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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I agree with those who think Steffy's "I'm Every Woman" act is exactly that....an act. I think this is all part of her master plan to prove that when push comes to shove, Hope and Liam will, once again, fail to launch. She's taken herself out of the equation, even going so far as to propose to Hope for Liam, knowing how well reverse psychology works on the Waffle and bide her time until he's begging her to reunite and she can play the innocent, telling anyone and everyone that she removed all obstacles from them and they still couldn't get it together.

And she's not wrong. Even when she was no longer in the picture, they still couldn't seal the deal (exhibit A - the Hott marriage when Liam was five minutes late). 

Yet even when another woman has been in the picture, Ivy, and Hope herself, Liam just can't seem to stay away from Hauxdi. I mean, just look at how he looks at her.


But her calm facade had serious cracks and I saw the anger there, especially when she talked about how "I've shed enough tears. I've wrung my hands. I have paced the floor for my entire pregnancy." Um...and who's fault is that, trollop? Oh, that's right, her's.

Also, her tears at the end, a DEAD giveaway.


Even Brooke is smart enough to smell a rat when Hope makes a beeline for her office.


Brooke, spotting the ring on Hope's finger and shouldn't you realize that Steffy's ring? "You and Liam are engaged?" She gasps in surprise. "Oh, honey! I knew it! I knew his feelings for you didn't change. And the minute he found out you were pregnant with his child, they got even stronger. I -- I can't believe this. What did he do? What did he say when he put this ring on you?

Oh shit. Hope, gulps: "He didn't."

Brooke: "What?"

Hope: "Liam didn't put this ring on my finger, Mom. Steffy did."

Yeah, you heard her right, Brooke.


Brooke is immediately dafuq is this? as well she should be: "You and Liam are engaged, but he didn't propose?" Later: "So Steffy proposed to you for Liam?"

Hope, clueless, babbles on about: "I just -- I can't believe it finally happened, without arguments, without fighting. It just all magically fell into place. Gosh, it just -- it couldn't get better than this."

Brooke's thought bubble right about now: giphy.gif

Brooke: "I disagree. Don't get me wrong, this is positive, and Steffy's change in behavior, that's very encouraging, but when it comes down to it, it's Liam's decision to make, not Steffy's." There's clearly something arot and awry here. And seriously, Hope, I would have some respect for you if you had handed back the ring. 

Elsewhere, Zoe eating the insipid, annoying Emma for a snack gave me life.

Emma crows: "We KISSED."

Zoe scoffs: "My little teeny-bopper friend, we had a MATURE relationship."

Emma was practically stomping her foot when she told Zoe to go home. Honey, she is home and she's here to stay and you need to shut your trap and mind your place. You are an INTERN. You make no decisions about anything, ever, and you certainly don't tell the Thorne Forrester of FC what to do. 

I'm thinking Emma is going to be the unhinged one and will enlist Uncle Justin to help.

Also, Mr. CountryBoy was pretending to look at his phone instead of watching, but he outed himself with the understatement of the year: "What do these women see in this dude? Does he have a 12-inch dick or something?"

I answered: "No, but I think his brother does." Natch.

Edited by CountryGirl
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4 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, Mr. CountryBoy was pretending to look at his phone but he said, "What do these women see in this dude? Does he have a 12-inch dick or something?"

I answered: "No, but I think his brother does." Natch.


6 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

She's taken herself out of the equation, even going so far as to propose to Hope for Liam, knowing how well reverse psychology works on the Waffle and bide her time until he's begging her to reunite and she can play the innocent, telling anyone and everyone that she removed all obstacles from them and they still couldn't get it together.

And she's not wrong. Even when she was no longer in the picture, they still couldn't seal the deal (exhibit A - the Hott marriage when Liam was five minutes late). 

Pretty much. If this is a ploy, it's a damn smart one (not that Steam is any more stable, but...)

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Brooke could add herself to that group of idiots because she wants Hope to be with Liam.  Also, if she really believed it was Liam's decision to make, what was with all the pressure Brooke put on Liam to choose Hope.  Brooke thinks Steffy taking herself out of the running is a good thing?  Why?  That means that once again, Liam didn't make a choice.  So what Brooke really means is it Liam's decision to make if he ends up with Hope.  If Liam had decided to marry Steffy, Brooke would be right back to hounding Liam to be with Hope.

Edited by TigerLynx
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39 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:


Pretty much. If this is a ploy, it's a damn smart one (not that Steam is any more stable, but...)

Yeah, as much as Brooke looked annoyed, I think there was a teensy part of her that was thinking, "well, played."

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I think Zoey's scary looking unattractive. But, maybe it is like with Maya's introduction and maybe the stylists are making Zoey look weird so that when she's glammed up and modeling, she becomes a head-turner (in a good way.) Remember Maya's crazy buggy eyes and wild mushroom hair when she first came on the show? Girlfriend cleaned up real nice. 

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24 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Is Zoey pretty? I can't make up my mind. That said, can we please get rid of Zoe, Xander & Emma. OMG! This is soooooooooo bad. It's not even high school drama class worthy.

I wouldn't say 'pretty' but who wants to be pretty.  Zoe is STRIKING.  There are times when she looks 'ugly' and then there are times when she's breathtaking.  She definitely has a model's face and figure.  I never understood why Maya was 'lead' model.  KM is probably the most beautiful woman on B&B but she's not a model.  Zoe is going to OWN the catwalk.  Hauxdilox is going to have to staple her Forrester shares to her ass to get any attention at all. 

31 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Yeah, as much as Brooke looked annoyed, I think there was a teensy part of her that was thinking, "well, played."

Game recognizes game!

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37 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I think she is.  I think she looks more like a "lead model" than Maya.

Agree. Most models aren't what we would think of as conventionally pretty, but they have that je n'ais se quoi that makes you stop on their page in a magazine etc.

