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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

That mustache looks good on Wyatt.  Even though I think Wyatt is a putts, I'm glad he found Katie.  She's a heck of a lot more fun than Hope or Stuffy. 

I'm totally digging Wyatt and Katie.....

They're fun, frisky, and they love to frolic.

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I have to say, I thought the "pizza man" thing was stupid.  Of course I was never a fan of the whole role playing thing in and of itself, I always found it awkward at best, stupid at worst, so I may be a tad biased :)

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Bill really has lost his mind. And it's obvious that he's transferred his insane Skye obsession to Steffy.

All Bill is thinking about is getting another fuck room ready for his current mistress (Brooke got the stank room in his office, Steffy gets the yacht!)

He's not given a thought to the feelings of the son he has betrayed nor seems inclined to. Does he actually believe Liam would be okay with Steffy flying off with Bill?

What about when they get back? Is Liam expected to break bread with Bill and Steffy at the Spencer Thanksgiving? Is he supposed to shrug his shoulders and go "Oh, well, the better man won?" and plow into his vegan stuffing and potatoes?

Is he expected to embrace her as his step-mother?

The last 3 months have been about Liam standing up to Bill in both business and family. Liam got BLOWN UP because he was not going to back down against Bill. He cannot actually believe that his son will roll over and accept Still, Sally or no Sally.

And the fact that Brooke, Liam, and his Skye obsession are no longer any factors for Bill is curious and odd. He's moved on so completely to the exclusion of everyone else that one would think Bill suffered a personality altering stroke or head injury. I'm not saying it's odd that Bill's feelings for Steffy resurfaced or that when Bill sets his sights on something he doesn't go for it full throttle but this is almost a complete backtracking of the progress he's supposed to have made with Katie about family.

It's funny- just like when Liam rescued Steffy for the bubble bath of death and she imprinted on him and fell in instalove, once Bill finally bedded Steffy, he seems to have uh, imprinted on her in a big way as well.

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When the "pizza guy" pornography started, I thought maybe Wyatt and Katie were making a private recording ....which would of course get switched with a secret recording that Bill made of he and Dat Bish, Steffy ...so everyone deciding to watch their little amateur porn would have an aneurysm. 

While I'm glad something finally HAPPENED, after two weeks of just this ONE storyline (seriously, no B story to throw in for laughs. Like Mateo applying for a security job with Charlie? And did Sheila just ghost her waitress job at the Forrester cafeteria? Rude), I'm exhausted with this nonsense. 


Stuffy has a literal dirty mop masquerading as a bad wig on her head, stayed in full Kabuki makeup throughout, and now will probably lay her stank ass down with Liam with Stallion juices still fermenting in her swamp snatch. Bill can't WAIT to either start dropping hints to Liam, or blackmailing The Greatest Queen who ever graced the western hemisphere to take the vacation he was SUPPOSED TO BE ON WITH BROOKE. (spits to tell side)


Poor Carter gets released from his broom closet for THIS? Renewing the vows of a couple who have been married less than a year? 

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I remember Steffy and Bill stuff but not enough for it to make much difference.  Looking at clips from 2009 and 2010, I see they were called "Still".  Did they go al the way? I don't remember that, this must have been the first time.  It's still the most incestuous show on television.  If they tire of a Liam story, they could do a triangle of passion with Brooke, Bill and Steffy.  

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Not only is Bill discrediting Brooke, but Katie as well.  I am furious that the hack writers are trying to repackage this as Bill having been pining away for Steffy for all of these years but "settled" for the Logan sisters. That is complete and udder crap. It is also completely WTF and out of character for $Bill. If he was so "in love" with Fauxdi, then why did he keep supporting marriages between her and both of his sons -- some multiple times. I call bull on all of this.

I had to ff through the vow renewal just because ... I had to. I can't take any more.

Show, can we move on please to some other people for a few weeks?

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Ahhh, that Steffy Forrester Spencer. A positive Gad-A-Bout. A real Go Getter. A total It Girl who really knows how to get around and to make a day complete:

1.  Have fight with husband

2.  Tell husband he disgusts her

3.  Storm out in a self centered huff

4.  Allow your eyefuck buddy entrance into your Grandfather’s guest house

5.  Bask in your eyefuck buddy’s praise, and feign embarrassment

6.  Kiss your eyefuck buddy

7.  Dispense with the eyefucking, and go in for the real thing by screwing your father-in-law

8.  Enjoy a two second after glow before realizing it is a barrel chest on which your head rests

9.  Run, horror filled, back to your broken hearted husband, who has spent the evening beating himself up for being a normal human being

10.  Allow your sorrowful husband to comfort you for fucking his father

11.  Agree to renew your already short lived wedding vows because then you can say you were on a break

12.  Renew said wedding vows

13.  Consummate your new marriage by allowing your husband entrance into your black hole that has already been well lubed by his dad

If Steffy gets pregnant could she have twins with Bill being daddy one and Liam being daddy two?

Ok, so I think I see where we are going here. Bill will become aggressive; a Steffy stalker. If she doesn’t cooperate, he will threaten her with disclosure of their Grand Prize sex. Steffy will be terrified. Steffy will nearly be losing her mind; on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And we will all be horrified for her, and hating on Bill in the worst way for putting this poor woman through this kind of torture. It will allow us to overlook Steffy being a father-in-law fucker. It will allow us to have sympathy for her and empathy with her. Yeah, for sure, she screwed up. She made a mistake. But we are all human right? And Steffy sure doesn’t deserve to live in fear of Bill.

And of course Liam’s innate goodness will not allow him to turn his back on Steffy. No, he will don his Save-A-Hoe cape, and begin a crusade to safe the most bestest, and greastest, most wonderous woman that ever was.

I will be the first to drive a really big, really sharp stake right into the heart of that SL. Because NOT! No way, no how, under no circumstances will I accept that. #ICALLBULLSHIT #NOSYMPATHY #DISGUSTED #LYINGBYOMISSIONISSTILLLYING 

I think Katie and Wyatt are cute. I haven’t liked Katie this much in………well……..ever.

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1 minute ago, RuntheTable said:

And of course Liam’s innate goodness will not allow him to turn his back on Steffy. No, he will don his Save-A-Hoe cape, and begin a crusade to safe the most bestest, and greastest, most wonderous woman that ever was.

I think one of the things this story will accomplish is it will finally have Liam take the cape off and pack it away. SC said in a recent interview that Liam has a hero complex due in large part to helplessly watching his mother die of breast cancer. Ever since then he's gone out of his way to help any damsel in distress. If he and TPTB are acknowledging that, I think they're going to try to address it and upturn it and we'll briefly see Liam at his darkest and most ruthless at the revelation that the two people he loves most betrayed him -especially if a child is involved.  

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5 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I think one of the things this story will accomplish is it will finally have Liam take the cape off and pack it away. SC said in a recent interview that Liam has a hero complex due in large part to helplessly watching his mother die of breast cancer. Ever since then he's gone out of his way to help any damsel in distress. If he and TPTB are acknowledging that, I think they're going to try to address it and upturn it and we'll briefly see Liam at his darkest and most ruthless at the revelation that the two people he loves most betrayed him -especially if a child is involved.

We can only hope TobinAlbers! This scenario has me licking my lips with anticipation. Actually, any angle that does not allow Steffy to skate away unscathed will work for me. But I was enjoying forceful and confident Liam, and would love to see him look at his betraying father and his faithless wife and see them for who they really are. 

