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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I thought Emma was gone? Apparently she hasn't used her time away to take acting lessons. Still with the exaggerated body movements and facial expressions. 😕

Steffy is still nursing. Oh please, with what? And she's planning also to nurse the as yet unknown infant she's going to buy adopt? Is it common for women--other than wet nurses--to nurse babies they're not biologically related to?

$200K! If Reese was trying run away from his debt you'd think he would've run farther away than LA. Yikes.

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I couldn’t believe it when I saw Emma show up again today. You’re right, Joimiaroxeu, she hasn’t improved one tiny bit in the acting department. Please, make her go away for good. And this story about Steffy adopting a sister for Kelly? Huh? What genius came up with this brain dead development?! When we can all write the scripts in advance and there are no surprises, sudden turns or stunning jolts, this show is dead. I’m old enough to remember when we were taken by surprise by the scripts. Gosh, how long has it been since we’ve been treated to something like that for our devotion to our soaps? Longer than my memory, for sure. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Steffy is still nursing. Oh please, with what? And she's planning also to nurse the as yet unknown infant she's going to buy adopt? Is it common for women--other than wet nurses--to nurse babies they're not biologically related to?

Of course perfect mother Steffy is nursing. Don't you remember all those times they mentioned how the  nanny would bring Baby Kelly in while Steffy was at work modeling lingerie to nurse her? Oh wait...yeah. That never happened.

I think it would be VERY unusual to adopt an infant (why now???makes NO sense really) and then nurse said infant along with an older infant. Kinda squicky really. A mother's milk actually changes with the needs & age of the child. If Steffy is serious about doing that she better forget the perfect body cause those "portable milk bottles" (rme) will never ever be the same shape again. No more intimates line for Steffy. lol

Also, was  it just me that found it a bit...not even sure what word to use...that Steffy fell asleep snuggled up next to Daddy??

Did Emma inherit Nicole's bad wigs or what?


My god. This show!!!!

Edited by RedRockRosie
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I haven’t watched in awhile. Haven’t missed much! So, adopting a baby is how you get a playmate for your biological child? Well, for someone like Steffy who has no friends, let alone friends with children whom Kelly could have play dates with, I guess this would be considered a logical solution. 🙄 Can you imagine her telling an adoption agency that’s she wants to adopt so her daughter can have someone to play with? 😆

Edited by LittleIggy
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Uh, yeah ... I thought Steffy sleeping with her head practically in her dad's lap was all kinds of icky.  Also, even before that, when they hugged, it seemed much more like a lovers' embrace (on Sludge's end) than a father-daughter hug. What father buries his face in his daughter's hair and the side of her neck. Yuck. I'll bet TK is just dying to have a story where it turns out that another man is Steffy's father, so he can have a romantic SL with JMW. Gross. 

How soon is Xander leaving?  Not soon enough.

This adopt a baby SL seems like Brad Bell is cribbing also from "Real Housewives of Dallas," where Brandi just showed up with a baby.  Haters swear that the kid is the bastard child of her husband and a sidepiece. Anyway, lots of mysterious circumstances as to how she and her husband just "happened" to end up with a red-headed infant boy to match the rest of the family. 

I know this steal/adopt a baby is an old saw for B&B but again, coincidental as that was a major SL on RHoD, just like Reese's parallels to "Dirty John."

Doesn't that hack have an original idea in his head for stories? (I answered my own question.)

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So Reese returns to the scene of the almost crime. If it was me, I wouldn't return without giving an extra large tip. For some reason WB looks like he's much bigger overall than on Let's Make a Deal.  In addition, Hope is getting quite sizable.  Emma, sorry to tell you but you do not have the legs of a dancer.

Why am I not surprised that Reese owes some LV lowlife $200K.  I say lowlife because regular casinos do send thugs to collect money.  I'm a little surprised that Liam doesn't know anything about Catalina Island.  He even acts like he doesn't know where it is. 

