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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm fine with it. I always thought TK's Ridge looked far too old for an already young looking LG's Caroline anyway. I also thought it flew in the face of all the great loves or waffles before him to be suddenly calling this the be all and end all. I wasn't into it at all.

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I'm still trying to figure out why Ridge & Caroline ended so freaking abruptly.

Me too. I liked the Ridge/Caroline pairing and thought the actors had chemistry (which is more than I can say for most of the pairings on this show). I've barely watched since the spinning of rape night began.

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I love Chickenhead, but his current SL is boring the crap out of me.   DB deserves better than this lather/rinse/repeat writing.

YAASSS. Interesting Aside...I randomly ran into DB in a Grocery Store in Wilmington N.C. 2 years ago on Thanksgiving Eve. He and his G.F were so normal and gracious.  

I was too floored/half drunk to ask him any show questions mercifully i did not yammer on.. just told him i loved his character/perfomances and he stood graciously for a selfie with me  that his GF obligingly took. Delightful encounter. Nice man. sweet couple.

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Also Please please please can we Have red suit Brooke Back? KKL is too good for this stupid shite TIIC are giving her. And lest we forget how lovely she really is to look at go back to utube and watch her 1st Beach wedding to Ridge where she rides in on a horse..The most beautiful Bride ever

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Ditto. Back in the red suit days through NickNSane, I thought Brooke was just drop-dead gorgeous. She had the entire package with the looks, body, clothes and personality. Obviously, everybody ages, but it seems like KKL is still trying to retain to her youth via the long yellow hair.  It would look SOooooo much better if it were even a little bit shorter and the color was softened to a more flattering shade.  She can still be California blonde. Just add in some dimensional highlights and she'd look great and more age-appropriate.  Props, too, that at least she's keeping the makeup subtle and simple. I also liked her body skimming coral dress the other day. She needs more outfits like that and ditch that frumpy satin disaster she had on the other day. I hope that a wardrobe change is in order (for everybody) for today's episode.

That's was a great story about DB. I like him a lot and actually prefer him in all aspects over Waffles. I could totally see him in one of those primetime comedy shows on CBS.

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Boy they just keep drilling home Katie wasn't special enough. Red string ring from Ridge. Standard old square diamond from Bill. Bill gives Brooke a sword ring that ties closer to the family jewelry line. Although twisting a sword out of shape actually weakens it and takes away its purpose so that ring ain't all that great in the symbolism department.

'I'm not a clown. Most days.' Ridge with the funny.

I'm actually looking forward to Brill 2.0. I want to see what shenanigans they can get up to as an actual power couple.

I may have been cutting onions during the Batie final breakup. Those two brought it. Glad the mess is over and am looking forward to Katie getting some new story direction.

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I'm so over Katie the perpetual acne-ridden teenager. Maybe I could buy this if another actress was in the role, but it's Heather frigging Tom FFS. Not special? Nick dumped Bridget for her. She was the first woman that got Bill to commit. Hell, Stephanie hated her the least of all the Logan clan. And there were certain scenes from HT's early days on the show that had me wondering if they were gonna pair her with Ridge....which would be weird for the reason of Ronn Moss being around for teen Katie but probably no worse than the forced Nick/Katie stuff that was scrapped when DD came onboard or the mutual revengemance we got a few years back.

TLDR:Katie's self pity is another thing that's gotten worn out on this show, along with DESTINY!, "We were robbed!", Rick N. Titled's grudge against Ridge, and the Avant sisters playing Le Clos to Steffy's Michael Phelps in the Hypocrite Olympics.

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Oh, gods... did Bill do that horse thing during Brill 1.0?  Because that was just gross. 

I don't know why they want Ivy to lose her accent unless the actress wants to do it to get more varied jobs and they decided to write it in.  If it's her choice, then okay but I'm going to miss the accent. 

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21 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Oh, gods... did Bill do that horse thing during Brill 1.0?  Because that was just gross. 

I don't know why they want Ivy to lose her accent unless the actress wants to do it to get more varied jobs and they decided to write it in.  If it's her choice, then okay but I'm going to miss the accent. 

Ack! I like the accent, blerg! This is terrible.

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Either way, why write in the thing about the accent? As mentioned a while back, both Liam and Wyatt know who she is, so why the deception? And AB is more than free to vary her accent for the post-B success that will certainly come her way, but it just seems so stupid here.

