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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Oh Ridge; shut the hell up you friggin tool. You sure didn't have a problem with Quinn when you were macking on her a few years ago. At least Brooke has valid reasons to detest her, but you? And isn't it funny how everyone has forgotten your betrayal? Brooke and Eric both act as though this is the first time Quinn stepped out on Eric. 

Brooke is entitled to her feelings; her and her family have been Quinn's target, just as they were Stephanie's. Even so, I really wish she would hold Ridge accountable for his actions with Quinn, and that includes VegasGate. Having said that; I will have to call Brooke out for saying that Quinn is selfish, because, well.......reasons. 

Flo and Wyatt are simply puke inducing. Show can try to cuteify them up all they want, but they are still two horrid people, who don't deserve a damn bit of happiness. Thanks to them, Beth's first year of life is a gaping hole, and Sally was run out of town on a rail. I hate them both so much. 

Carter and Quinn? Wow. Are they ever bringing it. Just when I thought I could never root for Quinn again, there she goes proving me wrong. I think there is a softer, sweeter person in there somewhere, but life has made that Quinn run and hide. We get glimpses of her now and then, but it is clear Quinn is uncomfortable talking about herself, and her vulnerabilities. Sometimes it just takes the right person, who makes you comfortable enough, and who instills the right amount of confidence, to make someone want to get into who they really are. I find myself pulling for them; at the same time, I am disgusted and angry with the way Eric and the brood are acting, when I should be on board because he was the betrayed party. But Eric has been down this road so many times. He was warned about Sheila too, but his dick and his ego were talking louder, so he told everyone to fuck off. But when he found out about his wife, he was all bluster and bravado, and couldn't cut her out quick enough. You would think someone would learn from their past marital mistakes, but Eric has never been driven by common sense when it comes to women. And the way he is treating Carter smacks of ownership, and it simply makes my skin crawl. Carter needs to tell Eric that he respects him as his employer, but he doesn't get to dictate his private life. He doesn't even have to disclose that he wants to see Quinn; just let it be known that Eric doesn't get to do that. He should also tell Eric that he cannot represent him in his divorce since he played a part in why the are splitting up. And if and when Eric finds out about Carter and Quinn; let the chips fall. It is Carter's personal business. With his credentials he should be able to get work anywhere. Actually, I hear there is a certain publication house that is in need of a lawyer. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don’t understand why Carter is representing Eric in his divorce complaint when he is materially involved with Eric, Quinn and the cause of such divorce. Also he’s a corporate attorney not a divorce attorney. We have a number of attorneys in our family and they all have their specialties. Not one of them handles divorces.

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Divorce falls under family law, correct? Carter's a corporate attorney, just like Justin is. Neither one of them specializes in criminal law as well. Kind of like going to dermatologist if you need a knee replacement! But I guess since the physicians practice multiple specialties like oncology/psychiatry and pediatrics/obstetrics/cardiology*, why not follow the same guidelines for law? Actually, I am sure if Carter just Googles "divorce" like Bridget did for Katie's heart condition, everything will be just fine and Quinn won't get a dime nor a single share in FC,  right?  /eyeroll

*If Bridget really was tripled board certified, she'd be making enough to buy FC! /jk

Edited by CharlizeCat
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8 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I don’t understand why Carter is representing Eric in his divorce complaint when he is materially involved with Eric, Quinn and the cause of such divorce. Also he’s a corporate attorney not a divorce attorney. We have a number of attorneys in our family and they all have their specialties. Not one of them handles divorces.

Many of us have noted this many times. Same goes for Justin, another corporate attorney, handling Bill and Liam’s criminal case. 🙄

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Just finally got to watch Friday's show:

Why do Bill and Quinn keep letting Wyatt talk them like they're his children instead of the other way around? He's not entitled to know all their personal business.

Why is Flo hanging around the SP. offices again looking like a street walker? The office gossip there must be insane, what with the boss and his son recently in jail; another son's girlfriend always roaming the building even though she has a job at FC; and, the company attorney straight up going nuts and trying to stage a seriously hostile takeover. 😏

Had to laugh at that 90s porn music playing when Quinn and Carter atarted kissing. I hope the show will let them become a real couple instead of a dirty little secret.💓

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17 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And the way he is treating Carter smacks of ownership, and it simply makes my skin crawl. Carter needs to tell Eric that he respects him as his employer, but he doesn't get to dictate his private life. He doesn't even have to disclose that he wants to see Quinn; just let it be known that Eric doesn't get to do that. He should also tell Eric that he cannot represent him in his divorce since he played a part in why the are splitting up. And if and when Eric finds out about Carter and Quinn; let the chips fall. It is Carter's personal business. With his credentials he should be able to get work anywhere. Actually, I hear there is a certain publication house that is in need of a lawyer. 

Yes, so much yes to this. It has been super uncomfortable the way Eric and Ridge talk about Carter, the conditions Eric made, but beyond that, the weird obsession they have with his sex life. It is completely wrong.

