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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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@RuntheTable, did you see Donna look Carter up and down as she offered to get him a glass of champagne? If we're not gonna get any more Honeybear, then I'll settle for some Chocolate Swirl.



Sorry St3phForrester, I meant to say yeah! to this. And it is good to see you back with us!


Something else I forgot; did anyone else pick up on the look Deacon gave Ivy when Brooke introduced them? Reminded me of the way he looked at Bridget the first time he met her.


Why he would unwittingly put Brooke back in Ridge's orbit just to one-up Bill is beyond comprehension



I hadn't even thought about this; great insight. No doubt Deacon isn't thinking about that other possibility; the one we must never speak of again. Maybe if we don't speak the name, the writers will forget all about them.


And, I'm sorry, but no amount of flashbacks will ever make me want to see Brooke and Deacon onscreen as the couple they never were.




Agreed, but damn, they were both so beautiful. And those clips make my heart ache for when the show was good.


Friend of the other Bill


Congrats on your 25-year Friendship, too, sugarbaker



My apologies Sugarbaker; I meant to congratulate you as well!


Every time I see Wyatt, I keep expecting him to start bobbing his head, clucking, and shuffling his feet.

If he did, then he'd be perfect for Taylor, especially when she's had a few!



Oh, thank you so much for this grisgris.


Hardly worth JMC pulling the suit on for.



Indeed, and where was Pam?


And so it begins:


The Promos on CBS show Bill telling Wyatt that Liam was in Paris.....cut to a tearful Hope, wailing about, "If you were right there Liam, then why didn't you come to me?!!!"




There is a bonus Promo showing Bob Barker socking Wyatt ala Happy Gilmore, complete with Batman like "POP" and "WHAM". It made me chuckle and momentarily forget about that other promo.

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What I would love would be for him to blast her for instantly turning to Wyatt and marrying him.

And then she should throw it back in his face by mentioning his giving Steffy her engagement ring while it was still warm and marrying her less than 24 hours later. IMO, both of them are ridiculous and clearly too immature to be getting married. Hope gets caught up in the wedding dresses and ceremony and Liam loves envisioning himself as the Handsome Prince. If they ever did manage to marry without any third parties or legal trap doors looming, their wedded bliss probably wouldn't last a year. It'll serve them right if Wyatt manages to knock her up before she decides she has to go flitting back to Liam again.


Because Chicken Head made fun of Liam's support for animals?

No, because Wyatt directly insults Bob Barker, repeatedly. I think I would have liked the set up better if Quinn had been the one tossing the barbs at Bob and he punched her in face.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Sometimes I think Hope married Wyatt because he has an actual will of his own- unlike Liam, the human weathervane.


I hadn't really cared for Deacon before, but I am starting to dig him and his sleazy ways. He's got some leverage on Ridge and Quinn, and I hope like hell he starts to use it. I also think it would be interesting (to me anyways) to see him work on a relationship with his daughter. Heck, it might help give Hope's character some layers other than wedding rabies and being this so-called international icon.

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Soooooo once again we end this stupid show with Brooke and her expertise one tear crying, and daughter Hope with her tearful lip quivering cry. Two peas in a pod I'll tell you!! Two golden cooters crying and can't make up their simple minds which man they want the most because God knows they've had more than their share!

Edited by godfreydaniels
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I think I might actually like Maya better than Hope.

I will never like Maya better than Hope because the latter was once an interesting character. Granted that was when the Pace twins were in the role, but that's more than Maya had...and given her wrongful imprisonment and the loss of her child that resulted, I fully expected the next Sheila Carter. What a lost oppertunity.

I've never liked this "The Logan Sisters Can't Do Anything Practical" angle TPTB have worked in the last 5ish years or so. Remember that Christmas when they burnt the turkey? And it was funny because they are daughters of a first-class caterer? I'm pretty sure if you can earn a Chemistry degree at university, you can cook a bird. Ugh, rant over.

