn could credibly believe be concerned Steffy was in distress since he knows she’s recovering from debilitating injuries and was yelling so it’s not unreasonable for him to come in a he may have thought she was in trouble.

I just don’t find it out of line for Hope to voice her concerns about Steffy’s behavior. And better to voice it to her face than via Liam which would look all the more undermining. Before Liam, they were raised as sisters and related to each other grudgingly as family -depending on the week. Their relationship is highly complicated and Hope can be pushy but I’m not getting the vibe Hope wants Kelly, she’s just being a little too pushy like her Aunt Katie but her instincts aren’t wrong and no one else - Ridge, Liam, Taylor - is really pushing the issue except for Thomas who looks like he’s actually going to be playing the role of being her drug pusher to ‘help’ her not realizing that he’s enabling her addiction.

I am cracking up at the thought of Hope burning rubber to spill the details of Finn to Liam, Brooke, Donna, and Katie because her eyes were bugging when he walked in and she learned who he was. 😂 Steffy's ‘ Oh S#$t reaction when Hope saw him walk in was good because she knew she was gonna be in for it now.

Rumor has it 

  Reveal spoiler

Steffy is going to intentionally play up to Finn’s obvious attraction to her in order to ingratiate herself and try to score more pills. She tells him all about her drama and trauma including losing baby ‘Phoebe’ which is some kind of low using that kid to score drugs. I get she lost a daughter but Phoebe didn’t die, she’s Beth and she’s still a sister to Kelly so....yeah. Steffy is gonna go from bad to a manipulative user with a quickness. 


Hope may not be out of line for voicing concerns, but where she's out of line is directly going against what Steffy and Liam had agreed. She lied to Liam and told him she was taking Kelly back to Steffy, then did the exact opposite. She would lose her mind if Steffy pulled that with her. 

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I’m Team Hope here. She explained the reason for the delay in bringing Kelly home and that she would be bringing her back in a few hours, not keeping her indefinitely. 

Hope is Kelly’s stepmother and the mother of Kelly’s little sister  and is genuinely concerned for Steffy. And said as much. And apologized and acknowledged Steffy’s ordeal. I saw nothing but caring and concern in her eyes and voice. And Hope has EVERY right to be concerned as Steffy was clearly unhinged and hungover as hell. 

Imagine if Hope had brought Kelly home when Steffy expected. Girlfriend was passed out on the couch or at minimum, sleeping off her lovely little mixture of pain pills and alcohol. That would have been such a fabulous environment for Kelly to come home to. 

And when I think of the gall of Steffy bitching about Kelly coming home a few HOURS later after Hope was kept from her child for the better part of a YEAR, with Steffy and her rabid determination to adopt an insta-sister for Kelly so she could have a line to go with her hook and reel Liam back in as daddy to both helping set events in motion, yeah, it’s a no-brainer for me to say that Steffy needs to have some fucking perspective and clean up her messy-ass life. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I’m Team Hope here. She explained the reason for the delay in bringing Kelly home and that she would be bringing her back in a few hours, not keeping her indefinitely. 

Hope is Kelly’s stepmother and the mother of Kelly’s little sister  and is genuinely concerned for Steffy. And said as much. And apologized and acknowledged Steffy’s ordeal. I saw nothing but caring and concern in her eyes and voice. And Hope has EVERY right to be concerned as Steffy was clearly unhinged and hungover as hell. 

Imagine if Hope had brought Kelly home when Steffy expected. Girlfriend was passed out on the couch or at minimum, sleeping off her lovely little mixture of pain pills and alcohol. That would have been such a fabulous environment for Kelly to come home to. 

And when I think of the gall of Steffy bitching about Kelly coming home a few HOURS later after Hope was kept from her child for the better part of a YEAR, with Steffy and her rabid determination to adopt an insta-sister for Kelly so she could have a line to go with her hook and reel Liam back in as daddy to both helping set events in motion, yeah, it’s a no-brainer for me to say that Steffy needs to have some fucking perspective and clean up her messy-ass life. 

Being a stepmother gives her 0 right to make choices that directly go against what was decided between Liam and Steffy. She is not the parent in this situation, and has no right to behave as one. 

