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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Of course Brooke wasn't offended.  It's always flattering for Brooke to have a man's attention.  Brooke goes from I don't like talking about it but since you twisted my arm so I'll tell you everything in a few seconds.  

Fuck me, now Slouchy is a designer. Random English intern with a stiff upper lip.  Is another triangle brewing between Slouchy, Coco, and Simon?  Ménage-a-teen?  Just as bad as ménage-a-Spencer. 
Is Thorne as pure as the driven snow?  As a Forester, I'm sure he was not up for sainthood. Is this why his and Brooke's marriage only lasted a year. 

Once again, fuck Maya and the horse she rode in on. It's ok to gossip about Thorne and Brooke with Nicole, but it's not ok to gossip about Stuffy and Liam. 

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I’m already sick to death of Brooke/Thorne/Ridge. That wasn’t that interesting 30 years ago. Brooke needs to take some time to go find her damn brain. Ps I love her shorter hair but hate, hate how it’s being “styled”.

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16 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I’m already sick to death of Brooke/Thorne/Ridge. That wasn’t that interesting 30 years ago. Brooke needs to take some time to go find her damn brain. Ps I love her shorter hair but hate, hate how it’s being “styled”.

Do you mean that beach wavy thing?  *ducks* I think it looks awful too.

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Recap for Monday, 12/11/2017:

We open at the beach house where Hauxdi is continuing to do what she does best. Okay, second best. Lie her ass off.

Liam: "Hey, you know, I'm not accusing you of anything, right?"

Steffy: "It kind of feels that way." Is she for fucking real right now? She CHEATED. With his FATHER. And she has the gall to question him for questioning HER?


Liam: "What? Why is this question so upsetting to you? I'm just asking."

Steffy snots: "Why is it so important? I came home."


I honestly don't even know what to say to this tomfuckery right now. Sometimes, there really are no words.

Liam: "Because it matters. It matters. I mean, it's one thing if you just took a drive or whatever, but it's totally different situation if you left here with the intention of, say, moving back into your grandfather's. And if you did, well, one, what changed your mind, and, two, what does it say that you didn't want to me to know that?"

That she's a lying liar who lies.

But, of course, she does what she always does when she's on quicksand...start trembling and work those eyes to produce some tears, dammit!

Liam is instantly contrite: "Hey. Hey."

Steffy: "No. Don't. Don't. Don't..." Don't comfort you? Bitch please...that's all you've been getting him from him and he's getting nothing in return. Certainly not the truth he deserves.

Liam: "Oh, my God. You're shaking." 

Steffy: Well, you're scaring me, liam.

Liam: "Why am I scaring you? I mean, Quinn said you were at the guest house, right? You slept in the bed, you took a shower. Okay. Is she lying? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time."

Steffy: "Why were you and Quinn even discussing me?" Oh, so now she's offended? 

Liam sidesteps: "Steffy. Are you trying to keep that option open, moving back into your grandfather's?"

Steffy: "No! No!"

Liam: "Okay, all right, then what? Make sense of this for me because you left here furious. You wouldn't respond to my texts, you wouldn't answer my phone calls, and then a few hours later, you come back in full of apologies, ready to recommit to our marriage vows. Something happened in between. Now, I thought I knew what it was, but I'm getting two different stories now, and they both can't be true. Why won't you tell me which one it is?"

Something happened all right and Liam needs to go with this feeling of confusion. I am not saying that he or any reasonable person would make the leap to her sleeping with his father that night, but Jesus God! Something very, very wrong happened that night and his wife has been acting jumpy and emotional ever sense. As he said, one minute, she's furious and leaving and a few hours later, she's all tearful and loving and wanting to forget all about the kisses with Sally. There should be some sort of danger "Will Robinson" signals going on here and it's ridiculous that he's that damn dumb to have ZERO suspicions about the woman whom he should know better than anyone in the world. I say should because it's obvious he doesn't. 

Liam sighs, frustrated: "Okay, clearly I'm going about this all wrong."

Steffy: "No, no, no. It's my fault." 

Liam: "Is it anger? Are you angry still?"

Steffy: "Sometimes, yeah." At herself. As she should be. As any decent person would be, but if she were decent, she would have told him the truth that night or, better yet, not fucked Bill in the first place.

Liam:" I mean, I know you said you forgave me for the thing with Sally, but forgiveness isn't always a slam dunk." 

Steffy: "No, no, I'm angry at myself, not at you."

Liam: "Are you sure?"

Steffy: "Yes." It's clear she's annoyed with having this conversation so the justification is already settling in.

Liam: "So why did you lie to me?"

Steffy sighs: "I made a mistake." NO. You made a CONSCIOUS DECISION TO CHEAT. That is NOT a mistake.

Liam: "Okay. All right. Okay. So, tell me."

Steffy: "No, I did something wrong."

Liam: "Okay, you left the house. You were emotional, you were driving around, just like you said, right?"

Steffy: "Yeah." She's clearly remembering Bill's words - if you believe a lie, it becomes the truth.

Liam: "And you parked somewhere. You weren't sure what to do...maybe you wanted to go somewhere safe, somewhere alone, yeah?" Why is he helping her out? Stop providing her with answers.

Steffy is all too eager to take the bait: "Yeah, that -- yeah, that's what I wanted, yeah."

Liam: "And were you? Alone? I mean, it's Eric's estate. Obviously there's always people there, but in the guest house, I mean, were you like, meeting someone?" Technically, she didn't meet anyone. Bill just showed up and she let him inside...

Steffy: "No. No."

Liam: "But you were thinking about leaving me."

Steffy: "Liam, so many things were just, like, swirling in my mind..."

Liam: "I know, I know. But leaving me was one of them."

Steffy: "Not for long." Not once you showered off the stench of Swill.