This could've been funny from the Blue Blood Forresters, especially the Tridge brats that have been raised in wealth. But the Logans have all spent a good chunk of their adult lives as working class. Hell Katie only became a mega bajillionaire by marriage in the last six years and was oh so down to earth when she met Bill, so I definitely don't buy that from her.

St3phanie Forrester, so sorry you computer harddrive screwed up! I've had that happened, and there are some recovery programs for that, so perhaps all may not be lost.

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Sometimes I think Hope married Wyatt because he has an actual will of his own- unlike Liam, the human weathervane.



I think it's part that, in that she knows she's never had a moment where she wasn't sure that Wyatt wanted her more than anyone else.  Add in that she seems way more physically/sexually into Wyatt.  What's going to keep doing Wyatt in is that since Hope and Liam have pretty much always been broken up via some misunderstanding or outside manipulations, she's always going to have him in the back of her mind as this star crossed love that just never got a chance.  In the long run, Wyatt would be better off if Hope got a chance to actually settle down and marry Liam, and give it a go without anyone trying to sabotage their wedding.  I think she'd start realizing that she's just not that into Liam anymore once they overcame all their ridiculous obstacles and misunderstandings.  

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If by "will of his own" you mean he is a manipulative stalker, I would agree.

While I can't deny that Wyatt can be exceptionally douchey, that's not quite what I meant. :)



I think she'd start realizing that she's just not that into Liam anymore once they overcame all their ridiculous obstacles and misunderstandings.


Yeah, I think she has this fantasy, idealized relationship with Liam floating around in her head and all the obstacles and what not just add fuel to the star-crossed lovers fire. The truth is if they wanted to get married that badly, they could have easily taken a stroll to city hall or hopped a plane to Vegas. Instead it's more "fun" to play out the "oh woe is us, we wuz robbed" drama.

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I wish Justin had gotten a severe concussion or fallen into a coma after one of Ridge's sucker punches.  Then maybe someone would be saying Ridge ruined his life.  More likely, the nimrods on the show would say, "Justin who?"



Please!  Not only would that bunch have been asking, "Justin who?" they would have all agreed that he had it coming to him, with Donna loudly wondering how she could have fallen for such a jerk.  Never mind the jerk she fell for when she returned to Los Angeles, and to whom she embarrassingly purred:  "Let me be your new Logan!"

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I'm glad I wasn't around for Donna/Ridge.  My mind refuses to conceive of it. 


TK and HM continue to prove that, no, you actually can't just throw two good actors together and make a pairing.  The have pretty much zero chemistry.  Add in some of the crappiest "romance" writing ever, and, well...  As I write this, I'm watching Austin & Ally on the Disney Channel with my kid, and the teenage leads of that show have a world more chemistry than Ridge/Katie.  

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I think it's part that, in that she knows she's never had a moment where she wasn't sure that Wyatt wanted her more than anyone else.  

Probably because Wyatt the mama's boy has never had a relationship with anyone else.

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@RuntheTable, did you see Donna look Carter up and down as she offered to get him a glass of champagne? If we're not gonna get any more Honeybear, then I'll settle for some Chocolate Swirl.

Sorry St3phForrester, I meant to say yeah! to this. And it is good to see you back with us!

Well thank you, it's nice to be back! I'll see you all again in a months' time when John McCook makes his contractual appearance.


St3phanie Forrester, so sorry you computer harddrive screwed up! I've had that happened, and there are some recovery programs for that, so perhaps all may not be lost.

Thanks Anna Yolei - I went through the Five Stages of Dying last week and have come out the other side - really the only thing valuable that I "lost" was the sneaky copy of JMC in The Rear Guard I burnt when I had a lend of the DVD from the Dad's Army Appreciation Society. So perhaps it was karma getting me back for engaging in illegal activity!


and where was Pam?