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I'm curious if Eric would come off better had this played out a little differently.  If, instead of doing this crap with the terms of employment, let's say Eric was done with Carter as well as Quinn after the ceremony.  He accepts his resignation, then tells him to fuck off and that he's no longer a friend/family member/whatever.  

Would any of you think this was a more appropriate reaction, rather than what happened?  Personally, I do.  

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I'm curious if Eric would come off better had this played out a little differently.  If, instead of doing this crap with the terms of employment, let's say Eric was done with Carter as well as Quinn after the ceremony.  He accepts his resignation, then tells him to fuck off and that he's no longer a friend/family member/whatever.  

Would any of you think this was a more appropriate reaction, rather than what happened?  Personally, I do. 

Of course it would be better! It would make a lot more sense too. As it is, Eric and Ridge are acting as though Quinn is solely responsible for the 'affair' (if you can call it that) and she led Carter astray.

I mean come on. Quinn gets kicked out but Carter keeps his job?!? What's worse is Eric saying Carter cannot see Quinn anymore. Excuse me? If Eric makes a choice to divorce Quinn, it's no longer any of his damn business who she sees. And if Eric chooses to keep Carter employed, his love life is not of any concern to his employer.

Quinn is a questionable character to be sure but this blaming the woman thing is tiresome. Plus Ridge going on and on about Quinn. Ridge who was messing around with her not so long ago! Ok fine they didn't sleep together but they were having an emotional affair for a lot longer than the Quarter one night stand! Add to the mess Brooke going on and on about Quinn cheating. Yeah Brooke because you haven't done some horrible things in the name of destiny. And let's not forget Eric himself - he ain't exactly what one would call a stand up guy. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

Carter should have stepped down. Period. I don't see why he would even want to put up with Eric's crap. Help Quinn with her business or go and visit Bill - he needs a new lawyer!

But of course if Carter walked away from FC, then we couldn't have ridiculous scenes like a zoom call where Eric sees a dress. Hi-jinks!

Edited by hypnotoad
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Carter should have stepped down. Period. I don't see why he would even want to put up with Eric's crap. Help Quinn with her business or go and visit Bill - he needs a new lawyer!

Yeah, I feel like it must be an ethical issue for Carter to keep serving as Eric's personal attorney in the divorce. Especially now that he's gone back to sleeping with Quinn. It would be believable to me if Carter lost his law license over this, or at least was suspended for a while.

Whatever, it just doesn't make sense to me (or a lot of viewers it seems) that Carter is okay with Eric and Ridge treating him like he's an indentured servant. I get that he feels guilty about betraying Eric's trust (eff Ridge though; his own history Quinn should leave him in a permanent state of STFU) but does that mean Carter has to let them rule his life now? The smarter and more professional move clearly would've been for Carter to resign. If he's such a great attorney he should have no problem finding work elsewhere, or he could start his own firm.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Ridge: Paris wouldn’t have to be looking for a new place if Quinn and Carter didn’t do what they did.

I’m not following the logic in that because Paris knew that Zoe was going full steam ahead with wedding plans and would therefore be moving out yet again. So why wasn’t Paris already putting out feelers for a new living situation? Where was Paris living when she first moved to town and when Zoe moved in with Carter? She and Zoe couldn’t have been roommates for long. 

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I guess those long curly dangly things hanging down to Steffy’s waist are her new hair extensions?!  Why couldn’t they leave well enough alone!  

Steffy back at the office what 1-2 weeks after having a second baby??  

So there is Paris putting it out there to Zende how absolutely wonderful Finn is and how lucky Steffy is to have such a good looking doctor in her life….for a change Steffy will feel what it is like to have a partner cheat on her….it is coming!


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why wasn’t Paris already putting out feelers for a new living situation?

Or why didn't she try to take over Zoe's lease? Unless Zoe had already given notice that she wasn't renewing and they already rented it to someone else, seems like that would've been viable. But then again, apparently the location wasn't up to Paris' lofty standards. She mentioned having a view of a convenience store versus the beach in Malibu.


for a change Steffy will feel what it is like to have a partner cheat on her

Liam never cheated on Steffy? Technically he was still married when Hope got pregnant with Beth, right? I know a lot of people don't count that time though.

Wow, guess Steffy is indeed about due for some payback. Paris though? I can't imagine what Finn would see in her unless he and Steffy start having problems and Paris takes it upon herself to "comfort" him. Oy.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


Liam never cheated on Steffy? Technically he was still married when Hope got pregnant with Beth, right? I know a lot of people don't count that time though.

Wow, guess Steffy is indeed about due for some payback. Paris though? I can't imagine what Finn would see in her unless he and Steffy start having problems and Paris takes it upon herself to "comfort" him. Oy.

I meant Liam cheated with Steffy and Hope was the one feeling betrayed and hurt and now Steffy will feel the same way when Finn cheats.  Steffy will be the wife betrayed for a change!

