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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Is Hope wearing a dress or a nightgown?  Hard to tell. 

I’m thinking that Shiela and Lurch should be a couple. They are birds of a feather.  They both have to beware of squirrels. 

Lurch is still making plays for Hope but thankfully Hope sees right through his 🐂💩. Hey Lurch, if you didn’t want to put Douglas through this, than why did you use Douglas’ phone. You could have put the program on your phone and than deleted it. Not only are you a schmuck but you are a fucking stupid dumb schmuck. 

Today there was some of the worse acting this month with Steffy, Finn, Shiela, and Lurch. Hope was decent today in ripping Lurch a new ass hole.  Lurch didn’t get a chance to explain?  WTF?  

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I had to have a cigarette after Hope Finally woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I wish it had been a straight 22 minutes of only Hope lighting up Thomas while he stammered and internally plotted. 

And can we finally acknowledge that whatever demon drives Sheila, has a hold on Thomas too? They both find a scapegoat that they feel is the only thing keeping them from happiness. They both feel "picked on" and bullied. They both leave a trail of collateral damage, but they both have a pathological need to let the world know how clever they are. Thomas could've deleted that app at any time, but he WANTED there to be proof out there that HE was the lone savior of his parents' relationship. It's why Sheila hasn't taken her pile of money and disappeared to some non extradition country.She WANTS everyone to know she outsmarted them.Sheila is about to go Get.That. Baby!! Thomas will witness, but say nothing because he wants Steff to suffer.And then he can come through as the White Knight later on in a bid for redemption. 

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I was hoping when Hope ripped into Thomas she'd bring up that this was the 2nd time he'd involved Douglas in one of his schemes and lies. That this was the 2nd time Douglas had to expose his father's schemes and lies.

That is not the behavior of a man who loves his son. That's the sick twisted evil behavior of a man who thinks of and uses his son as a means to an end. 

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I was truly astonished that Thomass walking into the “everybody’s” office as if he had nothing to be ashamed of or to try to explain. He’s absolutely mentally ill. Get that guy some help, family!!!

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Before he gets help I want him to hit 25 feet below rock bottom -- homeless, jobless, friendless, family-less, childless -- despised by everyone. Even LDG.

I want his climb back to be long, arduous, and painful. I want to see him really work to regain what he threw away.  Six months minimum, not a 3-week apology tour and then it's all bygones. 

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KB's noggin is freaking huge.  She looks like a bobblehead doll.  The whole toe thing is so gross.

Hope was amazing today.  If she's now seeing the guy who kept her from Beth when she looks at Thomas, there is no going back.

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Thomas is truly delusional. Did he really think Hope was going to listen to him and be like "Oh, well, OK, I didn't realize that you really, super duper wanted your parents to get married. It's totally fine, then, that you framed my mother, broke up her marriage, and emotionally abused our son, again. Do you want to go fuck in a supply closet?" Everyone comparing him to Sheila is dead on. The same whiny, nothing is ever my fault, I only do bad things because all of you force me to by not just doing what I want you to do in the first place mentality. 

I want a scene of Hope and Steffy combining to tell security to escort Thomas out of the office, both of them standing by watching without an ounce of sympathy. And, show? No more brain injury magic crime eraser. No donating an organ or bone marrow. No saving children from a burning schoolhouse. He needs to suffer. A lot. Or just permanently become a villain. Nobody should trust any reformation he tries to sell at any time in the foreseeable future. "Yeah, sure, thanks for the kidney, now go fuck off forever." 

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Props! I have lots of props to give.

First Hope, who was amazing as she read Thomas like a well worn novel. Annika was brilliant, she didn't miss a beat, hit all the right notes, and left nothing out.

Second Steffy, who overcame her fear of the Disembodied Toe, and looked at it through the microscope to validate what Finn was telling her. 

Third Finn, who apparently missed his calling, and should have been an ME or a detective. 

Oh, and the funnies this week.

Steffy closing the door on Thomas as they entered the communal office.

