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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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OMG ! That is the most butt ugly, cheap-looking, trashy lingerie! What is that tiny skirt thing on the front?

Not only that but boots and lingerie don't mix well especially black boots. The only thing I have nice to say about Steffy's ensemble is that she has a slamming body.

Once I saw Aly's Boarding School Virginal Sheik outfit, I knew manic judgemental floating head Aly was back. If I was Steffy, I would be more scared of Aly than Quinn. Aly will go all Medieval on Steffy's ass.

The scene with Caroline and Maya today turned out a lot better than I thought in the beginning. At first, Maya was all self-righteous and on her high horse by calling Caroline a cheater and a lier because she enjoyed the few "innocent" kisses with Ridge. But didn't Maya make a steam room seduction, of Rick, well before she saw Caroline and Ridge kissing? Correct me if I'm wrong. In the end, though, they both acquiesced, in a mutual understanding, and hugged it out. Kudos to the writers, Caroline, and Maya for they way the scene ended.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9

Caroline is not ugly. I actually don't think any of the women in this show are unattractive. Some of the men could stand to be hotter. LOL I'm such a bitch.

I was under the impression that the original post was about Caroline behaving ugly, not being physically ugly. Because yeah, I agree, when it comes to looks tastes are different but I don't think anybody on this show can be called ugly.

Didn't Thomas get into a scuffle with Rick in the communal office and toss Rick through a window? I thought that was the deal-breaker for Caroline.

That's it, thanks!
  • Love 1


Didn't Thomas get into a scuffle with Rick in the communal office and toss Rick through a window?

Also, was it Thomas who firebombed Rick?


Can't say I'm enthused about a Thomas return, even with a recast. I recall his last scenes including an interrogation of Liam with a particularly creepy focus on just when exactly Liam planned on impregnating his sister again. To be honest, I never liked any of Taylor's kids.


I had to work today, so I ask you fine people...why was Steffy in lingerie? Was it for work, and if so, since when does the president of a fashion house try on the lingerie? Was she giving Liam an eyeful?

Edited by NinjaPenguins
  • Love 4

Excellent episode if you ignore the lame Waffles/Steffy scenes.

Random observations:


1) Crazy Aly is back and WTF is she wearing?

2) So we're supposed to forget the cliffhanger yesterday with S/W/I or did that end up on the cutting room floor along with all the deleted scenes that would make this an interesting soap?

3) Caroline/Maya made me tear up.

4) Loved Zende's flashbacks. Especially since I wasn't watching back then

5) Saving this one on the DVR

  • Love 6

Why is Aly dressed like a 15 year old goth boy circa 1998? 


Well, Waffle Pong, enjoy your great love with Steffy.  Because that bitch is going to be making passive aggressive "jokes" about your marriage for a long damn time.  Bonus points for her "I like you to be able to tell us apart" line.  But, at the same time, don't worry, Steffy.  No way anyone could mistake one of you for the other. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 10


I had to work today, so I ask you fine people...why was Steffy in lingerie? Was it for work,


Yes -- To model selections from the re-activated lingerie line.



and if so, since when does the president of a fashion house try on the lingerie?


The same reason Brooke used to romp around Forrester Creations in Brooke's Bedroom line ... To shake her tail feathers and display her wares at her intended target erection.



Was she giving Liam an eyeful?


Of course, and to anyone that walked into the office like FCs resident Morals Officer Ally.

  • Love 5

Glad that Maya/Caroline (CaYa) have buried the proverbial hatchet at least a couple of feet deep. Looking forward to the new womance or frenemiship, KM and LG rocked their scenes today. Now Aly, dear god girl are you ever losing your damn mind. Who flies into the President of the Company's office and starts calling her a slut? Irrespective of how you feel about her, that's your boss you idiot! Good lord, hurry up and collect your child Thorne and Ivy stood there looking regal as anything really feeling how crazy Aly actually was. It seemed almost insane to bring that kind of talk into Ivy's atmosphere, poor Ivy didn't know she was about to get SWF'd. Oh Boy!