Liam: "And you knew that if you told me that, I would freak out, right? Maybe I would have freaked out. And so you told me a story instead." Oh, she's told you a story all right.

Steffy: "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." The "I'm sorry" is worthless without context, heifer.

Liam: "Hey, Steffy, I'm sorry, I should be the one apologizing." Head...meet desk.

Steffy: "No, don't say that."

Liam: "No, I should. You came home, we renewed our marriage vows, we swore that everything that happened before would be washed away and forgotten, and why do I even need to revisit it again? I mean, it's like even casual contact with Quinn still make me paranoid." Finally, a nod to Captive Cabin. 

Steffy: "No, you have every right to wonder why I would tell you one thing and do another."

Liam: "Yeah, okay, but... I don't know, did it even make a difference? Yes, secrets and lies are toxic to a marriage, but truth is not something you just put in your shopping cart and take home. I mean, it's an ideal. It's something you strive for, and when you fail, you dust yourself off and try harder." Truth is an ideal??? What??? That should come with the standard model. It shouldn't be an upgrade. Liam lowering the bar is so unlike him and I am questioning if he's truly recovered from his head injury right about now.

Steffy: "No, and I will. I swear on my life I will try harder." She'll try. What, not to lie? To not spread her legs for his father or whoever else anymore? That's some paragon of virtue right there.

Liam: "And I will, too. And I have a lot more to make up for than you do." No, he doesn't.

Steffy: "No, you need to stop blaming yourself. I thought we were gonna start over." Starting over based on false pretenses. It's a house crumbling on the sand.

Liam: "Yeah. We are. I'm just still getting the hang of it." What, lowering your expectations? Ignoring your own moral compass.

Steffy: "Look, I can't erase the past, but we don't have bring it into every new day." God forbid she actually have to revisit her indiscretions.

Liam, resolute: "Then we won't."

Steffy: "Only the part where I fall in love with you... over and over and over again." She's loving all right as she continues to lie and lie and lie some more.

Liam: "Hey. Are you crying?"

Steffy just laughs as she swipes at her practically non-existent tears: "I don't even -- I don't even know..."

Liam: "Did we have a close call?"

Steffy: "I think we did." It's just so amusing. Only not.

Liam: "I'm sorry." Stop with the apologies!!!

Steffy: "No. No. It wasn't you."

Liam: "You know, when you're a kid, you think about everything you want your life to be, you know, all the achievements and success and home and love and job and I kind of think it's important as a grown-up to take inventory on that and ask yourself if it really is everything you wanted it to be. And, for me, it is. Because of you. You made a home with me. You helped me find my place at Spencer, you kept peace between my brother and me, against all odds. You...helped me see the goodness of my father. You helped me keep him in my life. I have everything I ever wanted because of you." I can barely stand to listen to any more of this.

Steffy: "So do I."

Liam: "Then why are you so sad?"

Steffy: "I just get scared of losing you." She should be very afraid. Because the truth will come out. It always does. And Hope Logan is weeks away from returning, although I was rooting for Lally. But Red's tough and doesn't need a man to complete her (more on that to come).

Liam: "Are you scared you won't be able to forgive me?" He's done NOTHING to be forgiven for.

Steffy: "No."

Liam: "Then where is that wild woman who ziplined into our happily-ever-after, I mean, who is a lover of fun and life? Where is she?" Hopefully in a hell of her own making.

Steffy: "I'm still here."

Liam: "No, you're not. You're back there in that awful night." That awful, awful night where she was sweaty and naked and writhing over and under her father. "Repeat after me. 'None of it ever happened.'"

Steffy like the robot she is: "None of it ever happened."

Liam: "None of it ever happened. Not that night, not the night before, not the night before that."

Steffy: "None of it ever happened." Oh, it's just that simple, is it?

Liam: "That's right. Now give me a sign."

Steffy: "A sign?"

Liam: "Yes, that you're back, that you are your usual kickass self."

Steffy: "I...I am."

Liam smiling and who is he trying to convince here? Her or himself? "Yeah? Yeah?"

Steffy: "I mean, I will be."

Liam: "Prove it. You know what I want to hear. I know you do. Come on." And no, I am not recapping her chant about her va-jay-jay. No sir. No ma'am. 

The only thing that is helping me to not hit the FF button is the thought that they are building to some sort of epic pay-off. That surely even Liam couldn't be this damn dense but they're playing it up so that when he does learn the truth, he will go scorched earth on the Swill pigs. Because their betrayal was bad enough, but the aftermath of lies and gaslighting where Liam is doing all of the apologizing and for what, is far worse.

We have some quick scenes at FC where Quinn is having Maya try on jewelry. Have these two ever shared a scene? I'm thinking no. Maya looks thrilled.


Quinn is all gossipy about how she told Liam Steffy left her bracelet in the guest house after they fought.

Quinn: "I thought Liam was overreacting, but I certainly didn't want to cause any trouble." Uh huh...then why gossip about it? 

Maya, looking uncomfortable: "Well, maybe Steffy wanted the story to match her state of mind? It just...it seems an odd thing to fib about."

Quinn: "Yeah. I mean, I think I know why she did it, and even married people want to have privacy, right? I mean, they want to have their own secrets." Secrets don't belong in a marriage unless they're of a surprise party or presents variety. Quinn, of all people, should know that better than anyone.

Quinn muses about calling the new jewelry line "CEO" or "Steffy." Blech to the first. Double-blech to the second.

Maya is quick to object: "Don't do that."

Quinn: "Well, she's already got such a huge following and such a distinctive style."

Maya: "Yeah, and every time she's asked about it, she's gonna have to tiptoe around this painful memory in her marriage." Kind of like how you tiptoe around the soaking tub I'm sure is installed in your and Rick's bathroom at Brooke's right?

