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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Either IR's Thorne will revert to his never-winning, bland personality or he will be shipped off back to Paris.  IR's Thorne is light-years ahead of TK's Ridge in attractiveness, charm, etc.  If the show doesn't take advantage of this to reboot Thorne, beyond his relatively newfound desire to design, TPTB should be fired.  

Or, I suppose TK could call it quits.  I can't see him being ok with being upstaged by a B&B newcomer.  But, upstaged he is.  TK has never ever worked as Ridge.  Looks aside, his characterization of Ridge is brusque, mean-spirited and charmless.  At least RM had his looks, was pretty good at light humor and had a degree of charm.  TK has none of that.  And it's going to become increasingly apparent when he and IR square off.

Even when TK's version of Ridge is dressed in a suit, he still comes across looking rumpled--like someone who slept on a park bench after an all-night bender.  Whenever he's showing out with Brooke, he comes across like that pesky cockroach folks repeatedly step on, but it just won't die.  He's beyond annoying at this point with his "Me Ridge--You Brooke" routine.  Why is it any of his fucking business that Brooke has Thorne staying at her house?  

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7 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

We never saw Thorne doing whatever he does in the basement so we don't know if he was flirting with people at Forrester or not.  Thorne is a relatively attractive rich guy who is a Forrester so I don't see why he wouldn't have gotten any play from models, basement workers or whoever.  He just didn't attract as much attention as Ridge.

I concur:

Since when has Thorne become a heart throb?  I guess he had a lot going on in his shipping and receiving office in the basement.  

Another pissing contest between Ridge and anyone who challenges him being THE Alpha Male. Nobody is immune. 

As an aside, my brother has been calling me his little brother most of my adult life. I always took as a term of endearment. 

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Thorne has always been the "nice" Forrester brother.  He was very handsome and was loved and respected by his employees but he did not have the arrogant swagger this his half-brother had.  Many women are attracted to the bad boy type.  However, IR's Thorne has come back to Forrester with a new found confidence.  When you add this confidence to his looks and respectful nature you get the whole package that makes up a chick magnet.  He has everything Ridge has to offer and more....Thorne is not an arrogant asshole.   

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Is it just me, or has Sludge looked even more disheveled than usual the past few days? (I'm not even talking in comparison to nuThorne.) I was thinking more in his scenes with Brooke. Well, Bradley Bell has sort of redeemed himself by the new Thorne recast. (I guess I am a party of one but I didn't find anything special about WH. He had a hot body back in the day ... I read on another site that WH's accent is "Louisiana." )

Speaking of being horrifically shallow today ... I loved Brooke's sassy beach-waved bob yesterday. She looked red hot in that scarlet dress, too. I still have money on the line that as soon as she fan approval, novelty, etc.,  has worn off, KKL is going to let her hair grow out again.

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5 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Either IR's Thorne will revert to his never-winning, bland personality or he will be shipped off back to Paris.  IR's Thorne is light-years ahead of TK's Ridge in attractiveness, charm, etc.  If the show doesn't take advantage of this to reboot Thorne, beyond his relatively newfound desire to design, TPTB should be fired.  

I think TK is better looking. He was smoking hot in “Smash” as Anjelica Huston’s love interest.

Edited by LittleIggy
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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I only caught a few minutes of yesterday's show.

Enough to confirm what we already know - lying heifers are gonna keep lying.

Not to mention putting the UGLY in ugly cry:



And here's the moment when the lightbulb went on that no matter how she broke it down, Liam was never gonna get it (whoo whoo whoo whoo!) and she could continue getting off scot-free:


All her crocodile tears dried up...just like that (TM Brooke).


Aannnnd she's still thinking about $ Bill.





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First of all, it's been a real pleasure to watch an entire episode!

Boy, I'll say this about Ridge.  Like his mother, the former wife he doesn't remember and their daughter, he is the King of Projection.  Ever since Brooke moved back home, that creep has been putting the full court press on her.  It includes using language such as "our home" as if he actually lives there and pays any bills there.  It includes throwing his son as a football only to have his slouchy little butt land as incomplete forward passes.  It includes blocking any and every man who dares to look Brooke's way.  It includes presumptuously announcing that he and Brooke are "definitely" back on when that is not true.  But, he claims that Thorne is "up to something."  Really?  Look in the mirror, bruh.