I enjoyed the Zende flashbacks as well. He will be a great addition to the show, hope his Mom (unrecast) comes back for a bit. 



Correct me if I'm wrong. In the end, though, they both acquiesced, in a mutual understanding, and hugged it out. Kudos to the writers, Caroline, and Maya for they way the scene ended.


I think that's exactly what happened. They both knew they weren't right and hugged it out. :)

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

Also, was it Thomas who firebombed Rick?


Can't say I'm enthused about a Thomas return, even with a recast. I recall his last scenes including an interrogation of Liam with a particularly creepy focus on just when exactly Liam planned on impregnating his sister again. To be honest, I never liked any of Taylor's kids.


I had to work today, so I ask you fine people...why was Steffy in lingerie? Was it for work, and if so, since when does the president of a fashion house try on the lingerie? Was she giving Liam an eyeful?


Yes, Thomas was the one who planted a bomb in Rick's car to "scare him."


I've never liked Thombait or Taytots (aka Hook, Line, and Sinker) although I liked Phoebe when she was first paired with KL's Rick, schmaltzy (but lovely) singing and all. By the time she died (because she was batshitcrazy and caused Rick to crash), it was "Bye Felicia!"


Thomas always seemed a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs to me. There was the time when he was a very young teen that he turned to booze, his deflowering at the hands of Scamber (what is it with her and Forrester virgins???), the firebomb incident, the fixation with Brooke and lying about the berry boink (can't believe I typed that!), the lusting after Hope who was raised with him for a time as his stepsister - ew!, and yes, the aforementioned unnatural interest in his sister's love life and bodily functions. 


When isn't Steffy giving Liam an eyeful after all if you show what you got then you get what you want.

  • Love 2

So since posters that I respect and who have been around a lot longer than this newbie seem to harbor some ill will toward Caroline in the same way I do for Rick and Maya I decided that I had best do some homework and find out about the past---unfortunately I now don't like anyone but Ivy--lol. Everyone looked bad in the character history I read. I can't even imagine the Caroline I see on my screen being that person and while I am familiar with the whole Rick/Ridge tug of war that is aided and abetted by senile daddy-- still--not an attractive narrative for any of them. I think I am going to either have to quit watching (and I don't want to) or be like another poster said and just go with what I am seeing on my screen today. I think that TK is changing Ridge (for the better) and hopefully that will continue to spill over to Caroline. I wish that Rick would experience some character growth or self awareness or something and independent from his personal cheerleader but doubt that will happen. I hope that when Thorne shows up it is for a real storyline and not just window dressing to distract from the other messes and Liam should end up alone and lose both women but then Steffy would be free to pursue some other hapless guy and really no one but Liam deserves that.



Awww Oly I didn't mean to screw it up for you, that means a lot that you checked it out! I think Anna Yolei has something with just going with the flow of the storyline. These characters are written so mercurially that it's hard to bet on a horse without it turning into another horse that looks a lot like the horse that you swore you'd never bet against two weeks before. If anything there's always TK, he's been smiling a lot more lately :)



As for B&B, I'd love it for Ridge Forrester, Jr. to come out as being gay upon SORASing. I always thought it'd be interesting to see Ridge be surprisingly supportive as Brooke struggled a bit more. With TK in the role now, I think that could be pulled off now.


I would love that too, especially since Brooke has been shown to be a hypocritical bigot with Maya and Caroline.



Zende is simply adorable; nice voice, beautiful smile, and appears to have some acting chops too.


Omigosh isn't he adorable? Been following him on twitter too. Seems like a sweetheart. I'm just so crazy about this cast as a whole. Best cast on daytime if you ask me.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

Thanks everyone. I think a woman can wear whatever she wants, but I am not so sure about being a company president and modeling lingerie being part of the job description. I assumed Forrester employed actual models for that.


