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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It would've been a boss move for Ridge to lure Thorne back as co-CEO or COO position.  If Rick is whining about playing 2nd fiddle to Ridge, it compares little to how Thorne has been stuck in the basement and international affiliates for years!  Oops I forgot, they don't care about Thorne.

  • Love 8

It would've been a boss move for Ridge to lure Thorne back as co-CEO or COO position.  If Rick is whining about playing 2nd fiddle to Ridge, it compares little to how Thorne has been stuck in the basement and international affiliates for years!  Oops I forgot, they don't care about Thorne.


Word, word McWordy! Which is ironic since he is the only biological son and "rightful heir" to the Forrester throne. Given the context of this show. I wonder if the fact that his name is an anagram for throne is god's way of laughing at him?

  • Love 5

It would've been a boss move for Ridge to lure Thorne back as co-CEO or COO position.  If Rick is whining about playing 2nd fiddle to Ridge, it compares little to how Thorne has been stuck in the basement and international affiliates for years!  Oops I forgot, they don't care about Thorne.

I like this!!!  But I'm sure the famous loading dock guy knew about Maya before poor Thorne did :(

  • Love 3


I like this!!!  But I'm sure the famous loading dock guy knew about Maya before poor Thorne did :(

I wouldn't bet that Thorne even knows yet.


The sad thing is these aren't even characters anymore they just behave the way the story says to, so you end up with Crazy where's my baby/Good girl/Goldigger/etc Maya, Hope2.0/Bratty schemer/Mature Good girl/etc Caroline, Normal competent/Insane gun toting/contrite/etc Rick, and whatever the hell that bipolar episode Eric has had over the last few days was.


It was jarring when they cut from Ivy to Steffy. Steffy was looking harsh.

  • Love 6


I think that, in Katie's case, she got what she needed out of the Ridge relationship.  She beat Brooke, she rubbed their relationship in Brooke's and Bill's faces.  Bill wanted her back.  So she could afford to be magnanimous, given that the woman Ridge was interested in was AnyoneButBrooke. Plus, she probably got a little thrill out of the fact that the new woman in Ridge's life is like half Brooke's age.


This makes sense. I'm fanwanking this since I doubt the writers thought of it from this angle but Heather Tom probably did. What a phenom she is.



I'm also wondering where Deacon/Quinn are


I still get a kick out of the fact that "AJ and Lois" got married. Take THAT Ned!

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

This makes sense. I'm fanwanking this since I doubt the writers thought of it from this angle but Heather Tom probably did. What a phenom she is.



I still get a kick out of the fact that "AJ and Lois" got married. Take THAT Ned!


OMG !!!! It just now occurred to me that  AJ and Lois got married lol. Gosh GH was so excellent back then. Off to youtube I go 

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
  • Love 2

If Katie, by some swicheroo, became CEO of Forrester, it would produce plenty of drama.  Katie would be over Ridge, and that contact would provide her with lots of opportunities to both flirt with him and punish him (for not being in love with her).  She would take deep satisfaction being over everybody she's known all her life.  She could keep an eye on Brooke, and interfere with any romantic connections Brooke seems to be making.  Paris is still there, if needed.


By the way, does anybody know where Thorne is? 

Edited by Unwarranted
  • Love 5

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Brooke bring Caroline to FC to get Rick away from Amber? Caroline walks toward FC and both Rick's and Thomas' tongues are wagging. Rick says Amber who and he and Thomas square off in a competition for Caroline. Thomas wins the battle at first than Rick being a jerk, Thomas throws Rick out of the window. Rick now wins Caroline's affection. Caroline being a flibberty jibbet, refuses to volunteer at Daisey's. Rick discovers Maya and than its Caroline who. Maya than becomes a target of Caroline's ire. So far nobody is married and I take all this as all is fair in love and war.

Maya bows out and Rick marries Caroline. I don't remember when Bill pushed Catoline off the balcony but than we get Caroline 2.0 and her whole persona changes and she seems to less of a flibberty jibbet. Maya than decides that she deserves the Foster life style and plans the demise of Rick's and Caroline's marriage. First testing the waters, so to speak, in the steam room. Rick objects but he is not animate in his objections giving Maya mixed signals. Maya than stalkes Ridge and Caroline looking for something they can use against them. As luck has it, the infamous open door gives Maya her ammunition. Maya uses the opportunity in a board meeting, she has business being in, to out Ridge and Caroline. Knowing how much Rick hates Ridge she pretty much knows how Rick would react. Now, at this point, it's not that it's all fair in love and war but Maya being a complete and utter home wrecker. Now she's jerking off Rick's ego and the world falls into her lap and her bathtub. Yes, Caroline got caught up in a moment that shouldn't of happened but if it was anybody but Ridge, Rick wouldn't have burned her at the stake and give her a chance to explain.

IMO Caroline 2.0, does have more heart and compassion than Maya in just in that one scene with Rick. Rick treated her like dog shit but she still made an efford to come and see how Rick was after finding out about Maya and his accident. Caroline didn't come there with an agenda to rub Maya in his face but that scum bag Rick just could resist rubbing Ridge in her face once again treating her like dog shit.

Eric, when Brooke came to you wanting you to cover for her being pregnant with Bill's baby, than if you still were pining for her, you should have taken that opportunity to rekindle your relationship. Backing Rick as an excuse for loosing Brooke, is very disingenuous. But than again like father like your true son.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 15
Team Rick or Team Ridge

I'm neither and really think it's time to have a woman in the CEO position again. Enough with the dick-swinging contests.


Steffy was looking harsh.

This is where I like to trot out the expression, "looked rode hard and put up wet". Wonder why the actress is trying (IMO, of course) to make herself resemble a chain-smoking barfly? Looking older than she is can't be helping her career much.


Fair, unfortunately I've only ever heard it in reference to women and usually as an allusion to the woman's sexual promiscuity.

