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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I know that I keep spelling “Douglas” as “Douglass”. That’s my husband’s middle name and his mother’s maiden name. Just second nature to me!

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Steffy is still losing a daughter.  A daughter for whom she had hopes, plans, dreams and with whom she expected to have a mother-daughter relationship for decades.  This daughter is being ripped away from her. 

Yes, the fact that Phoebe is actually Beth and is, in reality, Hope's daughter trumps Steffy's feelings but, objectively speaking, Steffy has every right to be totally devastated.  Her family is being torn apart.  Steffy will grow to appreciate and understand that reuniting Hope with Beth is for the greater good, but she should be allowed to hold two opposing sets of feelings at the same time.

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But Steffy should have known that something was fishy that she got a baby so soon.  I think she knew something was not right but she went ahead with the "adoption" anyway because she wanted what she wanted.  So yes, it's too bad for her that she's losing a child but that's what can happen when you ignore red flags and you don't want to know the truth.

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Flo is even more unlikeable now that the truth is out.  She is playing the martyr saying that she has to stay and face the Logans, and especially Hope.  But then Brooke had to drag it out of her today!

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13 hours ago, bannana said:

And rightly so.  If a woman is going to carry your child, that seems kind of low, as a fee.

So Steffy paying $250K is not unreasonable, if you want a white newborn😞.  Apparently white newborn males go for more money, which kind of cracks me up 😠

We need to start a SAVE DOUGLAS hashtag.  

Somethings never change.  Blond blue eyed babies demand a high price to.  Which is somewhat darkly amusing because while there are babies that retain their blond hair and blue eyes, there are also babies whose hair and eye color change in a matter of months meaning the adoptive parents spent all that money and didn't get the hair and eye color they wanted.

4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

How is this not human trafficking? Taylor and Steffy bought a human being on the fly, not unlike going to a car dealership and buying a $250K car. At least cars are legally tracked via VIN numbers. A baby could be stolen or produced via the sexual assault of its mother for the specific purpose of being sold. Birth certificates are easily falsified apparently, especially if the baby's buyers aren't looking too closely because they just want that baby. Ugh, the whole concept--particularly the racial preference aspect--disgusts me.

I have no issue with surrogacy because that seems to me mostly like someone is providing a service and one would generally expect to paid for their work.

It happens all the time.  One of the reasons people choose private adoption is because if they have enough money, they can call the shots.  With the bio parents, quite often it's not an unplanned pregnancy at all.  They got pregnant with the intention of selling the baby to the highest bidder.

I would think people would be grateful someone was willing to be a surrogate for them, and allow their body to be used for nine months, but agencies and couples all over the world go to poor people in poor countries because they can pay them less.

47 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Steffy is still losing a daughter.  A daughter for whom she had hopes, plans, dreams and with whom she expected to have a mother-daughter relationship for decades.  This daughter is being ripped away from her. 

Yes, the fact that Phoebe is actually Beth and is, in reality, Hope's daughter trumps Steffy's feelings but, objectively speaking, Steffy has every right to be totally devastated.  Her family is being torn apart.  Steffy will grow to appreciate and understand that reuniting Hope with Beth is for the greater good, but she should be allowed to hold two opposing sets of feelings at the same time.

I agree.  I hope Steffy, Liam, and Hope focus their anger on the idiots who caused this (Dr. Reese, Flo, Zoe, Xander, Thomas), and don't turn on each other.

29 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

But Steffy should have known that something was fishy that she got a baby so soon.  I think she knew something was not right but she went ahead with the "adoption" anyway because she wanted what she wanted.  So yes, it's too bad for her that she's losing a child but that's what can happen when you ignore red flags and you don't want to know the truth.

If Carter and the Courts didn't notice anything wrong with the adoption, why would Steffy?  In a private adoption, the bio mom gets to choose who to let adopt her baby.  In some instances, the chose is made while the bio mom is in the early stages of her pregnancy, in others though, it is made at the last minute.  Quite often the reason, it's made at the last minute is because the bio mom, the baby broker, etc. are looking for the biggest payment they can get.

14 minutes ago, bannana said:

Flo is even more unlikeable now that the truth is out.  She is playing the martyr saying that she has to stay and face the Logans, and especially Hope.  But then Brooke had to drag it out of her today!