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On 11/16/2017 at 6:28 PM, ByaNose said:

Steffy will get pregnant, right? They will name the baby Still? Beffy? I do have one question about the Forrester guest house. Didn’t it used to,have its own bedroom with pocket doors? Did they shrink the set after 30 years? Maybe, I’m confusing sets but I don’t recall a bed being in the living room of the quest house. Budget cuts on B&B? Does Ingo Rademacher really cost that much? LOL!!!!!

That guesthouse did used to have a living room--one thats played host to people confessing major secretd before a Forrester wedding (see also: Broome and Jackie tearing Steph a new one over her fake heart attack and Donna telling Katie about her would-be revenge marriage to Thorne).

13 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I don’t want to see any WTD SLs with B/L/S. Bill has enough kids, and the last thing Liam needs is to be saddled to that rank heifer by a child. And in all seriousness; can any of my fellow posters actually see Steffy being any type of good parent?

I nearly typed out how fucked up little Stephanie III could be as a teen like Hope should have been, not unlike Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale for anyone watching that...but this is B&B. Aside from Thorne and Rick pissing at Eric about Ridge, everyone's kids are either bland as  Liam (the last few months notwithstanding) or one flew over their cookoo's nest with no in between--or in the case of the first SORASed Thomas, both at once. It'll be cocked up the same as Hope's story was.

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51 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I think one of the things this story will accomplish is it will finally have Liam take the cape off and pack it away. SC said in a recent interview that Liam has a hero complex due in large part to helplessly watching his mother die of breast cancer. Ever since then he's gone out of his way to help any damsel in distress. If he and TPTB are acknowledging that, I think they're going to try to address it and upturn it and we'll briefly see Liam at his darkest and most ruthless at the revelation that the two people he loves most betrayed him -especially if a child is involved.  

I've suspected that more than this being a story to prop JMW's marginal talent, this was about giving Liam a much needed makeover. I mean, when SC was off the show for a month or so following the birth of his child last year, I didn't miss his character one iota. But when an actor has won more acting awards than any other full-time actor in the history of the show,* it on  makes sense to let him broaden his range and let him move on from being a human carnival prize.

*One of his three Emmy wins was on his previous show, granted, but it's  not like B&B was ever known for its heavy hitters. Plus, from his interviews, Clifton seems like he has actual passion for the genre which not a lot of actors his age seem to have, for understandable reasons. 

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I never thought Wyatt had led a sheltered life, but I had to reevaluate this belief when I heard him praising Katie for being so innovative in her sex play. Seriously? The Pizza Delivery Guy scenario is a porn cliche up there with the Cable Repairman (as famously spoofed in The Big Lebowski).

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6 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

No they didn't. Someone wrote a comprehensive summary of them just a page or 2 back , I think @MulletorHater if you want to take a peek and get the well explained details. 


Steffy 2010.  I ask myself why ruin a good look?  This is when she really looked like Taylor, her tv Mom.  I wonder if HT inspired the "work" that was done?



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I was flipping channels yesterday and saw the Steffy actress in a Lifetime Movie.  I only watched about 1/2 hour of it because it was confusing.  And the actress was terrible in it; so, it isn't just this soap.  She looked better, though...not nearly as much plastic surgery.

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11 hours ago, grisgris said:

Not only is Bill discrediting Brooke, but Katie as well.  I am furious that the hack writers are trying to repackage this as Bill having been pining away for Steffy for all of these years but "settled" for the Logan sisters. That is complete and udder crap. It is also completely WTF and out of character for $Bill. If he was so "in love" with Fauxdi, then why did he keep supporting marriages between her and both of his sons -- some multiple times. I call bull on all of this.

I had to ff through the vow renewal just because ... I had to. I can't take any more.

Show, can we move on please to some other people for a few weeks?

And, THIS, my friend, is the major issue I have with this nonsense.  You used the operative word, "repackage," to describe this.  It's attempted gaslighting at its worst--all to prop an unattractive soulless asshole as the most beautiful, most desirable, most brilliant, wonderful and bravest woman EVAH.   So beautiful, desirable, brilliant, wonderful and brave that Bill was apparently "settling" for the two women he married.  Yet, that was not SHOWN.  GrisGris, I'm so glad you mentioned Liam and Wyatt's marriages, which Bill supported.  Evidently, Bill "settled" for Brooke so much that he bitched and moaned nearly the whole time he was there--even to his ex-wife!--about Brooke remarrying Ridge.  If a motherfucker was pining away for Stuffy, it seems to me that would have been the time to speak the fuck up.  But, nope!  We were treated to the soapy goodness of Brooke and Bill organically running into each other a day after Ridge got read for the sewer rat he is.

Now, if TIIC wanted to revisit Swill in all its funky glory, there was a way to do it without discounting and trashing the very real relationships that Bill had with the Logan sisters.  But, of course, She Who Must Be Propped has a whole team of writers attempting to rewrite history.  Too bad, writers, because there are years of video receipts out there--along with interviews by the stars involved--that tell how it really went down.  Nice try though.

I couldn't do the renewal either.  So, the "princess" and crown jewel of the Forrester and Spencer families renews her vows with the husband she cuckolded the night before with her father-in-law's funk on her, as well as his joy juices in her hollow tank.  Frankly, I would like to see Morgan come back and finish the job she started nearly 20 years ago.  I will always regret that Steffy didn't die in that shark attack.  Exactly, how many tries does this worthless stank ho (literally) get before TIIC cut their losses and finally move the fuck on?  It's a sad state of affairs when some viewers believe the healthiest relationship she has ever been in was with her Uncle Rick.  Digest that for a moment.  She morphed from an uncle humper to a father-in-law fucker and this amoral hard-looking piece of trash is supposedly the "heroine" for the new generation?  The thing called "Leffy" is a cancer on this show.  It took root years ago and has metastasized until it has practically eaten the whole show.  

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4 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Is Bill really pining for Steffy or is he playing her to ruin/hurt/destroy Liam?

That is an excellent question.  Bill gets that shady look on his face, but I'm not sure if it's revenge shady or I finally bagged Steffy shady.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

That is an excellent question.  Bill gets that shady look on his face, but I'm not sure if it's revenge shady or I finally bagged Steffy shady.

Exactly! DD is doing a really good job of confusing the fuck out of me. 


2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

And, THIS, my friend, is the major issue I have with this nonsense.  You used the operative word, "repackage," to describe this.  It's attempted gaslighting at its worst--all to prop an unattractive soulless asshole as the most beautiful, most desirable, most brilliant, wonderful and bravest woman EVAH.   So beautiful, desirable, brilliant, wonderful and brave that Bill was apparently "settling" for the two women he married.  Yet, that was not SHOWN.  GrisGris, I'm so glad you mentioned Liam and Wyatt's marriages, which Bill supported.  Evidently, Bill "settled" for Brooke so much that he bitched and moaned nearly the whole time he was there--even to his ex-wife!--about Brooke remarrying Ridge.  If a motherfucker was pining away for Stuffy, it seems to me that would have been the time to speak the fuck up.  But, nope!  We were treated to the soapy goodness of Brooke and Bill organically running into each other a day after Ridge got read for the sewer rat he is.

I think all us Brooke/Brill fans are seething mad. Personally, I feel like I have been slapped forehand and backhand several times. Why in heaven's name would I ever think they would actually give Brooke a meaningful and lasting relationship. Brill felt real; it felt like a grown up union, that had a deep love and understanding as it's base. Outside of that, Don Diamont and Kelly Lang made for one beautiful couple. She positively lit up like I haven't seen since Nick first came on board. If felt so good to have my girl back, front and center, with a dashing leading man who adored her. 

