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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 3/13/2018 at 5:29 PM, Waldo13 said:

There is a reason for Sally's prints to be on the gun but how would Sally know Bill took the gun home?

Did Bill take the gun home or did the shooter stop by his office first and get the gun. I can't recall.

On 3/13/2018 at 5:59 PM, mightysparrow said:

It's sooooooooo nice to have Thomas and Sally back together.  I think they're the best couple on this show.  Losing PF ruined EVERYTHING and this show is still messed up.  I liked Sally and Liam but they were never more than good friends.  Sally and Thomas are just magic!

I love seeing them again. they are the best couple. But it's too bittersweet. I was feeling worse seeing them together knowing this was just to wrap them up and that I'll never see them again.

BTW, has Hauxdi  actually gone into Bill's room? Wouldn't hearing the lust of his life by his bedside give him a reason to wake up?

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

Did Bill take the gun home or did the shooter stop by his office first and get the gun. I can't recall.

I love seeing them again. they are the best couple. But it's too bittersweet. I was feeling worse seeing them together knowing this was just to wrap them up and that I'll never see them again.

BTW, has Hauxdi  actually gone into Bill's room? Wouldn't hearing the lust of his life by his bedside give him a reason to wake up?

One part of his anatomy would wake up and salute! *SPROING* ?

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On 3/14/2018 at 9:07 AM, CountryGirl said:

Brooke was with Ridge - well, until Katie faked a heart attack at their wedding to ensure they wouldn't get hitched since she had fallen for Ridge and his pomes and soccer skills and he for her for some reason - but I chalk that whole Kridge debacle, complete with the red ribbon of true wuv, to revenge for Brill 1.0. 

Super excellent description.  All I'll ever need to know and grateful I never saw it.  Won't even try to find it on yt.  Well, maybe I need to see the wedding part...

Edited by TessHarding2
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11 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Gloves leave prints?

Maybe I heard this wrong, but I thought that they knew the last person to use the gun wore gloves because of how part of the fingerprints that had been there were obliterated.  I don't know if that makes any sense, though, since I'm with @grisgris on team "But what do I know?" :)

10 hours ago, grisgris said:

Hauxdi would probably call Liam out for knowing about the plot all along, which would break Sally's heart. (I don't mean romantically, but it would just obliterate all of her trust in and respect for him.) But ... maybe now that she has Thomas back and is heading off for a fresh start in NYC, she won't GAF.

I think Sally will blow it off as "Well, I guess Liam's not the honest, wonderful person I thought he was."

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Color me disappointed with the who shot Bill fallout. After that great buildup we end up with the Heffy Hospital Hour. Seriously? I swear they had Bill shot so Steffy and Hope can find their inner lesbians and realize it is each other they really want. How else to explain this nonsense. Hope is all over the place; one minute calling Steffy out, and the next hugging her, and telling her she is there for her. Hope needs to leave the friggin hospital. She hates Bill. She has a new fashion line to oversee. Get on with it.

Steffy is there for one reason and one reason only. Herself. She knows this has made Liam very vulnerable, and this cow is not above using Liam’s grief to her own advantage. I can’t remember which poster said it, but they got it right. Steffy is going to aim that baby bump at anyone who threatens her, or her agenda. That baby bump clears the slate and redeems her from any and all judgement and recriminations. Steffy is, and will, use that child for her own betterment, and will wield it like a weapon in her life journey to be the Queen Bitch. Lord, how I hate her.

When I was 12 I was raped by a family member. I adored this individual; he was a major part of my childhood. And he took my love, trust, and adulation and used it against me. My pain eventually turned to anger; then hatred. But I still loved him. I couldn’t forget riding in his convertible, sitting on the console, with my mom in the passenger seat. Or endless summers swimming in his pool. And going to ballgames. And his farm with all the animals. It was all so horrible and confusing. I was 40 when he died of a heart attack. I cried like a baby, but I wasn’t crying for the man who raped me; I was crying for the man who populated my childhood with happy memories of long summer vacations, and laughter, and humor, and fun. So I totally get where Liam is at, and I am completely ok with him being torn up that his dad was shot and is fighting for his life. But it should not lead to any type of forgiveness for Bill fucking his wife. Liam needs to remember that Bill made a conscious decision to violate their relationship. He chose to betray his son.