Am pretty sure at some point I've referred to Wyatt as taking Liam's "sloppy seconds" in reference to his dogged pursuit of Hope. Hope was hardly promiscuous except by a very conservative person's definition (in which case her having any sex outside of marriage would likely be problematic to them). Whatever, per the example of Wyatt, I would have been insulting him and not Hope or Liam, because IMO Wyatt didn't have enough self-respect to maintain certain social and physical boundaries between himself and his brother. (Which seems to be SOP in the almost incestuous Forrester and Spencer universe. Ugh.) Hope bouncing between two brothers is a situation I'd describe using another term. I think the writers pretty much covered it when they compared her to the Eiffel Tower.

  • Love 3

I had to do a double-take as to WHY Caroline went to visit Rick and it was cordial. I wouldn't give him the time of day and in fact, would rather take some delight in his his plight. FFS, he shot a frickin' GUN at her!!!


So now...after all this time, Eric decides to punish Ridge for interfering in his marriage to Brooke. He and Rick can commiserate together. That makes for some healthy father-son bonding, doesn't it?


Ivy looked smokin' hot today. I LOVED her outfit. Steffy...not so much. I see she's still sporting last season's ombre extensions. Does JMW smoke? She sounds like she's a four-pack a day.

  • Love 11

AARRGGHH!  Based on what I read I did not even bother to watch today---first time since I started back---Rick repulses me (partly because he is AJ Chandler on steroids) but mostly because he is the little dictator---I cannot speak to the kinder gentler Maya who was turned into a golddigger because all I saw was the giggler who sat there and let Ally massage her feet etc (and I was still trying to figure out who Ally was at that point) I loathed Ronnnn Moss as Ridge (or Rigid as I liked to hear him referred to) for maybe 20 years whether I was watching or not---I am a long time fan of TK but only saw a few days when he started and then wandered off until Y&R got so awful I needed another story---I kinda consider TK another character than original recipe Ridge and without his baggage but I know that is not fair---have not seen much of him and Caroline so again I cannot say much about that romance and how it happened etc---Eric on the other hand I remember from way back and he has never been stupider---what in the hell? Surely there is someone who's name does not start with an R that he could appoint until the boys grow up and figure it out and I vote for Thorne but he is somewhere in an attic or a basement or on the Riviera? So much stupid is hard to take.

  • Love 10

I don't disagree that Amber's actions (not just her lies) were absolutely unconscionable and disgusting and downright evil and I have disliked Amber from when she seduced her underage charge, Rick, and it just went downhill from there. I think for me it's the way that Amber is universally despised (and rightfully so) for her actions but Caroline's are held up against hers and of course, in comparison, what Caroline did to Rick seems like nothing but it was very hurtful and a betrayal nonetheless. To hold it up next to Amber's deeds and say it wasn't that bad is minimizing, in my very humble opinion of course, and takes away from what she did. Not to mention she (Caroline) had a cheering section that minimized what she did and rooting for her to have a relationship with Ridge. For me, saying X did this but Y did so much worse isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of X. YMMV.


I thought the show did a good job with Ridge and Caroline's growing attraction.  Caroline tried to bow out more than once - which is a good thing. You can't help it if you are attracted to someone, what matters is what you do from that point on.  She was practically forced to work with Ridge for the good of the company.  And she was shown as really bothered by keeping Ridge's secret, too.  Considering the pace (or lack thereof) of today's soaps, this was good from a development standpoint. 


I'm not sure I would consider my rapt attention to CaRidge cheering them on (at least not until Rick started up with Maya in the gross bathtub apartment).  It was just a well told story with some smoking hot chemistry between the leads.  


IRL, adultery is anathema to me.  On soaps, it's just an inevitable plot device. At least with CaRidge I could buy the way the whole thing happened. 

  • Love 8

Stephanie's rolling in her grave at her dumbass husband handing her company to Rick.


Since she poured her life's work into Ridge secured in leadership of Forrester Creations. Thorne, Kristen, Felicia left or were shipped off, secondary to his superiority.



There can be only one ...



Re: I forgot to mention Eric and Brooke's doormat daughter, Bridget.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 3

If Katie, by some swicheroo, became CEO of Forrester, it would produce plenty of drama.  Katie would be over Ridge, and that contact would provide her with lots of opportunities to both flirt with him and punish him (for not being in love with her).  She would take deep satisfaction being over everybody she's known all her life.  She could keep an eye on Brooke, and interfere with any romantic connections Brooke seems to be making.  Paris is still there, if needed.


By the way, does anybody know where Thorne is? 


I'm good with this. The company needs some estrogen and I'm tired of hearing Ridge say how Rick is "running the company into the ground" when the only people who actually did that were Ridge AND Eric when $Bill had to bail them out. I'm also tired of hearing Rick talk about being CEO, I don't care anymore. Give them something else to fight over and give the real work to a woman. Where's Kristen? Can she not get in on this? Maybe Kristen and Felicia could shut both their brothers up by coming back and taking over.


I did love the scenes today with Eric reading Ridge and Rick promising Eric to be better. JY is just nailing it these days, I can really feel how desperate Rick is for his father's approval. He's going from manic to childlike in a snap (stop it Brooke).


I have to say I'm disappointed in the actor who plays Ridge however, I'm loving his off-colour line readings but when it comes to the emotional scenes I'm not getting any layers or nuances or subtleties. I know it must be tough stepping into a role that was occupied for over two decades but I don't even see that father/daughter connection between him and Steffy or any of his relatives and I wonder if they created this Caroline storyline because he didn't have chemistry with the actors playing his family and former lovers. He clearly has chemistry with Caroline but I'm putting that more on LG's work than on him, she's really selling the crap out of it.


He doesn't (IMO) seem to have chemistry with Brooke, he has sisterly chemistry with Katie, there's no connection with him and Steffy and when John McCook is giving him everything I'm getting a lot of Eric Braden acting which is legitimately the worst. I don't know if maybe he's the type of actor that phones it in for storylines he doesn't believe in or what, but I wish he'd infuse these scenes with a little more than sarcasm and righteous indignation, while they are amusing I'd like to see someone who believes that they can fall off their pedestal. That's what a good drama makes.