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If Paris is such a wonderful lullaby singer for Hayes than just record her voice instead of having her live with you and the possibility of Hayes and Kelly being stabbed by Paris’ talons.  Paris is being very disingenuous. What Zoey has left about 3 weeks ago and she’s tired of living and eating alone?  Paris acts like Zoey was always home and they cooked for each other?  Zoey didn’t have a lease and she couldn’t afford the apartment alone so she had no choice but to brake Zoey’s lease?  


Hey Stuffy, didn’t you run away to Paris for virtually the same reason. You actually ran away from Liam and Wyatt both.  


Can you feel “it”. Quinn you can stand 12 inches away and still feel “it”.  Yes Ridge, Carter is on top of it or sometimes it’s the other way around. 


Zende, you can’t complete with Carter so I wouldn’t take my shirt off in the same episode.  


Hey Paris, Finn is as present as is the paint on the walls.  So please Paris STFU.  


Why does TIIC act like divorce is instantaneous to filing paper work. It takes at least 6 months for a divorce to be finalized in CA.  


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On 7/26/2021 at 11:22 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Liam never cheated on Steffy?

From my recollection, the closest Liam ever got was promising to break up with Ivy, only to marry her later that night to help her stay in the country. Steffy's always been the interloper between Lope (and between nearly every other happily married man who all has the backbones Liam lack not to lead her on).

On 7/26/2021 at 11:22 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, guess Steffy is indeed about due for some payback. Paris though?

My thoughts exactly. Finn is dull as dishwater and seeing him get "seduced" by Paris is a whole lotta nope for me. Not because I care a wit about Steffy's happiness that's never been earned, but because they're both blank slate characters that I have no reason to care about.

The payback due to Steffy was her giving birth to a child she named for Liam's mother and he still chose Hope anyway--before he knew she was pregnant, I might add. This just smacks of Bell not knowing what else to do with either of these characters. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Liam never cheated on Steffy? Technically he was still married when Hope got pregnant with Beth, right? I know a lot of people don't count that time though.

There was the time where he was flirting with Sally for weeks leading up to a kiss.

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So Steffy and Paris are carpooling now. Wonder if Paris drives while Steffy sits in the back seat? Paris would be all, "I love playing Chauffeur with Steffy! Driving Miss Daisy is one of my favorite movies! ZOMG Malibu!"

Oy, Zende might want to hit the gym before he goes shirtless in the office again. I thought he was looking a bit doughy.

Flo's at work! It must be payday.😏

Seriously, why would anyone in their right mind move in with their boss unless they absolutely had no other options? That just seems rife for trouble, especially with no established end date.

Ridge, Carter's on top of it all right. Under it, behind it, perpendicular to it, 34+35ing it. You have no idea. Because you never got none of it but some kisses!

Guess everything is Quinn's fault now. Zoe moved to Paris, the price of gasoline is skyrocketing, and there's a cinnamon shortage. Hear tell she was seen on the grassy knoll back in '63 too. 😉

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So, all that Carter- a successful and accomplished lawyer- would have to do to fix the situation is to go find another equivalent job.  Perhaps one that's a less awkward environment where you didn't fuck the boss's wife, multiple times.

But...he doesn't want to do that and would rather just two time everyone? If and when the Forresters found out, they wouldn't be happy with him, but if all he wants is Quinn then he gets it and there's nothing they can really do if he doesn't work for them anymore.  

This doesn't make any sense, and this show's gotta have the record for torturous, forced plot points.  

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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Plus it might be awkward with Zende.

As if Bell's ever let family get in the way of a ship! :P

5 hours ago, Zemiar said:

There was the time where he was flirting with Sally for weeks leading up to a kiss.

Oh right, that shit *did* happen. That was also around the time Steffy had been having her own emotional affair with Bill....one she never owned up to.

I won't defend Liam's kiss with Sally, but it *was* something that he opened up around without prompting and was immediately remorseful about. Unless his last roll in the hay with Steffy behind Hope's back :|


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If Carter saw something in Quinn that attracted him, then I don't see why it's unthinkable that Finn would be attracted to Paris.  Plus, she's not a rapist/murderer so that helps. 

Try as I may, I can't see a comparison between the situation between Carter and Quinn, and the potential one between Paris and Finn. Other than the interracial aspects which will likely remain unaddressed by the characters, anyway.

As far as Quinn and Carter are concerned, I think they were both at emotionally vulnerable moments in their lives and used sex as a temporary distraction. Only the sex turned out to be so good they're still willing to risk the huge repercussions they'd face if they get discovered. Pretty basic soap IMO, except for the part where Bradley might be trying pretend a BM/WW relationship is scandalous in 2021. (Ehh, Justin & Donna been there, done that.)

Neither Quinn nor Carter have been held back by the respect to be paid to marriage vows. Quinn already had an emotional affair with Ridge, and Carter made overtures toward Maya while she was married to Rick.

Finn is currently portrayed as someone who's never been dissuaded from his romantic partner, even in the face of her cheating and putting him in a WTD situation with her ex. Finn is and always has been all in on Steffy.