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Just now, Anna Yolei said:

Either way, why write in the thing about the accent? As mentioned a while back, both Liam and Wyatt know who she is, so why the deception? And AB is more than free to vary her accent for the post-B success that will certainly come her way, but it just seems so stupid here.

I feel like it's a red herring, the show is always distracting us with nonsense.

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7 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

It's like the show wants to undo everything appealing about Ivy to make sure she doesn't outshine Steffy in her role as the ideal woman that every man wants.  

I remember hearing some rumor about JMW quitting for this reason. To some degree, I can't blame her because the single minded, one-sided writing for Hope was equally grating....just look at how their respective miscarriage stories were written, for example.

But if this is the show's appeasement to her, they needn't bother, IMO.

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Ridge and Steffy are more threatening than Quinn right now. 
Ridge is broadcasting that he's up to something like a hostile takeover. I hope Eric realizes this and doesn't get blindsided like last time.  Watch, Quinn will get in more trouble trying to put Ivy back on Liam's waffle list than Ridge trying to take control of FC.  

I get the feeling that Brooke's engagement to Bill is just a red herring. A ruse set up by Ridge and Brooke to get those shares.  But in all honesty, I think Ridge has it in him to let the marriage happen because he knows that Brooke and Bill will be playing hide the salami. Stallion my ass, he's more like a teaser pony in attitude. 

I also agree that it's in Steffy's contract that she has to be the fairest of them all. It looks like Steffy and Victor have the same agent and contract. 

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Thing is, EB was there a looooong time before getting his way all the time (which didn't start till after Bill Bell left, cuz Bell didn't play that shit with anyone). 

I guess she counts as a vet since she's been on for the better part of 8 years this summer, but KKL has been on from the beginning and there's been only one time she's shut down a story and rightfully so.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I get the feeling that Brooke's engagement to Bill is just a red herring. A ruse set up by Ridge and Brooke to get those shares.  But in all honesty, I think Ridge has it in him to let the marriage happen because he knows that Brooke and Bill will be playing hide the salami. Stallion my ass, he's more like a teaser pony in attitude. 

I hope that, if that is what it is right now, it ends up with Brooke and Bill siding with Eric.  

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Sorry, but I didn't think that AB was pulling off the American accent very successfully. She sounded pretty good when she announced herself to Pam, then that was it. What a stupid concept. OTOH, I thought she looked fab after her makeover. She's a lucky one who looks good with no, minimal or full-on makeup. Much better hair color, too.

So are Brooke's plans to marry Bill, snag the shares, then get an immediate annulment? He's made it clear that she's free to sell the FC stock to "the dressmaker," so I'm not sure what's going on here. She also didn't hesitate to hit the sheets with Bill either.  If she loves him, then why hurt him like that? If it's to avenge Katie, well, pot meet kettle. Maybe I'm just missing something.

I checked on "Worn on TV" and that hideous outfit Brooke's been wearing is actually a rather pricey silk shirt dress from either Nordstrom or Nieman Marcus. (Want to say close to $600.) In her defense, the dress also looked horrible displayed on a mannequin. Sometimes, an idea is just a fashion fail and the designers just need to "pull a Ridge" and rip up the page from the easel!

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On 9/2/2016 at 4:19 PM, Gudzilla said:

$Bill...enough with the head grabbing, the damn thing isn't falling off !

I wasn't sure which was worse...the Stallion's need to hold on to Brooke's head for dear life or RM's Ridge with his hair petting.

While I think KKL deserves some special bonus for ooing and ahhing over the sword ring (I haven't decided if it's fuglier than the olive-looking ring Ridge gave her some years back, which proposal I do not know, I've lost count), I do like how he clearly showed she's part of him and his family in a way Katie never could be. 

And fugly or not, it's heads and tails (ok, pun intended) better than the nasty string Katie got. I can't wait to see the look on old lemonheads Katie when she sees the ring.

