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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I kind of want Hope to say something to Steffy like "I'm trying not to focus on my anger with you over all of this. Finn and I had a long talk about it, and I told him I'd try."  Because you know that would get way under her skin. 

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12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And then how long after that will it take him to mentally handwave it and still insist that she's a different woman now? 

Why? Why? Does the show Hate Sean? I mean, it looks like he's treated better here, but, good goddamn. I would like to see his character with someone who is rootable. Slim pickings here, I know. But STILL.

Can ye tell I'm a fan? Have been since his early days, not just as a soap star, but introduction as evuhl dude in Karate Kid Part III

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I have this inane urge to walk around muttering TEN TOES!! 


Also did I miss something or is Luna a designer now ??? 😒

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Yay, more scenes of Steffy and Finn saying how much they care for each other with all the passion of dried peel. If you're going to have a stable couple on the show they at least have to be entertaining.

Hope for the Future REALLY needs a name change. Time to rebrand! HFTF was introduced by the virginal version of Hope, who full-on ran her line of modern chastity and how it was okay to wait. SHE HAS KIDS NOW. I don't think any of Forresters' customers think she's Virgin Mary Squared?

LOL @ SK with his several scenes going TEN TOES TEN TOES like dude, great, you can count. SK does the most out of all his scenes where he thinks he's going crazy, pretty nice to see.

Are we really to believe that Forrester only has TWO prominent in-house designers? I mean, I'm sure Zende and RJ are doing fine but that's... the best you can do after Thomas, Forrester? Yikes.

Edited by EleanorD
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3 hours ago, EleanorD said:

Finn's twin except the Muppet can ACT.


OMG. 🤣 🤣 


Oops - so it takes 3 ppl to replace Thomas and RJ still hasn’t had any formal training so how’s he now on their top line ??

Absolutely agree that HFTF should be rebranded or better yet hand it over to Luna and Hope can do a new line for the grown and sexy. 

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Z, shut the fuck up. When was Shiela ever a threat to you?  I thought we got rid of one pompous ass when Mr Hyde went to Paris and now it seems that Z took his place. 

I don’t get why Hope is depending on Z for a new collection. Didn’t Z, already fail even with Eric’s help as a designer for HFTF?  Isn’t that’s why Stuffy made Hope give Mr Hyde another chance?  Wasn’t it Mr Hyde or no more HFTF?  

Finn, why didn’t you give that get along speech with Hope to Stuffy?  Stuffy is the one that is most resistant to being less confrontational with Hope. 


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3 hours ago, EleanorD said:

Hope for the Future REALLY needs a name change. Time to rebrand! HFTF was introduced by the virginal version of Hope, who full-on ran her line of modern chastity and how it was okay to wait. SHE HAS KIDS NOW. I don't think any of Forresters' customers think she's Virgin Mary Squared?

Eh, I'm pretty sure that Brash and Sassy line Victoria Newman introduced as a teen in the 90s is still going strong and she's what, mid forties? :p

I do think it's time to cut the line because of the other reason, though: she's obviously no longer a virgin and has long since outgrown its main message.

15 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Finn, why didn’t you give that get along speech with Hope to Stuffy?  Stuffy is the one that is most resistant to being less confrontational with Hope. 


The Watsonian reason is the Team Steffy fanbase who skin him alive if he ever stood up to her on any Logan's behalf.

The Doyalist reason is I'm sure Finn sincerely still thinks we'll of Steffy and believes his slag wife might be capable of change, which...lol.

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7 hours ago, bluvelvet said:


I have this inane urge to walk around muttering TEN TOES!!


It didn’t help to have this commercial on during the show. And there were others scenes with feet in it.


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2 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

OMG. 🤣 🤣 


Oops - so it takes 3 ppl to replace Thomas and RJ still hasn’t had any formal training so how’s he now on their top line ??

Absolutely agree that HFTF should be rebranded or better yet hand it over to Luna and Hope can do a new line for the grown and sexy. 

Luna For Last Night?  That special fashion statement for when you still want to feel kind of virginal, but you've also slept with your boyfriend and, accidentally, with his cousin. A message all the young women will relate to. 

Did they direct the guy who plays Zende to go with that serial killer thousand yard stare when Hope said Luna would be working with him? Or was that just his choice? 

I let out a loud snort laugh when Finn thanked Steffi for being so patient and understanding. Yeah, she's super patient and understanding. 