Lt. Sanchez is such an adorable pipsqueak; I want to dislike him so bad, but I can’t. He is like some weird combination of Clouseau and Columbo, with a little bit of Baretta thrown in for good measure. I thought it was funny listening to Deputy Chief of Police Baker schooling the young buck on the fine art of detectiving. Oh, those two……..

Thomas and Sally; I had forgotten their magic, but it came back like a tidal wave this week. The fact that Courtney Hope and Pierson Fode are both looking hotter than Hades helps, but they have something really powerful that sparks between them, and it leaves no doubt where Sally belongs. I still believe she has feelings for Liam, but that is a different kind of love, and I think she was just so lost and broken up about Thomas and Spectra, that she latched on for dear life. I also believe she will be upset if she finds out Liam knew about The Lie, but I think she will understand his position, and given all he tried to do for her, will get past it. Oh, and can I also say that CH and PF know how to deliver a make out/sex scene? Holy Moly! When Sally scratched her nails down his chest? Those smokin hot looks between them? Wowza.

At the same time, it has reminded me how much I am going to miss CH. I don’t latch onto many new characters, but there has been something special about her from day one. The fact that she is a fellow Ginger helps, but it is much more than that; I love her the same way I did Brooke in the early days. Such a terrible loss, and major mistake, to let this one get away. And made all the worse for this viewer knowing it was to recast Hope, and start the ugliest, most boring, and undynamic triangle in soap history.

Ah, poor Caroline is upset. The only prop, or maybe fuck, that I will give her right now, is the fact that her quilt made her confess. That says something, but she can totally miss me with all the Uncle Bill blame. Bill wrote the script, but you are the one who had to play the part. That makes it a bit difficult for me to drum up any sympathy for you, but I do feel very bad for your son.

It is very telling that Wyatt is MIA from the hospital. In all honesty, I am thinking Wyatt did this. His behavior has been way off ever since he and Katie met with Bill. That was the first time he ever stood up to his father, and Wyatt is so much like Bill. Then he disappeared, came come with a bottle, preceded to get drunk without even wondering about Katie, or checking on Will, who was presumably upstairs asleep……alone. Then after passing out drunk and waking up the next day you check your phone and see like a hundred urgent messages from Katie and you just lay the phone down and carry on? Nah, there is something foul afoot here.

I want to applaud all my fellow posters; you guys have been on point and so deliciously snarky! I was going to do some quotes, but realized I would be hijacking the board, so let me just thank you as a group for the very entertaining reads!

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Awww @RuntheTable, so sorry to hear about your past :(  You are a brave person to have gotten through that.

48 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Lt. Sanchez is such an adorable pipsqueak; I want to dislike him so bad, but I can’t. He is like some weird combination of Clouseau and Columbo, with a little bit of Baretta thrown in for good measure.

Don't forget to throw in some of my man, Horatio Caine :)

48 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

The only prop, or maybe fuck, that I will give her right now, is the fact that her quilt made her confess.

So Caroline has her very own version of blankie of despair...the blankie of conscience!  ;-)

Edited by ByTor
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And folks here think Steffy is made of teflon? So let's see, Thomas raped his fathers wife and now he is the most romantic nice guy ever? Caroline not only gets raped, but then the writers have her misunderstand the night, get pregnant, moon over her rapist, fake an illness and now she may have shot Bill so she can lose custody of her child to her rapist? Awesome! Destroy the victim of rape and redeem the rapist. Way to go show!

And the thing is, I think the actors playing Thomas and Sally have chemistry and they are adorable together, but good god!


I swear they had Bill shot so Steffy and Hope can find their inner lesbians and realize it is each other they really want.

I cannot stand Steffy or Hope, but I think this would be hilarious. Unfortunately, these actresses have no chemistry.

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38 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

And folks here think Steffy is made of teflon? So let's see, Thomas raped his fathers wife and now he is the most romantic nice guy ever? Caroline not only gets raped, but then the writers have her misunderstand the night, get pregnant, moon over her rapist, fake an illness and now she may have shot Bill so she can lose custody of her child to her rapist? Awesome! Destroy the victim of rape and redeem the rapist. Way to go show!

And the thing is, I think the actors playing Thomas and Sally have chemistry and they are adorable together, but good god!

I cannot stand Steffy or Hope, but I think this would be hilarious. Unfortunately, these actresses have no chemistry.

