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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Also, great way to boggle that takeover threat today, CarRidge! Storming in and yelling at the crazy guy? Uh...no. They should've gotten Carter to draw up a legal document and had Carter serve it to Rick. The less that CarRidge are in Rick's face, the better for everyone.


So your plan is to go to the crazy guy who just shot at you and expect him to respond like a reasonable person. Great plan, Caroline and Ridge. 


That's the same thought I had about Liam confronting Quinn. He knows the woman is insane, yet for some reason he figured that antagonizing her over cake was best way to protect Hope.

Edited by Zevim
  • Love 4

Question: Who died and left Brooke boss? WTF Brooke but it's understandable that she is defending her precious little baby. I'm curious on how Brooke is going to keep Ridge from going to the police or even $Bill or Liam if they choose to. I love how now it's Ridge's fault once again. Ridge and Quinn are the fall to persons to blame for everyones own shortcomings. Under Rick, FC is going down the tubes so Rick's argument doesn't hold water for me. It's just another showing of how much disregard Rick has for FC and regard for his entitled self.


Yes.  Through that whole scene, I was thinking "um, who are you to tell people they can't call the police when someone shoots at them?"  

  • Love 8

I have...things to say.

First of all, Maya, please stop enabling Rick. When he made his "Baby did a naughty" face asking if Maya was going to start scolding him, I rolled my eyes so hard. Will someone please tell this douche that there are other ways to let people know that you know that they're lying than popping off three rounds?

"They're your walls and you can shoot then up if you want"? Really, Maya? Let's just hope he never shoots a person that he considers "his."

Thank you, Exposition Donna. "Remember when Rick shot Grant Chambers?" I know the last name is for people who weren't watching then, but c'mon. They only knew one Grant that Rick shot. No need for last names. They could have put that in a little more gracefully.

This nitpick is kinda weird, because I'm all for Caroline and/or Ridge calling the police on Rick, but didn't Caroline just ask Ridge to NOT call the police last night? What happened to those reasons? I had the reason why this bothered me fully formed in my head, but I lost it. Basically, it comes to me thinking either you want him in jail or you don't, but don't leverage it into taking a company that you have no claim to.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 6

I got the impression that Brooke was taking such a hard stance defending Rick because of her feelings for Ridge (and the feeling that he betrayed her?), not because she really wants to protect Rick.  Because really, even if he is your kid, how can you defend shooting at people?  In the office no less???


Liam has been great lately, and I always enjoy Bill.  

  • Love 4

I have all these jumbled thoughts running around in my head; I must say, this show certainly has me second guessing everything.


I can only speak for myself, but I am loving Big Balls Liam. Seriously, compared to the Sad Waffles we had a few months ago, this is like a whole new guy; he smiles, and he laughs, and he....dare I say it? Plots. Good grief, but Liam wants to take over FC's! For some reason, I find that intriguing, funny, and kinda noble, all in a twisted up way. And Bill was preening like a Peacock; his chest was pumped up higher than a sleep number bed. It was almost like watching a Frigatebird doing it's mating ritual:




And Donna? OMG! Bringing up Grant Chamber's, and Brooke sorta poo pooing the whole thing, because she doesn't care that Rick shot the office up? Was this new path for Brooke insanity? Is that what we are going to find out? Crazy runs in the family? Donna pretty much smashed Brooke over the head with Rick's out of control behavior, and what do we get? Brooke looking the other way, and making it about Ridge. You Bitch! I love ya girl, but imma gonna dig my heels in here. Your son needs your help. All you have to do is look at him, and listen to him. And if you know what is good for you, you will turn that squinty eye in Maya's direction, cause I caught her smiling when Ridge was talking to Rick about "the incident". Where I come from, there is nothing remotely funny about shooting weapons at people. Period.


Ridge and Caroline handled that all wrong; they looked desperate instead of confident. Even so, I love the united front, and that Caroline has found her voice. I hope she keeps it and calls Brooke out on her nonsense. How is it that Brooke gets to dictate who is and who isn't going to the police? It isn't like Caroline and Ridge are talking about going to the fucking movies or something. So Brooke's idea of helping Rick is actually ignoring his actions, and justifying any you can't ignore by laying it at Ridge's feet? And of course Brooke would never own her own culpability in her son's mental state. I have this terrible, sinking feeling that this big "change" in Brooke is going to turn me against her, because I don't like what I am seeing so far.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 15


This nitpick is kinda weird, because I'm all for Caroline and/or Ridge calling the police on Rick, but didn't Caroline just ask Ridge to NOT call the police last night? What happened to those reasons?