Ridge actually bitches and moans because Thorne was in Paris for a while and didn't come back home for the family and other events and turmoil.  Yet, Thorne never left Forrester Creations and worked in Paris so in a certain sense he was still involved with the family.  Contrast that with Ridge, who also went to Paris after dumping Brooke on their honeymoon and remained incommunicado from the rest of his family.   In fact, Ridge kept his rancid rump there for approx. 18 months.  He had nothing to do with his family even though his daughter lost a child; he hadn't designed one glad rag; and he didn't even come back to help his mother transition and even missed her "home going" party.  Then he pops back into town expecting to arrogantly pick up where he and Brooke left off with his funky rose petals.  He shows up at Forrester Creations and starts throwing his weight around, including attacking Rick and Hope, and firing Oliver.

Now, either all that hair gel has seeped into his brain and his memory is foggy but it's amazing what that jackass seems to have forgotten in his haste to project his B.S. onto Thorne.

And, yes, creep.  When someone point blanks asks you to stop calling him a nickname, and you persist, it's obvious that it's with malice and that you're now using the nickname as a pejorative.  And, I can't believe Ridge mentioned Zende being an "up and coming designer."  Ruh-ROH?!  Let's see, Zende was a frigging fashion photographer and became a couture designer in the space of a couple of weeks.  And, that was after a lot of whining.  The swimwear he designed for the Spencer Summit was unremarkable and looked like something one could purchase at any mid-level department store.  I realize that TPTB have yet to recast Zende, but this is one of those instances where I have to ask, "What has he done for me lately?"

I've watched Ridge's body language to see if I missed something to justify Ridge's squawking.  Excuse me while I laugh my butt off because from the moment Thorne walked through Eric's door the day after Thanksgiving, it's been Ridge who's had a bug up his rancid butt about Thorne returning home.  From squawking about the fact that Thorne is staying at Brooke's as if that was any of his business.  Then it went to walking into Eric's office and squawking about a "meeting" taking place without him.  Now, isn't that special?  Here is the King of Projection again.  What's the matter, Ridge?  Scared that someone is planning a coup the way you and your equally rancid daughter did?  I'm sorry, but Ridge is a jackass pure and simple.  He's rude, dismissive and condescending.  He's clearly jealous and feels threatened and wants to clearly undermine Thorne's confidence.  

All I can say is, "Get in that ass, Thorne!"

BTW--AB is such a lovely young woman and she reminds me of a younger Elizabeth Taylor.  Why they don't use her more and give her a major storyline is a mystery.

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"Thorne's changed." "Maybe he's come back to L.A. a different man." (I am paraphrasing, but those numerous throw-away remarks today were hilarious!)

Just when I didn't think it was possible to detest Ridge any more than I already do ... today's episode ... This pig needs to take his rumpled ass and slink back to the s(t)inkhole he crawled out of.  So Thorne's designs "lacked cohesiveness" and "showed inexperience." Da fuq? I truly believe that Sludge is threatened by not only Thorne's emerging talent, but Thomas's as well. "There are no openings on the design team???" Wasn't that the line of crap he gave to Thomas, but "overnight sensation" But Zende is not only welcomed with open arms but mentored by King Ridge himself. 

I liked the little digs about Kristen Felicia and Thorne -- all Eric's children -- being designers.   Hey, all's fair in love and war!

I hope that Thorne's line is a sales/media all-time high for FC and he walks away with Brooke, too.

I saw some smoldering embers of Quidge today when Quinn was fondly remembering Ridge and the necklace.

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My apologies to anyone who loves Ingo, but to me, and my soap viewing friends, we find Ingo to come off as rather skeevy.  I don't know if it's his "look" or whatever, but we just st aren't liking this recast at all.  And as far as TK is concerned, I've always felt he looked like he needed a good shower, shave and shampoo.  The guy looks like he slept in a dumpster.   With Stuffy, Thorne and Ridge on my dislike list, I'm not sure if I'm going to be watching this show as closely as I once was.  

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6 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

Not on this show, but I loved him on AllMy Children. He did have charm! I swear he did!