Wow, Thomas was wound pretty tight, even tighter than I remember. Makes Rick look like a model of emotional stability.


I think I'll fire up the DVR to see the Maya/Caroline stuff. I swear, if Steffy says cha cha cha while prancing about in her undies and no one here warned me, I'll...I'll...I'll feel mildly distressed.

  • Love 11

Thanks everyone. I think a woman can wear whatever she wants, but I am not so sure about being a company president and modeling lingerie being part of the job description. I assumed Forrester employed actual models for that.


Wow, Thomas was wound pretty tight, even tighter than I remember. Makes Rick look like a model of emotional stability.


I think I'll fire up the DVR to see the Maya/Caroline stuff. I swear, if Steffy says cha cha cha while prancing about in her undies and no one here warned me, I'll...I'll...I'll feel mildly distressed.


C'mon we wouldn't do that to you would we? Extra scenes: 








and this...






The order is backwards so start from the bottom up.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

I kind of liked Phoebe despite myself. Although I think that had more to do with the fact that in its natural state my hair looks identical to hers :)

Phoebe was the Hope prototype, who inexplicably had two older, worldly guys vying for her attention. But in retrospect, she and Rick were usually fighting together to stay together instead of running away at every hurdle, so in that respect Phoebe >>>>>Hope.

So fucking stupid to create twin legacy daughters and then kill one of them before they've had a chance to interact with the other as adults.

  • Love 6

I call the go with the flow method of watching this show the Eric Forrester technique. 


Between Ivy and now Caroline and Maya acting like mature women Steffy's antics just look sadder and sadder.


I now want every scene no matter what it's about to end with Aly bursting in and yelling at everyone like;








Although I enjoyed Steffy in her underwear my 82 year old mother had the following opinions, "She's got no waist, it's just straight all the way down, and " It's like a 12 year old boy with a boob job.

  • Love 15

Between Ivy and now Caroline and Maya acting like mature women Steffy's antics just look sadder and sadder.

It's like TIIC have been reading this board or something. :p

The Maya/Caroline thing especially has been a long time coming because they've both thrown shade at one another over Neopolian Magic Ken aka Rick and they should both be even now, whether the two of them become besties after this or not. It's the kind of thing I'd hope to see for Taylor and Brooke after Ridge left.

Now,if only the Wizard of Bell can give Liam a brain to tell when he's gettingplayed, a heart for any passion and some courage to make a decision and stick with it.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

Ha! I thought she looked like she had just attended a funeral at the little house on the prairie, but I can see the goth boy now that you mention it.

I reckon she did attend a funeral on the prairie. The death or Mary Sue (Hope) Aly's taking it hard with the realization that Hope ain't coming back. It's like when a cult leader comes out as a fraud. Whatever will she do?

  • Love 4

Ivy could do better than Liam or Steffy.


Aly keeps giving me secondhand embarrassment, and I desperately want someone to take her aside and tell her to cool it. Girl clearly needs a mom figure or something. Maybe Pam can mentor her in the art of lemon bars and being more subtle with the shade.


The Maya/Caroline scenes were indeed well done. I am interested in seeing the dynamic play out with Rick/Maya/Ridge/Caroline; hopefully Ridge will appreciate that Rick does have business savvy to bring to the table, and Rick will see that you don't have to be a dictator to gain success. Let's also hope Eric will stay the fuck away, because he just loves stirring the shit between the two brothers.

  • Love 9

I've been looking forward to a Maya/Caroline scene ever since they announced the transgender storyline, and wow. Today was definitely worth the wait. Not only were LG and KM both fantastic, but (gasp!) the writing didn't villainize either character to prop the other. Both made some very astute observations, both had opinions that I agree with, and they managed to (double gasp!) act like adults and talk it out instead of descending to name-calling and cat-fighting. Why can't we get scenes like this more often?