I want the writers to fake us all out and have it turn out that Deacon is just having some kind of grief breakdown. That the body that went into the crematorium did only have 9 toes, and what we saw was his hallucination. Better than Sheila being right back on screen soon. And definitely better than subjecting us to more of that "love story." Just let it be that Deacon has been under a lot of stress between working with Ridge, Bill, and the FBI to turn Sheila in, helping her get off, having to justify his relationship with her to everyone, etc, and it's affecting him now. 

On a related note, I missed what the morgue guy answered when Deacon was grilling him about the toes. Did he say the body had 10 toes when he got to it? 

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31 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

On a related note, I missed what the morgue guy answered when Deacon was grilling him about the toes. Did he say the body had 10 toes when he got to it? 

Carl never answered Deacon's question. He saw that Deacon was getting slightly cray-cray and backed off. Then Carl got a phone call and hurried out of the room leaving Deacon alone to rave, "10 Toes. 10 Toes." Red Rum. Red Rum.

Yes. How magnanimous of Steffy to allow her husband to have his own feelings and thoughts. Now she has set his timeline for grieving. 

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TEN TOES >>>>> Dessssssstinyyyyyy

alll day, every day. 

Liam: Steffy, you’re not alone. If you ever need a lay friend, I’m completely here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need it, wherever you need it. 

Steffy: Yeah, I’m married, I know I’m not alone. Now sit, & I’ll give you a treat, cute puppy!

** Damn, I started typing that before SC brought it at the end of today’s show. A little humility & introspection looks really good on him. Shoutout to us with the “waffling” comment. **

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Liam keeps bringing Kelly’s forgotten items to Stuffy under the pretense of wanting to see her. 

As Liam mentioned, he just bought her an armful of new stuffed toys she just had to have but she forgot the one that was most important to her. I would put it past Liam that he kept it at of Kelly’s sight so he could bring it back to her home. 

Hope said that Z, learned a lot about her vision for HFTF from Mr Hyde but did you ever see them working together?  X was more interested in completing Eric’s line than HFTF because Z kept bringing RJ sketches because RJ was working with Eric through Ridge’s direction. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Z get all pissed off about that. 

Fuck off Z, you’re not coming on to Luna but you will be here for her if RJ rejects her.  Yeah sure Z, if that’s not coming on to Luna, then Liam is not a waffle boy.  It’s the same as Mr Hyde saying that there is no pressure for Hope to marry him but keeps pressuring Hope. 

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Liam actually called himself a waffler. Lol

Good he gets he's not someone his daughters should want. 

All the 10 toes every episode is funny. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Liam keeps bringing Kelly’s forgotten items to Stuffy under the pretense of wanting to see her. 

As Liam mentioned, he just bought her an armful of new stuffed toys she just had to have but she forgot the one that was most important to her. I would put it past Liam that he kept it at of Kelly’s sight so he could bring it back to her home. 

That's what I think every time he pulls the "Kelly forgot this" routine. He's pulling shit out of her bag before she leaves. 

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This "magic mints" stuff is ridiculous and an insult to our intelligence. Why not just call them what they are, "edibles?" After all, marijuana is legal in California. /eyeroll

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

This "magic mints" stuff is ridiculous and an insult to our intelligence. Why not just call them what they are, "edibles?" After all, marijuana is legal in California. /eyeroll

I haven't watched an episode since Steff stabbed "Sheila".  I only know what's going on from posts in this thread.  When I read mints, I thought they were little white pills, I must've been thinking about TicTacs!  There's no way TicTacs could be confused with an edible.  What do these 'mints' look like?

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Will someone please tell the young Mr. Hoffman that bulking up like you're auditioning to play The Hulk is a ridiculous look on anyone of any height, and most certainly on someone who stands at 5′ 7½″ (1.71 m).

17 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Hope said that Z, learned a lot about her vision for HFTF from Mr Hyde but did you ever see them working together?  X was more interested in completing Eric’s line than HFTF because Z kept bringing RJ sketches because RJ was working with Eric through Ridge’s direction. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Z get all pissed off about that. 


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On 4/8/2024 at 9:22 PM, bluvelvet said:

Hopefully I can do this right here is today's bonus scene..my first time posting a link.

Bonus scene

Anyone else think that Hope and Finn are going to end up together?

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On 4/9/2024 at 10:19 PM, KerleyQ said:

Deacon is just having some kind of grief breakdown.

Yeah, but they let us all see the ten toes, so my guess is that sooner or later, Sheila is going to make an appearance with some whopper about how she engineered someone with her face showing up at Princess Steffy's house.