Zoe has that kind of face. 

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38 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

KM is probably the most beautiful woman on B&B but she's not a model.


7 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Agree. Most models aren't what we would think of as conventionally pretty, but they have that je n'ais se quoi that makes you stop on their page in a magazine etc.

Zoe has that kind of face. 

Oh good, glad to see you both got what I was trying to say :)

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I assume that between moping and meddling, Hauxdi's been hitting the gym -- hard? One run on the beach isn't going to get her body lingerie-model ready no matter how good of shape she was in before giving birth to Kelly. Even rail skinny, straight-up-and down Kate Middleton had some post-baby pudge for several months after having her kids. She got her figure back, but it wasn't overnight.

Now between Zoey and Hauxdi as making striking models, definitely Zoey. 

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Agree. Most models aren't what we would think of as conventionally pretty, but they have that je n'ais se quoi that makes you stop on their page in a magazine etc.

Zoe has that kind of face. 

I agree. She has that kind of strong, angular face that makes her model material.

Not the poor little cat! ?Everytime they mentioned that he was old, I figured they would kill him off. Still doesn’t mean I won’t cry. I always do.

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Hope really thinks her and Liam are so much better than everyone else.  News flash Hope, you are just like the rest of them.  If you weren't, you wouldn't have found yourself in this position with Liam/Steffy and Liam/Wyatt for so many years.  Please when Liam waffles let it be to a FC model.  Liam sees Steffy heading out on a date with one of the male models, and starts making out with a FC model in the dressing room, and Hope walks in.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Emma/Xander/Zoey is even more boring than Hope/Liam/Stuffy.  Emma, you are days into a relationship and you are already making demands. Of the three, only Zoey can act. Of the three, only Liam can act. 

Stuffy is bringing "back" the bedroom line and poof, in a few days, they already have a line; but is this line FC or Fredrick's of Hollywood.  

I sure hope Justin didn't kill the cat and it died of old age. 

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6 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy is bringing "back" the bedroom line and poof, in a few days, they already have a line; but is this line FC or Fredrick's of Hollywood.  

I miss the old days, when the show mentioned that clothing lines got planned out months in advance instead of poofed into existence for whatever plot of the week is going on.

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I swear, for a couple of minutes during today's show I could've sworn Steffy was having a manic episode.  All of that woo hooing and "You do you!" to Zoe followed by the orgasmic shouts of 
You did fantastic!" to the models at the end of that tiny little fashion show.  And when Ridge was extolling all of her so many virtues, she was smiling so big and so hard that I thought her lips were going to explode!


Ridge to Steffy :  "You're who Superwoman wants to be when she grows up.".   Who writes this garbage???

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I guess the main reason Hope is still wearing Steffy's ring is so people will stop throwing "the ring was still warm!" shade at Steffy and Liam. Now Hope has done sort of the same thing. But it's not the same! It's not, dagnabbit! Liam is just too cheap or underemployed to buy a new one.

No, no woman with a micron of self-respect would knowingly accept another woman's engagement ring unless it was a family heirloom. (Or previously owned by Princess Diana, your betrothed's late mother.) Why does B&B keep trying to perpetuate this baloney?

Ugh, Ridge is an old lecher. The way he was eyeballing those lingerie models was sad.

The Tyson Beckford wannabe needs to hit the gym. A guy with a gut should not be modeling underwear and pajama bottoms. Not for money, anyway.

OMG, Steffy needs to stop with the Kabuki-ish makeup. What's that all about and who's telling her it looks good on her? It's so severe it actually ages her and I doubt that's what she's going for.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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The filler/Botox queen is "so tired of overly airbrushed bodies" She wants to "live in a world where we are comfortable in our own skin," and "we have flaws, we accept our flaws, we own it."  LOLOL!!!!  Wow, amazing mother, sexy CEO, AND a comedian!

I have to confess, I have an irrational fear of coming home to find my dog dead, the Harry scene did not sit well with me at all :(

Edited by ByTor
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:


I have to confess, I have an irrational fear of coming home to find my dog dead, the Harry scene did not sit well with me at all :(

I am so glad I checked in here before I watched the show. I had to ff all of the scenes of Zoey in her apartment.  I have a cat.  Every other cat I've had has died but fortunately, I was always able to get them to the vet and put down so I have never had to walk in and find one dead. I don't know what I'd do!  :(  I am assuming that the cat was sacrificed as a means for Xander and Zoey to bond over their loss. (I also read that Zoey and Pam will become friends over their love animals and pet loss.) 

That lingerie looked like items you find on Walmart's website if you have the patience to click through several pages of lingerie. (My experience is based on trying to find an inexpensive half-slip before they came back in favor again!) It's sexy/sleazy and made out of the cheap shiny ugly fabric.

Sludge acts more sexually aroused by his daughter than he does his own wife. It is really getting bad with all of the OTT praise, touching and leering. 

Emma and Xander have been on one date (that we've seen) and stolen some kisses at work. I hardly call that a committed exclusive relationship where Emma has the right to make assumptions and demands. If she doesn't STFU and back off, Zoey is going to look that much more appealing to Xander (or maybe Ridge!)

I can't with Hope. Does she not have an ounce of pride or self-esteem? I nearly gagged listening to those two go on and on about how noble and kind-hearted, generous and self-sacrificing they were. Always putting other people first and vowing to never disappoint. (Did I leave anything out?) True saints, those two. /eyeroll. 

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13 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke could add herself to that group of idiots because she wants Hope to be with Liam.  Also, if she really believed it was Liam's decision to make, what was with all the pressure Brooke put on Liam to choose Hope.  Brooke thinks Steffy taking herself out of the running is a good thing?  Why?  That means that once again, Liam didn't make a choice.  So what Brooke really means is it Liam's decision to make if he ends up with Hope.  If Liam had decided to marry Steffy, Brooke would be right back to hounding Liam to be with Hope.

