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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Wouldn't any sane person, who was being berated in the manner Rick was doing, pack up and leave? Rickster has made it plain that he has no use for Ridge, Ivy and Caroline, so why don't they ride off and start their own design house? He basically fired them all today, so why the heck are they still there?



How else are they gonna make Rick look like a lunatic morning, noon, and night if there's no one around for him to berate and bully?


In other words, the bus the show threw Rick under still has half a tank of gas and there are a few inches of his corpse it hasn't left skid marks on yet, so...

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Wouldn't any sane person, who was being berated in the manner Rick was doing, pack up and leave? Rickster has made it plain that he has no use for Ridge, Ivy and Caroline, so why don't they ride off and start their own design house?


Didn't Caroline say she needed this job today?  I get that Bill has money but does Caroline have a trust fund or something?  (I'm not even to go into the stupidity of her not consulting a divorce attorney yet to see where she stands.)

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Didn't Caroline say she needed this job today?



Yes she did, and this is entirely baffling to me. Caroline could easily walk into any fashion house and get snapped up like nobody's business, given that she has now proven herself with HFTF and couture. She is also a Spencer. I still feel this show has missed a huge opportunity here to get back to it's roots and what made it so good in the beginning. We could never have another Spectra, because there was only one Darlene Conley, God rest her hilarious soul. Instead of the knock off game, we could have had two viable, successful fashion houses run by Rick and Ridge. Just throw in the chips for who would have Forrester and who would step out on their own, that part doesn't really matter to me, although if I did have to pick I would like to see Ridge move on. Rick want's to be the "ironclad" CEO of Forrester, have at it, with an entirely new staff. This would take Rick and Ridge's feud to the next level, but it would be watchable without all this in your face bullying we are now getting. 


Can someone give me a quick summary of why Rick hates Ridge so much?



In a word? Brooke. Ridge, Taylor and Brooke did a twenty five year dance around each other. Brooke set her sights on Ridge very early in the game, then came Taylor, and took him away. That started Ridge's unending waffling between the two women, and in most cases, he left Brooke in the dust for Taylor. Rick has never forgiven him for hurting his mother, and I can understand that. BUT, Brooke was still a willing participant in that triangle, and when she wasn't with Ridge, would chase him relentlessly; always seeing Ridge as her "destiny". Brooke never hesitated to take him back either, knowing full well that he would leave her without a second glance. And there was also the presence of Stephanie, who hated Brooke and loved Taylor, and would do anything to keep Brooke and Ridge apart. 


In any event, most of this happened when Rick was a small boy, so if he is still so eaten up with hatred he needs to seek professional help, cause the last time I checked he was supposed to be an adult now. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I can't think of one thing that Rick has done regarding his employees that would open him up to a lawsuit in the real world.  Sure, he's creating a hostile work environment but the only way a lawsuit flies under those circumstances if the harassment happens to be based on a person's sex, race, national origin, age, disability and a few others depending on where one lives. 


None of Rick's harassment is related to any of them as members of a protected class. 

Actually, Rick's actions and words would fall under the "reasonable person/woman" standard.  In Ellison vs. Brady (1990), the court set the precedent "which stipulated that harassment cases should be evaluated based on the perspective of the harassment or stalking victim. And harassers saying that they "meant no harm" does not discount the experience of the harassment target, or any damage that may have occurred because of the harasser's behavior."  (Oddly enough Rena Sofer played Ellison in a TV movie about the case).


This precedent was expanded from "reasonable woman" to "reasonable person".  So the question to be asked is would a "reasonable person" find Rick's behavior to be creating a hostile work environment where said "reasonable person" felt unable to perform the duties of their job due to intimidation, fear of reprisal, and hostility. 


But this is B&B and not LA Law, so we're going to get Rick shooting somebody rather than a court case...

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Could somebody please refresh my memory about something?  When Jackie was on, there was some kind of competition between Forrester Creations and her, but from what I remember, didn't Jackie own a boutique?  Why would a boutique be in competition with a fashion house?  Or did the boutique only sell an exclusive designer's apparel?

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Liam had some good points, but it was high-handed to tell Rick to bury his feelings and be nice to the woman who ripped his heart out. Not that Liam gives a rat's ass about that, anyway. Worst still, Liam used physical violence to make his point, which means he lost all moral high ground to call Rick a bully.

Agreed and while it's nice to see Waffles fired up - I think this is the liveliest we've seen him since Dope left - I had to laugh at his hypocrisy as well as Katie's. 


