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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I still fail to see the logic with Caroline taking over FC - she may know how to design now, thanks to Ridge "teaching her," but I haven't seen much to show me she has what it takes to run a major corporation. I haven't seen where Ridge has what it takes either. Not to say that Rick does, but up until the cheating fiasco and aftermath, everything about Rick's performance showed me he IS capable. He worked his way up, including long stints at FC International, and knows the ins and outs of the business in a way Caroline and Ridge never will.


Caroline and Ridge know how to design pretty clothes but that's not enough to run the business.


It seems to me that Caroline just wants the business to be handed over to her on a silver platter so she doesn't have to work for/earn any of it  and she hasn't the foggiest notion of how to run things. Oh, but I guess Ridge can teach her that, too? 


And just because Rick is not capable of running the show right now, given his state of mind, that doesn't mean either of them are qualified. I'd honestly like to see Brooke as CEO - she has experience in this role and in pretty much all facets of the company - from design to product development to marketing to sales, etc. etc. She would make a helluva more lot of sense than either Ridge or Caroline or Rick (right now). And I'd love to see an updated red power suit on her. With a new haircut!!!

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 3

No character is mentioning either relationship prior to Rick and Caroline's marriage.  Except Othello, maybe.  Which includes the fact that Rick and Caroline had issues (dumb, made up issues to Mary Sue Maya in, but issues nonetheless) which is why he left Caroline on his own accord without any kind of machinations.  Also not mentioned is the fact that Caroline was with Thomas first and waffling between whether she wanted to be with him or Rick.  I will always contend that Rick wanted Caroline not so much because of her, but because he wanted to beat Rick

Thank you! However, the fact that Caroline and Rick had a relationship prior to him and Maya wasn't really the point of my statement. The show has taken great pains to let me know that Rick has loved Caroline since forever, my point was...they have the characters acting as if Maya and Rick weren't together BEFORE this affair...my point had nothing to do with Rick and Caroline pre marriage.

  • Love 2

My point regarding Rick being with Caroline before Maya is that Maya has always been the interloper (although admittedly without her knowledge during the first round).




And just because Rick is not capable of running the show right now, given his state of mind, that doesn't mean either of them are qualified. I'd honestly like to see Brooke as CEO - she has experience in this role and in pretty much all facets of the company - from design to product development to marketing to sales, etc. etc. She would make a helluva more lot of sense than either Ridge or Caroline or Rick (right now). And I'd love to see an updated red power suit on her. With a new haircut!!!

I wouldn't mind Brooke getting the position, but what I'd really like to see is for it to go to Thorne.  I recall he was offered CEO before & he turned it down as he didn't want it as 2nd choice, so I'd like to see Eric admit that his judgment has been crappy as hell & practically beg Thorne to accept.

  • Love 3

My point regarding Rick being with Caroline before Maya is that Maya has always been the interloper (although admittedly without her knowledge during the first round).




I wouldn't mind Brooke getting the position, but what I'd really like to see is for it to go to Thorne.  I recall he was offered CEO before & he turned it down as he didn't want it as 2nd choice, so I'd like to see Eric admit that his judgment has been crappy as hell & practically beg Thorne to accept.

I can get on board with Thorne being CEO but you'd have to find him first.


If he in Paris, in TayQuack's bed somewhere?


Or perhaps he's back to toiling away in the FC basement.

  • Love 2

I think Brad Bell is very deliberately (and smartly, business-wise) going where the majority of the fan interest is going right now. If you look outside of this board, it's pretty overwhelming where the audience is rallying. I know that sucks for viewers who aren't on board with it, though, and I'd be annoyed as all hell if the shoe were on the other foot.


Fan interest was through the roof with Hope and Liam and we saw what garbage that was.  And I think fan interest is going that way because they're writing it that way.  It's a chicken or egg scenario.  I don't even care about Caroline and Ridge (it's not like I FF them like I do other stories), but I don't think that it has to be an all or nothing scenario.


My point regarding Rick being with Caroline before Maya is that Maya has always been the interloper (although admittedly without her knowledge during the first round).


