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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

OMG, Brooke stays up in Hope's sex life. And she's always itching to throw her another quickie wedding.

For the first time in her adult life since Hope first started seeing Liam a decade ago, she actually had some damn sense on this today. So far, she and Liam are about appreciating and enjoying their daughter and recooperating from this traumatic last year. Considering how Steffy proposed to Hope for Liam the last time, they shouldn't have gotten married so soon last year in the first place.

Brooke is a fucking moron here. Hope OTOH seems to have learned the lesson (for now) that a piece of paper does not a relationship make and if you need that to prove his loyalty, something is rotten in Denmark.

I hope to God that was confusion and awkwardness from Liam in those last two minutes of the show, but let's also remember that Brat Bell jettisoned Brooke and Thorne after all they'd been through to be together before they'd reached six months in their marriage so that Brooke could chase behind a happily married Ridge. He also tanked Taylor and Rick for the same reasons, despite Taylor having been engaged to Thorne and then.married to Nick with nary a thought about him for years unt TIIC wanted more cheap conflict for Rick and Ridge.

I'll be disappointed if this leads to more waffling from Liam after all this but not the least bit surprised. That's sorta his #brand along with his veganism and moral compass.

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6 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

She had to roofie Liam's ass to get him to fuck her

Do any of them know about that? There's a lot I could pin on that slattern, but this isn't one of them. That was all Tommy's doing because he believed Liam's admittedly shitty history with loyalty entitled him to force sex on him, like Stephanie thought Brooke's history entitled her to sic a man she barely knew onto her.

And if Thomas' continued griping about Hope passing him up and choosing Liam in spite of their history didn't smack of incel Nice Guy rhetoric, I don't know what does. Even if Liam was still the unrepentant shitcock he was at his third wedding attempt, he would still be better than ThomAss for not being a gaslighting rapist.

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I don't know how Zoe saw Tommy's scribbled In vs. Out board and didn't back away slowly. The guy is insane!

11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Elsewhere, I don't know what to make of Tommy Choo-Choo's dry-erase board:


Where is Douglas in this?

Although I did have to LOL at the "ME" on the "IN" column.

@CountryGirl, I read your post before I saw the show, and I thought you created this image!  Imagine my surprise when I watched the show and saw that the B&B writers and director thought that this was a good part of developing the plot for Thomas.  Holy Batshit Crazy, Thomas!  And, juvenile.  But then he did use that ghost image to scare the crap out of his son, and not in a fun way.

Maybe Zoe is too poor to have a phone nowadays, but she should have been snapping a pic and forwarding that to Hope, Liam, the cops....

So is Thomas going to add people to his column as time goes on?  Pam gave him a lemon bar, why doesn't she rate?  Quinn is supporting Shauna, she should be up there too.  Where's Danny, he is a major hero in Thomas' plot?

RE Liam, he was very wrong to not discuss with Hope that it was time for Steffy to visit with Beth.  Hope had agreed that Steffy should be in her life, so this was a bullshit move on Liam's part.  But I didn't see his time with Steffy as him wanting to be with her and not Hope.  

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9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Have the Avants moved?

I think they did move to be closer to Maya & Lizzie since Maya's & Rick's divorce?  In any case, I loved Viv & Julius, I'd love to see them back with an actual real story.

9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Hauxdi needs to understand that she is NOT Beth's mommy.  She never was.  What she is, is Liam's ex-wife and KELLY'S mommy. 

So...Kelly will grow up with mommy issues (I was never enough for you) and daddy issues (you abandoned me!) & Beth will have family insecurity (I never knew where I belonged!).  Next thing you know, Bill will end up not being Liam's father, Douglas will not be a blood relative, the kids will all be SORASed and boom new TOD!

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Sorry. Posted this in the wrong thread.

Oh, cry me a river of crocodile tears out of your cat-wing eyes, Hauxdi. Hope has been sympathetic. Whine. Whine. Whine. Poor ME ME ME!!!

I don't understand the sneaking around either. Hope has let Beth stay with Wally and didn't somebody else (Amelia?) take Beth and Douglas somewhere? I don't think Hope would have minded. Especially, as public enemies #1 & #2 are Flo and Shauna right now ...

... but looks like that is that is all about to change as a shark obviously smells fake Halloween blood in the water. There was absolutely NOTHING about what Liam said or his in his facial expressions or body language that gave the slightest indication that he was interested in reuniting with that slattern. NOTHING.

So, I guess that's Brooke's Taytot spidey senses were on high alert yesterday when she out-of-the-blue started pushing Hope to get Liam to remarry her. Can that even happen right now? I thought that Thomas is refusing to sign the annulment papers, so aren't he and Hope still "married?" 

I am disgusted at the artificial ploy to kick the ToD back into high gear and using Beth to do so. I would actually rather watch Brooke and Shauna fight over Ridge. At least that doesn't use children as bargaining chips. So now we're basically back to three triangles and I guess a fourth one coming with the Maya/Carter/Rick spumour.  I'd ask if Brad Bell was capable of writing anything else but we all know the answer to that. 

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10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

For the first time in her adult life since Hope first started seeing Liam a decade ago, she actually had some damn sense on this today. So far, she and Liam are about appreciating and enjoying their daughter and recooperating from this traumatic last year. Considering how Steffy proposed to Hope for Liam the last time, they shouldn't have gotten married so soon last year in the first place.