Liam had no problem dangling two women on a string for several years, treating both like shit in the process. True, Steffy and Hope own some of that, too, as they put up with his misogynistic treatment and kept coming back for more like Pavlov's dog with the bell. And you know darn good and well that if Hope hadn't left town, he would have done the same with her and Ivy. So, he can take a seat.


Any remaining ground he might have had he threw away when he put his hands on Rick. Plus, it makes Caroline look like a poor widdle victim when she's anything but. What she and every member of her cheering section seem to forget is that CAROLINE is the one who set all of this in motion. WTF did she think was going to happen? This is why you don't shit where you eat. 

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Yes she did, and this is entirely baffling to me. Caroline could easily walk into any fashion house and get snapped up like nobody's business, given that she has now proven herself with HFTF and couture. She is also a Spencer. I still feel this show has missed a huge opportunity here to get back to it's roots and what made it so good in the beginning. We could never have another Spectra, because there was only one Darlene Conley, God rest her hilarious soul. Instead of the knock off game, we could have had two viable, successful fashion houses run by Rick and Ridge. Just throw in the chips for who would have Forrester and who would step out on their own, that part doesn't really matter to me, although if I did have to pick I would like to see Ridge move on. Rick want's to be the "ironclad" CEO of Forrester, have at it, with an entirely new staff. This would take Rick and Ridge's feud to the next level, but it would be watchable without all this in your face bullying we are now getting. 



In a word? Brooke. Ridge, Taylor and Brooke did a twenty five year dance around each other. Brooke set her sights on Ridge very early in the game, then came Taylor, and took him away. That started Ridge's unending waffling between the two women, and in most cases, he left Brooke in the dust for Taylor. Rick has never forgiven him for hurting his mother, and I can understand that. BUT, Brooke was still a willing participant in that triangle, and when she wasn't with Ridge, would chase him relentlessly; always seeing Ridge as her "destiny". Brooke never hesitated to take him back either, knowing full well that he would leave her without a second glance. And there was also the presence of Stephanie, who hated Brooke and loved Taylor, and would do anything to keep Brooke and Ridge apart. 


In any event, most of this happened when Rick was a small boy, so if he is still so eaten up with hatred he needs to seek professional help, cause the last time I checked he was supposed to be an adult now. 

It's not just that Ridge hurt Brooke. That is just one part of the equation. The larger issue is that he hurt Rick (and Bridget) when he walked away from them to go play daddy to Thombait and later, to the twins. Ridge wasn't just Brooke's significant other - he was a father figure to Rick and thought he was Bridget's father until she was six years old. So he was hugely involved in both of their lives and Eric wasn't always around as Stephanie (to your point) did all that she could to interfere in that relationship (and Eric let her, of course). So for all intents and purposes, Ridge was as much a father to Rick as Eric, if not more so, because he was there with him daily. But he walked away from Rick and Bridget, and yes, Brooke, time and again, with nary a backward glance. He didn't attempt to continue any sort of relationship with the children he had helped to raise and yes, Stephanie and Taylor interfered, but he ultimately made that call. He did the same thing to Hope and even his own flesh-and-blood son, RJ. 


I completely agree that Brooke is as much to blame as Ridge for taking Ridge back time and again and putting her children through that emotional upheaval. But the difference is that she, at least, acknowledged her mistakes and shortcomings. When has Ridge ever acknowledged to Rick how he hurt him? Never. Even as recently as Eric calling him out on his treatment of Rick in the present and the past (after they found out about Maya), Ridge dismissed it. 


Yes, Rick is a grown up, but I disagree with saying he should just grow up and get over it. When has Ridge ever grown up and gotten anything? But even setting Ridge aside, how does one go about "getting over" a childhood filled with pain and rejection, a childhood where one had to wipe away his own tears, along with those of his mother and siblings while the man one looks to as a father gets off scot-free and goes to play daddy to his "real" children?


Ridge going after Caroline, especially when you consider why he originally went after her, to try and cement his campaign for CEO vs Rick, shows he is the same self-centered bastard he was all those years ago when he hurt innocent children and never atoned for any of it.


That is the biggest issue Rick has with Ridge - that he never acknowledges, much less apologizes for the things he does to hurt people. He never learns from his mistakes. He hasn't changed one iota and lacks a conscience, IMO, and so it's likely he never will.