IMO Caroline 2.0, does have more heart and compassion than Maya in just in that one scene with Rick. Rick treated her like dog shit but she still made an efford to come and see how Rick was after finding out about Maya and his accident. Caroline didn't come there with an agenda to rub Maya in his face but that scum bag Rick just could resist rubbing Ridge in her face once again treating her like dog shit.


I still don't think you can call Caroline 2.0 compassionate, by any stretch of the imagination, her visiting Rick today wasn't compassion so much as her still loving the guy somewhat, it's a lot easier to be compassionate with someone you love. True compassion isn't directed towards a loved one it's for everyone else. I also think Caroline 3.0 can't hold a candle to Maya 1.0 in terms of class and compassion. But again as someone upthread said, these aren't characters they are plot devices and they change depending on which way the wind is blowing. Maya 1.0 would have been appalled at what Rick had asked Aly to do and frankly Rick 4.0 wouldn't have wanted her to do it. But Bell writes plot-driven stories not character driven ones so I guess it is what it is. 

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Eric is appalling. Rick's shooting at Ridge in the office, he's treating Ivy like crap, he's treating Ally worse and making her his slave yet RIDGE is the one Eric accuses of ruining the family?

All the problems with the kids fighting one another, from day damn one of this show begin and end with Stephanie and Eric. While he didn't always have a blatant favorite (which wasn't even Ridge, but Kirsten), he was certainly sitting by the sidelines letting Steph play games, beginning with her championing Team CaRidge 1.0 up to the day of Caroline's wedding--to Thorne.

As for the CEO position, screw both of them. Granted, Ridge is a prick and an entitled waffle in his own right but at no point in the show's history have I ever thought he needed to be institutionalized as I think Rick should be (and I include the events with the previous recast as well). But he IS a prick and entitled and this chain of events began because he went after his sister-in-law. Again.

I conside (sic?) Rick's transformation back into Paul Ryan mode is the writers having no ability to write nuance and is the will of whatever plot they're cooking up, but none of this would have happened if not for Ridge giving no fucks who gets hurt in the name of lust.

  • Love 5

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Brooke bring Caroline to FC to get Rick away from Amber? Caroline walks toward FC and both Rick's and Thomas' tongues are wagging. Rick says Amber who and he and Thomas square off in a competition for Caroline. Thomas wins the battle at first than Rick being a jerk, Thomas throws Rick out of the window. Rick now wins Caroline's affection. Caroline being a flibberty jibbet, refuses to volunteer at Daisey's. Rick discovers Maya and than its Caroline who. Maya than becomes a target of Caroline's ire. So far nobody is married and I take all this as all is fair in love and war. 

Basically, this. The bump to the noggin actually happened before the volunteer thing, which was the first time we the viewers saw Snobby Elitist Caroline (who before then was almost indistinguishable from Ice Princess Hope). And the volunteer thing was something Eric forced on Rick at the last minute, who then decided to drag Caroline along without telling her, as the poor girl is wearing 6" pumps and a nice dress expecting to go out for a nice meal. Call me shallow,but I would've bailed out on that too.

Of course, her behavior after that eroded my sympathy quite quickly, but at least LG brought some much needed new energy to the show for it...so unlike "bad girl" Steffy, I didn't hit FF when she came on the screen.

  • Love 5

I don't think I am Team Rick or Team Ridge, and I am a relatively newer viewer so didn't see the Eric/Ridge/Brooke stuff.  But when Nu-Ridge returned from Paris and barged into Forrester demanding to be reinstated as CEO, and then followed that up with chasing Brooke and Bill to Dubai and insisting that he would not allow her to marry Bill, well, that told me all I needed to know.


I think it is odd that there is even a debate here.  The CEO is the leader and he is the business person.  Apparently Rick is good at this except for the leading part, but that seems only to apply to family members, so not sure why that is.  It's ludicrous that Liam is so desperate to protect Ivy and Aly, that they would go to these lengths.  Why don't they just leave their jobs?  As someone who has a pretty evil boss who is not a leader, but gets away with it, I find all of the sturm und drang over poor Ivy/Aly to be ridiculous.


I LOL every time Ridge relates how Rick has lost his mind by racing after Maya in the car and then:  HE ATTACKED ME, HE LUNGED AT ME!  Ridge clearly baited him and I think he even half admitted he did at one point, but he is using this as a reason for Rick to not be CEO!  And I continue to be amazed that Ridge and Co. don't understand that they must stand by Rick and Maya for the PR good of the company and let Spencer take all the heat.  This may have played a part in Eric's decision but he didn't say so.


So for that reason alone Eric made the right decision, but unfortunately he didn't take this opportunity to say to Rick that he is required to take sensitivity training, perhaps see a psychologist on the down low, demand that he stop disrespecting his employees (well, really just Ivy and Aly), force everyone to have an HR refresher (they all need help).  Instead he has thrown his full support behind him and marginalized Ridge.  Does Eric really not have an inkling that Ridge could throw in with the Spencers to oust Rick?  And today Ridge said he had no choice but to do so, when he spoke to Steffie (rode hard and put away wet indeed, WTH happened to this beautiful actress!).  So he is teaching his daughter that they should betray their grandfather and family.  


They are all pretty messed up though.  WTF with Ivy telling Liam Rick will likely be ousted.  If that showed up in the press it would hurt Forrester--that place where she works.  No one understands a thing about business, confidentiality, proprietary information.  Sheesh.


In spite of all that, I enjoyed the scenes Eric played with his two sons today, who both acted like entitled spiteful children, it was pretty soapy.

  • Love 8

I think TK/Ridge was very good in scenes with Eric prior to his walk-about with brother John.  Not sure what has changed since Eric has been back but their scenes have fallen flat. And from what I saw the last time she was on, Ridge and Steffy don't have any father/daughter chemistry but at least they look like they could be related. Maybe it will get better? 