Brooke is a fucking moron here. Hope OTOH seems to have learned the lesson (for now) that a piece of paper does not a relationship make and if you need that to prove his loyalty, something is rotten in Denmark.

I hope to God that was confusion and awkwardness from Liam in those last two minutes of the show, but let's also remember that Brat Bell jettisoned Brooke and Thorne after all they'd been through to be together before they'd reached six months in their marriage so that Brooke could chase behind a happily married Ridge. He also tanked Taylor and Rick for the same reasons, despite Taylor having been engaged to Thorne and then.married to Nick with nary a thought about him for years unt TIIC wanted more cheap conflict for Rick and Ridge.

I'll be disappointed if this leads to more waffling from Liam after all this but not the least bit surprised. That's sorta his #brand along with his veganism and moral compass.

Yeah in this entire time Liam hasn’t shown any pining for Steffy or wavering in his devotion to Hope. Now by bringing Beth to visit and an awkward pass by Steffy he’s supposed to be torn? 

As a vegan and person who thinks soaps should actually remember their own writing I was annoyed Liam’s veganism is Willy Nilly. During Hope’s grieving Beth her bought her some dairy pastry and later some European cheese he was raving how delicious they found it. 

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44 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Sorry. Posted this in the wrong thread.

Oh, cry me a river of crocodile tears out of your cat-wing eyes, Hauxdi. Hope has been sympathetic. Whine. Whine. Whine. Poor ME ME ME!!!

I don't understand the sneaking around either. Hope has let Beth stay with Wally and didn't somebody else (Amelia?) take Beth and Douglas somewhere? I don't think Hope would have minded. Especially, as public enemies #1 & #2 are Flo and Shauna right now ...

... but looks like that is that is all about to change as a shark obviously smells fake Halloween blood in the water. There was absolutely NOTHING about what Liam said or his in his facial expressions or body language that gave the slightest indication that he was interested in reuniting with that slattern. NOTHING.

So, I guess that's Brooke's Taytot spidey senses were on high alert yesterday when she out-of-the-blue started pushing Hope to get Liam to remarry her. Can that even happen right now? I thought that Thomas is refusing to sign the annulment papers, so aren't he and Hope still "married?" 

I am disgusted at the artificial ploy to kick the ToD back into high gear and using Beth to do so. I would actually rather watch Brooke and Shauna fight over Ridge. At least that doesn't use children as bargaining chips. So now we're basically back to three triangles and I guess a fourth one coming with the Maya/Carter/Rick spumour.  I'd ask if Brad Bell was capable of writing anything else but we all know the answer to that. 

Is it any surprise that Hauxdi will try and use Beth to get Liam back into her bed?  That's why she bought Beth in the first place.  But isn't doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result the definition of insanity? Liam feels SORRY for Hauxdi.  And that's more than she deserves, in my opinion.

Liam was all the way out of line to take Beth over to Hauxdi's house without consulting with Hope.  Everyone seems to want to CONTINUE to ignore that Hope is Beth's mother.  Taking Beth to Hauxdi's home might be traumatic for Beth.  Hope should have a say.  And if Hope feels threatened, why wouldn't she?  Her CHILD was calling another woman 'mommy'.  She's in the process of bonding with her daughter.  Who knows if that's been setback because of Liam's charity visit.

So Reece is in jail and all is well in the land.  Interesting that the courts didn't even bother to notify the victims that he had pled guilty.  And extra interesting that the only people who have actually paid for the crime are two BLACK characters. 

Bell can try and tack a halo on Flo's head but she's STILL an accessory to human trafficking and a comfy job and lifestyle was more important to her than telling her cousin the truth.  So, all that talk about how much she LOVES the Logans is just more grifter lies.  She saw what she was going through but fucking Wyatt was more important.  Flo serves no purpose on this show.  I hope she suffers complications and dies.  QUICKLY.

And I sincerely hope that Bill doesn't drink the insta-forgiveness kool-aid that Katie is drinking.  I can understand her being 'grateful' to Flo because donating a kidney is a serious thing.  But Flo flat out said WHY she donated the kidney.  She was working the Logans the second she got out of recovery.  I wish Justin had been there.  He would have been able to remind the crowd in Katie's hospital room that Emma WAS STILL DEAD.

As for Zoe, if she's fool enough to think that hitching her wagon to Tommy Choo-Choo is a good idea, she better start taking taxis.

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I don't understand the sneaking around either. Hope has let Beth stay with Wally and didn't somebody else (Amelia?) take Beth and Douglas somewhere? I don't think Hope would have minded. Especially, as public enemies #1 & #2 are Flo and Shauna right now ...

It's manufactured drama. The way Hope used to be written, I could have bought it 5 years ago...but TPTB have mellowed her out a lot where Steffy is concern. She's grateful for Steffy raising her and letting her play with "Phoebe" when she thought Beth was dead. I don't buy that she'd purposely cut Steffy out of Beth's life and certainly not out of Kelly's.

But the shit Steffy was spewing was the worst revisionist history I've seen in a good long while...look, revise everything they want before 2003--its down the rabbit hole and YouTube likes to gut videos so new fans won't know or care.

But this episode happened two months ago, and Steffy had not one iota of a fuck to give about Hope's pain. We've seen this trope play out a lot in soap operas and there are better ways to show Steffy's pain without coming across as a selfish slattern. I mean, Ashley Abbott has gone off the rails both times she lost children before and even she showed Sharon more grace and respect. AMBER showed more tact and she actually did steal that baby.

