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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I miss Ronn, too. I wish TK had been brought on as another character, even a similar take as the Patrick character so he could use his lovely Irish accent. 

ETA: Just let Waffles and Bratz Doll reunite already. These two deserve each other and I am so over this insipid storyline, not to mention the constant recycled flashbacks. Let Wyatt move on with someone else. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I much preferred RM when he let his natural gray come through. 


And I'd take shoe polish hair that was clean and kempt over the messy, greasy mop on TK's head any day of the week, month, or year.

I didn't love it when he went grey in '06...mostly because it happened so suddenly and RM decided to grow out a goatee at the same time. Eventually, he went to the shoe polish, which I agree I'll gladly take over TK's greasy, unkempt looks.

I kinda wonder how this all would've played out if he were still on the show. Probably, it never would've been written at all.

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I could never in a million years picture RM with Caroline II. Yes, there was that awful Ridget storyline but that seemed very one-sided/puppy love on Bridget's behalf, but I can't see RM's Ridge giving Caroline anything more than fatherly interest. 

I think Bridge would have reunited.

I also think the Ridge/Thomas relationship would be as it was before TK - the two were very close, not rivals at all. 

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44 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Thomas, PF, is lacking that charisma on ever level. There is nothing above average about him, and I do not want him to win

I agree that he is very average on every level.  However, I can never envision wanting TK Ridge to win anything...except maybe the lottery so he can move away and be a greasy but wealthy bum somewhere else.

2 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I could never in a million years picture RM with Caroline II.

Especially after the awful Caroline I cry fest they both had.

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

Seriously, since I read this earlier this morning, I have been thinking about it - I definitely need to pay more attention to work and not as much to B&B! I hated the original version of Y&R's Adam when he returned. When MM took over the role, I adored Adam. That was even after the gaslighting of Ashley, stealing Sharon's baby and giving it to Ashley, then marrying Sharon. To this day, if MM returned, I'd be totally on board for him to have whatever he wanted. However, Thomas is just a horrible rapist to me. Adam was horrible, but I think the difference is that MM was so charming and he had that charisma that made me like him. Thomas, PF, is lacking that charisma on ever level. There is nothing above average about him, and I do not want him to win, and I definitely don't want him to force his victim, Caroline to be around him, nor do I want him to be around his "son". I'd love for him to move out, go work for Spencer, start dating Sasha and forget about his rape-victim and her resulting child. Maybe I could someday down the road like him, but it would take those things for me to start to make that happen.

I know exactly what you mean. If MM returned to Y&R I might actually start watching  that shit show again. He was fabulously complicated and sexy as hell. PF is just a predatory creep, with the depth of an ant.

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On 6/11/2016 at 7:23 PM, grisgris said:

I'm not mad at Bill for choosing to believe only selected bits of what Katie was saying. Why? Because as he said himself, he never knows what to expect with Katie anymore. How many times now has she tried to get herself back on track, apologized to Brooke and vowed to stop drinking for good? It doesn't stick. (She needs formal help and treatment. Where's the long-anticipated therapist, anyway?) How does Bill know that maybe the next morning something will set Katie off and she'll refute everything she said? I saw a fed-up frustrated husband who'd had enough. I don't blame him one bit. However, I don't think that his off-the-cuff plan of dumping Katie and running over to Brooke's house (in an hour, really?) was the right way to handle the situation.

Fair enough. My take - if they're going to revisit Brill *hairball*, do it big: cut out the whole 'leaving Katie for you' and do a legit sister-wives thing. I'm serious. The three of them are already gross, TIIC might as well go for the gusto and break some new ground in daytime.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Liam was out on that interrogation room faster than you can say 'Penne for one' after he concluded the Rev was a fraud and Wyffy's marriage may not be legal.

Had to laugh as this was the same night as Bill's 'it's been real! talk with Katie and his promising to be at Brooke's in an hour and when Liam calls him Bill is eating a sandwich at the kitchen counter. Was he carbo loading for his night with Brooke or realizing he wasn't getting any nookie from Brooke and not wanting Katie he opted for a sandwich for one.