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If I had been Hope, I would have turned around and walked out when Steffy started spewing her venom. That wasn’t the drugs talking; rather, because of the pills, she now feels free to openly talk nasty to Hope. 

As for Dr Finn, if he had half a brain cell, he would have fled the cliff house the moment he laid eyes on the giant portrait of Steamless. Steffy having pictures of herself with Liam (her daughter’s parents) is fine and healthy. Larger-than-life-sized canvases are...not. 

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out which is the older brother. The show's been cagey about it, and on their Soap Central character profiles neither one has a birthdate listed. It's odd, no?

Back after Steffy's stallion ride got out, it was mentioned in passing reference that Liam was the older son...? But honestly, that doesn't make sense when Quinn supposedly had Wyatt in her teens...? That doesn't preclude the possibility of Bill being older but Kelly had an established career when she met Bill. I doubt a guy with access to models would have time or energy for high schoolers.

3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

If I had been Hope, I would have turned around and walked out when Steffy started spewing her venom. That wasn’t the drugs talking; rather, because of the pills, she now feels free to openly talk nasty to Hope. 

As for Dr Finn, if he had half a brain cell, he would have fled the cliff house the moment he laid eyes on the giant portrait of Steamless. Steffy having pictures of herself with Liam (her daughter’s parents) is fine and healthy. Larger-than-life-sized canvases are...not. 

Right. My parents split before I was born, and I have exactly one (1) photo of them together at my 1st birthday party in my baby album. That's it.

Honestly, I suspect the true answer as to the portrait has stuck around is because TPTB are too cheap to find another piece of artwork to fit the space. We're coming up on 3 years post split without any real traction on the Steamboat, with the only roll in the hay being facilitated by molly. To use a line from Star Trek's Dr McCoy, "It's dead, Jim."

Edited by Anna Yolei
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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Back after Steffy's stallion ride got out, it was mentioned in passing reference that Liam was the older son...? But honestly, that doesn't make sense when Quinn supposedly had Wyatt in her teens...? That doesn't preclude the possibility of Bill being older but Kelly had an established career when she met Bill. I doubt a guy with access to models would have time or energy for high schoolers.


I mean a lot of model are teenaged high-schoolers so that would fit with Kelly and Quinn being around the same age when Bill hooked up with both of them.

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13 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

But since Taylor can’t be bothered to drag her ass back to LA to tend to her daughter and granddaughter

Big sticking point with me; worthless ass "Doc" needs to come home and tend to her offspring. 

13 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I just don’t find it out of line for Hope to voice her concerns about Steffy’s behavior. And better to voice it to her face than via Liam which would look all the more undermining. Before Liam, they were raised as sisters and related to each other grudgingly as family -depending on the week. Their relationship is highly complicated and Hope can be pushy but I’m not getting the vibe Hope wants Kelly, she’s just being a little too pushy like her Aunt Katie but her instincts aren’t wrong and no one else - Ridge, Liam, Taylor - is really pushing the issue except for Thomas who looks like he’s actually going to be playing the role of being her drug pusher to ‘help’ her not realizing that he’s enabling her addiction.

This so much! Steffy is at the precipice and can still be pulled back, but those that care about her can't be afraid to speak up. Steffy is now combining alcohol with some type of narcotic, and that is bad, bad business there. I think Kelly's safety is far more important than Steffy's hurt feelings. 

12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And when I think of the gall of Steffy bitching about Kelly coming home a few HOURS later after Hope was kept from her child for the better part of a YEAR, with Steffy and her rabid determination to adopt an insta-sister for Kelly so she could have a line to go with her hook and reel Liam back in as daddy to both helping set events in motion, yeah, it’s a no-brainer for me to say that Steffy needs to have some fucking perspective and clean up her messy-ass life. 

Hmm.....don't even get me started here. And the common consensus is that Brooke's kids are fucked up, and yes they are, but just look at these Marone kids. While Brooke's kids have emotional issues, they are not mean spirited, evil, manipulative, murdering, elitist, entitled brats. All Steffy and Thomas do is whine about their terrible lives and their hardships. OH WAIT! Stupid me, these are Ridge and Taylor's kids. 