Steffy is no saint and never will be.

With that said:

36 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Liam was all the way out of line to take Beth over to Hauxdi's house without consulting with Hope.

He was, and I'm glad someone said it. She has every right to be and if she's old enough to walk, she's old enough to start recognizing familiar faces. I was in the Navy for five years and a lot of sailors have told me there's an adjustment period when coming back from deployment for kids at that age. And then there's...other, more extreme examples in the news every day.

Long story short, it's disappointing to see him slipping back to that old pattern of hiding stuff from Hope and not actually talking or respecting what she says.

44 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

So Reece is in jail and all is well in the land.  Interesting that the courts didn't even bother to notify the victims that he had pled guilty.  And extra interesting that the only people who have actually paid for the crime are two BLACK characters. 

Reese orchestrated the whole thing. He deserves what he gets.

But yeah. I'm black myself and I certainly don't tune into B&B for the quality representation, but this is some bad optics. A number of folks pointed this out way back when Carowhine was purposely mispronouncing Maya's name and the possible racist undertones of that "joke." I never expected Thomas to pay because he's a legacy child and the show offed one of Ridge's other children, but I never expected Flo to upstage Steffy AND Hope in all of this. 

Bad fucking optics.

51 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

As for Zoe, if she's fool enough to think that hitching her wagon to Tommy Choo-Choo is a good idea, she better start taking taxis.


She came to a whole new country to stalk a man that was over her, so it's not like she's ever been working with a full deck. Brooke at her absolute lowest point wasn't this goddamned stupid. This is ATWT Emily Stewart after shooting Paul Ryan off the cliff level of desperate. 

OTOH, Zoe might go full nuts and finish the job Brooke started when he inevitably moves onto Flo or back with Sally when Wyatt waffles away, so...fingers crossed?

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I hated the ending of today’s episode.  Hope, looking terribly desperate, pleading with Idiot Boy to tell Steffi that he wants to be with her(Hope) and Beth, while Steffi looking all smug like she knows Idiot Boy will choose her.  I’ve hated this crapola from the very beginning, and I will continue to do the same. 

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I want to say, "Oh Steffy, how can you be so delusional?" "Hope, why did you go over there and scream like a desperate fishwife?  That's not a good look on anyone."  However, I keep coming back to, "Damn you writers for writing this crap again.  Die already.  I hate you."

Thomas I have seen Stephanie Forrester in action, and you are no Stephanie Forrester.

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15 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I hated the ending of today’s episode.  Hope, looking terribly desperate, pleading with Idiot Boy to tell Steffi that he wants to be with her(Hope) and Beth, while Steffi looking all smug like she knows Idiot Boy will choose her.  I’ve hated this crapola from the very beginning, and I will continue to do the same. 

Just how many times in how many years do these writers think they can recycle this same old, tired, boring, irritating, ridiculous story line? I was bored by this two or ten years ago.

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Yay... now there are 4 Triangles of Doom.

- Ridge, Brooke, and THoT

- Waffles, Hope, and Steffy

- Wyatt, Sally, and Flo

- Thomas, Crazy, and Batshit Insane (less of a Triangle than a full-on threesome)

Hope is 100% correct about Snuffy, but her desperation did not look good.  Either you trust Waffles or he isn't the right one for you.  I can't wait to see Snuffy deny this as the picture of her and Liam still hangs on the wall in the background.

Edited by nasir jones
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3 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

Hope is 100% correct about Snuffy, but her desperation did not look good.

I had this same problem with her ages ago when she was the one waffling between Liam and Wyatt. She understandably wanted stability and loyalty but the minute anything went wrong, she was out the door without a second thought. Liam has done quite a bit to prove himself this year but much like her cousin, one good deed doesn't erase the last decade.

But if that's what she honestly think of Liam, then either shit or get off the pot. It's not like she can cut Steffy out of his life: they share a child together. Liam is going to have to co-parent. And yes, Beth is eventually going to know her sister--that would have been the case even if Beth had never been kidnapped. She knows all of Steffy's dirty tricks and not even roofie sex was enough to keep Liam interested this time.

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I wish Hope had slapped Hauxdi sideways todays, especially when she fixed her trout mouth to tell Hope this: "You realize it was like there was a death."


No, bitch, Hope being told her baby died, made to hold a DEAD baby, and having a funeral for Beth. THAT is like a death. 

Steffy will continue to see Beth and gets to know that everyday, she is alive and thriving and being cared for by her parents.

And scoffing that Hope reclaiming her child as was her RIGHT is Logans always taking?

That is HER baby, you absolutely vapid, vile, piece of shit.

And of course, Liam doesn't show up until after she's spewed her venom against Hope, including telling Hope that she has every intention of going after Liam. 

Nope, he comes in when Hope is fighting back as she should and of course, misses the triumph in the heifer's eyes that her little ploy to be seen as poor widdle Steffy is working.

But Hope misses nothing.


I mean just look at her gleeful face.


Fuck him for not standing by Hope. 

I didn't see anything in Liam's expression in yesterday's episode that hinted he was picking up what Steffy was putting down with a forklift regarding a reunion.

But today?

He's done a 180 and is defending this bitch.

Hope should take Beth and get as far away from this chucklefuck and succubus as she can. But not before punching her in her life preserver lips.


If Steffy wants this waffling dipshit, she can have him.