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7 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Yeah, but they let us all see the ten toes, so my guess is that sooner or later, Sheila is going to make an appearance with some whopper about how she engineered someone with her face showing up at Princess Steffy's house.

And that will happen when the actress decides to come back or is asked to come back.

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When Finn was emoting on Wednesday's episode, trying to show grief/confusion/empathy ??...DamnIfIKnow...all I saw was LibbertyBibbity looking like his Emu just died.

"TenToes!!TenToes!!TenToes!!"  Switch to scene of someone exalting "Sheila is gone forever" . Switch to "TenToes!!"  Switch to scene of someone smirking "We are finally free of Sheila".  Switch to "TenToes!!"...I'm freakin' dizzy.  

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How many times can I say Z go fuck yourself. I’m starting to think that Z is a bigger schmuck than Mr Hyde. Now it’s quite obvious that Z is hoping that RJ rejects Luna so he can rescue the damsel in distress.  Maybe Luna doesn’t blame Z but I do. A didn’t even question why Luna was in his bed and why would she want him when Z clearly knew that she was in love with RJ.  


Ridge being a prick is nothing new but did he have to seek out Deacon to be more of a prick?  


Can Ridge and Stuffy be anymore unaware that there are other people who live in LA.  

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Ridge is so unlikeable. He’s so juvenile, heading over to Deacon’s place of business to talk shit to a grieving man. Was Sheila horrible and loathsome in every way? Yes indeed. Is it cool to talk about putting her down like a sick animal? I personally don’t think so. Ridge has all that money but still won’t spring for a modicum of class or human decency. He and Steffy are insufferable together. 

Nice of Zende to put on a cowboy shirt for all the horseshit shoveling he did today. He definitely sees himself as the “picking up the pieces” guy. Show really does go overboard exonerating Zende for Mint Night.

45 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I’m starting to think that Z is a bigger schmuck than Mr Hyde

Thomas is still the King of Schmucks, but Zende’s just starting out. 

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@NinjaPenguins  and @Waldo13  said it first and said it better. Ridge is an asshat. Because it cannot be said too many times.

How long must we wait for Luna-tictac to totally muck up her confession to MiniHulk, causing a misunderstanding that causes him to discard her like a nasty piece of garbage ??  Never fear darlin', Zende will ride to the rescue. He's said that more often than Thomas has proposed.

If Deacon keeps hitting that bottle of Crown Royal he might be headed back to rehab with Nikki Newman again. They were an interesting couple once upon a time. Wouldn't THAT frost Sheila's cookies !! 

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All the ten toes conversation lines just so funny.  

I'll take it over RJ. 

Since when are Carter and Zende buddies, although I'll take it Zende needs someone. 

Ridge couldn't leave Deacon alone for the day of Sheila's memorial. He had to go attack him. 


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"That girl's tough as nails."  Oh, really? Steffy's super strong?  OK, then, Ridge, riddle me this - if Steffy is, indeed, tough as nails, why does she need her snowplow parents to come riding to the rescue to paper over any loss or disappointment?  Steffy cheats on her husband and ends up losing him? Mommy and daddy accuse her affair partner of raping her, mommy shoots him, and mommy goes out and buys her a black market baby to make her feel better. Steffy's husband is believed dead? Mommy tries to secure her another woman's husband to fill in so that she doesn't have to go without attention or a penis. Steffy kills her husband's birth mother in self defense? Everyone who had an iota of care for her, or for the people who cared for her, should just shut it down, because everyone must rally around Princess Steffy at all costs. It gives her the sads to know that anyone is mourning Sheila. That's not exactly how "tough as nails" works, Ridge. 

And going over to Deacon to rip him for mourning someone he loved, and to take joy in rubbing her death ("she had to be put down") in his face?  Such a dick move. Hey, Ridge, Deacon saved your bitchass daughter's life once. So back the fuck off on how his grief is a problem for her. He gets to mourn for Sheila, even if the knowledge that anyone in the universe is mourning her bothers your little princess. 

"Zende has learned so much from Thomas." Yeah, and not just about designing. Creeper. 

I cackled when Finn told Steffy that Deacon thinks Sheila is still alive.  Steffy has no chill when it comes to her paranoia about Sheila. She's going to go right off that deep end with Deacon. I'm guessing that, once Liam gets a load of this, he's going to give up on his whole "I'm backing off on love and just focusing on being a good dad" thing in about 0.10 seconds. 