Quinn: "I never really thought of it that way."

Maya: "And I'm assuming that you're not gonna tell anyone else how you got the idea for this bracelet, right? I'm sure you remember how hurtful it was with the entire building discussing your marital problems." She saunters off with that parting remark and I beg her goddamn puritanical pride. While Quinn has no room to throw shade considering her actions with her stepson, Maya is an owner and occupier of the Glass Condos as well. How easily she forgets how she cheated with Rick when he was still very married to Caroline (her having cheated first with Ridge doesn't negate any of that, especially when Rick promised to work on their marriage and was still fucking Maya). 

Quinn just stares after her like "what bug just crawled up her ass?"

We end at Brooke's home with Rumpledickskin still on the floor.


Ridge and Thorne are still trading insults and as annoying as it is watching two men in their 50s resort to this, I have to say TK and IR have chemistry. I think TK has more chemistry with IR than anyone else on the show, even RS.

Ridge, mocking: "Dear Diary, I pushed down my big brother. I have become a man today." How's that feel? Good?" Dude, you're still sitting on the floor and likely leaving a grease stain on the rug.

Thorne: "Well, it's physics. Your head is too big for your body, so you're gonna fall over." Hee!


Ridge just sits there and guffaws like the buffoon he is. 

Thorne offers his hand, feeling a bit sheepish that he let Ridge get to him this way: "Come on. Get up."


Ridge: "Why? You don't want Brooke to see what a bad boy you've been?" Considering Brooke seems to like the "bad boys," you included, Thorne might be wise to let him sit there a while longer.


Thorne: "You're sick, you know that? You're really sick. You're madly in love with yourself and no one else. And the games you play have made this family sick and weak, just like you." Truer words have rarely been spoken on this show.

Ridge, sarcastic: "Well, how lucky are we that you're here to restore decency and morality."


I seriously want Thorne to smack the smug off his face right now.

Thorne: "That would be correct." Just so long as you don't go the way of Aly when she saw visions of floating-head Darla.

Ridge: "Can't wait to see how that works out."


Brooke comes in and immediately spots Ridge on the floor: "Ridge! Oh, my God. Are you all right?" He fell on his ass, Brooke. He's fine. It's also the least he deserves.

Ridge: "Yeah, I'm okay."

Brooke wheels on Thorne: "What did you do?"


Thorne, shrugs: "He fell."

Brooke rushes over to Ridge's side. I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.


Ridge: "I had help."

Thorne, tired of the cat and mouse, admits: "I pushed him."


Brooke: "Not in my house." Oh stop with the southern belle routine.

Thorne: "Well, he wouldn't get out of my face."

Brooke repeats: "Not in my house." Brooke, I love you, but you are seriously pissing me off today.

Thorne, contrite: "I'm sorry."

Ridge: "He's not sorry. We should send him to his room." Shut up, you asshole! But hey, send him to his room. I'll bet it's right next to Brooke's.


Thorne: "Do you ever shut up?" Nope...unless he's unconscious and probably not even thenb.

Brooke: "Stop it! I'm not gonna let my house be the battleground for this never-ending contest between the two of you. Look, if you can't get along, at least show some respect for each other." Respect has to be earned, Brooke, and Ridge has done diddly squat to earn Thorne's respect.

Thorne: "Does he even know the meaning of the word? How much respect did he show you and my father with Quinn?"

Ridge: "See, this is typical from my little brother. He sticks his nose where it doesn't belong." Perhaps but it doesn't make him wrong.

Brooke: "Why do you have to call Thorne that when you know he hates it?" Because he's a dick.

Thorne: "Your answer's in your question, Brooke." I love his eyebrow raise here.


Ridge: "It's so easy to make fun of him, I kind of like it." He's not just A dick. He's an entire case of dick. With a side of douche.


Thorne: "You know, you talk just so you can dominate the room. You know, he likes to steer the conversation away from topics unflattering to him. He talks for attention, hoping to be mistaken for a wit or an expert, even. And then, of course, he talks to seduce."

Ridge is helped to his feet by Brooke and seriously, get some exercise, slob. He feigns ignorance: "Sorry, did you say something?"


Brooke chides: "Ridge..."

Ridge: "I mean, did you say something new? You didn't, did you? It's hard to fathom that this guy, he's built his whole life on resentment." Can't imagine what he would have to be resentful about.

Brooke: "Why does it have to be this way? Why can't you see in each other what I see in you?" What's there to see in Ridge, exactly?


Thorne: "Because for far too many years, I've seen too much else."

Ridge: "What he said."

Brooke: "Ridge... I think you should just leave." That's about the only right thing she's said all day.

Ridge whiny: "Why am I leaving? I didn't push anybody."


Thorne: "Why are you even here? Does he just come and go as he pleases?"

Ridge: "Our son lives here." Do you even remember his name, Ridge? And you didn't come here to see Slouchey. You came to pee on Brooke's leg.

Thorne calls him out on this: "I don't see him."

Ridge: "This is also the home of my once-and-future wife." No to the future. No. No. NO.

Thorne: "Wow, you're so attentive when she's legally married to someone else. It's quite amazing." He has Ridge dead to rights here. The second Brooke is involved with someone else, Ridge just has to come around sniffing. Married or not.

Brooke: "Yes, you're right. This is my home, and I'm the one in charge here, and I would like you to leave." 

Ridge sighs: "Okay. All good for you. There's something else to put in your diary. You've won the day without playing your trump card. Good job."

Thorne: "Didn't realize I had one."

Ridge: "You didn't realize you had one? You play it all the time."

Thorne: "Oh..."

Ridge: "Right? Ridge Marone, I'm a fake."

Thorne: "Facts are facts. And that one accounts for so much of your thuggish behavior that keeps you King of the Sandbox."