Here's actual live footage of Liam right about now:


And while I should have known better, it just sickens me that all these months of Liam fighting for her and being firmly in Hope's corner, long after a lot of men would have thrown in the towel, all of that is undone in an episode. And now that I have time to think, it's really two episodes. Today's and yesterday's, when he went behind Hope's back to let Beth visit Hauxdi.

After going through the horror of her daughter being kidnapped and sold and kept from her for the better part of the year, Hope deserves to know where Beth is every minute and should be able to trust Liam to keep her informed. 

But yet he went behind her back and did it anyway, putting Steffy's feelings above those of Beth's own mother. Very telling is the fact that he did it in secret as people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

I may be right back to tuning out again because I cannot stand yet another retread of the Triangle From Hell.

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

I hated the ending of today’s episode.  Hope, looking terribly desperate, pleading with Idiot Boy to tell Steffi that he wants to be with her(Hope) and Beth, while Steffi looking all smug like she knows Idiot Boy will choose her.  I’ve hated this crapola from the very beginning, and I will continue to do the same. 

Well, it's worked in the past...

... actually, even that's not accurate. Steffy usually had help, either from Bill or Thomas or even when she got a gift horse of Rick getting involved for his own opportunistic reasons. 

But the only thing keeping Liam attached to her was sex. By his own admission, he'd never had a girlfriend before Hope: it's not out the realm of possibility that he was a horny virgin before Steffy banged him.

18 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And while I should have known better, it just sickens me that all these months of Liam fighting for her and being firmly in Hope's corner, long after a lot of men would have thrown in the towel, all of that is undone in an episode. And now that I have time to think, it's really two episodes. Today's and yesterday's, when he went behind Hope's back to let Beth visit Hauxdi.

And this is why after 20 years of some truly baffling WTF stories that I'm finally tuned out permanently. Because we got this gross, disgustingly dark story that ate up the show for months but the only silver lining in this is that finally it showed Liam and Hope being a mature couple. They went through the effort they never did before of showing why these two should be together and had Liam standing up for Hope and looking out for her. Not even Molly Night with sex--the only thing Steffy had going against Hope--had put a dent in that.

And now all of that is trampled, for no reason, and is just as blatantly out the blue as when Liam chose to get back with that slattern over Ivy, who presumably put out but wasn't a compete slag nor with Hope #1's non-sex related issues. 

As a kid, I was blindsided by Brooke being in love with Ridge after all she went through to be with Thorne. As an adult, I sigh in resignation that short of Bell stepping down and B&B's EP position becoming the musical chairs joke that Y&R has become, nothing will change. But I certainly won't be lining CBS or Bell's pockets for this trash any longer.

I'll be sticking around because I love all you ladies but for real, fuck this show and fuck Y&R for being so damn dull and repetitive that it lost the top spot to THIS. I hope the spies that forward this info have better luck in their careers in the future to work on a better show than this.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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F*ck Tommy Boy! F*ck Stuffy! F*ck Waffles! F*ck Shauna the Grifter! These people are so repulsive.

Hope should have slapped the taste out of Waffle’s mouth when he said it was as if Stuffy had suffered a death when she had to give up Beth. 🤦‍♀️ And that dumb Duh look on his face at the end. I wanted to slap him (and Stuffy). Who has the gif of the Eggo waffle with the syrup being poured on it? Please post it! 
I wish Bill would crush Tommy Boy like the cockroach he is (to paraphrase Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary).

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1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

@LittleIggy, I'm thinking  you're referring to this one:


Yes, thank you! 😉

I wish someone would bring up the fact that, if Stuffy hadn’t whined about wanting an insta-sister for Kelly and if Taylor hadn’t told Reese that she would do anything to fulfill Stuffy’s wish, then none of that nightmare would have happened. 

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10 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Yes, thank you! 😉

I wish someone would bring up the fact that, if Stuffy hadn’t whined about wanting an insta-sister for Kelly and if Taylor hadn’t told Reese that she would do anything to fulfill Stuffy’s wish, then none of that nightmare would have happened. 

Ding, ding, ding!!!

And I don't want to hear anymore how Steffy had the right to adopt. Sure...for the right reasons.

And not two fucking seconds after Beth "died." I mean, what kind of person does this?

A soulless, heartless, selfish bitch.

Or you know, this gal:


Edited by CountryGirl
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Zoey that stupid that she can’t see how delusional Lurch is acting. Speaking of delusional, than we have Stuffy. Stuffy seems to be more obsessed with Beth than she is with Kelly. 

Hey Stuffy, Logans are takers?  You selfish bitch. It’s the Forester sense of entitlement that makes them the takers. Raggedy is the mother, NOT YOU!  Raggedy didn’t take anything from you that you didn’t selfishly received.  At this time, I find Lurch and Stuffy more repugnant than Ridge.  

Hey Liam, if you are smart, dump them both and go after Sally. That way Wyatt can be with Flo, they only woman who truly loves him.  Beside the one woman that hasn’t been Wyatt’s sloppy second to Liam. 

Fuck You, Liam to high heaven. Taking Stuffy’s side over Raggedy.  Oh, I forgot, the Foresters are the takers and they never loose.  

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Remember when FC used to design beautiful clothes made out of beautiful fabrics and had fashion shows and the people at FC actually worked? Remember when Sally, her sister, grandma and Saul designed clothes made out of beautiful fabrics (admittedly kind of avant-garde) and they actually worked? Remember when Eric and Quinn actually came to work and you know, worked? Remember when this show was actually, you know, interesting? I hate these people and really hate these writers. No wonder this show is doomed to be cancelled and it deserves to be. 