As far as adoption is concerned, what legal adoption agency will allow a single mother, with a baby under a year old, to adopt?  Even if an adoption would be allowed, it would take months not weeks for the adoption process.  Now would Stuffy being willing to pay an illegal baby broker who would have to rely on other illegal means to secure a birth certificate for that baby?  Given Ridges track record of course he would be willing but I'm not so sure about Stuffy.  

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I think it's all but guaranteed the adoption will be illegal. They're making it sound like you can order a newborn baby from Amazon Prime and two days later it appears on your doorstep. The question is, will Steffy know the adoption isn't legal or will someone (Taylor, Reese, Ridge) just hand her a baby and she'll accept that it's all on the up and up without question? This show often gets ridiculous with it's plot-driven storylines but an insta-adoption takes the cake. I imagine people in the audience who've been trying for years to adopt an infant will not feel great to see how B&B presents the issue.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I imagine people in the audience who've been trying for years to adopt an infant will not feel great to see how B&B presents the issue.

The audience will be fine because they already know The B&B doesn't "present issues", it never has.  It's exploited issues like homelessness, cancer, rape, surrogacy, and now adoption for the cheapest, cheesiest soapiest thrill.

And thank goodness, I don"t watch B&B for issues, I watch for over the top soapy goodness.  I long for the split screen of Steffi introducing Kelly to her new sister Phoebe alongside a mournful Hope with one perfect tear on her cheek while she's recuperating in the Scottie Grainger Memorial Suite in Catalina General.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

The audience will be fine because they already know The B&B doesn't "present issues", it never has.  It's exploited issues like homelessness, cancer, rape, surrogacy, and now adoption for the cheapest, cheesiest soapiest thrill.

Don’t forget burn victims. I remember years ago how they exploited an actual burn victim who gave words of encouragement to Taylor who recovered from her burns without a scar. To make it worse, the actual burn victim was a child. 😡

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think it's all but guaranteed the adoption will be illegal. They're making it sound like you can order a newborn baby from Amazon Prime and two days later it appears on your doorstep. The question is, will Steffy know the adoption isn't legal or will someone (Taylor, Reese, Ridge) just hand her a baby and she'll accept that it's all on the up and up without question? This show often gets ridiculous with it's plot-driven storylines but an insta-adoption takes the cake. I imagine people in the audience who've been trying for years to adopt an infant will not feel great to see how B&B presents the issue.

However TPTB go about bringing the adoption to fruition, how many wanna bet that this is the perfect way to bring on Jackie's real baby?

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The audience will be fine because they already know The B&B doesn't "present issues", it never has.  It's exploited issues like homelessness, cancer, rape, surrogacy, and now adoption for the cheapest, cheesiest soapiest thrill.

Not sure I understand why "present issues" was scare-quoted. I think when any broadcast TV show--including a soap opera--does a storyline involving serious, real-life problems, they are indeed presenting issues. Unfortunately if they're as callous as the people running B&B/CBS/CBS Daytime might be, they do it in a way that is at best melodramatic and campy and at worst dismissive and derogatory. This is a deliberate choice TPTB seem to be making when they could just as easily choose not to offend portions of their audience who may be dealing with or have dealt with homelessness, cancer, rape, surrogacy, and adoption in their real lives and haven't found the experience to be particularly easy or simple.


And thank goodness, I don"t watch B&B for issues, I watch for over the top soapy goodness.

I don't watch B&B for issues either. I also don't watch to be told things that are so absurd as to be approaching science fiction or that deny basic perception. For example, within a year's time this show ran two storylines where characters were sexually assaulted, one for a extended period of time and under the guise of a twisted romance. In both cases the audience was told, basically, "We know what you saw with your own eyes but we're telling you it didn't happen." Imagine if one young woman watched that story arc with Caroline and Thomas, realized that something similar had happened to her, and decided to let it go because, well, who gives a crap about consent?

B&B could provide plenty of soapy goodness without expecting the audience to accept being treated like they're stupid or over-sensitive. Seems to me like they're deciding not to.