Paris has been depicted as highly moralistic even at the risk of her relationship with her sister, or of making an historically dangerous enemy in Quinn. She has the courage of her convictions, and will proudly and publicly display it.

Unless they're both to undergo some big characterization changes soon, I just don't see Finn doing a 180 to pursue someone who's not Steffy or at Steffy's level, or Paris suddenly becoming okay with being a woman who knowingly goes after a married man. That said, Brad is apparently about to light a fuse and blow stuff up.

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12 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

If Carter saw something in Quinn that attracted him, then I don't see why it's unthinkable that Finn would be attracted to Paris.  Plus, she's not a rapist/murderer so that helps. 

Sorry, but IMO there a big difference between Quinn & Paris. Quinn is a mature woman that exudes sexuality, whereas Paris comes across as 20-something girl who has a crush on a doctor who likes longs walks on a beach.

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Sorry, but IMO there a big difference between Quinn & Paris. Quinn is a mature woman that exudes sexuality, whereas Paris comes across as 20-something girl who has a crush on a doctor who likes longs walks on a beach.

That too.

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So, that whole conversation between Ridge and Steffy:

Ridge "Paris wouldn't be looking for a place if Quinn and Carter hadn't done what they did".

WHAAAAA? So I guess that Carter would have moved in with Paris and Zoey after they got married? Or Paris would have moved into the loft with them? 

Steffy "I don't know what I would do if the man I loved was having an affair with the bosses wife"

"I can't stand what Quinn did to him; all he ever did was defend her, and give her the benefit of the doubt".

Says the woman who rode her father-in-law's penis with unabashed aplomb, creating her first WTD mess. Then who had the temerity to renew her marriage vows to her clueless, cuckolded husband the next day. A woman who also stepped out with her ex-husband, betraying her new found great love, for reasons yet unexplained, creating her second WTD mess. 

Ridge "Carter and Quinn hurt a lot of people"

OMG really? So you and Quinn didn't hurt a lot of people? 

Ridge "He loved that woman; didn't listen to me, didn't listen to Brooke, he just believed that she could never do anything wrong. That's why this affair threw him"

But the one you had with her didn't?

Ridge "Dad knows how to forgive, but I think this is it, I think she is finally out of our lives for good"

Yeah, your dad does know how to forgive. He has forgiven you many times for betraying him. 

I guess Californian's work around the clock? I found it strange that Ridge was asking Carter if he was coming back to the office when it was night outside. And all this sudden focus on Carter's attendance is rich considering most people never show up to work at FC's. 

Ridge and Eric, and Brooke to some degree, are starting to feel like a splinter under my fingernail. They are annoying me, and angering me, and irritating me. I find myself wanting bad things to happen to them. I would love to see Carter pull some type of coup right under their unsuspecting noses. Just like thirty years ago, when Ridge showed up at Brooke's door with a contract that would rob her of something, and got her unknowingly to sign away her rights to BeLief; I would like to see Carter repay that treachery with something similar. It isn't about Quinn, it is about how they are treating Carter. They say all is forgiven, and welcome back, yet he is being held to a different standard. He is also having his life dictated by his employer, who feels they have the implicant right to pry into his personal business, not asking, but nearly demanding to know who he is seeing. I don't see that as forgiveness and acceptance. They are punishing Carter in a way far worse than just firing him, and both need to realize this is 2021 not 1821. 

Rena is just shining. She is bringing so many new layers to Quinn. What I find refreshing is her lack of anger and animosity. I fully expected Quinn to go into battle mode, hell bent on getting her revenge on Brooke and Paris, but she has barely mentioned their names. I also expected her to make demands on Eric, but I haven't seen any evidence of that either. Must be Carter's Little Pills. 

I see Flo hopped on her broom and got back to her "job" before the day was out. 

Paris and Finn? No way. I don't care how they try to sell it either. Finn has no chemistry with Steffy, and he has even less with Paris. God help them if they go there; Sinn fans will probably storm the studio en masse. 


Edited by RuntheTable
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Says the woman who rode her father-in-law's penis with unabashed aplomb, creating her first WTD mess. Then who had the temerity to renew her marriage vows to her clueless, cuckolded husband the next day. A woman who also stepped out with her ex-husband, betraying her new found great love, for reasons yet unexplained, creating her second WTD mess. 

Quoted just for being an outstanding arrangement of words.


I guess Californian's work around the clock? I found it strange that Ridge was asking Carter if he was coming back to the office when it was night outside.

I was puzzled about that too and was wondering how early it gets dark in LA now. It's the front part of summer so they were still at FC at maybe 8 or 9 pm. pushing papers around? Why? All it would've taken is one throwaway line to explain that they were dealing with end-of-month deadlines or something. What it actually was though was an excuse for several characters to be still wearing the same clothes. (Yo, Show, Paris' 1960s carhop outfit ain't all that. Not to this viewer anyway.)


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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

So, that whole conversation between Ridge and Steffy:

Ridge "Paris wouldn't be looking for a place if Quinn and Carter hadn't done what they did".