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Poor Hope.  She should have walked into Hauxdilox' house, grabbed her child and walked out, maybe throwing a slap or a kick at that slattern as she left.  She should never have stood there listening to that piece of trash rewrite history and she sure as SHIT shouldn't have spent a second defending her RIGHT to HER daughter.

I understand why Ridge is so interested in Shauna.  She's what his daughter is going to look like in 20 years and we all know how Ridge feels about Hauxdi.  I

If Liam isn't man enough to FINALLY tell Hauxdilox what's what, Hope needs to go fuck Bill.  

Did Hauxdilox actually fix her over-inflated mouth to tell Hope that the LOGANS are the takers?  This is the trick that has spent a decade going after her step-sister's man, JUST BECAUSE.

Are we supposed to root for Tommy Choo-Choo and Hauxdilox just because they hate the Logans?  I can barely stand to watch this show with all the lies and bullshit that gets spewed on a regular basis.  Bell's betting on two of the most repugnant horses in the history of this show.  He'll see as the ratings start to slide.

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

How many times can they replay the Hope/Steffi/Liam storyline??????

As many times as they could, apparently 😡

I'm starting to wonder if this is like the movie Major League...maybe if the show tanks Bell will get some kind of huge reward, so he is just trying and trying until we're all out!

5 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

If Liam isn't man enough to FINALLY tell Hauxdilox what's what, Hope needs to go fuck Bill. 

I'd actually love that! 

Liam behaving like this is why I always thought Hope was his 2nd choice & she is way too good for that.  If I were her I'd take Baby Beth & get out of Dodge pronto.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Fuck him for not standing by Hope. 

I didn't see anything in Liam's expression in yesterday's episode that hinted he was picking up what Steffy was putting down with a forklift regarding a reunion.

But today?

He's done a 180 and is defending this bitch.

Ehhhh, I'm sure on Monday he'll tell Stuffins to back off and Hope to calm down. I agree that he didn't seem to be eager to jump on Stuff's jock the other day, but we all know that Brooke probably did cartwheels all the way over to him to congratulate him on working her daughter over good & often (VOM 🤮) so he's not lonely in that area of his life.

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LIAM LEFT BETH AT STEFFY'S!???!!! Boy, do you want to die? When Brooke finds out she will rip your heart out of your chest and eat it while it's still beating.

What the hell, Shauna? She just sashays into FC wearing an eff me dress and zeroes in on Ridge like he doesn't have wife. And he just lets her.

Zoe, why are you trying to talk sense to Thomas? He is clearly completely nutz and you know what his type of crazypants can do. Ask Emma. Oh, wait...

Steffy, your position wrt Beth is 100% indefensible. You were never entitled to have Beth. And guess what, Beth is still Kelly's sister.

Liam is not shite. He knows Steffy is still trying to use their child to work him and he's acting like he's okay with it. I can't believe he had the stones to berate Hope in front of Steffy.

Hope, your man is trash. Well, he's not yours apparently but he's still TRASH! Ugh. (But maybe you and Liam should've had a DTR before you started putting words in his mouth in front of Steffy. Now he's going to make you look like a jealous, possessive fool.)

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I wish this scene had never happened, but since it did.  I would have liked some follow up on Steffy telling Hope that Hope was the one who kicked Liam to the curb and told him to go be with Steffy and Kelly.

I think this maybe a red herring though and possibly Brad Bell and the writers are trolling the viewers.  I won't be surprised if Liam chooses Hope on Monday, it's eventually revealed Kelly is Bill's daughter, and a few months from now Hope breaks up with Liam again starting the whole damn process over.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Brooke Logan is constantly dragged as being a 'dirty whore' and a terrible mother but let's look at the evidence.  Two of her three children are decent human beings capable of loving and being loved.  Bridget has every reason to hate her mother but found a way to forgive her and is living a happy, healthy life.  Hope, grew up having to live down her mother's shame.  But having a 'dirty whore' for a mother wasn't the tragedy of Hope's life.  Having Steffy as a stepsister is what's caused Hope pain and grief.  One could say that Hope's biggest mistake was falling in love with Liam but would it really have made any difference WHO Hope fell in love with?  Steffy would probably have targeted whoever Hope loved because that's the kind of person she is.

Now, let's look at St. Taylor's children.  Phoebe's dead so we don't know what she would have been like.  Taylor's remaining children are hateful, cruel, who use sex and their family's wealth as weapons.  Both of them have killed people.  Thomas, a child abusing sociopath has had moments of humanity when he was able to have a loving relationship if only for a minute, but his darling sister fucked that up for him.   They both look down on the world because they are FORRESTERS (even though they really aren't).

Stephanie Forrester Jr. is truly her mother's daughter.  She inherited every drop of bitterness, envy destructiveness and nastiness from both her mother and her grandmother and is a truly horrible human being.  Stephanie is incapable of single drop of empathy for another human being.  She went so far as to destroy her brother's relationship with Sally because she didn't think Sally was WORTHY enough.  Steffy has NEVER been faithful in a relationship.  When she was married to Wyatt, she cheated on him with his brother and when she was married to Liam, she cheated on him with his father.

Of course, it's not all Taylor's fault even though she's a malignant psycho, a killer and attempted killer.  With a father like Ridge, it's a wonder that Thomas and Hauxdilox aren't either dead or in jail.