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8 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

snowplow parents

Where did this magnificent turn of phrase come from?

Characters keep telling me that Steffy is torn up about killing Sheila, but she’s not putting out that vibe.

It kind of galls me to see Steffy being so buddy buddy with RJ after she’s put in so much work unloading vitriol on his other sister and mother. I wish he’d catch her spewing her misogynistic filth. Hopefully he’d have more of a spine than his ogre of a dad.

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5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Where did this magnificent turn of phrase come from?

I can't remember where now, but I read something recently about how the helicopter parents are being replaced these days by snowplow parents who, instead of hovering over them, are out in front moving every obstacle out of their child's way, so that they don't have to deal with overcoming them on their own. 

So, basically, instead of micromanaging the kid, like helicopter parents do, they're micromanaging everything and everybody around the kid. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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23 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Anyone else think that Hope and Finn are going to end up together?

It seems pretty blatant that they will at this point. Its not anything I ship because Finn is still such a blank canvas of a character but I'm here for anything that cracks Steffy's botoxed face at this point.

6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

It kind of galls me to see Steffy being so buddy buddy with RJ after she’s put in so much work unloading vitriol on his other sister and mother. I wish he’d catch her spewing her misogynistic filth. Hopefully he’d have more of a spine than his ogre of a dad.

Much like every decision made with Kim Matula's Hope, it was a list opportunity not to SORAS RJ sooner so he could reject his Marone sibs and drag them for slagging Hope. Maybe he and Aly could've been besties who would've later gone over the revived Spectra fashions and made that great.

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These people are too dumb for words. Sheila has as many lives as she has toes (likely more than “TEN TOES!!!!”). Why is her not actually being dead so unbelievable?? For a second, I thought Steffy got it, but her arrogance popped up & made her convinced that she was the hero who took down Sheila. 

Ridge is just a straight dick, with 0% charm. I have no idea why he’s on the show. 

Deacon really should’ve kept the TEN TOES discovery to himself. In a perfect world, the Forrester arrogance would be their downfall. 

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35 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Deacon really should’ve kept the TEN TOES discovery to himself. In a perfect world, the Forrester arrogance would be their downfall. 

The only explanation is grief clouding his judgement. I know he's reformed and all, but he still knows how to scheme. If that wasn't Sheila, he should know it's because she is pulling something off. Why alert her enemies to that fact? (Not that I'm rooting for Sheila, because I'm not, but it's a serious mistake on his part.) 

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If someone broke into my house to kill me, and I was fortunate enough to kill them, I would be traumatized indefinitely.  Then, I would say "Excuse me for being a first-class bitch with some of y'all until I get my shit together.  You can stay away from me, and I'll understand."    

Steffy has been through hell with Sheila the evil witch bitch.  The best thing for her and Finn would be to give each other some space and spend some time apart.  However, I hope she doesn't wind up with Liam again, and he doesn't wind up with Hope.  

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Z, the ultimate piece of shit, just has to kiss and tell. Of course, as of now, he doesn’t mention that Luna was hallucinating and thought it was RJ.  Carter, get off your high horse. You were sleeping with Quinn when she was still married to Eric. 


Who is Sugar?  Is that Shiela’s twin sister?  


It’s great to see that B&B now gives us next week coming attractions. 


Z, is going to hit RJ’s fist with his face. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:14 PM, Artsda said:

Liam actually called himself a waffler. Lol

Good he gets he's not someone his daughters should want. 

I think Liam likes Kelly a whole lot more than Beth.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Who is Sugar?  Is that Shiela’s twin sister?  

Let me see if I can remember correctly. It was years and years ago and Sugar came and went a few times over the years. So, Sheila was in prison. Sugar was a guard. Sheila conned Sugar into helping her escape. Then Sugar was Sheila's accomplice in crimes against the Forresters. Then Sheila conned or tricked Sugar into getting plastic surgery to look just like Sheila. Then Sheila had Sugar jailed in her place. Sugar escaped and was really mental by this point and tried to get even with Sheila. And then Sugar was captured and sent to a mental institution or prison. (There may have been some insane bullcrap stuff with Sugar on Y&R, back when they had Michelle Stafford playing Sheila with plastic surgery to look like Phyllis, and basically everyone had plastic surgery to look like someone else or had doubles or some inane crap like that. And I think it overlapped with Diane Jenkins murder. And Deacon was there too. And you thought Y&R was bad now. The Y&R stuff at that point made no sense so we all have made a universal executive decision that none of that crap actually happened. The only Sheila stuff that counts is when KB has been playing her.)