Just when I think my contempt for this bitch can't get any worse, she proves me wrong.

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7 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I know that I keep spelling “Douglas” as “Douglass”. That’s my husband’s middle name and his mother’s maiden name. Just second nature to me!

On a related tangent, I wrote a fanfic waaaaaay back in the day where I I ended up spelling Jonathan as Jonathon (extra "O") for 14 chapters and not one of my beta readers caught it. And yeah, it's my name on the Fic, but I'm from California....all the Jonathans I knew spelled it like that (and jacked up spelled for every other name, but I digress) 😂

6 hours ago, bannana said:

Flo is even more unlikeable now that the truth is out.  She is playing the martyr saying that she has to stay and face the Logans, and especially Hope.  But then Brooke had to drag it out of her today!

Well, we know that Flo is certainly a Logan. Unearned martyrism runs in the family between her, Hope and Katie.

But yeah, this....I'd rather she'd just go back to being the selfish, ass covering slag she's always been. Fuck Flo. Hope had the excuse (albeit one given more by fandom than the showrunners) of PPD for her behavior.

7 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Steffy is still losing a daughter.  A daughter for whom she had hopes, plans, dreams and with whom she expected to have a mother-daughter relationship for decades.  This daughter is being ripped away from her. 

Yes, the fact that Phoebe is actually Beth and is, in reality, Hope's daughter trumps Steffy's feelings but, objectively speaking, Steffy has every right to be totally devastated.  Her family is being torn apart.  Steffy will grow to appreciate and understand that reuniting Hope with Beth is for the greater good, but she should be allowed to hold two opposing sets of feelings at the same time.

In theory I agree with this, but at the base of all this that I think some struggle with (besides the decade of bad blood and Steffy being...well, Steffy) is that this did not need to happen at all. She had an infant who wasn't even crawling yet and she decided to just had to adopt her own baby so her "little girl" could be raised by with a sister since Hope put her foot down about Taylor the murderess being around Beth.

I realize Steffy started all this before Catalina and I'm willing to conceed that maybe she wasn't thinking about Liam at all when she went ahead with this. But it's not ideal for people to have a second baby less than a year after the first. Multiples are one thing, as are happy accidents, but the idea of delibrately bringing up a second infant when you've barely bonded with the first...

I don't get it. It really kills my suspension of disbelief and made Steffy look callous and shallow at best and quietly manipulative at worst.. she's gotten somewhat more tolerable once the entitlement got toned down to a five from the 12 she's been blasting since her return, but I don't blame people for not caring. It's not even a good karmic payback for what Steffy did to Tally since they turned Thomas so looney.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I think if we had seen more of Steffy/Phoebe and their bond before Brad Bell decided to kill off poor Phoebe, Steffy's wanting another child to be with Kelly would make more sense especially if the writers had bothered to remember Phoebe existed before this SL.  Twins (both identical and fraternal (and Steffy and Phoebe have been both)) are usually very close.  I have three sets of twins in my family (both identical and fraternal), and they all talk on the phone to each other every day (even the twin boys).  The twin identical girls are the reverse of Thomas, Steffy, Phoebe.  The girls are two years older than their younger brother, and they are very protective of him.  There is also a set of twins that are boy/girl and they to are very close.

ETA:  I talked to my sister, and she reminded me we have five sets of twins in our family.

Edited by TigerLynx
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On 8/5/2019 at 2:08 PM, Mikita said:

October or November 2018. That's when I stopped watching. Between Brooke sticking with that cretin Ridge, and the baby theft story line,... I was out once again. This isn't even the longest sabbatical that I have taken from the show. My aunt and uncle kept me updated and I watched all of last week to get caught up to today. I never would have stuck through all of the same scenes over and over about the secret. Kudos to all of you that have!

Same here! I saw a commercial with Steffy crying for Hope not to take her baby! I was so happy! 

Edited by JD5166
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Man, how did Flo and Shauna have the nerve to be hanging around FC? Odds are Flo's going to be arrested soon for her role in a kidnapping. You'd think they would've gotten the heck outta Dodge, ASAP.