Before his time on All My Children, Thorsten Kaye portrayed Irish poet Patrick Thornhart on One Life to Live.  He was gorgeous back then.  I loved his long hair and rogue charm.  His love interest was Marty Saybrook who was portrayed by Susan Haskell who also happens to be Thorsten Kaye's real-life paramour as well.

Edited by SimplePleasures
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7 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

Before his time on All My Children, Thorsten Kaye portrayed Irish poet Patrick Thornhart on One Life to Live.  He was gorgeous back then.  I loved his long hair and rogue charm.  His love interest was Marty Saybrook who was portrayed by Susan Haskell who also happens to be Thorsten Kaye's real-life paramour as well.

YES, he did look good back in the day, but not so much now, and I wonder why?   Has Brad Bell written him as a scruffy guy?   Is it because Bell thinks fashion designers are kooky looking?  But he hasn't written Eric like that.  If that's the case, he needs  to check out designers like Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren and Georgio Armani, who present themselves as well groomed.  Sure, you fine a couple who are flamboyant like Karl Lagerfeld, but for the most part, designers don't present themselves like they are in need of a flea dip.  

How long will we have to put up with Stuffy's histrionics?   Anyone taking bets how long this insanity will go on before Stuffy cracks or someone overhears Bill and Stuffy talking?  

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15 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Excuse me while I laugh my butt off because from the moment Thorne walked through Eric's door the day after Thanksgiving, it's been Ridge who's had a bug up his rancid butt about Thorne returning home.  From squawking about the fact that Thorne is staying at Brooke's as if that was any of his business.  Then it went to walking into Eric's office and squawking about a "meeting" taking place without him.  Now, isn't that special?  Here is the King of Projection again.  What's the matter, Ridge?  Scared that someone is planning a coup the way you and your equally rancid daughter did?  I'm sorry, but Ridge is a jackass pure and simple.  He's rude, dismissive and condescending.  He's clearly jealous and feels threatened and wants to clearly undermine Thorne's confidence.  

All I can say is, "Get in that ass, Thorne!"

BTW--AB is such a lovely young woman and she reminds me of a younger Elizabeth Taylor.  Why they don't use her more and give her a major storyline is a mystery.

Word to your entire post, @MulletorHater, but especially what I put in bold. I swear every time Ridge shows up on screen lately, all he does is this:

I'm so over Ridge, and his portrayer. I used to love me some TK back in the day. Now, not so much.

A major storyline featuring AB would be fantastic. She's more of a classic soap heroine than Stuffy von Heiferstein.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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I would love to see Ivy get a more substantial role, but I am at a loss to think of how she could be incorporated into the current hot mess. We don't need a third (fourth?) contender for Lame.  I guess she could battle Katie to reunite with Wyatt. I have read fan grumbling about a Carvy pairing (see they don't even form a decent combined name ... ) but I'm not feeling that one. I don't like the sake of coupling stray actors just for the sake of a manufactured relationship. I would rather see Ivy back with Wyatt and Katie with Carter -- now I think that would sizzle -- also I think pairing LSV with HT would coax his acting skills to a new level. (Not slamming AB by any means.)

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Speaking of AB,  I thought there was something about her face that looked different that I can't quite put my finger on.  I'm wondering if it's because her makeup was done different or if she lost some weight...I'm hoping she isn't paying some visits to a plastic surgeon :(

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Today Ridge was such an ass to Thorne! Why would Brooke leave lunch with Thorne to go back to the office with Ridge? He acts like a teenager with his first girlfriend. He had no right to follow them to lunch & demand Brooke leave with him. She needs to kick his selfish ass to the curb once and for all.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Speaking of AB,  I thought there was something about her face that looked different that I can't quite put my finger on.  I'm wondering if it's because her makeup was done different or if she lost some weight...I'm hoping she isn't paying some visits to a plastic surgeon :(

She has thickened her eyebrows and started lip filler. 


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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I don't like the sake of coupling stray actors just for the sake of a manufactured relationship.

I feel like that's basically the basis of Watie. Neither of them had any other options on canvas. Had they known Thorne was coming I bet they'd have paired her with him.

As for poor Ivy? If not Wyatt then....uh....Saul? Or grown up Deacon Jr. aka Lil D aka Eric the III. He can use her to infiltrate the Forresters as he decides how he wants to get his revenge on Rick for 'abandoning' him. 