Now look where we are. It makes no since at all. Bill had plenty of opportunities to bag his daughter-in-law over the years, but they wait until Brooke marries him? After five years of fighting to get to the alter and complete the ceremony, it all blows up for this? Ah Nah. I know they are bringing Thorne back for Brooke, and I have been on the fence about it. In my head I know Brooke should just be alone for awhile, especially after she finds out about Bill having Grand Prize sex, and even more so if Fauxdi turns up pregnant. At the same time, my heart is saying she deserves so much better than this shit, so maybe Thorne will turn out to be the guy. I positively loved her and Thorne round 1, but that was with WH; Brooke with that short, sassy haircut and Windsor's rocking bod? Thorsten Kaye is the only man I can think of that KKL doesn't have romantic chemistry with, so let's see how she works with Ingo, who I find very sexy. I hope they spark it up. I hope they are fucking hotter than hades. I would love Brooke to be able to give the finger to Ridge and Bill for fucking up her life; Ridge for thirty years and Bill for five. 

I don't know what is going to happen, but I know this. Steffy better have some damn consequences. She better not be propped and made to look pathetic and innocent. Because she isn't. 

And I would love most of all for Liam and Sally to bond naturally and as supportive friends. Liam is going to be torn in half over Bill and Steffy's betrayal, and if she is pregnant? I would like to see Sally just be there for him, and for him to begin to really see the differences in his traitorous, self centered wife and Sally. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I firmly believe Steffy will be made to look like the innocent victim of Dolla's scheming.  Consequences will be light if they happen at all. She is repentant so I believe she'll ultimately get a pass, after the inevitable Sally\Liam revenge boink. Just guessing, no spoiler.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I think all us Brooke/Brill fans are seething mad. Personally, I feel like I have been slapped forehand and backhand several times. Why in heaven's name would I ever think they would actually give Brooke a meaningful and lasting relationship. Brill felt real; it felt like a grown up union, that had a deep love and understanding as it's base. Outside of that, Don Diamont and Kelly Lang made for one beautiful couple. She positively lit up like I haven't seen since Nick first came on board. If felt so good to have my girl back, front and center, with a dashing leading man who adored her. 

Whil I've never been fully on the Brill train, I concur with all of this. What was the point of Bill being willing to blow up his marriage to Katie--twice--and possibly having no access to the only son he got to watch grow up (to that point) and nearly killing Ridge and the entire scene of their reunion in Sydney...just for them to split up before the sixth month anniversary?

Look, I know not to get too attached to any couple in soapdom, and especially not B&B,  but TIIC need not reduce Bill's past relationships to flings to prop Still up. We'v all joked that he was still attracted to her at some level,  hence all his crap against Hope. 

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And I would love most of all for Liam and Sally to bond naturally and as supportive friends. Liam is going to be torn in half over Bill and Steffy's betrayal, and if she is pregnant? I would like to see Sally just be there for him, and for him to begin to really see the differences in his traitorous, self centered wife and Sally. 

In hindsight, Liam and Ivy didn't sizzle on screen (although he worked far better with her than he did with either of his other leading ladies), but the one thing I remember of their relationship was when he told her it was such a refreshing change of pace to be in a relationship that had more than just unending drama like he'd had being first a weapon between the Forrester and Logans  (and occasionally, Hope and Steffy), then having to be dangled on a string when Wyatt entered the picture--which made it all the more baffling when he waffled back to Steffy so damn quickly.

I hope Sally will be able to show him what he's tossed away time and time again, but I'm less thrilled that it'll likely be written as a revenge boink and Sally deserves better than that.  Hell, even Liam deserves better and i certainly never thought I'd ever write when I got to relish Eric blasting him for being a whiny, entitled bitch boy last year. 

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  Well, Steffy's done it-or rather, done her father-in-law, completing her conquests of all the adult Spencer men, hence my suggestion for her new nickname: "Hat Trick," emphasis on "trick" because that's what she is, as far as I'm concerned. The only Spencer male whom Steffy hasn't fucked is Will and I hope they don't SORAS him anytime soon. I'm not one to skank-shame, but there are hookers on The Deuce with more style, more sense and more class than Hat Trick & those bitches worked Times Square in the 1970s. I'm not letting Bill off the hook by a long shot. All his life, Bill has acted like rules/law shouldn't apply to him, that character, decency and compassion are for suckers and that the ends justify the means, collateral damage be damned. Instead of being proud of Liam for doing the right things for the right reasons where Sally is concerned like any decent parent-and any decent human being-would, Bill hàs disrespected Liam, his feelings, his marriage and  even his life every chance he gets. Liam & Sally's almost getting killed in that implosion may have been technically accidental on Bill's part but IMO intent doesn't matter; results do. And all because of "Skye," a building that could have easily been built somewhere else, but Bill being Bill, he just did what he wanted without caring about the consequences. 


And this is the same Bill who, a few months ago, dared to lecture/con Thomas about the importance of family! As he has proven time and time again, Bill only believes in family values as long as the family values him. When it comes to family, only one thing matters to Bill: obedience. Bill thinks that he can control everything and everyone, but he needs to learn the hard way that, to quote Days Of Thunder, "Control is an illusion." Bill & Hat Trick may think that they can keep their dirty little secret forever, but the truth will come out when it wants to, not when they want it to. 


  LIam's kissing Sally was wrong, but if Bill & Steffy had left Thomas and Sally alone, chances are it never would have happened in the first place, but because Bill & Steffy couldn't leave well enough nor each other alone, now it's a Category 5 shit storm.  Regarding the fallout, I hope that learning the truth disgusts Liam so much that he'll not only say that he wishes that he pressed charges against Bill for assault, he should have given the cops the tape of the arson confession when he had the chance. The possibility of Wyatt, Brooke, Katie and even Justin putting Bill on blast will make it even better. 

Edited by DollEyes
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On 11/18/2017 at 7:17 AM, MulletorHater said:

It's a sad state of affairs when some viewers believe the healthiest relationship she has ever been in was with her Uncle Rick. 

That would actually be Marcus, aka Mushmouth, when they were both new to the show and before Steffy decided to hate All Things Logan, but they were so boring that I'm not surprised no one remembers they were a thing, or that Steffy eventually cheated of him with Rick *after* Rick had tried to seduce her to fuck with Ridge.

But the point stands. Brooke's good relationships don't last long, but at least they've existed. Where is Steffy's Thorne or pre-character assassination Nick Marone? More importantly, would anyone even cheer for her when she did land a man whose attention won't be divided and treated her well?

Let's use Lauren Fenmore as an example. She was, to.put it kindly, not a nice little rich girl, bullying the overweight Tracy Abbott and cheating on at least two of her husbands IIRC. But people were still happy when she and Michael got together and she got someone who put her first while she got to show a softer, more stable side.

I have a feeling that TIIC will try to recycle the scenes Nick and Bridget got when it came out that she cheated in her grief of losing another baby when Bridget basically said in so many words that between his actual affairs with her mother and aunt she deserved some compassion. But Steffy has earned none of that from Liam. Not after all of the lies going back to their first Aspen wedding and the shit she's pulled not just on her step sister and cousin, but her own brother, by which none of this would have been possible.

Does Liam know his slag wife was the one who dragged Caroline back to begin with? Bill may have ran with Steffy's idea bit he didn't mastermind it.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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59 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I have a feeling that TIIC will try to recycle the scenes Nick and Bridget got when it came out that she cheated in her grief of losing another baby when Bridget basically said in so many words that between his actual affairs with her mother and aunt she deserved some compassion. But Steffy has earned none of that from Liam. Not after all of the lies going back to their first Aspen wedding and the shit she's pulled not just on her step sister and cousin, but her own brother, by which none of this would have been possible.