In the bonus scene with Charlie stressing out that the Hopeless Diamond was unescorted on its tour of Europe.


A few thoughts (it's all right, I'm sitting down):


- KKL is going to be in Australia shortly doing a charity bike ride on the Great Ocean Road, which presumably means a break from filming. Are we going to have a few weeks of story with no Brooke coming up?


- Michael Logan at TV Guide tweeted something earlier today about a new Forrester being introduced soon:

I've been reading spoilers about an "Adam" "interacting with the crew at FC", so maybe it's him? No idea who Adam is though. Ivy's brother? Alphabet Baby back from obscurity and with a new name? Either way, this is beginning to look a lot like cast bloat, and I'm afraid of the future for my favourite characters/actors who are already struggling for screentime as it is.


- Have you guys seen Scott Clifton's ice bucket challenge video? Here's the link - the thing that struck me straight away was how much he was acting like our very own $Bill...

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- Have you guys seen Scott Clifton's ice bucket challenge video? Here's the link - the thing that struck me straight away was how much he was acting like our very own $Bill...


OMG - this is the most incredible DD/$B impersonation! Thanks for posting that.

I just wish Sad Waffles was more like his dad. LOL.

Edited by SweePea59
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Have you guys seen Scott Clifton's ice bucket challenge video? Here's the link - the thing that struck me straight away was how much he was acting like our very own $Bill...

That was great! I'm not a huge fan of Liam but SC killed it with that impersonation of $Bill.


Michael Logan at TV Guide tweeted something earlier today about a new Forrester being introduced soon:

I'm surprised about that character name since there's a relatively high-profile character by that name on Y&R. It couldn't possibly be Y&R's character, could it?

Y&R Adam's wife is a fashion designer who does work for FC so theoretically this could be a cross-promotion for the re-introduction of the Adam character (he's assumed dead due to a shooting/car accident, and the a recast was just hired). Interesting...

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I'm also hoping for a verbal smackdown of Hope by Liam, like there's a chance of that happening.   I'm also waiting for a paternity test on Wyatt, and the reveal that Ridgepen isn't  really RIdge.


 I'll wait with you, any of these things would be great.


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I really don't feel very sorry for Liam. At that party he reminded me of a wooden marionette with Bill pulling the strings. His eyes got all beady and had that blank look he sported back in the days of ToD 2.0. I think the fact that Hope instantly married Wyatt is fitting karma for Liam pulling the insta-engagement to Steffy.
When are his eyes NOT beady and blank?  He has the same exact look all the time.  Hate that he secreted himself into Hope's room and that Ivy and Aly were in on "the plan" to put Liam and Hope back together.  Don't these two have anything better to do?


So of course, spin cycle repeats.  Hope will feel bad, and upset, and waffle.  But by the time she decides it's Liam she really wants, he'll have married Ivy.  Then his turn to waffle.  This entire show should be filmed at Waffle House.  It's so ridiculously repetitive and has gotten so uninteresting and irritating.

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Hope is such a self centered bitch. When Liam finished explaining what happened and how he saw her in the distance once he fished Ivy out of the water, all she could say is "Well, I have MY perspective".  Oh Yeah?  Your perspective is that you waited 30 seconds before your coochie pointed north and you ran off with FogHorn LegHorn.  Please Liam.  Start dating Ivy and your beloved bimbo will come running. 

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Everybody's pathetic!  Ivy...I give her a pass because she's new.  Hope?  Waited 5-7 minutes and applied zero critical thinking to the situation before deciding that a messed up wedding attempt between her and Liam meant something completely different than what it's meant the other 6 times.  Wyatt?  Skulking around the merry-go-round, wishing upon a star that his brother won't show up to marry his fiance so that he can prey on her vulnerabilities.  Liam?  After being presented with "you weren't there and he was" as a legit reason for starting the day planning to marry one guy and ending up marrying another still wants to be with Hope.  He's been there - he knows it's garbage.  Aly?  Please go back to your hot boyfriend and convince him to grow his scruff back.