My heart goes out to poor Kelly.  That child doesn't stand a chance of being a halfway decent human being.

So maybe being the child of a 'dirty whore' was the best thing that could of happened to Bridget and Hope, even though it didn't work out so well for Rick.  Bridget is a 'saint' and Hope has never used what's between her legs as currency or deliberately set out to ruin somebody's life.  Too bad the Taytots can't say that.

Edited by mightysparrow
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I don’t get why Liam seems to think Stuffy is entitled to visitation with Beth. She. Is. Not! Kelly and Beth should have playdates, but Stuffy has no rights with respect to Beth. And why does anyone think Hope should be groveling to Stuffy for being “such a good mother” to Beth. Isn’t that what she was supposed to do?

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8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I don’t get why Liam seems to think Stuffy is entitled to visitation with Beth. She. Is. Not! Kelly and Beth should have playdates, but Stuffy has no rights with respect to Beth. And why does anyone think Hope should be groveling to Stuffy for being “such a good mother” to Beth. Isn’t that what she was supposed to do?

Considering the type of person Hauxdilox is, I can understand being grateful that she was a good mother to Beth in the few months she had her.  I agree that she has absolutely NO rights to see Beth and that Hope is doing her a favour.  As usual, Hauxdi gets praised for doing the bare minimum a human SHOULD do while Hope gets dragged for not being a COMPLETE saint.

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I just can’t believe Liam would take Beth to see Steffy on the sly. After everything he and Hope have gone through, after clearly being devoted to Hope all these months, he pulls a colossal blunder that only a man with the IQ of a sea cucumber would indulge in. And then he doubles down on it and has words coming out of his mouth that should be followed by all the taste being slapped out of his piehole. Either Liam’s head injuries have caused lasting damage or Brad Bell thinks his viewers are on the level of the aforementioned sea cucumbers. 

Nobody on this show learns a goddamned thing. They never grow. Nothing has changed since Beth was reunited with her parents. Everyone just settles back into the triangle formation. What a waste of a ratings goldmine. 

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3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

 As usual, Hauxdi gets praised for doing the bare minimum a human SHOULD do while Hope gets dragged for not being a COMPLETE saint.

Yes. This.

Last molecule of remaining compassion for Haudi just evaporated with her tirade about Hope being cruel to her.🙄

2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I just can’t believe Liam would take Beth to see Steffy on the sly. After everything he and Hope have gone through, after clearly being devoted to Hope all these months, he pulls a colossal blunder that only a man with the IQ of a sea cucumber would indulge in. And then he doubles down on it and has words coming out of his mouth that should be followed by all the taste being slapped out of his piehole. Either Liam’s head injuries have caused lasting damage or Brad Bell thinks his viewers are on the level of the aforementioned sea cucumbers. 

Nobody on this show learns a goddamned thing. They never grow. Nothing has changed since Beth was reunited with her parents. Everyone just settles back into the triangle formation. What a waste of a ratings goldmine. 

I think sea cucumbers are probably more clued in than Liam. I just wanted to wipe that damn smirk off Haudi's face & yes, slap the taste out of Liam's stupid clueless piehole and then shove said sea cucumber in for good measure. 🤬Shut UP Liam!

Why would I want to watch a show where no one ever grows or learns from their foolish mistakes but simply repeats them ad infinitum? Oh wait, I don't. 🤨

What does it say about a show when the posters provide more entertainment (& snarky fun) than the actual show??🤔

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I don't understand why Liam and Hope didn't both take Beth to see Steffy and Kelly.  They've had both Liam and Hope saying this wasn't Steffy's fault, they want Kelly and Beth to see each other.  So the only reason to hit this reset, and back track on all three characters is because Brad Bell refuses to let this boring idiotic triangle die.

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18 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

If Liam isn't man enough to FINALLY tell Hauxdilox what's what, Hope needs to go fuck Bill.  


I hope that cursed union never comes to pass, but I agree with the sentiment.

18 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Did Hauxdilox actually fix her over-inflated mouth to tell Hope that the LOGANS are the takers?  This is the trick that has spent a decade going after her step-sister's man, JUST BECAUSE.

And her blood cousin's man. Hope may have been mere Logan trash to her, but Show never even tried to paint that with Ivy as anything but what it was.

13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke Logan is constantly dragged as being a 'dirty whore' and a terrible mother but let's look at the evidence.  Two of her three children are decent human beings capable of loving and being loved.  Bridget has every reason to hate her mother but found a way to forgive her and is living a happy, healthy life.  Hope, grew up having to live down her mother's shame.  But having a 'dirty whore' for a mother wasn't the tragedy of Hope's life.  Having Steffy as a stepsister is what's caused Hope pain and grief.  One could say that Hope's biggest mistake was falling in love with Liam but would it really have made any difference WHO Hope fell in love with?  Steffy would probably have targeted whoever Hope loved because that's the kind of person she is.

We have evidence of that by the way Steffy glomped onto Oliver, only to drop him the minute Hope was through with him. And if for some reason Hope ever gave Wyatt the time of day, guess who'd be hauling ass across town on her motorcycle suddenly in love, too?

(Also slight nitpick, but Brooke also has RJ as well, who is still mostly a blank slate but even with his Marone genes has better odds of being a better person than any of those other brats. And Jack Marone got luckiest of all by being raised away from ALL these whackadoodles!)