Ridge: "Oh, but here's something you don't know about the King of the Sandbox... I have a trump card myself. Well, think about it...you have your DNA, you have your pedigree, you even have the sympathy vote." Fuck him in the ass with a chainsaw for mentioning this last bit and making a mockery of the deaths of Macy, Darla, and Aly. "What you don't have is even an ounce of talent. You keep calling me a bully, and first of all, a grown man shouldn't use that word (DAFAQ?), but, okay, for you, I didn't bully my way to the top of my profession. I earned it, and you were in the basement not because of me, but because of you, because that was the place where you do the least amount of damage. Your DNA, your pedigree, your chromosomes, they're the only thing that kept you from being fired."


I wish Thorne would wipe the floor with him, his big brother who's supposed to be his protector, instead of his tormentor. I would very much like for this bully (and yes there are bullies in ADULTHOOD, too, motherfucker!) to have the tables be turned for a change.

Brooke: "Ridge, come on."

Ridge: "What?"

Brooke: "Let's go. Really. It's time to go." The fact that she has to kick him out should resonate how very, very wrong he is. For her and anyone woman with half a brain cell.

Thorne: "Oh, he's been singing the same song since I was old enough to shave."

Ridge, continuing to mock: "You did what? How...when did that happen? No one tells me anything! You started shaving? This day is full of surprises."

And before anyone can blink and because he is truly just that petty and spiteful and prickish, Ridge shoves Thorne.  It IS different than Thorne shoving him because Ridge is doing it just because he can. 


Brooke: "Ridge! My God."

Ridge just laughs: "That did feel good. I'll see you later. Love you." He gives her a swift peck on the lips. All for Thorne's benefit, of course. But Thorne DID get to him. Just a bit. He leaves then. Finally. Change your locks, Brooke.

Brooke sighs and steps over to the couch: "Are you okay?"

Thorne: "Yeah, I'm fine. It was nothing compared to growing up with him, living in the same house."

Brooke: "I'm so disappointed in him. In both of you." Dafuq are you disappointed in Thorne for?

Thorne: "A lifetime of dysfunction...you can't just wish it away. And he called you his once-and-future wife."

Brooke just laughs: "Yeah. He does that." So stop him...unless, of course, you want to sign up for round #666 of the heartache and pain of being Mrs. Ridge Forrester.

Thorne: "Is he right? You know, all of your disappointments in Ridge have nothing to do with me."

Brooke: "That's fair enough."

Thorne: "He just needs to win. With me, with you. And as soon as he does, he loses interest. Now, you say yes to him, suddenly he's interested in my dad's wife again. Don't do it to yourself." That's exactly what's happening under the surface, with him sniffing around Quinn, trying to pretend he's not. And Brooke hasn't even said "yes" yet.

Brooke: "He regrets what he did with Q'uinn. I really believe that." Then you are an idiot, Brooke. 

This is Ridge:


Thorne: "Well, his regrets don't last very long. Which is why you've had to forgive him every six months since you first laid eyes on him. I know you love him."

Brooke: "I suspect you do, too."

Thorne: "Well, people who work with wild animals love them, too, but they keep their distance."

Brooke giggles some more and OMG, this is annoying: "I don't know, I just...I like being with somebody. I don't want to be alone. I like that feeling of having a relationship and them being my best friend and my partner, my equal, my lover. I like to feel like I belong with somebody." Excuse me while I mourn for the feminist movement that just took about a hundred steps backward with this statement. 

Thorne: "Well, you don't have to belong to him. There are other ways not to be alone."

Brooke: "Like what?" She looks at him expectantly. 

Rather than tell her, Thorne shows her by swooping in for a kiss.


While she doesn't exactly reciprocate, she doesn't push him away either. 

In fact, she looks pretty intrigued.


Yep, there's definite interest in those sparkling green eyes.


While I'm not thrilled about the possibility of her rushing into another relationship, especially when the coals that were Brill are barely cold, if being with Thorne keeps her away from The Hobo, so be it.

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I have to say, seeing those pictures of TK grinning has me more convinced than ever that there were about 100 re-shoots of those scenes, because I bet they were both cracking up over the ridiculousness of it all.  I think I even saw a little smile from KKL at some point.

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Bill, Thorne, Ridge. Does this woman have no self respect? Tell all of them to get out of your house and stay out!!! Don’t ring my doorbell, don’t talk to me at FC or anywhere else!!! 

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

Do you mean that beach wavy thing?  *ducks* I think it looks awful too.

I can't say that I'm liking it that well myself. I like the length but not the beachy waves. I think part of the problem is the color and then next, that hairstyle doesn't go with the type of clothes Brooke has been wearing lately. The casual bed head look and elegant dresses and jewelry don't go together. The waves would look fine, I'm sure, with jeans and tops. (That hairstyle would have rocked with the peasant top and jeans Brooke wore during the Australia reunion with Bill.)  I liked Brooke's hair when she had it cut several years ago in Paris. With her current haircut, she should be able to style it up or down. Straighten it out for the dressy looks and waves for casual. Get some lowlights or something.  As I've said before, it's not going to matter because I'll bet KKL is letting her hair grow out as we speak and in a few weeks, it will be back close to it's former length (either grown or with extensions.)

While we're on Brooke, how presumptuous is Thorne that Brooke would marry him?  Especially right now. I felt especially bad for Macy and Darla (not Taylor, though) today with Thorne's proclamations. I guess in the big scheme of things, they, too, didn't fare well when compared to the Golden Cooter. Yeah. I agree. Brooke needs to send all of them packing and just be on her own for a while, but that argument was firmly ended yesterday. And we've seen that the last time Brooke was alone for too long, she started drinking (which was a joke.) At this point, I'd be happy to see her reunite with Bill.