Nooooooooope. Bridget made her share of mistakes (fake abortion) and she was a dolt to get involved with Nick when her mother had him first, but Nick still did her dirty so many times that I was kind of with her when she flat out told him you owe me. His behavior when he found out she was pregnant- a miracle for her- with another man's kid and his being so butt hurt for himself should've sent her running. 

Liam hasn't done near the level of crap to Steffy for her to throw down that card. He was a waffle. She stalked and manipulated and thwarted (with his help) his relationship with Hope; she gambled with her and her baby's life when she hopped on a motorcycle 5/6 months pregnant, and she was the one who abandoned their marriage when she couldn't deal and ran off to Paris only to come to his door on the day of his wedding to toy with him again. Then she started in on him and Ivy until she got him back, needled him about his loyalty when she was hounding Ivy and Wyatt, cozying up to Wyatt when she knew their history, cuddled with Wyatt when She and Liam had a fight, and then married the guy while Liam was MIA less than a month. She's thrown his dead mother in his face several times to deflect and hurt him and showed no support of him in the situation with Bill. If anyone owes anybody anything, Liam owes it to himself to get away from this toxic relationship.

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It seems that Bell Jr. is trying to make Fauxdi the 'new Brooke'.  Both characters have slept with every male of consenting age in one family.  The problem is that Bell Jr. doesn't have the eye for leading ladies that his father did.  As played by KKL, Brooke did some truly terrible things but there was always a vulnerability and goodness about Brooke that Fauxdi, played by JMW, has never had and will never have.  Fauxdi has been a hateful slattern from the very beginning.  Brooke slept with her true love's father because her true love was happily married to someone else.  Fauxdi slept with her father-in-law because he kissed another woman when he thought he was dying.  Oh, and he thought he was dying because his father (the man that Fauxdi just fucked) blew him up in a building.  What kind of woman fucks a man who tried to kill a man she claimed to love.

We've heard for years that Fauxdi is a one-man woman and Liam is that man.  But that's not anywhere near true.  Liam disappeared and within weeks, Fauxdiloks was fucking his brother.  Fauxdi only fights for Liam when there's another woman in the picture.  She only cares about Liam when he's PREY.

I can't imagine how this is going to play out.  I know that fucking a whole bloodline is a B&B tradition but I just can't believe that Liam is the kind of man who would accept a woman who betrayed him with his own father.  I can buy that Wyatt has no problem fucking a woman that's fucked his father but Liam is different.  To be honest, I found it hard to believe that Liam would get back with Hope after she had been with Wyatt, no matter how much he loved her.   The fact that he's been with TWO women that have been with his brother is VERY hard to believe.

I always thought that Fauxdiloks was a nasty piece of work but the last few days have shown that I was being over-generous.  To leave your father-in-law naked in one bed to run home and RENEW YOUR WEDDING VOWS with his son is lowdown even for Steffy Forrester Jr.  I can't wait for this piece of information to become common knowledge but I have no doubt that it's going to be 'poor Steffy' and 'Big Bad $Bill'.  I have no words to express my disappointment in Bill.  For years I had loathed that character.  I hated the way he spoke about Brooke and how he bullied defenseless young women.  But his relationship with Brooke really changed him.  It seemed that loving Brooke made him a better man.  I'm furious that Brooke and Bill didn't even get a fucking honeymoon.  Now $Bill is worse than he's ever been.

I have a feeling that there was some quick editing done on the Fauxdi/Bill scenes, once the fans started to react to the news that they were going to screw.  It looks like Bell Jr. is trying to give Steffy an out.  Bell Jr. likes to rewrite history; he did it with Caroline and Thomas.  But there's no way that Bell Jr.  can turn what happened between Fauxdiloks and $Bill into coercion or assault. Fauxdi fucked her father-in-law because she wanted to.  She's wanted to for years.  THAT'S why she's fucked both of his sons

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

To be honest, I found it hard to believe that Liam would get back with Hope after she had been with Wyatt, no matter how much he loved her.   The fact that he's been with TWO women that have been with his brother is VERY hard to believe.

The situations with Hope and Steffy were very different. For one, Hope was open about not being sure where her feelings lie, which is an entirely reasonable stance all things considered. And unlike a situation like Ridge and his Forrester brothers, he's known Wyatt for not even five years. They have a better relationship than Ridge did with Nick, but it would take years to build up that kind of bond where you'd put away for feelings for another woman...especially given the way Wyatt came into his life macking on his GF.

But until Quinn interfered, he looked like he was very much through with Steffy over that. I'm still hoping his memory will be jogged about what he saw one day.

Personally, I wanna go with him just not being that into Steffy.

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As played by KKL, Brooke did some truly terrible things but there was always a vulnerability and goodness about Brooke that Fauxdi, played by JMW, has never had and will never have.

I've never viewed Brooke this way. Never. Frankly I've never cared much if she got a happy ending. And yet ...

I cannot believe the folks in charge of this mess ended the Brooke/Bill storyline this way. I cannot. It's too much for my brain. Now I'm supposed to believe Bill's marriages to both Katie and Brooke really meant nothing to him and he was really panting after Steffy all this time?!? Come on.

And worse yet? I get the feeling they are going to try and make Steffy a victim in all of this which not only makes no sense but this actress is absolutely unable to convey any of it.

I watch Game of Thrones and Cercei is a horrible character. She's much worse in the books though because the actress who plays her manages to show the character with actual human feelings every now and again. And that's what is missing with Steffy. I didn't buy any of that stuff with her finding out about the kiss between Liam and Sally. None of what she did in those scenes felt real in any way.

Plus, did they really have Steffy wake up from her father in law fuck and run home and then renew her vows and then sleep with Liam ... did that all really happen in a day or so? Gross! I mean if the writers want the audience on Steffy's side because somehow for some reason they view her magical or something, this is not the way to do it.

I cannot wrap my head around this show. Or why I watch it.

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bradley is attempting to give Stuffy an out.  If that's the case, she has truly inherited her parents' Teflon coatings.  Sorry, but the whole "Bill raped an emotionally vulnerable woman" I see some Swill shippers trotting out is a load of B.S.  One has to wear a pair of hip boots to wade through it.  Evidently, I'm also supposed to buy that Katie and Brooke were merely placeholders for some basic bitch so that the writers can sell Swill.  Sorry, folks--NO SALE!

Now, had the writers penned this foolery as a redemption story for Bill and actually had him suffer some REAL consequences for his actions, that's something I could have gotten behind.  Provided, of course, the story was well written and I didn't have to see Stuffy's unsanitary ass every damn day.  All.  The.  Damn.  Time.  What I find odd is that the one son of Bill's who has been a non-factor in all of this is his minor son, Will.  The same Will whom he fought tooth and nail to spend time with and to get joint custody of.  The child whom he claimed he wanted to be a better dad for.  Yet, not once has Bill had any self-awareness or epiphany about how this particular son may see him when he's old enough to understand.  