Brooke's real motivation for her support of Liam and Hope is that she wants Hope to win the second generation of the Taylor/Ridge/Brooke triangle.  That's at the root of why she doesn't like that Steffy conceded and Liam didn't really do the proposing/deciding.  Even if they live a long and happy life together its not a decisive enough victory for Brooke.

Same thing with Ridge.  His motives aren't about Steffy getting the guy she loves.  He is indifferent to who Liam chooses (or if Steffy gets her heart's desire) as he was basically indifferent to who he is with.  Its about keeping Brooke Taylor Steffy out of the clutches of someone he hates.  That's why he switched to it being Steffy's right to make the decision when Brooke was talking about Liam's decision between Hope/Steffy right after Steffy announced she got the FC shares back without marrying Bill.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

No, no woman with a micron of self-respect would knowingly accept another woman's engagement ring unless it was a family heirloom.

What threw me is that Steffy actually said that her rings were proof of how loyal Liam was to the woman who wears them.  I'm starting to wonder if Hope's brain can't process sarcasm because how can that be taken any other way.

13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Pretty much. If this is a ploy, it's a damn smart one (not that Steam is any more stable, but...)

They don't seem to be playing this like its a ploy but its so spot on that its hard to see it as anything else.

I really do think they are taking the tack that Steffy has learned from her childhood and is putting Kelly first.  But the digs and the potential to manipulate Liam and everyone else is so "perfect" that its baffling if its not some plan she hatched. 

So far Steffy has set herself up as the savior of FC and "protected" Hope and Liam from public discussion of the dirty details enough that as people learn them she will come off as the "victim" while everyone else will likely become mildy disappointed in Hope and Liam.  Is this the first time Liam and Hope reunited that Steffy wasn't somehow the villain that prompted their reunion?

Then she basically tells Liam that she has to protect herself and Kelly from his indecision and goes as far gifting him to Hope and taking away his illusion that he makes choices.  This is actually the best way possible to make Liam feel trapped with Hope and desperate to get Steffy back.

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I wonder if Steffy and Zoe could become friends.  Zoe has the angular look of a model, but Steffy and Hope have the ability to be beautiful.  I say ability because JMW needs to stop screwing with her face, and Hope is such a colorless nonentity.  Sally has personality, but she's been MIA.

I wish Steffy's plan was to stealthily ruin Liam's life.  Steffy could have decided that marrying Bill would make her look less sympathetic than her being a single mom to Kelly.  Then Steffy could secretly undermine Liam and Hope while appearing to publicly support them.  When Liam waffles, Steffy can then tell Liam she still isn't interested, and tell Hope that even if Liam stays with Hope, he will always be pining for Steffy or another woman.

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Ah, nah, nah, nah. Ridge needs to stop it. His obsessive Steffy worship is getting all kinds of creepy, irregular, and Stephanieish. Now, I am all about strong, independent women. I am all about women taking possession of their lives, and having their own agency. I am also all about single parents doing what is best for their children. But just stop the fucking presses because Steffy is not the first woman to do this. Additionally, and most infuriating, is that Steffy doesn’t have the first notion about sacrifice. Go talk to the abused wife who fled to a safe house in the dark of night with her four children. Talk to the woman whose spouse is gone, either through death or betrayal, and is now on her own with how ever many children and no income. Talk to the woman who lost her job and is now facing the prospect of Social Services to survive. Ridge acts like Steffy set the bar for female independence. Right, you raging idiot, I think our Suffragette’s did that, as did hundreds of other women, whose last name isn’t/wasn’t Forrester, who didn’t come with a pedigree and a trust fund, who didn’t get CEO spots handed to them as peace offerings, who don't own million dollar beach houses, who don't have the luxury of coming into work whenever they please, and who don't have nannies to watch their kids. 

No, Steffy hasn’t sacrificed anything. And she can take a seat and cross her lovely legs with all that talk about rising above and being the bigger person. PFFFT! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Steffy is still making it all about Steffy. This ploy was Steffy’s out. Once Hope turned up pregnant she knew she had no chance with Liam. No matter his deep and abiding love for the wild one, that rambunctious rebel who introduced him to truffle fries, dollar store parachute men, and cha, cha, cha, because he also has a deep and abiding love for Hope, who has her skeletons, but is leaps and bounds ahead of Steffy in the integrity department. But, at the end of the day, this is all about Steffy saving face. Although she wants everyone to believe that her actions are based on Liam and Hope making out, and her sudden realization that she doesn’t want to live like that anymore; if you carefully parse out her words and actions, you see a different picture.

If Steffy has indeed let go of it all, then why the small, snide comments? The barely contained anger? The tears? Just tell the truth Steffy; it would go a long way in helping you garner those kudos and bonus points. You lost your advantage; not when Hope announced her pregnancy, but when you chose your husband’s dad over your husband. And deep down in that hard little nugget you call a heart, you know this goes all the way back to Thomas and Caroline. You know that you set all this mess in motion by calling Caroline back to LA and interfering in your brother’s life. Your actions led to Bill’s lie about Caroline’s health, which sent Thomas packing to New York, leaving a sad and lonely Sally in LA. Then, once Sally was completely alone and vulnerable, Bill stepped up his mission to destroy her by having Spectra Fashion’s torched, which led to Liam’s anger and his crusade to right his father’s wrongs, and ultimately, his relationship with Sally. And instead of being as horrified at Bill’s actions as a normal person should, you run to Bill and side with him. You tell him how you understand his frustrations and what propelled him to do what he did. You stood idly by as Bill decimated your husband and his character. You soothed Bill, and gave his hurting ego the stroking it so desperately needed. Then, after nearly killing Liam and Sally, and Liam’s confession about his and Sally’s kiss, you gave Bill’s dick the stroking it so desperately needed.