12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Imagine if Hope had brought Kelly home when Steffy expected. Girlfriend was passed out on the couch or at minimum, sleeping off her lovely little mixture of pain pills and alcohol. That would have been such a fabulous environment for Kelly to come home to. 

And don't you just know that if Hope had done that, and left Kelly with her hungover mom and something had happened? It would have all been Hope's fault because she left her step daughter with her mom who was too fucked up to be a mom. I can assure you they will find a way to blame Hope for Steffy's addiction.


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 Steffy is gonna go from bad to a manipulative user with a quickness. 

Well, it's what addicts do so Brad's got that part right. What's dumb IMO is totally ignoring all the resources Steffy could've accessed before she got to this point. She could have a housekeeper and a nanny living with her 24/7 while she's recuperating. She could be under the care of a specialist trained to deal with her situation. (Not that Finn isn't but he's shown an amazing lack of objectivity so I don't know how useful he can be unless he intends to use his growing position in her life to keep her from falling deeper into addiction. Seems unlikely to me though unless he's going to move in with her.)


Imagine if Hope had brought Kelly home when Steffy expected. Girlfriend was passed out on the couch or at minimum, sleeping off her lovely little mixture of pain pills and alcohol. That would have been such a fabulous environment for Kelly to come home to. 

But Hope had no reason so assume that's what she would've been walking into. She just made one of her unilateral decisions to keep Kelly without consulting the child's parents first. In an emergency that might've been okay but this wasn't an emergency. Plot points are being staged awkwardly probably because they can't have the kids on set right now.


As for Dr Finn, if he had half a brain cell, he would have fled the cliff house the moment he laid eyes on the giant portrait of Steamless. Steffy having pictures of herself with Liam (her daughter’s parents) is fine and healthy. Larger-than-life-sized canvases are...not. 

Right? But Finn seems to be taking Steffy's obsession with her past with Liam as a challenge. He sees himself as the prince riding in on a white horse to rescue the princess. I wouldn't bet on his success in the long run.


I suspect the true answer as to the portrait has stuck around is because TPTB are too cheap to find another piece of artwork to fit the space.

I think it's TPTB's accommodation to the Steam fans. Gotta throw them a occasional bone because Kelly isn't enough apparently. There are some insane battles going on out in the soap forum word about Steffy & Finn vs. Steffy & Liam. Now there's a faction trying to figure out how Finn can end up with Hope so Liam will be "free" to go back to Steffy. It's hilarious.


Big sticking point with me; worthless ass "Doc" needs to come home and tend to her offspring. 

Seriously. they need to recast the role if they can't work things out with HT. It's ridiculous that Taylor wouldn't come back to help Steffy and Kelly. And whatever Skype therapy she's been doing with Thomas clearly doesn't work. It's b.s. that she's giving therapy to her own kid when she has zero objectivity and but does have a vested interest in making sure she's seen as blameless for his troubles. Guess in medical school she missed class the day they learned about abandonment issues. 😒

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:
  Reveal spoiler

 Steffy is gonna go from bad to a manipulative user with a quickness. 

But Hope had no reason so assume that's what she would've been walking into. She just made one of her unilateral decisions to keep Kelly without consulting the child's parents first. In an emergency that might've been okay but this wasn't an emergency. Plot points are being staged awkwardly probably because they can't have the kids on set right now.

Of course Hope couldn’t have known what shape Steffy was in - at least as far as the pills and booze were concerned, but that wasn’t my point. I am saying that had Hope brought back Kelly as planned earlier that morning, Steffy would have been in zero shape to properly care for a toddler. But I guess since Hope is not Kelly’s mother, she shouldn’t care about that and just hand her over and say “have fun with your-totally-not-coming-down-from-a-high-mommy.” Sure, Jan. 

I’m still side-eyeing the outrage over Hope bringing Kelly by a few hours later. One would think that Hope KIDNAPPED her (oh the irony) instead of letting her spend a few more measly hours with her sister and cousin to finish an art project. And really, this has zero to do with Kelly at all. It’s (1) Steffy’s spiraling into full-blown addiction and itching for her next fix and (2) well over two years later, she’s still a sore loser over not winning the Liam Spencer sweepstakes. Also, I’m getting whiplash from the ever-changing narrative where Hope and Kelly are concerned.  First, she didn’t give a shit about Kelly and never had her over to her home with Liam. Now, she’s caring WAY too much and is trying to steal Kelly. How that makes any sense is beyond me.