Aly keeps giving me secondhand embarrassment, and I desperately want someone to take her aside and tell her to cool it. Girl clearly needs a mom figure or something. Maybe Pam can mentor her in the art of lemon bars and being more subtle with the shade.

I hate to see Aly Flanderized (turned into a caricature) because I enjoy the actress and find Aly marginally less idiotic than most of the younger characters on this show. Also, she has wonderful hair (so why did they hit it with a blow-drier today? This isn't the 80s! Flat iron, people, flat iron!)


Also, Aly brings the possibility of Ollie, and Ollie=yum!


Although I enjoyed Steffy in her underwear my 82 year old mother had the following opinions, "She's got no waist, it's just straight all the way down, and " It's like a 12 year old boy with a boob job.



Also agree with whoever noticed that TK has been all smiles lately. He's more lifelike in the past few weeks than he was for most of his AMC run, IMO.

  • Love 7

Maybe we're supposed to believe that Caroline is bringing out the best in Ridge or something like that. Anyway, he definitely is much more likeable.


That was a damned good final scene with Maya and Caroline. Caroline drawing on her own pain as a bullied child showed a different side of her. It was very well acted by both women.


Deja' vu on the office scene with Liam and Steffy today. That's exactly what Brooke used to do to Ridge, slink around in her underwear while they were working in the Brooke's Bedroom line. There is no comparison between younger KKL and JMW in lingerie.


Wow. Aly has gone from Hope groupie to cute ingenue, to lapdog back to psycho. If the actress is on contract anyway, why not just go ahead and have her kill Steffy, then her exit from the show be her going off to a psychiatric prison. I'd be good with that.

  • Love 10

Aly seems to be regressing in her looks. She was an ugly duckling when she first came on the show. Then she had a makeover and looked really good. Now, today she was dressed as Little House on the Prairie going to a funeral with hair that wasnt combed. I guess TPTB are trying to make her look crazier since she's going off the rails again. At least, that's my guess

  • Love 6

Was that Aly or Carrie Nation on my screen today? All she needed was a bonnet and an axe, and it would have been on for real! Watch out Steffy, she's coming for you. And I ain't mad.

In other news, KM can cry using both eyes. Watch and learn KKL and SC. Watch and learn.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 7

Thanks, Whitlley Trillbert, now all of my coworkers most definitely know that I'm not doing quarterly reports like I'm supposed to be, because they do not cause the kind of reaction that the image of Denise Cosby's clone "Electric Youth"-ing out did for me a few minutes ago. FYI, love the name, after one of my favorite tv characters ever! We should get some Whitley Gilbert-Wayne on this show. She still looks gorgeous!

I would love to see Jasmine on a soap 

  • Love 1

Aly sounded psychotic today, like some fundamentalist religious woman ranting on a street corner.



Skin tone issues aside, the eyes and even the smile seems very similar to the young actor who played kid Zende.  I could actually see how casting might have thought Rome would be a good fit.  And so far, he seems to have good onscreen chemistry with the others in his scenes.


Wow!   Lynsey Godfrey was amazing today...Her final scene with Maya was great!

  • Love 10


I've been looking forward to a Maya/Caroline scene ever since they announced the transgender storyline, and wow. Today was definitely worth the wait. Not only were LG and KM both fantastic, but (gasp!) the writing didn't villainize either character to prop the other. Both made some very astute observations, both had opinions that I agree with, and they managed to (double gasp!) act like adults and talk it out instead of descending to name-calling and cat-fighting. Why can't we get scenes like this more often?



You nailed  it Maelstrom! Excellent scene....nice change from the repitious Leffy drivel. Emmy worthy for both ladies.