  • Love 4

All the problems with the kids fighting one another, from day damn one of this show begin and end with Stephanie and Eric. While he didn't always have a blatant favorite (which wasn't even Ridge, but Kirsten), he was certainly sitting by the sidelines letting Steph play games, beginning with her championing Team CaRidge 1.0 up to the day of Caroline's wedding--to Thorne.

As for the CEO position, screw both of them. Granted, Ridge is a prick and an entitled waffle in his own right but at no point in the show's history have I ever thought he needed to be institutionalized as I think Rick should be (and I include the events with the previous recast as well). But he IS a prick and entitled and this chain of events began because he went after his sister-in-law. Again.

I conside (sic?) Rick's transformation back into Paul Ryan mode is the writers having no ability to write nuance and is the will of whatever plot they're cooking up, but none of this would have happened if not for Ridge giving no fucks who gets hurt in the name of lust.


All of this and then some! 



In spite of all that, I enjoyed the scenes Eric played with his two sons today, who both acted like entitled spiteful children, it was pretty soapy.


I so agree. It's great soapy soap man, I am entertained.



I think TK/Ridge was very good in scenes with Eric prior to his walk-about with brother John.  Not sure what has changed since Eric has been back but their scenes have fallen flat. And from what I saw the last time she was on, Ridge and Steffy don't have any father/daughter chemistry but at least they look like they could be related. Maybe it will get better?


True. His scene with John McCook when Eric said he wanted to live to see the day when his sons got along and loved each other was particularly touching. (John McCook is phenomenal). But I think you're right about the timeframe of when they started to fall apart, I hope it gets better.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

There is something about the way John McCook uses his eyebrows that I love. 

Jacob Young has really been putting everything into his scenes--but not overdoing it.  Really believable.

Deacon needs a more flattering photo in that opening parade of the cast.  He's good looking, folks.  But you'd never know it.   

If beauty rules the world, Ivy will soon own it.

Kind of strange, Eric talking about never getting over the pain of losing Brooke, when she's available now.

TK Ridge getting blamed for everything RM Ridge did reminds me of the woman with multiple personalities--one personality would run around at night, and the other would wake up tired in the morning.    

  • Love 4

I think it is odd that there is even a debate here.  The CEO is the leader and he is the business person.  Apparently Rick is good at this except for the leading part, but that seems only to apply to family members, so not sure why that is.  It's ludicrous that Liam is so desperate to protect Ivy and Aly, that they would go to these lengths.  Why don't they just leave their jobs?  As someone who has a pretty evil boss who is not a leader, but gets away with it, I find all of the sturm und drang over poor Ivy/Aly to be ridiculous.  

Probably at one time we all had a boss who was a jackass, so yes many are bad leaders. However, a boss who has such an uncontrollable temper that she/he shoots a gun at work is beyond a bad leader. Rick should have been ousted just because of that. IMO the reason Eric is keeping Rick now is poor writing to accommodate the return of the overrated, overbotoxed JMW. Speaking of, I did enjoy Ridge telling her that the company is more important than her wanting to get back with Liam, which is something the whiny, needy, "bad girl" Bratz doll should have been told upon her first unfortunate reappearance.
  • Love 6

I re-watched yesterday's episode solely for the purpose of seeing again how absolutely gorgeous Ivy is. 


She truly is a stunning beauty and reminds me of a young, fresh Elizabeth Taylor.


Such a contrast to Steffy - Bratz doll indeed. More like a fried hair, drag queen wannabe who needs to step AWAY from the bronzer Bratz doll. JMW really did go the way of her TV mom HT with what she's done to herself.  If she turns Liam's head again (beyond the can't help but look at the trainwreck she's become gaping), then they deserve each other as Ivy deserves far better.

  • Love 7

So much word to your post, runthetable.


Rick really did play Eric like a violin, didn't he? Bringing Brooke into the equation when she should hardly be relevant thirty-odd years after their marriage ended and the old goat fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.


Eric, Stephanie, and Brooke really are the world's worst parents, aren't they? Eric with his mollycoddling and favoring of Ridge to the exclusion of all of his other kids (which makes me want to tell Rick boo-freakin-hoo as you weren't the only neglected child - I'm sure Thorne, Kristen, Felicia and Bridget would like a word with Daddy Dearest, too). Brooke was too busy getting busy and chasing after Ridge destiny blahblahblah to make her kids her top priority. Stephanie, much as I could use her right now to put the smackdown on a lot of people, would take the prize for all-time worst. She babied and enabled Ridge like it was her full-time job, but of course, he was the son she loved "more than any man." It isn't a surprise to me that Ridge is the way he is having gotten everything he ever wanted from Daddy, Mommy, and Brooke (not that it is excuses him by any stretch but lifelong habits are hard to break). But he got out-whined this time by "little Ricky" and I'm sure he won't take this lying down thus the Bratz signal to Steffy. 


WRT Maya and Rick, when Rick finally learned the truth, it was the first time I saw them as a viable couple as they never seemed more vulnerable and real until that moment, but now I have to agree with you in that I'm questioning Rick's motives in the days that followed the reveal. Do I believe he loves her? I think he does as much as anyone with his checkered relationship history can love (same can be said of Ridge and a lot of others on this show LOL) but as the days have passed, I view him as determined to hold onto what he has with Maya at all costs to save some face. For so long, he held Maya up as the epitome of the loyal, loving, honest, trustworthy, beacon of virtue to all women, especially that "betrayer" Caroline, that for him to turn back now would be him losing face - his very foundation would crumble (well, it's pretty much been turning into rubble for a long time now assuming he had a solid footing to begin with.) Because everything he believed himself to be was viewed through Maya's Bambi Doe Eyes and wasn't reality - not even close. Without her, he doesn't know who he really is and that scares the hell out of him.