Rick couldn't strike back at Ridge then, he was a little boy. But he can sure fire back at him now, as a grown man. Some may call it Rick being a baby, which is rich considering Ridge is the most self-absorbed baby of all time. I call it chickens coming home to roost.


Ridge is finally reaping what he sowed and it's about damn time Rick stood up to him and yes, to Caroline as well, who thinks he soooo damn dreamy. 

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Any remaining ground he might have had he threw away when he put his hands on Rick. Plus, it makes Caroline look like a poor widdle victim when she's anything but. What she and every member of her cheering section seem to forget is that CAROLINE is the one who set all of this in motion. WTF did she think was going to happen? This is why you don't shit where you eat. 

The way I look at it, what Caroline did was wrong, no doubt about it, but Rick's punishment does not fit the crime.  I'm not seeing this so much as Caroline being a victim (although I understand why others are seeing it that way), but more as "look how Rick has gone off the rails."

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I have said all along that I don't agree with some of Rick's actions (especially where Maya is concerned) but let's look at the whole picture.


First, you have the obvious fact of Caroline cheating on him, which, in and of itself, has driven betrayed spouses/significant others to do far worse (not that that makes any of their actions ok), but the fact remains that she did betray him.


Second, you have the fact that it wasn't just anyone, it was THE.WORST.POSSIBLE.PERSON Caroline could cheat with, and to add insult to injury, it's also someone whom Rick is forced to have to see every day and have the mind movies of what really happened between his wife and his brother playing non-stop. 


Third, you have Caroline claiming to want to save her marriage when all the while she's cozying up to Ridge, letting him be her shoulder to cry on, letting him stroke her ego while they both know they want to stroke other, more tangible things. So not only did she cheat and with Ridge, but also kept up the affair on an emotional level after she was outed.


Finally, you have everyone supporting Caroline in this from day one and reciting, chapter and verse, "it was just a couple of kisses," which is utter bullshit. Not one single person, his father, his cousins, his aunt, has shown him support in this. If they showed him even the smallest hint of compassion and understanding from the get-go, maybe, just maybe, he would be in a different place, but not one of them has had his back because they're too busy rallying around the one person who above all should have had his back and chose instead to stab him in it and expecting him to just get over it and take her back.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Could somebody please refresh my memory about something?  When Jackie was on, there was some kind of competition between Forrester Creations and her, but from what I remember, didn't Jackie own a boutique?  Why would a boutique be in competition with a fashion house?  Or did the boutique only sell an exclusive designer's apparel?
Yes, Jackie owned a boutique, called Jackie M.  But I think it also became a fashion house.  I believe at one point Jackie bought Spectra and rebranded it as Jackie M Designs (or perhaps Jackie M Designs was part of Spectra).  I recall Rick emailing some designs to Jackie M in a snit.  Stephanie worked for Jackie M after she and Eric were on a break.  And who could forget Bridget, the insta-Doctor Google of Everything (OB, internal medicine, cardiology, fertility) suddenly becoming an insta-Designer and secretly working for Jackie M as the mysterious "Madame X".
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I snorted just now, recalling the Madame X plot. So Bridget was this UH-MAZING doctor (did we ever see her in class/graduate???) and of course, she's an UH-MAZING designer, too.


I'm just shocked they didn't show her performing surgery with one nimble hand while sketching a showstopper wedding gown with the other.

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I'm not sure I agree with this.  Yes, the CEO has the authority to make a lot of decisions, but generally they are not permitted to abuse employees and to use the workplace as a venue for their personal revenge. 


Yes, thankfully it's not 1120.  Rick may like to think he's lord of the manor and Forrester employees are his serfs, but that doesn't make it so.  He would be a lot more sympathetic is he wasn't being a complete megalomaniac.  But since he is, I'm really looking forward to his downfall.

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I can't think of one thing that Rick has done regarding his employees that would open him up to a lawsuit in the real world.  Sure, he's creating a hostile work environment but the only way a lawsuit flies under those circumstances if the harassment happens to be based on a person's sex, race, national origin, age, disability and a few others depending on where one lives.



I think a lawyer could make a decent sexual harassment case out of this mess - Caroline, is essentially, being treated like shit by her boss because she's no longer sleeping with him and he doesn't like who he assumes she is or will be sleeping with.  Obviously, whats's going on here is a lot more complex than that, but when you have the boss getting into relationships with employees, that makes harassment not so much of a leap when things go bad like this. 

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It's not just that Ridge hurt Brooke.