Oh boy, Brooke is about to do a squinty eyes marathon as the truth about Beth starts rolling out. Especially when she realizes what a tool her husband is. In his mind the world was perfect when it looked like Steffy and Thomas had everything they wanted. Apparently Liam and Hope only exist to serve Ridge's kids. Ugh.

SC and AN are going to own the Daytime Emmys next year. Place your bets now.

Not sure I like Hope being instantly cured of her mental illness now that she has Beth back. IMO, she needs to stop using children as substitutes for therapy and I doubt she'll figure that out on her own.

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9 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Not sure I like Hope being instantly cured of her mental illness now that she has Beth back. IMO, she needs to stop using children as substitutes for therapy and I doubt she'll figure that out on her own.

I agree.  She desperately needs therapy and I hope this isn't the end of the story now that she's got Beth back.  

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Honestly, I agree that this wouldn't or shouldn't cure Hope but I'll be happy with a quick line about her fog clearing up enough to start looking into it and moving on. I've had my fill of baby stories and we're possibly about to revisit Kelly's paternity, bringing more angst from Liam. Hope and Beth need time alone IMO.

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10 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Was anyone else getting the fear that during the rooftop/no railings scene between SC and AN, where they were standing apart and Liam was talking, that Thomas would come running out of nowhere, Wiley Coyote-style, and slam into Liam taking them both over the side of the building

TBH, when Hope was trying to pull them apart, part of me thought she was the one who would go flying off Bianca Montgomery style.


I agree.  I hope Steffy, Liam, and Hope focus their anger on the idiots who caused this (Dr. Reese, Flo, Zoe, Xander, Thomas), and don't turn on each other.

Based on the way they’ve been acting recently, I can see this happening. Hell, given how weirdly martyrish Hope has been and how much lip service Steffy has given to concern for Hope, I could see them berating Flo more for each other than for themselves. (With no one sticking up for Liam, of course, as per the norm. Ridge was condescending af and completely wrong about the situation, but he wasn’t wrong that no one has given a crap about Liam dealing with his grief. I mean, Hope goes to hold Phoebe once and everyone fears a mental breakdown, but Liam thinks of himself as her father upon their first meeting, and everyone thinks that’s dosh garn cute and totally normal?)

Speaking of, they did a real disservice by not having bill on for weeks. I’m anticipating his reaction, but that’s all a testament to DD’s abilities.  in the hands of a lesser actor, it would mean absolutely nothing since Bill hasn’t been around to see his son’s grief in basically months. (Oh, you give a crap bout Liam, Bill? Then where have you been? Even if he was staying away because of their broken relationship, give us a quick scene or two where he’s pumping Wyatt for information about how Liam is really doing.)

There was something poetic about Hope being reunited with her baby atop Steffy’s blanket of sad.

Regardless of whether or not 250K is an absurd amount for an adoption, Taylor (I don’t think Steffy knew this part?) sure as hell should have known something was wrong when her baby broker wanted the money in cash.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Man, how did Flo and Shauna have the nerve to be hanging around FC? Odds are Flo's going to be arrested soon for her role in a kidnapping. You'd think they would've gotten the heck outta Dodge, ASAP.

They are both incredibly arrogant, selfish and completely lacking in functioning brain cells.

1 hour ago, Zoe116 said:

Based on the way they’ve been acting recently, I can see this happening. Hell, given how weirdly martyrish Hope has been and how much lip service Steffy has given to concern for Hope, I could see them berating Flo more for each other than for themselves. (With no one sticking up for Liam, of course, as per the norm. Ridge was condescending af and completely wrong about the situation, but he wasn’t wrong that no one has given a crap about Liam dealing with his grief. I mean, Hope goes to hold Phoebe once and everyone fears a mental breakdown, but Liam thinks of himself as her father upon their first meeting, and everyone thinks that’s dosh garn cute and totally normal?)

This would be one of the times when despite their differences, these people really should be united.  If Flo or Zoe whine one time about how hard this has been for them, or how it wasn't their fault, I want Hope to smack them into next year.  Followed by Steffy saying, "I wanted to do that, but you go girl."

Yeah, as much as Hope has been a passive player in this SL (which I hope is going to change), Liam's loss was barely addressed at all.