This bothered me too. I guess the reasons disappeared down the memory hole.


People need to stop enabling Rick, full stop. Brooke should not encourage him to continue as CEO given his poor handling of the company in recent days. Also, what the what with her dismissal of Rick's target practice? He fired a gun into an occupied room, and there was no guarantee the bullets wouldn't hit someone else in the building. I can't imagine what Ridge's problem is, Brooke! Maybe the bullets whizzing past his head? Maya just stands there while he tells Ridge and Caroline that if he wanted them dead, they wouldn't be having this conversation. Does she think that anger can't be turned on her? And then we have Caroline begging Ridge not to call the cops the night before. Someone needs to slow Rick's roll, and if it's the law, so be it.


Brooke, Maya, Caroline, none of you are helping.

  • Love 10

Ridge:  You did something wrong, so I'm going to run the company.

Liam:  He did something wrong, so I'm going to run the company.

Brooke:  Everybody shut up.  I'm in charge.


Is it just up for grabs?  No organizational decisions made by a quiet, serious group?  Just, "I'm it, you're gone?" 

  • Love 10

Cupid Stunt, on 29 Jan 2015 - 2:54 PM, said:

How exactly is Liam going to convince Steffy to throw in with the Spencer's in a Forester Creations takeover, acting against the interests of her grandfather, father and family?


kia12 quote

He'll probably tell her that he's putting Ridge in charge.


 Ridge Forester working for $Bill Spencer ... Hmmm ... No major personal conflicts there.


: /

  • Love 3


But Brooke being Brooke, she stuck to her sacrifice her happiness for Katie


Yes, because Brooke certainly has a long history of thinking of other people. And by other people, I mean all those she ran over on her way to destiny.



I can't imagine what Ridge's problem is, Brooke! Maybe the bullets whizzing past his head?


Ridge sure is demanding! He doesn't like getting shot at - imagine that! Brooke returns for 2 episodes and she's already irritating me.



Does she think that anger can't be turned on her?


Of course not! Rick totally loves her. I mean she only had to blackmail him into saying those words, but he really means it. So naturally it follows, she will never ever do anything to disappoint him and he won't ever try to shoot her.



Is it just up for grabs?  No organizational decisions made by a quiet, serious group?  Just, "I'm it, you're gone?"


I thought there is more to it. Like a board and shares and all that messy stuff. I guess it's just easier to declare your in charge!

  • Love 9

Why do you dislike Lt. Baker ? ;)

Speaking of police, isn't it time we checked in with the Sr. Montemayor case ?

You might have picked the wrong show for that. ;)

Where's Whip ?

On GH in the midst of an egregious character assassination to prop the mini-man at the hands of THE GREATEST WRITER ON THE PLANET? Sorry, my snark is leaking and all over the damn keyboard too.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

Okay, okay some things. First of all Donna, you (evidently) stupid bitch, (emphasis on the stupid) the bottom already fucking fell out or would you consider firing a round into a wall an "ominous warning"? Secondly between you and your idiot sister I can actually feel my brain LEAKING. Donna gossips that Maya told the room that Caroline was macking on her son with her ex-husband and all Brooke has to say is "Poor Caroline"? Donate your brain to science so the brain trusts of the world can genetically engineer what not to do. Third, no Maya he cannot fire shots into the wall because it's his wall ...THAT'S CRAZY! And for the grand finale, Ivy how the fuck would you know how tense it is at work when you've never used the word as a verb before? Christ these people!

Final words: Dear Brooke, I'm so pleased that you could find the time to rush home from Italy to gossip with your sister about helping your son. shall we pencil his institutionalization in after your hair appointment and another boink with BIll? Very good then.

Alright, alright, end of the episode Brooke finally did something useful. Sort out Ridge because it's straight up true. Rick is crazy as Todd Manning at an open bar, but when your daddy tries to screw your wife....shit happens. If someone rando wanted to walk in the room every episode to throw a cheap glass of whiskey in Ridge's face I'd be down with that. People call Brooke the walking mattress but the truth is every mattress has two sides and at least there ain't no millennials sleeping on her side (not on purpose anyway).

