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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 1:04 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

I'm disgusted that TIIC have now completely walked back that Thomas raped Caroline.  We saw it, and it was awful.

But now she says it was ok and not really rape, and that she asked for it?  And Thomas gets rewarded with a baby hand-off? 

This show is so fucking gross.

21 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Amen! Thomas the Rapist gets rewarded with an innocent baby. Why did the writers show Caroline being totally wasted and unable to give consent (remember they even showed through Caroline's eyes her looking at Creeper and being unable to focus) if they were going to go with this pile of excrement development? They probably agreed with that Judge's decision in the Stanford rape case.


I thought that Ridge promised to stand up and protect Doug and Caroline from Thomas, but Ridge capitulated and handed them over to his rapist son.

Paternity has not been established, and Ridge's name is on the birth certificate. Let Caroline be manipulated by Thomas, that's how you ended up married to her ... You've abandoned RJ, so defend Doug! He's the son that can be saved, you empty wrinkled suit!

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Forget it.

What top management corporate executive walks into a budget meeting to propose creating a charitable foundation without backup research, hard numbers from the Accounting Department, charts, graphs, PDA and extravagant SmartBoard presentation?

Other than wearing out Liam's waning Favorite Son designation with $Bill, sniping at his sexual rival Wyatt, attempting to draw Steffy into backing his unprepared scheme, using his dubious charms and sniveling argument that's 'It's a good thing' to start a Spencer Charitable Foundation, the Triple Threat of Fake Talents -- computer wiz, irresistible sexxxy beast and insta-social philanthropist -- proposes off-loading a lucrative magazine division and rolling that money into an unknown, unprepared and deeply mediocre charity proposal.

Liam offers unsubstantiated tax benefits and goodwill free advertising for Spencer Publications that a foundation would generate. No hard numbers, no examples of other White People Giving Away Their Money Foundations, no costs of administration versus money awarded, no state and federal regulations, no prerequisites, no requirements and terms to receive money, not even an idea on what type of philanthropy the foundation is going to throw its money at.

$Bill is supposed to toss a sack of cash at Liam so he has something to do with his idle time while he waits for Steffy to get an itch only Liam can scratch? Nope. $Bill squashed that, and dumped Liam's non-proposal back in his lap -- 'Your money, your time, and leave my gossip magazine profits out of it.'

It looks like you've burned another bridge with capitalist $Bill after not filing charges against Quinn and wingeing about "being robbed" when Steffy chose to marry Wyatt. You actually thought $Bill would agree to hand over several million dollars at an idea you've done no due diligence or research?. No more special favors and benefits as Favorite Son, Liam. Your days resting on your laurels are over.

Omigod. So much word! How does this dude even have a job higher than Loading Dock Guy? Just because Liam magically "wants to be a better person" doesn't mean it's on brand for the company he works for. Take a look around, you idiot! Before you even bother with research just try to remember that this is the same company that outed a Transgender model to the world before half her soon to be family and friends knew. People who read Spencer Publications ain't reading it to warm the cockles of their fuzzy little hearts. They're probably Trump supporters TBH.

 Basically Liam was like "'Sup Daddio, I'm having a quarter life crisis because my brother married my Ex (again), so let's rebrand the entire company K?"

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4
22 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I'm so sick of Thirsty's smug face and comments. He never shows dignity when he takes Liam's women.  He has the girl and favored son position. For now. He did the same shit when he got with Hope. When Steffy leaves him I'm gonna laugh and laugh.

I'm not, purely based on fuckability. I'd totally bang Wyatt, Liam? Not so much in fact I'd be reluctant to even date him, his bitchface is reminiscent of Carly on GH and his faux-SJWness is akin to Britta Perry. Anybody cracking his face like an egg is what I'm here for. Eggs go well with waffles.

  • Love 4
On 25/06/2016 at 3:14 AM, MsTree said:

UO, but I saw it exactly how Caroline sees it. She needed a shoulder to cry on and they were both impaired. It's a soap...it happens.