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Can't wait until Hurricane Brooke hits land tomorrow! Flo and Shauna take cover. And Zoe needs to get her fair share. 

It’s going to be a bad look if she comes down harder on the black liar than she does on the lying member of her own family who has a much greater obligation borne of blood and relationships to tell the truth. 

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15 hours ago, TigerLynx said:
20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

How is this not human trafficking? Taylor and Steffy bought a human being on the fly, not unlike going to a car dealership and buying a $250K car. At least cars are legally tracked via VIN numbers. A baby could be stolen or produced via the sexual assault of its mother for the specific purpose of being sold. Birth certificates are easily falsified apparently, especially if the baby's buyers aren't looking too closely because they just want that baby. Ugh, the whole concept--particularly the racial preference aspect--disgusts me.

I have no issue with surrogacy because that seems to me mostly like someone is providing a service and one would generally expect to paid for their work.

It happens all the time.  One of the reasons people choose private adoption is because if they have enough money, they can call the shots.  With the bio parents, quite often it's not an unplanned pregnancy at all.  They got pregnant with the intention of selling the baby to the highest bidder.

It IS human trafficking.  All the documentation is false, birth mother/hospital/doctor all false on the documents.  That other doctor I'm sure could be in trouble for her signature on the document.  so if this does go to court, the adoption would have to be voided because it was NOT legal.  Basically Taylor bought a stolen baby (although she didn't know it)

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1 hour ago, Cindylou said:

It IS human trafficking.  All the documentation is false, birth mother/hospital/doctor all false on the documents.  That other doctor I'm sure could be in trouble for her signature on the document.  so if this does go to court, the adoption would have to be voided because it was NOT legal.  Basically Taylor bought a stolen baby (although she didn't know it)

Sadly, this is not unusual.  There are a lot of adoptions that aren't valid, but the couple adopting the baby don't realize it.

Liam really hit on something when he was talking to Flo and Wyatt.  He told Flo she had watched his and Hope's lives fall apart for months.  This wasn't a case of Flo did something in a moment of greed that she regretted.  Flo had months of seeing Hope and Liam grieving, ending their marriage, Hope getting married to a guy (Thomas) that Flo believed was dangerous, and she did nothing

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2 hours ago, Cindylou said:

It IS human trafficking.  All the documentation is false, birth mother/hospital/doctor all false on the documents.  That other doctor I'm sure could be in trouble for her signature on the document.  so if this does go to court, the adoption would have to be voided because it was NOT legal.  Basically Taylor bought a stolen baby (although she didn't know it)

Thank you. I'm kind of saddened and bothered by the notion that IRL rich people do it all the time so...whatever. I could be wrong but I think most of the civilized world is united in its belief that human trafficking is wrong even if many people are wealthy enough to make their black market baby-buying look legal.

However, I know this is a soap opera and one in which the producer regularly waves away major crimes committed by key characters because, well, the show must go on! I just don't like his continuing refusal to call a thing what it is, as if the criminality of certain acts should be debatable.


Liam thinks of himself as her father upon their first meeting, and everyone thinks that’s dosh garn cute and totally normal?

I'm not sure Liam came to that on his own. I think he was strongly urged to view Phoebeth as his daughter by Steffy, Ridge, Steffy's nanny, Taylor, Thomas, and Hope. It was like he was expected to consider Kelly and Phoebeth a package deal despite the fact that Liam and Steffy were not married or even an official couple. He was just living in Steffy's house helping her change diapers because oh gosh, two babies are so hard for a millionaire single mom to manage. If he were not actually Phoebeth's father the whole thing would seem ridiculous. But heh, it's B&B. Ridiculous is part of the mission statement, amirite? 🤔

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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53 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Thank you. I'm kind of saddened and bothered by the notion that IRL rich people do it all the time so...whatever. I could be wrong but I think most of the civilized world is united in its belief that human trafficking is wrong even if many people are wealthy enough to make their black market baby-buying look legal.

Teenage girls in Utah are forced to "marry" men old enough to be their grandfathers and have a dozen children, and no one including the law, does anything about it.  Human trafficking and sex trafficking go on all over the USA and other supposed civilized first world countries everyday.