Noticed Bill didn't agree or disagree when Wyatt said he was a better match for her than Liam. He let it ride, LOL.

I think Bill is playing this smart: he's openly supporting Wyatt and Steffy and telling Liam to back off so that when it implodes and Steffy runs back to Liam, Bill can honestly say he didn't favor Liam this time around and did everything he emotionally and humanly could to support Wyatt with this marriage- and didn't interfere or manipulate unlike Quinn.

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24 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Is Bill intentionally being dense or what? 

Not dense exactly but single minded. He wants Brooke and is just looking for any excuse to justify leaving Katie.  

This whole Liam/Steffy is far out reaching my tolerance for idiocy in total redundantcy of dialog.  One more time Steffy, Quinn didn't hold a gun to your head to marry Liam as she didn't hold a gun to Hope's head.  I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out if the marriage is legal but if it isn't, than Wyatt will have another thing in common with Liam.  Steffy, do me a favor and go back to Liam.  You deserve a panty waist boring husband that will suck the fun out of your life.  

I knew as soon as Thomas showed up, at Steffy's, I knew that he was there just to stir the pot.  Has he joined the witches coven with Katie and Brooke.  "Double Double toil and trouble: Fire burn and caldron bubble".  

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

I'm not a Wyatt fan or fond of Steffi but I find them more compatible together than PuffyWaffles or whatever their portmanteau is. 

Not a Wyatt fan either but I prefer Wafflepuffs because I know it would never last as long as Hope is out there as well as any available vagina cause that's how Waffles swings. Any chance to watch Puffy's face crack is all good to me.

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8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


I'll take that name over Steam, because any heat they once had (mostly because Hope was just that much of a drip) has long since fizzled out after all the lies and deceit and recycled dialogue. Mostly, that last one.

Also, how do I chance the settings so that the board will stop autosaving my replies? Because I'll hit send, then make another post and it's still there. I can cut and remove if it's just me, but with a quote, it's next to impossible to remove those (like this bloody one here....sorry for the notice Country Girl).

Edited by Anna Yolei
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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This being B&B and Ridge being Ridge, I fully expect the kid will end up being his after all. At least, I hope so if the writers want to mitigate some of the backlash from Rape Night.

If this happens they can do their favorite trick and just never mention it again/pretend it never happened.


I must congratulate Detective Hot Dog on finally getting a win !

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5 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Is Bill intentionally being dense or what? 

$Bill is the personification of the old Robin Williams joke: "The problem is, God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time.”

In this situation the penis takes precedence.

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Am I to really believe that we took this jaunt around the Milky Way just to get back to square one? That we went through all that stuff with Ivy, Wyatt and Thomas, not to mention Adam and Eve and Captive Cabin, just to create the groundwork for yet another triangle? I swear, a two year old would bring more originality, and would also probably be a much better storyteller, than these seasoned “professionals.” Now, if we are not going there, I will be eating my words, but it sure looks like we are gearing up for triangle number 5558758569239; just with new players. Oh yes, and it will also re-stoke those fires of rivalry between Liam and Wyatt. I will admit that they at least gave me some comic relief at the police station, but Liam didn’t wait a California minute before dialing up Steffy for yet another inappropriate meeting. So, then, I guess that means that Bill and Wyatt finished up all the necessary police stuff? After all, it makes perfect sense that the person who’s house was broken into wouldn’t hang around. And yes Liam, you go on and press charges. I mean this guy broke into your house and rifled through your mail! He is a highly dangerous sociopath. Never mind that Quinn locked you in steam rooms, and had swords held to your throat, and kidnapped you while injured, but I digress……..