I see it the exact same way or similarly. Thomas definitely took advantage of her because she needed a friend not sex but he didn't rape her. What we have is a brief clip of intoxicated Thomas kissing intoxicated Caroline and then nothing else and then Caroline freaking out that she doesn't remember in the morning. What is assumed by many  is that she passed out and he continued to have sex with her, thus raping her but we have no proof of this. Things could have happened exactly as Thomas said which would make him a dick but not a rapist. I've not seen anything from Thomas that would indicate to me that he's a rapist or has a problem taking no for an answer from women or gets off having sex with (raping) unconscious women therefore I believe Thomas. Caroline can't remember, we were never shown anything other than a brief clip, everything else is assumption and jumping to conclusions. We were not shown (thank god) Thomas raping Caroline, irrespective of what is said. That was not shown. Bold and Beautiful went about this absolutely the wrong way and I definitely think like Molly Burnett on DOOL, we're seeing more of LG's personality than of Caroline the character since LG's terrible accident, I'm just not buying this assumed scenario. I see a woman who doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions. The same woman who got Rick drunk and screwed him to break up him and Maya and the same woman who tricked her to audition for a porn site and ordered her scenes with Carter to be ramped up sexually. I see someone manipulative, far more manipulative than Thomas. I see Thomas as less intelligent, easily manipulated (read Stephanie) and selfish.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 10

I'm jumping on the Unpopular opinion train about Caroline and Ridge. My hate for Ridge probably blinds me though. I've always wanted Thomas to claim Douglas but no relationship with Caroline. Just as co-parents with Grandpa Ridge staring at the door. 

So glad to see I'm not the only one who was side-eyeing Liam's "foundation proposal." Something to keep him busy until Steffy comes back to him. Nice. Is this the same as the animal shelter to get Hope back? Liam, you have a pattern just like Wyatt does going after your exes. While I like Wyatt, listening to these two jabber on about business makes me think Will is more equipped to take over Spencer Publications now than these two idiots. 

Brooke what is there to say? I wish Katie had screwed with them longer because she knows something is going on but they are playing on her alcoholism and depression to lie to her. Amazing sister you are Brooke. Bill is also a shitbag too. Where is Donna? 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, slayer2 said:

Just because Liam magically "wants to be a better person" doesn't mean it's on brand for the company he works for.

Yep!  If he hates that "trashy gossip magazine" so much go work for a non-profit or a charitable foundation.  I'm glad Wyatt actually remembered they have stockholders to answer to.

  • Love 6

Brooke is past baby making, right? Because if Ridge and Brooke have a comfort one night stand and she ends up pregnant man would I laugh. But no way with the MIA RJ would they even think about another Bridge baby.

If Caroline falls for Thomas's game and they get together only to find out Dougie is actually Ridge's, Thomas will totally pull the same crap Ridge did telling her that Ridge doesn't have to know, they're happy, they're a family, it would disrupt Dougie's life and she'll be back in the same boat. And I will lauuugh.

It's painful they teased us with Dr. Hardon only to have him on once. He could be such an interesting ally for Katie during all of this with his realizing his feelings are increasingly inappropriate but unable to cut her loose because she is so vulnerable to Bill paying the doctor a visit to grill him about his wife and Dr. Hardon losing his Clark Kent cool to tell Bill off and possibly deck his ass. Actually, Dr. Hardon being the Spencer family therapist to treat Liam, Wyatt and Liam, Katie, Katie and Bill could be a great arc.

  • Love 10

I don't care why TIIC are walking back and romanticizing Rape Night -- to salvage Thomas or blow up Ridge and Caroline's marriage or clean up the  WTD? of Doug SL or try to fix the miscalculation in a rape SL.

Before Rape Night, Thomas spent every waking moment dismissing Ridge and Caroline's relationship, and promoting himself as the more virile of Caroline's options for sex partner. I cannot overstate how terrible an idea it was for Thomas to make his opening gambit a blatant and unapologetic affirmation that Caroline was valued near-exclusively for how hard she made his dick and what they had to do about his unsolicited erection.

Nearly every woman a man meets is going to assume that he's already fucking her in his imagination. Objectification is the background radiation of every woman’s life. The knowledge of being raped or killed is the constant companion of a women. Thomas lobbing out ham-fisted sexual proposals at Caroline by suggesting Ridge ain't 'up' to the task is not the sly little insinuation he thought it was. It was tiresome, boring, riddled with jealousy and insecurity of Thomas' own sexual prowess. But the message was clear: Thomas wanted Caroline and nothing she said was going to stop him from trying to take her from Ridge.

We live in a society, a culture, a world that condones and accepts the idea that men are entitled to a women’s time and attention that is not reciprocated by that women. This is being a disgusting creep, hoping that a combination of societal expectations and fear of escalation on the part of the person you’re creeping on will allow you to get away with your sick shit with no consequences.