  • Love 10

Thanks CountryGirl, I know defending Ridge is not popular with a lot of viewers, but in this I will defend him. Children are products of their upbringing; parents are responsible for the morals and ethics they instill in their children, not the other way around. If Ridge was coddled, something we long term viewers know to be fact, then that was not his doing, and I won't hold his feet to the fire for it. Of course the argument could be made that Ridge is now an adult, and should be able to see the forest for the trees, but the dialog doesn't support that. Ridge repeatedly told Eric, this is what you always told me I would have. This is the legacy you promised me. At the same time, the argument could be made that Rick is also an adult now, and should be able to take off those LoganVison glasses, and see quite clearly what kind of woman Brooke was, but that is certainly not happening either. I find Rick's argument the lessor of the two, simply because he refuses to acknowledge the facts about what was really going on with his mother and Ridge and Eric and Taylor. Outside of that, I am a firm believer that being a raging Lathario doesn't diminish your CEOing capabilities. At least Ridge is founding his arguments in facts that are relevant to the position, and how the company has always been run. Something he would know a little bit about since he has been their for pretty much his entire adult life. 


Eric is the one who should step back and reevaluate. Maybe change the executive structure of the company, or maybe consider someone else for the CEO job besides Rick or Ridge, or maybe have them equals in what they excel at. But that is far too deep for Eric and makes too much sense. He would rather continue fanning the flames of hatred and jealously between his sons. I am beginning to think that is the only thing that keeps Eric going and feeling vital. 

  • Love 15
I'm sure Thorne, Kristen, Felicia and Bridget would like a word with Daddy Dearest, too).



Who, Who, Who, and Who?  These people are all clearly figments of viewers' imaginations. 


And I just have to reiterate - any man who would look twice at Steffy when he has Ivy is the dumbest waffling jackass in all the land. Add in Ivy's personality contrasted with Steffy's desperate "look at me! I'm fun!!!" personality, and it's even more absurd. 

  • Love 11

Who, Who, Who, and Who?  These people are all clearly figments of viewers' imaginations. 


And I just have to reiterate - any man who would look twice at Steffy when he has Ivy is the dumbest waffling jackass in all the land. Add in Ivy's personality contrasted with Steffy's desperate "look at me! I'm fun!!!" personality, and it's even more absurd. 

Don't forget "cha cha cha" - if that doesn't make a man say, "I MUST have you NOW," I don't know what will.

  • Love 8

I didn't see $Bill/Steffy the first time but I could watch this. Maybe Liam and Ivy could munch popcorn and watch the fireworks from the sidelines because I'm assuming Ridge's head would explode.  (And Katie's, too.)  ETA: Anything to move on from Rick vs. Ridge as CEO! 

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 2

I was just appalled at how Eric spoke to Ridge. No joking around here. It seemed heartless and hateful and like a rejection. Maybe you're not the Forrester you think you are? Fuck off, Eric. A father's love is not a finite resource, last I checked. Eric doesn't have to dump on Ridge to prove his love for Rick. Now Rick won't get the help he needs, because as everyone has said, Eric is the worst parent ever. Keep feeding Rick's martyrdom and persecution complex, Eric; that will certainly calm his rage and lessen his obsession.

You know who I like better than Steffy on this show? Everyone, including loading dock guy.

  • Love 20

It's official: Eric is even crazier than Rick. Eric's attacking Ridge was bad enough, but his coddling Rick moments later made me roll my eyes to the point of blindness. As for Eric & Rick's blaming Ridge for breaking up their marriages to Brooke & Caroline, respectively, the way I see it, if Eric & Rick were half the men they think they are, then Ridge wouldn't have made a dent in their marriages in the first place. Ridge didn't "steal" Brooke & Caroline; Eric & Rick drove them away, for whatever reason. As much as I would love to see Thorne or a woman take over FC and Ridge start his own company, when it comes to running FC, if it's a choice between Rick or Ridge, I'm Team Ridge all day, every day & twice on Sunday. Ridge gave Eric perfectly good reasons why Rick shouldn't be CEO, but Eric was too busy making excuses/feeling sorry for Rick to listen.  


  As for Eric's praising Rick's so-called "compassion" for Maya, where was Maya's compassion for Rick when she lied to him for over a year? Where was Maya's compassion when she swooped into Casa Forrester, became the Lady Of the Manor and made Aly's life (among others) a living Hell? Where was Maya's Compassion for her colleagues at FC when Rick was either insulting them, humiliating them and/or shooting at them? Then again, since Maya was cheering Rick on every step of the way, why should she care? For that matter, where was Rick's compassion for Caroline when she begged him for forgiveness after what happened with Ridge? Maya has played Rick for over a year, causing him to build his whole world around her and to think that he can't live without her, which IMO is much more about pride than love. Rick is probably afraid that if he dumps Maya, he would finally have to admit to himself that she's used him all along, no matter how much she claims to love him. Like Ridge said, Eric should have way more questions about Rick's sanity than Ridge's motives.  Eric backed Ridge into a corner first by rationalizing Rick's actions and now by not only letting Rick stay on as CEO, he insisted that Ridge stay in his place, whether he likes it or not. No wonder Eric's telling Ridge that the only way he could stay at FC is under Ridge's thumb pissed Ridge off. Kissing Rick's ass isn't an option for Ridge anymore nor should it be, hence the hostile takeover. Knowing Rick & Eric, chances are that they'll try to spin the takeover bid into some transphobic bullshit where Maya's the victim, but Ridge could counter that by saying that his problem with Maya's not that she's a transgender, golddigging and lying bitch; it's that's she's a golddigging and lying bitch who just happens to be transgender.


  Kudos to Caroline. Her showing Rick more concern and compassion than he's shown her for a long time proves to me that while she's not "perfect," she's much better than Rick and/or Maya.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 14

I'm so not drinking the Caroline kool-aid. I also think they put that scene in there to A) give Rick someone to share his current thoughts about Maya and the company and B) to reestablish a relationship with Caroline/Rick in preparation for when Ridge dumps her.

