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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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If anybody decides to write a Steffy Forrester biography, Eric came up with the perfect title:  "She Came, She Threw Her Fit, She Left".  Just when I thought Wyatt bought himself a clue regarding that creature he's married to, he begs her not to leave him?  What is wrong with him???  I must say, I really thought Quinn was going to leave Eric with no explanation, so color me pleasantly surprised that she dared to tell Steffy no AND actually told Eric what happened.

  • Love 22
53 minutes ago, ByTor said:

If anybody decides to write a Steffy Forrester biography, Eric came up with the perfect title:  "She Came, She Threw Her Fit, She Left".  Just when I thought Wyatt bought himself a clue regarding that creature he's married to, he begs her not to leave him?  What is wrong with him???  I must say, I really thought Quinn was going to leave Eric with no explanation, so color me pleasantly surprised that she dared to tell Steffy no AND actually told Eric what happened.

If Wyatt was thinking, what he should do is say "OK, go ahead," then grab a beer and turn on the game.  It would drive Steffy insane. 

  • Love 20

Did anybody catch Ridge's, "It's not gonna happen?" It's just not the same ... sigh. Loved Eric laying him out (again.) I'm loving me some John McCook right now. He's bringing it front and center!

What a supreme bitch! If I were Wyatt, I would have calmly replied, "I'll help you pack."  Steffy is so full of shit. She proclaims to love Wyatt, yet uses their marriage as an ultimatum. Then she got extremely defensive when Wyatt finally called her out on her true motive and she sputtered back that Quinn "molested Liam."  Oh yeah, "she tricked me into marrying you," was another dagger to the heart.

Please, please, PLEASE dump her as soon as possible! Wyatt, if you have the tiniest shred of self-respect -- DO IT!!!!

I'm glad the Quinn told Eric everything. I hope that he'll address the issue with Steffy and not in the dance-around he usually does.  This is not time to play doting granddaughter to the spoiled granddaughter. He needs to nail Steffy to the wall and I hope he sends her far away for an extended period of time.

I'm liking Thomas and Sasha quite a bit.  Then Liam had to show up and spoil the moment. I'm sick of hearing, "I'm worried about Steffy. She can't take any more." Honey, if you'd seen the way she tried to bully Quinn around, then shredded your half-bro's heart, I wouldn't be too concerned. Not to mention her other past aggressive and violent acts against others. Just STFU. I want for those two to just get together and LEAVE.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

If Wyatt was thinking, what he should do is say "OK, go ahead," then grab a beer and turn on the game.  It would drive Steffy insane. 

Right! That stank heffa* had the nerve to tell Wyatt to not to bring Liam into it, and in the next breath she was going on about what Quinn did to whom? Liam's whining ass. Speaking of, Liam is so depressing Eeyore would tell him to lighten the hell up. I like Scott Clifton just fine, but I hate Liam so much right now I have to ff or mute every scene he's in. No bueno.

Eric is on fiyah! He said Steffy needs to have several seats, and he served Ridge a nice, hot, steaming cup of STFU. It was a thing of beauty, and JMc is killing it. Go 'head, Eric, get your silver fox swag on. I'm loving it.

Other than One-note Liam, today was one of the better shows of the current era, and I've said that never.

*Yes, the correct spelling is heifer, but it's about Steffy. Stank heffa fits better.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 18

How did SC get saddled with such a ridiculously boring character? I think he's been there long enough to say enough with the back and forth relationships, or at least to get into some new orbits. Like Nicole, who knows computer stuff like he did and is all light and wonderful and rainbows shoot out of her ass. Clifton is talented enough at least try for primetime TV. I'd hate to see him waste the best years of his career on this schlock.

  • Love 9

Yeah, Capon (a castrated rooster), aka Wyatt, should try to find his pair and tell Steffy to just go. Better yet, he should dump all of her stuff in the driveway to give her a hand. I mean, come on, dude, the harpy told you she had been TRICKED into marrying you. TRICKED! She should be the one you haul kicking and screaming out the door.