WHAAAAA? So I guess that Carter would have moved in with Paris and Zoey after they got married? Or Paris would have moved into the loft with them? 

Steffy "I don't know what I would do if the man I loved was having an affair with the bosses wife"

"I can't stand what Quinn did to him; all he ever did was defend her, and give her the benefit of the doubt".

Says the woman who rode her father-in-law's penis with unabashed aplomb, creating her first WTD mess. Then who had the temerity to renew her marriage vows to her clueless, cuckolded husband the next day. A woman who also stepped out with her ex-husband, betraying her new found great love, for reasons yet unexplained, creating her second WTD mess. 

Ridge "Carter and Quinn hurt a lot of people"

OMG really? So you and Quinn didn't hurt a lot of people? 

Ridge "He loved that woman; didn't listen to me, didn't listen to Brooke, he just believed that she could never do anything wrong. That's why this affair threw him"

But the one you had with her didn't?

Ridge "Dad knows how to forgive, but I think this is it, I think she is finally out of our lives for good"

Yeah, your dad does know how to forgive. He has forgiven you many times for betraying him. 

Rena is just shining. She is bringing so many new layers to Quinn. What I find refreshing is her lack of anger and animosity. I fully expected Quinn to go into battle mode, hell bent on getting her revenge on Brooke and Paris, but she has barely mentioned their names. I also expected her to make demands on Eric, but I haven't seen any evidence of that either. Must be Carter's Little Pills. 

I see Flo hopped on her broom and got back to her "job" before the day was out. 

Paris and Finn? No way. I don't care how they try to sell it either. Finn has no chemistry with Steffy, and he has even less with Paris. God help them if they go there; Sinn fans will probably storm the studio en masse. 


Co-signing all of this, especially the bolded. Steffy and Ridge, you need to put away your stones since you live in the glassiest of homes. 

This plot contrivance of Paris suddenly being homeless is just ridiculous. She would make a pretty good salary at FC and should have plenty of money to have her own place (add in savings from presumably splitting costs with Zoe) and it's even more eye-roll inducing. 

But it's for a very pointed reason and as I've said for days, I think that reason is to put Paris in close proximity and fall for Finn. They aren't having the lingering hugs, the long stares (one-sided from Paris) for nothing. Chemistry be damned as there is zero between Steffy and Finn, as you already noted. And it seems Paris/Zende has fizzled out as they seemed like the barest of acquaintances talking to one another. It doesn't help that Zende is hardly ever on these days. And this show loves to go for it's "shock and awe" moments, so of course they're gonna go there.

As for my Quarter babies, I just love them more and more as the days go by.

Just look at the intensity in Quinn's eyes and how Carter is staring at her lips. 


They just sparkle together and when they're on, I can't stop smiling. Or fanning myself.


This just slayed me:



They are flirty and fun and oh-so-sexy together. And you can tell they, the actors, are just tickled by this storyline. It had to be beyond boring for Rena to keep playing the lady of the manor, married to the "not tonight, dear" old fogey Eric (sorry, John McCook - still love you though) and LSV to play clueless dolt Carter.

They are hot as hell together. Exhibit A:


And they even fit together so perfectly.


They are one of the best pairings this show has ever done, which is saying something, and I'm going to enjoy the ride while it lasts (yes, pun intended).

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This plot contrivance of Paris suddenly being homeless is just ridiculous.

Yep, especially since a) Paris was living in by choice in a hotel and not on the street or a under a freeway overpass or a in a public park or in her car; and b) CA--especially LA--has a serious issue with many people being truly unhoused due to things like unexpected job loss and medical expenses which wiped them out financially.

Paris has good, full-time, salaried employment and a college education. She wears designer clothes daily. But Herself just didn't want to live somewhere that wasn't fancy or have a beach view. For B&B to be drawing some vague parallel between Paris and the thousands of people who actually are unhoused is IMO not only ridiculous but bordering on offensive. Oh gee, just another day at B&B...

Sigh, B&B, I wish I knew how to quit you. (Actually I do know one way but apparently that particular unfounded rumor bullet has been dodged.) 😒

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I've watched this show from the beginning and 9.5 times out of 10, whenever there's an affair, the woman is the party deemed to be at fault.  The blame almost never attached to the man who, frequently, was married or otherwise entangled.  

But . . . but . . . in this particular, specific instance, I can see why everyone is quick to blame Quinn and absolve Carter.  Quinn has a history of doing very bad things, e.g., kidnapping and raping Liam, making out with engaged Ridge while she was with Eric, and otherwise scheming and troublemaking.  Carter, on the other hand, has no strikes against him.  Mostly because he's been a simping milquetoast for most of his run, but nevertheless, practically saintly.  In most characters' minds, Quinn = bad and Carter = good.  So, of course, their affair is all Quinn's fault.