Historically, I have intensely disliked the Ridge character, but not for his incessant waffling, because as I stated above, I believe it takes two, and in this case three, to tango. No, my dislike of Ridge stems from his arrogance, and his own sense of self importance, and it is his other actions that have fueled my fire. To my mind, he has committed two rapes; Caroline when she was drunk, and Brooke when she was zonked out on pills. He also was the instigator of the plan in Venice that broke up Brooke and Thorne. He went along with all the stunts his parents pulled when they were trying to steal the BeLief patent from Brooke. He turned on Brooke when he found out Thomas was his son and not Thorne's, when he should have been furious with Taylor. I could go on and on. 


When has Ridge ever acknowledged to Rick how he hurt him? Never.



And he never will. That might have happened if Rick hadn't run roughshod through Ridge's entire family, pitting mother against daughter; an act that ultimately cost Phoebe her life. I absolutely don't blame Rick for that; Phoebe acted foolishly, but if he hadn't started sniffing around two girls he had always viewed as his nieces, then none of it would have happened. And don't even get me started on the grossness of Taylor/Rick. 


But even setting Ridge aside, how does one go about "getting over" a childhood filled with pain and rejection, a childhood where one had to wipe away his own tears, along with those of his mother and siblings while the man one looks to as a father gets off scot-free and goes to play daddy to his "real" children?




Most people I know that are suffering some sort of mental breakdown, or depression, or feelings of desperation, seek professional help. Rick is a grown ass man now, and he should be able to see that his mother is just as much to blame for the way he feels as is Ridge. And I don't think Ridge has gotten off scot-free at all. He is a single man in what I assume is his 50's, he is homeless, his one great champion is deceased, his daughter is dead. I think it is safe to say that Ridge will never pay for all his past deeds, but who ever does on a soap? 


Ridge going after Caroline, especially when you consider why he originally went after her, to try and cement his campaign for CEO vs Rick, shows he is the same self-centered bastard he was all those years ago when he hurt innocent children and never atoned for any of it.



Indeed it does. And I think he was completely blindsided by developing real feelings for Caroline. It is unfortunate, but it does happen, that even married folks sometimes realize they married the wrong person. I have seen it time and again in my life; is it nice? No. Is is painful? Yes. But it would be far more painful to stay in a marriage that you no longer want to be in. And it doesn't make the people who fall in love with someone else bad, they did not set out on a course to hurt their spouse, it is just an unfortunate fact that love can be confusing and painful. 

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And I don't think Ridge has gotten off scot-free at all. He is a single man in what I assume is his 50's, he is homeless, his one great champion is deceased, his daughter is dead. I think it is safe to say that Ridge will never pay for all his past deeds, but who ever does on a soap?


Oh gosh.  I laughed so hard at this.

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Oh gosh.  I laughed so hard at this.



Your welcome! Just threw that in there for shits and giggles, because it really is hilarious how these millionaires can't find a place of their own.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Katie used to babysit Rick, as well as Bridget, and I thought they had a fairly close relationship until Katie decided to pursue a very-married Nick and get pregnant by him, all while his sister, Bridget, was working night and day to find a cure for Katie's heart condition.

That's another reason I can't stand Katie - she has taken Brooke to task over and over and OVER again over Brill but conveniently forgets her homewrecking past with Nick and her own niece. And unlike Katie's own actions in setting Brill in motion, Bridget was under the assumption and rightfully so that Nick was very happy. Katie used her heart condition to make inroads with Nick, although hahahaha, eventually, it backfired and he saw their relationship for what it was - and wasn't - and reunited with Bridget.

And Katie had no problem having at least an emotional affair with Ridge behind Brooke's back when he returned from Paris.

So no wonder she's "ok" with Caroline's actions - she's been there, done that, and she never really wanted Ridge that way anyway (once he had served his purpose of hurting Brooke, she was basically done with him).

I honestly prefer this over the teeth gnashing and usual passive-aggressive bullshit Katie pulled when Steffy was slinking up on Bill, and she green lighted that idiotic HFTF line as a fuck you to her.

That, and I honestly thought the scene was just more Ridge worship than anything else, because he will always be the golden child no matter who plays him.

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Scott Clifton and Ashleigh Brewer have so much more chemistry than SC and Kim Matula ever did.  But then I thought KM was a chemistry void, so.


I loved Brooke putting her foot down with Maya.  Now she needs to do the same with her petulant little man child of a son, unless it's too late and he just committed double murder!!!  Such soapy goodness.