55 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I don't understand why Liam and Hope didn't both take Beth to see Steffy and Kelly.  They've had both Liam and Hope saying this wasn't Steffy's fault, they want Kelly and Beth to see each other.  So the only reason to hit this reset, and back track on all three characters is because Brad Bell refuses to let this boring idiotic triangle die.

It took Ronn Moss leaving the show to even put a dent in the original triangle of doom, so good luck with killing this.

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


I hope that cursed union never comes to pass, but I agree with the sentiment.

And her blood cousin's man. Hope may have been mere Logan trash to her, but Show never even tried to paint that with Ivy as anything but what it was.

We have evidence of that by the way Steffy glomped onto Oliver, only to drop him the minute Hope was through with him. And if for some reason Hope ever gave Wyatt the time of day, guess who'd be hauling ass across town on her motorcycle suddenly in love, too?

(Also slight nitpick, but Brooke also has RJ as well, who is still mostly a blank slate but even with his Marone genes has better odds of being a better person than any of those other brats. And Jack Marone got luckiest of all by being raised away from ALL these whackadoodles!)

It took Ronn Moss leaving the show to even put a dent in the original triangle of doom, so good luck with killing this.

Ivy isn't Hauxdi's 'blood cousin'.  Ivy is a blood relative of Eric Forrester.  Hauxdi ISN'T

As for RJ, with his snotty entitled attitude, I kept thinking he was a Tay-tot.  He sure DRIVES like one.

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4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Ivy isn't Hauxdi's 'blood cousin'.  Ivy is a blood relative of Eric Forrester.  Hauxdi ISN'T

Lol, you're right hahaha. Still, she was presumably more "family" than the girl who was raised as a sister to her and she didn't give a thought in stepping over her to get to her carnival prize.

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Why can't Steffy ever take Kelly to see Beth?  Did she suddenly develop agoraphobia?  Is her car always broken down?  She can't afford a Lyft or Uber?

If Steffy took Kelly to see Beth or Hope took Beth to see Kelly, the writers can't get the same conflict they can with Liam taking Beth to see Steffy and Kelly.  It's completely manufactured because they settled this triangle like a dozen times now, and then they turn around and have Liam waffle again.

Brad Bell has written all of the characters into a corner.  His unwillingness to allow any character to have a different SL has left the show stagnant.  For years, SF wanted to retire because of her health, but they kept asking her to stay.  When she finally did retire, the loss of Stephanie left a HUGE gap in the show.  If Brad Bell had planned better, it wouldn't have happened.  He made the same mistake with the Ridge/Taylor/Brooke triangle and the Steffy/Liam/Hope triangle.  He just refused to let them end even for a few years.

If that's not bad enough, now everyone and their dog is in a stupid triangle.

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Everything everyone said. 🙌🏼

There’s arguments places that the Logans have no place in FC and Thomas is rite and I’m a little confused. She does still own 49% of it cuz of Eric, by HIS choice, and did financially save it due to inventing BeLieF then later taking the 1st step it from coutour to casual with Brooke’s Bedroom which was a smash? I feel like these are facts. 

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On 10/19/2019 at 6:47 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

What a waste of a ratings goldmine. 

Goldmine? More like B&B failed up because Y&R was going through it's own equality stale, recycled plotlines that people wanted even less.  I mean, I will sit through fifty years of Hope and Steffy over five seconds of Adam and Nick pissing on one another.

The baby story in all its ugly awfulness was a departure from its usual fare and another show would have picked a better way to move foward from this than to restart a "romance" between Liam and Steffy that ended the minute Fauxdi jumped Bill's dick almost...*checks watch, carry the two, add the six* two years ago now.

Now, Ridge had his periods of solid time with Taylor or Brooke, but in those ones he was very much stringing them (usually Brooke) along--but aside from the one moment he postponed his wedding to Hope over Wyatt's last minute revelation, where has that been for Liam? Nowhere. Because he has everything he wants with her now--stability, loyalty, open-communication (on her end now), and the last woman on Earth Bill Spencer would fuck (a statement that we may laugh at as we sigh about 2019 being the salad days of B&B in another 10 years when the show runs out of options for them both, but I'll say it anyway).

There were lots of other points to have ended this foolishness, but that was a very clear dividing point. It needed to end there, the way Tridge for all practical purposes broke up for good when Taylor confessed to the Big Bear Boink.of James 20+ years, 3 children and a life Ridge would have never spent with her had he'd known later. That's not to say Lope have to be endgame forever, but there's nothing left to mine from Steamless any longer.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

If Steffy took Kelly to see Beth or Hope took Beth to see Kelly, the writers can't get the same conflict they can with Liam taking Beth to see Steffy and Kelly.  It's completely manufactured because they settled this triangle like a dozen times now, and then they turn around and have Liam waffle again.

Yep, that's my point, it's a dumb way to create conflict because it's easily solved.  You want to see Beth?  You're welcome to stop by.  There's no reason...well no good reason...for Liam to be sneaking around.

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Basically... when characters have to behave in alien, profoundly stupid ways to manufacture conflict and force the plot along, the writing is obviously shit. There’s no reason at all not to have Steffy, Liam, and Hope sit down and figure out a plan. And for fuck’s sake, Beth and Kelly are sisters, so it’s not like there’s no reason to get together. Hope and Steffy can still have tension and snipe at each other (I’d prefer that they didn’t), but having Liam sneak around and be a dink to Hope when caught is frustrating because it’s only happening due to the writers not being creative enough. 