Then we have Sheila, storming out of Deacon's bathroom, looking like The Great Gazoo, with her hair wrapped up in preparation for her wig. Then snarking to Deacon that he should have never threatened her. 

And finally Thomas, who thought he could explain away his actions, as he simultaneously whines that no one would talk to him. Well, now you can add two more to the list, Hope and Douglas. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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9 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

KB's noggin is freaking huge.  She looks like a bobblehead doll.  The whole toe thing is so gross..

I'm not trying to be mean about an actor's looks but KB has seriously scary looking feet--the scene where Sheila was painting her nails was not attractive in the least.

Now onto Hope being her awesomely badass self-she didn't hesitate to ream Thomas for all of the pain her caused her mom or for mentally abusing their son and it was all for the glory of getting his parents back together.  I also liked that she brought up his trying to kiss her and it was all part of his delusions that they have a future together and then she dug the knife in further by talking about his keeping Beth from her.  Hope is truly done with him and it's glorious to watch her turn stone cold on his pleadings.

And I have to give kudos to Matthew Atkinson's acting in those scenes--he started off with a smug "Are you going to let me explain?" and then his smarminess disappeared and his genuine pained reaction to Hope's tears was well done.  I think that was the first time that he realized he's truly screwed up and that his crimes aren't going to be swept under the rug.

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8 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, show? No more brain injury magic crime eraser. No donating an organ or bone marrow. No saving children from a burning schoolhouse. He needs to suffer. A lot. Or just permanently become a villain. Nobody should trust any reformation he tries to sell at any time in the foreseeable future. "Yeah, sure, thanks for the kidney, now go fuck off forever." 

That's basically what Y&R did with Adam. He donated his kidney to the niece he kidnapped when she was a baby & his whole family still gives him the middle finger and will likely continue to. Adam, for all his shitty misdeeds is 100 times more likeable than Thomas imo. I'm starting to realize it has alot to do with the narrative not kissing his ass and giving him an out. Plus Adam would never abuse his own son. As much as I hate Nick, Victoria, & everyone else for snubbing Adam and never giving him the benefit of the doubt, I can't help but wonder how much worse it'd be if they venerated him as if he had never done messed up shit to anyone. Like Taylor, Steffy, Ridge, and even Hope did for Thomas. Anytime he starts going on about why he did something no one contextualizes it even if his motivations are legit, and true. Hardly anyone around him truly gives a fuck about him save for Chelsea, his kid, & Chance. And he had to fight tooth and nail for those relationships. 

If Thomas doesn't even receive half of the grief Adam has (hell just 10%) then what ever happens to him now is too good for him. 

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32 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't like what the writers have done to $Bill, making him crazy.  He mentioned Justin, so is he going to try and get him to kill Carter?

Oh Jeez, if all they're going to do is turn Bill into Caveman Bill again, can they just take him back off the canvas? 

"If I can't have you, no one will" is the kind of stuff you hear just before a serious domestic violence incident occurs.

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30 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I was surprised and confused that $Bill said that Justin abandoned him. Didn't Justin try to steal his entire publishing empire?

Yes, but maybe he'll do anything to get back into $Bill's good graces?

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Well...goodbye Bill's dignity & character development(whatever smidgen you were allowed)it was nice knowing you. R.I.P Roses Funeral GIF by Un si grand soleil But in all seriousness, B&B isn't sick enough to make Bill Spencer go the bitter/obsessive lover route again right? RIGHT???!!! 

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Does the show film out of sequence?  Brooke’s hair is long once again. Could it be extensions or a wig.  Wigs seem to be on the menu for most women characters. 

Finn I have a suggestion for you. Take your suck ass acting back to Liberal Mutual. In those commercials, suck ass acting is appreciated. 

Is Katie the only Logan sister that has self respect?  Katie doesn’t want to take Bill back because she knows that he loves Brooke but Brooke will take Ridge back knowing that he loves Taylor. 