  • Love 16

I just came back from vacation and binge watched 6 episodes.  I found it funny how they were basically all the same. Quinn is the Devil incarnate, Wyatt's eyes are open wide shut, Liam is rooting for Quinn, and Steffy is a demanding manipulating bitch who is actually more dangerous than Quinn.  Julius is delusional and should learn how to read the want ads.  He talked to Sasha like she was a piece of shit and than was very condescending to Thomas.  Can someone please tell me what is the purpose of the CaRidge divorce if there is going to be a Thomas/Sasha pairing?  I'm more in favor of Thomas/Sasha than Thomas/Caroline.  It's comical that Steffy would be in favor of Wyatt kidnapping Quinn when she was all up in Quinn's face about Quinn kidnapping Liam.  Does Steffy even have a clue that she's more manipulative than she thinks Quinn is.   

I'm so in favor of Eric/Quinn so I'm so happy that they decided to fuck them all and do what they want.  

  • Love 11

For those who believe in Karmic justice, I guess you could say this is Quinn's; having to choose between her happiness and that of her son. That doesn't change the fact that Steffy is a horrible person, or that she let her anger and resentment boil over and cause her to show too much of her hand. The only thing missing in Steffy's performance for Quinn was full tilt hysterics, with Steffy on the floor wailing away, with flailing arms and stomping feet. Instead, she resorted to her old friend and standby; blackmail. I think Quinn's confusion and upset demeanor on Eric's return had far more to do with realizing what a vindictive and conniving wench her son married, than any real concern about Wyatt's marriage. She may also be feeling some concern for Wyatt's well being considering she knows what Steffy is capable of; she knows about Ally and Ivy, then there was that slap in Monaco. And now her daughter-in-law comes to barter her marriage and Quinn's son? This should show Quinn what kind of person Steffy really is; what a spoiled, entitled little brat she is. When she doesn't get her way, she pulls out the big Forrester guns, and will use her Forrester name to protect herself. 

I also thought Wyatt was getting a clue about his wife. What does Steffy expect him to do? Anything he does outside of talking to Quinn would be breaking the law, not that it has ever stopped Steffy, but this is Wyatt and his mother. Would she have him accost Quinn and tie her up then whisk her back up to Captive Cabin, where he would keep her prisoner? How about he just shoot Quinn, then no one would ever have to worry again? Have her committed? I don't think there would be enough for that given the Weak Waffle never pressed any charges, and most of Quinn's "actions" were left unreported. And now, Quinn would have Eric squarely in her corner. So Steffy, what is he supposed to do exactly? And therein lies the entire ball of wax. He is to do nothing, because if he was actually successful, then Steffy wouldn't have her lifeline to Liam anymore. If Quinn was to disappear, then what would Steffy have to hang over Wyatt's head in order to keep her there? I did appreciate, and found it quite funny, that Steffy realized she had gone to far by letting her emotions do the talking, and had inadvertently let to much slip out. Wyatt's questions where not what she wanted to hear. She didn't want to listen to him ask her how she would even come up with an ultimatum about their marriage. She didn't want to listen to his confusion about her saying they were tricked into getting married. So Steffy reverted to what she does best; lying. She saw that she was starting to lose the battle, and Wyatt's support, so she pulled out the "L" word for effect. I think that is the only time I have ever heard her tell Wyatt she loves him, and it was during the conversation where she was ending their marriage cause his mommy will not tow Steffy's line. What does that say exactly? And did I hear that harping harridan tell Wyatt to leave Liam out of it? Did she actually say something about Wyatt not dragging Liam into it? You little bitch! Maybe you should tell Wyatt about all your secret meetings with Liam, and all the kissing and hugging, and the talking about coming back to him, and how he is the only one who can protect you. And you were game for all of it. You never told Liam to stop. You never told him kissing you was wrong and off base. You never pulled away from his arms. Outside of that, is your entire position regarding Quinn is about Liam, so who is bringing him into it again? And did I also hear you telling Wyatt you "begged" Quinn? Really? Sorry Snookums, but that is not what I heard. I heard Quinn begging you not to do this, but all you did was keep with the ultimatums, threats, and accusations. I hope Wyatt does the right thing here. I hope he goes to see him mom and gets a full and complete understanding of what actually happened at the Forrester Estate, then comes home, grabs Steffy's suitcases and commences to packing her shit. 