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As much as Dr Windsor Castle is at Il Giordanos (they serve breakfast now? Are they Denny's for the wealthy?) how has he not run into The Original Baby Snatcher herself, Ms Sheila Square Jaw Carter?  As far as we know, sheila has refused to leave town several times and is still waitressing there. Between those two medical professionals and the nefarious island clinic that can only be accessed by helicopter, they could swap out every 0 to 6 month old within a 50 mile radius.


As for soon to be adpted Phoebe Jr, Usually this much mention of a long dead character after almost no mention in the last 10 years would mean a miraculous return from the dead. 

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40 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I guess we'll have to agree to disgree, there is no way I could imagine a man or woman getting their concept of consent from a CBS soap.

Maybe it's not so much get the concept as to have it reinforced yet again. I always appreciated that some of the soaps would take the opportunity to teach & enlighten & still tell a damn good story. (Agnes Nixon I'm thinking of you!)

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

Yes maybe Phoebe is still alive. My head will explode if they have JMW playing dual characters. David Canary she ain’t. 

I know Phoebe and Steffi were identical at birth, and remained identical thru their teens, but miraculously evolved into fraternal twins when brunette JMW joined the canvas while blonde MM played Phoebe.  IIRC, they only shared a couple of scenes before Phoebe was killed off.

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Who were the couple Hope was talking to at the airport? I know the woman played the role of Amy, Robert’s wife on Everybody Loves Raymond. Hasn’t this couple been on the show before? I seem to recall them appearing at some point.

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Pay $200,000 immediately or suffer the consequences?  If there is no money than there is no money. Keeping Reese from working, "the boss" will never get his money, but threatening harm to Zoey, that's another story. 

Just when you thought Pam and Charlie were the most obnoxious couple In LA, Matt and Karen show up.  They are camping so I guess they can afford the $270 it will cost for a 15 min helicopter flight from Long Beach.  

Hey Hope, did you forget what happened the last time when Liam lagged behind when you went to Paris?  

Stuffy, that strong independent woman, just can't handle Kelly's sniffles without calling Liam. Is she going to call Liam when Kelly has a diaper explosion.  Tell me why she called Liam, when Taylor is there to help her.  Stuffy can't handle one baby let alone two. 



Gam2, Matt and Karen were on the flight that Quinn took to Paris.  I'm not sure but they were on the Australian flight where Liam knocked himself out. 

Edited by Waldo13
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55 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Who were the couple Hope was talking to at the airport? I know the woman played the role of Amy, Robert’s wife on Everybody Loves Raymond. Hasn’t this couple been on the show before? I seem to recall them appearing at some point.

They were on the flight from hell that Sally got stuck seated in-between when she flew to wherever it was (Australia?) that Liam and Steffy were getting married.

55 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Pay $200,000 immediately or suffer the consequences?  If there is no money than there is no money. Keeping Reese from working, "the boss" will never get his money, but threatening harm to Zoey, that's another story. 

Just when you thought Pam and Charlie were the most obnoxious couple In LA, Matt and Karen show up.  They are camping so I guess they can afford the $270 it will cost for a 15 min helicopter flight from Long Beach.  

Hey Hope, did you forget what happened the last time when Liam lagged behind when you went to Paris?  

Stuffy, that strong independent woman, just can't handle Kelly's sniffles without calling Liam. Is she going to call Liam when Kelly has a diaper explosion.  Tell me why she called Liam, when Taylor is there to help her.  Stuffy can't handle one baby let alone two. 



Gam2, Matt and Karen were on the flight that Quinn took to Paris.  I'm not sure but they were on the Australian flight where Liam knocked himself out. 

Oh, that's right!  Maybe it was Quinn and not Sally seated between them?  Could it have been both?

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What do they do to baby actors to get them to cry on cue? Whatever, apparently a different baby is now playing Kelly and she started with today's episode. This little girl doesn't have those gorgeously gigantic eyes the first one did.

Heh, this may be Reese's future:


It's odd to me that Xander had no clue about Zoe's family situation. All the time they were together they never discussed it? Whatever, it's interesting how they've turned Zoe into this vulnerable, wide-eyed ingenue. No more hard-edged stalker/vamp. Wonder who's going to be the next bad girl character?