Did the monkeys with a keyboard make a disparaging remark on the ineptness of the LAPD or just the detectives. It took Finn and Steffy to prove that Shiela was still alive and still in LA 🤪

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16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Does the show film out of sequence?  Brooke’s hair is long once again. Could it be extensions or a wig.  Wigs seem to be on the menu for most women characters. 

I don't think her hair was cut before. I think they just had it pinned up and under so it looked shorter. If you looked closely at the back, you could see that, instead of cut ends, the hair was looped upwards. 

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Brooke just had to tell Carter to his face, that Quinn was a mistake.  Girl please, they had more chemistry than you and NuRidge ever could!  Still wondering how Katie is better for him if he still wants a family.

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Has Steffy been watching The Nanny reruns? 

Bill, honey, I'm embarrassed for you. Please stop. All I can think watching his scenes today was "Li can do better." 

I still want to know what the off ramp is for Deacon here. Are they just going to write him off after everyone finds out he's had Sheila living with him all this time? I really hate that they've written him into this corner. Deacon and Bill were the only adult men worth shit on this show earlier this year, but they're both being ruined. 

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On 12/6/2022 at 2:57 PM, Waldo13 said:

Hey Lurch, if you didn’t want to put Douglas through this, than why did you use Douglas’ phone. You could have put the program on your phone and than deleted it. Not only are you a schmuck but you are a fucking stupid dumb schmuck. 

Someone on another community I visit called Thomas a mastermind because he could pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Obviously, I disagreed with that--not the least of those reasons being that his shit family acts in very specific, predictable patterns that even the idiot Pakled species of Star Trek could figure out easily--but stuff like this is why. The dude isn't Sheila Carter circa 1994, or even Sheila Carter circa 2021.

On 12/7/2022 at 5:31 AM, Skarzero said:

As much as I hate Nick, Victoria, & everyone else for snubbing Adam and never giving him the benefit of the doubt, I can't help but wonder how much worse it'd be if they venerated him as if he had never done messed up shit to anyone.

That's the biggest difference between Adam and any given Forrester (not just Thomas because let's be honest, they gloss over Steffy and Ridge's shit too). Adam has been a pariah ever since the Faith thing. Abby being Ashley's daughter has every right to hate him, as does Nick (even if he's just so insufferable about it at times). I'd be glad if they left Sally out of their pissing contest but the whole losing nearly as much time with Faith as Lope lost with Beth wasn't something that was forgotten about with the two additional recasts that followed when Mike Muhney was sacked.

All things considered, Y&R learned hard into the right direction with Adam.

On 12/7/2022 at 2:05 PM, Skarzero said:

But in all seriousness, B&B isn't sick enough to make Bill Spencer go the bitter/obsessive lover route again right? RIGHT???!!! 

Do you even know this show, LOL 🥴😂

God, I hope not, but I wasn't here for it the first time they did it when he got weirdly obsessed over Steffy again and im not here for it with a couple whose 25 minutes of fame ended a decade ago. I'd rather see Bridge reunite than these two.

Plus, this is just so out of absolutely nowhere. Where the hell was this Bill when barely legal Steffy was trying to ride the Stallion? Where was he when he blamed Katie telling him--during a hour of postpartum depression--to be with Brooke and they fucked before she'd even left the driveway? Or the second time he left her to cheat with Brooke? Or even three damn weeks ago when he was begging Brooke to forget about Ridge?

And he expects Katie to think he means it this time? Be serious. 

I know Don Diamont needs his hours for his SAG card, but y'all can't find any other use for him? Like, say, giving Thomas the business for hurting his great-nephew yet again and bringing chaos into his son's life by proxy? He owes Hope that much, given their particular history.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Between Brooke simpering over Ridge’s photo less than 24 hours after her “independent woman” speech, and Bill turning into an Incel, I’d like to nominate B&B for a misogynistic TV show of the decade award.  Who is writing this garbage? It gets more insulting every day.