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

She has thickened her eyebrows and started lip filler. 


Oh, please don't start going for the JMW special!  Why did she fry her hair with the blonde???  

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7 hours ago, grisgris said:


I would love to see Ivy get a more substantial role, but I am at a loss to think of how she could be incorporated into the current hot mess. We don't need a third (fourth?) contender for Lame. 


Seconded. Like I said last week in the spoiler thread, she's a weak line, storywise: she's dated both men in her age range, Bill is tied up with Steffy and Hope's status as not only a legacy character but her history with Liam is--in theory--going to be a bigger draw than anything with her reuniting with Wyatt.

I don't *want* her to leave, but AB does have natural talent to make it outside of B&B. If stiff ass Roman Flynn got picked up by TV and Kim Matula's on national TV and Mackenzie Mauzy is in movies, I know she could find a far better use of her talents.

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I really wish Brooke would take Thorne's advice to try being alone for a while and seeing how it feels.

You have to laugh at Sludge's raggedy ass actually wondering how a grown man can travel all the way to Los Angeles and not having a hotel room somewhere.  Really?!  Look in the mirror, bruh, because your bum ass has been itching to get into Brooke's house (and panties) for months now.  I also have my feelings about the way that Sheila was shoehorned into yet another storyline in her delusional quest to be "the next Mrs. Eric Forresterrrrr!" 

The Leffy portion of the show doesn't even warrant viewing, much less comment.  Oh, wait.  I have to say this.  Am I to understand that Skankerella actually looked in the mirror and all it did was yell at her "LIAR!" and "GUILTY!"  Sheeee-it!  I can think of several other things that mirror should have done, including bringing that ho-bag 7 years of bad luck.

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I'm waiting for the day that we see Liam and Stuffy in bed, making what's TIIC's concept of making love, and Stuffy fantasizes about Bill via another flashback. When was the last time that hard working CO-CEO, Stuffy, went to the office?  Does she even know that Thorne is back?  Knowing Shelia works at the restaurant, why would Eric send Brooke and Thorne there?  The one thing that you can say about Shelia is that likeTwinkies and roaches, she would survive a nuclear winter.  Peering through the plants at Brooke and Thorne, I imagined Shelia doing her best Snidely Whiplash impersonation twisting her mustache and, to paraphrase, saying Curses, I will not be foiled again.  (Actual Quote:  Curses, foiled again).  

I didn't know until today, or probably didn't remember, that Thorne and Brooke were married. So I guess, like Stuffy, Brooke also had a trifecta. It not really incest but like incest it's a game that the family can play.   

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Oh, please don't start going for the JMW special!  Why did she fry her hair with the blonde???  

This looks, skip "go" (JMW) and is heading straight to Kardashian territory. WHY?? And her hair looks terrible.

I'm glad that the dialogue today finally addressed that Brooke and Thorne had been married. With all of the vague references like, "They care about each other." "They've been close friends for ages," etc., it seemed like the brief marriage was going to be ignored or worse, treated like it never happened.

I also laughed at Sludge getting all indignant over Thorne not going to a hotel. Really? That greaseball has been a permanent squatter every since his dusty ass arrived back in L.A. what 4, 5 years ago?  He's lived with Brooke, Eric, Thomas and in the Forrester guesthouse for starters.

I am dating myself, but Fauxdi's pitiful mirror mini-meltdown made me think of the movie "Tommy." I was hoping for a full-blown psychosis like Ann-Margret had in that movie where she started having hallucinations and flashbacks and hurled a bottle of champagne through the TV screen.  (It makes me ashamed to write JMW and A-M in the same thought, because JMW could never, ever carry off a scene like that. )

Clueless Lame really doesn't get it, does he? Something is definitely wrong with his sainted spouse that goes w-a-a-y beyond a few dusty kisses in a pile of rubble. I am also getting tired of listening to him beat himself up on an hourly basis for "his betrayal," "disrespecting their marriage vows," and begging for forgiveness when that is sitting right in front of him.