I understand a couple wanting children and not being able to have them trying to adopt or hire a surrogate.  However, my sympathy for their problem disappears when they decide to take advantage of poor women in poor countries so they can save on expenses.

There were so many missed opportunities in this SL with Liam and Hope, and so many unnecessary additions.  Thomas drugging Liam and Steffy and Liam having sex was pointless.  It was bad enough that everyone thought Beth was dead, and that Steffy adopted Phoebe not knowing she was Beth.  All those scenes of Zoe and Flo whining were a waste of time that could have been spent on other characters like - Bill Spencer.

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Bravo, @CountryGirl! Your recap had me sobbing all over again. The last week+ has been so good to watch & read the recaps! It's not quite worth what we went through for months, but it's been good for a week+.

I'd actually forgotten what a douche Ridge was when he was talking to Brooke. He was so evasive telling her about Phoebe maybe being Beth. Asshole, Brooke lost a granddaughter that night, too, maybe lead with that, even if it makes your psychotic son look bad. This isn't just about Steffy possibly losing the child she adopted, & Hope seeing Thomas for the filth that he is, this is about Hope & Liam getting back the child that they were told was DEAD! Geez, douchebag, I used to like him, too. 

Also, am I missing out? Do most married couples come home from work & make out for a while, then casually talk about the highlights of their day? Hubs & I usually grunt a "hello" to each other as I'm starting dinner, & he's talking to the kids about their day (& usually, he's trying to get them to stop fighting). Once the kids are in bed, we talk about the important stuff, but I guess I need to rethink our priorities & schedule a makeout sesh. 

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25 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Bravo, @CountryGirl! Your recap had me sobbing all over again. The last week+ has been so good to watch & read the recaps! It's not quite worth what we went through for months, but it's been good for a week+.

I'd actually forgotten what a douche Ridge was when he was talking to Brooke. He was so evasive telling her about Phoebe maybe being Beth. Asshole, Brooke lost a granddaughter that night, too, maybe lead with that, even if it makes your psychotic son look bad. This isn't just about Steffy possibly losing the child she adopted, & Hope seeing Thomas for the filth that he is, this is about Hope & Liam getting back the child that they were told was DEAD! Geez, douchebag, I used to like him, too. 

Also, am I missing out? Do most married couples come home from work & make out for a while, then casually talk about the highlights of their day? Hubs & I usually grunt a "hello" to each other as I'm starting dinner, & he's talking to the kids about their day (& usually, he's trying to get them to stop fighting). Once the kids are in bed, we talk about the important stuff, but I guess I need to rethink our priorities & schedule a makeout sesh. 

Aww, thanks.

Ridge really is all about Ridge, isn't he? And his precious widdle Steffy. I'll bet he won't give two hoots about Thomas except for how it affects Steffy and Douglas? Pffft. He couldn't have cared less about the poor kid since the days when he was trying to pass him off as his offspring. As for Hope, well, we all know any caring and concern the character had for Hope was gone with the wind in Ronn Moss' wake.

No, you are most definitely not missing out. It's typically a grunted "hey" and maybe a peck every once in a while but you know TPTB just have to shove how hot and sexy GarBridge is (and no disrespect to the luminous KKL/Brooke as she is sexy all day, every day) in our faces. Sad, really, because Brill was sex on a stick and all DD and KKL had to do was just look at each other. Le sigh...

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This episode was kind of lame.  I expected way more anger from Ridge and Brooke.

At least Hope showed a little bit of anger for a moment.  Maybe this means she will get to go off on Flo and Zoe.

Flo, Zoe, and Shana can STFU and die already with their - "This has been soooooo hard for us.  We wanted to tell Hope the truth.  It's not our fault.  Whine, Whine, Whine." crap.

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This is the one time I wanted to see Flo deflect blame, & let Ridge & Brooke know that she wanted to tell, but she was scared, because Thomas threatened her. Then, she can let them know that Liam & Wyatt heard him threaten her. We know that she knew way before Thomas, but I want to see Ridge crack when he finds out how mentally-unstable his son is. 

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One small detail that speaks to Brooke and Hope's character (and Liam, as I'm watching live) is they're so far the only ones asking or even caring about the baby that actually did die: it might have been explained away in all this stupidity, but did that third mother get a child to bury? Did Fuckingham talk her into not taking the body?!