No, I think when you look at the entire case, weighing all the facts, and everyone’s actions, it is pretty clear where the blame lies. So Steffy can stand up on her alter and pontificate about her new found largess, and her desire to be The New Everywoman, but this old chick isn’t buying it.

My Dear Lord, was that supposed to be a rousing fashion preview? Then why did everyone look like lambs on their way to slaughter? Nary a smile on a face. And the lingerie? Mr. R was not-watching, and thought they were modeling swimwear. This is lingerie folks! Where was the sauciness? The walk and the talk? Compared to the premier of the original Brooke’s Bedroom that junk yesterday looked like a grade school production by some fashion wannabes? And where did these designs come from?

I have four cats and two dogs. If I came home to find one of them gone I would positively lose my mind because I am a total helicopter parent. What did I do wrong? What signs did I miss? I liked that they had a kitty on Show. It gave me something to look forward to each day. And it kind of took that nasty edge off of Zoe; anyone who loves their furbabies is OK with me.

I agree that Zoe’s looks can’t really be defined. When she is in the scene, I find my eyes being drawn to her. She has a lovely body, and amazing hair, but that face. So beautiful and unsettling at the same time. I also have to agree that she is worlds more interesting than Emma.

Edited by RuntheTable
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11 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:
On 8/7/2018 at 9:29 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Pretty much. If this is a ploy, it's a damn smart one (not that Steam is any more stable, but...)

They don't seem to be playing this like its a ploy but its so spot on that its hard to see it as anything else.

Remember, the 1st time Steffy got between Liam & Hope she was modeling lingerie, enticing Liam with that cheesy underwear video accompanied by that extremely cheesy song.  What was it?  Something like "If you show what you got then you get what you want...start being a bad girl."

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Shut up Liam.  Both Steffy and Hope are to good for you, and Steffy and Hope ain't that good, but they are better than you.

Shut up Ridge.  I knew Brad Bell wouldn't let Steffy really walk away from Liam.

Liam you don't get to tell Bill or anyone else to stay away from Steffy.  You have no claim on Steffy.

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13 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

His motives aren't about Steffy getting the guy she loves.  He is indifferent to who Liam chooses (or if Steffy gets her heart's desire) as he was basically indifferent to who he is with.  Its about keeping Brooke Taylor Steffy out of the clutches of someone he hates. 

Now that you point it out, that's exactly what it is. He tanked every relationship Brooke was in because of his pride and now he's doing it with Steffy. 

Ridge doesn't give a rats ass about Liam, and never has. Remember how quickly he threw him under the bus in their little Quinn plan the minute he got horny for her. 

2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Remember, the 1st time Steffy got between Liam & Hope she was modeling lingerie, enticing Liam with that cheesy underwear video accompanied by that extremely cheesy song.  What was it?  Something like "If you show what you got then you get what you want...start being a bad girl."

Ugh, that video is near the top of every B&B search I do! So corny! ?

It's funny, you'll see that video but not one of any of Steam's weddings. And I've been trying for YEARS to catch more than a few seconds of that Aspen one because I was deployed at sea when it aired and never got the splendor of seeing that mess in its entirety.

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Thanks, B&B, for reducing me to a weepy mess. I’ve brought home an empty carrier from the vet a few times. Finding the much loved toys and putting away the bowls... ?

STFU, Emma. If you don’t like FC management decisions, there’s the door. 

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The 3 summer teens cannot leave fast enough for me.  I just don't care about them at all.  Maybe if they were better actors, but the actress that plays Emma is really really bad.

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Like Maya, Stuffy had a baby they could ignore.  Why not have a day care facility at FC. 

Bill can be a scoundrel and he can be contrite and I enjoy both sides of him.  Ridge only is only one dimensional; an ass hole.

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Does Bill realize that the very same weakness he despises in Liam is what he's hoping/banking on what will allow him to be in his life again? Jerk.

Liam, leave the asshole be. Jack Abbott needs a loyal kid. Go to Genoa City and chill out there for a bit. Although they just killed off the only woman I'd want you with (RIP, Hilary!) but then you need a timeout from sexy times.

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Does the actress who plays Steffy have cheek implants? When she smiles, her eyes close completely. What would cause that in a Canadian actress? And I use the word “actress” very, very loosely. 

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For the love of God, when will these people change their clothes?  I feel like I've been looking at Steffy's Kabuki-in-black look and Thorne's 1960's plaid shirt...not to mention Xander's bowling shirt and poor Emma's hideous shirt-under-sundress look that makes her look so babyish...for so days now.  Please, show, move it along!

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Does the actress who plays Steffy have cheek implants? When she smiles, her eyes close completely. What would cause that in a Canadian actress? And I use the word “actress” very, very loosely. 

I am always taken out of the scene by trying to figure out just what all that girl has done to her face. Such a shame these young women think they need to do all these surgical procedures - especially when they are so young!

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Steffy must be feeling so sticky and moist what with all the tongue baths she's been getting lately. I'm starting to squirm just watching it continue to happen, day after day, after day, after day.

FFS, Hope just invited other people to join her in Crazypants World by letting them think that ring had an honorable meaning. Wait until they find out Liam didn't even give it to her. Or officially propose.

Did teenybopper Emma actually turn a business meeting into her personal a whine session about Zoe stealing her boyfriend? Why are the adults in the room humoring her?

Ridge. Let. It. Go. And I'm tired of hearing about what Kelly deserves. What about Liam's other kid that's on the way? What does she or he deserve? Hmm, let's start with a mommy who isn't nucking futz and a daddy who isn't an animatronic waffle.

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If you go over to the Small Talk thread, I posted a video from a makeup artist that discusses what he calls "pillow face," and the cosmetic procedures women are doing today and how they end up with big puffy faces on top of tiny skinny bodies. It makes sense, actually.