This is the Eric I have always loved. It usually takes a little doing to get him to this point, but the kids are playing right into his hands. The only one I think he would listen to is Brooke. Outside of their deep and long friendship, is the fact that Brooke really has no horse in this race, except for Rick. I absolutely believe that Eric would see Brooke's concern as just that, because they have always had the ability to be open and honest with each other. All the same. I want to see Quinn and Eric continue, and prove them all wrong. Quinn may come from the wrong side of the tracks, and she may not have the "Forrester" breeding, and she may have crossed many lines in her efforts to secure Wyatt's happiness, but that still doesn't mean she can't change. She has now faced her worst fears by having Steffy in her face telling her she was going to leave Wyatt, and Quinn didn't go bat shit crazy. She didn't race out of the mansion to go craft a new sword, and she wasn't instantly planning her next move. Instead, she was simply sad and disillusioned. Maybe these brainiacs should look at who is acting out here and who is not. Steffy is the one that has been the aggressor. Steffy is the one who ran a marathon in Monaco in order to catch up with Eric's secret lady love. Steffy is the one who assaulted Quinn after catching her. Steffy is the one who is stalking Quinn, and handing out threats. Oh, but Steffy needs protection? Would that be from herself? 

I am so glad they didn't have Sasha spend the night. Keep it going slowly with these two. They are cute as a button together, and Sasha makes Thomas not only tolerable, but likable. 

I guess Thomas is now Liam's sounding board about all things Steffy? That used to be Bill, but it would seem Liam's stance on Bill and Brooke has put an end to that. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I also thought Wyatt was getting a clue about his wife. What does Steffy expect him to do? 

Wyatt himself even asked Steffy what was he supposed to do, drag her out kicking and screaming, and Steffy's reply was "yes."  Leave it to Steffy to resort to a physical solution.  But remember...Quinn is the dangerous one.

  • Love 14

For those who believe in Karmic justice, I guess you could say this is Quinn's; having to choose between her happiness and that of her son.

if she had left well enough alone and dropped Liam off at a hospital, I imagine Steffy's vitriol would be a lot less. But now she's subjected to her shrill harpy bullshit for as long as she's with Eric.

The chickens have come home to roost.

Even worse, Wyatt is married to a shrew. Quinn would've saved her son some heartache had she left them to their own devices and eventually let Steffy drift back to Waffles. But OTOH, Chicken is still Bill's favorite son now, so his time with Steffy isn't a complete waste.

  • Love 8

 The good: Actually, the BEST, was Queen Stephanie's portrait falling down in the midst of an Eric/Quinn kiss. Quinn's reaction was good, but the Queen has spoken.

The bad: Steffy saying "I neeeeeed to feel safe," etc. to her husband, who has done everything in his power to stop his grown-ass mother from dating his grown-ass wife's grown-ass grandfather. What does she expect him to do? Does she want Wyatt to kidnap Quinn like Quinn kidnapped Liam? They're all consenting adults. The only relationships of those 4 people that weren't chosen were Wyatt/Quinn & Steffy/Eric. Steffy chose to be with & marry Quinn's son, knowing how she was (maybe not the full-extent, but she had an idea), and Eric is forging ahead with Quinn in spite of all the warnings. Those were choices, Wyatt had no choice.

The really ugly: Steffy to Wyatt: "(Quinn) kidnapped Liam and tricked us (Steffy & Wyatt) into getting married." O.M.G. Wyatt, you are gum on her shoe. Walk away. Better yet, help her pack. She was not tricked. Liam broke up with her before he was kidnapped by Quinn. She fell in love with & married Wyatt of her own free will. I know Quinn had Liam held up at that point and she sent Steffy messages from Liam, but they were already done when he left. Wyatt is seriously the neediest man on the planet to beg her to stay with him after that. Hey, maybe Quinn could make her a flashing piece of jewelry that says "I'd be married to Liam instead of Wyatt if I could be." I so want Wyatt to be with a woman who wasn't in love with his boring brother first.

This show is so frustrating, but here I am, back every day! This story would be so much more compelling if they'd gone ahead with Liam/Katie, so Steffy would have to work things out with her husband without the Liam safety net.

Edited by nkotb
  • Love 12

Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand how leaving Wyatt will get Quinn out of Steffy' life.  Quinn will still work at FC -- where Steffy will see her every day.  Quinn will still be living with Eric -- and (dun, dun, da dun) exerting her evil influence over Eric and FC.

So other than where she lives how is Steffy 's life going to be any different?  Quinn will still be in it.

Steffy says she loves Wyatt, meant her marriage vows, isn't going back to Liam.  So why does she *have* to leave Wyatt? How has Quinn forced her into this decision?