9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Goldmine? More like B&B failed up because Y&R was going through it's own equality stale, recycled plotlines that people wanted even less. 

I’m only talking about the conclusion to the horrific, endless baby switch story. The happy ending that everyone tuned in to see... which quickly turned to manure.  B&B got all those viewers and hasn’t given them a reason to stay. I’ve got one foot out the door myself.

Y&R is dreadful tho. I’ll take Liam and Wyatt at their douchiest over Nick and Adam. And Billy. And Cane.

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8 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I’m only talking about the conclusion to the horrific, endless baby switch story. The happy ending that everyone tuned in to see... which quickly turned to manure.  B&B got all those viewers and hasn’t given them a reason to stay. I’ve got one foot out the door myself.

Fair enough. I remember as a kid tuning in for Amber's hijinx an staying for the Brooke/Thorne/Macy story and Taylor fighting TB while pregnant. Hell, I had a trans friend of mine tune in for the Maya story and enjoyed that story specifically for the insta-acceptance  given by everyone in the cast. 

But they don't do good follow ups anymore. Maya was shoved into the corner because Bell couldn't put her into a triangle like the other cis women on the show and the last woman who was allowed to carry a story with her own voice and own agency died in 2012. The BTS shitty bullshit was part of the reason SF left so soon after Ronn Moss did. They'd both had enough of the horrid writing and the damn near complete erasure of their stories in favor of the ToD. Flannery was retiring in six months, but after he left, she said fuck it and moved up her timeline.

8 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Y&R is dreadful tho. I’ll take Liam and Wyatt at their douchiest over Nick and Adam. And Billy. And Cane.

So much word to this.

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On 10/19/2019 at 12:50 PM, RedRockRosie said:

I think sea cucumbers are probably more clued in than Liam. I just wanted to wipe that damn smirk off Haudi's face & yes, slap the taste out of Liam's stupid clueless piehole and then shove said sea cucumber in for good measure. 🤬Shut UP Liam!

So much this.  I couldn't believe Liam with his dumb guppy face asking Hope why she is talking to Steffy that way.  If he had even one brain cell, he would know what Steefy was like and instead say "Steffy, what did you say to get Hope so upset?"

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Liam needs to get his life sorted out, but while he is at it, I would like for him to remind Hope, that Hope is the one who ended their marriage.  In the past, Liam was a pathetic waffle, but this time around, Liam was there for Hope, and she bailed.  She ended her marriage to Liam, told him to go be with Steffy and Kelly, and married Thomas.  This isn't all on Liam.

Thomas just keeps getting more delusional.  I did like his comment about Katie being at death's door every other day.

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19 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

This isn't all on Liam.

Once he decided all was forgiven & he went back to Hope, I would consider it now on him.  I'm just sick of "The Liam Show"...I mean here's a guy who in the real world would be lucky to get one girlfriend (even with the Spencer millions, he's just that big of an asshole), yet here he is with multiple woman fighting over him at all times.  🤢 

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So I have some new pictures for my dartboard. 



She is continuing to make it infinitely easy to hate her with her complete revisionist history and out and out fabrication for events for which we all have receipts aplenty, including the fact that Liam chose to be with Hope well over a year ago.

But this bitch thinks there is still a choice to be made, proving that her whole dramatic display of putting her ring on Hope's finger and cho-choo-choosing herself was all a lie and a big ol' fishing line.

She did that solely to get Liam to come running back to her and guess what?

He didn't.

Just like he didn't come back to her when she had Kelly.

And just like he didn't come back to her in anything more than roommate/co-parent status only even after Hope ended things and "married" Thomas. 

The old Liam would have woken up in love with Steffy after Molly night, but not anymore.

He hasn't wanted her since he left on the sidewalk outside of their house. And this was LONG before Hope returned to town. Because their marriage was over but for the paperwork the moment he learned about Stallion Night.

Liam seemed more steadfast today and I swear if Kelly hadn't cried out, he was a nanosecond from telling Steffy what was what.

And he clearly was uncomfortable with things as he takes Beth and says let's go home. Let us go him. Meaning him and Hope. 

She has some kind of nerve drumming up dead and buried business and saying Liam still has a decision to make.

No, heifer, he made that decision the day he learned what a nasty, trifling cheating slattern you are.

And again, with Hope nowhere to be seen in the wings.

Time after time for over the past year, with truly grueling, heart-wrenching circumstances, the worst set of circumstances imaginable, when there could have been nothing easier than for Liam to fall back into old, familiar, easy habits with the girl who loves parachutes and truffle fries, he chose otherwise. 

And Steffy cannot stand it. If she truly loved Liam, she would want him to be happy, even if that meant he wasn't with her. But she doesn't love him. She just wants him because he's with Hope and happily so.

I also has to laugh at Steffy telling Hope she was "selfish" and "self-absorbed" because hello, look in the mirror first, but also truly cuckoo when Hope is the reason Steffy had her happy little fambly in the first place.

It must really stick in her craw that Liam was practically shoved from the Logan cabin to the beach house and not even them having what she believed to be consensual sex aka her usual weapon known as Cha Cha aka Fool's Gold Cooter, he STILL didn't want her and was horrified when he woke up the next morning. 

But quite frankly, I don't give a good god damn about any of her feelings when she starts spewing vicious lies about Hope taking things from her. The only person who has taken or attempted to is Steffy, with her "you can be kind of a mother to her" re Beth.

She can fuck off forever.

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