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Okay, now I’m really confused as to where we’ve seen Matt and Karen before. If they’re so cheap, how could they afford flights to Paris or Australia? Or am I trying to make sense of this soap opera which makes no sense at all on a normal day? At any rate, I do appreciate all of you trying to answer my question. I don’t ever remember seeing “Matt” but remember “Karen” (Amy) with fondness. She gave us lots of laughs on ELR. 

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I hope that skeevy guy breaks Dr. Windsor Castle’s knees so he has to go for surgery and rehab in an undisclosed location. So we don’t ever have to see him or his new love again. And Steffy? My husband was sent to Korea for a year in the military leaving me with a one year old daughter and a five year old son. Our daughter started having ear infections before he left and continued to have them the entire year he was gone. We were at the pediatrician’s office every 3-4 weeks, on antibiotics, on meds for yeast infections in her diaper area because of the antibiotics. She never slept more than 3 hours at a time for that year. When I’d get totally exhausted, I’d go over to my mom and dad’s house with the kids (we moved to the town they lived in while my husband was gone) and they’d take care of both of my children while I slept for about 3 days. A fever of 101 or whatever you said she had just made me laugh. My daughter spiked over 105, had a seizure and ended up in the hospital for 4 days. Can anyone on any one of these soaps write a somewhat, kind of, maybe a REAL story?! But so glad that Liam rushed to their sides to help with this crisis. Geez.

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On 12/24/2018 at 2:27 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Beth. Seems a little old-fashioned to me for 2018.

Yeah, but so was Douglas. The show is running out of distant relatives to name the kids after.

Also, I thought Lizzie was named Beth as well? I know Elizabeth has 20 short forms to it but geez.

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12 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Okay, now I’m really confused as to where we’ve seen Matt and Karen before. If they’re so cheap, how could they afford flights to Paris or Australia? Or am I trying to make sense of this soap opera which makes no sense at all on a normal day? At any rate, I do appreciate all of you trying to answer my question. I don’t ever remember seeing “Matt” but remember “Karen” (Amy) with fondness. She gave us lots of laughs on ELR. 

They’ve been on the show as annoying plane passengers before. The actor starred on Parks and Recreation and the actress was on Everybody Loves Raymond. I think they’re friends with Bell in rl. It’s cute how he can do this stuff or give the Charlie actor a permanent job since they’re old friends, but not listen to our feedback 🙄 I guess that shows where we stand 😂 

I don’t like Zoe or Xander and wish they’d go away. They are boring and bad actors.

Irony in Dr Wayne Windsor Castle Brady fumbling over his words to bargain with the loan shark thug when his show is “Lets Make a Deal” and he got his big break as an improv performer. Zoinks! 

He needs exactly $200,000 is that what a Lope baby costs? But who will pay him for that? Not the mobster meathead shaking him down, so it’ll have to be Tayzilla. Is Steffy going to be monumentally stupid and believe she mentioned off hand a week ago she wanted to adopt and a baby just arrived like via order like an American Girl doll. “Adoption, there’s an app for that!” 

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20 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Yes maybe Phoebe is still alive. My head will explode if they have JMW playing dual characters. David Canary she ain’t. 

OMG that would be awful, Imagine the waffling that would happen then!?!?!?

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I have the bad feeling that giving two infants the same name is a lead-up to one of them dying. Seriously why two Elizabeths? Beth Logan was not really a core character; maybe during the show's very early years but she was absent for many years afterward and when she returned (recast with Robin Riker), she was hastily written off in another death caused by Stephanie with no consequences. (I could not believe that Brad Bell, whose own father suffered from Alzheimer's, would marginalize the disease in his writing for Beth and give her such a crappy ending.)

Am I right in saying Hope was the last time this show gave a newborn character a truly original name? Most of the babies, before and after, have been named after other characters. The only ones who were not are Mark Maclaine, Thomas, Phoebe, and Aspen.

If they MUST reuse Logan family names, they should've named Rick's daughter Helen after Grandma Logan - he would've known her since she didn't die until after he was a teenager. I would've loved if Hope had named her daughter Dominique after Nick but obviously he has been MIA from her life for years now.