Women want to be treated like human beings with individual intrinsic value, not treated as Open For Business vessels for unsolicited dick. Turning every interaction into a conversation about your genitals may seem like a good way to meet ready vaginas, but how's your batting average? Nevermind ... You'll never make the majors. There is nothing so special about your particular tallywacker that any woman has not seen or had unwanted semen smears rubbed on her clothes.

The truth of Rape Night is that it was not the mutuality of "making love" or a clumsy misunderstanding of how courtship and human interaction work under the influence of drugs and wine. It’s culmination of years of Thomas glomming on women without their permission or assigning them as sex partners whether they were interested or not. Thomas wanted Caroline while she was crying over being in love with Ridge, and chose to use his dick to prove to her he was the more worthy choice. He didn't ask her if she wanted to have sex with him when she was half-conscious. Thomas acted on his on-going fantasy and had unwanted sex with unconscious Caroline. Thomas raped Caroline.

  • Love 20

The truth of Rape Night is that it was not the mutuality of "making love" or a clumsy misunderstanding of how courtship and human interaction work under the influence of drugs and wine. It’s culmination of years of Thomas glomming on women without their permission or assigning them as sex partners whether they were interested or not. Thomas wanted Caroline while she was crying over being in love with Ridge, and chose to use his dick to prove to her he was the more worthy choice. He didn't ask her if she wanted to have sex with him when she was half-conscious. Thomas acted on his on-going fantasy and had unwanted sex with unconscious Caroline. Thomas raped Caroline.

So much this.  The bottom line is that Caroline was not able to consent that night, and, on the multiple occasions when Thomas made it clear he was interested in sex with her, when she wasn't incoherent on booze and pills, Caroline never expressed a reciprocal interest and often stated how much she loves Ridge.  Taking advantage of the inebriated state of a woman who wasn't accepting your overtures while sober is rape.  The show can re-frame it all they want, but I know what played out initially on our screens.  That was a woman who was out of it. She may not have physically passed out before he started the deed, but she was out of it nonetheless.  Add in her not remembering what happened the next morning, and the level of her inebriation incapacitating her is pretty clearly spelled out.  On the incapacitated spectrum, there is a range of states between "capable of giving consent" and "passed out."  Caroline was very clearly portrayed to be somewhere in that range that night.  

  • Love 17

All I'm going to say about today's episode--all I think I can say about today's episode--is that it began and ended with Ridge saying he'd been holding on to his anger about "what I thought happened that night."  Even his letting Thomas and Caroline have some mother-father bonding time with Dougie (so Thomas could declare that they needed to be a family and never mind Grandpa, just to dot that last lingering I) fucking paled in the face of that cap on the "We're turning this shit around RIGHT FUCKING NOW like it's Ronin!" fuckery.  It still, frigging still, feels like Thomas is being rewarded for Rape Night and...no matter your position on it...at least for me, that burns.

OTOH...if they're opening the door just a crack for Brooke and TK!Ridge to possibly get back together, however briefly?  God help me, I kind of want to see that.

  • Love 4


I am going to assert a very UO, but could we all please either agree to disagree or agree to agree about whether or not Thomas raped Caroline and move on? It's pretty clear that Brad Bell and the writers either didn't think through the repercussions of the SL in the first place and it has blown up in their faces OR they "boldly" decided to press forward with the theme are now feeling the backlash and frantically backpedaling. Either way, it's not a good thing, but they can't undo what took place. They aren't going to suddenly have Caroline press rape charges against Thomas and have him sent to prison. Maybe that's the desired outcome for many viewers, but not under Brad Bell's watch. Just an idea for calming the waters. Thanks.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, grisgris said:

I am going to assert a very UO, but could we all please either agree to disagree or agree to agree about whether or not Thomas raped Caroline and move on? It's pretty clear that Brad Bell and the writers either didn't think through the repercussions of the SL in the first place and it has blown up in their faces OR they "boldly" decided to press forward with the theme are now feeling the backlash and frantically backpedaling. Either way, it's not a good thing, but they can't undo what took place. They aren't going to suddenly have Caroline press rape charges against Thomas and have him sent to prison. Maybe that's the desired outcome for many viewers, but not under Brad Bell's watch. Just an idea for calming the waters. Thanks.

I couldn't agree more with this. It's just baffling to me how passionately some want to insist it was rape when the writers, and actors portraying the characters, are clearly saying it wasn't. It's a soap opera...not the 5 o'clock news!