And Bill, flirting with the County Clerk lady with his freshly honed Brooke Boner? Maybe that is why Bill was in such a good humor? I am now more convinced than ever that Bradley is undoubtedly a misogynist. This notion that women are weak without men is insulting at best and infuriating at worst. I won’t deny that Brooke has always needed a man in her life, but Brooke has never been weak. Brooke has never been indecisive.  Brooke is what she is. A sex siren of the first order. She is not this sniveling, mamby pampy, hand wringing woman full of doubt. When Brooke wants someone there is nothing and no one going to stand in her way. In Brooke’s mind, it is all about the heart and “destiny”, so there is no need for anything but the sometimes hurtful truth. This is what is driving me crazy. If Brooke wants Bill, then just friggin go for it already! Enough of this passive/aggressive bullshit! Bradley has already ruined the character beyond redemption, so what if she hurts her sister? That is the character we have been getting for years, so why stop now? Leave the damn waffling for the boys ok? At least give Brooke haters or Brooke lovers a clear path. This wishy washy Brooke is confounding and irritating.

Did Liam say something about stuff getting in the way of him and Steffy? What O? I thought it was always about them being wobbed and manipwulated?

Bill has become so cartoonish I can barely stand him. Barging in on Ridge and Caroline and Thomas.  Then to compound that, suddenly deciding that he does want Brooke, and to start making out with her in his and Katie’s house? Such a blustering fool.

Wyatt is gonna lose out here. Then again, maybe not. If they are going to shove another triangle down my throat, can they at least spice some other things up? How about Katie being so dejected by Bill and Brooke, that she teams up with Wyatt to start a new company? Then, they could enlist Thomas’s talents, since he is quite beholden to Katie. Hey show, wouldn’t that lay the groundwork for a Wyatt/Katie/Thomas triangle, something we all know you love. Oh, and to add some nitrous to the mix, they could hire Quinn for the jewelry stuff.

Man, Dt. Baker is really protective about his snacks.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I forgot to mention that I thought it was funny that B&B gave a shoutout to "The Talk", by naming Sheryl Underwood's character "Emmy". If my calculations are correct, that was probably filmed right about the time "The Talk" won the daytime emmy for outstanding talk show. Once in a while, I like to say nice things.

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Last week Bill and Brooke confronted Ridge and Caroline about baby Dougie's paternity ready to make Ridge heel to for control of Forrester. Bill backed down.

Bill then professed his love for Brooke, saying that he and Katie were dunzo. Next thing Bill was still at his and Katie's house eating a sandwich at the kitchen counter, Katie upstairs and Brooke at home alone, Bill backing down AGAIN.

Wyatt finds out that Rev Bono was a con man and his marriage to Steffy not legal at all. A day later *surprise* they are married. Too bad, so sad, Liam.

This is getting boring. B&B is setting up false climaxes with no pay off or change in status quo. Why are we being put through these pointless exercises of futility?

NOTHING has happened in two weeks. Unless they're setting us up for a surprise ala Ivy's getting fried or Aly's surprise death they've passed up a lot of fun opportunities for change.

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I'm genuinely surprised that not only is the ChickenPuff marriage valid, but that $Bill is actually telling Liam to step off. Maybe he's realized boning Steffy vicariously through Wyatt works just as well as with Liam. In any event, Waffles can cry all the way to the bank as he eats his pasta for one for all I give a fuck. As Steffy said last week, she's put up with a whole lotta shit from him these last five years, and to what end? When Hope returns, she'll be tossed aside again anyway.

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I'm tired of the angst over Bill. In RL no sisters would be that stupid and do the back and forth and unadulterated loss of self esteem over him. He's basically waffles sr and taken over the role Ridge used to serve on the show. Have some dignity ladies. 

While I'm making fruitless requests can we split the Avants and put Vivienne in Eric's orbit and Julius with Brooke and see the chemistry ignite while their exes squirm? I actually think story wise they those pairings make sense. Katie can be with Deacon or take a walk on the wild side with Detective Hotdog. She can be his amateur sleuth since she has a nosy side. 

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Detective Hot Dog has a son named Charlie who was featured briefly during that story where Storm shot Stephanie. He can be brought on and give the ladies another choice in men beyond Waffles, Waffles Sr, and Chocolate Waffles (aka Zende).