I guess that is Sheila has to stick around, it would be OK with me if she is the one who overhears Bill and Steffy talking and puts two-and-two together. I'd love to see her torment Fauxdi and drive her insane. It would also be good to have Bill over a barrel with somebody who won't cave in like Lame did. I guess part of what's wrong with Sheila (besides just being written back in) is that she's so single-minded on remarrying Eric. If she could spread the evil around and let it land where it was most needed, at least it would be more interesting.

Edited by grisgris
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15 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

It's too bad Steffy doesn't have a Stephanie the way Brooke did during the Deacon fiasco. I'm so not looking forward to Stuffy boohooing over the next nine months with no one calling her out for the lowlife she is.

Drunk DGAF Taylor could've worked. But why it worked with Stephanie was because of Bridget and the depth of Stephanie's disgust and rage towards Brooke. Stephanie oddly doted on Bridget and I did believe that a big part of her ire was that she really was upset at how it would affect Bridget. I guess in her way she loved Bridget because of Eric. 

The only other person with that kind of fire is Quinn. She would've been a good one to ream Steffy's ass out if she had cheated on Wyatt and ended up pregnant with Bill or Liam's baby. She'd have forced Steffy to keep her mouth shut and make Wyatt happy leaving Bill/Liam to suffer. 

Brooke getting to call Steffy out on cheating on Liam with Bill would've been perfect full circle since Stephanie did it to her, but I can't see Brooke slut shaming Steffy over Liam's potential implosion. This show had Katie of all people go with Steffy to her doctor post miscarriage and comfort her as she learned she couldn't have kids.

But the caveat is that the last person who held up the mirror to Steffy over her skanky behavior was Hope post Bill dumping her- and it was the kindling that begat the TOD.

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On 12/6/2017 at 0:35 AM, KLovestoShop said:

My apologies to anyone who loves Ingo, but to me, and my soap viewing friends, we find Ingo to come off as rather skeevy.  I don't know if it's his "look" or whatever, but we just st aren't liking this recast at all. 

I agree. To me, he has a sinister air about him. Not at all like Thorne.

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Wow, bed father-in-law, continue to betray your husband with clandestine meetings with said FIL and by lying through omission, then compound that by making up a story about your whereabouts the night you did the deed. Shit takes a really bold, special kind of bitch. I guess Show wants me to feel bad for Steffy. Poor girl is suffering. She is distraught and is now hearing voices. That is the funny thing about guilt; it sticks to you like Velcro, and the weight and roughness of it eventually wears you down. Why should I feel any compassion for Steffy? What good has she done in her life? By my estimation not much, but she sure has done a lot of harm. So, try as I might, I can’t muster up any sympathy for her. Let her stew in her self made cauldron of guilt and fear.

When was the last time we saw Steffy at work? Just another thing to call her out on. Cow reigns supreme at FC’s with a position that was gifted to her, but she is never there. The only thing Steffy has worked in weeks are her mouth, eyes and legs.

I am in agreement with those that are beyond Liam apologizing. His wife goes from crying, to begging him to love her, to hyperventilating, and he still thinks this is all about a few kisses? When he finds out what a useless heaux Steffy is, I want him to be done with her. I don’t want him to hurl words and accusations, I just want him to look her up and down and walk the fuck away.

Of course this won’t happen until Hope returns. She will be there to pick up the pieces. And where does that leave Sally? I am all for Hope coming back, but not to start some triangle with Liam again.

My opinion is they have hit it out of the ballpark with Ingo. It’s clear he has been brought in as a new love interest for Brooke, and those two have already had some great scenes. I keep thinking about how Brooke was positively glowing while looking at Thorne’s designs. How deep and real her smile was, not the “Oh Ridge” smile I have become accustomed to. Maybe now that she is talking to an actual adult, one who cares about her, and not his “vision” of her, she can relax and be herself.