I don't disagree but with this show (or most soaps) you eventually get to a point where you have to go with the retcon or stop watching.  Granted, it was much easier to do with Caroline off-screen and with the fact that PF/CH had such amazing chemistry.  Not to mention Thomas was rehabbed quite a bit by his friendship with Sasha.  I think that's where I decided to give him a chance.  I've never forgotten - though I blame the writers and not the character now. 

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@RuntheTable, I don't know what to say.  Thank you for sharing your story.  I honour the courage it took you to tell it and the strength it took you to come through what was done to you.  One of the best things about places like this is the incredible people you encounter.  I'm grateful to all the amazing people who make this such a special place.

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My money is on Liam.  He was on his way to Steffy's house for dinner, saw the proposal through the window and left, Rage induced, he found himself at Bill's pulled the trigger and made his way back to Steffy with no recollection of the incident.  He was out of it at her house that night and they are spreading on the loving son stuff pretty thick. 

Edited by hitchcock3011
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you eventually get to a point where you have to go with the retcon or stop watching. 

Oh I know - I've watched soaps my whole life. I think this is just striking me fully right now because Thomas and Caroline are back on screen and it kind of makes me a bit sick when I really think about the circumstances of both characters right now.

And even having said that, I like Thomas and Sally together! Apparently I'm easily manipulated!

I'd love for the shooter to be Liam or Wyatt, but I think it will be Caroline or Sheila. Two totally disposable characters.

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My vote goes to Justin. He’s not a family member, has been used and abused by Bill for a long time and has no back story that we’ve invested in as viewers. No loss to us when he goes to prison. If, as I read on another board here, Bill points to Ridge as the shooter, I think that’s a lie and just a way to get back at Ridge. Not that it would hurt my feelings for Ridge to go to prison-he’s been such a horrible person, he deserves some time with the bad boys in the hole. So to recap, Justin for the win.

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43 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I'm getting the strange vibe that this is a set up Bill orchestrated himself. Like he arranged to be shot to frame someone or get sympathy. It's going to be some bullshit like that ? 

Honestly, that's the thing that makes the most sense. Everyone else is either not going anywhere, a complete wildcard or Sheila, for which any dramatic payoff for murder when out of fashion before the pager did.

With Storm, he was smart enough to have an airtight alibi when he was calling the police about something unrelated when he shot Stephanie using a silencer. That, and he had motive for wanting Stephanie gone; letting Stephen take the rap was an added bonus.

But no one has that brain power and even the wild cards like Pam are too far removed to have any credibility. And some, they could've left outta the whole mix entirely. Does anyone believe Rick would shoot Bill on Steffy's behalf, knowing how much his existence tortures Ridge? He may have mellowed out since Maya, but it's Rick.

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I really don't want it to be Wyatt, but he does seem to be acting suspicious. However, I think maybe he saw it happen, but not who the shooter was. 

I'd like it to be Caroline, but she seems too obvious right now. She's the one with the personality disorder, remember when she fell (was pushed?) off the balcony? Didn't she change from sweet to conniving bitch? 

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Did wardrobe hate the Linsey Godfrey was coming back to B&B? How else could you explain her bedazzled trench coat? That was all kinds of ugly. Also, LG natural hair color isn't a good look for her. She needs to go back to the bottle. Blonde is her friend. 


Also, I didn’t realize oldHope & Caroline were basically twins when they first started. 


Edited by ByaNose
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I'm just thinking back to all the stories with potential or hype of the past two years and Bell almost always ends them with a whimper or fake out. And then it's kinda completely dropped and ignored/forgotten or retconned. So I'm suspecting some bogus shit like Bill set it up as a frame or it was a character never seen before.

It would low key be bomb af if it was actually Aly like "I'm back bitch. This is for Spectra and hurting Liam and Hope and because you're Steffi baby daddy and she 'killed' me. So yea." Like although that's out of left field people would be like whoa. 

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It’s gotta be someone random. Possibly  someone off contract. I’m thinking Sheila, Jarret, Caroline, or the recently put on contract & going out with a bang, Justin. 

Edited by ByaNose
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Thanks for all the kind thoughts; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger......

Now, I had been thinking Wyatt might be our shooter based solely on his actions, but after reading this:

23 hours ago, hitchcock3011 said:

My money is on Liam.  He was on his way to Steffy's house for dinner, saw the proposal through the window and left, Rage induced, he found himself at Bill's pulled the trigger and made his way back to Steffy with no recollection of the incident.  He was out of it at her house that night and they are spreading on the loving son stuff pretty thick. 