  • Love 5

Standing ovation here, Cupid Stunt. 

I can't watch this show anymore.  It's gone from a generally harmless and boring way to spend 30 minutes while I work to something really slimy.  What we're seeing on screen isn't just a bunch of characters; it's the worldview of the people writing them.  And these people are in a position to shape perceptions and, unfortunately, reaffirm the worst of them.  It's both sad and disgusting.

  • Love 5

Guys we have talked about this before re: the Caroline storyline. Trying to bring real life consequences and actual consent issues into this show as written is a hopeless task. Everyone here has stated their opinion on it and I have asked you to agree to disagree. 

Let's move on and stop the arguing. If you need to use the ignore feature please do so. PM me if you have questions.

  • Love 5

The pained way Caroline was looking at Ridge she knows her marriage is on life support. But she's gonna give it the good fight. Unlike when she was married to Rick and smooching Ridge, Caroline's shown no lingering torn attraction to Thomas so it's gonna be up to Ridge pushing her away like last time to get her to settle for Thomas.

Thorsten sure knows how to strike a pose on some stairs. 

As someone on Twitter said, Thomas is an example of give someone an inch, they'll take a mile. Ridge relents and agrees to telling the truth, profusely apologizes to Thomas, and as soon as Thomas thinks he's out of earshot he's trashing Ridge and trying to steal Caroline. 

Now while Bill and Brooke are lowdown dirty dogs, his point that Katie will keep going back and forth with trusting him and not trusting him was proven once again. Yes, she's right in her suspicions but she couldn't go a even a few week before she was back to confronting them both over possible infidelity. At this point it's cruel for both Brooke and Bill to be playing these mind games with Katie. For such a Titan of business Bill is a cowardly prick. Whatever Brooke does if he's done with Katie's issues he needs to move in with Liam and let Katie begin to move on so she can heal. And as for Brooke? Lady, look at what this man is doing to your sister. When Steffy was the other woman, you and Donna rightfully ripped him a new one. But when it's you, you'll go along with this crap?

I'll give the writers this- they haven't gone back to the bad heart well for Katie. Heather Tom must've told them to cut that crap out.

  • Love 7

So Ridge & Brooke Part 85 is next? Ridge walked out thinking Caroline wanted to be with Thomas. Then he sees Brooke in a one on one scene since....forever. Obviously, they going down that long winding path again, right? I agree with @Tobin Albers that Thorsten really pulled of the soap opera pose on the stair case. It was soap 101 but his experience really showed there. Now, if we could just get him a haircut. LOL!!!!

  • Love 5


Not one couple in the history of the show, save for Liam and Hope,  has been so propped and deserved the unceremonious death it got when TK took over the role. They have no chemistry and TIIC can't show us clips of the Good Ol' Days to get us nostalgic. I'd much rather they recast Nick Marone or bring Dave back...or heaven forbid, a nice, new character with no history with the Forresters, Spencers or any of her daughters or sisters.CaRidge's days are numbered and apart from Thomas' role in that I'm not too sad about that. But for the love of God, I do NOT want to see Brooke and Ridge in any capacity beyond co-co-parenting RJ.

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Can Caroline really compete with Brooke and all the "Bridge" history? 

She's been holding her own so far. Maybe it's because someone realized TK and KKL don't click, but this is the first time Ridge has had a relationship where Brooke was not the primary wedge. Not even close. Caroline all but laughed when she came at her snapping her fingers and Ridge didn't do that borderline waffling rubbish he used to do.

That said, Ridge has never had a partner that shared his passion. Like him, she's a designer. Caroline I was a reporter (I think), Taylor was a doctor and Brooke too was a chemist-turned-fashion CEO but not even she did more than approve any given collection. Only time will tell.

  • Love 3

I really love CaRidge, and I really hate Bridge & Brill with equal passions, but when Ridge walked into $Bill's office and barked at him to get his hands off of Brooke, the innocent victim, who, ironically in all of her infinite wisdom, went over to $Bill's office in person to tell him to leave her alone, I so wish Debbie from "Survivor" would've walked back in there and said "ok, boys, drop your pants. Brooke, I know you carry a tape measure in your purse for just such an occasion like this, put it to use & we'll decide once & for all who is the bigger man!", but she didn't. That was a very long sentence on my part, I just can't stand how Brooke has to be rescued by Ridge, and/or has to "follow her heart" directly to her sister's husband.