  • Love 21

And here I thought Brooke and Taylor were pathetic for putting up with Ridge all these years, but Wyatt's got the both of them beat. Ridge very convincingly cared about both of them, but in the nine months since Cuddle Night happened, yesterday was the first, last and only time Steffy's EVER said she loved him. As someone else mentioned above, what is the point now as she's leaving? It's just a weapon to punish him for something Wyatt had no control over. And all for the piece of shit where she was always second choice? Who does that remind anyone else of?

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand how leaving Wyatt will get Quinn out of Steffy' life.  Quinn will still work at FC -- where Steffy will see her every day.  Quinn will still be living with Eric -- and (dun, dun, da dun) exerting her evil influence over Eric and FC.

So other than where she lives how is Steffy 's life going to be any different?  Quinn will still be in it.

Steffy says she loves Wyatt, meant her marriage vows, isn't going back to Liam.  So why does she *have* to leave Wyatt? How has Quinn forced her into this decision?


47 minutes ago, Swiss said:

Good grief...I bet if you look up the word "Putz" in the dictionary., there would be a picture of Wyatt.  He needs to close his mouth and file for divorce...

La Di Diva: Steffy is just looking for an excuse to leave him and reunite with Liam. As Swiss said, Wyatt is a complete putz. The girl stood there and said Quinn "tricked" them into getting married and he didn't flinch or even blink. What more does he need to hear? Wyatt is a complete ass and a fooler just like his mother is/used to be (whatever). If Steffy knew that Quinn put a collapsed Liam in a car and drove off with him and Wyatt found out about it and fell for her lie about taking Liam to the airport (maybe) and never said a word choosing instead to rush her down the aisle, Steffy wouldn't need an excuse. She would be furious and run for the hills.

  • Love 5

Yep. These idiots pulled same shit outta their ass with Brooke, Nick and the first major round of Ridge versus Rick years ago, but I can't be as hard pressed to entirely loathe a woman standing up for her son (however undeserved and misguided it was). But it was still an asspull nonetheless from the "Nick is scum for cheating with my daughter" shit she'd spouted six months earlier.

They can't even come up with anything compelling here. Hell, I'd accept her finding out that he kept the security tapes from everyone. Anyone'd have a right to be pissed that he didn't trust her enough to marry her with Liam in the picture, in spite of her proving that very point by leaving him for it.

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand how leaving Wyatt will get Quinn out of Steffy' life.  Quinn will still work at FC -- where Steffy will see her every day.  Quinn will still be living with Eric -- and (dun, dun, da dun) exerting her evil influence over Eric and FC.

So other than where she lives how is Steffy 's life going to be any different?  Quinn will still be in it.

Steffy says she loves Wyatt, meant her marriage vows, isn't going back to Liam.  So why does she *have* to leave Wyatt? How has Quinn forced her into this decision?

26 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

And here I thought Brooke and Taylor were pathetic for putting up with Ridge all these years, but Wyatt's got the both of them beat. Ridge very convincingly cared about both of them, but in the nine months since Cuddle Night happened, yesterday was the first, last and only time Steffy's EVER said she loved him. As someone else mentioned above, what is the point now as she's leaving? It's just a weapon to punish him for something Wyatt had no control over. And all for the piece of shit where she was always second choice? Who does that remind anyone else of?


It's says a lot about Steffy that the only time she says she loves Wyatt is to tell him he's a ineffectual putz and she's leaving him because threatening Quinn didn't work out for her ... And she's going to act on her threat to Quinn and not keep to her marriage vows to Wyatt.

You can threaten the Hell out of Quinn, but she doesn't scare that easily. Steffy and, to a lesser extent, Ridge are no threat to her. The real threat has been publicly exposing themselves for the selfish, feckless, grasping and jealous individuals they have become, who don't care who they hurt to get what they want or use to get Forrester Creations back under their control.

No matter how many times he's been told, Ridge refuses to acknowledge that he rudely shoved Eric aside, taking over his home and company. Sorry, Ridge. Stephanie has been well past ownership of the mansion for years ... And where were you when Stephanie died? Oh, yes ... Licking your wounds in Paris and/or being recast. You owe everything to Eric. You can disagree with Eric's decision and choose not be a disrespectful ass. You owe everything to Eric.