I keep thinking that Reese will lead Taylor off the wagon and take advantage of a drunken blackout to frame her for a crime involving Hope/her baby, so he can demand hush money from her.

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1 hour ago, Aymery said:

Hope had named her daughter Dominique after Nick but obviously he has been MIA from her life for years now.

Boy, howdy would that send a message to Ridge. His head would implode if he had to deal with the specter of Nick and Bill.

Only way Phoebe could return is if Prince Omar pulled another fast one. Or we could go the other route and reveal that when Morgan kidnapped Steffy, she swapped her with another kid and kept the real Steffy and Taylor/Ridge ended up with a fake kid. Then we could have the real Steffy show up to claim her birthright and she looks exactly like Phoebe as a wink to when the twins were identical. FauxSteffy, Eric, Taylor, and Ridge would have a hell of a story to play.

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2 hours ago, Aymery said:

Am I right in saying Hope was the last time this show gave a newborn character a truly original name?

Amber named her daughter with Marcus Rosie for no reason I can think of, but as far as from the legacy children...yeah. Aly was named after Macy,* RJ after Ridge, Dino after Nick when it was assumed he was the father, and last names Logan and Douglas have been used.

*Which was such a ballsy move considering he cheated on her WITH Darla and she'd slap him hard when he suggested they raise the baby together! Not even Ridge would suggest this!

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On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 3:17 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Steffy is still nursing. Oh please, with what? And she's planning also to nurse the as yet unknown infant she's going to buy adopt? Is it common for women--other than wet nurses--to nurse babies they're not biologically related to?

I mean...I guess if you've adopted the baby yourself to raise, I don't see any reason why not, if only out of practicality of not fixing formula on top of regular nursing. Most people who adopt usually wait until any older child(ren) are out of diapers to get a baby, so it's not a situation most people run into.

On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 4:11 PM, Gam2 said:

. I’m old enough to remember when we were taken by surprise by the scripts. Gosh, how long has it been since we’ve been treated to something like that for our devotion to our soaps? Longer than my memory, for sure. 

The very last surprise from this show was Aly's death that they managed to keep under wraps until the day it aired. Before that, they managed to hide the trans Maya story, but a few of us semi-seriously wondered if that was what Nicole's big "secret" was gonna be.

But for the most part, no, these stories are as predicable as a calendar.

On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:46 AM, RedRockRosie said:

Maybe it's not so much get the concept as to have it reinforced yet again. I always appreciated that some of the soaps would take the opportunity to teach & enlighten & still tell a damn good story. (Agnes Nixon I'm thinking of you!)

Hell, even B&B managed to pull a decent one off way back in 1987 with original Caroline: Brooke was supportive and fierce without talking over her and taking over; the story made commentary about all sides of this issue from the old school cop that "didn't get" why girls keep it a secret to the creep's enabler mother who seeks out a female laywer as a way to get him out of trouble, to Caroline standing up to her father and refusing to let this attack be used against her to move back in with Bill Sr. or to wipe the slate clean about Ridge's shitty behavior. In fact, in the first and last time in B&B history, Ridge fell on his sword and ended up being the character witness* that ultimately won the case by stating they broke up because they'd never been together. I was genuinely proud of Ridge for that.

In between that and the Brooke story that was a 180 degree flip in quality, I think there was something that involved Jessica Forrester and the boyfriend she had at the time, but as she's the Cousin Oliver of B&B, I know absolutely nothing about where that lies on the stupidity scale. I can't believe it was nearly as stupid and insulting was what happened with Liam.

And on that tangent:

3 hours ago, Aymery said:

I keep thinking that Reese will lead Taylor off the wagon and take advantage of a drunken blackout to frame her for a crime involving Hope/her baby, so he can demand hush money from her.

FUCK NO. Not only do I NOT want to see another story of a woman being taken advantage of on this show in any context, I know this will turn out like every time Victor Newman does something to fuck over his family and he either gets shot or falls sick and All Is Forgiven(tm) until the next time he does something shitty. I got tired of the tongue baths this show gives Taylor a long fucking time ago.