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Brooke's yelling she doesn't care that Rick's firing shots at people? Then she asks what's wrong with Ridge? What is wrong with Rick and her? 


Go Liam take it over and Ridge, go to the police!

Hello, thank you, and word!! I was so pissed at Brooke waltzing in and giving orders. Donna gets a Yay! for telling the truth. I loved when Ivy called Ricky "the Dictator"!

  • Love 5

I have all these jumbled thoughts running around in my head; I must say, this show certainly has me second guessing everything.


I can only speak for myself, but I am loving Big Balls Liam. Seriously, compared to the Sad Waffles we had a few months ago, this is like a whole new guy; he smiles, and he laughs, and he....dare I say it? Plots. Good grief, but Liam wants to take over FC's! For some reason, I find that intriguing, funny, and kinda noble, all in a twisted up way. And Bill was preening like a Peacock; his chest was pumped up higher than a sleep number bed. It was almost like watching a Frigatebird doing it's mating ritual:




And Donna? OMG! Bringing up Grant Chamber's, and Brooke sorta poo pooing the whole thing, because she doesn't care that Rick shot the office up? Was this new path for Brooke insanity? Is that what we are going to find out? Crazy runs in the family? Donna pretty much smashed Brooke over the head with Rick's out of control behavior, and what do we get? Brooke looking the other way, and making it about Ridge. You Bitch! I love ya girl, but imma gonna dig my heels in here. Your son needs your help. All you have to do is look at him, and listen to him. And if you know what is good for you, you will turn that squinty eye in Maya's direction, cause I caught her smiling when Ridge was talking to Rick about "the incident". Where I come from, there is nothing remotely funny about shooting weapons at people. Period.


Ridge and Caroline handled that all wrong; they looked desperate instead of confident. Even so, I love the united front, and that Caroline has found her voice. I hope she keeps it and calls Brooke out on her nonsense. How is it that Brooke gets to dictate who is and who isn't going to the police? It isn't like Caroline and Ridge are talking about going to the fucking movies or something. So Brooke's idea of helping Rick is actually ignoring his actions, and justifying any you can't ignore by laying it at Ridge's feet? And of course Brooke would never own her own culpability in her son's mental state. I have this terrible, sinking feeling that this big "change" in Brooke is going to turn me against her, because I don't like what I am seeing so far.

I am a newer viewer to B/B.  I think Rick is not crazy.  Was he completely an asshole when he shot the gun--absolutely.  Was Ridge an asshole when he left beribboned Katie and intruded on Brooke's wedding with Bill in Dubai?  Absolutely.  Then Bill was crazed as he dumped Ridge out of a helicopter to his almost certain death.  I think Bill did similar to others in the past.  Then Ridge was completely crazy when he helicoptered Bill over LA threatening to dump him.  


None of these men are sane.  Or reasonable.  Rick, if he had not been constantly pestered by the unlikely team of Ivy/Aly/Caroline would probably not have reacted in the ways he has.  Does that make him a good CEO?  No.  A CEO has to be able to rise above the shit.  He should have thrown all of them out his office and boardroom many times.  But this is a soap.


So, I don't think we can apply the rules of real life here.  If a real life CEO had fired three shots?  Yes, he would be in jail.  But no one here is held by those standards.


Quinn held a sword in an attempt to kill Liam--and yet here she is, and shortly after assaulted Ivy by pushing her into the Seine, which could have killed her.  Yet Quinn is free.

  • Love 4

I was thinking Brooke's "leave my boy alone!" Speech was more because of the crowd in the room. She may tone it down once she is alone with Rick and works on convincing him to get help. But maybe her Mama Bear act was so that Rick would be coddled into believing Mommy's on his side and would be more receptive to her speaking some truth in a quieter private setting.

As for Ridge charging in yelling about taking over ..I fully expected him to have a stick and start poking Rick in the side.

Liam, I dig that you're all fired up about something, but have a seat. Your cousin and girlfriend are adults. Maybe just counsel them on what they can do about their hostile work environment. Bill damn near giggling at his Number One Son not only describing him, but starting to act like dear old Dad was priceless.