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When has B&B turned into a hour and a half show. It's hard to tell where Y&R ends and B&B begins.  Billy pining over Phyllis and Liam pining over Steffy is redundant and trite.  Billy told Bethany that every time he will make love to her he will be thinking of Phyllis.  Now Steffy won't tell Wyatt this but after seeing the look on Steffy's face when Wyatt was hugging her, there is a good chance that Steffy will be fantasizing about Liam, with stupid flashbacks, during sex with Wyatt.  She might even put that stupid sea shell on his forehead.  

I couldn't make out what Liam said when he was yelling at Bill about not telling Wyatt the same thing. It was inaudible when Liam said that Wyatt didn't respect ......  Did anyone catch what he said?  Is mentioning Hope an act of treason?  Liam mentioned how many times he was married to Steffy and Steffy was pregnant with their child, in his response to Bill, but how many times was Hope the cause?  I would think more times than Quinn. Also, didn't Steffy stop his marriage, to Hope, by announcing she was pregnant.

Thomas and Caroline is another example of redundantcy and being trite. Thomas keeps harping on what they made together and Caroline doesn't disagree nor mention rape night because of how much she wanted a child. It seems that the means justified the ends.  Thomas, put a shirt on or close your hoodie because a bare chest is very inappropriate.  It might be acceptable poolside or with other people, in the room, but not with just you and your stepmom. 

The only thing Bill got right, this week, was that Quinn didn't hold a gun to Steffy's head.  Finally Bill is acting like a father even if it is do what I say and not what I do. But, of course, Liam, being Bill's son, has the same selective hearing. 

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I know I am one of just a few Steffy/Liam fans, but even if I weren't, I'd tell Bill to fuck off. Not only has Wyatt NOT ever respected any of Liam's relationships, his fucking MO is OPP, AKA all of the women Liam loved and/or fucked first. Aside from Nicole, who he was just playing for information on Maya, Wyatt has never been with a woman that Liam hadn't been with first. So he and Bill can just step off. Plus, if he really cared about Wyatt, wouldn't he want him to be with a woman who wasn't pining for another man?

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Not to excuse Wyatt, but Liam had already moved on to Steffy when they had their fling together. Steffy was a bit more murky, but Liam was pretty much done with her and Steffy assumed he was too when she heard he'd flown to Sydney with Ivy to play white Knight as he always does. Hope is the only one where he really actively didn't care, but even when they were together and Hope thought she was preggers the first time, Liam was there making it about him and insisting on splitting time between the both of them. 

Fuck Liam. Like Ridge before him, he only wants what he can't have. I couldn't care less for Steffy and I hope Wyatt says no to the annulment when she asks for it, but she at least makes shit happen. Waffles is a willow in the wind, letting life push him around. At least Ridge had conflicting loyalty as an excuse for his behavior.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Not to excuse Wyatt, but Liam had already moved on to Steffy when they had their fling together. Steffy was a bit more murky, but Liam was pretty much done with her and Steffy assumed he was too when she heard he'd flown to Sydney with Ivy to play white Knight as he always does. Hope is the only one where he really actively didn't care, but even when they were together and Hope thought she was preggers the first time, Liam was there making it about him and insisting on splitting time between the both of them. 

Fuck Liam. Like Ridge before him, he only wants what he can't have. I couldn't care less for Steffy and I hope Wyatt says no to the annulment when she asks for it, but she at least makes shit happen. Waffles is a willow in the wind, letting life push him around. At least Ridge had conflicting loyalty as an excuse for his behavior.

Liam is his own worse enemy. He had done more to sabotage his relationships with Hope, Steffy, and Ivy than anyone else.  Wyatt would have to use a super computer to keep track of the many loves of Dobie Gillis I mean Liam. 

I'm more under the impression that Liam disrespected Hope and Steffy more than Wyatt disrespect Liam.  

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I don't have a problem with what Bill told Liam.  The issue is I don't understand Bill's complete about face on the subject of Liam and Steffy.  Forever, he was creepy about Liam and Steffy staying together and now he's yelling at Liam to "respect the marriage"?