Steffy was deeply offended when Liam was lecturing her about not being so reckless and modifying her behavior (Ally's death and Ivy's multiple "accidents"), and she regularly meandered over to Wyatt's open arms to complain and have her ego massaged. She was happy to have the Spencer brother's scrapping and fighting over her; all the better in attention lavished upon her and Cha Cha Cha. Head Injury Liam breaks up with her, leaves without a word, and she becomes more deeply involved with Wyatt. Knowing full well that Quinn and Wyatt are a package deal, Steffy married Wyatt anyway.  Now she's back to pitting Wyatt and Liam against each other, but Liam's a waffling failure; he had his chance to get rid of Quinn for kidnapping and backed out of it. Steffy has Thomas to protect her from her hysteria; unfortunately, Thomas is stuck keeping Steffy from chewing her hot spots raw in anxiety over someone giving her a wide berth, while she attacks Wyatt for being inadequate and useless.

Quinn has a man who's head-over-heels-in-love with her and she's flourishing under Eric's attentions. She will live in a beautiful mansion, and return to a creative venue for her jewelry. As much as Quinn loves Wyatt, Steffy made very certain to tell Quinn she didn't love Wyatt and would deliberately abandon her marriage. Steffy's had time to reconsider the circumstances of her marriage, and has decided Quinn was responsible for all Steffy's decisions.  

The only way Steffy get's entirely away from Quinn is to divorce Wyatt, quit Forrester Creations, fall into $Bill's lap or leave town again.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

 As much as Quinn loves Wyatt, Steffy made very certain to tell Quinn she didn't love Wyatt and would deliberately abandon her marriage. Steffy's had time to reconsider the circumstances of her marriage, and has decided Quinn was responsible for all Steffy's decisions.  

Yes, yes, and YES!  For as much as Steffy barked about how Quinn should own her actions, Steffy sure as shit doesn't think she needs to own hers.  No, Steffy leaving Wyatt wasn't Quinn's decision, it was Steffy's, and I hope since Eric is on a roll he'll remind her of that! 

  • Love 14

I'm tired of hearing Thomas and Liam talk about Steffy like she's some fragile waif who's going to go to pieces over the situation with Quinn.  I can't wait to see how those two react when they find out how Steffy used her marriage as an ultimatum then had to follow-through on it. Liam should be appalled and have his eyes opened by the way she treated his half-brother. But no, he'll rejoice at her "strength" and having "finally done the right thing."

This has been the second time now Steffy has told Wyatt that she was "tricked" into marrying him. Honey, you went into that willingly and with eyes wide open. She has nobody to blame but herself.

This whole thing would never have gotten as far as it had if Waffles-pants, when he caught "naughty nap time" with Steffy and Wyatt, had woken them up and asked what the hell was going on. A LOT of this fiasco has to do with Liam.

  • Love 19

What if we get a swerve where Liam runs to Steffy and she STILL shuts him down? For all her I WAS ROBBED FORCED!!!1! rhetoric, I haven't seen her actively persue Liam as she's done in the past either.

That would be the highlight of my week. Hell, it would probably be in my top five moments of B&B viewership ever behind DARE, Bridge telling Deacon off after Hope was born and both times Brooke stood up for herself against Ridge. 

  • Love 9

Have to say, I loved SF's portrait falling down when Quinn and Eric were kissing. 

I'm kind of fascinated by the writers making this all about Steffy's fear for her safety and her sanity, when Quinn has never laid a hand on her afaik.  Saying something untrue over and over will never make it true. Ridge, Thomas and Liam whining about how hard this is for Steffy isn't selling it either.  But that's okay, as long as I have one or two watchable scenes, I'm good.  

  • Love 13

As an aside, I like how they've modernized Wyatt's house set over the years. It began as Ridge and Caroline's place IIRC, then Taylor moved there and it was redesigned, then Bridget had it for the longest time, then Rick and eventually Bill owned it. Besides the office sets and the Forrester mansion, it's probably one of the oldest sets in consistent use, and I like that it gets a freshen up every so often.

  • Love 8

If Quinn is a criminal Steffy, than you belong in a jail cell next to her. If Quinn is a threat to Eric Steffy, than your a threat to Wyatt.  Quinn has changed from a shrew to a loving companion for Eric while Steffy is the same old shrew.  Hey Steffy, did you complain one bit about Quinn keeping Liam from marring Hope?  You were lucky that he wasn't married to Hope to give you a chance to worm your way back into Liam's life.  You know Steffy, Wyatt has been a lot more tolerant of you actions than Liam ever has been.  