  • Love 6

Foul ball! Foul ball! Due to night time obligations I watched the show this morning while preparing for work. How dare they wait to the bitter end to show Caroline and Maya. After artfully applying mascara and liner, I had to wash it all off and reapply because it was all running down my tear streaked face. I swear, if this wasn't a holiday week I would have called out! How about LG and KM? Yeah, they were given some good stuff to work with, but they went the extra mile and really pulled that scene off. l love that they both maintained their bitchy warrior faces, that they both held their own and didn't back down, that they each called the other out on their lies and hypocrisy. No yelling required, just two women talking it out, and as a viewer it felt cathartic. The fact that Linsey and Karla brought their A+++ games didn't hurt either. In an odd way, it reminded me of being a kid and having a disagreement with my best friend, or my boyfriend, and reverting to the the age old "I hate you! I love you!". 


I have stated before that I wasn't watching during the whole S/L/H triangle; tuning back in near the end of it's reign. Regardless, what I did see was more than enough, and I really can't imagine how you guys hung tough through that nonsense; now we have this S/L/I thing, and all I want to say is.....NO! I am already tired of the "you married Ivy" dialog. And while Steffy is structurally sound, that is where it ends; little Miss Puffin Stuff can cavort around in her lingerie till the end of time, but she will never hold a candle to KKL in her heyday. I kept wanting to here Stephanie saying "Steffy, you just keep on prancing around in front of Liam in your glorified underwear, but you will never be the slut from the valley!" Regarding the ensemble itself? Loved the color, but it looked like something Steffy's mom would have worn for Prince Omar. 


What the hell has happened to Ally? After making all that progress, she is now back to square one? No, make that beyond square one. She looks like a religious zealot out to slay all the witches and bitches that dare to lure Liam to the dark side. She is now a female version of Malachi from Children of the Corn, or a younger version of Carrie's mother. The only thing worse would be having to deal with two of them:




But I was chuckling at Ivy's reactions, and realization, that all is not right with our little Ally. Ivy needs to watch out; now that Hope has been beamed up to parts unknown, Ally may be replacing her HFTF shrine with one to her. 


I think Zende may turn out to be one of my favorite characters. I love his voice, and his smile, and they are giving him a sense of humor. For this girl, there ain't nothing compares to a man with a funny side. The flashbacks were awesome; I was always a fan of Kristen, and absolutely loved Tony! This was some really good casting.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 14

So many feels with the Caroline/Maya scenes. I loved how they kept their typical bitchy sniping intact (because it would have been completely unrealistic to not see some shades of that) but something was different this time. The petty, mean girl antics were gone (aka their defense mechanisms) and they were stripped bare and seeing each other for the first time. 


LG's uttering of "I have two moms" and saying so much with those four words and showing her vulnerability to Maya. In that moment, she was the hurt, scared, bullied little girl of her youth and Maya saw that and - dare I say - found a kindred spirit staring back at her. Whoever would have guessed that these two women, former bitter rivals and enemies, would have had so much in common?


Both ladies brought it and just like the scenes with Ridge going to Maya to ask her back and extending the olive branch to Rick, THIS is what I want to see. I realize it can't be this heartwarming every day but more of this please.


I'm already adoring Zende and awesome use of flashbacks - let's bring back Kristen and Tony please. Although I wish Zende weren't saddled with Nicole. He's a little young but I could see him with Ivy. They would make a stunning couple.


I don't like the return to crazy Aly storyline even if it is Steffy she's torturing. And what in the holy hell is she wearing? I felt like folks should have been referring to her as Sister Aly because that get-up and hair was just downright awful. We need Thorne and floating head Darla - STAT!


Finally, a word about Steffy prancing around in her underwear (again - and maybe you weren't full on prancing, but you were a heartbeat away from it - some president of FC). She couldn't hold a candle to KKL's Brooke today let alone Brooke from years ago. 


Case in point: brooke-lingerie.jpg

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 11
I would love to see Jasmine on a soap

She is on a nighttime soap. She has a recurring role on Tyler Perry's (I know, but...) show on OWN, If Loving You is Wrong.