KKL had three months to do something with her hair, and yet she did nothing. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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That is the biggest issue Rick has with Ridge - that he never acknowledges, much less apologizes for the things he does to hurt people. He never learns from his mistakes. He hasn't changed one iota and lacks a conscience, IMO, and so it's likely he never will.


Rick couldn't strike back at Ridge then, he was a little boy. But he can sure fire back at him now, as a grown man. Some may call it Rick being a baby, which is rich considering Ridge is the most self-absorbed baby of all time. I call it chickens coming home to roost.

On paper, all of this is true; but Rick always chooses the most self-restructive ways to go about this. Even when KL was in the role, he manipulates Eric into giving him a position using his fake injuries after that fall over the balcony, then uses said position to get Steffy's then boyfriend transfered to International so that he could try and mack on her after having been with her sister and mother. And now he lies to Caroline rather that growing a pair and telling Eric where he could take his conditions and moving on with life.

I couldn't root for him the first go around for most of the same reasons I don't support him now.

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Most people I know that are suffering some sort of mental breakdown, or depression, or feelings of desperation, seek professional help. Rick is a grown ass man now, and he should be able to see that his mother is just as much to blame for the way he feels as is Ridge. And I don't think Ridge has gotten off scot-free at all. He is a single man in what I assume is his 50's, he is homeless, his one great champion is deceased, his daughter is dead. I think it is safe to say that Ridge will never pay for all his past deeds, but who ever does on a soap?



AJ Quartermaine?


Hell, sometimes he even paid for shit he didn't do.

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Oh gosh. Rick please shoot someone and get this show on the road.

I doubt it. Even I could tell that was a dream or hallucination. Maya looked like a scared rabbit when Brooke was going on about the portrait. Side note I LOVED the lingerie KM was wearing HOT HOT HOT! Where can I buy that at?! That's a man catcher for sure HaHa!

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Was that a dream sequence or did Dead-Eye Dick just pop a cap in Ridge's amorous ass?


My goodness, Liam has grown up and realized a mature relationship isn't about the whole star-crossed lovers overcoming obstacles bullshit. I could have done without Ivy gushing all over his white knighting though. I'm not really into the whole helpless damsel thing.


I don't know how to put this exactly, but I feel that Rick and Maya need to remove the...parental overtones from their sex life. Doing it in the bed of Rick's father, her wearing lingerie designed by his mother...stop it, show.

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Was that a dream sequence or did Dead-Eye Dick just pop a cap in Ridge's amorous ass?


It was definitely a dream.  I wish it wasn't, though.  When's the last time someone got shot on this show?  Storm/Katie's two for one?  Not that I want anyone to die, but all of this talking is kind of boring me.

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So from recaps they added another person to dump on Maya? Not interested.



I'm withholding judgement until I see how Brooke treats Caroline, but yeah, it looks like Brooke is paying her Caroline fan club dues early. I hope that's not the case, because I need Caroline to get called out by someone, anyone her pep squad can't harangue or dismiss out of hand. I'm counting on you, Brooke, don't let me down!

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I FLOVED every single second of the Brooke/Maya confrontation. "And you're wearing my lingerie!" That was the BEST! (Seriously, Maya, doesn't that outfit come with a little silky robe for when you're prancing around in the living room pre- or post-sex?) I thought I was going to hate it when Brooke got back, but that was damn entertaining, watching her head implode little by little at each of the Maya revelations. And Maya realizing that Rick hasn't told his mom about them! FLOVED it, I tell ya!


I can't wait to get home to see this!  Anybody who chisels away at the wall of smug that is Maya is a-ok in my book!

I'm withholding judgement until I see how Brooke treats Caroline, but yeah, it looks like Brooke is paying her Caroline fan club dues early. I hope that's not the case, because I need Caroline to get called out by someone, anyone her pep squad can't harangue or dismiss out of hand. I'm counting on you, Brooke, don't let me down!

I don't think Brooke is going to call out Caroline, but it would be all the more entertaining if she does!  While we're having a wish list, I hope she includes Ridge in this, no way should he get off scot free!

Edited by ByTor
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I apologize in advance for the overabundance of underwear remarks.


Maya and Ivy in lingerie.... more of that please.


Is it weird to wear another woman's underwear or is that just a guy thing ? Because gross.


If that was Brooke's underwear does that mean Maya goes to Brooke's house, raids the underwear drawer, then heads over to Eric's house.


If that was Brooke's underwear I hope Maya disinfected it.