I also hate how heartless Wyatt & $Bill are being made to look so Liam and Steffy have something to bond over. I can't imagine that a huge conglomerate like Spencer doesn't have a charitable affiliation of some kind. Liam is hardly the first person to come up with "let's use some of our immense profits and resources to help others", so I am befuddled as to why Wyatt & $Bill are so against it to the point of making fun of him, & stunned that he would suggest it. As much as Liam annoys me with the waffling, in the real world, he's exactly right, what they would gain in favorable PR would more than make up for any profit they put towards a charitable endeavor (not to mention the tax breaks, but I digress). I know, if I want realism, I need to not look to BelLA for that! 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I just can't stand how Brooke has to be rescued by Ridge, and/or has to "follow her heart" directly to her sister's husband.

The bad feminist in me wants to say Brooke needs SOMEONE to rescue her because she doesn't have the common sense, decency, and self-respect not to make the same damn mistakes regarding men and 'following her heart' over and over again.

The annoyed part of me says Rescuer!Ridge is simply for storyline purposes and since Caroline has told him he 'misinterpreted' her need to be rescued, Ridge is feeling burnt and needs to be someone's savior since his new family with Caroline is imploding. He's trying to escape what he sees as a failure through a win over Spencer by saving Brooke - who has said that she doesn't want to keep hurting Katie and wants to end this thing with Bill. She should be the one to state it and carry it out but ya know...plot points. 

$Bill ain't never ever gonna want to part with his money no matter how awesome the PR would be behind a foundation. I think only if he lost one of his kids maybe he would he set up some kind of foundation or scholarship in their honor. But while he's alive and has nothing to atone for? Nah. Wyatt has always been implied to be of like minds with Bill so no surprise he's feeling safe to openly stick it to Liam in business as well. Once Bill stood up for him over Steffy and didn't immediately take Wyatt's job to give back to Liam, Wyatt realized he had become the favored brother. Also, I don't think he believes Liam would ever take the gloves off and get ruthless in business or love so as long as Steffy and Bill are openly supporting him, he feels safe.

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Redcookie said:

Did Steffy lose her job at Forrester? Never occurred to me or Mr. Redcookie to follow each other to work and hang out. This is done a lot on the BAB.

ChickenPuff just can't get enough of each other. How else could they provide angst between WafflePuff unless they're in each other's face every day?

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, ByaNose said:

So Ridge & Brooke Part 85 is next?



Ridge walked out thinking Caroline wanted to be with Thomas.

Didn't want a DNA test to have his worst fears confirmed, handed over Doug and Caroline to Thomas' debauch desires, and leaves before Caroline tells Thomas she's STILL in love with her husband ... all because Ridge is a coward and afraid of the truth.


Then he sees Brooke in a one on one scene since....forever. Obviously, they going down that long winding path again, right?

It's all TIIC know how to do; have TK's wrinkled suit slouch from one sniveling female to another. 

Ridge suddenly regrets his dictatorial behavior about Doug, and Caroline made clear she couldn't follow his demands any longer. 'I wanted to give her everything' ... and his support meant she had to lie about Doug forever, but Caroline broke faith with Ridge and his stupid plan, and Ridge is bereft thinking Caroline, Doug and Thomas are going to cobble together their own "family," because she wants to raise Doug honestly. Honesty distresses a coward to the point where he believes everyone is as lily-livered as himself.

Brooke, playing damsel in distress over The Golden Cooter leading her into temptation with $Bill again, needs a White Knight. And how fortunate for Brooke that Ridge, chastened and momentarily unencumbered, is free to defend her wayward honor against $Bill -- Version 53. Brooke decides she has to go to the Boom Boom Room to tell $Bill The Golden Cooter will no longer participate in Boom Boom, which means Fuck Me Now! in $Bill-speak. Ridge intercedes to stop The Golden Cooter from wanting what The Golden Cooter wants, and the peace treaty between the warring penises has been broken.

A new front line has been engaged in the War of Triangles.


 I agree with @Tobin Albers that Thorsten really pulled of the soap opera pose on the stair case. It was soap 101 but his experience really showed there.

At one point he was actually standing up straight. The staircase has been used to great dramatic effect over the years on B&B.


Now, if we could just get him a haircut. LOL!!!!

9 hours ago, ByTor said:

And a bath :)


With carbolic soap.