As I've said 800 times and it bears repeating, I want to feel sorry for Wyatt,  but he makes it impossible when he insists on pressuring women into staying with him.  Why would he want to be with someone (or 3 people) who clearly wants to be with someone else?  Heck, why would he want to be with someone who's just having reservations?  He's too fucking needy... Quinn really did a number on him.

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14 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

I don't have a problem with what Bill told Liam.  The issue is I don't understand Bill's complete about face on the subject of Liam and Steffy.  Forever, he was creepy about Liam and Steffy staying together and now he's yelling at Liam to "respect the marriage"?

I thought part of that was also because he had a pathological hatred for Hope because she was a virgin or something like that. Also, the vicarious boning thing.

But shoot, even Stephanie didn't want her sons at odds over a woman back when Ridge and Thorne were both after the original Caroline and told Ridge that his actions were the reason she broke up with him. Despite the randomness of it (one that plagues B&B's every other story), I can't be mad at Bill for saying what most of us have been thinking, nor for finally choosing to quit meddling in his grown sons' lives. If only Brooke could get a clue on this.

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1 hour ago, nasir jones said:

I don't have a problem with what Bill told Liam.  The issue is I don't understand Bill's complete about face on the subject of Liam and Steffy.  Forever, he was creepy about Liam and Steffy staying together and now he's yelling at Liam to "respect the marriage"?

As I've said 800 times and it bears repeating, I want to feel sorry for Wyatt,  but he makes it impossible when he insists on pressuring women into staying with him.  Why would he want to be with someone (or 3 people) who clearly wants to be with someone else?  Heck, why would he want to be with someone who's just having reservations?  He's too fucking needy... Quinn really did a number on him.

Yes, respect the marriage.  That's the only honorable thing to do!  Just because Liam wants to be with his brother's wife, he should just suck it up and be a man!  Bill would never disrespect his wife by being with his wife's sister.  Oh, wait!

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I get the hypocrisy behind Bill's words to Liam today, but hell, it's about time somebody set that whiny waffle straight. He had a valid point in that despite numerous, numerous attempts, Liam and Steffy just never worked out. Maybe that's the final karma for the shady way their relationship started off in the first place. So I was delighted (and surprised) when 1) the marriage is actually valid and 2) Bill reamed Liam out. We'll see what the petulant toaster pastry does now.

Speaking of waffly behavior, the sad seashell of marital martyrdom ranks right up there with Ridge's raggedy red ribbon of commitment.

Can Chaz Bono be a regular? The guy is comedy gold! 

The best line (warning for viewer discretion) was when Caroline told Thomas that "Ridge doesn't swim." I was really fearful that TK was going to come traipsing in clad in swim trunks. Shudder ...  Just to be fair, Ron Moss in Speedos wasn't any picnic either (at least for me.) Just a little too OTT ...

Why does Thomas constantly parade around Caroline half-dressed?

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^Speak for yourself! He couldn't act if he were the lead for a kindergarten production of Oklahoma, but 1987 Ronn Moss looked damn good in a Speedo :p Although not nearly as sexy as the Thorne actor. 

I dunno why Chad Bono didnt officiate the Raya wedding. Given his own public transition, he seemed like a better fit for that wedding than wasted in a stupid ToD 3.0 story. 

I don't believe for a second that WafflePuff  (hehe) are over because Bradley Bell loves beating his dead horses well after the carcass has been turned into glue. But I do take pleasure in anyone telling Liam to quit whining and STFU. I just wish Ridge and Thomas were allowed to interact more with Steffy instead of fighting over Douglas.

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Yeah, Bill was hypocritical as hell today...but that didn't make him wrong.  Liam--who, for all his faults, is or at least was a basically nice character before he passed out in the FC parking lot--has been one step away from doing this to Wyatt over Steffy for weeks now, and both in-show and out of it we kinda need him to frigging stop it.  The show screwed up in jumping him straight from Quinn's Cabin Getaway to this, and it's done no one involved any favors...so of course they're doubling down with it instead of letting him just try to move on or whatever before then letting him pant after her all over again.  Sure, we get it, you were robbed.