For me, Brooke was the ultimate bad girl, but at least she owned her shit and tried to do better, even if she didn't always succeed.  Someone I know very well reminded me that Susan Flannery once said about KKL that she (KKL) was able to take a controversial character like Brooke (who has done some selfish and terrible things) and still make her into someone that fans could love.  It takes a certain amount of talent and onscreen charisma, as well as warmth and vulnerability to do that.  Not to mention the character has had some really shitty things to happen to her (physical assaults, rapes, etc.) and has been unfairly blamed for things that aren't her fault, which sometimes made her an underdog.  The latest thing she is being blamed for is her "disloyalty" to Bill because she didn't condone his crimes.  Susan Flannery--at least under Bill Bell's pen--brought those same qualities to Stephanie before the character was turned into a caricature of evil under Bradley's pen.  Stephanie, Jr. is just simply despicable and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, from her repeated failures to find wigs/weaves that are actually flattering to bullying young women she deems beneath her to actually killing her cousin.  And, of course she got away with it it all.  Her crimes remain hidden and are even covered up by her poor, cuckolded huzzzbend.  Her partner in crime and skankery, Bill, applauds and admires her for it.  She apparently has Wyatt's nose so wide open, you could drive a truck through it.  At least Taylor was actually arrested and had to stand trial for running Darla down.  

So, I sincerely hope that the writers don't go there and attempt to make this vile, unsanitary ho bag a "victim," when she has been anything but in this instance.  The whole meltdown about Liam and Sally kissing was grossly out of proportion and a contrivance of the worst kind.  Was it the kiss itself, or was it because it was Sally?  Just because Bradley may have miscalculated, don't add insult to injury by insulting the audience's intelligence even further.  It's not our fault that we don't accept Stuffy as a hard-luck "heroine" and it certainly isn't our fault that her ride on the pony went as well as poor little Bonnie Blue Butler's ride on her pony in Gone With the Wind.

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For me, Brooke was the ultimate bad girl, but at least she owned her shit and tried to do better, even if she didn't always succeed. 

I've never noticed Brooke owning anything she's done. All of it was for her destiny of the moment.


I am not sure she's done with Dolla, anyway, nothing fires her up like competition.

Indeed, like just having to tell Bill she loved him when he got married to Katie again? Maybe when Brooke hears about the Steffy thing she'll have to head over to Bill's office to tell him she still loves him!

Actually I think the folks in charge are going to try a Brooke/Thorne re-do. That pairing was the one and only time I could stand Brooke and even then she was super annoying with the Macy stuff.


Sorry, but the whole "Bill raped an emotionally vulnerable woman" I see some Swill shippers trotting out is a load of B.S.

Is this really a thing? Because come on. Show better not try selling that nonsense. Especially after the Thomas/Caroline stuff. Thomas most certainly took advantage and Bill most certainly did not.

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 This whole situation stinks (even more that Faudxi's saturated twat) and how dare Bradley Bell try to sell his precious ho-bag as some type of wronged heroine.  The only "salvation" story that I would remotely buy at this point is that Bill, finally caving under all of the load of stress, *cough* betrayal and loss, totally has snapped.  In his sickened and delusional mind, he truly realizes that he has lost everything and sees Steffy as his salvation. Thus, he imprints on her liked she did to Liam and the obsession/stalking begins.  Otherwise, nothing else is acceptable and insults not only Brooke and Katie, but the audience.

Steffy wanted Bill and made no bones (pardon the pun) about it. No mind-altering substances were involved.  Otherwise, I don't see how somebody who was so hysterically upset could even go through with any sexual acts. It reminds me of back after the Nick/Brooke post-Ridge incineration foundry boink. When Brooke was trying to explain the situation to Bridget, Bridget was incredulous and replied, "Mom. You thought your husband had just died. How could you be sexually aroused?"  That's kind of my take on it. But Fauxdi was so horny for the stallion that nothing was going to get him her way. Liam be damned.

To her credit (and it kind of sickens me to type this), wasn't Faudxi kind of half-assedly trying to tell Liam what happened before he wouldn't let her finish a sentence with his (unnecessary) apologies and self-flagellation? Then he pushed the insta-vow renewals on her. That was so ridiculous. They've been married, what? A few months, tops? If that rank heifer had a shred of decency about her, she would have refused, stating that they needed a little more "time" to work things out.  In reality, I don't know what needs to be ironed out. If she was more self-aware, as opposed to self-centered, the kiss by then would have been long forgotten and instead, she'd just be grateful that her husband was alive.  With JMW's poor acting skills, SC was just able to bulldoze right over her, which gave the illusion that Liam didn't even give Steffy a chance to try to explain what was going on. I don't, for one moment, believe that she was going to tell the truth, but somehow spin it that she "gets" where Liam was coming from with Sally. Or some other bullshit.

Regarding Brooke, I like Brooke and for the reasons listed above.  I give props to KKL for being able to pull off Brooke's selfish and nefarious deeds, but IMO, I think she more than reaped what she sowed many times over. Mainly, via repeatedly being dumped or passed over by Ridge for Taylor, Caroline 1.0 and later, Ashley. Still, there seemed to be some goodness and vulnerability about her. I also give her props for, despite her numerous flaws, she was a good mother. With Ridge's other women, I really hadn't started watching at the beginning with Caroline. I couldn't stand Taylor. I thought she was a cold, smug, judgemental, hypocritical bitch.

So as far as leading ladies go, Bradley Bell has an epic failure on his hands with JMW. As well as her horrendeously tortured face, she can't act her way out of a paper bag (to coin an old phrase.) It is downright painful to watch her onscreen. She has no range other than playing the one-note cold bitch shrew. Liam (who is actually not one of my favorites) deserves so much more and better. I hope that he finds it with Sally. However, I am kind of hoping that a nuThomas will come back for her. I would be perfectly happy if Liam, finally fed up with all of the drama and angst, would reunite with Ivy. No. Those two didn't ignite my TV screen, but I thought they made a good solid couple. If the situation were reversed, I can't see Ivy with some high-maintenance, player (e.g. Ridge type) either. I'm OK with one low-key, but happy, couple.

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52 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Actually I think the folks in charge are going to try a Brooke/Thorne re-do. That pairing was the one and only time I could stand Brooke and even then she was super annoying with the Macy stuff.

As an aside, I started watching right around the time their relationship was being found out and Brooke's behavior towards Macy did a bit to color my opinion of the character for years until YouTube became a thing and I could see the twelve seasons I missed out on.

But I agree with the poster who mentioned that KKL brought a vulnerability and likeability to a character that has done some truly unforgivable things. It also helps that she's allowed to be chewed out for said things, as opposed to Steffy who never does. I mean, she got fired for the Possé boink outing, but I can't think of anything more recent.

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Actually, the irony there was that while the Posse' boink video was the type of revenge prank that would typically have Steffy's name written all over it but she didn't do it.  It was Justin, with some unwitting help from Liam. Liam had just started on the show as a Geek-on-Call type of guy who'd been dispatched to FC to repair Steffy's laptop. (She barely looked twice at him, BTW.) Justin (with Liam's reluctant help) hacked into Steffy's laptop to alter the video that was supposed to be a tribute to Brooke.

Even though the subsequent fall-out and Fauxdi firing were really not justified, it was gleefully fun to watch! I just considered karma for the "Ho for the Future" stunt, which was 100% orchestrated by Steffy.

Edited by grisgris
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That's the thing I despise most on soaps--when shitty characters who get away with everything under the sun get the book thrown at them for the one crime they actually didn't do, then it comes out that for once they were innocent and the whole Newman clan lines up to lick Victor's asshole clean.

Ridge had every reason to believe Steffy did it between her excessant bullying of Hope, her well known hatred of Brooke and that Ho for the Future stunt had happened literally weeks before.

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On 11/17/2017 at 9:45 PM, LittleIggy said:

I never thought Wyatt had led a sheltered life, but I had to reevaluate this belief when I heard him praising Katie for being so innovative in her sex play. Seriously? The Pizza Delivery Guy scenario is a porn cliche up there with the Cable Repairman (as famously spoofed in The Big Lebowski).