  • Love 8

I am a newer viewer to B/B. I think Rick is not crazy. Was he completely an asshole when he shot the gun--absolutely. Was Ridge an asshole when he left beribboned Katie and intruded on Brooke's wedding with Bill in Dubai? Absolutely. Then Bill was crazed as he dumped Ridge out of a helicopter to his almost certain death. I think Bill did similar to others in the past. Then Ridge was completely crazy when he helicoptered Bill over LA threatening to dump him.

None of these men are sane. Or reasonable. Rick, if he had not been constantly pestered by the unlikely team of Ivy/Aly/Caroline would probably not have reacted in the ways he has. Does that make him a good CEO? No. A CEO has to be able to rise above the shit. He should have thrown all of them out his office and boardroom many times. But this is a soap.

So, I don't think we can apply the rules of real life here. If a real life CEO had fired three shots? Yes, he would be in jail. But no one here is held by those standards.

Quinn held a sword in an attempt to kill Liam--and yet here she is, and shortly after assaulted Ivy by pushing her into the Seine, which could have killed her. Yet Quinn is free.

I think you have raised the most important point. No one is sane by definition on this show so if we're to lock Rick up then best we grab Ridge,$Bill,Quinn,Caroline and dead Stephanie (10 times over) as well.

  • Love 2
Donna gossips that Maya told the room that Caroline was macking on her son with her ex-husband and all Brooke has to say is "Poor Caroline"? Donate your brain to science so the brain trusts of the world can genetically engineer what not to do.



If it were anyone other than Brooke's son that was being cheated on, I could see her empathy.  Because what Maya did to Caroline is the kind of shit Taylor pulled on Brooke when she decided to spill the beans about Brooke/Bill at a party.  But, yeah, this is her son, her immediate reaction should be "poor Rick."  Period. 

  • Love 4


but when your daddy tries to screw your wife....shit happens.

Usually not bullets though.



None of these men are sane.

Ridge and Bill strike me as perfectly sane; they're both just assholes high on testosterone.



Yet Quinn is free.

I definitely agree with this. I think Liam gave her a pass for his brother's sake, which turned out to be a huge mistake.

  • Love 7

Well, nobody died, unlike the last time the Ricktator had a gun, (Didn't Grant die?) So by B&B standards it really is no BFD. Hell, at this point PRick could tell Maya he wants to consume the burnt flesh of an employee and Maya would say "Go for it! They are yours, CEO. As long as I can have some, too!"  And Brooke would shrug and blame Ridge. lol

  • Love 7

Brooke. Bye girl. Rick can't just let go of his anger. His kind of anger requires professional help, not enduring a marriage to someone he shot at. Ridge doesn't owe Brooke squat or even diddly, what happened between them belongs to both of them.


Cha cha cha? Where's a piece of flaming space debris when you need it? I have to stop watching until Steffy leaves. As I recall, Brooke ran Forrester rather well, so why is Steffy calling it a dark time? Let me tell you what a dark time is; it's listening to shitty music playing over an even shittier montage.

  • Love 12

Well, nobody died, unlike the last time the Ricktator had a gun, (Didn't Grant die?) So by B&B standards it really is no BFD. Hell, at this point PRick could tell Maya he wants to consume the burnt flesh of an employee and Maya would say "Go for it! They are yours, CEO. As long as I can have some, too!"  And Brooke would shrug and blame Ridge. lol

...and as long as I remain lead model & matriarch!
  • Love 3

I cracked up at Pammy saying, "No one listens to Brooke...except for you" and when Caroline dropped that bomb about Rick deceiving everyone while keeping Maya on the side and Maya scrambling to explain it.


Other than that, boo to this whole episode.  Boo to Ridge talking about Brooke's "screwed up sex life" with such detachment, as if that's all it was, as if he had no part in it and to him saying stuff like, "Why are you talking when I'm talking?" to Maya.  That made me want to take a fist to his throat.  Boo to Brooke talking about "You owe me," making Caroline and Maya declare their love for Rick like they're in a coliseum or something, and telling Rick to stay in his marriage.  Again with this madness?  Rick needs therapy.  Thresholds are different for all types of people -- Caroline was unfaithful; just because she didn't screw Ridge doesn't make it less so.  She wasn't just tempted.  She lied and actively deceived Rick about a few key things.