Edited by kia112
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I thought Hope talking about her perspective was a (really bad) attempt in the writing to have Hope explain to Liam that, while she now knows what actually happened, at the time, she had zero idea - her perspective was that he was hesitant to come to Paris the last time they discussed it, and he didn't show up, so, message received by her.  Of course, given their past, that is idiocy, but, well, it's Hope and Liam. 

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I think Hope's perspective is correct, because he was too stupid to call her.  He could have called her from the plane or when he landed.  He could have called her on his way to the park.  He has no one to blame but himself for his idiocy, especially given their history of "missed connections".

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Hope even brought that up and pointed out she had a phone. He could have sent a text even before jumping to save Ivy. It is his fault they broke up in the first place too because he thew the tantrum over the diamond.


Hope should be relieved to be off the Liam waffling train.

Edited by Artsda
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But who runs off and marries someone else 15 minutes after the love of your life/your soulmate (gag) doesn't show up for your 6th wedding attempt?

I don't want to hear 'we wuz robbed' out of these two ever again.

Chances are Mr and Mrs Leghorn aren't legally married anyway. How do you get a marriage license that fast especially in another country? Or did she take the original and scratch out Lame and write in Foghorn?

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So, the theme for today's show was "how to blame everyone but yourself for your own stupid decisions."


Katie and Ridge believe Bill is to blame that he's lost his precious "gift"...but in reality, it was his idiotic choice to fly across the globe to interrupt the wedding of his ex, punch the groom and drag off the bride that set his current scenario in motion. Has he even seen a doctor/physical therapist/shrink before self-diagnosing that his livelihood is lost forever? No way. It's more fun to blame $Bill.


Hope thinks it's Liam's fault she married his brother 5 minutes after he didn't show up. Nope, that was your call, hon -- and a real mature one. Be hurt, pissed off, eat a whole box of macarons, kick a mime, whatever...but don't marry someone else because your first choice is MIA for a few moments. (And who does that, aside from morons on this show?? What self-respecting man/woman is content to be the consolation prize moments after another couple breaks up?! Good grief.) And sad-sack Liam, why stand there while Hope boo-hoos about how abandoned she felt for those 5 minutes? This should've been an FYI conversation just to clear the air, "it doesn't change the end result but I wanted you to know what happened" kinda deal, and then walk out the door and never look back. But we all know that won't happen.


Argh, this show makes my blood boil and I'm not sure that's the emotion they're going for.

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He could have sent a text even before jumping to save Ivy.


Out of all of Liam's faults, I don't think that "saving" someone from "drowning" without thinking to send a quick "I'm gonna be 5-7 minutes late" text is one of them.

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But who runs off and marries someone else 15 minutes after the love of your life/your soulmate (gag) doesn't show up for your 6th wedding attempt?

I don't want to hear 'we wuz robbed' out of these two ever again.

Chances are Mr and Mrs Leghorn aren't legally married anyway. How do you get a marriage license that fast especially in another country? Or did she take the original and scratch out Lame and write in Foghorn?


This is why I still think Hope wanted the go ahead to go back to Wyatt, on some level.  If you look at every break up (or whatever you want to call them) that these two have had, at least one of them was, at least subconsciously, doing what they wanted to.  Liam waffled right over to Steffy the first time because Hope had made the decision to put off sex until marriage, which he did not agree with, and Steffy was offering it up on a silver platter.  When Hope was late to their Italy wedding, Liam was already to hop on a plane with Steffy because he was still feeling conflicted about the end of their relationship.  When he showed up for their next wedding attempt hungover, and looking like shit, that was such clear self-sabotage.  He had been building up anger because of how Hope punished him by tearing up the official documents from the Italy wedding because she was (rightfully) pissed that, instead of seeking her out to see what was wrong, he just immediately turned to Steffy.  When Hope saw Liam and Steffy together before their last wedding attempt, she was quick to take off with Wyatt because she had been attracted to him and this was her chance to explore that, while blaming Liam.   