I'm glad Flo got the brunt of Brooke's anger. Zoe wasn't the one who was brought in and accepted into the Logan family and Flo was in on it from day damn one. Brooke will never be in danger of winning any parenting awards, but she would never have encouraged her daughter to cover up for crimes the way Shawna and even Taylor have. Plus, she's been through this in a way ages ago when she and Rick learned months and months later that her first grandson was stillborn. This was one time where channelling her inner Stephanie Forrester would have been warranted (and where I hope for Stephanie's ghost to haunt the shit out of those three!)

And finally, for the first time, Hope asks if Liam is okay. AN has knocked it out the park this week and the range of furious anger and anguish in recalling the dead baby she held all those months ago was on point. For all the fears that Hope was gonna be insta-cured (not unlike Jennifer on ATWT who took hard drugs just to cope), it doesn't appear to be the case at the moment.

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To me, Flo, Zoe, and Xander being threatened by Thomas, and suspecting Thomas killed Emma (I know Zoe kept saying they had no proof, but that was just her still trying to cover her own ass), and letting Hope marry Thomas still without saying anything about PhoebeBeth or Emma, makes them look even worse.

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1 minute ago, TigerLynx said:

To me, Flo, Zoe, and Xander being threatened by Thomas, and suspecting Thomas killed Emma (I know Zoe kept saying they had no proof, but that was just her still trying to cover her own ass), and letting Hope marry Thomas still without saying anything about PhoebeBeth or Emma, makes them look even worse.

I wished that any one of these idiots went to Justin with these suspicions. He was Emma's family and only best friend to a man that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. If $Bill catches wind of what happened with Beth, the only reason he wouldn't kill Fuckingham is because his gambling buddies beat him to it. 

It's too bad Bill wasn't allowed to expend any of the energy he did destroying Spectra, his marriage and ultimately his relationship with Liam over a phallic image skyscraper that never materialized into reading the riot act to everyone involved in this. He'd also be the only one willing to drag Taylor for her lack of any common sense since he hasn't spent decades putting the "good" """doc""" on a pedestal like everyone else in her life.

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I think Liam also needs therapy for all that he's been through with this stupid storyline.  

Also, he needs a serious sit down with Hope to discuss how they will handle difficult situations in the future.  He needs some kind of reassurance from her that when things get tough for them, Hope won't cave again and run away from him.  It's been years since I've watched this show on a daily basis, but didn't Hope marry Wyatt because Liam was late to their wedding?  

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

As for Hope, well, we all know any caring and concern the character had for Hope was gone with the wind in Ronn Moss' wake.

And that's truly a shame. RM Ridge was always more in Steffy's corner where Liam is concerned, but he never put up with her blatant bullying. She got fired for the Posé boink video, which considering her behavior toward Hope and Oliver and Brooke herself was a conclusion even Forrest Gump would've come to. He also told Stephanie to hold her peace about her "reservations" for the Los Angeles wedding after the Italy fiasco and graciously offered to design a dress.

If RM were still in the role, Ridge's heart would grieve just as much for Hope as it would for Steffy and not even his most adament critics, would ever entertain the idea that he'd tell Hope to let Steffy keep the baby.

7 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I think Liam also needs therapy for all that he's been through with this stupid storyline.  

Shit, we all do! 😂😂😂

8 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Also, he needs a serious sit down with Hope to discuss how they will handle difficult situations in the future.  He needs some kind of reassurance from her that when things get tough for them, Hope won't cave again and run away from him.  It's been years since I've watched this show on a daily basis, but didn't Hope marry Wyatt because Liam was late to their wedding?  

With all respect, I don't view the loss of a child to be in the same category as their many, many, many other breakups and lack of communication that was their signature--although a more talented writing team would have and should have made that connection to their shaky past. They did everything as right as possible this time, and her dream fell apart anyway. It'd make for a great karmic ass biting that Liam needed and bring his wayward chickens home to roost. More solid, resilient couples than their don't survive the loss of a child...certain, it's a contrast to when Steffy fucked off after losing her Eggo Mini and he barely looked into where she'd gone to.