Dare I say I enjoyed the Brill bedroom reunion - my goodness, they are a stunning couple. Between them and Queric, it's pretty clear that 50+ somethings have got it going on - in all the right places. I loved that they had the conversation where Brooke floated the idea of giving the shares to Ridge and seeing through Bill as wanting to stop quit Quinn but not wanting to out and out help his archnemesis Ridge. But I still hope that Brooke either keeps the shares to herself or uses them to help Eric and I absolutely love your storyline ideas, RuntheTable

How much I would love to see Brill (done right), Queric, Tasha, and Wyvy. Steam can go blow somewhere off screen. A Katie and Ridge reunion  - yawn...don't care and I will never buy them falling in love again because I don't believe they were ever in love in the first place. It was all about screwing over Brooke. My fear with Ridge's flashbacks is that now that he's single and Brooke has found love elsewhere, he's going to want the toy he's so used to taking off his shelf and playing with when he feels like it, that's he's going to create trouble for them and I hope they shut his shit down but good. 

And I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather Douglas' paternity stay as it is because I really love Thomas and Sasha together and I want them to be together regardless of the fact that he has a child with Caroline or that she suddenly realizes she has feelings for him (because enjoying Thomas now with Sasha is all I can muster after RapeNight, to turn them into a couple ala the wretched Luke & Laura or Sami/EJ is a bridge too far). Let Caroline be single for a while. Or have her and Ridge realize that this is stupid, he was perfectly ready and willing to love RJ as his own (before he and Brooke learned he was, in fact, theirs,) so why should it be anything different with Douglas?

Edited by CountryGirl
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5 hours ago, grisgris said:

 So are Brooke's plans to marry Bill, snag the shares, then get an immediate annulment?

I'm not under that impression.  

5 hours ago, grisgris said:

I checked on "Worn on TV" and that hideous outfit Brooke's been wearing is actually a rather pricey silk shirt dress from either Nordstrom or Nieman Marcus. (Want to say close to $600.)

I just took a peek, $550!


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27 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I missed most of the episode because when Steffy got self-righteous about Bill going after Brooke while married to Katie I dropped dead. 

But now that she understands the sanctity of marriage she has seen the error of her earlier ways and...yeah, so stupid, LOL.

Actually I'd believe Steffy's miffed that Bill wouldn't leave Katie for her but did -TWICE!- for Brooke. She's stuck with Liam and Wyatt and never got the sword ring from the original Stallion himself. That has to suck, LOL.

Edited to add:  Steffy does fit the bill of abandonment issues since her stance has always been Ridge waffling between Taylor and Brooke made her feel like she had no permanent place in his life.  It actually makes sense that she's playing Wyatt and Liam off each other to have them fight over her because she wants the attention she never got from daddy. Pretty rich that she blasted Liam over his abandonment issues regarding his mother when she's pulling the same crap with him now.  The thing is Ridge has pretty much been there for her and is there for her now with all these father/daughter talks so...yeah she ain't got no excuse now.

Edited by TobinAlbers
Steffy psychoanalysis
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20 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I missed most of the episode because when Steffy got self-righteous about Bill going after Brooke while married to Katie I dropped dead. 



Isthis real life? And this while encouragingLiam's waffling ass with his brother's ring tattooed on her finger.

Stick a fork in me, folks.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I had a sort of "a-ha" moment today. I'm wondering if Brooke's plan all along was to get the shares & sell them to Rick, rather than Ridge. The looks today were a bit of foreshadowing, I thought. The smartest move would be for her to keep them for herself, but I'm sure that's not quite enough drama. Somehow, I see Ridge, with his cocky self, getting a dose of humility in this situation.

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I'm still trying to figure out why Ridge & Caroline ended so freaking abruptly.

On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 7:36 PM, hypnotoad said:

Me too. I liked the Ridge/Caroline pairing and thought the actors had chemistry (which is more than I can say for most of the pairings on this show). I've barely watched since the spinning of rape night began.


My guess is TIIC were getting too much flak from the Rape Night debacle and its aftermath; ruining a legacy character with raping his father's future wife, and the father punishing his son by taking possession of the child produced from Rape Night. TIIC write a claw back Misunderstanding Night and reversal to salvage Thomas for Caroline (Our Little Family), and send Ridge packing with his tail between his legs to wage war for control of Forrester Creations from Eric.

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So Ridge has now stooped to pimping out Brooke -- his DESTINY -- in order to regain the CEO position. SMH

I cannot imagine RM Ridge ever doing this, but somehow I can readily believe that TK Ridge will do any and everything to get that CEO position.  Even if it means pimping Brooke to Bill and destroying Eric.