Was that Aly or Carrie Nation on my screen today? All she needed was a bonnet and an axe, and it would have been on for real! Watch out Steffy, she's coming for you. And I ain't mad.

I ain't either. Get her, Aly.

  • Love 5
The petty, mean girl antics were gone (aka their defense mechanisms) and they were stripped bare and seeing each other for the first time.



Yes, yes, yes! Perfectly stated. For me that scene was about Caroline and Maya and no one else. It wasn't about what Caroline did. It wasn't about what Maya did. It was about two women, bitter rivals and enemies, who share a deep, dark pain, that actually makes them kindred spirits. I am glad there was no one in the room to interject, or interrupt, or officiate. 


And I think there was volumes spoke in those few sentences. Caroline pretty much gave Maya a pass, because she is really happy with Ridge. And I think the fact that Caroline wants Rick to be happy says that she is willing to own the hurt and pain she caused him. I would have liked to hear more from Maya, and maybe today will be her turn? That is, unless the writers pull one of their crazy stunts and take us to an entirely different scene, and not Caroline and Maya coming out of their embrace. 

  • Love 6

Sigh, this viewer did not get the happy feels from Maya and Caroline's rapprochement. In fact, I think that was quite a tongue bath Caroline gave Maya. She even apologized for what Bill did with his scandal rags. Meanwhile, I don't recall hearing Maya say she was sorry for blowing up Caroline's marriage so she could get Rick back for herself. Or sorry for trying to turn FC and the Forrester mansion into the second of coming of the Palace of Versailles where if the peons were lucky they could have some leftover cake. Oh wait, I don't remember any of that because it didn't happen...Is this the message B&B really wants to send, that Maya's being outed as transgender is her 100%, permanent, get-out-of-jail free card?


Today I really struck by how much Nicole looks like a young Vanessa Williams and Zende resembles a young Rick Fox. Good job, B&B. You've created a new romantic pairing that looks like a former real one. Can we hire someone for Ivy who's a dead ringer for a young Richard Burton?

  • Love 18

Loved, loved loved Maya and Caroline and then Rick. Don't feel it was a tongue bath at all especially since anytime Bill points a gun at Maya it's Caroline he's pointing it for and he points a lot of guns at her. If I were Caroline I would have apologized too. Of course if I were Caroline I wouldn't have tried to trick Maya into porn or been a hateful bitch to her since she showed up so those scenes were welcome by me. Also want to point out that I don't think Maya publicly outing CarRidge is blowing up Caroline's marriage, she blew up her marriage herself the moment she stuck her tongue down her brother-in-law's throat. Rick would have found out eventually whether after more kisses or "innocent sex". Also worth noting that Caroline begat the public shaming by doing the exact same thing to Maya wrt to Maya's kiss with Carter when Maya was with Rick. Glad to put this saga behind me and be able to root for both Maya AND Caroline now.


Hate to say I told you so wrt to Aly but....toldja so. She's sliding down the hands of the cuckoo clock and everybody knows what time it is. Aly is lucky Steffy was being so patient with her, the moment she called my mother a slut she would have been on the floor crying. She is all the way out of her tree (probably dangling on a poisonous branch) AB is killing her scenes though, she is truly terrifying. Run Steffy...RUN!!!


Today's bonus scene is everything! I am so heartened!



Edited by slayer2

Not saying that Caroline didn't do anything wrong. AFAIC, she did plenty. But Maya is no innocent in this saga and I think the least she could do is admit what she did to the people she wronged. It doesn't need to turn into some measuring contest over who's sins are greater but I don't think the show should be trying to pretend that Maya didn't do bad stuff she did. Especially since most of it was largely at other people's expense and for her own benefit. Instead, we've got Rick, Maya, and Caroline making jokes and laughing it all off. Ugh.