Given what we saw of Quinn with Bill and Deacon, she's a freak in the sheets. Wyatt's role playing is quaint in comparison. But fun and games in bed seems to run in the family.

Having said that, Katie and Wyatt are tapping into role play to spice things up awfully early in their relationship. Modeling lingerie or the new line of beach wear that Katie is managing/designing for Forrester would've seemed more in line for them to get their freak on.

On Brooke: I've always side eyed Brooke because she like Serena Van der Woodsen of Gossip Girl and Marissa of The OC were always blond tornados that would repeatedly follow their hearts to the detriment of everyone else, make poor choices, get into horrible situations, then cry rivers of tears, have people falling over themselves to help/protect them and then skate on their actions because they 'never meant to hurt anyone'. Anyone who called them out on their crap were seen as judgmental bullies even when they were right (Stephanie in Brooke's case and Lily and sometimes Blair in Serena's case). Yes they were hypocrites, but they were right and that shouldn't negate them calling out the blond tornados on their BS.

Just because you didn't mean to hurt someone doesn't mean that you didn't or that you're absolved from the consequences or the ream out that's coming your way. And if you are repeatedly hurting people with your follow your heart philosophy then you obviously don't give a shit about examining your own actions and how you're living your life and trying to make changes for the better for yourself and your loved ones. Interestingly we saw Marissa's bad decisions catch up to her at the worst moment (which is rare since on tv they shout the happy ending); Serena made headway for a bit until the show went off the rails completely; Brooke's journey actually had her mature and grow in many ways even with a few hiccups along the way, however the affair with Bill was a backslide. Even though Katie gave her permission, Brooke and Bill both acknowledged that she was ill with PPD and not in her right mind and yet they still used it as an excuse to proceed with the affair and justify it by her giving her permission. Then for round 2 they both lied to her face about their attraction and emotional affair to the point Katie was alternately thinking she was paranoid and nuts and wrong when she was paranoid, spiraling but RIGHT about the Brill affair. What made Brooke's action so annoying is that she is openly acknowledging how she's following old bad patterns and yet still engaged in the behavior.

And with this latest Brill breakup she's still leaning back on Ridge which is something she needs to resist.

The only time I've rooted for Brooke or wanted to was at the possibility of her vs Steffy for Bill. Brooke's history and experience vs Steffy's youth and daddy issues would've been a rich fertile ground to mine. Instead Brooke's Ben shuttled back to the Forrester bubble for Throoke 2.0.

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 11:37 AM, Waldo13 said:

All she wanted was to bring the family together

and she has brought the family together ( forgive me....) in her vajay!  OMG I'm so horrified I wrote that!  but not taking it back!   I'm glad we think she is the one that showered, because on Friday all I could think of was Liam wanting to get it on after their "renewal " ceremony and well EWWWW ick!

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Recap for Fri. 11/17/17:

We open with Bill sitting at his desk at SP, flashing back to earlier that night, you know, when he fucked Hauxdilox (yes, my new nickname for our "lovely" Steffy). 

Justin comes in: "Got your text. What's up?"

Bill: "My jet will be. First thing tomorrow morning. Please arrange that for me. And make sure the Stella Maris is stocked and ready."


Justin: "Party of...?"

Bill: "Two."

Justin: "So who's the lucky lady? As if I don't know already." Clearly, he thinks it's Brooke.

Bill is tight-lipped. I guess he wants to keep the memories of his wallow in the mud with Hauxdi to himself for a while : "Doesn't matter who's joining me."

Justin: "It doesn't matter, no, but you can't help but be curious, though. You're not saying anything, huh?"

Bill: "Eventually. Not yet."

Justin: "I'm happy for you. I'm glad she's come to her senses. I know how much it hurt when Brooke left. But this could be good, you know, spending time on a yacht, reconnecting. Could be just what you two need."

Bill: "Make sure the chef's prepared for at least a week. Last time we ran out of caviar and champagne. Had to helicopter it in. I want plenty of champagne." Celebrating that he finally balled Steffy. I'd say a swig of day-old cheap beer would suffice.

Justin: "You got it. I'll make sure we tell them to be fully stocked. Um, sparkling water, too, since Brooke doesn't drink." Still fishing.

Bill: "I never said it was Brooke."

Justin: "You never denied it, either."

Bill: "You know, it's annoying when you're as persistent as I am."

Justin: "Isn't that why we're friends?"


You're friends because you do all his dirty work, well, except for fucking Hauxdi. "Hey, I need a name for the flight manifest. What does Brooke go by these days? Is it, uh, Spencer? Logan?"

Bill: "Yeah, that's a nice try, but, uh, no name needed. It's my plane."

Justin: "No. Rules are rules."

Bill: "All right. Just call her Mrs. Spencer. That ought to cover it." Gross.

Justin thanks him and heads out.

Bill looks at a photo of the Stella Maris and we have to see yet another flashback of him telling Hauxdi how he feels about her. As a Brill fan and Brookie since day one, the slap of that still stings. But less so when I remind myself it's total revisionist history and retconning at its not-so-finest. I know what I saw and Brooke was the love of his life, not that this nasty heifer with fake hair and lips.

We have some throwaway scenes with Katie and Wyatt, role-playing as a mustached pizza delivery man and his lingerie-sporting customer.

I will admit I cracked a smile seeing Wyatt in his mustache and trucker hat. 


I agree that role-playing this early in a relationship doesn't exactly inspire confidence in longevity. 

Wyatt is working my last nerve with all of his kissing of Bill's nasty ass and Katie is, well, Katie. 

This pretty much sums up how I feel about them:


The main action occurs at the beach house. 

Hauxdi is still apologizing to Liam. The apology might actually mean something if, you know, he know what she was apologizing for...

Liam: "You have no idea how relieved I am to have you home." She turns away at these words.


Steffy: "I didn't mean to worry you. What a huge mistake." It was a conscious decision, bitch...not a mistake.


Liam is quick to console: "Hey. Hey. You have nothing to regret. I'm the one. I did it. I betrayed our marriage vows. And yet you still came home. You know, we can put this behind us. We really can. We can move forward." 

Steffy feebly: "I..." Her voice breaks: "I just wish we could go back to before this building came down."  


It's far too late to unfuck that dick. 

Liam: "Hey. How about we go back to our wedding day? Let's renew our vows." 

Of course, now would be the time for her to tell him there's something he needs to know, something that is pretty much guaranteed to not only put a halt to any vow renewal but to their marriage period. But if anyone really thinks she's gonna come clean, well, you haven't been paying attention.

Steffy: "Renew our vows?"


Liam: "Yes."

Steffy: "Liam, I need to-"

Liam, all caught up with excitement. For her. This is sad: "A clean slate. Will you let me do this? Will you let me start over with you?"


She stares at him in disbelief.


Yes, he really is this fucking naive. Lucky for her.

Steffy: "Okay, but, um, I need to tell you some-" 


Liam: "No, that's all I need to hear. Let's do it. Let's do it."


He cups her face in his hand and I'm sure Steffy is thinking back to when Bill held her face in much the same way single-digit hours ago.


There's a knock on the door and Carter arrives, unsure why he's there. LSV is as wooden as always, so it's easy to see why they rarely take him out of the mothballs. Liam runs to answer the door while Steffy holds onto a chair and her lies.


Liam wastes no time in sharing that he and Steffy want Carter to officiate their vow renewal. Tonight.