TK Ridge's actions make for interesting TV, but make him a despicable human being and impossible to root for.  If we accept that Quinnsane has changed and that she is actually into Queric for the long haul -- which is what Show is showing us -- then Ridge is so, so very, very wrong.

I want to see his plan to oust Eric blow up in his face  when Brooke gives Eric the 12.5%.  I'd also like to see Eric fire Ridge and to see a SL where Ridge has to make it on his own, not as the crown prince of FC with the company's clout and reputation behind him.

I'm not sure Ridge has the right stuff to make it solo -- not the drive or ambition and possibly not the talent.  I think there have been suggestions that Thomas and Caroline as as, or more, talented than Ridge -- certainly a fresher approach to fashion

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48 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I had a sort of "a-ha" moment today. I'm wondering if Brooke's plan all along was to get the shares & sell them to Rick, rather than Ridge. The looks today were a bit of foreshadowing, I thought. The smartest move would be for her to keep them for herself, but I'm sure that's not quite enough drama. Somehow, I see Ridge, with his cocky self, getting a dose of humility in this situation.

I think Brooke will have concerns with Ridge damaging his relationship with Eric, and manipulating her to get his hands on the stock. Should Brooke marry $Bill, she'll hang on to the stock, to wield it for Eric and Rick's benefit.

Ridge, Thomas, and Steffy are too obvious and desperate in their desire to have voting majority of FC (with little interest in the effect a direct attack against Eric will end), and that should be a major concern for all of the smaller stock holders.

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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

So Ridge has now stooped to pimping out Brooke -- his DESTINY -- in order to regain the CEO position. SMH

I cannot imagine RM Ridge ever doing this, but somehow I can readily believe that TK Ridge will do any and everything to get that CEO position.  Even if it means pimping Brooke to Bill and destroying Eric.

TK Ridge's actions make for interesting TV, but make him a despicable human being and impossible to root for.  If we accept that Quinnsane has changed and that she is actually into Queric for the long haul -- which is what Show is showing us -- then Ridge is so, so very, very wrong.

I want to see his plan to oust Eric blow up in his face  when Brooke gives Eric the 12.5%.  I'd also like to see Eric fire Ridge and to see a SL where Ridge has to make it on his own, not as the crown prince of FC with the company's clout and reputation behind him.

I'm not sure Ridge has the right stuff to make it solo -- not the drive or ambition and possibly not the talent.  I think there have been suggestions that Thomas and Caroline as as, or more, talented than Ridge -- certainly a fresher approach to fashion

Ridge has been a willing participant in throwing Brooke under the bus when it served him...but it was tempered with some regret and conflicting loyalties. But being this blatant?

Kaye is a talented actor, more so than Ronn could ever be; but while TK has Ridge's arrogance and entitlement down, he's never manage to capture the grace and charm of the character. That more that the slovenly attire and hair is why it's been impossible for me to accept this guy as Ridge. 

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

Same here.  Ridge = arrogant, no question, but I don't remember him being intentionally mean (at least not as a rule).

The one time I can recall was his just blatantly nasty insults of Darla that bordered on personal verbal abuse. Darla never came close to the level of insult towards Ridge that he did towards her. All she did was support him the way Maya supports Rick these days (and no way in the WORLD would Ridge get away saying to Maya what he said to Darla back then). That was his brother's wife and he showed little to no respect for her as a person. It was just galling how nasty he was to her in front of Thorne and Darla and really made me hate Ridge and IMO make Ridge look like a grade A dick. If my sibling talked to my spouse the way Ridge did, there'd be some words and possibly fisticuffs. 

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You would think that Pam was stabbed in the heart when Quinn questioned the nutritional value of her Lemon Bars. 

So Steffy, the bitch of bitches, threw shade at Brooke for getting engaged to Bill.  WTF, Ridge is getting Brooke to betray Eric and Rick just to get rid of Quinn.  If you think about it, Brooke has probably done more damage to the Foresters than Quinn. I would also include Bill in that statement. But Bill is Bill, Brooke is Brooke and so on. Might makes right, therefore Quinn is in the shitter and it seems Eric will soon be their.  I'm going to reiterate my position that Quinn is just an excuse for him to return to power and control.  I also believe that Ridge will try to have Eric's competency challenge to he can take control of his estate. Remove him from FC and he still has the house and Quinn in his life. In real life, there is no way no how to keep to consenting adults away from each other.  Also speaking about real life: According to CA divorce law, a divorce is not finalized for at least 6 months and that is for a simple divorce. Since Bill and Katie is not a simple divorce it could take years to resolve.  They still have to find the settlement, even though signed by both parties, fair and just.