This TK version of Ridge is very Jason Morgan- box of pain era. I could see him dumping her to "save her" and then going home to paint and drink about it. I still think he's an idiot with no head for business (who's already tanked the company) and entitled as fuck. First thing he did after he dumped Brooke for no reason and came back? Stormed into Forrester to demand he be made CEO. But Rick is the one accused of having all the entitlement issues, only if you haven't been watching the show. He's a lousy boss, except to Oliver (although I'm still pretty sure he's got nothing on Anna Wintour), however he kicks ass at running Forrester creations. He knows what the target wants and when to give it to them. Obviously.

Furthermore Ridge speaks of a time when everyone was roaming the hallways designing and excitedly chattered and creating. Lovely, sounds like my high school fashion class but doesn't sound like a business. Rick is emotional as fuck in personal relationships but Ridge has no chill when it comes to business. He makes decisions on pure emotions for the good of his ego and not the good of the company.

If Forrester's target says they miss and want Quinn's jewelry back as a company you are stupid as fuck to refuse them. The target knows what they want so Rick gave it to them but here's Ridge hemming and hawing like he's committed a felony. Quinn's crazy as a bag of cats sure, but so is Aly, Wyatt is duplicitous, Ridge is a stubborn hotheaded prick, Ivy is a busybody (and I mean fulltime) and she learned from Pam, everyone eventually winds up in Brooke's bedroom (see what I did there heh heh *ahem) and Oliver is in love with a lunatic. So all the employees have their problems but they all bring valuable things to the table (allegedly) not letting personal feelings get in the way of business is how Bill has managed to best them EVERYTIME.

They all sit around whining about having to make the jewelry fit Maya but if she's the face of the line OF COURSE it has to fit her and her target. When MAC was using RuPaul exclusively and the perfume company was using Vanessa Paradis does Cousin Koala think they just randomly gave them clothes and jewelry that they liked that day? Of course not, everything has to fit the brand. She can't just pull ideas out of her ass and expect it to fly because it's creative if it doesn't fit the target. The target seemed to like and relate to Maya so the jewelry should be particular to Maya's style. Rick sees her as pure as the driven snow and she has been showcased as such since she started however true or false that may be is irrelevant because it is part of the company's brand image and has been since Hope For the Future and the Hope Diamond (sorry to bring her up). That's what Ivy,Wyatt and Ridge don't get and why they are creative and not strategic. Just because it's a clever piece of jewelry or article of clothing doesn't mean it fits their image, Ridge should have learned that when he wouldn't stand behind his own sister Felicia working there.

But Ridge has always given zero fucks about what the target wants and what's best for the company when it stands in the way of him being in charge. I can't help but recall the time Eric and Ridge were actively interested in letting the company sink rather than having Katie run it. Ridge has always been this way, believing HE should run the company above everyone else even though he SUCKS at it. Rick has the business skills but not the management skills (clearly), the company is doing well but the employees (relatives) are unhappy (except Oliver). Simply make someone more diplomatic (like Bridget or Thorne) co-CEO. Bam! Problem solved.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 9

I guess that I would be "stupid as fuck" then, because if I were CEO, I wouldn't be re-hiring somebody who was mentally ill and had attempted murder on two people (so far). The customers aren't aware that Quinn is a proven loose canon, but Rick IS aware, and Rick is jeopardizing his employees by bringing her back into the fold. But hey, if he can fire shots at the office, why can't Quinn try to stab people and push them off bridges? It's all fun and games at FC! Personally, I always find it funny that in cities like L.A., there are no other hot designers to be found. Just like there are no gay people in the fashion business...

See I'm of the mind that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Thorne shot Ridge in the back of the head, Aly went after someone with an axe, it wasn't too long ago Bill was trying to talk Quinn off a ledge and didn't he shove a pregnant Amber off a cliff and shove Ridge out a moving helicopter? Ridge absently threw Rick off the roof, Wyatt was possibly complicit in the murder of someone to secure a diamond for Hope and is shady as fuck, Stephanie orchestrated Brooke's rape (yet she is revered around Forrester), Rick fired a gun into a wall inches from Ridge and Caroline, which everybody knows and keeps talking about because I guess only Rick and Quinn are held accountable for their sins. Within the context of this show none of these people have even an inch of space to judge.

I agree about the hot designers though the idea that Ridge is the only game in town is ridiculous, must be the same reason no one is gay. Forrester exists in an alternate timeline of L.A. Maybe it's the universe where they have no shrimp.

Just as an aside: I miss Spectra.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7
Furthermore Ridge speaks of a time when everyone was roaming the hallways designing and excitedly chattered and creating. Lovely, sounds like my high school fashion class but doesn't sound like a business.



As a person who works in a "creative" environment, I must disagree with this. I can't imagine working in the current situation at FC's, with my every effort being ripped apart by a CEO and his Lead Model; neither of which know a thing about design. Creative people have egos, particularly successful ones, and when they are continually belittled, and made to question themselves, then that is what they do, and product suffers for it. When product suffers, the company suffers. 


And outside of that, is the fact that anyone would be more productive in a happy, upbeat environment. Who wants to go to work when they know it is going to be all gloom and doom, and you efforts are not good enough and they suck? 

  • Love 10

As a person who works in a "creative" environment, I must disagree with this. I can't imagine working in the current situation at FC's, with my every effort being ripped apart by a CEO and his Lead Model; neither of which know a thing about design. Creative people have egos, particularly successful ones, and when they are continually belittled, and made to question themselves, then that is what they do, and product suffers for it. When product suffers, the company suffers.

And outside of that, is the fact that anyone would be more productive in a happy, upbeat environment. Who wants to go to work when they know it is going to be all gloom and doom, and you efforts are not good enough and they suck?

I agree about happy environments but I don't know that the fashion world is synonymous with that. I also agree that creative people (of which I am one) need encouragement but Ridge's egotastic comments don't come from that. Well before Rick was being a dick Ridge refused to take orders from him and was behaving like a total douche to him because Rick was in charge and HE wanted to be. His problem from the jump has always been someone else being CEO long before Rick started acting like a tool. He was also lying to Rick about his abilities at a time when Rick would have fully supported him and his recovery.