Oh, and Maya left Rick to be with Carter?  Is that what Rick told his mom?  That statement right there should have made Maya turn a crooked eye toward Rick.


I did like Maya's necklace, though...


I'm not even dealing with Liam, Steffy and their cha cha cha mess.  Of course she said that when she was at his door.  Vomit.


I'm pretty sure that Grant is still alive, thewhiteowl.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 10

Brooke owes Rick for being a crap mom, but no one owes it to her to take his bat shit craziness. She really gets on my nerves. The bitch sees her son is becoming unhinged if not already there and she wants to force him back into his marriage to the woman he just shot at? She's nuts, too!


It's time for this show to introduce some new young men. I don't see Caroline and Ridge lasting and as I've said before I hope it will end sweetly, but I don't want to see her with Rick or Carter. Thank goodness Wyatt's her cousin so that's out of bounds. 


What do you want to bet BDE will try to hook up her sister with Oliver?

  • Love 5

...him saying stuff like, "Why are you talking when I'm talking?" to Maya.

Being that Maya has been nothing but disrespectful & dismissive toward the entire Forrester family (except Rick, of course), I have no problem with one of them talking to her that way. She can dish it out, she better be prepared to take it. 


I'm not even dealing with Liam, Steffy and their cha cha cha mess.  Of course she said that when she was at his door.  Vomit.

Blech, not enough vomit bags on earth as far as I'm concerned!
  • Love 9

Being that Maya has been nothing but disrespectful & dismissive toward the entire Forrester family (except Rick, of course), I have no problem with one of them talking to her that way. She can dish it out, she better be prepared to take it.

Everyone is disrespectful to everyone at some point, but no one gets spoken to like they're a child or an animal except for Maya. I think that you can express disrespect ire disdain without having that kind of connotation.

  • Love 10

Everyone is disrespectful to everyone at some point, but no one gets spoken to like they're a child or an animal except for Maya. I think that you can express disrespect ire disdain without having that kind of connotation.

I don't think the writers even get this. As this story progresses on, I realize why Maya's attitude is the way it is. If I was surrounded by people who looked down at me and talked to me like some...trash on a street corner, I would over compensate as well.

  • Love 2

That's rich, Smidge, throwing Brooke's screwed-up sex life to her. 


Hello, Pot?

This is Kettle.

You're black.




And OMFG, that cha cha cha noise is back?


I swore if I heard Steffy say that one more time, I was going to punch her in her cha cha cha aka lady bits so she could shut the fuck up.

  • Love 7

If my [whatever he and rick are]'s  side piece was threatening to fire me and insinuating herself in situations in which she didn't belong regarding my FAMILY's business, I'd feel some kind of way and talk down to Maya, too. I understand her wanting to be all ride and die for Rick but she has gotten carried away on many an occasion and should not be surprised that Ridge has such disdain for her, starting with the way she broke the news of the kisses at that meeting. That was very unprofessional. Answering the front door of Eric's house in lingerie? Who respects that? Matriarchs don't come to the door with their asses hanging out. She may not have had the same advantages as some of the other girls, but i don't get the impression that she was raised without being taught some basic manners even if she did fall for the wrong guy who got her in trouble. In fact, it seems she has a habit of letting love blind her to reality, as in your man still has strong feelings for his wife and you had to force him to say he loves you and shooting a gun indoors is so not normal.


The fact that she's the only African-American woman on the show may make the way she's treated seem more hurtful to some, but I think anyone of any race in that role would get the same treatment. She might be treated a little bit better if she shut the fuck up sometimes.

  • Love 13

Like I said, until I see Ridge speak to everyone who gets in his face like that, it's gonna stand out.

I don't think it's a race thing, I think it's Ridge/asshole/bully behavior. He spoke to Amber the same way and it was just as annoying then. However, I doubt he'd ever fix is face to say stuff like that to Bill and he definitely didn't say anything when Caroline read him for filth, got in his face and told him to "get to sketching." This disrespect coming from a junior designer got nothing.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 2

I'm sure the writers don't see it as a race thing, but if I as a viewer recoil because of it and it bothers me partly because B&B is horrible with their black characters...that's fine as well. Maybe if this was Y&R, I wouldn't give them the side eye, but it's not Y&R, so my perception is my perception.

And lastly, Maya hasn't done anything close to what Amber Moore did to Rick or anyone else.