Carter: "Tonight? I have to say, buddy, you could have warned me. I would have prepared." Dude, the only time you show up is for wedding ceremonies. You should have this shit memorized six ways from Sunday.

Liam: "I know. I didn't know. I mean, Steffy wasn't even home yet, and I called you just to discuss the idea, and I thought maybe you could help me plan it sometime in the distant future if... and then this beautiful creature walked through the door. And suddenly I'm thinking there is no time like the present to remind her of my commitment." She's a creature all right.

Carter smiles and he does have a beautiful smile: "I am totally on board to lead you through a ceremony... if you're both inclined."

Liam: "I am. Steffy, are you?"

Steffy, fumbling: "Yeah, yeah, no, I... yeah, I just, uh... there's a lot of things. We just-" 


Liam: "Hold on. Hold on a second. Hey, Carter, maybe you want to grab a drink in the kitchen? I think I need a minute." He pulls Steffy aside and if you're thinking he's going to finally clue in that something is very, very wrong here, well...you'd be disappointed. For such supposed "soulmates," he doesn't know her at all and no, I'm not expecting him to guess that she slept with Bill. That's a leap too far, but if he knew her like these two profess to the world that they do, he'd know it's more than just what happened with Sally. 

Steffy: "I just...I wasn't expecting this." I'll bet not but what an unexpected windfall for you.


Liam: "I know, but it would mean so much to me. I need to say it. I need to say the words, especially after what happened with Sally. I have to reassure you that I am never gonna betray you again." He is not the one who betrayed her.

Steffy exhales: "Okay. Okay."

Liam: "Okay."

Steffy: "I have to tell you something. And it's about tonight. And I gave up on us."

Liam: "You gave up on us because of me, Steffy, because I hurt you. That's on me. And you didn't even give up on us. I mean, you would have been halfway to Paris by now if you had, but you came home to me. I have to think that means you believe in us as much as I do." 

Steffy: "I've always believed in us. It's why what I'm-" She's always believe in them as a couple? That's truly laughable, considering what she just did and whom. Her voice breaks again. " What I want to tell you is that-"

Liam: "Hey, tell me in the vows." I would have fallen off my chair if she had confessed during the vows, but we all know this lying tramp won't say a peep. "That's all I'm asking. Let me erase my mistakes. Can you do that? Can you do that for me? Please."


Her eyes focus on his as his words penetrate, especially the "erasing mistakes" part and it clicks in her mind that they can just do a reset and just like that (insert Brooke's snap here). 

Steffy, nodding idiotically: "Yes."

Liam: "Yes."

Steffy: "Yeah, you're -- you're right. You're right. We need a fresh start, a new marriage. And whatever happened before, it no longer matters, right? No longer matters."


She is truly unbelievable.

Liam who truly does live in the land of Naivete just smiles at her. Chump.


Carter starts to give a speech about pledges and reaffirming commitments and loving symbols and has them recite their vows, including that faithful part and it's just sickening to watch Liam promise all these things and mean it and Hauxdi just go through the motions, lying even now, betraying even now, with her father's jizz still inside her.


Carter: asks them to share their vows and who writes this shit?

Liam: "I can't thank you enough for doing this tonight, Steffy. For coming home to me after i caused you so much pain. I broke my marriage vows to you. And I'm not even talking about the kiss, Steffy. I'm talking about trespassing in a way far deeper. I took you for granted. I set you aside, and I put Sally's feelings above yours, and I will never do that again. That is my vow to you, because I believe in this marriage. I believe in you. And you have to come first. Nobody else. Just you. You have been the one constant in my life. You have been the one person that I can trust more than anyone else. And from this day forward, I vow, I pledge, I will be worthy of you." Oh honey, she is the one who's so unworthy to be with anyone on the planet.

Steffy says her vows, some of the most self-serving lies I have ever heard and that's saying something for this show. 

Steffy: "You say that I'm a constant in your life. Well, that's what you are for me. I can't imagine walking away from what we have. And I can't even imagine a life with someone else. Because you're my forever. And I meant that in Australia and I mean it today. There's no mistake you can make to change that. Everyone makes mistakes. I made a terrible mistake tonight. I almost forgot what we are. We're amazing on our own, but together we can overcome anything. And you reminded me of that, and I am so grateful for this ceremony. Thank you so, so much. I needed this. I needed it more than you know. I'm never gonna leave you again. Ever." Well, that's good to know.

She's actually smiling and I want to punch this lying bitch in the face. About a million times.

They put their rings back on and wonder if Bill's sweat is still on Steffy's rings. The rings she kept on while they were fucking. 


Carter pronounces them: Cuckhold and Cumdumpster.

Interesting that he says "Again...and STILL..." Was that a shout-out to the Still fans? Hmmm....

Liam thanks Carter for blessing their unholy union and excitedly embraces Steffy.

Liam: "Well, we did it!'

Steffy: "We did. A new marriage." Yeah, it's just that simple.

Liam: "Starting tonight. United as one, stronger than ever." So, are they going to christen said new marriage tonight? Fucking two men in the same night. That's a feat not seen since Taylor fucked her ex, Blake, and Ridge in the same day. Like mother, like daughter, indeed.

Steffy: "Is it really possible to put all of this behind us?" You wish it were so easy, but you don't get to lie and betray and lie some more and have that swept under the rug or erased by a vow renewal that wasn't predicated on the TRUTH. 

I didn't think it was possibly for her to have fucked up any more than she already has but she just took things to another level of low. 

Liam: "We just did. Right?" 

Steffy: "Yeah. I'm so lucky." For now, but the truth will come out. It always does. 

Liam: "I'm the lucky one. You trust me, right? I will never betray you again. I will never disrespect our vows again." You didn't betray nor disrespect her, Liam...but she has done you so very, very dirty. 


Steffy flashes back to fucking Bill and I'm pasting these screen caps (most of which we haven't seen before) to once again remove any doubt - ANY  - that their fucking was anything but mutual.

Oh, look, some cowgirl action...


Look at this greedy, cheating bitch kissing him and relishing every moment of it.


Yeah, keep clinging on to Liam, whore, that'll turn back time.


We have a quick cut back to Bill's office where he still relishing his bagging the grand prize and the screen changes to include the triangle.


Oh you sly, subtle PTB!

I cannot wait until Hauxdi is outed and taken down every peg that ever existed. 

And while the sting of Brill/Brooke being tossed away like they were nothing still lingers, I take some small pleasure in knowing the Swill fans are stewing over the outcome of their nasty-ass couple finally doing the deed (some to the point of crying Misunderstanding Night - which, nope!) Not so hot anymore, eh?

Edited by CountryGirl
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Fuck you too Show.

So, Brooke and Katie were placeholders? Liar, liar, fucking pants on fire Bill, because that is not what I saw.

Bill’s arrogance makes me dizzy. His hypocrisy leaves me breathless.

If their goal is to try and make Steffy the new Brooke they can let go of that fantasy right now.

Steffy will never be Brooke. Never. It takes a very certain, very special actress to pull off this type of SL, and garner any type of sympathy or understanding. JMW is hard, and wooden, and staccato. The Steffy character is all sharp edges and aggression. There is nothing likable, rootable, or sympathetic about her. At Steffy’s age, KKL was anything but sharp and wooden. She was soft sweetness, with unrivaled sexual magnetism. The Brooke character was captivating, with unmatched charisma, charm, a megaton smile, the best giggle in daytime, and knew how to make her man feel like he was the only man in the world. And even though Stephanie told us all these things were bad; we knew different. Just like we knew that Stephanie was just like her granddaughter. We knew how she shoehorned her way into Eric and Beth’s relationship. We knew how, when her status and money weren’t enough to lure Eric away from Beth, she pulled the oldest trick in the book, and was suddenly pregnant. Miss High Society Stephanie Douglas didn’t give not one royal shit about the pain and anguish she caused Beth Henderson because she got her man. And as if that didn’t satiate Stephanie’s need to annihilate her enemy; she hated Brooke on sight based entirely on her parentage.