Ridge is going to find someone for Eric is a laugh. Ridge can't even find his hair with a comb. Oh I forgot, it was Quinn's fault that Bill dumped Ridge out of a helicopter.   

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


As an aside, I like how they've modernized Wyatt's house set over the years. It began as Ridge and Caroline's place IIRC, then Taylor moved there and it was redesigned, then Bridget had it for the longest time, then Rick and eventually Bill owned it. Besides the office sets and the Forrester mansion, it's probably one of the oldest sets in consistent use, and I like that it gets a freshen up every so often.


Actually, Stephanie bought the beach house for Taylor after her first return from the dead. Brooke and Ridge were happily married and living at Brooke's place; when Taylor returned Ridge chose to stay with Brooke and Taylor had no place to live. Eventually Ridge would join Taylor there after discovering Thomas was his son and not Thorne's, and he decided to kick Brooke and her kids to the curb. Lauren Fenmore had a short stint there, Grant Chambers lived there during the Michael, Dylan, Jasmine, Sly era. It changed hands a lot after that. Eric and Brooke lived there after remarrying to free Nick up for Bridget. Jackie Marone lived there as well. 

It has always been one of my favorite sets; so much history there! I also loved Brooke's office with the bed. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, tessaray said:

Have to say, I loved SF's portrait falling down when Quinn and Eric were kissing. 

I'm kind of fascinated by the writers making this all about Steffy's fear for her safety and her sanity, when Quinn has never laid a hand on her afaik.  Saying something untrue over and over will never make it true. Ridge, Thomas and Liam whining about how hard this is for Steffy isn't selling it either.  But that's okay, as long as I have one or two watchable scenes, I'm good.  

It's extra ridiculous when you remember that, not that long ago, Steffy was acting like Ivy's fear of her was ridiculous, and barging in on her all the time, demanding she get over it, despite restraining orders and Liam telling her to stay away from her.  Quinn hasn't pushed you into a single electrical panel, Steffy.  Not a one.  

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, MsTree said:

Writers: Please put us all out of our misery and move this storyline ahead quickly so that we don't have to deal with all the lunatic relatives repeating themselves ad nauseum!

Second that. I watched Monday's episode last night after having already seen Tuesday's at lunch and didn't realize that Wyatt did react to the "tricked into marriage" business. These people are all nuts and I say that as a Liam-Steffy fan. 

Really like Thomas and Sasha, though. She's a better actress when she's not begging for love and they are sweet together. When I see him leering at Caroline or Ivy, though, I feel all sick and squicky inside. Also glad she's not jumping into bed with him. 

Question: Douglas has not been paternity tested, has he?

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, politichick said:

Question: Douglas has not been paternity tested, has he?

No, but both Caroline and Ridge seem to be mostly fine with their marriage ending, and the only scene we've seen Caroline in recently had her happily talking with Thomas and unless I'm mistaken, nary a reference to Ridge, so I don't think little Dougie's paternity is going to become a plot point.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It's extra ridiculous when you remember that, not that long ago, Steffy was acting like Ivy's fear of her was ridiculous, and barging in on her all the time, demanding she get over it, despite restraining orders and Liam telling her to stay away from her.  Quinn hasn't pushed you into a single electrical panel, Steffy.  Not a one.  

Or down a flight of stairs. Or smashed your head in with a crowbar.

53 minutes ago, Kerri Okie said:

No, but both Caroline and Ridge seem to be mostly fine with their marriage ending, and the only scene we've seen Caroline in recently had her happily talking with Thomas and unless I'm mistaken, nary a reference to Ridge, so I don't think little Dougie's paternity is going to become a plot point.

If they are ever going to petition the court to put Thomas' name on the birth certificate, I would assume they would have to get a paternity test.

  • Love 6

Never say never for paternity. Of all the children born since I've watched maybe half of them were never questioned. That would be the twins, Nicole Marone, Aly and baby Elizabeth. If Thomas and Sasha really take off and assuming Bridge happens again, I could see these writers pulling another switch just to give Brooke and Ridge some angst or whatever and keep yet another triangle going on.

As for Quinn and Steffy, I expect one of them to fall over the banister soon. Hopefully Steffy. She can pull a reverse Caroline and wake up as a sane human being afterwards.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

JMW is such a pathetic excuse of an actress. That last shot of her, I couldn't tell if she was supposed to be distraught or just realizing that she should have gone to the bathroom before she stormed out of Wyatt's house.