As for the Hyatt wedding stupidity, it was just that...stupid. And while it's no excuse, the reason she believed he'd fucked off is because that's what Liam had always done to that point. He'd given her no reason to believe he'd show up. Like I said earlier, I accept they care for each other, but they had no means to communicate that. At least, until now.

Hope and Liam have both cut out on one another, but this time Liam at least put in the work in showing he cared, even when she couldn't reciprocate it fully. THAT is what a leading man in a soap opera does. Therapy wouldn't be the worst idea, together and separately, but this go-around has overall shown much needed maturity out of them both IMO.

It took Bridge 3 decades and Stephanie being dead for half a decade to be even a little bit solid, so I can give Lope some slack for being idiot 20-somethings, especially given who Hope and Steffy were raised by.

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Will someone, anyone at some point acknowledge that Liam’s grief was as deep and powerful as Hope’s? Will anyone ever apologize to him for ignoring his feelings and sorrow? Like maybe Hope?! This pisses me off so much!

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So if Reese hadn't mentioned that the baby's mother's name was Hope, Flo would've never put it together? Guess he subconsciously wanted to get caught eventually.

I liked Zoe's hair today. But begging for mercy for Reese? Girl, bye. He stole the grandchild of your employers! He's probably on his way to Bahrain or Morocco this very minute.

FFS, what, three days ago Hope married another man and vowed to spend the rest of her life with him? Now she's back in love with Liam and her life has miraculously jumped to another track. And is she at all concerned about still being Douglas' Mommy Hope? Douglas who? 😑

And speaking of Douglas, where is he? Did he go with Steffy or is he still somewhere in Steffy's house? I sure hope they keep Thomas from taking him.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

it might have been explained away in all this stupidity, but did that third mother get a child to bury? Did Fuckingham talk her into not taking the body?!

If I remember correctly before Hope showed up at the clinic there was a scene with the other mother leaving the clinic and saying something to the effect of "I just want to forget the whole thing."

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That fucking baby is back with Liam and Hope? HaleFUCKINGlujah!!!!!!! I don't really even watch this show but I was so disgusted with this story line and I cannot believe they let it go on this long, jesushchrist...

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I hope we cut to Thomas, sad and lonely in the hotel room, drinking booze from the room service cart...

Wearing the lingerie that he bought Hope.

Because as satisfying as it was to see the LiHoBe reunion and the beginning of Flo's ass being removed so it can be handed to her, I could use a bit of comedy.  

(Of course, have somebody check on him before long so he has to put on a robe, because yikes.)

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20 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Will someone, anyone at some point acknowledge that Liam’s grief was as deep and powerful as Hope’s? Will anyone ever apologize to him for ignoring his feelings and sorrow? Like maybe Hope?! This pisses me off so much!

Men don't usually get the exposure of their loss of a child on soaps unless it's to lead to an affair (See Newman, Nick from Y&R).  Also I get the feeling that from the show's perspective because Liam had Kelly, people felt that he at least had a salve for his wounds- until Steffy took her away to Europe mere weeks after he lost Beth and pretty much before her first birthday.  His time with his firstborne has been woefully undercut due to plotline shenanigans.

Hope my man Douglas is Home Aloneing it back at the Forrester crib and/or gatehouse laying low playing video games and ordering pizza waiting for someone to remember that he IS the MVP of this whole show.  Seriously, you'd think Ridge would be making sure his grandson was safe and sound after hearing all this crap and knowing his crazy son is out there on the run.  I *NEVER* say this but a good utilization (spits) Quinn and Eric would've been if Douglas had Ubered himself to his great-grandpa's crib and they were looking after him until Ridge bought a clue and went looking for him.

I'm not getting this timeline of Steffy taking Kelly out but leaving Beth alone with a so far unseen nanny and Douglas upstairs and not coming down to beam at the family he helped to reunite.  Steffy was pissing herself about Liam's suspicions, would she really have left Beth with just the nanny? 

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next for Thomas. The actor is killing it and I wouldn't mind him scoring an Emmy and becoming the de facto shit stirrer of B&B.  He's on the run, beaten up, 'betrayed' by his son, outed as a liar and creep and possible murderer but still has Hope on the brain and Liam in his sights as the thing to eliminate. Don't mess this up show! 