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Stuffy/Finn than Paris/Zende than Stuffy/Ridge than Finn/Paris.  Boring quadrupled🤪.  Is Stuffy realizing that Finn is pure boredom but you should be use to that with Liam. Stuffy is hedging with telling Ridge that Finn is a good father and she’s happy with him but what she doesn’t say is more revealing. In addition to not really being overly excited about getting married until Ridge was pushing for marriage. 

Stuffy are things that bad where you couldn’t get dress this morning or are you modeling a new FC line of sleepwear?

Why is there a snake on Zende’s collar?  Is that suppose to be a sign of virility.  


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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Try as I may, I can't see a comparison between the situation between Carter and Quinn, and the potential one between Paris and Finn. Other than the interracial aspects which will likely remain unaddressed by the characters, anyway.

As far as Quinn and Carter are concerned, I think they were both at emotionally vulnerable moments in their lives and used sex as a temporary distraction. Only the sex turned out to be so good they're still willing to risk the huge repercussions they'd face if they get discovered. Pretty basic soap IMO, except for the part where Bradley might be trying pretend a BM/WW relationship is scandalous in 2021. (Ehh, Justin & Donna been there, done that.)

Neither Quinn nor Carter have been held back by the respect to be paid to marriage vows. Quinn already had an emotional affair with Ridge, and Carter made overtures toward Maya while she was married to Rick.

Finn is currently portrayed as someone who's never been dissuaded from his romantic partner, even in the face of her cheating and putting him in a WTD situation with her ex. Finn is and always has been all in on Steffy.

Paris has been depicted as highly moralistic even at the risk of her relationship with her sister, or of making an historically dangerous enemy in Quinn. She has the courage of her convictions, and will proudly and publicly display it.

Unless they're both to undergo some big characterization changes soon, I just don't see Finn doing a 180 to pursue someone who's not Steffy or at Steffy's level, or Paris suddenly becoming okay with being a woman who knowingly goes after a married man. That said, Brad is apparently about to light a fuse and blow stuff up.


11 hours ago, MsTree said:

Sorry, but IMO there a big difference between Quinn & Paris. Quinn is a mature woman that exudes sexuality, whereas Paris comes across as 20-something girl who has a crush on a doctor who likes longs walks on a beach.


6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

That too.

Just have to agree to disagree with all this because I just see Quinn as a crazy eyed bitch and Carter is just stupid so I see nothing appealing about either of them.  I'd much rather watch Paris and Finn but I'm done reading this thread.  I've had enough of Quarter and this show.  

There are a lot more funs shows to watch at that time slot, so that's what I'm gonna do.  

Crashcourse out.

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I think Paris and Finn will sleep together but it will be after some comedy of errors. Finn will see Steffy humping a Liam mannequin (or Liam humping a Steffy mannequin) or something of great stupidity and Finn will need comfort. 

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14 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I think Paris and Finn will sleep together but it will be after some comedy of errors. Finn will see Steffy humping a Liam mannequin (or Liam humping a Steffy mannequin) or something of great stupidity and Finn will need comfort. 

Stop giving them ideas.

We all know they lurk here.

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On 7/27/2021 at 5:48 AM, RuntheTable said:

Steffy "I don't know what I would do if the man I loved was having an affair with the bosses wife"

"I can't stand what Quinn did to him; all he ever did was defend her, and give her the benefit of the doubt".

Says the woman who rode her father-in-law's penis with unabashed aplomb, creating her first WTD mess. Then who had the temerity to renew her marriage vows to her clueless, cuckolded husband the next day. A woman who also stepped out with her ex-husband, betraying her new found great love, for reasons yet unexplained, creating her second WTD mess. 

And that's even without getting into the fact that every man she's persued since  Marcus was attached an unavailable or at best a highly bad idea.

All the Foresters can STFU but given how recently her bullshit has been, she has even less room than Brooke to be up on her high horse.

On 7/27/2021 at 10:06 AM, Cool Breeze said:

But . . . but . . . in this particular, specific instance, I can see why everyone is quick to blame Quinn and absolve Carter. 

I agree Quinn has been the most dangerous character next to Sheila, but her behavior--Captive Cabin included--was known to Eric when he married her, with his entire family minus Ivy (....I think?) boycotting the nuptials. He chose to forgive her for the shit with Ridge too.

Ridge is another one who can STFU for obvious reasons. Brooke, I could somewhat support until she had to just keep on going even after Quinn was kicked out. And I've said all I have to say about Steffy weighing in.

On 7/27/2021 at 11:24 AM, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy is hedging with telling Ridge that Finn is a good father and she’s happy with him but what she doesn’t say is more revealing. In addition to not really being overly excited about getting married until Ridge was pushing for marriage. 

On a better written show, this would be the part where Steffy took the opportunity to re-evaluate the dating patterns of her life and realize maybe she has more work to do on herself than to settle on what is shaping up to be an unfilling relationship shaped in no small part to her drug addiction.

But we know women in Brad Bell's LA aren't allowed any such insights, so here we go with this contrived means to split them up.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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JMW looks kind of bored with the actor playing Finn. This has to be the most 1950’s storyline she’s ever played since she started. She’s at home folding clothes and hiring nanny’s. It’s soooooo boring that I can’t believe she’s into it. Of course, it’s an easy paycheck sitting around all day but it’s rather mundane for daytime in 2021. 