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The only way that I can see Deacon coming out of this with minimal consequences, is to come quasi-clean just before Sheila is found. Like, go to the police & say that she’s threatening to kill/harm Brooke/Hope/Steffy, if he doesn’t help her hide, & that he couldn’t risk coming forward without making sure she’d be caught & put away. I’m not even sure that’d save him, but it’s the only way I see him coming out with minimal damage.

Anyone needing a kidney that Sheila could help? That’s how they redeem the irredeemable on this show. 

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22 minutes ago, nkotb said:

The only way that I can see Deacon coming out of this with minimal consequences, is to come quasi-clean just before Sheila is found. Like, go to the police & say that she’s threatening to kill/harm Brooke/Hope/Steffy, if he doesn’t help her hide, & that he couldn’t risk coming forward without making sure she’d be caught & put away. I’m not even sure that’d save him, but it’s the only way I see him coming out with minimal damage.

Anyone needing a kidney that Sheila could help? That’s how they redeem the irredeemable on this show. 

If I were Deacon, I'd argue that it was to save others' lives, his own included, and that if the jail/prison guards weren't so inept, they wouldn't have let Sheila escape in the first place and he couldn't risk them screwing up again if he turned her in plus the threats.

If human trafficker Flo can get out of jail after all of two days, then Deacon, who saved Finn and Steffy's lives, should be just fine. 

Of course, they'll make an exception for him, I'm sure, and him harboring her didn't have to extend to sleeping with her. 

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

That's the biggest difference between Adam and any given Forrester (not just Thomas because let's be honest, they gloss over Steffy and Ridge's shit too). Adam has been a pariah ever since the Faith thing. Abby being Ashley's daughter has every right to hate him, as does Nick (even if he's just so insufferable about it at times). I'd be glad if they left Sally out of their pissing contest but the whole losing nearly as much time with Faith as Lope lost with Beth wasn't something that was forgotten about  with the two additional recasts that followed when Mike Muhney was sacked.

All things considered, Y&R learned hard into the right direction with Adam.

Exactly and fans actually turned on Adam. While there are still people to this day, thinking Steffy & Thomas(and their parents) are victims or just decent, but unlucky, characters even with their track records. 

Edited by Skarzero
This site is being weird today I wanted this to be one post but oh well
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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Plus, this is just so out of absolutely nowhere. Where the hell was this Bill when barely legal Steffy was trying to ride the Stallion? Where was he when he blamed Katie telling him--during a hour of postpartum depression--to be with Brooke and they fucked before she'd even left the driveway? Or the second time he left her to cheat with Brooke? Or even three damn weeks ago when he was begging Brooke to forget about Ridge?

And he expects Katie to think he means it this time? Be serious. 

I know Don Diamont needs his hours for his SAG card, but y'all can't find any other use for him? Like, say, giving Thomas the business for hurting his great-nephew yet again and bringing chaos into his son's life by proxy? He owes Hope that much, given their particular history.

^^^All of this. Between this and Taylor shooting him, he should be less concerned with getting laid and more concerned with getting even. 

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Eh, I thought neutered Bill was boring, but I also don't want to see him turn on a dime like this. I think the descent should be more gradual. I would start by exacting revenge on Justin, who is appears, was another one who got off scot-free for abducting Thomas and holding him captive, as well as trying to extort money and power from Bill. Granted, I was happy to see Thomas off the streets for a while, but I think that was during one of the very few times Thomas was playing nice.

Justin was actually rewarded by landing in a cushy corporate law job at FC. 

And don't forget about making Taylor accountable for shooting Bill in the back.

I just can't see a mogul like Bill turning to the dark side simply over a couple of women. If he's going to be hard core now, then don't give Brooke or Katie a second glance and look elsewhere. Which I guess, all roads point to Li. Maybe Li could go back and channel some of that fierce energy she showed against Sheila and that kept her from revealing the truth to Steffy.

Bill and Li could turn up to be the power couple that everybody loves to hate?