I think that JMW had jaw implants to make her face more angular. That's a procedure that's  more common in men who want a stronger, more square jawline. I have no idea why JMW (or any woman) would go for that work.  Like it was said about Zoey above, photographers prefer an angular face for editorial models because they photograph better. Angular faces and wideset eyes. Zoey has both going for her. I don't think there is much you can go about your eye position except try to create an illusion with makeup.

Anyway, yes, I have had to bring home the empty cat carrier and collar several times in my life. The first time was the worst. I lived in an apartment and just couldn't bear to go into the empty apartment. One of my neighbors, who was an older woman, saw me sitting there and came to sit with me and talk. She said, she'd never seen such a sad sight. My cat was an old cranky tom and died of a weird blood clot disease called "saddle block." He collapsed in the morning of the day I was having a big holiday party for all of my neighbors in the complex, (and I had to rush him to the emergency vet for observation) and people who lived there were very familiar with him as he used to sit at the sliding glass door of my balcony like a sentry and wait for me to come home from work every evening. It doesn't get any easier with other pets, regardless of what happens.

I loved the death glare that Hope shot at Emma today when she was whining about hiring Zoey. ENOUGH! Emma is right. She has no business as an intern to make demands on who FC hires.  I kind of wish that Sludge had been present and shown Emma the door. Talk about wasting company time and resources. GMAFB.

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10 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Ah, nah, nah, nah. Ridge needs to stop it. His obsessive Steffy worship is getting all kinds of creepy, irregular, and Stephanieish. Now, I am all about strong, independent women. I am all about women taking possession of their lives, and having their own agency. I am also all about single parents doing what is best for their children. But just stop the fucking presses because Steffy is not the first woman to do this. Additionally, and most infuriating, is that Steffy doesn’t have the first notion about sacrifice. Go talk to the abused wife who fled to a safe house in the dark of night with her four children. Talk to the woman whose spouse is gone, either through death or betrayal, and is now on her own with how ever many children and no income. Talk to the woman who lost her job and is now facing the prospect of Social Services to survive. Ridge acts like Steffy set the bar for female independence. Right, you raging idiot, I think our Suffragette’s did that, as did hundreds of other women, whose last name isn’t/wasn’t Forrester, who didn’t come with a pedigree and a trust fund, who didn’t get CEO spots handed to them as peace offerings, who don't own million dollar beach houses, who don't have the luxury of coming into work whenever they please, and who don't have nannies to watch their kids. 

No, Steffy hasn’t sacrificed anything. And she can take a seat and cross her lovely legs with all that talk about rising above and being the bigger person. PFFFT! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Steffy is still making it all about Steffy. This ploy was Steffy’s out. Once Hope turned up pregnant she knew she had no chance with Liam. No matter his deep and abiding love for the wild one, that rambunctious rebel who introduced him to truffle fries, dollar store parachute men, and cha, cha, cha, because he also has a deep and abiding love for Hope, who has her skeletons, but is leaps and bounds ahead of Steffy in the integrity department. But, at the end of the day, this is all about Steffy saving face. Although she wants everyone to believe that her actions are based on Liam and Hope making out, and her sudden realization that she doesn’t want to live like that anymore; if you carefully parse out her words and actions, you see a different picture.

If Steffy has indeed let go of it all, then why the small, snide comments? The barely contained anger? The tears? Just tell the truth Steffy; it would go a long way in helping you garner those kudos and bonus points. You lost your advantage; not when Hope announced her pregnancy, but when you chose your husband’s dad over your husband. And deep down in that hard little nugget you call a heart, you know this goes all the way back to Thomas and Caroline. You know that you set all this mess in motion by calling Caroline back to LA and interfering in your brother’s life. Your actions led to Bill’s lie about Caroline’s health, which sent Thomas packing to New York, leaving a sad and lonely Sally in LA. Then, once Sally was completely alone and vulnerable, Bill stepped up his mission to destroy her by having Spectra Fashion’s torched, which led to Liam’s anger and his crusade to right his father’s wrongs, and ultimately, his relationship with Sally. And instead of being as horrified at Bill’s actions as a normal person should, you run to Bill and side with him. You tell him how you understand his frustrations and what propelled him to do what he did. You stood idly by as Bill decimated your husband and his character. You soothed Bill, and gave his hurting ego the stroking it so desperately needed. Then, after nearly killing Liam and Sally, and Liam’s confession about his and Sally’s kiss, you gave Bill’s dick the stroking it so desperately needed.

No, I think when you look at the entire case, weighing all the facts, and everyone’s actions, it is pretty clear where the blame lies. So Steffy can stand up on her alter and pontificate about her new found largess, and her desire to be The New Everywoman, but this old chick isn’t buying it.

My Dear Lord, was that supposed to be a rousing fashion preview? Then why did everyone look like lambs on their way to slaughter? Nary a smile on a face. And the lingerie? Mr. R was not-watching, and thought they were modeling swimwear. This is lingerie folks! Where was the sauciness? The walk and the talk? Compared to the premier of the original Brooke’s Bedroom that junk yesterday looked like a grade school production by some fashion wannabes? And where did these designs come from?

I have four cats and two dogs. If I came home to find one of them gone I would positively lose my mind because I am a total helicopter parent. What did I do wrong? What signs did I miss? I liked that they had a kitty on Show. It gave me something to look forward to each day. And it kind of took that nasty edge off of Zoe; anyone who loves their furbabies is OK with me.

I agree that Zoe’s looks can’t really be defined. When she is in the scene, I find my eyes being drawn to her. She has a lovely body, and amazing hair, but that face. So beautiful and unsettling at the same time. I also have to agree that she is worlds more interesting than Emma.

We're going to have to start calling you George Washington because you speak nothing but the truth!