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

m not sure Liam came to that on his own. I think he was strongly urged to view Phoebeth as his daughter by Steffy, Ridge, Steffy's nanny, Taylor, Thomas, and Hope. It was like he was expected to consider Kelly and Phoebeth a package deal despite the fact that Liam and Steffy were not married or even an official couple.

Yes, he definitely had help. Still, it’s gross that everyone thought it was AOK for him to use Phoebe as a replacement baby, but when Hope did it, it was cause for concern. (I mean, yes IRL, it’s cause for concern, obviously, but for both of them.)


This is the one time I wanted to see Flo deflect blame, & let Ridge & Brooke know that she wanted to tell, but she was scared, because Thomas threatened her. Then, she can let them know that Liam & Wyatt heard him threaten her. We know that she knew way before Thomas, but I want to see Ridge crack when he finds out how mentally-unstable his son is. 

I’m fanwanking it that they left that part out so that Liam can deliver that honor. 


. AN has knocked it out the park this week and the range of furious anger and anguish in recalling the dead baby she held all those months ago was on point.

It was a small moment, but the part that really struck me was when she repeated Emma’s name in anguish after Liam told her Emma was the only one with the decency to tell her the truth. It was equal parts sadness for her friend, despair that the truth could have come out weeks ago, and guilt that she was inadvertently involved in Emma’s death. Just one word and one reaction shot, but it was a perfect moment in a week of stellar moments from AN. 


 If $Bill catches wind of what happened with Beth, the only reason he wouldn't kill Fuckingham is because his gambling buddies beat him to it. 

My money is on Rick. He can be as vengeful as Thomas, with the only difference being he actually gives a shit about his sister, and he has the added advantage of proximity. 

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I hope we cut to Thomas, sad and lonely in the hotel room, drinking booze from the room service cart...

Wearing the lingerie that he bought Hope.

And later he'll swing by FC to try on some of his new designs for HFTF:


Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, JustDucky said:

I hope we cut to Thomas, sad and lonely in the hotel room, drinking booze from the room service cart...

Wearing the lingerie that he bought Hope.

Hee!!!  Best idea yet.

I think why I'm not satisfied with Ridge and Brooke confronting the despicable idiots is because after all the boredom and stupidity in this SL, I wanted Brooke to beat the baby thieves to death with a shovel, for Ridge and Bill to get rid of the bodies, and for them to get away with it.  And I despise Ridge and Brooke, but I would have given them a pass on this one.

Which brings me to another problem with this SL (and there are so many).  People like Bill Spencer should have been heavily involved, and weren't.  There was way to much screen time given to characters like Zoe, Flo, and Xander who I don't give a damn about.  I think they only had Flo be related to Hope to try to up the angst factor, but it fell flat.  The desperation to tie the character to the canvas and other characters via Hope and Wyatt didn't work.

Also, with the way Flo, Zoe, and Shana were talking, I got the impression if Flo and Zoe hadn't realized it was Hope's baby that was stolen, they wouldn't have given the crime another thought.  If it was some nameless person, they never saw again, they would have been okay with that.  Their main concern about it being Hope's baby was they might be found out.

ETA:  Douglas was the best part of this SL.  The fact that a child did the right thing when the adults wouldn't just makes me despise the adults more.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Finally the truth is out...at last!!!!

SC & AN are really amazing with this whole reveal. (I am amazed that AN can still squeeze out some  tears after so many months of crying. Man, that has to take a toll on her. Saw her in an interview somewhere where she said she can't wait for Hope to start laughing again...that she was tired of crying. Yeah, I felt bad for her always crying too!)

How Flo, Zoe & Shauna can even pretend they didn't do the most despicable thing to a so called friend...like "oh boo hoo" they were victims or something?🤢

Anyhow...I'll feel sorry for Steffy for a few minutes, then I'll probably be over it. I mean, she didn't have to have another baby when her own child was only a few months old did she??

And yeah, we need some serious $Bill & Justin righteous anger to come into play any time. Brooke is doing her Squint of Justice™ on those women and I'm sure Thomas will come in for his share of flak. (As he damn well should!!!!😡)

My big question is where is our mighty hero 💖Douglas?? Far away from psycho daddy I sure hope.😧

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