  • Love 7

When Ridge busted into Bill's office instead of telling Bill to take his hands off Brooke, Ridge should've thrown up his hands at Brooke and say 'Damn it, Logan. What the hell did we JUST talk about? You had one job - ONE JOB- to do when you walked in- Tell this fool deuces. But no you're in here sucking his face! I mean, really, woman? Really?!'

Wyatt making Steffy the focus of his campaign is gonna result in her having to work with Liam because you just know that Liam's enterprise will fail and Bill will tell him he has to work on Wyatt's idea or get booted and that's gonna lead to Waffles and Puffy 'being bad' and starting an affair once Bill is knocked off his fidelity pedestal in Liam's eyes.

I will say marriage does make Steffy's hair look nice, but I think it's an interesting code that she looks more 'domesticated' with Wyatt but when she's with Liam she has all the extensions and coloring and wigs and is the wild child for him. Can't decide if they're trying to say that she grew up and is more mature with Wyatt or was playing a role with Liam or JMW was just sick of killing her hair.

  • Love 13

Ugh. Did the writers just set up back on the Bridge to nowhere again? Please. NO!  The only good thing is that we don't have to see any montages, just that one short scene when Ridge returned.  How about playing "Find Your Way Back" as the score? KKL and TK have absolutely nothing between them. At least it looked like he was trying a bit harder today in his scenes but he comes across as a long-time friend who maybe has had an unrequited crush on Brooke forever, but knows he doesn't have a chance. I dunno.

Steffy being the social media spokesperson makes no sense. Hello? Isn't that a huge conflict of interest? $Bill's trash rags have splashed Forrester scandals more times than anybody would care to remember, across their covers. Doesn't Steffy have a company to preside over or something along those lines?  If there needs to an excuse to have Liam and Steffy together at SP, then why not have her help Liam with his foundation? She already opened the door by suggesting that Sludge and Granddaddy might be interested. That keeps it all above-board and whatever starts back up "just happens" and she's not sneaking around behind Wyatt's back and covertly defying his stance on the issue.

Yeah, ITA that JMW has been looking much better lately. The new simpler hairstyle and natural color look good along with the restrained makeup. I also like the chic little dresses she's been wearing. Is the tattoo on her back new?  Today is the first time I've noticed it. Steffy does seem more content with Wyatt, which might be subconsciously. I always felt that with Liam she was constantly acting out of desperation and insecurity. Their relationship seemed very forced. Weffy seems more organic.



  • Love 6
4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

$Bill ain't never ever gonna want to part with his money no matter how awesome the PR would be behind a foundation. I think only if he lost one of his kids maybe he would he set up some kind of foundation or scholarship in their honor. But while he's alive and has nothing to atone for? Nah. Wyatt has always been implied to be of like minds with Bill so no surprise he's feeling safe to openly stick it to Liam in business as well. Once Bill stood up for him over Steffy and didn't immediately take Wyatt's job to give back to Liam, Wyatt realized he had become the favored brother. Also, I don't think he believes Liam would ever take the gloves off and get ruthless in business or love so as long as Steffy and Bill are openly supporting him, he feels safe.

As long as Liam continues to bite the hand that feeds corporate profit-making, but not demonstrate the financial benefits of a charitable foundation (it's called due diligence, thumb-sucker), $Bill won't give up a red cent. 

Liam taped a Kick Me sign on his back, so $Bill and Wyatt couldn't help but oblige at landing a couple squarely in his ineptitude. Liam brought nothing to the table and walked away empty-handed. Even when Steffy spoke up wanting to see what he had in mind, Liam still had nothing to offer.

Wyatt and Liam's demonstrated some of $Bill's bare-knuckled prowess by helping unseating Rick from the CEO seat at Forrester, but that was after squeezing information out of Nicole and beating up Maya in Spencer's gossip sheets for being transgendered -- to Wyatt's surprise, Liam was given the majority of the credit and benefits for tearing Rick down. Wyatt never forgot that slight and has been pushing ahead of Liam the second Wyatt was given the opportunity. Wyatt is mirroring $Bill's business acumen, such as that is, but it endears him to $Bill. Liam had everything handed to him at Spencer Publication, but fell short of $Bill's ruthless expectations.

Liam isn't a leader. Liam is towed along in the wake of others; $Bill, Hope, Wyatt, Steffy, Quinn, Ivy, Amber. Business skills aren't Liam's strong point. It's the personal appeal to latent emotions where Liam excels, and that's where he'll undercut Wyatt. Liam already has Steffy's sympathy by having his foundation proposal shot down. Steffy only needs a soulful glance with Liam's heartfelt declaration of good intentions for the world and Wyatt will be forgotten.