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If Sugar kidnapped Sheila, why would she have gone to attack Steffy?  I still think that's the person from her past Sheila was regularly meeting with, and she conned her into helping her. If Sugar did kidnap her and switch places, it would have had to have been really, really recent, because I doubt Deacon and Sheila went more than a half day at a time without sex. He'd have noticed it wasn't her if she was there for more than a day. So, Sugar would have been taking a huge risk to be meeting with Sheila multiple times without kidnapping her. My theory is that Sheila was initially upset to hear from her and wanted her to stay away, but they still met up at some point (maybe Sugar showed up somewhere and surprised her), and whatever her concerns were about Sugar vanished. I like the theory that she had some kind of fatal illness and Sheila talked her into some insane plan. 

RJ certainly didn't make it easy for Luna to tell him what's going on. Dude, stop interrupting and trying to guess what she's going to tell you. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

If Sugar kidnapped Steffy, why would she have gone to attack Steffy?  I still think that's the person from her past Sheila was regularly meeting with, and she conned her into helping her. If Sugar did kidnap her and switch places, it would have had to have been really, really recent, because I doubt Deacon and Sheila went more than a half day at a time without sex.

Maybe Sugar kidnapped Sheila because she went to Steffy's to kill her and then let Sheila take the rap for it?

I'm still trying to figure out if that could be plausible, but maybe not, because those texts Deacon found between Sugar and Sheila seemed to indicate that Sheila's at the very least, wary of Sugar and definitely didn't want to see her.

This mind is boggling.

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I am not entertained by the tired trope of one character trying to confess something while the other character interrupts them with such frequency that the truth doesn’t come out or takes forever to emerge. Stop padding the script and get the show on the road. Damn.

If show could stop flashing back to bare feet (with TEN TOES!!!) disappearing into the crematorium fire, that would be swell. Although having Carl randomly show up to exclaim “THAT’S REALLY HOT!” might be amusing.

I noticed Lauren was in the previews. She flew to California and made the rounds, flew back to Wisconsin to celebrate the Newman anniversary with a cringeworthy description of their “glorious love” and then flew back to California to confront Deacon? 

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So Sugar did contact Sheila, and Sheila wasn't happy about that. Did Sugar escape or get out early on parole or get released from the facility that was holding her? And considering that she is metal and has the plastic surgery face of Sheila Carter, shouldn't the authorities have alerted the Forresters, Lauren and maybe a few others, maybe even the exonerated Sheila? Okay, so Sugar contacted Sheila. They met, we do know that. I think that considering that Steffy hit and said what she said to Sheila, Sheila then hatched a plan to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Sheila has powers of persuasion, so I'm sure she tricked Sugar into doing something. Still not sure of the plan, but then Sheila went into hiding, faking her own death. I don't think she was kidnapped, unless that is part of her plan, but I don't think so. And I don't think everything went according to plan. Unless there was no plan and Sheila is a victim in this scenario because Sugar did kidnap Sheila. But why would Sugar go after Steffy? Was Sugar planning to kidnap Hayes? Until Sheila is found, I don't think they will even be able to reveal what nonsense they've written having killed Sugar off. We will have to wait for Sheila to explain everything to us. Which leads me to wonder if Sugar hit Sheila on the head and now Sheila currently has amnesia.

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5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

noticed Lauren was in the previews. She flew to California and made the rounds, flew back to Wisconsin to celebrate the Newman anniversary with a cringeworthy description of their “glorious love” and then flew back to California to confront Deacon? 

Is it still funeral day on Bold? I'm thinking the shows just on different timeline and Lauren hasn't gone home yet. 

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10 hours ago, aussieinsydney said:

'm still trying to figure out if that could be plausible, but maybe not, because those texts Deacon found between Sugar and Sheila seemed to indicate that Sheila's at the very least, wary of Sugar and definitely didn't want to see her.

But she still was regularly meeting up with her. Which is where I can't get my mind around the idea of Sheila being a victim. Yes, she definitely did not want anything to do with her at first (unless those are fake texts she planted on her account), but she came around at some point, enough to keep meeting with her. I still think they were both outside Steffy's house that night, and Sheila is the one who said that Steffy was going to die that night. Maybe Sugar went in as the distraction so Sheila could sneak in and finish Steffy off. But that plan went to hell when Steffy killed Sugar, and Sheila took off. Now she's hiding somewhere regrouping and trying to figure out how to make this all work for her. 

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