Meanwhile, we got another extended bit with Thomas and Caroline semi-bonding by themselves.  Subtle, show, you absolutely are not.

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10 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

This is getting boring. B&B is setting up false climaxes with no pay off or change in status quo. Why are we being put through these pointless exercises of futility?

NOTHING has happened in two weeks. Unless they're setting us up for a surprise ala Ivy's getting fried or Aly's surprise death they've passed up a lot of fun opportunities for change.

Talk about awesome opportunities missed....I still say they screwed up bigtime when they didn't do the rival fashion house. They set it up and whooosh...gone as soon as $Bill said "No, I don't wanna". That could have been way fun!! Forresters & Spencers going back & forth. It could have been delicious, instead we get warmed over Puff & Whinywaffles 74.0

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So let me get this straight, Bill. You want to disown and financially and emotionally cut off and disown the son that 1) is recovering from a brain injury 2) recovering from a kidnapping and sexual violation at the hands of one of your ex-es and 3) is trying to right his life in general because he won't kowtow to your edict of 'respecting' Wyatt's marriage?

If you've resolved to stop meddling in your kids' lives, then trying manipulate and bully them by withholding your money and support IS included. Express your opinion and then stay out of it.

I'd love for Liam to call his bluff. Resign from Spencer. Change his name back to Liam Cooper and give Bill back his sword necklace. Hand off the keys to the cliff house to Wyatt - since he and Steffy like he and Hope are a 'married couple and should have the better house'- and move into a room at the no-tell motel next to the Avants where they make friends. Liam can set Mr. Avant up with his own uber-like app so the man can make a killing driving people around in LA. Go back to being a computer tech. Ridge would snap him up in a heartbeat at Forrester. If Bill tries to enact a no-hire clause then Liam can be can be like Kevin over on Y&R and join the police force to help Lt. Baker raise his conviction rate. Wacky hijinks ensue. Liam was able to take care of himself without Bill's money and while he's lived comfortably for the last five years, resourceful Liam can come back again to be his own man. Actually Liam developing his own tech company would be a nice business arc. You could always have it related to fashion, that he develops a cutting edge fashion app that Forrester is interested in.

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Why does anyone need to be told to respect a marriage? Right, this is B&B and marriages are as transient as the wind but it is especially rich coming from $Bill who has never respected any marriage including his own. Any of them.  The part about this being Steffy's choice, definitely needed to be said but Liam won't hear that anymore than $Bill would. 

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

So let me get this straight, Bill. You want to disown and financially and emotionally cut off and disown the son that 1) is recovering from a brain injury 2) recovering from a kidnapping and sexual violation at the hands of one of your ex-es and 3) is trying to right his life in general because he won't kowtow to your edict of 'respecting' Wyatt's marriage?

If you've resolved to stop meddling in your kids' lives, then trying manipulate and bully them by withholding your money and support IS included. Express your opinion and then stay out of it.

That is the nature of over-reaching, Do As I Say Not As I Do, Master of Universe parental units on B&B (See: Stephanie Forester, Masimo Marone, Bill Spencer, SR.). $Bill is threatening and throwing his weight around because what he's always done, and is to be expected. Thoughtful discussion, persuasive arguments, and subtlety are not in $Bill's playbook.

It's also known as law of the instrument (Maslow's Hammer), the exclusive reliance on a familiar tool. Abraham Maslow said in 1966, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."


I'd love for Liam to call his bluff. Resign from Spencer. Change his name back to Liam Cooper and give Bill back his sword necklace. Hand off the keys to the cliff house to Wyatt - since he and Steffy like he and Hope are a 'married couple and should have the better house'- and move into a room at the no-tell motel next to the Avants where they make friends. Liam can set Mr. Avant up with his own uber-like app so the man can make a killing driving people around in LA. Go back to being a computer tech. Ridge would snap him up in a heartbeat at Forrester. If Bill tries to enact a no-hire clause then Liam can be can be like Kevin over on Y&R and join the police force to help Lt. Baker raise his conviction rate. Wacky hijinks ensue. Liam was able to take care of himself without Bill's money and while he's lived comfortably for the last five years, resourceful Liam can come back again to be his own man. Actually Liam developing his own tech company would be a nice business arc. You could always have it related to fashion, that he develops a cutting edge fashion app that Forrester is interested in.