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Ridge and Brooke making out. Just another day in the office. I feel like I am watching some kind of sister wives show, with Liam shuttling between Steffy and Hope. He wanted to  be there for Steffy, so he went to the doctor with her and baby Kelly. Then he races to the helicopter for his babymoon with Hope. Just really skeevy. And hello Christopher Knight, now a pediatrician. Honestly, who would think it is a good idea to go on a trip, when you are hugely pregnant?! And Hope, get a clue. The hotel lady is telling you about high winds, as you stare out the window and see the wild wind. Hope then asks, why can't we have dinner on the terrace tonight? Seriously?

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39 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I mean...I guess if you've adopted the baby yourself to raise, I don't see any reason why not, if only out of practicality of not fixing formula on top of regular nursing. Most people who adopt usually wait until any older child(ren) are out of diapers to get a baby, so it's not a situation most people run into.

Yeah, the idea of Steffy nursing a baby she hasn't given birth to is the least weird part of this storyline. 

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16 minutes ago, backhometome said:

That couple with Hope are super weird borderline creepy. Jerry from Parks and Recs lol.


Poor Liam having to shuffle between wives in his life. Forever waffling. 

They were, indeed, weird.

Edited by Ohwell
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I am not sure what the catalyst is/was/has been, but I have found it necessary to take a much needed break from Show.

I just can’t with a show that sidelines talent like Rena Sofer and Courtney Hope, while shoving no talent interns and their father’s down my throat.

I also can’t with a show that has marginalized long time core characters. It pains me greatly that Hunter Tylo was brought back and given a front burner SL, while Brooke has spent the last few years being a ping pong ball between Bill and Ridge.

I still do not understand the whole Windsor Harmon, Ingo Rademacher thing. But just look; Ingo is gone and was never given any kind of story. So, what was the point again?

After canning the whole Spectra gang, the dumbasses in charge must have had an epiphany, and hurriedly brought CH back, but she has spent most of her time having sex with Wyatt on his couch.

Now they give the no talent intern dad and Taylor a romance? I don’t care that he is a fake. They could have spent that money on a talented hottie pototie for Brooke.

I am sick of the Steffy show. Strong? Powerful? Independent? Kelly has the sniffles and we must call in reinforcements. Dad has to choose between lines and after recusing our self, we sneak back in to work daddy over in order to get the funding. Mommy has now moved in to help. Not strong or independent to me. Let us talk about the single mom who works for minimum wage at Walmart.

Besides, you have two very capable, beautiful, and strong women who could rock a female independence SL. How wonderful would it be to see Quinn and Sally team up? But no, Sally must keep having sex with Wyatt, while Quinn engages in mean girl battles with Pam and Donna. 

Steffy wants to adopt a baby? What ever the fuck for? UGH!

I know something horrible is going to happen to Hope’s baby, and that makes me see weird colors in my head.

I still haven’t gotten over Ashleigh Brewer either. Not a legacy character, but still, the Patriarch’s blood niece and NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about her exit.

Rick is gone too? OH! But we have that new intern girl who reminds me of one of the Colorform characters I dressed up when I was a kid.

And I really, really, really can’t with a show that treats the criminal like the good guy, and the one trying to turn them in as the bad guy. 

It is just all so……….idiotic.

Shit really pisses me off.

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48 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Honestly, who would think it is a good idea to go on a trip, when you are hugely pregnant?!

Not only that, it's medically advised against to get on aircraft after the 24 week mark, an fact I became entirely starkly aware of when stationed in Japan and a guy in my division was rushing to get his wife over from Virginia before that date.

But then, this is the same Hope who was wearing six inch stilettos to her last baby shower and running to have a pissing match with Quinn, so sense ain't in her wheelhouse.

8 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I am not sure what the catalyst is/was/has been, but I have found it necessary to take a much needed break from Show.