This could totally be a semantics thing, but I don't think you can be an unknowing interloper.  That has to be intentional.  I would call Caroline an interloper in Rick/Maya 1.0 and Maya an interloper in Rick/Caroline 2.0.  Rick/Caroline 1.0, though?  I would call Maya misled and encouraged by Rick because he didn't have the balls to break up with Caroline .

  • Love 4

Fan interest was through the roof with Hope and Liam and we saw what garbage that was. And I think fan interest is going that way because they're writing it that way. It's a chicken or egg scenario. I don't even care about Caroline and Ridge (it's not like I FF them like I do other stories), but I don't think that it has to be an all or nothing scenario.

This could totally be a semantics thing, but I don't think you can be an unknowing interloper. That has to be intentional. I would call Caroline an interloper in Rick/Maya 1.0 and Maya an interloper in Rick/Caroline 2.0. Rick/Caroline 1.0, though? I would call Maya misled and encouraged by Rick because he didn't have the balls to break up with Caroline .

I agree with you again on both aspects. Edited by venusnv80

What I meant was that they sacrificed good story telling at the altar of fan response.  I don't think you should piss off your fan base intentionally with something like a bait and switch (ahem, Sleepy Hollow), but I think there's more balanced storytelling to be had.  If you find something good, roll with it, but don't steam roll everything with it.  It seems like we're heading the steam roll route again.


People (fans and critics alike) have been talking about how B&B has been the best it's been in years because the Hope albatross has finally been lifted from its neck, and now it may be going the way of the beginnings of a Caroline albatross.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 5

I like what Jacob Young is doing.  I wouldn't want it to stop, but, like I said, just more balanced.  I don't like "So and so against the world" stories when there are legitimate claims on both sides.  As we've seen in the back and forth on this board (which is very cool to get different perspectives), Ridge and Rick share the same ugly traits, so it's really a toss up on who's "side" you're on.  I don't have a problem with that.  I have a problem with everyone pooh poohing Caroline and Ridge.  Not so much now, because Rick's insane, but late last year.  Not one person in Rick's family was like, "Wow, Caroline.  You suck and I will back Rick up on this" or "Rick, I can't believe how she treated you.  You deserve so much better.  I'm sorry this happened to you."  Well, except for Hope, but then she left two days later.  Then it could be a real battle.  Rick, Maya and their people scheming, Ridge, Caroline and their people scheming.  But as it stands, I don't like it.  Same way that no one was like, "What the hell, Hope.  You don't marry some other guy 5-7 minutes after your fiance doesn't show up in another country when you had no confirmation that he was coming in the first place."  First it was, "Well, what else were you supposed to do?" then it was, "Oh my gosh.  This is Quinn's fault!  Quinn made you marry Wyatt!"

  • Love 12


Not one person in Rick's family was like, "Wow, Caroline.  You suck and I will back Rick up on this" or "Rick, I can't believe how she treated you.  You deserve so much better.  I'm sorry this happened to you."  Well, except for Hope, but then she left two days later.  Then it could be a real battle.

Hey, Rick and Maya have Othello. It ain't much but it's something.


Although you know who would be an interesting to side with Rick over Ridge? Steffy. Not necessarily siding with Rick but against Caroline because she doesn't want that 'faithless skank' with her dad. 


And unlike Hope, Steffy would scheme and battle to keep Caroline out of the company and be nasty about it.


And if you really wanted to get it twisted? Have Steffy and Rick get closer because of it and Maya worry she losing Rick to Seffy, Steffy suspicious of Maya with Rick, Liam sniffing around Steffy b/c he's 'worried' about her and Rick while Ivy worries about losing Liam to Steffy, and Ridge getting his back up that Rick is using Steffy to get back at him.