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 7

Devoted, handsome Whip wasn't good enough for Taylor, she had to divorce him.  Now, if we don't want to inflict her on reliable, capable Lt. Baker, who should we choose? 

Maybe Alison ? We know she's loyal, or if people can get around the age difference Aly. He's a cop and she can smell evil.


I was going to make a cha cha cha comment but Kia112 and CountryGirl handled that for me,so thanks. ;) Also punch in the lady bits is too funny.


Steffy vs Ivy is no competition to me at all and I HOPE it doesn't become one.


Brooke I will not take orders from you until you have a matriarch portrait over the fireplace.


Is it weird that with all the infuriating things they do on this show, making Liam a vegan is what angers me the most.


Ok maybe one...  Steffy stop trying to make "cha cha cha" happen. It's not going to happen

  • Love 4

If my [whatever he and rick are]'s  side piece was threatening to fire me and insinuating herself in situations in which she didn't belong regarding my FAMILY's business, I'd feel some kind of way and talk down to Maya, too.

I couldn't agree more.  Maybe Ridge doesn't talk down to others like he does to Maya because none of the others were rude & disrespectful along with being smug and acting so entitled to stick her nose wherever she felt like.

  • Love 8


Rick is crazy as Todd Manning at an open bar, but when your daddy tries to screw your wife....shit happens.


Wait, I'm confused. What daddy tried to screw Rick's wife? Ridge isn't Rick's dad, Eric is ... correct?



If my [whatever he and rick are]'s  side piece was threatening to fire me and insinuating herself in situations in which she didn't belong regarding my FAMILY's business, I'd feel some kind of way and talk down to Maya, too.


Exactly. I'm sorry but Maya is just a model. I don't mean that it any kind of negative way as a judgement on the character's character, but rather than she knows nothing about business and yet is standing there acting as though she's the CEO and not her man child boyfriend. She lectures anyone who dare say anything about Rick's behavior as if it's perfectly normal. He shot a gun at 2 people. That's not nothing.

  • Love 12
Cha cha cha? Where's a piece of flaming space debris when you need it? I have to stop watching until Steffy leaves.



I haven't watched yet today.  I can't believe that shit is back.  You would think JMW and SC would have seen their scripts and been like "um, can we please leave that shit behind?"  Stop, show.  Just stop. 

  • Love 5

If my [whatever he and rick are]'s  side piece was threatening to fire me and insinuating herself in situations in which she didn't belong regarding my FAMILY's business, I'd feel some kind of way and talk down to Maya, too. I understand her wanting to be all ride and die for Rick but she has gotten carried away on many an occasion and should not be surprised that Ridge has such disdain for her, starting with the way she broke the news of the kisses at that meeting. That was very unprofessional. Answering the front door of Eric's house in lingerie? Who respects that? Matriarchs don't come to the door with their asses hanging out. She may not have had the same advantages as some of the other girls, but i don't get the impression that she was raised without being taught some basic manners even if she did fall for the wrong guy who got her in trouble. In fact, it seems she has a habit of letting love blind her to reality, as in your man still has strong feelings for his wife and you had to force him to say he loves you and shooting a gun indoors is so not normal.


The fact that she's the only African-American woman on the show may make the way she's treated seem more hurtful to some, but I think anyone of any race in that role would get the same treatment. She might be treated a little bit better if she shut the fuck up sometimes.


The Ridge I've seen over the past few months doesn't give a damn about family or business.  This version is no different than the previous one in that his needs and desires take precedence 99% of the time.  Only a character as delusional as Ridge would view stepping back and allowing Rick and Caroline to reunite as a magnanimous gesture.  Only a character so lacking in basic human decency would continue to disrespect someone whose marriage he detonated.  Anyone else would be too damn embarrassed to show their face.  And Ridge is going to be the arbiter of professionalism?  Hilarious.  


Ridge doesn't like Maya because she didn't let him get away with his homewrecking bullshit.  Maya never was the villain.  But people needed to point their finger at her or else they would have to look at the real culprits... Ridge and "Poor Caroline".  Ridge's tone with Maya was disgusting and well-deserving of a slap in the face.  He truly is a piece of garbage.


Oh, Steffy.  The hate is bubbling up inside of me... I thought it had gone away!