Thorne was also brought in to be a foil for his older brother. And this is a real home run, because they have found the third person Thorsten has chemistry with. I totally buy him and Ingo as brothers. Those scenes with them alone were absolute gold. Thorne stole my heart with his references to their sisters, Macy, Darla and Ally. I nearly cried when he said the Brooke was one of the most accomplished, beautiful women in the world. I loved his suit. But the heat between him and Thorsten, the real and genuine tension, and old style B&B vibe had me on the edge of my seat. I credit that entirely to some good writing, but better performances by two talented actors. Thorsten is rumpled, but he is a good actor, and has become Ridge to me. I love his expressive face, and how he can give you that smirky smile of his, but have it reach his eyes too. It gives you the feeling that he is cutting you deeply, while still letting you know he loves you. And I believe he should come off as churlish, and selfish, and self centered, because that is who Ridge is. None of those traits are charming or endearing, so I am with Thorsten’s portrayal of a defensive Ridge. RM was beautiful, and well put together, but I never bought into his superiority over Thorne. Most of that was due to the continual propping by his parents and everyone else in his life. There was never any depth, or realness, to his game with any of the prior Thornes. Thorsten however, telegraphs his indignation and disgust and ego; I actually feel it coming off my tv screen. And Ingo’s Thorne isn’t letting the shit bounce; he is calling Ridge out right from the starting gate. I am digging it, and am looking forward to watching these two.

Brooke has been a vision these past weeks, but that spikey hair and incredible red dress and the lovely jewelry has really pushed the alluring envelope. My girl should have smacked the taste out of Ridge’s mouth for hunting her down and dragging her away from her lunch with Thorne. But I am sure those two will be sharing many lovely moments in the future.

Why is Sheila still here? Please tell me they are not going with some new angle for this character. I didn’t miss the back peddling on her actions with Mateo. And Show needs to understand that I also haven’t forgotten how she threatened Quinn and James, how she faked a concussion, how she continually talks about being the next Mrs. Eric Forrester, and how she had a grody portrait painted to hang in Eric's house. Now she is spying on Brooke and Thorne and coming over to chit chat?

Ashleigh’s hair looks damaged, but I love her as a blonde. I read that she has landed a role in a HBO film called My Dinner with Herve, which is about Herve Villechaize who played Tattoo on Fantasy Island, maybe that explains the new look?

I saw our ex-Phoebe and Zende in two made for tv films. Sorry, can't remember the names, but MM played a girl whose ex-boyfriend kidnaps her current boyfriend and plays games with her and her girlfriends in order to save him. It wasn't that bad, and MM was actually quite good. But I wouldn't have recognized her if I hadn't seen her name in the credits. Gone is all that long wavy hair, and she looked worlds older. RF's movie was about a group of younuns who are being killed off one by one on a secluded island. He looked way taller and bigger, and was not nearly as wooden as he was on B&B. 


19 hours ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Stuffy von Heiferstein.

O.M.G. Dead..........

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So two recaps...eaten...

All I've got is Ridge can eat a bag of dicks.

ETA: Steffy's breakdown in the mirror reminded me of another older movie @grisgris - the original Superman, during the opening when Jor-El and the council found General Zod and his minions "Guilty...guilty...guilty."


Too bad Hauxdi can't be compressed into a panel of glass and sent to a galaxy far, far away. She can take Rumpledickskin and Gelding with her.

And what is the world coming to when I was happy to see Sheila of all people and spilling the tea to Thorne about Quidge???

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Wow, bed father-in-law, continue to betray your husband with clandestine meetings with said FIL and by lying through omission, then compound that by making up a story about your whereabouts the night you did the deed. Shit takes a really bold, special kind of bitch. I guess Show wants me to feel bad for Steffy. Poor girl is suffering. She is distraught and is now hearing voices. That is the funny thing about guilt; it sticks to you like Velcro, and the weight and roughness of it eventually wears you down. Why should I feel any compassion for Steffy? What good has she done in her life? By my estimation not much, but she sure has done a lot of harm. So, try as I might, I can’t muster up any sympathy for her. Let her stew in her self made cauldron of guilt and fear.

When was the last time we saw Steffy at work? Just another thing to call her out on. Cow reigns supreme at FC’s with a position that was gifted to her, but she is never there. The only thing Steffy has worked in weeks are her mouth, eyes and legs.


RuntheTable, your entire post was fire, but especially the above.  

What's so disconcerting about all of this is that it seems as if two different teams of writers are scripting the show these days.  And, apparently, never the two writing teams shall meet.  It was established yesterday that the ADULTS were all at Forrester Creations (professionally and beautifully attired) and that two of those ADULTS went to lunch.