And ... what a perfect time to reveal that Kelly is Bill's daughter! Yes, I am still stubbornly clinging to the hope that that this twist will eventually be introduced. I guess that right now, Steffy and Finn are too wrapped up in hunting down Sheila to be bothered with a paternity switcheroo and possible custody battle. I would actually LOVE that. Li/Bill vs. Steffy/Finn could get all kinds of ugly, but at least it would be interesting. Plus, three out of the four could really show off their often hidden acting chops.

But we know we can't have nice things ... 

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I think $Bill would be down with a Sister Wives situation with Katie and Brooke.  😉

Even if he comes to his senses, I don't want him trying to get with Li.  She can do much better.

Carter and Katie. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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6 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Even if he comes to his senses, I don't want him trying to get with Li.  She can do much better.

THIS! he better stay away from her. She can do way better than his flop behind. 

Sorry but I liked Quinn/Carter better. They had more chemistry. Even if all they did was have sex.

Deacon lost me when he knowingly slept with Sheila. That wasn't about protecting himself or his family at all. 

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Sorry $Bill, but no one owes you a relationship. If you have a problem with that then maybe some therapy (not Taylor) is in order. Reverting to being an asshole to the people who do love you is not the answer. 

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LMAO at Steffy and Finn knocking on Deacons door complete with the toe. You’d think the detectives would have staked Deacons place out ages ago, before and after the so called mauling. I will say the pair looks more vibrant doing this than standing in her family room gazing at each other. Poor Deacon. So dumb.

I never noticed Bill hadn’t been wearing his necklace.  I still wouldn’t mind Li whipping him into shape if he can hold himself back from goin around Brooke and Katie. 

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To quote Susan Sarandon “I think it’s very hard to be naked in a scene and not be upstaged by your nipples.”  For Carter it’s very easy because his nipples are all he has going for him.  

If I said this once I said it a 1,000 times, Katie is not able to give Carter children without tremendous risk to her life. 

If you think about it Steffy, I wouldn’t put it past  Lurch to do the same?  

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I'm waiting for a scene where one of the men at FC accidentally walks in on one of the women in the midst of changing her clothes. /eyeroll 

No one can do the "looks will can kill" like DD.

Was it just me, but were Finn and Steffy giving Deacon the "smells a fart" look like they could tell he was lying?

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What Tomfuckery is this with Bill? Acting like a butt hurt sixteen year old because the ladies he covets don't want him? PFFFFT! They just do not know what to do with Bill. Why do all that chem testing with Li, then just send him back to the hunt with Brooke and Katie? It makes no sense, and is making Bill look far worse than Ridge, something I didn't think was possible. What really scares me though is the timing of Bill's descent into the dark side coinciding with Sheila leaving Deacon's place angry and ready for battle. Like Liam said, when Bill goes to his dark place, and wears his sword necklace, he is capable of anything. 

The only way Deacon gets out of this is if Sheila keeps her trap shut about staying at his place. If she doesn't, then Deacon could just say she was lying, but Hope saw her and thought she recognized her. I think that when Hope gets wind of Finn and Steffy's theory, she might just recall that night she met her dad's new lady friend. 

Finn and Steffy remind me of a mashup of Nancy Drew and Columbo. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I’m having whiplash. After months and months of hearing NuTay, Steffy and Thomass saying the same damn lines over and over again, this story is just dropped? No word from or about NuTay or Ridge? The next day we just move onto the next story about Sheila and her toe? Wow. Great segway, writers.

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3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’m having whiplash. After months and months of hearing NuTay, Steffy and Thomass saying the same damn lines over and over again, this story is just dropped? No word from or about NuTay or Ridge? The next day we just move onto the next story about Sheila and her toe? Wow. Great segway, writers.

It is weird that, as far as I can tell, the only mention of either of them is Brooke saying that Ridge left town.  Unless I missed an episode, we didn't see Ridge leave town or tell anyone he was leaving. (The last time we saw him was when he left Brooke's house, right?) And isn't this the second time that Taylor was in Eric's house one minute and then just gone the next? If Taylor is out of town, too, I'd put money on her chasing after Ridge, wherever he's gone. 