Has Bell Jr. ever met a strong woman?  Because if Steffy Forrester Jr. is his idea of a 'strong woman', Helen Reddy is somewhere crying her eyes out.  Brooke Logan and her Red Suit of Power would have Steffy Forrester and whatever the fuck it is she's wearing, for lunch.

Someone needs to point out to Hauxdilox that it's not that difficult to give up a man who doesn't really want you in the first place.  Yes, Liam returned to the homestead and pledged to marry Hauxdi (again) but does anyone really believe that it was because he wanted to be with Steffy, the woman who FUCKED HIS FATHER?  Liam has some Ozzie and Harriet idea of what makes a 'proper family'.  And it doesn't help when the King of the Broken Homes is pushing him back into Hauxdi's bed in order to keep $Bill out. 

All of this is a gigantic bone that Bell Jr. is tossing to the fanbase to keep them relatively quiet.  Hope is wearing Hauxdi's ring to take the neutralize Hauxdi accepting Hope's ring back in the day.  And stripping Hauxdi down to her knickers is another bone-toss to fans who need to hear that Steffy Forrester is the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Will we ever see Hope prancing around in her panties?  And I know we won't see Brooke in her scanties because no matter how many times certain fans call Brooke (and the actress who plays her) an old hag, we all know that Brooke/KKL can STILL set a catwalk on fire.

Why this how has been reduced to the Deification of St. Steffy and the worst teen story EVER is beyond me.  Wasn't there a couple of minutes when it looked like shit was about to pop off?  Why is Bell so willing to destroy his show in order to prop up a character who isn't good/strong enough to be the lead?

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5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Thanks, B&B, for reducing me to a weepy mess. I’ve brought home an empty carrier from the vet a few times. Finding the much loved toys and putting away the bowls... ?

It really is the worst.  I was afraid Zoe was going to go full-on Fatal Attraction and do something horrible to Harry, so I'm relieved that the poor guy just passed peacefully of old age.  It still sucks, but it could have been so much worse, considering this show. ?

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Is it just me, or does Xander's accent now seem to randomly wander? Today it went from American to "posh" British, to Cockney, to I swear he sounded Australian. None of them are that good, either.  Sorry. The show was so boring today, that's what my brain honed in on.  

Edited by CharlizeCat
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4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke Logan and her Red Suit of Power would have Steffy Forrester and whatever the fuck it is she's wearing, for lunch.

No, she wouldn't.  The only thing Brooke did with her percent of the company was try to get Ridge back.

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it just me, or does Xander's accent now seem to randomly wander? To is went from American to "posh" British, to Cockney, to I swear he sounded Australian. None of them are that good, either.  Sorry. The show was so boring today, that's what my brain honed in on.  

I've been hearing the variations for a couple days now. Does anyone know what his actual native accent really is?

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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke Logan and her Red Suit of Power would have Steffy Forrester and whatever the fuck it is she's wearing, for lunch.

I concur with Tigerlynx, albeit for a slightly different reason: Brooke originally wasn't after the company at all. All she wanted was her fair share of the formula she created and Stephanie wasn't even happy with that. Instead, she spearheaded that cockamamie plan to get dirt on her, that Eric and Ridge sat by and let her go through with and THAT is why she ended up going for controlling interest.

And even then, she could've just as easily torpedoed the entire company just for fun or even out of incompetence--the way Nick was headed after Brooke divorced him and Stephanie knocked Jackie over the banister and he wanted to salt the entire Earth. Or how Stephanie and her focus on morality (pffffffft ???) sent the whole company on a tailspin the year before that. Or Rick's countless tantrums every time he gets a stab at the helm, a trend that I'm sure will continue with Rick #4 when Bell digs up yet another baffling recast. I hope he pegs Billy Magnussen myself, cuz I know he has some talent.

But anyway...Brooke did what no one expected: she made the company better than when she got it. The men's line and the lingerie? Both under her watch. There were no routine attempts to undermine the company under her watch and apart from turning Stephanie's office into her own (and who can blame her for it?), Brooke wasn't kicking people out the company over personal beefs.

That is strength, regardless of how the character has been throughly ruined since.

Steffy's story of "bravery"? Spare me. Even if she never got a position of power in FC, she could always create her own, the same as Thomas used his influence to support Spectra 2.0. Hell, she didn't even have to marry the fucker to get the damn stock, FFS. Even Clark Garrison had to sweat it out for TWO long years with Sally before he saw one dime of her money in their divorce. Booooo-ring.

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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Why not have a day care facility at FC. 

Maybe I'm making this up, but I think they do.  I think I remember Maya & Rick saying they took Lizzie there.

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Not poor little Harry; bunch of meanies! I wanted to reach through my tv screen and give Zoe a hug. Me and Mr. R have been in the animal rescue business for over thirty years and currently have 15 cremation urns on our furbaby shelf. I know that feeling of coming home with empty carriers and ownerless collars. Fuckers.

Oh Bill, I hate you and I love you. What yesterday showed me was how much I miss Liam and Bill. Of all the couples/relationships that have been sacrificed at the Steffy alter; this one bothers me the most. As much as I miss it though, I don’t see how it could ever be the same because they have so thoroughly ruined Bill. Going all the way back to the destruction of Brill, and Bill’s decent into madness. I want so much to believe his words to Liam. I want to believe that he is truly repentant for ripping his family apart over someone so unworthy. I am taking a wait and see approach to this. I don’t trust Bill, I never really have, but after all he has done to Liam it is going to take a lot more than words to show me he is sincere.

The real problem with Emma is that she is too young to be there. And the writing for her is just the worst, which is compounded by her lack of acting finesse. I feel bad for her in so many ways. She is like a kindergartner playing with the senior class. This intern SL is just one big miss. I say get rid of Emma and Xander and keep Zoe, who at least is interesting.