I absolutely agree that a Lead Model shouldn't be running a company but I disagree that a model wouldn't know anything about design, as someone actually wearing the clothes the models can provide some of the most valuable input second to the consumer especially since she's a spokesmodel as well and it's tailored to her tastes or style.

In terms of a CEO not knowing about design I find that to be false only because a CEO's job is to know what is working and what isn't and to hire and fire and delegate as such. He's responsible for knowing the numbers and data and knowing the consumers inside and out so while they may not know about fabrics and colour schemes and such, they do know (or should) what makes the consumer happy and what consumers are looking for that season. A songwriter at a record label knows how to write a song but the record label tells them what type of songs to write and for whom.

But this show has the jobs all mixed up anyway, the other day they had Ridge talking about media buying and billboards which is something that creatives typically have nothing to do with so...I guess whatever goes on this show.

I think the difference for me between Ridge and Quinn is that Ridge has been one of the lead designers for this family business for decades, and Quinn was designing jewelry for one of their teen lines (is that who is wearing HFTF? I still can't figure out who would buy that crap) for maybe one year. I think she's replaceable in L.A.

I think HTFT is probably late teens early twenties yeah. I see your point but from a business standpoint it's sentimentality. Alarmforce fired Joel Matlin...Joel Matlin!! I didn't think they'd last but they're doing just peachy.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3
I agree about happy environments but I don't know that the fashion world is synonymous with that. I also agree that creative people (of which I am one) need encouragement but Ridge's egotastic comments don't come from that. Well before Rick was being a dick Ridge refused to take orders from him and was behaving like a total douche to him because Rick was in charge and HE wanted to be. His problem from the jump has always been someone else being CEO long before Rick started acting like a tool. He was also lying to Rick about his abilities at a time when Rick would have fully supported him and his recovery.



I agree that Ridge does not want anyone else in charge, but that wasn't the discussion. The discussion was about a happy, upbeat working environment, versus what is going on at Forrester. .


I absolutely agree that a Lead Model shouldn't be running a company but I disagree that a model wouldn't know anything about design, as someone actually wearing the clothes the models can provide some of the most valuable input second to the consumer especially since she's a spokesmodel as well and it's tailored to her tastes or style.



I will agree here also, but only for an experienced model, who has some legwork behind her. Maya was the spokesmodel for HFTF for a short time, and has walked down the runway as the Lead Model once. I don't think that qualifies her as an expert on anything. Throw in the fact that she has wanted Caroline and Ridge to fail, and takes pleasure in cutting up their work; I just can't see how Maya making any type of decision about the lines being good for the company.


In terms of a CEO not knowing about design I find that to be false only because a CEO's job is to know what is working and what isn't and to hire and fire and delegate as such. He's responsible for knowing the numbers and data and knowing the consumers inside and out so while they may not know about fabrics and colour schemes and such



Agree again, which is why Rick should not have been telling Ridge where to put the waistline, or how to cut out the bodice, or what type of fabric would work. This is another example of why Rick is a terrible CEO. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about, but it was all good because it was irritating Ridge. Never mind if the Rick altered designs sold or not. 

  • Love 8

When did Eric, Brooke, and Rick become ordained ministers? Over the last two days they all absolved themselves of past sins and declared Ridge and Bill satin. No mea culpas required.

After receiving communion from his parents, Rick's sense of entitlement has him returning to his dictating shit head self-absorbed Napoleon complex persona and is ready to resume his reign of terror. Say want you want about Steffy, but she will defiantly bring the rain on Rick's parade. If Maya returns, I don't think that Steffy would take any shit from her either.

Having a step-child myself, I take offense to the way Eric treated Ridge. Especially in telling him he is not a true Forester. You gave him your name and now because your real shit head son is an emotional derelict you are taking your name back. So I guess you condone Rick's actions as being the ways of a true Forester making you proud as punch that he's a remorseless ass hole. A chip off the old block to sort of say. And now Rick has something to say, once again, to Ridge about not being a Forester. It was a wonder how Rick got through the door, of the CEO office his, his head is so big and stand behind the desk because of the erection he had while beating on his chest.

For some strange reason, Ridge still cares about Eric but now he sees that his father has become an old fool to easily manipulated by a younger fool.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 16

I agree that Ridge does not want anyone else in charge, but that wasn't the discussion. The discussion was about a happy, upbeat working environment, versus what is going on at Forrester. .

I will agree here also, but only for an experienced model, who has some legwork behind her. Maya was the spokesmodel for HFTF for a short time, and has walked down the runway as the Lead Model once. I don't think that qualifies her as an expert on anything. Throw in the fact that she has wanted Caroline and Ridge to fail, and takes pleasure in cutting up their work; I just can't see how Maya making any type of decision about the lines being good for the company.

Agree again, which is why Rick should not have been telling Ridge where to put the waistline, or how to cut out the bodice, or what type of fabric would work. This is another example of why Rick is a terrible CEO. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about, but it was all good because it was irritating Ridge. Never mind if the Rick altered designs sold or not.

That was the discussion and that's why I was making the point that even when it was a happy work environment Ridge was still acting miserably and giving Rick a hard time and it was Ridge lying to his boss about his abilities and hitting on his wife that was the catalyst for all this nonsense.

I wouldn't say Maya is an expert either but as someone who is wearing the clothes her opinions still have value irrespective of whether she has had experience working as a model in the past. As a spokesperson/face of the line which I think is separate from simply being lead model, her opinions do have value. I also saw her telling Rick last month to placate Ridge and try it his way with the hemline, and Rick did give credit where credit was due to both Caroline and Ridge so things did seem to be softening.

I agree Rick shouldn't be telling Ridge what fabric or bodice to use simply to antagonize him that's not professional but he should if he has data to back it up (not saying he did or didn't here just as an aside). But the same as Rick shouldn't be talking fabrics or bodices without proof I don't think Ridge should be storming in telling Rick how to do his job every five seconds. It's a sad situation because it seems that Rick is a fantastic businessman and Ridge is a fantastic designer but neither of them have the balls to get out of each other's way and let them do what they did best. Just think how formidable Forrester could be if they actually worked together instead of spending every last bit of energy tearing each other apart.