As NinjaPenguins pointed out Rick has some peculiar tastes if  Girlfriend + Mom's underwear + Doin' it in dad's room = Erotic


I'm calling fantasy sequence on the gunshots.


The Brooke/Quinn showdown was sure a disappointment.


Ridge looked like a praying mantis when he crawled on top of Caroline, I was expecting him to start eating her head. 

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In addition to what everyone has said, don't most of the Rick/Ridge issues stem from the fact that Eric has always very obviously favoured Ridge?  Ridge was always the golden child.  He considered the prince of the Forrester dynasty, and everyone always bent over backward to accomodate him and his wishes and needs.  Meanwhile, Rick got treated like dirt.  Shipped off to Forrester International.  Came back and didn't get any respect.  The fact that Ridge isn't a blood Forrester irritates Rick to no end, that's why he always brings it up.


It's the same issue that Thorne has always had with Ridge.  Only Thorne is.... somewhere (where, exactly?  I thought he and Taylor were staying in town?  Are they simply "in town but offscreen" as happens to many unused characters, or are they actually in Paris?).  So all of Thorne's former storylines are now given to Rick.


While we are at it, please help me complete this status report of "where have they gone" characters.  Where are these people physically supposed to be at the moment?


Steffy - Paris

Thomas - ???

Taylor - ?

Thorne - ?

Jackie - L.A.?

Bridget and Owen - ?

Felicia - ???

Kristin - Africa?

Amber and Rosie - ?

Prick Marone - sailing around the world?

Massimo - L.A.?

Mushmouth and Dayzee - ?

Jake McClain - in town offscreen

CJ Garrison - ?

The entire Ramirez family - ?

Edited by blackwing
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I'm withholding judgement until I see how Brooke treats Caroline, but yeah, it looks like Brooke is paying her Caroline fan club dues early. I hope that's not the case, because I need Caroline to get called out by someone, anyone her pep squad can't harangue or dismiss out of hand. I'm counting on you, Brooke, don't let me down!

And how much room she has to talk is very interesting, she's the OG Homewrecker. 

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I apologize in advance for the overabundance of underwear remarks.

Maya and Ivy in lingerie.... more of that please.

Is it weird to wear another woman's underwear or is that just a guy thing ? Because gross.

If that was Brooke's underwear does that mean Maya goes to Brooke's house, raids the underwear drawer, then heads over to Eric's house.

If that was Brooke's underwear I hope Maya disinfected it.

Maya said it was from the Brooke's Bedroom collection so it's new not previously worn, that'd be major grossness.

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Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?

Hey Joe, I said where you going with that gun in your hand?

I'm going down to shoot my old lady

You know I caught her messin round with another man


Of course that was a dream sequence, I mean, how can you be the Ironclad CEO if you are in prison? And if he kills Caroline and Ridge, who is he gonna yell at? Seriously though, Rick's eye's in that last scene? The only thing I could think about was Malcolm McDowell as Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange. Just so disconnected.


Now that Ivy and Liam are going the distance they are growing on me. Sex suits them.


I didn't know Brooke was aware that Deacon was living with Quinn. Guess Hope must have told her. But yeah, that whole thing with Quinn was a disappointment today.


But that is ok, cause maybe Brooke will save her venom for Maya. Now that was entertaining, and funny. Watching Maya trying to explain things while standing there in Brookes skivvies. I wonder if Brooke was having flashbacks to all the times she opened the door to Stephanie in her lingerie. And Brooke said disrespectful, and Maya looked scared. I found the whole thing hilarious.


Mama Mia! How did that sofa take the heat? I kept waiting for it to self combust and become the Towering Inferno. And the lead up! OMG! When Ridge pushed Caroline up against the table I thought I might faint. Then the teasing, and the designing, and the laughing, and the smiling. I am so besotted with Ridge and Caroline; it is ridiculous and pathetic all at the same time, and making it worse is that I could give a fuck.  I feel like a teenager reading her first Harlequin Romance. Mr. RuntheTable is convinced I've lost my mind; last week he was talking over the show just when Ridge and Caroline were about to bore down on each other and I gave him the death glare, he has been quiet as a mouse during the show now.


If that was Brooke's underwear does that mean Maya goes to Brooke's house, raids the underwear drawer, then heads over to Eric's house.



Nah. I would imagine she pinched them when she and Rick were shacking up over there. Come to think about it, that is another little tidbit on info Brooke has yet to learn.

Edited by RuntheTable
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While we are at it, please help me complete this status report of "where have they gone" characters. Where are these people physically supposed to be at the moment?