  • Love 8

I don't think it's a race thing, I think it's Ridge/asshole/bully behavior. He spoke to Amber the same way and it was just as annoying then. 

I agree with you about Ridge, but Amber did nearly kill him so I can understand why he hated her and always expressed it. I liked that he never forgave her for what she did and kept his contempt of her.


RE Steffy and her "cha cha cha". I've always heard it as "chow chow chow" as in the old Purina Cat Chow commercials where they would repeatedly rewind the tape of the cat to make it look like it was dancing or something.

  • Love 4

Oh, so *that's* Steffy.  I've been wondering.  Do we hate her?  I kind of want to hate her. And I don't even know what cha cha cha is.


Why is everyone doing what Brooke says?  I know I don't know all the history of this show, but it just seems ridiculous that Ridge leaves the room, Caroline stays (which made me so mad - where's that backbone??) - it just makes no sense.  How in the world does Brooke think this marriage is salvageable?

I remain 100% in Ridge & Caroline's corner.  But that may be because of my ignorance on anything that happened before last year.​


Brooke I will not take orders from you until you have a matriarch portrait over the fireplace.



Exactly.  And hilarious.

  • Love 3

Why is everyone doing what Brooke says?

Because everyone is used to doing what Stephanie told them to do. They are all lost without her. Since she passed away it is amazing that they can tie their own shoes. Good to see Brooke stepping up. (haha) And her armchair psychology approach to fixing her son is so much better than anything that Taylor could come up with. Go Brooke!

  • Love 6

So, Brooke is willing to own her responsibility for being a terrible parent, but only after Ridge leaves the room? Up until then, Brooke was laying all the blame on Ridge, and was also blaming him for keeping his and Rick's feud alive. Ridge doesn't owe Brooke anything; Brooke can try and paint herself a victim, but that doesn't change the facts. She also overlooks the fact that most men would have kicked her to the curb after she fucked her son-in-law and had a child with him. But Ridge didn't, no, Ridge growled out his patented "Oh Logan", before starting to sex Brooke up. And anyway, Brooke and Ridge are long past this blame stage. It is my opinion that Brooke's opening volleys were more for effect and to create the "shock and awe" thing in Caroline over the great Bridge love story. And of course to piss Ridge off. None of it however, was for Rick. 


Ridge leaves and Brooke switches gears, and started making some sense. That is until she started pressing about a Rick/Caroline reunion. How does she see this as the answer? And Brooke has no control over Caroline's decisions, and is unaware that Caroline has already signed the divorce papers.


I have no problem with the way Ridge spoke to Maya; as a firm believer in you reap what you sow, Maya has not handled her affairs all that well. Ridge tried to tell her early on about burning her bridges, and came right out and asked her who was going to have her back? She stuck her pretty little nose in where it didn't belong, right or wrong is irrelevant; it wasn't her place, nor the right place, for such an outburst. What Maya fails to realize is that her public humiliation of Rick is probably a bigger factor in Rick's mental state than the actual act of Caroline kissing Ridge. And the way she has flaunted herself since stalking Rick to Brooke's cabin is embarrassing. Talking down, ordering people around, telling Ridge to leave the company; no, sorry, if you want respect, then you have to give it.


Caroline! Wow, I was so impressed with her voice today. And Maya's smirking visage just cracked so hard when Caroline started spilling the beans about what has really been going on in Bell LA. And just when Brooke thought she had a handle on the situation! 


I wonder if Brooke was thinking about Stephanie when she was telling Maya to take a hike? She was awfully nice about it, so maybe all those years of abuse from Stephanie has shown her how NOT to handle someone you see as a threat to your son. All the same, how rich was it to hear Brooke saying "I know you think you believe what you are saying", because that has been her life mantra. 


JMW looked really odd; her cheeks were sticking out at a pretty staggering angle. It looks like there are golf balls in there or something. 


Most folks would be facing a challenge trying to be President of one company and CEO of another, but Liam is ahead of the game because he already spends 70% of his time at FC's.


Rick is such a damn poser; standing there all pumped up with pride as his women fight his battles. And couldn't even look at Caroline as she was calling him on his shit. Pussy.


Best lines today:


Maya "Mrs. Forrester, if you would let me explain"

Brooke "STOP calling me that!"