  • Love 10

In the back of my mind an idea is forming about this new SL for Brooke we have been hearing so much about. Bradley has given us a riddle: it is not about a man, but at the same time it is. Brooke will be traveling an entirely new path, and will be challenged as never before. So, could this be the first time Brooke is truly without a man in her corner? Because what I have noticed is they are taking great pains to exhibit how happy all her ex's are. Ridge appears completely besotted with Caroline, Deacon seams very devoted to Quinn, and Bill and Katie look to be on the fast track to a re-marriage. Additionally, and maybe most importantly, Eric is MIA. And to compound things, she is now going to have to deal with the Rick fallout. Of course I am only speculating, but I could have been all over that if it was written differently. I would have rather seen Brooke come back ready to stand on her own, instead of being forced into it. But there was just something about that interaction with Bill today; the way he turned her words back on her. The coldness of the entire discussion. Ridge was very cold to her before she left. Deacon is the only one who hasn't been, but if Brooke keeps coming at Quinn, that could change. I just have this feeling that Brooke's men are going to find ways to really say goodbye to her, something they have never been able to do in the past.


Today was the first time I have ever bought into Deacon and Quinn. It is clear they are trying to humanize her; I mean, she was actually speaking respectfully of other peoples relationships, and was showing doubt about herself. And Deacon is so damn sweet with her. I like where they are taking these two because it will give them something to do besides discuss Wyatt and Hope all the time. We need some mature couples on this show that last for more than a week.


I'd honestly like to see Brooke as CEO - she has experience in this role and in pretty much all facets of the company - from design to product development to marketing to sales, etc. etc. She would make a helluva more lot of sense than either Ridge or Caroline or Rick (right now). And I'd love to see an updated red power suit on her. With a new haircut!!!



There isn't enough WORD! in the world. Spoliers say

That Steffy helps Liam in his quest to get control of FC's, but that she has a stipulation. So, is Steffy going to give her shares to Liam? And will Bill follow suit, making Liam have controlling interest of FC's? Liam and Brooke have always been close, would he appoint her CEO? He was just made President of SP's, I can't see him having a lot of interest in running FC's. And then again, there is that stipulation thing from Steffy.

In any event, they certainly have my interest piqued, and I am very invested, and quite excited to see where things will go from here.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 7


Although you know who would be an interesting to side with Rick over Ridge? Steffy. Not necessarily siding with Rick but against Caroline because she doesn't want that 'faithless skank' with her dad. 


And unlike Hope, Steffy would scheme and battle to keep Caroline out of the company and be nasty about it.


And if you really wanted to get it twisted? Have Steffy and Rick get closer because of it and Maya worry she losing Rick to Seffy, Steffy suspicious of Maya with Rick, Liam sniffing around Steffy b/c he's 'worried' about her and Rick while Ivy worries about losing Liam to Steffy, and Ridge getting his back up that Rick is using Steffy to get back at him.

You ideas read like a spoiler. This all so seems like it could happen.

  • Love 2


There isn't enough WORD! in the world. Spoliers say

That Steffy helps Liam in his quest to get control of FC's, but that she has a stipulation. So, is Steffy going to give her shares to Liam? And will Bill follow suit, making Liam have controlling interest of FC's? Liam and Brooke have always been close, would he appoint her CEO? He was just made President of SP's, I can't see him having a lot of interest in running FC's. And then again, there is that stipulation thing from Steffy.

In any event, they certainly have my interest piqued, and I am very invested, and quite excited to see where things will go from here.

I just hope $Bill is heavily involved in all of it. Now that he has his love life settled I want to see him sinking his teeth into something else and this would be good. I wonder if

Steffy's stipulation involves Katie?

  • Love 1


Belle Reve.

Ha ! Thanks for that. Now I want Rick to get the Lex look.



Very few of us have goats.

I had a goat, then someone else got it.



She and Brooke (and Eric) need to be calling in the psychiatric professionals, STAT! He needs more than a nap at this point.

You forgot to add the "Not Taylor" disclaimer to this comment. ;) 



How come we can have an elephant in the room but we can't have Thorne in the room?

What's a Thorne ?



If he in Paris, in TayQuack's bed somewhere?

No the writers took the time to have Taylor mention that they broke up.


When Bill mentioned Brooke's beautiful hair today I had to laugh just thinking of the comments on here.

  • Love 9

I'm thinking that

Steffy's stipulation will be something like Liam having to marry her.  

Yeah, cuz that thing worked out really well the last time this was tried with

Oliver.  Can't speak for anyone else but I always thought that a lot (not all) her relationship with Liam was about sticking it to Hope, but she's out the picture. What could she have an advantage over Ivy?