Steffy - Paris

Thomas - Paris

Taylor - Paris

Thorne - Paris

Jackie - New York

Bridget and Owen - New York

Felicia - The last time we saw her was in Paris

Kristin - Africa?

Amber and Rosie - ?

Prick Marone - sailing around the world?

Massimo - L.A.?

Mushmouth and Dayzee - South Africa

Jake McClain - in town offscreen

CJ Garrison - ?

The entire Ramirez family - ?

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So from recaps they added another person to dump on Maya? Not interested.


  I don't think Brooke dumped on Maya as much as expressed her confusion at her presence and appearance and ire at the disrespect to Big Steph. Which I noticed Maya was real quick to blame on Rick. True, Rick did that but Maya was fast at not having his back right there. lol.


 Ah, the ultimate power of CEO, to give away something that doesn't even belong to you, PRick.  That gun was not his to give to the lawyer.

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Mr. RuntheTable is convinced I've lost my mind; last week he was talking over the show just when Ridge and Caroline were about to bore down on each other and I gave him the death glare, he has been quiet as a mouse during the show now.

You'll make Mr. RuntheTable a fan before he knows what hit him :)
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Ridge's past and his failure to ever be held accountable for anything is the number 1 reason why I can't support a pairing with Caroline 2.0.  Who cares if the poor thing couldn't draw after his fall into the Persian Gulf?  As Mr. LuLu's aunt used to say "it wouldn't have happened, if you had stayed your ass at home".   He doesn't get rewarded for butting into Brooke's life, manipulating Caroline and cheating on Katie.  Because if kissing is indeed cheating, then Ridge is guilty too.


So what if he suddenly finds himself with feelings for Caroline, he's still an arrogant ass and now that Brooke is back, he'll be all up in her business again.

Edited by LuLu123
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I watch online, and there is a CBS Sync thing with facts, quizzes, and poll questions.  Today there was a poll question whether or not you want Hope to come back.  It's 52% yes 48% no.  I guess she still has her fans!

So what if he suddenly finds himself with feelings for Caroline, he's still an arrogant ass and now that Brooke is back, he'll be all up in her business again.

Great point, it will be interesting to see how Caroline handles that!

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Rick is the classic example, like Hope and Brooke, of wanting somebody you don't have. Thomas wanted Caroline and Rick had to get into the act. Than he wanted Maya over Caroline and once that happened he was back to Caroline. Maya shows interest in Rick and now Rick is back to Maya. I don't give anyone else a pass except for Wyatt but Rick reminds me the most of bosses I have known. I do feel sorry for Rick's miserable child hood by getting one horse instead of a stable of horses or having to drive a BMW when he wanted a Mercedes or being banished to Paris where he lived a playboy style. (Sarcasm).

Is Rick expecting a quicky divorce where He just signs papers and throws Caroline a few crumbs and the marrage is over. I don't think Caroline signed a prenup, or it hasn't been mentioned, but I hope Caroline fights and just doesn't rollover with pangs of guilt. I'm not sure what the laws are in CA but it would have to be irreconcilable differences because Caroilne didn't commit adultery. In any case they don't happen overnight But, as always with B&B, dam the torpedoes and full speed ahead.

Steffy is sexy, Ivy is beautiful, and Hope is pretty but a Debbie downer. I would like to see the next Hope, if there is one, to be pretty without the ability to suck the life out of relationships.

Edited by Waldo13
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Was that whole scene with the lawyer admiring the gun part of Rick's dream sequence, because that was some weird, wild stuff right there. "Nickel-plated snub nose, huh?" For a moment, I thought Rick had dropped his pants in front of his legal counsel. I am not a fan of guns in general, but watching the lawyer fondle that thing like it was a holy relic was hilarious. Aiming at that picture and telling Rick to pick a horse? I'd be picking a new lawyer, but I'm an odd duck.


Agree with all those who found the Quinn scenes disappointing. It's like her breakdown never happened and she's back to the same old thoughts and behaviors that set the whole trainwreck in motion. Hope's not even on the show, and yet a remaining character is still obsessed with her. Ugh.

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That is the biggest issue Rick has with Ridge - that he never acknowledges, much less apologizes for the things he does to hurt people.


Except that's not what the writers have Rick expressing at all. He keeps bringing up how Ridge hurt his mom and that's about it. So I will stick to grow up Rick because mommy had a lot more to do with your alleged sucky childhood than Ridge.