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I think we’re all missing the most important issue with Steffy, Liam , Kelly and Hope. Hope’s clothes are even more atrocious than before the virus. Do those people even OWN a mirror on set?!

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On 9/5/2020 at 6:30 AM, RuntheTable said:

While Brooke's kids have emotional issues, they are not mean spirited, evil, manipulative, murdering, elitist, entitled brats

Ehhhhhhhhh.....Rick definitely had his moments in playing his parents and using Steffy back in the day. Which would be easy to dismiss if he didn't fire off a round at Ridge and Caroline. OTOH, he's never...y'know, raped anyone, so there's that.

Still, Brooke's batting average with the other three speaks for itself. Bridget had all the right in the world to break bad and be horrid to everyone, but she chose to go high when her shitty, rotten relatives (both Forrester and Logan) went low. Hope I've had my share of issues with but to be intentionally malicious ain't in her wheelhouse. The jury's out on RJ since we never see him and he does have Marone blood but the worst I can say is he's a bit of a dope for thinking his parents are #RelationshipGoals. Compared with his brothers, that's a step up.


On 9/5/2020 at 9:04 AM, CountryGirl said:

I’m still side-eyeing the outrage over Hope bringing Kelly by a few hours later.

While I agree with this, I think TPTB could've at least three in a line about Hope at least trying to call or text Steffy for permission just for the record.

With that being said, I don't like where TIIC are headed with trying to make Hope, and by extension all the Logans, the bad guy in this story. Not just because Twitter fandom is a rabid clusterfuck of hatred but because this is yet again another issue Bell has only read about and seems to have no grasp on. I have a number of drug addicts among my mom's six siblings and I've seen the affects play out among their children. Short version: Hope is absolutely right to be concerned, but it's gonna be framed as  Evil, Jealous Hope vs poor widdle innocent lamb Steffy. I'm already tired.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Under any other circumstances I think I would be beating Hope over the head for taking such license with Kelly, but I just can't here. However, I do think she should have at least called Steffy, because Steffy is Kelly's mother. 

I am wondering about the timeline here; Steffy has just finished her second bottle of pain pills. The average dose that is being dispensed in today's world is 7 to 14 days, depending on the procedure you had done. After that, you are shipped off to pain management. In this case, Dr. LB reupped Steffy's first script, so another 7 to 14 days, with how long in between when Steffy was taking OTC stuff. So a month to a month and a half maybe? If Steffy had been allowed to come home and heal, instead of keeping house and taking care of a toddler, she would be feeling much better by now. And I don't think she should be at the attacking and snarling stage just yet. 

But they are fucking this up so bad. And frankly, I find it plain irresponsible. If you want to do an addiction SL, you need to get it right. What is truly aggravating me, is how they keep showing Steffy waiting till the pain is unbearable before taking a pill. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO! That is not proper pain management; you are not managing your pain, you are treating it. You have to get ahead of it, and then manage it. Proper pain management is crucial to healing; it allows the body and mind to focus on something other than the pain, eliminating stress and worry, which gives the body a break and lets it recover. 

Outside of that, I am pissed that Liam and Hope's retribution arc lasting a nanosecond. This couple was allowed to believe their child was dead for roughly a year. And when the truth came out, they got what, about a month of concern and attention? More maddening, was their healing time was muddied by having shade thrown on them for having the audacity to want to take their child home. Steffy's feelings had to come first. Her loss was much greater than Hope and Liam's. It didn't matter that Steffy had her own flesh and blood daughter, and Liam and Hope had, well, nothing, but Steffy had bonded with PhoBeth. You can't just rip her away! Wow, poor Hope had her child ripped away from her at childbirth. 

Then we had to watch Hope's stepdad, the man who acted as a father figure to her for years, let the perpetrator of this crime go scott free in order to save his rotten son's ass. And to compound that insult, he started a relationship with the criminal's mother, who was an accomplice. And now these two P'sOS are happily ensconced in relationships, talking about their bright futures, when they should be sitting in prison. 