I agree that I felt Rick was truly in love with Phoebe and I really liked that relationship until TPTB ruined it.


for me, the relationship was ruined because of the awful borderline incest of it. But looking back on it on the heels of Hope and Liam, I now have actual nostalgia for a time when young(ish) couples fought their own battles and were united with one another against the world, and not always running away at the first speedbump.


What I meant was that they sacrificed good story telling at the altar of fan response.  I don't think you should piss off your fan base intentionally with something like a bait and switch (ahem, Sleepy Hollow), but I think there's more balanced storytelling to be had.  If you find something good, roll with it, but don't steam roll everything with it.  It seems like we're heading the steam roll route again.

This. One thing I noticed with the retro epis is that no one story ever completely took over the entire show. Characters could overlap with one another and discuss two stories or more in one scene, and stories could be put on the back burner for days or even weeks. This story is just the latest victim of a trend that's been going on since at least Nick went batshit ten years ago, but probably began when Amber came on the scene.

  • Love 4
I agree that Jacob Young is off-the-charts entertaining right now, but then again, I'm always glued to the psycho storylines. "Bang up day at the office..."  Oh...my...god...!!! He's getting better lines than $Bill now! He has got to be in Actor's Heaven right now. Having to play shades of madness is so much more interesting than sitting in that effing tub.


There are no elements in the garage Pam.


I guess I should be annoyed by the idea of the

Spencers ganging up on Rick

, but they've all shown they're quite okay with relationships with a spouse's sibling or a sibling's spouse.  Like someone else said, the idea that Caroline would feel

in any entitled to run FC is the Spencer in her coming out.  I can't wait to see $Bill's reaction when he hears about the gunshots, considering this was a man who ordered a human being dropped off a helicopter into the middle of the ocean


Edited by nasir jones
  • Love 3

Yeah, cuz that thing worked out really well the last time this was tried with

Oliver.  Can't speak for anyone else but I always thought that a lot (not all) her relationship with Liam was about sticking it to Hope, but she's out the picture. What could she have an advantage over Ivy?




I agree, that was some of it.  I think it started out as two things - he was the next best thing to his father (who she couldn't have) and he "saved" her.  Then I think it turned mostly into a part of the "us vs. them" mentality she and her mother have about Brooke and her children.  And then her mother, who really should have wanted to spare her daughter being in the same unhealthy situation she was in all those years with Ridge and Brooke, kept encouraging her, because she wanted the "win" over Brooke. 

  • Love 6

Ha ! Thanks for that. Now I want Rick to get the Lex look.


I had a goat, then someone else got it.


You forgot to add the "Not Taylor" disclaimer to this comment. ;) 


What's a Thorne ?


No the writers took the time to have Taylor mention that they broke up.


When Bill mentioned Brooke's beautiful hair today I had to laugh just thinking of the comments on here.


I'm so giggly over this whole post! Yay!

  • Love 1

I agree, that was some of it.  I think it started out as two things - he was the next best thing to his father (who she couldn't have) and he "saved" her.  Then I think it turned mostly into a part of the "us vs. them" mentality she and her mother have about Brooke and her children.  And then her mother, who really should have wanted to spare her daughter being in the same unhealthy situation she was in all those years with Ridge and Brooke, kept encouraging her, because she wanted the "win" over Brooke. 

The bolded part was the worst of it. There was even one point after the Italy wedding where Taylor even tells her she was headed down that path, but the moment the paperwork snafu came up, it's back to pushing her to go after Liam and jumping at the bit to go tell him about the baby despite Steffy herself saying no.


And I can't even cheer Brooke on because she was almost as bad; and I say "almost" because she's not the licensed professional giving people advice about their lives.


In a world that allows that quack to still practice medicine, having Maya become co-CEO after modeling two whole collections is far less of a stretch.

  • Love 5


I can't understand Caroline wanting to stay and fight for control of FC, especially after Rick's most recent actions.