And certainly Ridge did go back and forth between Brooke and Taylor, but it sure wasn't like this mess with Steffy/Hope and Liam and Liam/Hope/Wyatt. Ridge was with Brooke and Taylor for many years. Brooke not only willingly went along with it, but her other relationships were certainly not any more stable. Plus, why doesn't Rick focus on his actual father too?


I continue to love the Caroline/Ridge scenes. Rick watching was hilarious and typical soap stuff.


I thought Brooke seemed far more confused about the Maya news than actually calling her out. Her head may blow off her shoulders when she hears about Ridge and Caroline!

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I can't think of one thing that Rick has done regarding his employees that would open him up to a lawsuit in the real world.  Sure, he's creating a hostile work environment but the only way a lawsuit flies under those circumstances if the harassment happens to be based on a person's sex, race, national origin, age, disability and a few others depending on where one lives.


A hostile work environment claim does not require that the hostility be based on sex, religion, race, etc.  A hostile work environment can be created in any number of ways, including management doing things in an effort to force an employee into a situation where they feel they have to quit.  Basically, any behavior, especially on an ongoing basis, that significantly and negatively changes the employee's work environment can qualify.  And there have thousands of hostile work environment lawsuits; it is a very real thing that happens in the real world.  At the very least, Rick has opened the company up to wrongful termination suits in a state that is very employee-friendly.  None of that will matter too much, though, if he actually shot one of his employees!  


Is it weird to wear another woman's underwear or is that just a guy thing ? Because gross.



Not just a guy thing.  Totally gross.  Even grosser to wear you boyfriend's mother's underwear that she bought/ wore for the sole purpose of having sex. 


Maya said it was from the Brooke's Bedroom collection so it's new not previously worn, that'd be major grossness.


Missed that, but if it's true, it's still a sign of a problem, I think.  And didn't Maya wear Brooke's actual lingerie when she hooked up with drunk Rick in the guest house?  Either way, it's all a mess.


I didn't even catch that the Rick Shoots! scene might be a dream sequence.  I'm still unsure if I think that's good or bad.​  However, I *am* sure that I think Caroline and Ridge continue to burn my screen up.  


Thanks to all for the answers about the Rick/ Ridge hate!

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Quinn didn't look or act like herself today. Not a whole lot of spark there.


Maya looked great in that red lingerie, except for the stockings. From the camera angle, they made her legs look short and stocky. I think that Ivy and Aly should draw a cartoon mustache on Maya's portrait.


If Rick shoots Ridge, he can shout "Gusher!" There's got to be at least a couple of barrels of oil in there.

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Yeah, but then his lawyer loaded the gun and was all "Pew pew pew!  Bang bang!  Gunshot sound!" toward the painting on the wall (if you don't know what I'm referencing, checking out the "Listening Party" sketch of the most recent, Kevin Hart hosted SNL).  Though, like NinjaPenguins said, that part made no sense and might have been part of Rick's hallucination, too.

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A lot of buildup for a hallucination, I think it's real.  Rick may be a bad shot, just put somebody in the hospital, probably Caroline, so Ridge can hover over her.  Rick had been shown drinking, something the show often does before somebody does something unusually ill-advised. 

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Nothing wrong with his posture when he's lying flat on the mattress. HOLLA

RIGHT?!? Holla BACK! ; )


Missed that, but if it's true, it's still a sign of a problem, I think.  And didn't Maya wear Brooke's actual lingerie when she hooked up with drunk Rick in the guest house?  Either way, it's all a mess.

When Brooke said, "You're wearing my lingerie!" Maya responded, "It's from your line." I just presume that Maya can afford to buy her own lingerie, and even if she can't for some reason, I'm sure Rick has no trouble buying some for her. 


Maya didn't wear lingerie when she had sex with Rick at Brooke's cabin. She arrived to the cabin wearing the same dress she had on at the company meeting where she revealed Caroline and Ridge's betrayal of Rick. Maya went to the main house when she woke up the following morning, and when we saw her again, she had on a blue silk robe. We don't know for sure whether the robe belonged to Maya or Brooke.


I'm thinking that if the robe did belong to Brooke, Maya is probably just the type of woman who prefers to shower/wash her ass after sex, as opposed to many soap "sirens" who roll out of bed and put on the same clothes after hours of lovemaking. (Shrugs).


But I think the "reel" purpose of that scene was to have Maya "scantily clad in a robe" when Rick answered the door for Caroline. 

Edited by Gemini
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