But Steffy is the one who has suffered. 

Now this. Oh, I have no doubt where this shit is going. Steffy is going to spiral out of control, and Kelly will always be with Hope and Liam. But no one, looking at you Ridge and Thomas, will blame it on Steffy for not being a responsible adult and mother, and working with her Dr., and being honest with him about her condition. No, it won't be Steffy's physical pain that will be blamed; it will be her emotional pain from losing her family, and being left all alone in her big house on the cliff. Just her, and Kelly, and her phantom Steam portrait. Of course Kelly will be spending most of her time with Hope and Liam, so Hope, because no one ever blames the men on this show for anything, and of course Hope is a Logan, will be accused of trying to steal Kelly. None of these stupid as fuck nincompoops will give a passing thought to Kelly living with a drug addicted mother. 

On 9/5/2020 at 10:27 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Ehhhhhhhhh.....Rick definitely had his moments in playing his parents and using Steffy back in the day. Which would be easy to dismiss if he didn't fire off a round at Ridge and Caroline. OTOH, he's never...y'know, raped anyone, so there's that.

I totally have to give you this one. I have never liked the Rick character and only tolerated him because he was Brooke's son. And yes, he has definitely shown violent tendencies over the years, going all the way back to Grant. Also, he has always been way to involved in his mom's personal life. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I totally have to give you this one. I have never liked the Rick character and only tolerated him because he was Brooke's son. And yes, he has definitely shown violent tendencies over the years, going all the way back to Grant. Also, he has always been way to involved in his mom's personal life. 

I came into the show back when Rick was a new teen dad to Eric III and I remember him being a halfway decent person back then. I do mean "halfway," since he did use his money to try to buy off Deacon's paternal rights (IIRC, Deacon wasn't aware he had a son--he and Becky were a one night fling and then he bounced) but the joke was on him and all the Forresters when he came to LA wanting to actually know his kid and he told Rick where to shove Daddy's platinum card.

Still, though, he didn't really get on my last nerve until Gorrillick hit the scene and basically started acting like...well, Ridge--even down to "Own[ing Steffy's] ass" to get revenge, not unlike what Ridge tried with Caroline and Bill Sr. Even if I knew what kind of Lauren Fenmore-esque mean girl Steffy would turn into the following year, that speaks nothing good on Rick to involve innocent people for his own vendettas.

Hell, not even his own vendettas, but Brooke's battles that 1)she never asked him to do (that's the one thing I can say Brooke never did: using her children to fix adult problems, not unlike Taylor) and 2)she never made effort to resolve herself. And if she didn't care about the trash ass way he treated her all those years, why should he? I mean, he grew up in LA for Christ's sake. He should be out slurring it up to make up for the lost youth he spent raising a child that wasn't his, not fighting mommy's battles.

In fact, none of these kids act the way rich LA brats actually do. Will might be the only one of the bunch with a shred of realism for how obsessed with money he is as a grade schooler. He may grow up to be the type that flashing money at chicks to get attention, and that would honestly be far more refreshing for anything I've seen outta the teen set since Bridget took a match to Deacon's clothes.

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Liam feeling guilty about Steffy's situation is a bad sign, IMO. Bill is right, that's pointless.

Before the accident Steffy was fine with Liam's having settled down with Hope and the two kids. Why is everyone encouraging her to blame part of her physical pain on that?

I knew it! Of course Hope made a beeline right to Liam to tell him about Steffy and Finn.

Finn. Either you're Steffy's doctor or you're trying to date her. You can't ethically be both.

I don't get Liam's argument. Steffy's clearly not physically able to take care of Kelly on her own. Nobody's blaming her for it, or lacking in sympathy for her plight. But ugh, spare me the "single mother" crap. Steffy could have a whole staff of people helping her with Kelly and the housework. She's choosing to martyr herself.

A G-rated Studio 54. Lol, who came up that? Most of the people who would get that reference are probably dead and $Bill isn't old enough to have gone there.

I see you, Hope, innocently playing matchmaker. Pushing Steffy and Finn together might backfire though if Liam gets jealous.

Maybe Finn should give Steffy a refill in something like this:


Can these be set so that the bottle can't be opened before alarm goes off?