I think she was actually making a good, logical decision. FC is supposedly a huge multi-national company, and the CEO has gone off the deep end so he shouldn't be controlling the company when he can't even control his own emotions without getting violent. Also, she was right that it takes years to start up a company and get all of the infrastructure in place. Sure, Ridge and Caroline have the bucks between them to go off on their own, but they would still need to put in plenty of time to get it off the ground, which isn't necessary because they've already made names for themselves at FC.



Caroline and Ridge taking over and running Forester Creations will be the final nail in Rick's emotional coffin. He will lose all contact with reality.  

  • Love 5

I know this has been mentioned before, but who the hell is running these multi million dollar companies?! I mean is it Supposed to be the next morning and Bill just Stops by Brooks on the way to the office? Then we've got Katie and Liam seemingly talking for hours about her and his father's relationship. Which Katie obviously doesn't know her sister is back in town after being gone months. Wouldn't Katie have known Brooke was back? You'd think Brooke or Donna would've called and said something. During Katie and Liam's talk if we are supposed to think it's the next day/morning wouldn't the phone be ringing or asassistants coming to run things by with the President and Vice President?

Sigh I'm about to check back out on this show, especially if they have another Liam/Steffy triangle with Ivy.

Maybe this soap needs to go for an hour And then maybe they'd have some better stories than what's been Going on. And no more of the sister wives vibe of relationships

  • Love 2

I was anticipating the Brill reunion as they are my favorite B&B couple, but watching that hurt.


I saw Bill as very much affected by Brooke and vice versa - no matter what their words were, their body language showed they are still absolutely drawn to one another and the love is still there. Everything in him was begging her to say she still loves him, that she thought she could live with her decision to send him back to Katie, especially once she was thousands of miles away from him, but now that she's back and seeing him, face to face, she can't take one more day of being apart. Because the heart won't lie.


But Brooke being Brooke, she stuck to her sacrifice her happiness for Katie (who doesn't deserve it) stance, forcing his hand. I can't say that I blame Bill as this is the corner Brooke backed him into and when faced with the choice of being alone or reuniting his family and being in his young son's life (which he wasn't allowed to do with Liam or Wyatt) - what choice should he have made? Keep fighting for a woman who tells you she doesn't want you and pushes you away?


His face when he talked about how he had tried to contact her and all of his messages went unanswered in all of these months, after all they had shared? He has been very, very hurt in all of this and I never thought I'd say this, but Brooke could give Waffles Original Recipe and Jr. a serious run for their money.


I'm sorry, but she is - she tells Bill she loves him and wants a life with him and wants to marry him and how many times has she gone back on that and shoved him at Katie?


I understand Brooke's guilt and it has held her hostage many a time but this is one time too many.

I don't believe for a heartbeat that Bill wants to be back with Katie - he loves her as the mother of her son and Katie, having lost Smidge to Caroline, sensed an opportunity to "win" Bill back, dropping the harpy shrew act so it's easier for him to swallow this choice. And it's what Brooke "wants," after all.


All Brooke had to do was say, "I still love you, I still want to be your wife" and Bill would be with her. But she cried her one tear and let him walk out that door. Sigh...

  • Love 5

I guess they are building up the Brooke & Katie meet & greet. I'm guessing Katie (somehow) doesn't know Brooke is back. Then again, Brooke didn't know about Rick & Maya. Doesn't anyone text or email Brooke?

Apparently not, but you'd think she would keep up with this shit on twitter. Brooke, do you even tweet though?.

  • Love 2

Just a nitpick here... WRT the lazy writing - did anyone else catch Quinn telling Deacon that Brooke is back in a way that seemed that she was informing him of this? Of course Deacon already knows Brooke is back as they even shared a drink together upon her return. It seemed to me that they could inform viewers who hadn't seen Brooke return in a way that acknowledged that Deacon and Quinn had already seen her - "Now with Brooke back..." I just really appreciate continuity.

  • Love 1

Count me as another that doesn't need this show expanded to an hour. I mean, I have a feeling CBS will push for that when JFP is finished hacking away at what remains of Y&R, but it doesn't take a hour hour to write a cohesive story or three; the retro episodes online are visual proof of that. Not all characters need tons of screentime, but they need to serve a purpose, then go away when they no longer do. Like Oliver--sorry, I don't care that he's now dating Aly when his five scenes in the past four years have basically been to prop Hopeless or now gossiping about Caroline. Also Carter. Seems like Mushmouth is gone. Where? I don't care.