This was already recognized by TPTB with Steffy's and Liam's divorce where Liam tore up the annulment papers and Hope had to wait 6 months to marry Liam.  Let's see how TBTB get around this one.  Maybe Bill gives Brooke an engagement present instead of a wedding present.  

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

The one time I can recall was his just blatantly nasty insults of Darla that bordered on personal verbal abuse. Darla never came close to the level of insult towards Ridge that he did towards her. All she did was support him the way Maya supports Rick these days (and no way in the WORLD would Ridge get away saying to Maya what he said to Darla back then). That was his brother's wife and he showed little to no respect for her as a person. It was just galling how nasty he was to her in front of Thorne and Darla and really made me hate Ridge and IMO make Ridge look like a grade A dick. If my sibling talked to my spouse the way Ridge did, there'd be some words and possibly fisticuffs. 

That was the period from around right before Taylor died until about 2004 or so where Ridge was just a brazen dick to just about everyone. I remember him being completely nasty to Amber years before she ever statutorily raped Thomas and even got FC black listed from their distributors for reasons I can't remember anymore after Bio Daddy Massimo bought Spectra for him (hence Amber's idea to sell Ambrosia on QVC).

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20 hours ago, jenrising said:

I missed most of the episode because when Steffy got self-righteous about Bill going after Brooke while married to Katie I dropped dead. 

OK, the show can't seriously expect us to not give that all the side eye, right?  Are they really that clueless to put those words in Steffy's mouth and not get the hypocrisy?  In my ideal world, this would be foreshadowing of her telling Liam where to go, because he has continually refused to respect her marriage (and then Wyatt promptly dumps her ass anyway, for all of her waffling bullshit).  But, this is definitely not my ideal world, so I assume that we're all supposed to pretend that she is second only to Liam on the list of people who should never, ever judge someone on that front.  

19 hours ago, nkotb said:

I had a sort of "a-ha" moment today. I'm wondering if Brooke's plan all along was to get the shares & sell them to Rick, rather than Ridge. The looks today were a bit of foreshadowing, I thought. The smartest move would be for her to keep them for herself, but I'm sure that's not quite enough drama. Somehow, I see Ridge, with his cocky self, getting a dose of humility in this situation.

I really, really hope she keeps them for herself.  She can tell Ridge that she loves him, Rick, and Eric, and she isn't going to permanently alter the balance of power - her main concern right now is Eric's well-being and ensuring that he doesn't do something he regrets to the company while caught up in his infatuation with Quinn (I love them together, but that's how I expect most of the characters view that relationship, at best).  So she'll keep the shares herself, and she'll vote them in the manner that she believes is for the best at any given time.  I wasn't around for red suit Brooke, so I'd like to see her wield some power and portrayed as a competent, intelligent business woman.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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I did a double-take when Steffy got all haughty to Brooke about being involved with Bill. Like she should know a thing or two about respecting a marriage or otherwise committed relationship (hello, Hope? Ivy? Katie?) It didn't occur to me that maybe Steffy is a big jealous that Bill never took back up with her. WHY doesn't anybody ever shoot their mouth off right back at her?

I am glad that Brooke reassured me today that she loves Bill and is eager to marry him, shares or no shares. It didn't occur to me that Brooke might keep them for herself or give them to Rick. I'd love that -- if Brooke, Rick and Eric took over the company and sent Ridge and his henchmen packing.

I hope that scene with Pam today was the show's way of saying adios to the lemon bars for good. That schtick was getting so old. I can't believe that anybody in their right mind would bake those every single friggin' night. They are a LOT of work and time-consuming. Delicious, mind you, but impractical.

Ogre Ridge and his shrew of a daughter need to stop dropping in on Quinn and antagonizing her. I'm getting tired of hearing her have to grovel and explain herself.  I think they are trying to get her to snap and do something crazy. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end if I were them.

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I would like to wrap my fingers around Steffy's neck and throttle her the way Homer Simpson throttles Bart. Better yet, I would like to feed her poisoned soup and watch blood flow from her nose as she dropped dead (Inspired by the most awesome Chinese period drama/glorified soap about life in the Emperor's harem in 18th century Qing dynasty that I'm watching online. I'll give the link if anyone is interested.)