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Dr Finn would give Stuffy more meds for her physical pain but not her mental pain. Did I read that correctly?  Dr Finn must be an Osteopath because they treat the integration of mind, body, and spirit. 

Studio 54, brings back a lot of fine memories. It’s not a disco nightclub anymore but a Broadway Theater. Not getting Bill’s reference just goes to show you how ordinary Liam and Hope are. 

Dr Finn is licking Stuffy’s ass hoping some day to be really licking her ass.  I hope Dr Finn realizes how fast Stuffy is going through her pills and cuts her off. But if he does, I’m quite sure Lurch via Vinnie will help her out. 

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Before the accident Steffy was fine with Liam's having settled down with Hope and the two kids. Why is everyone encouraging her to blame part of her physical pain on that?

I don't get it either. Apart from the stupid spur-the-moment adoption (that if I want to be charitable, Taylor was the big driver of that), Steffy's been pretty level-headed about what went down and why it did and gas been fine with co-parenting. Drugs or not, this is so inconsistent to the only character growth Steffy's had in 12 years on this show (and if im being honest, more than any of her parent figures ever got, especially Ridge).

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I hope Dr. Finn doesn't turn out to be a bad guy. I am liking him and Steffy. A step up from her Liam obsession. Move her on already. I hope he actually helps her and not be a drug supplier to her or something.

Hope looks better with the darker hair. Steffys blonde highlights? are awful

Why do Liam and Hope live in that small ass cabin. and who would want to live that close to their annoying highly involved mother. 

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I like that Dr Finn won't give Steffy another pain pill prescription. He is also trying to help her understand the reasons why he won't write the prescription, and he is listening to her.  I am sure the writers will mess this up soon, but I hope they don't turn around and have him give in to her pleading.

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5 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it just me, or is there very little chemistry between Steffy and Finn?  I hate to say it, but the only man who JMW seems to have any real chemistry with is TK!

I do think she has a bit of chemistry with DD, but that's perhaps, more due to Don having chemistry with everyone. But yeah, I see it with TK and we know how he lights up around the younger ladies. Since the show loves to retconn, let it come out that Steffy and Phoebe - or even just Steffy since they retconned them from being identical twins to fraternal - turn out to be Pierce's and then they won't have the pesky little detail of incest to keep them apart any longer. 

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5 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it just me, or is there very little chemistry between Steffy and Finn?  I hate to say it, but the only man who JMW seems to have any real chemistry with is TK!

Yeah, I love that they got a new love interest for Steffy but she and this poor guy have zero chem, IMO. And twitter is pushing Sinn haaaaard which makes me sad because I want to be with them but between the lack of chem and the bad writing/set-up I'm a no go. I feel like in the age of Covid they didn't get to chem test them and/or he was cast quickly and after they were in quarantine. Again, she and Vinnie had more chemistry in their brief scenes and it's a shame they didn't go in that direction.

Ridge calling Bill toxic was beyond hilarious. And while Justin was right that Ridge needs to call before just dropping by, it's sad that he's still Bill's hype man and refers to him $Dollar Bill in outside company. Bill doesn't need Justin's protection and fluffing.

I liked the beat of Liam asking Brooke how she was doing with all her drama. Yes, he was trying to pivot away from the discussion with Hope, but it was actually just a nice thing to do, IMO. Sad thing is Brooke looked every bit the woe is me Nana sitting in that chair.

Lordy, way to tempt fate Hope! Waxing poetic on how great a dad and husband Liam is ending with 'I love you and I always will'.

I was able to duck the anvil but it still landed on my foot.

I mean seriously, BB? Liam and Hope do not need to break up yet again over ANY Steffy angst. It would surprise me more if this anvil actually culminated in Liam unexpectedly getting sick or dying from a long undiagnosed secondary issue from his brain injury.  


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AYFKMWTS? This macho behavior of Ridge's makes my head hurt. He not only needs to stay in his lane, he needs to get off the Brooke Freeway altogether. The Shauna Frontage Road is his path now.

How does Ridge even get into the SP building? You'd think Bill would have him on a "security risk, do not admit" list.