Am I the only one that looked at that and thought, OMG, the ghost of Hunter lives on?

All that was missing was the chicken dance arms and the "Stephanie, doooooo something!!!"

  • Love 8

As I've said before, Wyatt is the person that irritates me the least in all of of this BS but mostly that's because Steffy and Liam are insufferable, together and apart. But his own thirst for sloppy seconds and wanting to best Liam for Daddy's attention led him to this situation. Again. He persued Ivy who was even more blatant about wanting back with the Waffle and married Hope because Liam was five minutes late to the ceremony. Who does that?

Geez. Does Julius have another illegitimate daughter out there for Wyatt to bang? Or God forbid, a unique character with no ties to Forrester? I'd settle for an Devon/Roxy arrangement where the GF is a part time character. Anything to end the desperation.

  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:


Geez. Does Julius have another illegitimate daughter out there for Wyatt to bang? Or God forbid, a unique character with no ties to Forrester? I'd settle for an Devon/Roxy arrangement where the GF is a part time character. Anything to end the desperation.

Heh. The way ya'll feel about Liam is the way I feel about Wyatt: I wouldn't wish anyone on that guy. Maybe Carly Corrinthos.

I wanted Sasha for him but I'd rather have her with Thomas - and that's saying something.  Although if I'm honest I really wanted her for Liam to help rehab his character a bit.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Heh. The way ya'll feel about Liam is the way I feel about Wyatt: I wouldn't wish anyone on that guy. Maybe Carly Corrinthos.

I wanted Sasha for him but I'd rather have her with Thomas - and that's saying something.  Although if I'm honest I really wanted her for Liam to help rehab his character a bit.

Carly Corrinthos? Damn, that's harsh!!!! However, now I kinda wanna see Carly and Steffy in a one time, winner-takes-all fight. Carly would mop the floor with Steffy's raggedy wig, and hang her out to dry.

  • Love 5

I wanted to kick a few people in the teeth yesterday. Steffy, Ridge, Thomas, Liam, and Wyatt. Ok, more than a few.

I'll start with Steffy/Wyatt.

Steffy and her whining about wanting Quinn out of their lives. Bitch, shut it. You liked her just fine when you and Wyatt were dating/getting married. The only reason why she hates Quinn now is because Quinn sexxed up Liam and he liked it. She could not have cared less about all the times Quinn threatened Liam, including holding him at sword point. Not to mention, with her track record and she's half Quinn's age, she's in zero position to throw stones. And really, what is Pussy McWaffles going to do about Quinn, exactly? He had HOW many chances to press charges against her and get her locked up but good, but what's that you say? He chose NOT to and yet this trifling heifer is up Wyatt's ass??? I never thought the day would come when a character would give Nosferatu Newman a run for his money in the character I'd most like to see die in a fire sweepstakes, but here it is. 

I included Wyatt in my list of characters who need a kick in the teeth because duuuude, find some damn dignity. Steffy isn't fit to lick your boots so please stop bowing and scraping to lick hers. Are you really that desperate to hang on to a wife that you would accept this kind of treatment from her? Please do us and your self-esteem a favor and drop that bitch like she's as hot as she thinks she is. Call her on her bluff and divorce her so she can be free to reunite with her sad, soggy Waffles and we have scenes with just the two of them so I can happily FF them.

Thomas, just when I was beginning to like you...why don't you focus on building a new, healthy relationship with Sasha instead of helping Waffles continue his dysfunction junction with Steffy, not to mention completely obliterating his relationship with his own flesh and blood. But he finally buttoned up his shirt (which looks too small and a fashion designer should not look like an overgrown Oliver Twist audition rejectee). Although the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree...

Speaking of, Ridge, Ridge, Ridge...while I am saving most of my vitriol for your harpy of a daughter, I still have plenty for you. Who died and made him king of anything, let alone his father's life? God forbid Eric emerge from the corner where you've been all too happy to place him and have a life and love of his own. And excuse me while I puke while he waxes poetic about his mother's house being built on love. If by love you mean lies, manipulation and just plain, pure, psychotic evil, then ok. I could have kissed Eric when he called Stephanie out as decidedly NOT a saint and reminded his love 'em and leave 'em son that everyone is deserving of love, appreciation, security, and happiness. 