  • Love 7

If I set aside the stupidity of the story and just focus on the interactions, I enjoyed Brooke and Ridge today for the first time since that flashback scene at the fountain.  I didn't feel burning passion, but there was a nice friendship between them.  I'd rather see Brooke be strong and have a story without a man, but I think if the story calls for it and TK turns on the charm, he and KKL might have some chemistry.  

  • Love 9

We're not at the passion stage yet, Kerri, so I'm right there with you--TK and KKL actually did really well today, if in a low-key vein.  It was still in the service of so damn much insanity, though...

1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

As long as Liam continues to bite the hand that feeds corporate profit-making, but not demonstrate the financial benefits of a charitable foundation (it's called due diligence, thumb-sucker), $Bill won't give up a red cent.

It would be really nice if Liam at least had alluded to some sort of master plan either today or yesterday, but the way the show seems to be skewing Bill's just completely opposed to any sort of major charitable undertaking no matter what proof Liam has or would have prior to implementation because it will affect his bottom line.  Wyatt pitching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous: Social Media Edition to boost said bottom line was simply the obligatory counterpoint.

  • Love 3

Cupid Stunt, let me say I agree with everything about Liam. That he gets dragged along in plots instead of being an active player is the thing that's driven me batshit crazy about him and why I don't buy him as some romantic lead.

But, this is in a way seems like it setting g up for what I'd hope for when Wyatt was first introduced--him being the more ruthless, business savvy guy that is much closer to Bill's own mind. It seems after six years, the writers finally have a direction for Liam to take. If they insist upon the character staying, they really need to give him something outside of his ill fated romances to connect with. That idea someone brought up about designing an Uber-type app that Papa Avant uses to get his limo business going and falls for Sasha was another oe I can go for (even if Thomas wasn't a creep, we don't need another triangle/romance involving family members, even a cousin by adoption).

But I'm pleasantly surprised that Steffy is making an honest go of it with Wyatt (for now). Just like I assumed with Hope, having to deal with Liam's changing mind has to be goddamned exhausting. Unlike Hope however, I don't get the sense Steffy is doing this just to stick it to him for being a twat, not that I'd entirely blame her if she were. She's wanting to make this work, and I might be almost sad when it inevitably fails.  When (not if, because B&B is as predictable as an atomic clock) Steffy wants Eggo back, no force on earth short of Hope's return will stop her from getting him. But as mentioned, a lot of her time with Liam she came off as desperate and wanting male attention and also to beat Hope and score a victory for Team Forrester, aided and abetted by Stephanie and Taylor.

That's the other reason I don't hate this ToD like I did the one with Hope: apart from Quinn, the parents are very much in a supporting role and the young ones are figuring this stuff out on their own. Hell, even Bill got off the Steam Roller (see what I did there? ;) ) this time. It's the first time I buy them as young adults and now bratty kids playing house, Liam's Anakin Skywalker impressions aside.

  • Love 7

The whole foundation thing is silly from both sides.  You've got Liam, acting like an enthusiastic kid with his "Hey, I have an idea, let's save the world!" without doing any kind of research.  Well, I guess technically his "research" consisted of "We'll dismantle that trashy but profitable gossip magazine to fund saving the world!"  Yeah, I'm sure the stockholders would love that.  Bill is also being silly by poo-pooing the whole idea.  There are plenty of companies out there who sponsor charities, and yes it is great for both tax purposes and public perception.  I'm under the impression, though, that this isn't what Liam wants, but instead he thinks Spencer should have a publications division and a "charitable endeavor" division, so in that sense Bill's right.  However, for Bill to basically laugh his ass off as though he never heard of the concept of giving to charity is ridiculous.  He should have told Liam to come back at him with hard figures and then they can seriously talk about it.  What really makes me nuts is that the show is doing this to create angst, and yes, I understand a soap needs angst, but what I can't stand is when they create it through a ridiculous situation that could easily be resolved in a drama-free way.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 5

The Spencers are old money from what I gather of Bill Sr. Charity organizations should be nothing new to $Bill. Even Caroline in her vapid days made mention of some charity work (I think the cancer one in honor of her namesske). There's also the tax write off thing that was mentioned.