I was also wondering what was up with "Simon*" and Slouchy is suddenly a designer. Want to bet Sludge does some intense "mentoring' with "the boy" and his designs hit the FC spring collection over Thorne's? *I'm guessing that he also stars on some CBS sister show and is making a cameo? Otherwise, I got nothin' on that random walk-on ...

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Well, every other Forrester besides Steffy has taken a stab at designing, so why not RJ? If it gives him a purpose beyond butting his barely legal ass in his parents' business, I'm all for it.

(I suspect this is being used to get RJ to bond with Thorne, only to blow up the way Bridget did when she found out about Throoke 1.0, however. But at least Coco "entitlement lady in line to the entitlement crown" Spectra will be too busy cheerleading Lally to pay him any mind this time)

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10 hours ago, grisgris said:
13 hours ago, ByTor said:

Do you mean that beach wavy thing?  *ducks* I think it looks awful too.

I can't say that I'm liking it that well myself. I like the length but not the beachy waves.

What I'm not a fan of it how flat it looks on top & the waves look oddly separated.  I personally think she'd look a lot better if she lost a couple more inches & wore it blunt..or maybe the modern shag look I've been seeing a lot lately.  I agree about lowlights also.

10 hours ago, grisgris said:

I was also wondering what was up with "Simon*"

Me too.  Is he another one from some CBS reality show?

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A whole lot of nothing happened yesterday.

We have Slouchey throwing his hat in the ring to be a designer and Ridge immediately jumping on board to help, a complete contrast to his attitude with Thorne's designs. I just can't take this little pipsqueak seriously. Nor should anyone else.


We have Maya and Nicole and her awful wig gossiping about Brooke and Thorne like two teenagers.

Is it just me or does Nicole look like she's starring in yet another remake of Attack of the 50-Foot Woman?


Shouldn't Nicole be back in Paris already - we all know how Zende gets when he doesn't have a woman by his side.

We have Thorne proposing to Brooke. Yes, already.



Dude, you have changed clothes ONCE since you've returned to LA. Slow your roll.

I said I was fine with him smooching Brooke under the mistletoe come Christmas time and letting things play out in 2018. Clearly, TPTB, whom we all know lurk here, took that to mean, eff all that slow build and go straight to yet another marriage for Brooke.

I am still hanging on to this show for some strange reason, but a Thorne/Brooke/Ridge triangle is not part of the equation, namely, because they are TOO FUCKING OLD to still be doing this.

Quinn designs not one, but two, engagement rings for Ridge to propose to Brooke with and yeah, I'm sure Brooke would love a ring made by the woman who broke up her last engagement to Ridge. I don't know if it's better or worse than Satanie's ring.

I do have to admit that the emerald cut is gorgeous. It's the same cut as my e-ring.


There's also this cute British boy (and yes, he looks like he should be in the next One Direction) flirting with Ivy and who can blame him?


Although Simon's portrayer (Achilles Andreas) is actually Greek and the son of the Crown Prince of Greece. He's cute, legal, and has an accent to boot. If Katie can be paired up with her ex-stepson Wyatt who's a good decade younger, Ivy can certainly have some fun with this one.

ETA: I love Brooke's shorter 'do, but agree that these beach waves aren't working for her. Beach waves done right look gorgeous on any woman, but these are just clumped together with no movement or life to them. The one-dimensional crayon yellow color isn't doing the haircut justice. 

Her hair looks so much cuter here and IR is just adorable, showing a sexy man will always be sexy, not matter what he is or isn't wearing.


Edited by CountryGirl
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48 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Her hair looks so much cuter here and IR is just adorable, showing a sexy man will always be sexy, not matter what he is or isn't wearing.


Ummm, Brooke...if you don't marry him I WILL!

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I know Brooke's destiny turns with the breeze but I would hope she'd hold out for a better proposal than, "that dude's the worst and I'm not. Let's get hitched" five seconds after being forced to relive - in great detail - a heartbreaking experience. Sorry, Thorn can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned. Just because he's less of a jerk than Ridge isn't enough for me. Brooke if you don't want to be alone, go find Loading Dock Guy. He won't woo you just to spite his brother. 

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8 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Is Simon's portrayer related to Allison's portrayer? ($$$'s receptionist)  I seem to think she's a princess of Greece.

He's her nephew!

Edited by ByTor
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On 2017-12-12 at 3:06 PM, Pickles said:

I don't like Thorne's voice. It is too hushed and melodious, if that makes sense. It sounds pervy to me. And of course, Brooke has two men battling over her hand in marriage.

Brooke has two men after her with bad voices!  I have never liked the new Ridge or his voice, what is wrong with it, he has permanent laryngitis!  Makes my skin crawl!  

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47 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Please erase what I said about him hooking up with Ivy...I feel dirty now.

LOL don't feel bad, some legal guys are just young looking :)

Edited by ByTor
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9 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Today was a real Barf Berger. I can't understand why TIIC think it's a good idea to have a Stuffy montage. It does nothing but show how much Stuffy has ruined her face.  

Also unwise timing 


with Hope coming soon

So many of those scenes of their "best memories" were when he was cheating on Hope. The night before he married Hope. While Hope was stuck in a gondola. And on, and on...

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On 12/12/2017 at 5:28 PM, CountryGirl said:

his big brother who's supposed to be his protector, instead of his tormentor.

As someone who grew up with two older brothers I believe you might have these reversed. 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

If Stef gets pregnant by Bill what will she name the baby? ? He already has TWO sons named after him. 

I figured Phoebe was a given if it were a girl, or possibly Kelly. Maybe Cooper for a boy.