I found that random shot of Steffy and Bill from outside Cliff House weird, and it did seem as though someone was watching. And I can see this happening; I am now beginning to think that Wyatt may have seen his brother do the deed and that could explain his strangeness. Bradley could spin the Liam fallout a hundred ways to Sunday in order to keep Liam out of prison. We all know that Bill is going to survive, so there won't be a homicide, just attempted homicide. And they could mine Liam's history, with his head injury, and Captive Cabin, and say Liam was not in possession of his faculties. 

For me the one offs who are not cast regulars and have no real ties to anyone; Jarrett, Sheila, Caroline, just don't do it for me as the potential shooter. Where is the fallout? The long lasting effects of trying to kill Bill? And they are so obvious as to be painful. One of Bill's sons being the perp would pack some heat, and would be far more interesting. 

But what do I know? At least they have us talking and speculating. 

Maybe it was Floaty Head Darla with an assist from Ghost Stephanie.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Rome Flynn (Zende) was on the season finally of How To Get Away With Murder. It looks like he actually learned how to act. 

I got a feeling he will be prominent in next season's episodes. 

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5 hours ago, Petunia13 said:


I'm just thinking back to all the stories with potential or hype of the past two years and Bell almost always ends them with a whimper or fake out. And then it's kinda completely dropped and ignored/forgotten or retconned. So I'm suspecting some bogus shit like Bill set it up as a frame or it was a character never seen before.


Well, that would explain why Alison is never around. She helped him pull it off.

Does anyone else think that while $Bill was being shot, Sludge and Quinn could have been off somewhere together?

And then my dear Sheila could be brought back into the story! Yes!!!

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On 3/16/2018 at 4:39 PM, Petunia13 said:

I'm getting the strange vibe that this is a set up Bill orchestrated himself. Like he arranged to be shot to frame someone or get sympathy. It's going to be some bullshit like that ? 

I'm of the opinion that the whole thing is a dream.  Bill wakes up and is still married to Brooke, Quinn and Eric are still on the outs, and Sheila is holding someone (Stuffy perhaps) hostage.  Otherwise, I got nothin'.

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I've been binge watching LA to Vegas. I was never a big fan of KM but she does shine in this show. I have now become a fan.  I would love to see CH move on. I'm sure she will shine also. 

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Leave it to B&B to turn what should have been a great SL about who shot Bill, into a boring triangle SL.  Not only a boring triangle, but one of the most boring triangles to ever exist - Steffy/Liam/Hope.

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12 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:


Rick/Caroline/Maya was no bed of roses either!

I don't think they've ever done a decent triangle.  I even thought Taylor/Ridge/Brooke was awful.

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All three had chemistry and occasionally, other interests outside of the triangle. This ToD has been almost exclusively defined by this Triangle of suck.ive banged on enough about why Hope especially was disserviced by this decision, but it left Liam a blank slate until about six months ago too. And it made all three of them look like entitled babies, which made sense for Hope and Steffy who grew up in privilege,  but less so for.Liam, who was paying his own way in life and still would be.

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I don't think there are any decent triangles especially when they don't take the time to hit the beats which allows me get invested in the character or relationship. B&B tends to move at warp speed in that aspect. IMO I think the triangle is too imbedded in this show to ever change what used to be a device of lazy writers. I've kind of accepted that but I don't really enjoy it.

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I think in the early years of the show Bell Sr. did a good job setting up the triangles, but even then there can only be so much back and forth before things just get old and boring.  Also, with Caroline/Ridge/Brooke, Ridge/Caroline/Thorne, Stephanie/Eric/Beth, and Taylor/Ridge/Brooke, Stephanie and Bill Sr. were scheming behind the scenes.  Eventually, Ridge just look liked a selfish idiot who couldn't make up his mind, and Taylor and Brooke were two pathetic doormats who wasted their lives waiting around on Ridge to figure out what he wanted.  Now the triangles start out in that place.

I wonder if they filmed everyone shooting Bill like Dallas filmed everyone (including Larry Hagman) shooting J.R. Ewing.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

ToD can never top the tedium that was Nicole/Zzzzzzzzzende/Sasha, but I agree that yes, it is boring. At least Choco-Waffles made a decision and has so far stuck with it. 

Choco Waffles?! Hoo, that's great.

Personally I wanted Liam to dump Steffy once and for all and start an unexpected friendship/romance with Sasha. Yeah it's out of left field but he needed out of the Wyatt/Steffy mess and Sasha needed out of the Nicole/Zende mess.