Considering Liam is one of many examples of self-satisfied nepotism and ineffectual in his career, there's no reason to go to so much trouble.

All Liam needs is a beautiful young woman to sport about town for five episodes. Steffy will break the land speed record, gibbering to herself and elbowing people out of her way to get to the Forrester Family Express Divorce Filling queue at the L.A. county court house.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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12 hours ago, grisgris said:

The best line (warning for viewer discretion) was when Caroline told Thomas that "Ridge doesn't swim." I was really fearful that TK was going to come traipsing in clad in swim trunks. Shudder ...  Just to be fair, Ron Moss in Speedos wasn't any picnic either (at least for me.) Just a little too OTT ...



Those were the days ...



Why does Thomas constantly parade around Caroline half-dressed?

To give the viewer the impression they are becoming more physically comfortable with each other, in spite of Rape Night?

When they were in the kitchen, and Caroline didn't pull her robe closed when Thomas showed up half-dressed, it was another directorial choice by TIIC to juxtapose youth versus rumpled age when Ridge slouched in wearing tee shirt and sweat pants.

And who are the sexxy beasts in the Forrester Mansion? Bitch, please ...

It's also an opportunity for Thomas to display his youthful masculinity at Caroline, in comparison to greasy, flabby Ridge ... Whatever ... The SL is being set up for Thomas to insinuate himself and sway Caroline by his faux-sincerity and desire to father Doug (not to mention his desire to possess Caroline). Ridge will offend Caroline's delicate sensibilities on the uneasy agreement they have by becoming more jealous, resentful and dictatorial about Doug. Caroline will turn to Thomas, choosing to betray Ridge (as she has eventually done with all the men she's been with), and Doug will be found to be Ridge's biological son.


Edited by Cupid Stunt
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54 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

All Liam needs is a beautiful young woman to sport about town for five episodes. Steffy will break the land speed record, gibbering to herself and elbowing people out of her way to get to the Forrester Family Express Divorce Filling queue at the L.A. county court house.

Pacing issues aside, he's needed something like this for a while.  I'd go one step further, though, with the former:

  1. Liam, in an attempt to forget about Steffy, goes out and picks up a cute young lady.  (This could even be Charlotte the Intern in a pinch.)
  2. When Liam and the girl finally decide to sleep together, Liam has an epic bout of sexual dyslexia (copyright 2004 by Sami Brady, DOOL) and hallucinates that he's banging Quinn.  And Steffy.  (At alternate intervals.)
  3. Liam, while still trying to move on, decides to see a therapist.  (It's not like Dr. Hardon's doing anything right now anyway.)  And then Steffy can be jealous or whatever.
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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

So let me get this straight, Bill. You want to disown and financially and emotionally cut off and disown the son that 1) is recovering from a brain injury 2) recovering from a kidnapping and sexual violation at the hands of one of your ex-es and 3) is trying to right his life in general because he won't kowtow to your edict of 'respecting' Wyatt's marriage?

If you've resolved to stop meddling in your kids' lives, then trying manipulate and bully them by withholding your money and support IS included. Express your opinion and then stay out of it.

I'd love for Liam to call his bluff. Resign from Spencer. Change his name back to Liam Cooper and give Bill back his sword necklace. Hand off the keys to the cliff house to Wyatt - since he and Steffy like he and Hope are a 'married couple and should have the better house'- and move into a room at the no-tell motel next to the Avants where they make friends. Liam can set Mr. Avant up with his own uber-like app so the man can make a killing driving people around in LA. Go back to being a computer tech. Ridge would snap him up in a heartbeat at Forrester. If Bill tries to enact a no-hire clause then Liam can be can be like Kevin over on Y&R and join the police force to help Lt. Baker raise his conviction rate. Wacky hijinks ensue. Liam was able to take care of himself without Bill's money and while he's lived comfortably for the last five years, resourceful Liam can come back again to be his own man. Actually Liam developing his own tech company would be a nice business arc. You could always have it related to fashion, that he develops a cutting edge fashion app that Forrester is interested in.