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13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Kaye is a talented actor, more so than Ronn could ever be; but while TK has Ridge's arrogance and entitlement down, he's never manage to capture the grace and charm of the character. That more that the slovenly attire and hair is why it's been impossible for me to accept this guy as Ridge. 

Thank you! That's exactly why I can't buy TK as Ridge, either.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Steffy may not be my favourite character but at this point I'll take anyone (short of her annoying mother) reaming Brooke for her vapid use of her glittery hoo-ha at the expense of all else. Bill is a tool. Katie is 10xs the woman Brooke is nowadays and the Katie the drunk storyline is  a load of crap. At least with Brooke the train of logic sort of made sense in terms of her not knowing how to be alone and trying to fill that void. Last time I saw Katie drunk was the night she met $Bill. What a load of crap.Oh how I loathe Brill with the fire of the DeathStar and I curse the writer who brought this unholy monstrosity to life. Curse and blast! Pure villainous garbage.

Edited by slayer2
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I got a new attitude……

So this is what Quinn has been up to? Encouraging Eric to embrace his inner, younger self? And she has it right too; eating better and exercise are key to feeling better, and Eric looks happy and alive again. At the core of it all I think that is the problem. The kiddies were all ok watching Eric die a slow death; living alone, not working, drinking martinis with his dead wife. Just going through the motions while keeping one foot firmly planted in the grave. Now Quinn has come along and given Eric a new lease on life, and they are all up in arms. It was nice to see Quinn shut those two Bobble Heads down though. And what argument do they have really? What has Quinn done, or is she doing, to Eric? Made him happy? Made him want to embrace life again? Encouraging him to eat better and workout? Goodness, the nerve of that woman! Just when they had it all worked out and the plan was in the can, she comes along and makes dad/granddad want to be vital again.

Quinn does need to watch herself with Pam though. Ole Pammie could forget to take her meds and go off the rails again. But props to Quinn for her diplomacy during the Lemon Bar crisis; even with her limited exposure, she already knows how to handle Pam.

I was surprised to find myself enjoying Bill and Brooke’s reunion. I have to give Show credit for giving me a lot to think about and consider. As much as I have enjoyed this new found friendship angle with Brooke and Ridge, is as much as I don’t want to see a Bridge reunion. I really don’t think it would be any different than it has ever been, even with the absence of Taylor and Stephanie, Ridge would still find a way to betray Brooke. I don’t really like Bill, but he does seem to truly love Brooke. I see it as a sign of growth that Brooke is finally able to turn her back on Ridge as a romantic partner, and put all talk of “Destiny” to rest. But, there was that whole thing the other day with Ridge montaging about Brooke, and it scares me that we may end up with a Bill/Brooke/Ridge triangle. Just no Show. Please. Let Brooke be happy for once without Ridge sniffing around. If he is willing to use her as share bait, then he doesn’t deserve her. I hope Brooke gets and keeps those shares. Of everyone involved, I am most disappointed with Brooke. She is only going by what she is being told by Ridge and the Gang, and all their opinions are polluted with visions of the CEO chair. And Brooke should know that too. She knows how Ridge has always coveted the CEO spot. Why doesn’t she go and talk to Eric herself? They are friends who have always been able to talk about anything with openness and honesty. And of all people, Brooke should know how it feels to be unfairly prosecuted and labeled, after her nearly thirty year war with Stephanie.

The Ivy makeover was the same thing Quinn did to Ally, except that Ally’s transformation was much more startling cause I already knew that Ivy was a beauty. I hate that they had Ivy go to Quinn first; Eric would have welcomed his niece back with open arms. But I see what they were doing now with Ivy’s haggard and worn looking appearance that first day. What they are failing to realize though, is that we have seen Ivy before. We know she is beautiful, so why is she being treated like she just rolled in from Hicksville, and like we have never seen her look good? I am not sure I like any of it. I feel like Ivy is being treated like a plot point and nothing else. I hope she is staying around, and won’t go MIA again after being used as a Liam/Steffy foil.

Best thing this week was when we heard Ridge barking at Quinn to “get out of here!” from across the hall. I had visions of RS and TK just breaking up with giggles and laughter because it sounded like a petulant little boy not getting his way.