Poor Scott Clifton. He was stuck on a hotel room set for weeks in a damn hoodie and now he's stuck on the hospital set for weeks again in a damn hoodie.

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40 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I think in the early years of the show Bell Sr. did a good job setting up the triangles, but even then there can only be so much back and forth before things just get old and boring.

Which is why I wasn't entertained by Taylor/Brooke/Ridge.  But, unlike now, at least Ridge/Taylor were allowed to be married for more than 10 minutes.

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12 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Which is why I wasn't entertained by Taylor/Brooke/Ridge.  But, unlike now, at least Ridge/Taylor were allowed to be married for more than 10 minutes.

The BTS reason for that decision notwithstanding, yeah, it did make for a good reason to get invested in them. I got into B&B shortly after they were married and right around the time Taylor caught TB while pregnant with the Taytwins. During those four years they were married, I do remember them having fights about non-Brooke related issues. You know, the way real couples do.

Plus, Thorne and Brooke were hot! And Thorne/Macy always had issues staying together so having Thorne hook up with Brooke could've been mined for years. I have no clue if Bobby Eakes left on her own accord, but they could've recast the role and kept that going.

55 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Personally I wanted Liam to dump Steffy once and for all and start an unexpected friendship/romance with Sasha. Yeah it's out of left field but he needed out of the Wyatt/Steffy mess and Sasha needed out of the Nicole/Zende mess.

It's a shame Sasha wasn't brought into the Spectra fold. She already had modeling experience and is considered a black sheep. And, it would be a built in set up for the triangle Bell loves so much. 


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IIRC, Bobbie Eakes wanted more consistent work than what she was getting on B&B.  (I don't know if she got moved off contract or what ... too long ago.) The role she ended up with on AMC was going to be vacated and I believe she got the blessing from Brad Bell to go for it.  Lucky for her, she got the part.

This could be faulty memory of the finer points, but no, she left the show by her own choice.

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On 3/16/2018 at 10:31 AM, hypnotoad said:

I cannot stand Steffy or Hope, but I think this would be hilarious. Unfortunately, these actresses have no chemistry.

...with anyone. 

I've been away from the board for a few days, but @RuntheTable, kudos to you for your bravery & your honesty. I'm sure that wasn't easy to disclose, but your courage is a blessing. 

Back to our show, my money is still on Justin. Every "Yes Man" cracks at some point; this was his. My backup is Caroline, which makes me sad, because I'm one of the few that loved her & Ridge, & totally bought them as being crazy in love. Ugh, I wish misunderstanding night had never happened, but I'm betting Douglas doesn't get retconned now.

My guess is that the days of awesome triangles, the best being Sonny/Brenda/Jax, are probably over, but notice that a woman was at the center of probably the best triangle in soap history, which might have had a lot to do with it. Plus all 3 of those people were pretty good actors at that time, as well as just pretty in general. Stories move insta-fast these days, so the build-up will probably never be there again. Honestly, the best one in recent memory was probably Maya/Rick/Caroline. Maya was the sweet girl, from the wrong-side-of-the-tracks, who really stole Rick's heart. Caroline was the snobby, rich girl, who fit seamlessly into Rick's world. I remember a scene where Caroline told Maya she could tell exactly where a wine was made by how it felt on her pallet. I like LG; how they let her, & CH go, but keep JMW & bring back Bope, I'll never understand. 

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4 minutes ago, nkotb said:

My guess is that the days of awesome triangles, the best being Sonny/Brenda/Jax,

And it's funny how that was supposed to be Ned/Lois/Jax but then they switched it to Jax/Brenda/Sonny and it went supernova. I'll give it to TPTB, they apparently knew before the episode of J&B meeting aired (but with producers viewing it internally) that they were gonna move in that direction because they knew J&B had it.

The problem on this show is that their current heroine Steffy was pushed as the center of the triangle between Wyatt and Liam which was the same crap different woman with them. And Steffy wasn't really a heroine you wanted to see happy, LOL.

Thomas/Ivy/Wyatt and Thorne/Katie/Wyatt could've had potential if they laid proper groundwork and what each man brought to the table for the lady in question. Both women have a rootable quality and you wanted to see them happy. Especially Katie after all the crap Bill and Brooke put her through.

Caroline was related to half the eligible men and already went through the other half (Forresters) so she was dead in the water as far as pairings unless they felt she was worth them bringing on a new man.