I'm not sure which way they're gonna pull this story ultimately. Bill already has three sons, but he needs another child far less than Liam does. OTOH, I don't want Sally or Hope having to put up with Steffy's weaponization of the baby if it ends up being Liam's; he'll be waffling enough as it is the minute Steffy finally does move on for good without having a child to dangle over his head.

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Yep. Don't think that little nugget of Steffy's getting the text about her annual doctor's appointment today went unnoticed.

OMG! I am so tired of Steffy and Liam rehashing the same old stuff over and over and over. Steffy looked bad in that bikini. (No. I mean, bad, as in unappealing.) Yes, you can bounce a quarter off her stomach, but her skin looked like leather. Something was very off. I thought her bikini was kind of cute but would look better on a woman with a more curvaceous body that would go with the ruffled straps. Maybe it was the color.  That horrible pompadour and braid she's been sporting looks like a dead animal I saw off the side of the road the other morning.

I was so bored today I forgot most of what did (n't) happen. I ff-d through a montage of crap. Bill yelled at Justin and Wyatt and he and Liam hugged something out. Yawn ... Can we get to something good and interesting, please? The Steam/Lame story needs to get moving and the Brooke/Thorne needs to slow wa-a-ay down. Is there anything else to offer?

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9 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

If Stef gets pregnant by Bill what will she name the baby? ? He already has TWO sons named after him. 

Liam will want to name "his" kid after his most wonderful and loving father. Probably William/Wilhelmina The Magnificent Spencer just to continue the humiliation this show is having such a good time heaping on him. Steffy will struggle to scrunch her face into something like an expression, but ultimately will let him do it because she is a pile of plastic trash.

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21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Her hair looks so much cuter here and IR is just adorable, showing a sexy man will always be sexy, not matter what he is or isn't wearing.


oki hope the picture posts with this , because THIS is the Brooke and Thorn I Want to see.

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14 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

As someone who grew up with two older brothers I believe you might have these reversed. 


I grew up with THREE older brothers and two older sisters...and yes, there was the normal teasing and certainly what felt like tormenting from my older siblings (the kind that typically ended with cries of "MO-OOOOMMMM!" but nothing that ever came close to how Ridge has treated Thorne all these years like shit stuck to his shoe.

The other key difference is that while I might have been fair game for teasing and name-calling from my siblings and vice versa, if someone outside our sibling circle dared to try it, well, them's fightin' words. Ridge would either do nothing if someone came at Thorne or likely join in.

2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Dollar?  Cash? :)

BJ...sorry, I couldn't resist.

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Why can't whoever's courting Brooke actually court her...like take her on dates, trips and such.  All we ever see are men declaring their love for her while she smiles coyly but we don't see any build up of any feelings on anyone's part.  At this point it looks like she's just a pawn in Ridge's and Thorne's ongoing rivalry.  I really miss the old days of soaps when a couple slowly fell in love and we fell in love along with them.  That's what gave them rooting power. 

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Here I have been waiting for Brooke to capture her inner Bitch and become the true Renaissance woman I know she can be, instead, she is choosing to stay firmly planted in a Victorian mentality. She wants a relationship, and all the touchy feely stuff, and the feeling of closeness; of being loved and adored? And she says this in the same breath as she does Ridge’s name, in all seriousness, without a hint of humor? So, Brooke doesn’t want to be alone. There is nothing wrong with that, but it doesn’t mean she has no choice but to reconcile with Rumple’s. Or she could change her focus from men / relationships to work; has Brooke completely forgotten the excitement of her heyday as FC’s CEO? It pisses me off no end how she steps aside whenever the leadership role is up for grabs; always deferring to Rick and Ridge as the only options. She has allowed herself to become a glorified folder carrier/transporter, who has some vague purpose at FC’s. Where is my fierce warrior? The girl who went after shit? The girl who set the fashion world on fire with the Men’s Line and Brooke’s Bedroom? Brooke hasn’t been the same since losing the top spot at FC’s. Ok, so maybe work isn’t the answer, but there is still a whole world of stuff out there that Brooke could get involved in. How about picking up her and Stephanie’s homeless cause? With Brooke’s fame and name, she could get involved with so many worthy causes and could really make a difference. But it seems like all she wants is someone to warm her bed and lay beside her at night. All right, there are ways around that too. For me, it would be the easiest thing in the world, cause I have Squad Goals:


See, those lovelies would keep you warm and safe at night, and would fill your bed up quite nicely. Oh, and there are so many other added benefits too: like loyalty, undivided love and devotion, and someone to greet you at the door each night with excitement, a wet tongue, and a wagging tail. The most important benefit though, would be your safety; you would never again have to worry about unwelcome quests climbing into bed with you and having drug induced sex.  But alas, it seems that we are destined for another Brooke/Ridge triangle with his brother instead of Taylor. And for fucks sake I.Just.CAN’T. Brooke looks like an idiot as she keeps defending Ridge for the indefensible. As much as I love her, I am to the point of not caring. After her masterful smack down of Rumple’s back in Australia, when she had that moment of clarity, it is painful to see her right back at square one. If I had to keep making statements like “Oh, Mr. R didn’t mean it”, or “Mr. R isn’t interested in his MIL, they only shared a few kisses, but he is really sorry, and has said he will never do it again”, I would hope someone that loves me would slap the bitch shit right out of me. I have never been a Bridge shipper, always preferring Ridge with Taylor, and Brooke with……..well anyone but Ridge, but loved her with Eric (round 1), Connor Davis, Thorne and Nick. But I am prepared to say there may have been a time for Bridge, but that was before, Mothuuuuur, decisions, betrayals, Thomas, Taytots, two deaths, fake heart attacks, viciousness in Venice, text message annulments and making out with our mother-in-law, just to name a few. It is all just too much. When I think of Bridge reuniting, I feel like I am standing in quicksand, while watching Brooke and Ridge trying to navigate through the waist deep muck that is Bridge. There is nothing romantic about this pairing. For Ridge it is always about besting someone; he only wants Brooke when there is a challenge involved. He sees Brooke as an object, a prize to be won, or a way to stick it to someone he dislikes. For Brooke, it is habit, and the ease of falling back into old ways. No, there is absolutely nothing romantic going on here. It feels dirty. It feels cheap. It feels like a nasty habit. It feels like a carpet that has been down for decades, and is now dingy, threadbare, and gross. It makes Brooke look too fucking stupid for words. Even so, I don’t want some insta romance/engagement with Thorne either. Show has got me sick with annoyance and disgust.