Yet, the supposed co-CEO of Forrester Creations was at home snottering, bawling, blubbering and gaslighting her fool huzzbennnd, who continues to bow and scrape and kiss her corn-encrusted feet and hammer toes.  Like you, I was wondering when was the last time Stuffy showed up for work.  Between whining (and fantasizing) at home with her huzzbennnd and constantly showing up at her partner in skankery's house, it's a valid question.  Does anyone at Forrester Creations even notice that she isn't there?  Do they even care?  Has there been a throwaway line from Eric or anyone else about Stuffy taking a leave of absence or working from home?

It's as if the three principals involved in Swill are on a deserted island (as it probably should be) where they can feed off each other's carcasses as if they were carrion.  It's an island where dark, putrid flashbacks of rancid sex run in a continuous loop; damn lies are routinely told; scheming is done; and cuckolding has been perfected to a science.  Of course, there's the requisite visit from Wyatt, whose sole purpose these days is to whine, be a listening post for his father and brother, give some loving to Katie, and to grab his tambourine and sing Stuffy's praises.

Although I still wish TK had been cast as someone other than Ridge, I have to agree with your take that he has taken the role and highlighted all of Ridge's negative attributes to the 10th power.  It's amazing what he can do when he's working with actors who elevate his performances beyond rasping, mumbling, posturing and telegraphing to the audience that he's only there for the check.  I am also looking forward to seeing more of Brooke and Thorne in scenes together.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

It's too bad Steffy doesn't have a Stephanie the way Brooke did during the Deacon fiasco. I'm so not looking forward to Stuffy boohooing over the next nine months with no one calling her out for the lowlife she is.

Right!  Remember how Stephanie used to call Brooke 'The Slut of The Valley', we need a character to call Stuffi 'The Whore of The Hills'!

9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I agree. To me, he has a sinister air about him. Not at all like Thorne.

A little sinister can be very hot.

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3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Right!  Remember how Stephanie used to call Brooke 'The Slut of The Valley', we need a character to call Stuffi 'The Whore of The Hills'!

A little sinister can be very hot.

Yes, but, for me, not in this case. To each her own.

When will Sheila get fired for sitting down and chatting with customers? And why would Thorne give her the time of day?

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15 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Am I to understand that Skankerella actually looked in the mirror and all it did was yell at her "LIAR!" and "GUILTY!"

Maybe wishful thinking on my part made me hear things, but I swear the mirror also accurately called her a hypocrite.

14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Knowing Shelia works at the restaurant, why would Eric send Brooke and Thorne there?

Because it is apparently the only restaurant in the small town of Los Angeles.

14 hours ago, grisgris said:

It makes me ashamed to write JMW and A-M in the same thought, because JMW could never, ever carry off a scene like that.

JMW barely carried off the scene she did do!

14 hours ago, grisgris said:

Clueless Lame really doesn't get it, does he?

Come on Liam, open your ears, you have to know that the saxophone music means trouble!

5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

My girl should have smacked the taste out of Ridge’s mouth for hunting her down and dragging her away from her lunch with Thorne.

She'll have to get in line behind me, I wanted to smack him when he smugly said it's fun to get under Thorne's skin because he is so sensitive. Are you 12???

3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

When will Sheila get fired for sitting down and chatting with customers?

She always says she's "on a break."  Either she was fired and pretends to still work there, or she takes a LOT of breaks!

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I think a perfect opportunity for TPTB to show another side of the Ridge-Thorne relationship would have been after Thorne tore into Ridge in that meeting in his office and Ridge's response was "Are you going to cry?"*.  That could have led to both of them laughing, like brothers, and enjoying a moment together with something other than complete enmity towards one another.  It would have shown they are more than just adversaries and competitors, that there's shared history and affection there too.


*As much as I've harped on TK's lack of charm or humor, that line made me laugh out loud.

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Sooooooo ..... Today we find out from Eric's own lips that while he has forgiven Quinn and Sludge is still co-CEO,  Eric has not forgiven Ridge for Australia, nor has Eric taken back his pronouncement that Sludge is no longer his son and a not member of the family.

Finally!!!!  I have long suspected that Eric was working hard to cover up his anger toward Sludge for his latest betrayal and all the earlier nonsense about keeping Quinn from him, the POA runaround and boycotting the wedding.   Eric is trying to keep peace in the family , but the price is that his anger is still there simmering just under the surface and can erupt at any time.