I can understand someone (like Eric) wanting to overthrow him at the height of the gun incident, they should have used the morality clause then (idiots) but dating a transgender woman and getting into a car accident isn't a morality issue by any stretch. These people are emotional idiots, no wonder Bill always bests them.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

I'm curious about the backlash Bill's going to receive for breaking his so-called story about Maya. Just a minute ago I was looking at Jezebel and found this story. The fact that a transgender person is a model is NOT news. And before you send me down in flames, please know I get what TPTB were attempting. However, it's also clear to me that the show's writers needed something to do. But Bill? In all of this, he's been depicted as a pig, and I'd like to see him punished in a manner that fits his pathetic behaviour.

Edited by C76
  • Love 2
I'm curious about the backlash Bill's going to receive for breaking his so-called story about Maya.



The backlash is not for breaking the story, it's for the way he broke the story, using lovely words like 'tranny'.


The fact that a transgender person is a model is NOT news.



I agree.  However it may be news if said model is dating the company's CEO.

  • Love 3

I'm curious about the backlash Bill's going to receive for breaking his so-called story about Maya. Just a minute ago I was looking at Jezebel and found this story. The fact that a transgender person is a model is NOT news. And before you send me down in flames, please know I get what TPTB were attempting. However, it's also clear to me that the show's writers needed something to do. But Bill? In all of this, he's been depicted as a pig, and I'd like to see him punished in a manner that fits his pathetic behaviour.

I agree, Bill has rather been the Victor Newman of the show, the Teflon man. He can try to murder a pregnant woman,shove Ridge out of a helicopter and try to talk Quinn off a building yet the shame and derision is only directed at people like Rick and Quinn. People (and I mean characters on the show) seem to believe that because Bill follows his own moral code he should be exempt from the rules and laws that mere mortals must adhere to. Someone who cheated on Katie with someone half her and who also happens to be Ridge's daughter doesn't get to judge Ridge about Caroline and someone who just two months ago tried to talk Quinn off a building and pretended to stab himself to manipulate his son doesn't get to judge Rick's rage issues and machinations.

I'd like to see the Teflon man humbled. I'm still scratching my head as to how Brooke agreed to marry the guy who blatantly and with no compunction tried to murder the father of her child and the fact that he's good looking is of little to no consequence, so was Jeffrey Dahmer apparently (and that blue-eyed model making the rounds) at some point the kitchen should be closed and the get out of jail free card, revoked.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

When did Eric, Brooke, and Rick become ordained ministers? Over the last two days they all absolved themselves of past sins and declared Ridge and Bill satin. No mea culpas required.

After receiving communion from his parents, Rick's sense of entitlement has him returning to his dictating shit head self-absorbed Napoleon complex persona and is ready to resume his reign of terror. Say want you want about Steffy, but she will defiantly bring the rain on Rick's parade. If Maya returns, I don't think that Steffy would take any shit from her either.

Having a step-child myself, I take offense to the way Eric treated Ridge. Especially in telling him he is not a true Forester. You gave him your name and now because your real shit head son is an emotional derelict you are taking your name back. So I guess you condone Rick's actions as being the ways of a true Forester making you proud as punch that he's a remorseless ass hole. A chip off the old block to sort of say. And now Rick has something to say, once again, to Ridge about not being a Forester. It was a wonder how Rick got through the door, of the CEO office his, his head is so big and stand behind the desk because of the erection he had while beating on his chest.

For some strange reason, Ridge still cares about Eric but now he sees that his father has become an old fool to easily manipulated by a younger fool.

I don't think Eric saying that to Ridge had anything to do with Ridge not being his biokid. This is the first time a parent of Ridge's has taken any other child's side over his and he's throwing a tantrum.

Eric has and always will love Ridge like a son. All the talk from Rick about Ridge not being a real Forrester is Ridge's own fault. He started it years ago by calling Rick a Logan and constantly insinuating he was a bastard child and would never be a real Forrester (however erroneous) if Ridge can dish it out then he can damnwell take it too.

It seems to me that Eric said "You're not the Forrester you think you are" because Ridge's Forresterdom depends entirely on excluding everyone else Rick, Bridget Thorne, Felicia, and Kristen and their incumbents from the legacy.

In all Ridge's years bashing Rick's Forrester status and inferring that Forrester was his and his children's legacy he never once opined that the siblings he grew up with might have a claim to that throne and he never once suggested that Aly or Zende (not sure if Felicia has kids) or Bridget's child (does she have a child?) might have a rightful place at the helm. It's always been about Ridge and his family with Taylor irrespective of how erroneous that narrative is.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

And the CEO didn't know. That makes it more "scandalous" in terms of the gossip magazines and blogs.

I don't understand why they don't have an Olivia Pope type on retainer. Forrester has more issues than Rolling Stone. There should be a Pope at every meeting at this point. Opens up an opportunity for a new role....someone for Eric, still pushing my Erica Slezak agenda but I'm also good with the actress who played Dorian as well, or the one who played Celeste on DOOL...

I'd like to see some media scrum scenes and they're cheap to film. Not that B&B needs to worry about money. It'd also be a good way to deal with exposition instead of everyone standing around gossiping about one storyline when they should be working.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

The struggle for control of FC is not just a business issue, it is a family issue.  It is high time for all of Eric's children, Thorne, Kristen, Felicia and Bridget, to return to Forrester.  Eric's other children have been pushed aside in favor of Ridge their entire lives.  Ridge has systematically bullied all of his siblings to the extent that they stay out of FC business as much as possible.  Rick is the only one left standing to challenge him.  Someone in that family besides Rick needs to tell Ridge that although he is a great designer, he sucks as a CEO.   Who better to tell him than all his siblings. 

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