Absolute Tomfuckery

I am also to the point that I don’t care if Liam finds out. I am sick, sick, sick to death of hearing him apologize to Steffy. And in all honesty, watching Bill twist in the wind, eaten up with guilt, while still pining for his tramp DIL, is making for some good viewing. But those silly kids were on a break; Liam will just have to understand that Bill and Steffy thought her marriage was over. Liam kissed Sally, so the natural thing for Bill and Steffy to do was fuck each other. Right?

What is the actual deal with Ridge and Quinn? Ridge is talking to RJ about Brooke as he fantasizes about Quinn? And if they have both forgotten about it and moved on; why do they keep bringing it up and congratulating themselves for no longer kissing? Oh right, they aren’t doing that; they are congratulating each other on being “friends”. Right. WHAT.THE.FUCK.EVER.

I am ok with RJ wanting to design; it makes a hella more since than Zende. But please, let the boy grow and learn.

Rick and Maya were in Africa? And they knew Maya?

Simon was adorable! And anyone who notices Ivy is A OK in my book.

Brooke’s hair. Well, I loved the short bobbish thing she was working when Thorne first appeared. And the waves looked good at first, but now? I know it is supposed to be the same day, but now those waves look like a crimping gone wrong. They are stiff, and look like a ring of little swords surrounding Brooke’s head. But the dress, jewelry and makeup are doing wonders to counteract it.

Something tells me that Ingo, Thorsten, and Kelly are loving this stuff. I love when they pair a group of vets like this. I agree with the above that you could see they were all barely holding it together, and just containing their laughter. I mean after all, Ridge and Thorne were acting like two overgrown children. I would love to see the bloopers from these episodes. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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32 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill twist in the wind, eaten up with guilt, while still pining for his tramp DIL

I REALLY got pissed when Liam & Wyatt were telling Bill how they understand he is sad not being with the woman he loves (meaning Brooke, of course), with Bill going "yeah" but meaning Steffy *yuck*

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Recap for Wednesday, 12/13/17:

This will be somewhat abbreviated because in this season of giving, I want to spare you (and yes, myself) from the snoozefest that was yesterday's show.

Rumple is visiting Hauxdi at the beach house.


He remarks that while she hasn't seemed herself lately, today she's okay. She's been the same heiferous bitch as always, despite sporting the Elsa braid. You are no Disney princess.

Steffy insists she and Liam have put what happened with Sally behind them.

Ridge, as self-serving as always, notes: "People do bad things. It doesn't mean they're bad people." I beg to differ. Does it mean people will always be defined by their bad choices? No, but when one isn't even honest and truly remorseful about what they've done? Yeah, they suck at life.

He's so proud of his widdle girl for forgiving Liam. Ugh. Liam didn't do anything to be forgiven for. I mean, in the scheme of Ridge Forrester shenanigans, Liam's kissing Sally doesn't even register.

Steffy shrugs it off just like she's shrugged off shagging Bill, saying: "Marriages are always challenged - you can't get stuck in the blame and the guilt." She really does live in her own little world. 

She insists nothing will come between her and Liam again. I'd say something is about to...the bun in your oven for starters.

Ridge: "Sometimes you have to almost lose what you care about to realize how  precious it is."


That is some kind of bullshit right there, but Brooke has pretty much swallowed that whole each and every time save Sydney. If it takes losing someone to realize what they mean to you, I question how much they mean to you at all.

Ridge shows Steffy the engagement ring (he opted for the emerald cut). Steffy thinks Brooke will love it.

Ridge: "I can't imagine how Bill will react when he finds out he's lost the woman he loves, but I don't really care...Bill is a shark." He's not wrong about Bill, but since it's Ridge, I just want him to shut the hell up.

Steffy, clearly uncomfortable with any mention of her fuckbuddy, skirts the topic and says she just wants to focus on the future and the new beginnings for all of them.

They share a hug...awww....

Over at SP, Bill is equal parts foul mood and distracted and Wyatt, Justin, and Liam assume it's because of Brooke.


In a moment alone, Liam resumes his apology tour, upping the ante when he expresses appreciation for all the opportunities being Bill's son has afforded him.

Bill is visibly moved and tells Liam how much he means to him. Kudos to DD here as he's very clearly showing the chinks in Bill's stone-cold motherfucker armor. I think the reality of what he has done to Liam, the son who taught him the meaning of unconditional love, is starting to take its toll.

The two men embrace.


The strain is visible on Bill's face.


Later, Wyatt and Justin return to the office and learn Bill sent Liam home for the rest of the day. To his wife.

Wyatt mentions Steffy forgiving Liam and Bill goes ballistic, screaming at them to get to work picking up Liam's slack.

Once he's alone again, his mind falls right back into the gutter as he remembers his night with Steffy.

We wrap up back at the beach house where Liam has arrived home to a bikini-clad Steffy.

It is not flattering IMO, but judge for yourself. 


They're all lovey-dovey and it's just gross to watch.

He fills her in on the recent conversation and he says how Bill is struggling right now (again, assuming it's because of Brooke).

Steffy, who is really the stone cold one in this bunch snits that he just needs to put everything in the past, like they have.