Just like Rick and Ridge pissing over the house that neither one owns, this too is lame, easily resolved drama.

  • Love 6

I haven't been watching closely (when I bother) but have they ever even had a Dr look at Liam?  He is such a Pollyanna. Was the last real decision he made to show up in Bellay? He is almost Hope now. Injured, kidnapped, raped and rescued by Wyatt. However she would have been coddled on her return, not ignored. So he isn't your typical Mary Sue. As for Wyatt he will be the favorite son only as long as he's with Steffy. 

  • Love 5

So Quinn is now banging Eric?  So her story with Liam and marriage to Deacon were the two biggest wastes of time.  I think this show doesn't have a damn clue on what to do with Quinn.  They can't even be bothered to write a real story for her.  Her marriage just ends without any scenes; her supposed great love for Liam is just over and now out of the blue she is just banging Eric (and how stupid is he after everything to go there?).  Do the writers know how to tell a story ? Because pulling shit out of your ass is not great storytelling.

AND Where TF is Deacon while she is doing this?  Hiding in the bathroom?

  • Love 6

I don't have a super long history watching this show, but, from what I've gathered from the soap magazines over the years (I have this OCD habit of reading them cover to cover, even for the shows I wasn't watching at the time), it's not really out of character for Eric to allow himself to be blinded by some readily available, pretty younger woman, is it? 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I don't have a super long history watching this show, but, from what I've gathered from the soap magazines over the years (I have this OCD habit of reading them cover to cover, even for the shows I wasn't watching at the time), it's not really out of character for Eric to allow himself to be blinded by some readily available, pretty younger woman, is it? 

There's usually some build up into it, though, and I'd hoped he'd pick someone that hadn't "ruined" two of his grandaughters' lives.

More aggregating in this  instance is how Quinn is written. Not only is her grand relationship to Deacon kaput for no reason, but so is her obsession of Liam. What was the point of Captive Cabin if nothing of value was lost (or won)? Oh, Steffy and Liam split up? Big deal. That's known as Tuesday. Who bloody cares?

Oh well. I guess Steffy's head exploding when she fids out will be worth the price of admission.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

There's usually some build up into it, though, and I'd hoped he'd pick someone that hadn't "ruined" two of his grandaughters' lives.

More aggregating in this  instance is how Quinn is written. Not only is her grand relationship to Deacon kaput for no reason, but so is her obsession of Liam. What was the point of Captive Cabin if nothing of value was lost (or won)? Oh, Steffy and Liam split up? Big deal. That's known as Tuesday. Who bloody cares?

Oh well. I guess Steffy's head exploding when she fids out will be worth the price of admission.

This week feels like they have just decided to re-set stuff.  We had what Thomas did to Caroline re-framed as something less gross and a seeming path to a Thomas/Caroline pairing.  We need Ridge out of the way of that, so he's apparently headed directly back to Brooke, who he hasn't had an ounce of interest in since the first time he found out Brooke had slept with Bill while he was married to Katie.  To clear the field for them, we have Bill instantly renouncing his affair with Brooke and seemingly all about Katie again, and Katie is instantly cured of her alcoholism by two words, "I'm home."  And with Quinn, we're seemingly going to forget her obsession with Liam and she's just happily sexing up Eric now, with no build-up of that relationship and no winding down of her "love" for Liam or her relationship with Deacon.  

But, never fear, I'm sure the great love story of Zende and Nicole will live on and avoid the re-set.  

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

This week feels like they have just decided to re-set stuff.  We had what Thomas did to Caroline re-framed as something less gross and a seeming path to a Thomas/Caroline pairing.  We need Ridge out of the way of that, so he's apparently headed directly back to Brooke, who he hasn't had an ounce of interest in since the first time he found out Brooke had slept with Bill while he was married to Katie.  To clear the field for them, we have Bill instantly renouncing his affair with Brooke and seemingly all about Katie again, and Katie is instantly cured of her alcoholism by two words, "I'm home."  And with Quinn, we're seemingly going to forget her obsession with Liam and she's just happily sexing up Eric now, with no build-up of that relationship and no winding down of her "love" for Liam or her relationship with Deacon.  

But, never fear, I'm sure the great love story of Zende and Nicole will live on and avoid the re-set.  

For the first time in decades, like more than 4, I may not have a soap to watch because I just can't with all of this bullshit and the final straw for me will be if they break up Caroline and Ridge.Right now I hate this fucking show and can't even watch.

  • Love 10

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