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12 hours ago, grisgris said:

I hope that scene with Pam today was the show's way of saying adios to the lemon bars for good. That schtick was getting so old. I can't believe that anybody in their right mind would bake those every single friggin' night. They are a LOT of work and time-consuming. Delicious, mind you, but impractical.

When Pam & Donna were on The Price is Right, Pam had to guess the price of boxed lemon bar mix, which of course she got correct to the penny.  So I assume they're from the box, not scratch, so not really that time consuming :)

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JMW's lack of acting talent seems to be contagious.  I love TK and ordinarily would be thrilled to see him get so much screen time but lately I just cringe when I see him with JMW.  His scenes with RS/JMcC should be better than this, too.  Maybe he just doesn't do histrionics well.  Although if he's really just trying to make me hate Ridge, then it's working... 

This Steffy/Quinn thing still doesn't make sense and will never make sense.  By now I just want her to get the full Quinnsane treatment that she's been screeching about for the last month or so.  (Lord, has it only been that long?) But I don't want Quinn to regress, so I'm conflicted.  :-)  

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ITA that the lack of scenes between Brooke and Eric have been a glaring, mind-boggling omission.

There has always been love and respect between these two and I truly believe Brooke wants what's best for Eric. What I want to see is her talking to Eric to relay her concerns about Quinn (since there was history there with Hope) and Eric, wisely, asking her to trust him and to watch and see for herself. Then, she can see how very, very good Quinn is for him and, in seeing that, Ridge and Steffy's schemes go up in smoke and their footing very precarious as Eric tells them, in no uncertain terms, that they can either accept Quinn in his life and back at FC, or they can pack their bags and get out!

To have Brooke simply hand over the shares to Ridge to oust Eric absolutely goes against Brooke's history with Eric - while Ridge is being a bully of late, Brooke has never been a bully and again, she adores Eric. I just can't see it being that open and shut here because where's the drama in that? And I can't see Brooke going along with the potential plans percolating out there to have Eric declared incompetent only because he had the cajones to say no and mean it. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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Why does Brooke have to sell anyone her 12.5% from $Bill?  Can't she just tell Ridge she'll vote his way when the time comes (or not, as I'm hoping she'll double cross Ridge)?

And for all that is holy, would everyone please stop discussing their sooper speshal seckret plan everywhere and anywhere. And enough with the anvils of 'somethings happening soon Quinn, soon you will be out of here'.

I wish lightning had struck Stephie when she made noises about $Bill and Brooke getting engaged so quickly.  She who put on a ring still warm from Hope's finger should have a quick seat. 

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25 minutes ago, donovan said:

I wish lightning had struck Stephie when she made noises about $Bill and Brooke getting engaged so quickly.  She who put on a ring still warm from Hope's finger should have a quick seat. 

She's just bitter that she's stuck with the JV squad (when it was Bill she wanted originally), while Brooke Logan (cue Steffy's rant about those damn Logans) has Bill begging her to lock it down before the ink is even dry on his divorce papers.  Enjoy Waffles, Steffy.  Something tells me nobody will be calling him "Stallion" any time soon.  

Hope could have died, and Steffy would have pried the ring off her cold, dead body to slip onto her own finger.  She can just take a seat.  

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22 minutes ago, donovan said:

I wish lightning had struck Stephie when she made noises about $Bill and Brooke getting engaged so quickly.  She who put on a ring still warm from Hope's finger should have a quick seat. 

Co-sign. Not only that, but she married, as in willingly, fully-committed the remainder of her life, to the brother of the love of her life what, like 4 weeks after he skipped town? Maybe not even that long. I'm not thinking she should be throwing shade at anyone.  

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It must really stick in Puffy's craw that she lost Bill to not one, but two Logan women. As if that Bratz doll ever truly had a chance with him. Rolling around with him on her teenage twin bed was as close as she got. 

Meanwhile, she's still pining after soggy waffles while Wyatt (who admittedly is no $ Bill, but I think that's a good thing in his case) is literally right there waiting for her (cue Richard Marx). Please, please let Ivy and Wyatt reconnect instead of having Ivy play interloper with Liam (she deserves better than that). I hope Quinn realizes Ivy is much better than her harpy bitch of a daughter-in-law and let the twit have Liam (who isn't worth having) or if she doesn't, that true to form, Steffy will come running to piss all over Wyatt if she senses Ivy sniffing around him again and Quinn wins either way. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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