  • Love 1

Just a nitpick here... WRT the lazy writing - did anyone else catch Quinn telling Deacon that Brooke is back in a way that seemed that she was informing him of this? Of course Deacon already knows Brooke is back as they even shared a drink together upon her return. It seemed to me that they could inform viewers who hadn't seen Brooke return in a way that acknowledged that Deacon and Quinn had already seen her - "Now with Brooke back..." I just really appreciate continuity.

I was WTF at that, too? Or is Quinn so delusional she forgot Brooke had been there and given her some smackdown?

  • Love 2

Who the hell is Brooke to tell someone if they don't like it they can leave. She can leave and take her crazy kid with her. Instead of issuing threats she should remember that they could call the police and press charges and focus on the fact that her son needs help. If Ridge even gives her old ass a second (or is it 10th?) look I will have to be done with this show. And by old I'm not saying that she no longer has any appeal because she's aged as we all do, but it's ridiculous to keep with this stupid sex kitten who dazzles all men shit because that ship has sailed. And she needs to get a damn haircut.

  • Love 5

Question: Who died and left Brooke boss? WTF Brooke but it's understandable that she is defending her precious little baby. I'm curious on how Brooke is going to keep Ridge from going to the police or even $Bill or Liam if they choose to. I love how now it's Ridge's fault once again. Ridge and Quinn are the fall to persons to blame for everyones own shortcomings. Under Rick, FC is going down the tubes so Rick's argument doesn't hold water for me. It's just another showing of how much disregard Rick has for FC and regard for his entitled self.

  • Love 5

Liam spazzing out over Rick was laughable.  When he was describing Rick's characteristics as CEO of FC, he might as well have been talking about his own father.  If there's one thing we know about $Bill, it's that he's perfectly okay with people telling him how to run the company.  Sure. 


I don't think there's a single person who thinks it's okay to fire shots in the general vicinity of people.  However, this show has been so blatantly over the top trying to make Rick the villain, it was nice to see someone/anyone side with Rick outside of Maya.  Heck, it's been a long time coming for anyone to hold Ridge's feet to the fire.  The only people who've done it are Rick's parents.  Everyone else acts like destroying a sibling's marriage is like stealing a lollipop.  Even Donna's bullshit was too much... did I miss when she went to Rick to console him?  I shake my head because I feel as if people/anyone other than Maya had been the least bit empathetic, Rick might not be acting this way now.  Instead, they ignored Ridge's disgusting behavior, piled excuses on for Caroline, and made Maya the villain of the piece.


Another "Poor Caroline"?  My liver is going to go if I keep drinking each time I hear that.  Caroline's "I can only imagine what you've heard" was too much.  Umm, you mean the truth without the Princess' spin on it?  

Edited by nasir jones
  • Love 9

I'll tell you what I laughed at: Jacob Young "Home Alone"ing his line, "Oh, no. I don't want to go prison! We've got to look at this from all angles."  What a fool!  It was so perfect.

How exactly is Liam going to convince Steffy to throw in with the Spencer's in a Forester Creations takeover, acting against the interests of her grandfather, father and family?

He'll probably tell her that he's putting Ridge in charge.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 1

So your plan is to go to the crazy guy who just shot at you and expect him to respond like a reasonable person. Great plan, Caroline and Ridge.

I guess "just a few kisses" is the new "we were robbed." Everyone in the cast gets to say it at least once. NO THANK YOU.

Probably tied with poor Caroline as the catchphrase of the month.

  • Love 6

Ridge's answer to Brooke should be that he can leave and go to the police. It's not really an either/or situation unless Ridge and Caroline allow it to be one. Plus, at this point couldn't Brooke and Maya be charged as accessories to the crime? (Not to mention Charlie. Wouldn't he required to report it to the police? Oh wait, none of these people bothered to call the police on Quinn so...never mind.)

  • Love 7

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