Does Brooke live within walking distance of the beach? Because if Donna has now taken Kelly off Brooke's property it'll be a huge issue if anything goes wrong. There's already a faction of fans who think Hope kidnapped Kelly by not taking her back to her mother like she said she would. If Kelly's now been passed off to yet another person who isn't Steffy that's a problem in my book too.

Wow, gossipy Hope. She was really trying to make Steffy's relationship with Finn look to Liam and Brooke like more than it is. More than it is so far anyway. Liam didn't seem worried though. Yet.

Finn is a bad doctor, IMO. He shouldn't be using his ability to write prescriptions as a way to work his wiles on Steffy. If he truly thinks Steffy has emotional problems which are contributing to her physical pain he should refer her to a licensed therapist instead of trying to date her.

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While I appreciate that the writers have finally introduced a new male into this incestuous grouping, I’m not impressed with Dr. Finnigan. He practically puts me to sleep but then all of the other actors (with the exception of Bill) do too. And why in the world did they have Ridge barge into Bill’s office today? What was the purpose of Ridge embarrassing himself YET AGAIN? 

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Great PSA delivered by Dr Finn on opioid abuse.  Stuffy, are you that dense?  You think I have a problem that’s all she could think about when Dr Finn was explaining opioid abuse and how it can occur. 

Ridge and Bill matching whits. Is that really fair.  Bill is a master of the barb. 


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My question is if Steffy is taking that many pain pills - when was the last time she pooped? Or is that just an issue for older women? In the last few years I’ve had a hysterectomy, broken fingers, two surgeries on the fingers, and a broken wrist. I took the pain pills as prescribed for 24-36 hours, then I switched to OTC pain meds. If Steffy is still in that much pain, it’s time to see a specialist. Maybe get more X-rays or an MRI. 

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, gossipy Hope. She was really trying to make Steffy's relationship with Finn look to Liam and Brooke like more than it is. More than it is so far anyway. Liam didn't seem worried though. Yet.

I dunno if this is Hope running to tattle or her being secure enough that Liam won't run off this time to play hero because that shit is like catnip to him. Always has been. And if Steffy shows a genuine interest in Trouty Mouth, he'll be back in her orbit faster than you can say "Cha Cha Cha."

Three fucking Emmys and the only real meaty story was the Beth shit that was mostly carried by the natural pathos most have for babies and grieving mothers. I feel genuinely bad for Scott Clifton, I really do.

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There are times in life when the stars align perfectly and deliver us wonderful entertainment experiences. For instance, when Jimi performed at Monterey in 1967; the perfect blend of brilliance, beauty, sexiness, genius....oh, sorry, anyway...

Yesterdays show was not one of those times. 

Did anything actually happen?

I will admit that I always get a little worked up when Bill and Ridge go at it, but Ridge came off as a jealous, possessive, lump of coal. When Ronn used to stake his claim he at least looked sincere; I got the feeling TK was just repeating lines in order to get through the scene. And of course we know there won't be any fisticuffs because the actors can't come close to each other. So, those scenes bombed for me. 

Ok Steffy, you need your daughter. We have successfully established that fact. Now, how about someone tell this confused woman, that she was in a car crash that left her a bit broken. Broken mommy's need time to heal in order to be with their little girls. If you don't give yourself time to heal, then you will be taking something to dull the pain, but that something will also dull your mind, and you could very well put your daughter in the same situation as you are currently in. Please stop. Let Kelly be a little girl with other little kids, and people, namely her dad, that love her, and let yourself get better. 

Dr. LB talked about opioid dependency. A step in the right direction, as is his refusal to prescribe Steffy anymore. 

My burning question though, is what did Hope mean when she said "I just wish she and Ridge would......", and Liam looking sheepish said "I know", or something to that effect. Was Hope saying she wished her mom and Ridge would finally get it right? Let it go? I lay my money on the latter. 

Oh, and Brooke knocked before entering the cabin, so there is that

23 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it just me, or is there very little chemistry between Steffy and Finn? 

I think it has a lot to do with the social distancing stuff. I have been off kilter with no one touching each other. Everyone seems insincere and flat. You can't do soaps without touching and kissing. And mannequins simply aren't doing it for me. I imagine the actors are having a difficult time adjusting to this new environment and how to express their feelings without the normal kissing and petting. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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