Holy smokes! If that happened, I could totally be on board! It would be the best revitalization of a character since Red Power Suit Brooke became CEO....it worked to keep her character viable after all her family had been written our and gave her an excuse to be on the show besides sleeping through the Forrester men. Let him be in charge of his own life again!

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I vote TobinAlbers as the new headwriter of our show! That Liam scenario is better than anything I've seen on the show in several years!

Onto the actual show, I'm starting to wonder if they're trying to go for a chemical-imbalance storyline for Katie. Yesterday, by our show's days, she was yelling at Brooke & $Bill, rightfully so, for being too close to each other and for his need to rescue her. Today, seemingly the next day after $Bill outed Douglas' paternity, Brooke watched Katie's son with Katie's blessing, then, right in front of Brooke, Katie plays kissy-face with $Bill, and then she leaves just Brooke & $Bill in the office to go to the park with Will. None of her actions make sense, unless they're going for an issue of her having chemical/mental problems, because the alcohol wasn't an issue today, obviously.

The highlight of the day for me, the fact that $Bill knows that Brooke is such a sure thing that he apparently set up the burning candles in the office-bedroom at some point, knowing she was coming and they wouldn't be a danger. ;-) DD sure got into that kiss...rawr!

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Agreed $Bill's bringing the hammer down on Liam to nail shut the door to Steam was very welcome.  Did not, however, appreciate the threat of banishment.  I can't believe $Bill would do that to, let's face it, his favorite child.  I've always appreciated their father-son dynamic and relationship so that left a sour taste in my mouth.

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Thank you very little for the RM in a Speedo pic, Cupid...."my eyes--my eyes"  *Phoebe Buffet*. 

$Bill needs to drink a gallon or 10 of STFU.  Respect your marriage, indeed.  GAH!

Ditto on the Fuck Den, nice. But you know Katie's gonna find them.

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Wow. Can't wait till Liam finds out what Dad is up to. Also, why would he want to wear the sword necklace since it was a Quinn design? Ew. I want it to come out that Wyatt knew that Liam had passed out in front of Quinn and just took her word about what happened. He's that fucking desperate.

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I'm so confused...wasn't Bill so adamant about leaving Katie, but now he's playing house with her and about to schlep Brooke without telling her he wants out? 

Why are all the Spencers waffles?  >:(

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Idiot #1: Puffy, your vows and ceremony and tattoo wedding ring and legal papers and your commitment - they don't mean anything. Here, take this seashell from this big bowl of seashells that my interior decorator put over here. Now this means something.

Idiot #2 takes the seashell.

I never in a million years thought that I would dread seeing a seashell, but I do not want to see that seashell again. He should have given her a piece of penne pasta, now that would have been meaningful.

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On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 0:27 PM, CountryGirl said:

I much preferred RM when he let his natural gray come through. 


And I'd take shoe polish hair that was clean and kempt over the messy, greasy mop on TK's head any day of the week, month, or year.

On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 2:22 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I didn't love it when he went grey in '06...mostly because it happened so suddenly and RM decided to grow out a goatee at the same time. Eventually, he went to the shoe polish, which I agree I'll gladly take over TK's greasy, unkempt looks.

I kinda wonder how this all would've played out if he were still on the show. Probably, it never would've been written at all.


RMs Ridge Forrester dressed and carried himself like a patrician Beverly Hills dress maker. Even when his real life Bohemian style and scarves intruded on the screen (I often thought he would smell of patchouli and sandalwood), he still had excellent posture and was beautifully groomed.

TK slouches around with a dad-paunch in ill-fitting suit jackets and wrinkled shirts, and his hair is a fright. I can smell wet dog and burned rope through the TV when TK's on.

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