I snipped the rest of that awesome post for brevity, but boy, I don't blame you at all. I barely even most here anymore because I've run out of way to say how much all these people suck and are just incredibly stupid, self-centered, entirely oblivious, arrogant, entitled, or any combination thereof. I hope Kelly and Beth can escape from their parents' world of stupid once they get old enough and become the friends their mothers and grandmothers never could be.

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Brooke’s hair looked so nice. Ridges New Years Resolution is Brooke. Uh 👌🏼Ok

Whyyy would Hope go without Liam in the first place. And so close to delivery? Can’t Liam charter a boat? His father is a billionaire.

Now Dr Reese Witherspoon Windsor is going to be up to now good with Hopes delivery and she’ll be all alone 😫 

I think she should have named the baby Brie in honor of her mom or Patience since her motifs was waiting for marriage and she  spend so long trying to get Liam and have a baby. Steffy looks at Liam like he’s a saint. I don’t know if that’s direction (haha like anyone there is giving the cast direction or tips) but their history is too long and fucked up to be putting either on pedestals.  

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I have been meaning to get this off my chest about Sally:  While I've certainly seen redheads, I've never seen hair so RED red.  It just looks so harsh and fake.  Honestly, I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I jut don't get all the fuss about her.

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28 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I have been meaning to get this off my chest about Sally:  While I've certainly seen redheads, I've never seen hair so RED red.  It just looks so harsh and fake.  Honestly, I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I jut don't get all the fuss about her.

I've been noticing that too, and while I'm sure CH has natural red hair, it seems like she's coloring that to make it closer to Corvette Red nowadays. I can't say I hate it tbh, but it's definitely noticeable!

Her personality OTOH has been nothing to write home about for a while, and that sucks.

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Yes, Kelly is different baby that is younger and doesn't have those beautiful big blue eyes.  

Wrong, helicopters don't fly from LA to Catalina.  The closest heliport is in Long Beach.  Hey Liam, get your ass to the ferry. It would take a hurricane to shut the ferry down.  

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I have been meaning to get this off my chest about Sally:  While I've certainly seen redheads, I've never seen hair so RED red.  It just looks so harsh and fake.  Honestly, I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I jut don't get all the fuss about her.

My guess is that CH is a natural brunette. I think with her skin tone and blue eyes, she'd be equally as striking with dark hair. I know that the red hair is a homage to Sally Spectra 1.0. 

I think the color is OK but lately, it's been how it's been (un)styled.  It just hangs there in waves that look like they haven't seen a comb in days or in some of those weird partial braids. Sally's hair always looks pretty when it's styled, like at the Christmas party, but lately, not so great.  I'm guessing that the hairstylists probably have to heavily process CH's hair to get it that red shade; with that and the hot lights, her hair might not be able to withstand a lot of product or heat to give it any real style except for special occasions.

As a former dyed redhead for more than a decade, I can attest that it can be challenging to maintain a consistent shade, as there as so many variables, like the brand of hair dye, the stylist, how much color the hair has been absorbing, etc. Red is the most difficult color to maintain if you don't come by it naturally.  It fades quickly, too, so you have to color more frequently.

Anyway, word to everything that's already been stated here.  Why anybody thinks we want to see the stupid kids, Trasee or the ongoing ToD is beyond comprehension. 

What happened to that hottie buyer guy who wanted to take Steffy out to dinner? I'd drop Lame in a heartbeat for him. He looked much more her type. 

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Yeah, let's see how quickly Ridge breaks his New Years resolutions, especially the one about putting Brooke first. That'll only be on the days he's not obsessing over Steffy or Bill.

WTF were those noises Hope was making? But of course she goes into labor at the worst possible moment. Helen Keller could've seen that coming.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I still haven’t gotten over Ashleigh Brewer either.

I'm ok with her being gone, since I'm pretty sure if she were here her only purpose would be to tell Steffy how wonderful she is...even though Steffy almost killed her twice!

1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I have been meaning to get this off my chest about Sally:  While I've certainly seen redheads, I've never seen hair so RED red.  It just looks so harsh and fake.  Honestly, I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I jut don't get all the fuss about her.

I'll have a seat at that table, I'm not a Sally fan at all.

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