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The more I think about S and F inviting an employee to move in with them and their two tiny children, the more ridiculous it becomes. How in the world do the “writers” dream up such nonsense? Do they really believe that we’ll buy into these story lines so matter how desperate we are to keep our few remaining soaps alive? 

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No wonder wee Hayes was keeping his eyes closed. He didn't want to look at Mommy's awful wig. 😼

OMG, today must have been Tongue Bath Day on B&B. I don't who was getting slobbered on more, Queen Steffy or Princess Paris. 🤮

Diaper run. Really? Steffy and Finn would have fresh diapers regularly delivered, not be running out to buy some as the need arose. These people are flipping rich!

So, Paris is likely going to be feeling like a free agent because Zende wants to slow things down. (Have they even slept together?) Still don't see what might send Finn into her arms. That seemed to be a chem test between them today though, I think.

Ridge, Forrester weddings don't have a high success rate. You may not want to be wishing that on Steffy and Finn.

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The only thing I enjoyed about today's show was the collar on Zende's shirt.  Well, make that two. Even though I am no fan of TK, he is always fun to watch with the kids on the show. He has been much more laid back and almost enjoyable to watch lately. I imagine he's counting down the seconds until he departs for his long vacation from the show. (I know I would be.)

Even the infant actor looks bored with Finn. @Country girl's assessment of Sinn. In a way, it's eerily similar to how Steffy imprinted on Liam. Finn saved her life after her motorbike accident and again when she got addicted to pain pills. I have always always heard that you should never make major life decisions for at least one year after getting sober.  She shouldn't have gotten involved with Finn so soon and certainly should have been practicing safe sex, but I digress. Part of her recovery should have been to yeah, reassess her past and how seeking unavailable men, "Daddy" issues, etc., have shaped some of the unfortunate relationship choices she's made to date.

Unless there is something sinister about Finn's family or his past and the people playing his parents can bring some life to that story, it will soon become FF material for me. I think it's only fair that Taylor show up for this. Why can't TIIC recast the role? 

I would rather watch a Shauna/Donna catfight over Eric than this drivel with Sinn & Paris. Or get back to the Queric divorce and QUARTER!


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21 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I have always always heard that you should never make major life decisions for at least one year after getting sober.  She shouldn't have gotten involved with Finn so soon and certainly should have been practicing safe sex, but I digress. Part of her recovery should have been to yeah, reassess her past and how seeking unavailable men, "Daddy" issues, etc., have shaped some of the unfortunate relationship choices she's made to date

Basically, yeah. The issue was that the drug story was too damn shirt. Given JMW was having to wear baggy clothes when they filmed the climax of that story, the creators already knew she was pregnant. We know with the Beth story that TIIC are capable of carrying a story for months, even if it moved forward like a Yugo driving uphill in 2nd gear. She did not need a 2nd baby FFS.

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I think I might, maybe, have an idea why Eric and Ridge are blaming only Quinn and Eric is trying to control Carter's love life. It's convoluted, but bear with me.

Carter is Marcus' adopted brother. Eric adopted Marcus.  Marcus is Eric's son and Carter is Marcus' brother so that makes Carter "family" to Eric --another sort of "son".  Ridge refers to Carter as his brother ( Marcus is Ridge's "brother" + Carter is Marcus' brother = Carter is Ridge's "brother").

If Eric thinks of Carter as family, he would tell his "son" to stay away from Quinn. That he can't see Quinn if he wants to remain part of the "family" business. Ridge would be ranting that the hussy, jezebel Quinn seduced his brother Carter.  Carter has always been the good "son".  No affairs we know of, no scandals, no betraying anyone.  If Carter has now strayed from his good "son" path it simply has to be all Quinn's fault.

What neither Eric nor Ridge wants to understand is Carter is not, never has been family. Carter didn't set out deliberately to betray Eric. Carter is an employee, a friend yes, but always an employee first and foremost.  Eric may be the famous Eric Forester, founder of the international fashion house Forrester Creations but he doesn't have the power to run his employee's love life.

And let's never ever never ever, ever never forget that Ridge broke up Brooke/Eric and deliberately and cold-bloodedly went after Quinn to seduce her and prove to Eric how unworthy she was.  Ridge can STFU and take a stadium's worth of seats for being the hypocrite he is.

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Ridge told Steffy she deserved happiness after everything she had been through last year. He went on to specifically mention everything with "Hope and Liam" and the back and forth. So he wasn't referring to the motorcycle accident, or the addiction, it was about HopeQuinnGate. Go sit down Ridge, and shut up. Steffy is one of the responsible parties for "everything she had been through last year." Steffy chose to have sex with a married Liam; betraying the man she had just declared her love to the same day. Then, you start going on about how your waffling between Taylor and Brooke was hard on Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe. You are such a fucker. It was hard on Rick and Bridget too. I mean, after being in their lives as a father figure for more than a year, you flat out walked out on them when you discovered Thomas was your son. Like they were disposable baby dolls or something; clearly sending a message about who's child meant more, and what family actually mattered to you. I swear, sometimes I could just smack your face. 