And LOL when Ridge said that Eric made his own decisions and that he wasn't telling his father what to do. Um, ok, Mr. Dictator. Then he followed that up by telling his father that he was a child. Hello, pot? This is kettle. You're black. He treated the women in his life, Brooke especially, as toys, putting one on the shelf when he got bored and picking up another, but the ones on the shelf better still be there, dust-covered and all, in case he deigned to play with them some more. 

I loved Quinn questioning if they were doing the right thing, asking Eric if she should leave, and most especially, when he said, "You want to leave?" and she immediately said, "No." Awww...I absolutely adore this couple and the fact that Steffy is huffing and puffing is just the cherry on the sundae.

  • Love 16
48 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Heh. The way ya'll feel about Liam is the way I feel about Wyatt: I wouldn't wish anyone on that guy. Maybe Carly Corrinthos.

I wanted Sasha for him but I'd rather have her with Thomas - and that's saying something.  Although if I'm honest I really wanted her for Liam to help rehab his character a bit.

Oh, I'm just as glad if he disappeared off the show as well. Mostly, any tolerance for him is a direct response to how much I hate Liam that week and that aside from Nicole he generally isn't an ass to women. I'm over his scraping for crumbs where women are concerned. Since he's likely to stay here, at least give him one drama free relationship. Brief as it was, Liam even got that with Ivy and he didn't suck.

  • Love 6

I honestly don't care how this storyline ends, as long as it includes Wyatt kicking Thomas in the nuts and tearing Steffy a new one.  (Maybe Ridge can stop worrying about his father's love life and Katie's divorce and he can pay attention to those shitheads he spawned.)  Steffy's over the top act each time Wyatt says this has more to do with Liam than his mother is getting on my last nerve.

Wyatt does need to grow up.  His behavior today with his mother was deplorable.  I imagine it was exactly what Steffy wanted (I guess) and is something he never would've done if not for that spoiled brat.   

  • Love 8

The only people I can root for now are Eric and Quinn. Stand up for yourselves and what you want in your lives. Those entitled, spoiled children and grandchildren can take care of themselves. Kick Ridge, Rick and Steffy to the curb. Oh, and Wyatt--get a clue. Steffy does not love you. Move on, buddy.  I love watching Eric and Quinn together. They're by far the best actors on this show. Is the writing improving lately? Except for Steffy, of course. "I told her to leave me and my family alone". How many damn times has she said that?  Oh, and I hate that cat eye liner she's gone back to using. She was looking so good and natural but is slowly going back to the old ugly makeup. Ick! I'm done with my complaining. Sorry.

  • Love 9

What can I say...

Steffy...shut up, sit down and grow up. Your whiny shrill temper tantrums are getting so tiresome. Telling your grandfather how to live his life? OMG. Are you channeling your grandmother Stephanie?   What an unlikeable character ...you either love your husband or you don't. You don't manipulate him with threats of leaving  because of his MOTHER. You knew who she was before you married him. If you want to end your marriage...be honest with yourself & him why you are doing it. Cough*Liam*cough.

Liam...dude,clearly your brain has been damaged beyond repair & your memory selectively wiped. You were broken up with Steffy...you saw her in bed with Wyatt. You said you were over because of her tendency to violence (Ivy & Ally)...and now all of a sudden "you wuz robbed"! Boo hoo. Scrambled eggs for brains and a never ending man-baby whine...ugh. I say to you too, grow up. Get over yourself. You don't always get life the way you want it or you think it should be.

Wyatt...your poor poor schmuck. Can't you see Steffy isn't worth your heartbreak? You can do so much better. And hey...Quinn might be a screwup, but she's your MOM!

Oh Thomas...I liked you for 2 seconds...now I can't stand you again. Butt out dude. Never wise to take sides in someone else's love life. I'm sure you want all your relatives to be weighing in on yours, right?

Ridge....not sure who's worse...you or your kids for telling Eric what to do.

Eric & Quinn...I really love the vibe & easy openness between these two. Well written & well acted by two greats. Give me more!

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 14

Fuck them all fuck them all the short the fat and the tall. If Quinn is a gold digger them what is Maya. What right does she have to chime in on Quinn. Maya actually served jail time and now her shit doesn't stink. Maya manipulate Rick just as much as Quinn   manipulate Liam.  

Liam, what is getting Wyatt out of Steffy's life going to do.  Quinn will still be with Eric and at FC.  Rick, you ass hole, should have nothing to say about Quinn getting control where he made Maya head model and gave her undue responsibilities.

  • Love 8

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