These two really need to stop trying to get married.  After the 3rd or so botched wedding, you need to start looking at it as a sign.  

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Has Katie even said anything to Ridge about his jetting off to stop Brooke's wedding? I so often fast forward her scenes, because I cannot stand what a total ass she's become. Hell, maybe Ridge lost his gift because Katie is his anti-muse or design kryptonite.

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Out of all of Liam's faults, I don't think that "saving" someone from "drowning" without thinking to send a quick "I'm gonna be 5-7 minutes late" text is one of them.


It's not like she fell in and he dove in right after her. She fell in and then they proceeded to have a conversation about him still going to Hope. Her telling him to go and that she'd be fine. Him looking back and forth deliberating on what to do and he wasted a lot of time standing there on the bridge before Ivy started having problems swimming.


During any of that time, he could have done something, take some type of stand and make decision. However he continued to waffle and flip flop on what to do until Ivy was struggling. Instantly he could have pulled out his phone sent a text that said "on way" and then jumped in the water to get Ivy and save more time than he lost. 


Liam's a flip flopping waffler in ever situation. He has nobody to blame than himself.

Edited by Artsda
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Agree to disagree. I still don't think it was a long enough time to assume that your woman would run off with someone else. Like I said, if you saw someone struggling in the water, I don't think someone would go, "Ooh, please don't drown while I text my fiancé so she doesn't run off with my brother."

Instead of Hope's dumb speech today about "Why didn't you come to MEEEEE" that would have been a prime opportunity for the writers to have Hope make a mature declaration about why she decided to end their relationship. With real reasons and real nods to their history. Instead you have, "When you weren't there at exactly 3 o'clock, I knew you wanted to end the relationship, even though there were about 8 different, more reasonable assumptions I could have made on the way to that asinine conclusion. And since Wyatt was already there..."

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I thought we had a brief appearance by an ex of Wyatt's earlier this year, didn't we?

There was a spoiler that an ex would show up, but it never happened.

Scott Clifton's video was awesome. He nailed DD's $Bill voice. I noticed that he challenged "Walter White," the shelter cat he adopted. I don't think Walter would enjoy the ice water! Guess he'll just write a check.

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I sure didn't, I can't hear anything while ff'ing.  Did production add accordions to it to make it sound more French?



NuRidge eating in the middle of a scene will always amuse me. I don't think I ever saw old Ridge eat.



Everybody's pathetic!

Two words describe the entire show.

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There was a spoiler that an ex would show up, but it never happened.


Ah, that was it.  I remember it being discussed, but didn't remember if I actually saw it happen.  Since I don't catch every episode, I assumed it must have been on a day I didn't see.  

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YOU GUYS! Ahem, I mean, you guys! John Forrester's coming to town, and he's being played by Fred Willard!!! I've already got pins and needles and I've only known about this for half an hour. I hope they do both comedy and drama, about 80% of JMC's back catalogue is comedy work and I'm sure FW can do the serious stuff too - oh gosh I'm so excited. I never wanted John Forrester casted but I'm happy with this.

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Oh God, not Fred Willard.  He's such a laugh whore and I just can't see him playing anything straight or dramatic (and mods, I'm not talking about the man personally with my words, just a descriptive passage).  He's one that I've never understood in the acting world. Why would they cast  him in this role?  Aren't there other actors with better acting chops?  FW has to be at least 110 years old, isn't he?


Does anyone here think that at some point, someone will put two and two together and get Quinn in Paris? 

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Has Katie even said anything to Ridge about his jetting off to stop Brooke's wedding? I so often fast forward her scenes, because I cannot stand what a total ass she's become. Hell, maybe Ridge lost his gift because Katie is his anti-muse or design kryptonite.