Hope is the obvious one to have her own triangle away from the Spencer boys, but again there IS no one for her outside of the Spencer boys. So she's stuck as the rival again. At least Wyatt ain't sniffing around her and having 'doubts'. I appreciate he's firmly Ride or Die with Katie at this point.

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17 minutes ago, nkotb said:

My backup is Caroline, which makes me sad, because I'm one of the few that loved her & Ridge, & totally bought them as being crazy in love. Ugh, I wish misunderstanding night had never happened, but I'm betting Douglas doesn't get retconned now.

They should have kept Ridge and Caroline together.  They were believable as a couple, and it put Brooke back where she started (kind of), wanting Ridge while he was in love with Caroline.  Like Stephanie doing everything she could to keep Eric and Beth apart, only to have Eric leave her and marry Beth's daughter, Brooke.

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Once again the crack Det Blabbermouth of the LAPD, is discussing the case with people he has no business discussing it with. Can someone tell me why Stuffy is not among the suspects in shooting Bill?  Doesn't she also have motive?  All and all, with everyone who had skin in the game, I got the feeling we will be disappointed with who shot Bill. 

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OMG! NuHope is awful and has go to go......and, quick. She keeps chiming in when she should STFU! There is no need for the character or this actress at this time. Hopefully, Brad Bell will come to realize this soon. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Once again the crack Det Blabbermouth of the LAPD, is discussing the case with people he has no business discussing it with. Can someone tell me why Stuffy is not among the suspects in shooting Bill?  Doesn't she also have motive?  All and all, with everyone who had skin in the game, I got the feeling we will be disappointed with who shot Bill. 

Blessed Mother Steffy? Certainly not. Until the baby births itself early to escape all that rubbing, she's too perfect and pregnant and sad to ever do a bad thing. 

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I keep laughing at the detective questioning people wherever in front of whoever and giving away information about whatever. Geez. Could the writers ever consult with a law enforcement professional to find out how they, you know, might interview suspects in a murder investigation? He stands there as one suspect (Caroline) says she needs to go and watches her just walk out to go back to NYC. While the Mensa candidates, Liam, Slutty and Bope, just say “Hi, Caroline. Did you just get here?” DUH? Who is writing this shit? And BTW, what the hell is Bope still doing at the hospital? And why are they all in the same clothes they’ve been wearing for a week? When we’ve had family members in the hospital, we’d take turns going home or to the hotel to shower, change clothes and eat. I just watch this show now for the laughs and there are many of them.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

ToD can never top the tedium that was Nicole/Zzzzzzzzzende/Sasha, but I agree that yes, it is boring. At least Choco-Waffles made a decision and has so far stuck with it. 

I have to agree ? I start yawning just thinking of it. What a waste of airtime. 

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I keep laughing at the detective questioning people wherever in front of whoever and giving away information about whatever.

Yeah, the problem is they're using the detective as a shortcut. He's doing exposition for the characters who probably won't be serious suspects, as well as for the viewers who need the "mystery" spelled out at a basic level.

What got me today was how Liam was just talking to the detective without a lawyer present. He had to know he'd be considered a suspect yet today he was acting all shocked and surprised. I'm slowly liking the theory that Liam did it while he was in a fugue state. He saw Bill proposing to Steffy and the horror made him check out of reality for a few hours. He shot Bill and now he's blocked it out. He'd get out of a murder conviction by reason of temporary insanity. The story arc would give SC a lot of Emmy material. Otherwise, I think it was probably someone disposable like that Jarrett guy who popped up out of nowhere just for Bill to fire him.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

Back to our show, my money is still on Justin. Every "Yes Man" cracks at some point; this was his. My backup is Caroline, which makes me sad, because I'm one of the few that loved her & Ridge, & totally bought them as being crazy in love. Ugh, I wish misunderstanding night had never happened, but I'm betting Douglas doesn't get retconned now.


I was on the CaRidge ship myself but it wasn't misunderstanding night that ruined it for me exactly but rather, the acting choices that LG made there in the end, the baby voice being a major turn-off.  At that point it was just weird bordering on creepy.  But I still wish we'd get a Douglas retcon, so that Thomas would be clear of any entanglements with Caroline.  Any time they are even mentioned in the same sentence is a reminder of how all that started.  

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Liam has had enough head injuries and emotional trauma in his life he'd be completely absolved of shooting Bill, not that this show gives a shit about people paying for crimes and accountability anyhow  ? 

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