  • Love 10

Not saying that Caroline didn't do anything wrong. AFAIC, she did plenty. But Maya is no innocent in this saga and I think the least she could do is admit what she did to the people she wronged. It doesn't need to turn into some measuring contest over who's sins are greater but I don't think the show should be trying to pretend that Maya didn't do bad stuff she did. Especially since most of it was largely at other people's expense and for her own benefit. Instead, we've got Rick, Maya, and Caroline making jokes and laughing it all off. Ugh.

Rick gave up the throne and accepted whatever position within the LA branch Ridge gave him supporting Ridge as CEO, that's enough culpability for me and far more than Ridge did or deserves TBH. I won't forget that Ridge came back from Paris entitled and demanding. Aly was the only one I saw that truly suffered at the hands of Rick aside from his gun debaucle.

I'm fine with Rick apologizing for shooting up the place but again to me culpability for his behaviour was assumed in him saying he never thought he'd be allowed back in Forrester again and being grateful for employment. Aly IMO is so far off the deep end in terms of being a mini dictator herself it's nearly impossible for me to drum up any sympathy for her.

  • Love 2

Re Maya and Caroline, I thought it was a bit much, a bit "tried to hard" but that is probably somewhat realistic, if this was a real life story.  It would be awkward and they would be trying hard.  What I did like is that maybe they can put the hate and bitterness behind them and not be enemies.  I suspect Uncle $Bill is going to create problems soon enough for all of them.


I think Aly suddenly dressing like a nun at a convent is weird.  But her reaction to Steffie and Liam is not, based on the Hope Liam stuff.  And while I think Aly is BSC, I love her going after Steffie, cause basically I hate everything about her.  I never liked her before, and I didn't even like Hope either.  But now that she is so unfortunate to look at, I like her even less.  Shallow, I know.  Her face troubles me a lot, it is the same way I felt about HT, but even worse because I think she started this madness at a younger age.  Sad.


The character of Steffie has no redeeming qualities in my mind, but I did enjoy her sparring with Aly.  And what is with Aly suddenly doing a 180 on the whole, I forgive you Taylor for killing my mother?  Have they ever addressed if Aly is on medication?  Cause if she is, I think she has been off it for a while.

  • Love 12

Waving at bannana---one of the best voices of reason at the Y&R board---I agree with everything you said---I saw those scenes with Caroline and Maya a bit tipped in one way and it was not at Caroline---granted I was not around for both of these ladies in their bad old days but once again Maya somehow gets a pass and I will not ever be giving Rick a pass either---he may have "accepted" whatever position Ridge will give him but no way will he go quietly and prove himself as a newer and nicer Rick--the scheming will begin before they can paint his name on the door---sigh---been there done that. Aly as crazy is also new to me but I have read what y'all say and I was around for Darla when she was living so oh-no---not the least bit interested or sympathetic to whatever comes Steffy's way---

  • Love 7


Re Maya and Caroline, I thought it was a bit much, a bit "tried to hard" but that is probably somewhat realistic, if this was a real life story.  It would be awkward and they would be trying hard.  What I did like is that maybe they can put the hate and bitterness behind them and not be enemies.  I suspect Uncle $Bill is going to create problems soon enough for all of them.


Happy Canada Day bannana from a fellow Canuck! I agree they were very sweet to each other. Which is exactly how I've ever made up with any women I've fought with in my life. We both bend over backwards to make sure everything goes okay and are almost sickeningly sweet to each other because we are relieved not to have to have our backs up.


Oly I don't think Caroline (after what she's put Maya through) is in any position to give or not give Maya a pass, IMO Caroline got off easy with all of that the way she made her suffer. The only person I think Maya owes an apology to is Aly. Everyone else got what they deserved IMO, Ridge and Ivy have always looked down on Maya and frankly Ivy should have been minding her business with the Waffle. What kills me more than anything is that now Ivy and Aly are whining and complaining about it all but they begat this! They started this mess by bringing Steffy in, it's like trying to kill Michael Myers by invoking Freddy Krueger.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

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