12 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Has Bell Jr. ever met a strong woman?  Because if Steffy Forrester Jr. is his idea of a 'strong woman', Helen Reddy is somewhere crying her eyes out.  Brooke Logan and her Red Suit of Power would have Steffy Forrester and whatever the fuck it is she's wearing, for lunch.

Absolutely @mightysparrow; that Brooke would have boiled Steffy in her pudding. As @Anna Yolei pointed out, after gaining control of FC's Brooke could have chosen a different path, but she chose to do what was right for the company. She took her position of power and forged ahead and introduced bold and innovative ideas that changed the face of Forrester, and gave them a new edge. I could care less if she was chasing Ridge, because the show was able to write that as a side note to what was happening from a business angle. Of course, a few years after Brooke's takeover the show did go back to being more about the triangle, but for a few short years Brooke wore her power suit very well.

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Has Bell Jr. ever met a strong woman?  Because if Steffy Forrester Jr. is his idea of a 'strong woman', Helen Reddy is somewhere crying her eyes out. 

But Peggy Lee (RIP) circa the early 70s probably would've been just fine with it. Bell's notions of strong women seem to be quite a throwback to I'm a Woman (W-O-M-A-N), which was seen by some as a feminist anthem at the time. I've long thought Chaka Khan's late 70s song I'm Every Woman was an answer to if not a putdown of the Peggy Lee song.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

But anyway...Brooke did what no one expected: she made the company better than when she got it. The men's line and the lingerie? Both under her watch.

Brooke created both those lines specifically in an effort to get Ridge to spend time with her at the company.  Brooke put a bed in her office to try and get Ridge to have sex with her in it.  Instead Brooke ended up having sex with Deacon in that bed.

Why is Ridge still insisting Steffy be with Liam?  Steffy has no interest in Bill, and Ridge knows that.  So he is no longer trying to save Steffy from horrible Bill Spencer {rolls eyes}.  Take a look in the mirror Ridge, you're no prize either.  If Ridge really cared about Steffy, he would be glad she ended things with Liam the flip flop.

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On 8/8/2018 at 10:10 AM, RuntheTable said:

Ah, nah, nah, nah. Ridge needs to stop it. His obsessive Steffy worship is getting all kinds of creepy, irregular, and Stephanieish. Now, I am all about strong, independent women. I am all about women taking possession of their lives, and having their own agency. I am also all about single parents doing what is best for their children. But just stop the fucking presses because Steffy is not the first woman to do this. Additionally, and most infuriating, is that Steffy doesn’t have the first notion about sacrifice. Go talk to the abused wife who fled to a safe house in the dark of night with her four children. Talk to the woman whose spouse is gone, either through death or betrayal, and is now on her own with how ever many children and no income. Talk to the woman who lost her job and is now facing the prospect of Social Services to survive. Ridge acts like Steffy set the bar for female independence. Right, you raging idiot, I think our Suffragette’s did that, as did hundreds of other women, whose last name isn’t/wasn’t Forrester, who didn’t come with a pedigree and a trust fund, who didn’t get CEO spots handed to them as peace offerings, who don't own million dollar beach houses, who don't have the luxury of coming into work whenever they please, and who don't have nannies to watch their kids. 

No, Steffy hasn’t sacrificed anything. And she can take a seat and cross her lovely legs with all that talk about rising above and being the bigger person. PFFFT! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Steffy is still making it all about Steffy. This ploy was Steffy’s out. Once Hope turned up pregnant she knew she had no chance with Liam. No matter his deep and abiding love for the wild one, that rambunctious rebel who introduced him to truffle fries, dollar store parachute men, and cha, cha, cha, because he also has a deep and abiding love for Hope, who has her skeletons, but is leaps and bounds ahead of Steffy in the integrity department. But, at the end of the day, this is all about Steffy saving face. Although she wants everyone to believe that her actions are based on Liam and Hope making out, and her sudden realization that she doesn’t want to live like that anymore; if you carefully parse out her words and actions, you see a different picture.

If Steffy has indeed let go of it all, then why the small, snide comments? The barely contained anger? The tears? Just tell the truth Steffy; it would go a long way in helping you garner those kudos and bonus points. You lost your advantage; not when Hope announced her pregnancy, but when you chose your husband’s dad over your husband. And deep down in that hard little nugget you call a heart, you know this goes all the way back to Thomas and Caroline. You know that you set all this mess in motion by calling Caroline back to LA and interfering in your brother’s life. Your actions led to Bill’s lie about Caroline’s health, which sent Thomas packing to New York, leaving a sad and lonely Sally in LA. Then, once Sally was completely alone and vulnerable, Bill stepped up his mission to destroy her by having Spectra Fashion’s torched, which led to Liam’s anger and his crusade to right his father’s wrongs, and ultimately, his relationship with Sally. And instead of being as horrified at Bill’s actions as a normal person should, you run to Bill and side with him. You tell him how you understand his frustrations and what propelled him to do what he did. You stood idly by as Bill decimated your husband and his character. You soothed Bill, and gave his hurting ego the stroking it so desperately needed. Then, after nearly killing Liam and Sally, and Liam’s confession about his and Sally’s kiss, you gave Bill’s dick the stroking it so desperately needed.

No, I think when you look at the entire case, weighing all the facts, and everyone’s actions, it is pretty clear where the blame lies. So Steffy can stand up on her alter and pontificate about her new found largess, and her desire to be The New Everywoman, but this old chick isn’t buying it.

My Dear Lord, was that supposed to be a rousing fashion preview? Then why did everyone look like lambs on their way to slaughter? Nary a smile on a face. And the lingerie? Mr. R was not-watching, and thought they were modeling swimwear. This is lingerie folks! Where was the sauciness? The walk and the talk? Compared to the premier of the original Brooke’s Bedroom that junk yesterday looked like a grade school production by some fashion wannabes? And where did these designs come from?