Come on Show! Zende and Paris are going to slow down? When the fuck did they ever speed up? So, so stupid, and clearly setting up some sort of Finn/Paris thing. I just can't even with the thought of it. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Ridge told Steffy she deserved happiness after everything she had been through last year. He went on to specifically mention everything with "Hope and Liam" and the back and forth. So he wasn't referring to the motorcycle accident, or the addiction, it was about HopeQuinnGate. Go sit down Ridge, and shut up. Steffy is one of the responsible parties for "everything she had been through last year." Steffy chose to have sex with a married Liam; betraying the man she had just declared her love to the same day. Then, you start going on about how your waffling between Taylor and Brooke was hard on Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe. You are such a fucker. It was hard on Rick and Bridget too. I mean, after being in their lives as a father figure for more than a year, you flat out walked out on them when you discovered Thomas was your son. Like they were disposable baby dolls or something; clearly sending a message about who's child meant more, and what family actually mattered to you. I swear, sometimes I could just smack you face. 

Come on Show! Zende and Paris are going to slow down? When the fuck did they ever speed up? So, so stupid, and clearly setting up some sort of Finn/Paris thing. I just can't even with the thought of it. 

It's like you are in my head, especially the bolded. Miss Thang is the one who got addicted to painkillers and was threatening to cut people. Miss Thang is the one who hopped on Liam's dick, practically five minutes after he showed up, thinking Hope kissed Thomas (and this after Steffy pointed out that Hope would NEVER do that!!!!). So even after she said that, she helped him get drunk and back into her bed. Plus, she was supposedly "in wuv" with Finn. 🙄

And don't even get me started on how Rick and Bridget, the boy he had raised for not just one year and the girl he thought was his own daughter, but I recall it being longer, maybe that's the SORAS-ing factor, were summarily dropped like yesterday's trash when he learned he had a biological son. Ass-hole!

Your comment re Zende/Paris has me rolling. Slowing down from what, a walker to a wheelchair? WTF, indeed!

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When Baby Hayes started crying/fussing after being all sweet gooey and frankly ovary activating cute- why did ominous music and Ridge side eye happen?  What are they supposed to be insinuating?  Is Hayes possessed?  

Why is Finn so hell bent on locking down Steffy before anyone meets his family??

Are his parents dead set against this marriage because they can see all the red flags that Finn keeps folding in to roses for  "perfect Steffy"?  Seriously the amount of unearned praise for both Steffy and Paris yesterday was cringe-y.  I can only hope one of them is about to meet a grisly end!


Note to Zende... in a relationship, what is slower than Stopped?  Have we even seen those two kiss?

Is Carter gonna have to produce a doctor's note to make sure his absences from the office are excused?  Dude, get the heck out of that job.  Whether you decide to keep "holding Quinn in your arms" or not...these people are toxic and intrusive with their  family members, you do NOT want to be counted in their numbers.  They haven't had to get super involved before because you've been a useless simp who performs weddings and annulments.  But now that they realize you have man parts they will never stop speculating on, commenting on and trying to guilt you into whatever partner they feel is appropriate for you at their whim.  That level of intrusiveness is not worth any letters after your name.

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2 minutes ago, smartyshorts said:

Note to Zende... in a relationship, what is slower than Stopped?  Have we even seen those two kiss?

I think they kissed a whopping TWO times.

By Carter's previous standards, they should have been married or at least engaged by now.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

By Carter's previous standards, they should have been married or at least engaged by now

By show's standards...Flo and Wyatt should've been married three times, annulled and divorced twice.  Had two or three kids of questionable parentage (I'm sure Flo could steal one from somewhere) and one of them presumed dead, but living two towns over with amnesia working on a farm or in a bar.  Just kill off one or both of them already!  Maybe Flo and her co-conspirator's sister could get thrown in the giant washing vat at FC... Or shot accidentally by a recast Taylor...or just go on a road trip and never return.

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Is it so wrong of me to hope that Steffy's MIL is a raving bitch who takes an instant dislike to her new DIL? I am hoping beyond hope that she treats Steffy the way Stephanie treated Brooke for all those years! I want for Mrs. Finn Sr., to be able to see right through Ms. Thang (yep!) for who and what she truly is and also that she's not good enough for Mrs. Finn Sr.'s precious son. 

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Why do Brooke/Katie care about Finn/Steffy getting married or not. Brooke only cares if it keeps her away from Liam. 

Paris cant be falling for Finn already. He has spoken to her like twice.

Was Steffy wearing her pajamas? 

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Why would the couch wedding be mentioned to other people? At least Ridge seemed to think it was dumb. Unlike Paris who said oh Finny you must have been disappointed not to get fake married on your couch. 
Sad that Katie is filler material these days.

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