Hell no.  That smug, sour-faced bitch hasn't formed her putrid mouth to hold her so-called man to task for flying halfway around the globe to stop Brooke's wedding.  She's too busy frontin' as if Ridge was Bill's victim.  Plus, she gets the joy of being able to tell Brooke, "Girl, I told you he wasn't shit!" while she, herself, ignores the oil slick in the middle of her own living room.  As an added bonus, she and Ridge can go home and smugly count their blessings that they have each other while blasting Brooke once again for making a poor choice.


Ridge has yet to take responsibility for anything he has done, and hasn't had his feet held to the fire by anyone other than Bill.  As for his precious "gift," I've yet to see him do anything remotely productive with it since his return.  I look forward to his new collection--Shrouds for Shrews--with Katie in mind.

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YOU GUYS! Ahem, I mean, you guys! John Forrester's coming to town, and he's being played by Fred Willard!!! I've already got pins and needles and I've only known about this for half an hour. I hope they do both comedy and drama, about 80% of JMC's back catalogue is comedy work and I'm sure FW can do the serious stuff too - oh gosh I'm so excited. I never wanted John Forrester casted but I'm happy with this.

This should be fun. But isn't John also Jessica's father? Or does Eric have another brother? I thought he only had the one.

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I've decided that this show is so much better when you view it as a comedy. Hope going "whyyyyyy didn't you come to me". OMG I couldn't stop laughing. Beady Eyes flatly intoning he was there. Lolololololol serves him right for being all pissy about that stupid diamond.

These are supposed to be intensely dramatic and tragic scenes. But I couldn't stop cackling.

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I still don't think it was a long enough time to assume that your woman would run off with someone else. Like I said, if you saw someone struggling in the water, I don't think someone would go, "Ooh, please don't drown while I text my fiancé so she doesn't run off with my brother."

If it were any other couple in the world...or even on this show, yes. But with a guy that's had a history being more fickle than Wall Street on Black Tuesday? After six weddings?

But the rest of the post I agree with. This refusal to acknowledge history or have the characters change or grow has been irritating on B&B. Unless it's about Brooke's scandals, then everyone and their mother can drag that up.

Blackwing, the show is at its best in the "so bad it's good" mode when people are all srs bzns. Ridge and Adam Newman Vengeance Mode Rick from the mid 2000s were especially lulzworthy, and one of the few times Ronn Moss had an acting partner he could almost eclipse in a scene. Comedy Gold!

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Maybe it's just me, but after reading pages of discussion about Liam and Wyatt, I'm craving Chicken and Waffles. In fact, I'd like to see them starring in a sitcom entitled just that.

I missed this in my last post, but I laughed so hard. What a great pairing name for these two.

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Katie and Ridge believe Bill is to blame that he's lost his precious "gift"...but in reality, it was his idiotic choice to fly across the globe to interrupt the wedding of his ex, punch the groom and drag off the bride that set his current scenario in motion.


 Yes, it was Ridge's choice to do go and interrupt the wedding  but as far as we know that's not the reason he can't draw. He could have done all those idiotic things and still have his "gift" if it weren't for Bill ordering Justin to drop him out of the helicopter. With the info that we have right now, Ridge's damage is Bill's fault. IMO As for the other idiotic stuff, I didn't see Brooke putting up much of a fight, she went with Ridge pretty willingly.


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Please let Hope and that mouth-breathing stalker she married move to the background.  I'm so sick of the both of them.


I like TK and HT, but wish they would write Ridge and Katie off the show.  They're both boring and unnecessary.  And so fucking shrill.  Let them go to Switzerland or something for Ridge to get the magical treatments the Swiss always seem to have, get cured, and then move to Paris.  Will and RJ could easily visit back on forth on all the private modes of transportation these people own.


Also, KKL is a beautiful woman but her hair is looking even shittier than it normally does.  It's so limp and yellow.

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