Stephanie’s actions are what made it so easy to support Brooke, that, and the aforementioned qualities. Brooke was the perfect sex kitten, but took it to a whole other level, imprinting on her men like no other soap character I have ever seen. Stephanie hated her for this too because she didn’t understand it. And because she didn’t understand it, it was bad. And wrong. Terrible qualities. But that was only because Stephanie didn’t possess them. She couldn’t comprehend how treating your spouse as an equal, and not bulldozing them and their needs, would ever be alluring. Most of all though, she hated Brooke because Ridge could never completely let go of her. Sure, Taylor gave him things; stability, family, kids, responsibility, but it still wasn’t enough to make him forget about Brooke. It’s that innocent, vulnerable, childlike quality she possesses that makes men fall all over themselves to come to her rescue, and always love her.

Frankly, I don’t have a problem with it, or see anything wrong about owning your sexiness. Spouses don’t leave each other unless they want to; unless they are already unhappy and on the way out. Brooke has been the unfair recipient of so many allegations of how she stole so and so. PFFFT! The fact remains that the majority of Brooke’s men have been single, separated, or divorced. And I refuse to give her any grief over Bridge. That involved three people who were all equal participants and that were equally accepting of the situation. None of the three were innocent, and each had their times when they acted like a complete asshole. But all you ever hear is about how Brooke did this or Brooke did that. Never a mention about the things Ridge did, or the things Taylor did. When you add in the things Stephanie did, it is a wonder Brooke survived intact. Stephanie and Taylor came to define “mean girls”, tag teaming and fucking with Brooke for thirty years.

And now we have Stephanie’s horrid granddaughter, her namesake in every way, being propped, and written as a dutiful, loving wife, who just made a mistake. Sorry Show, but I’ve been watching for a while now, and I haven’t seen that. Steffy has been wanting in Bill’s pants in the worst way for weeks. Ever since Liam starting changing, and cut Bill out of his life. Steffy was in a panic all right. A panic that she was not going to be seeing Bill on the regular anymore. Wives support their husbands, not their husband’s fathers. That doesn’t mean you can’t see both sides, but you don’t openly side with your FIL. You don’t condone amoral, criminal, and horrible behavior either. 

Shallow, stank ass heifer.

Brooke indeed.

Edited by RuntheTable
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How stupid is the writing of this show?  Stuffy tells Bill I'm more married than I was yesterday.  If that holds true, Stuffy could ride the bucking bronco anytime she wants than seek absolution by renewing her vows.  Liam will forgive Stuffy and Carter will get a lot more screen time.  Also, Bill tells Stuffy he's never made love to a woman like he's made love to her.  I guess only Bill's penis was into Brooke and Katie, and not his brain and heart.  Do you know why Bill's eyes are dark brown?  He's full of ?.  Man, can he shovel it. 

Stuffy and Bill are becoming more and more darker as Wyatt and Liam are becoming more and more pathetic.  "Ours not to reason why, Ours but to do or die" is Bill's motto not family first.  

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So much WORD to your post, @RuntheTable, especially regarding the discussion of our beloved Brooke.

I've seen some discussion here and elsewhere trying to find some thread between Brooke and Hauxdi, in terms of neither ever paying for their actions.

I beg to differ.

One has paid. In spades.

The other has not. 

I don't need to rehash ad nauseam because I don't want this thread to eat the board, Suffice it to say that even from the very beginning, Brooke has paid and paid and paid some more:

Brooke and Thorne teamed up to keep Caroline and Ridge apart, which included Brooke keeping secret a letter Caroline wrote to Ridge on her wedding day to Thorne. Caroline should have womaned up and told Ridge how she felt instead of passive-aggressively marrying a man she wasn't in love with.  Instead, Brooke got the blame for Caroline marrying Thorne. Brooke's payback occurred shortly thereafter when she was pregnant for the first time and sadly, miscarried. She went from engaged to be married and expecting her first child to dumped mere weeks later when Ridge hopped in bed with Caroline and then dumped her officially.

When has Hauxdi ever paid? One could argue the miscarriage but the dumb heifer just had to get on her motorcycle after being warned against it (and who has to be told riding is dangerous anyway?) so I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for her. 

I doubt I ever will.

To even try to compare this succubus with Brooke is just laughable.

Edited by CountryGirl
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It's a real slippery slope when TIIC start trashing other characters to prop up someone who is so trifling and unsanitary that fans are debating whether or not she actually washed her ass before renewing her vows to her cuckolded husband.  Remember when Bill was supposedly all about protecting his family and trying to get and maintain the respect of his sons?  Remember when Will actually mattered to him?  Remember when Bill actually fought for his marriage to Katie and how devastated he was when she abandoned him and Will?  Remember the 5-year chase--including through the streets of Monte Carlo--that Bill engaged in with Brooke?  Evidently, we've all been the recipients of one of the biggest FUCK YOU's and mass hallucinations that the writers could come up with because evidently none of that shit really happened.  Now, I could see Bill badmouthing Ridge but good grief!  Trashing Liam behind his back and acting like the ugly girl with the fucked-up personality is too good for him?  DAYUM!  What in the ever-loving fuck did Liam do to him to deserve this shit here? 

Whatever, show!  The sad thing is that I feel really badly for DD because boy did his character end up with the booby prize of all booby prizes--despite the ridiculously over-the-top dialogue claiming that she's a "grand prize" and a "queen."  Meanwhile, our long-term knowledge about Stuffy, as well as our eyesight, would suggest otherwise.  She's not a hard luck heroine or someone who is misunderstood and vulnerable.  Her portrayer has NEVER played her that way because she lacks the talent to do so.  Most importantly, Stuffy was never written that way.  Stuffy has always been a vile, manipulative, cynical, egocentric bully and tramp with no moral compass.  But, evidently, that's the kind of creature that floats the Spencer men's boats these days.  They bow down at the altar of a succubus as opposed to women who actually tried and obviously failed to elevate them as men.

And, if anyone is truly giddy about this turn of events because "Swill" appears to be a thing now, I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell.  Anytime whole swaths of history have to be changed, discounted and repackaged to sell a pairing, then the pairing is already fatally flawed.  When the general sentiment across social media and the message boards is, "They deserve each other," that's not a positive thing.  As it stands now, no one should want to come within 10 feet of Bill.  At this point, there should be billboards all over Los Angeles declaring:  "BEWARE OF DOG!"

On a shallow note, Stuffy has to be one of the ugliest criers I have ever seen grace the screen.  But, evidently, JMW is supposed to be the Bette Davis of Daytime.

Edited by MulletorHater
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Well, there it is. Now we know. Bill isn't mentally ill, drunk, suffering from a brain tumor, etc. He said today what we've all been bracing for ... Yep. Katie and Brooke have been mere placeholders while he pined away for his "queen." Da fuq? His excuse for encouraging the marriages to Liam was because then she would be "off limits." Brooke and Katie just "didn't accept him." Wah! Wah! Wah!

I have no words. What is even more baffling is that Steffy rebuffed everything, no matter how much Bill tried to talk her into admitting her true feelings.

I found this over the weekend, courtesy of the Soap Central board. It kind of clears up the background of Swill.

Edited by grisgris
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