Bill "You know, you almost sound like you have been eating meat"


Pam "No one ever does what Brooke tells them to"


Ridge " Wow, you brought your own criminal justice adviser"

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 17
Everyone is disrespectful to everyone at some point, but no one gets spoken to like they're a child or an animal except for Maya. I think that you can express disrespect ire disdain without having that kind of connotation.

Not too long ago I would completely agree but now I'm reserving further judgment until I see how they all behave toward Maya's sister. Apparently she's some kind of brainiac (compared to Maya, anyway) who'd be bringing more to the table than her body. Right now I'm inclined to think that Maya's recent behavior has encouraged the way certain people speak to her. IMO, she's pretty much waved her cooch and its power over Rick in everybody's face but no one is obliged to respect her for it.


Brooke said that Ridge has been jealous of Rick almost since Rick was born. Is that true or just her spin on it? It'd be kind of pathetic for a grown-ass man to be jealous of a baby. What was that all about?

  • Love 4
I did have to laugh at Brooke telling Maya that she believes her but her actions speak differently. And telling Rick it was wrong to be "shacking up" with Maya. I can't help it--the phrase "shacking up" always cracks me up.


Spoken by the same woman who (at one time) sputtered "I freakin' FORBID you" to her grown-ass son!


Yep. Brooke's take-charge attitude with its ridiculous demands is right out of Stephanie's playbook. The spontaneous family therapy session was kind of bizarre, but at least Brooke owned up as to why Rick is such an emotional mess. I know that she is overly compensating for being a parent in more or less name only, but she's got to step aside and let her adult kids fight their own battles. While I'm not dismissing Rick's behavior, she's going about it all the wrong way. That man-child needs to be locked up.


Oh, and Steffy... Khloe Kardashian called and wants her hair back.

  • Love 5

I agree with you about Ridge, but Amber did nearly kill him so I can understand why he hated her and always expressed it. I liked that he never forgave her for what she did and kept his contempt of her.

I meant the times when Ridge was ripping up her designs and calling her trash when she asked him for his input. After she almost killed him and Bridget, she was fair game.

I wish this wasn't dubbed.


So, Ridge came back, acting like the jerk he's always been, disrespecting everyone, but he's still supposed to be respected, so that when Maya disrespects him, it's all good for him to only talk to her in that tone? Cool story, bro, but I ain't buyin' it. ;-)

  • Love 1

Not too long ago I would completely agree but now I'm reserving further judgment until I see how they all behave toward Maya's sister. Apparently she's some kind of brainiac (compared to Maya, anyway) who'd be bringing more to the table than her body. Right now I'm inclined to think that Maya's recent behavior has encouraged the way certain people speak to her. IMO, she's pretty much waved her cooch and its power over Rick in everybody's face but no one is obliged to respect her for it.

I don't care if they don't respect her, but there's that fine line between not respecting someone and legitimately thinking that you are a better person than someone else. That's the vibe that Ridge is giving to me. "How dare this lesser being dare speak to me without my acknowledgement." And it wasn't so much his words but how he said it.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 2

Brooke is like a box of chocolate because you never know what you are going to get. At first I thought her baby son was still on the teat and she was going to just changed his diaper but than she made him put his big boy pants on and stop throwing temper tantrums. Next she will pull Rick by his ear and have him take down Maya's portrait. I'm hoping that Caroline can put up with Rick for the balance of his Reich and than kick him to the curb. Plan B if Liam's Coup D' Etat doesn't work.

It's nice to see Liam and Steffy together for, like Ivy, she makes him tolerable. In fact Liam's scenes with anyone, are better than his scenes with Hope. Hope seamed to suck the life out of Liam's acting also.

  • Love 2
I don't care if they don't respect her, but there's that fine line between not respecting someone and legitimately thinking that you are a better person than someone else. That's the vibe that Ridge is giving to me. "How dare this lesser being dare speak to me without my acknowledgement." And it wasn't so much his words but how he said it.

I dunno, just because someone thinks and acts like they're better than you it doesn't mean they are. Maya clearly doesn't value his opinion of her so unless he starts bad mouthing her in the press or something similar, it doesn't bother me.


For sure a lot of the general behavior toward Maya has been problematic but I think the writers have fixed most of the past issues. As far as Ridge is concerned, I think he's just being the excretory orifice he's always been and if it wasn't Maya he'd be pulling his dismissive attitude on somebody else.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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