Also, when are we going to get to the fallout for Thomas beyond people yelling at him? Is he losing his job at FC? Is he still living with Eric? Has he already stumbled across Sheila, and in a week or so, we'll see the two of them in bed at some hotel? 

If the show had a deadline before TK was off for a break, they really should have hit some story beats a couple episodes earlier, so we could see some follow up and resolution before he left town. Maybe we could have had one less family dinner? 

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When Steffy was talking to Brooke and Hope she mentioned her dad going out of town and taking some time and then briefly said “and mom too”. I guess we’re to assume Taylor has gone out of town as well. 

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Sheila, why would you wear OPEN toe shoes. That is calling to get caught.

Hope, you are dumb. And cannot read people at all. 

Why isnt Li involved in this Sheila is alive story. But Carter is??? like she was run off the road by her. She should have been there.

Also wouldn't Steffy want to inform her parents as well. 

That was a good cliff hanger for once.

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20 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Sheila, why would you wear OPEN toe shoes. That is calling to get caught.

Yeah, she isn't as smart and clever as she thinks she is. 

I hope she finally gets killed off and is dead dead dead, really dead.  

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

If the show had a deadline before TK was off for a break, they really should have hit some story beats a couple episodes earlier, so we could see some follow up and resolution before he left town. Maybe we could have had one less family dinner? 

I was surprised to have a real Friday cliffhanger today. All of a sudden things are moving too fast. I was thinking that they must have cut some story here and there to make up for the days we lost to the show being pre-empted so they could get back to their regular schedule and flow. And maybe they didn't do any rewrites or cuts on the TOD story because of TK's deadline, and because they think it's something that somebody somewhere wants to see.

It's weird that Deacon all of a sudden thought that Sheila had to go. What precipitated that, a psychic hunch? And $Bill, WTF? He was mellowing, becoming kinder, he rescued Li by absurdly bringing a filthy mute mess into his home, and then all of a sudden he professes love and wants Katie back and Brooke back mere seconds apart, and then he dons the sword necklace and goes back to his dark side? Is he on drugs? It all makes no sense. And where is Li? She of all people should have been at that gathering. And then we have Sheila wearing sandals. AYFKM? Thank goodness it was a different four-toed foot model in that close-up than the other one whose foot was getting the nail polish.

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Old School Sheila was a heck of a lot smarter than to cut off her toe to fake her death and then wear open toed shoes. She’s have had a prosthetic toe made to cover her tracks or wear closed toe shoes. She should just hang it up that she got caught so easily.

Hope wearing a pissy face after Steffy and Finn said they interrogated Deacon and continuing to look pissed off for the rest of the conversation made me chuckle. But I will give Sinn this- this was actually a meeting that needed to be called to update them that Sheila was back. That they made a point of holding court and seemingly enjoy acting like savvy smart detectives not so much. This woman was hanging out right under your nose for months and you only now realized after writer fiat that she’s alive. Whatever.

I feel like Don Corleone in the Godfather in re to Bill: ‘Look at what they’ve done to my boy!’  Like where are they going with this and can they not go there? 

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Can't help but believe Sheila wanted to get caught. Big production of leaving Deacon's apartment to go ...next door to a public bathroom? Not directly into an Uber to the airport? Or train station or whatever. 

The open toed shoes was just dumb.

Yeah, Li should've been in that meeting, or at least been mentioned why she wasn't. And someone needs to go ahead and hit $Bill with tranq dart. What undeserved act of unjustified violence is he going to visit on Carter or Justin or Deacon? And how exactly does he think that will win over one or both of his sister wives? 

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6 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

When Steffy was talking to Brooke and Hope she mentioned her dad going out of town and taking some time and then briefly said “and mom too”. I guess we’re to assume Taylor has gone out of town as well. 

She said both were out of town and that they were not together. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

She said both were out of town and that they were not together. 

Yeah, that was a real quick wrap up by the family in the family office. A 30 second wrap up of a story line that made us insane every day for months. Who the hell writes this crap and insults our collective intelligence every damn day??!!!!!

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