She wants to just forget all about the bad times and move forward. How convenient for her.

Cue the Steamless flashbacks and wow, JMW must cringe when she sees her face from just a few years ago. Night and day, people. Night and day.

My favorite was when they showed her putting on Hope's ring when it was still warm from the latter's finger. That's some classy romance right there.

Runner up was the bride from hell when Steffy and her toilet paper dress and veil traipsed up to idiot Liam on an Aspen mountaintop. Meanwhile, Hope was screaming and banging on the gondola Steffy and her minions trapped her in.


Proof positive that from its infancy, the Steamless pairing was based on nothing but lies, lies, and more lies.

All I want for Christmas is for Hauxdi to get her comeuppance - even if I have to wait until 2018. I'm a patient gal.

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13 hours ago, grisgris said:

Yep. Don't think that little nugget of Steffy's getting the text about her annual doctor's appointment today went unnoticed.

It didn't go unnoticed by me either. I'd say her pregnancy will be revealed and my money is on it being Bill's. Not that he needs another kid, but we've already seen plenty of hints that Bill's swimmers will succeed where Liam's didn't (Steffy's conversation with Bill about how they'd been "trying and trying but so far, nothing" and Liam, the night of his confession/Swill boink, telling her he hoped for a family but realized it may not be in the cards for them).

We haven't seen Liam and Steffy have sex since the Swill boink and I doubt much was going on in that department given their estrangement over Spectra, but there was probably some sex in there somewhere just to throw the WTD that TPTB can't resist trotting out every other year or so in play.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Lol at NuThorne going from wearing the same clothes for almost three weeks to wearing just a wrinkled shirt and swim trunks. I'm thinking either IR's contract is so huge that B&B now can't afford to give him a decent wardrobe, or they really got him on the cheap and are determined to spend as little on him as possible. I've watched plenty of shows to see what the female characters were wearing but this may be the first time I've done so because of a male character. This is hilarious.

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Is Brooke even divorced from Bill?  The snow hasn't even melted or her golden cooter hasn't cooled down from riding her stallion but two men want her to be their wife. 

Aly Designs. Why, if it's named after his young daughter, is it a high fashion line?  Aly would never wear dresses like that.  Since Aly was a big fan of Hope and Hope For The Future, Thorne would be designing in that ilk.  

Why haven't Brooke's eyes turned Brown after all that ??Ridge was feeding her.  But alas, her eyes are still blue and her skin is glowing because she takes Ridge's ?? as admiration. 

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Over at SP, Bill is equal parts foul mood and distracted and Wyatt, Justin, and Liam assume it's because of Brooke.



Bill looks like he's trying to not so subtly shift to pass gas or his hemorrhoids are bothering him.

Steffy had sex with Liam the day before the implosion, Bill the day after and I believe Liam again that same night or the next day. So that sperm was allllll mixed up in there.

Hoepfully Bell won't try the twins by two dads so that neither Liam nor Bill is free of Steffy.

I get Thorne naming his line after Aly but he should've gone wit her full name Alexandra if it was to be high fashion line. Aly Forrester sounds a bit more hip and more aligned as a subline of Spectra- which is where this line really should end up as well as Thorne. Rather than be Sally's white knight, he can be her benefactor (but not sugar daddy) who helps relaunch the fashion house that both his wives adored and who he can be of actual legitimate help to. Sally as the main talent with Aly Forrester being a brand name that draws the people in. RJ's line can battle Thorne's with Thorne kicking RJ's ass. Unless the show goes the insulting route and have Coco be the face of Aly Forrester with Thorne as benefactor and RJ vs Coco fashion wars commence.

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For the love of gawd and all things holy....or unholy....someone please drop the boom on Stuffy.  Liam singing Stuffy's praises is so gawddamn sappy and sugary sweet that my teeth hurt (I have dentures....how 'bout that for hurting) and my blood glucose level has gone up 386 points. 

And Brooke, please tell the unwashed mass on his knees that the ship has sailed.

Gawd, someone pass me the Tylenol.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


Steffy had sex with Liam the day before the implosion, Bill the day after and I believe Liam again that same night or the next day. So that sperm was allllll mixed up in there.

Hoepfully Bell won't try the twins by two dads so that neither Liam nor Bill is free of Steffy.

Are they going to use another recycled story line where birth control failed?  Caroline now Stuffy.  Liam and Bill each can be the father of a fraternal twins.   If it's a single birth, it has to be one or the other.  

Edited by Waldo13
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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

My favorite was when they showed her putting on Hope's ring when it was still warm from the latter's finger. That's some classy romance right there.

It's like back in the day when TPTB would flashback to when Brooke and Ridge first met when she was catering an event, and it wasn' till years later when that one user on YT uploaded the whole first season that I saw the whole exchange when Ridge had mistaken her for Caroline ??

And that was still more romantic than Steam's Aspen bullshit wedding where Steffy was a bitch and Liam wanted someone to play Hide the Salami with.

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol at NuThorne going from wearing the same clothes for almost three weeks to wearing just a wrinkled shirt and swim trunks.

Hey, I liked the combo! Especially the part where he was topless! ?

He still wore it better than Ridge, btw.

1 hour ago, SimplePleasures said:

And Brooke, please tell the unwashed mass on his knees that the ship has sailed.

Can someone tell that to Brad Bell, too? Twice they've put these two together. Twice, it's fallen flat on its ass. And that' even before getting into their history prior to his recast.

57 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Are they going to use another recycled story line where birth control failed?  Caroline now Stuffy.

Also Bridget, but to the writers' credit, it made sense that in the stress of losing her surrogate pregnancy that she'd forget about St John's wort messing with her pills.

Also, if she and Waffles were trying to make an Eggo Mini, why the hell would she be on BCP anyway?

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