I have four cats and two dogs. If I came home to find one of them gone I would positively lose my mind because I am a total helicopter parent. What did I do wrong? What signs did I miss? I liked that they had a kitty on Show. It gave me something to look forward to each day. And it kind of took that nasty edge off of Zoe; anyone who loves their furbabies is OK with me.

I agree that Zoe’s looks can’t really be defined. When she is in the scene, I find my eyes being drawn to her. She has a lovely body, and amazing hair, but that face. So beautiful and unsettling at the same time. I also have to agree that she is worlds more interesting than Emma.


As Aunt Esther would say, the truth shall make you free!




Now, Chaka Khan--and the late Whitney Houston (in heaven throwing some serious shade)--needs B&B to stop trying to co-op Chaka's signature hit, I'm Every Woman, and trying to make it apply to Hauxdilocks.  Just, stop it.  It's quite apparent that the Stuffy Forrester II Praise & Worship Half-Hour continues unabated.  Never mind that this vapid creature is the vilest, most trifling, most stank ho bag who ever hoed.  And, on a show where it's quite common for folks to keep it all in the family, that's quite an accomplishment.  

While your entire post is bow-down-and-worship epic, I had to respond to the part that I put in bold.  I was reading this during my commute home last night via my phone and found myself nodding in agreement and murmuring.  You described the type of woman that this show, in fact, had at it's inception.  Her name was Elizabeth Logan née Henderson.  You know, the woman who went to college, married a college graduate after her boyfriend broke her heart by sleeping with and allegedly impregnating the "most beautiful freshman on campus" (per Ridge during an argument with Stephanie).  She was the young woman who did everything right and in its proper order except life for her was no crystal stair.  After having four children, her ne'er do well husband deserted their family and had been gone for approximately seven years when the show premiered.  Yet, she financially struggled in that modest house in Sherman Oaks, California (derisively referred to even now as the Valley).  She worked long, arduous hours as a caterer and eventually went into business for herself.  Her four children were well aware of how hard their mother worked and often discussed how they would help out.  This was the same mother who insisted on preparing meals for her own family and had to be reminded by her son that all the children were old enough to cook for themselves.  Beth's son, Storm, was putting himself through law school.  Her oldest daughter, Brooke, was pursuing a chemistry degree and worked after school.  Although Donna and Katie were still in high school, they each had jobs after school.  Their house was so modest that the three girls shared a room.  And, in all of that, Beth refused to badmouth her deserter husband to her children and would even express sympathy for him when Storm bitterly lashed out about the life his family should have had.  That's the type of woman that should be celebrated--not this pampered, spoiled, and unduly worshiped sociopath that the writers want to convince the audience is a "heroine" for empowered women everywhere.

Even Stephanie, during a very candid discussion with Ridge, indicated how much she admired Beth Logan for managing to keep a roof over her head while raising 4 children without a husband.  That was, of course, before Beth became a romantic rival.  It was also at a time when the show had a head writer, who wasn't afraid to pen strong women for either of his shows.  It's beyond infuriating that in their haste to prop Hauxdi that the writers have totally discounted the show's own history.  How fitting it would have been to have Brooke and/or Katie to put their hands on their hips, snap their necks, and their fingers and remind Sludge's grimy ass that, "Uh, uh--wait a minute.  I [we] know you love your daughter, but don't get it twisted.  She isn't doing a damn thing that my [our] own mother hasn't done!  And, she did it without money, a husband, a great family name, or the other trappings of wealth!" 

So, I have to ask, what's next?  A lifestyle blog or self-help book where Hauxdi kisses her own ass by telling working women everywhere that they, too, can have it all if they only work hard, keep their legs closed, and show up for jobs they had to actually compete for whenever they felt like it.  Of course, in the real world, a non-entity like Hauxdi would have gotten dragged all over social media and elsewhere for her pretentiousness and tone deafness.  

I also have to laugh at the notion of Hauxdi "revamping" the bedroom line.  Wake me when she becomes an innovator or creator--not someone piggybacking off of someone else's concept and acting as if she found a cure for cancer.  And, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the second fashion show that she has presided over where the "fashions" looked like something one could purchase from a mid-level department store at a red-dot sale (reductions made at the counter), or plucked out of some tragic little 50% off bin at a discount chain in a strip mall?  I remember when this show used actual models who knew how to work the runway.  I remember when Vivian was previewing Ridge's resort wear or swimwear collection in his office, and the models and the swimwear were gorgeous, with the show's score blaring from a boom box.  Hell, we had better fashion shows when I was in high school that were staged by the Home Economics Dept., where we modeled the fashions we sewed with our own hands and sewing machines using McCall's, Butterick, and Vogue patterns.

Edited by MulletorHater
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Guys, I fired up the DVR last night and a cult recruiting video popped up instead of my soaps. The figurehead was a woman and all who crossed her path were required to bestow praise and fealty upon her. In return, some were given her cast off men and engagement rings while others were merely content to bask in her beatific presence. Her material needs were already fully satisfied, although one infatuated cultist gifted her shares in a large and successful company. The most disturbing part of the video was a disheveled hermit known as Father, whose religious fervor and worship of the cult’s matriarch eclipsed all others. At first the cult offers members a glimpse of enlightment and progressive ideals such as female empowerment and sexual liberation. Once the trap is sprung, members are quickly brainwashed into believing female empowerment equals dumping a guy who just isn’t that into you and can’t forget that you sexed up his father. Strength is defined as being a single parent who co-parents and has an enormous bank account and devoted support system.

Rituals included synchronized belly rubbing, arranging plastic parachute men into a sexually charged tableau resembling a woman riding her father-in-law, and submitting to bad plastic surgery. Don’t eat the truffle fries.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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