Sludge, of course, thinks it's all hunky dory and forgotten and he is completely forgiven by everyone. As if.

I'm so glad Thorne pushed and got Eric to admit that.  Loved Eric announcing he was still top dog at FC and would be until he died. I wish Sludge had been there to hear it.

I also believe that Thorne's heart to heart with Brooke calling Sludge a serial cheater who won't change will lead her to realize she too is still angry at Ridge and hasn't forgiven him, and -- like Eric -- she's been hiding that anger to help keep peace.  Anything to get her to realize this time it's a Bridge too far  Also I think she been quiet until now because for some reason she doesn't want Slouchy to know what a man-haux Sludge is.

Because Ridge was always a man-haux.  A handsome. charming, debonair, sexy one when RM was Ridge and a rumpled, sludge-y one with TK.  But still a haux.  Fauxdi-Hauxdi sure didn't fall far from the haux tree.  

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

Thorne is way too orange/bronze. I am so sick of every man wanting to be with "the perfect woman" Brooke.

I'll gladly take men fighting over Brooke than the bozos singing Steffy's non-existent praises. And believe me, I was no fan of Brooke's back in the day, but there was once a time where her intelligence was on display as a chemist. Brooke Logan created !!!FUN!!!

The only thing Steffy has created is discord, and maybe the second coming of Satan in her Easy-Bake oven.

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Is there still a restraining order or is TIIC just want us to forget about it. Shelia can't  work where Eric is frequent to eat.  Have we forgot that when Stuffy had the restraining order against her she couldn't work in the FC building?  In the real world the Foresters could complain to management and get her fired. With the money they spend, I'm sure they have some pull with management. 

Poor poor Thorne, call 911 to get the waahmbulamce.  I'm firmly convinced that actors are cast for the character especially the recast when they want to change the characters demeanor.  I can't imagine old Thorne acting in such an antagonist way. New Thorne has much harsher looks which gives him more credibility in taking a  sterner stance against Ridge and to make demands to raise his worth at FC.  The same thing happened when Ridge was recast. TK made Ridge more roguish while RM made Ridge more sophisticated.  For Y&R fans, Billy became a  darker character with  each recast.  

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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

Loved Eric announcing he was still top dog at FC and would be until he died.

Oh no, please don't tell me this is foreshadowing :'(

31 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Brooke Logan created !!!FUN!!!

You mean Brooke created plastic parachute men for the Dollar Store??? :)

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I'm totally digging Ingo Rademacher as Thorne.  I surmise from all the heartbreak he's had (losses of Macy, Darla, & Aly), he's allowed to have a chip on his shoulder.  I loved, loved, loved when Throne told Eric that he carries his DNA and not Ridge.  I so want that continually thrown up into the faces of Sludge, Stuffy, and Slouchy.  If Sheila can be a character similar to Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched, I'm all for Sheila being the town crier.  Anything deceptive or violent and she'll have to go.  I can't wait for Sheila to get wind of Stuffy and the Gelding.  Good times ahead.

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I was pissed as hell at Brooke Logan today. WTH??? First of all, she meekly let Sludge lead her away from her pleasant lunch with Thorne to sit side-by-side in an empty office and munch salad out of plastic clamshells with sporks.

Then, inexplicably, she then let Sludge lead her out of the office for a "surprise." I would have said, "I have a surprise for you, buddy! Get your hands off of me and get the hell outta here," and hurried back to the restaurant to try to find Thorne. Not sure if that would have been a good thing but it would have been interesting if Brooke had caught Sheila red-handed in outing Quidge.

So, then, Brooke had to willing disrobe and wrap her naked body in a towel and go sit in the steam room with Sludge. (I can't un-see a half-naked greasy glistening Ridge ... shudder ... ) She proceeded with flirting, reminiscing, giggling and even giving him a little love tap on the tip of his nose. DA FUQ??!!  This is about the only time I will side with Ridge in this debacle, but after today's demonstration, I can see where he has hope and determination because BROOKE IS LEADING HIM ON ...

The only thing that my mind will allow me to accept is that Brooke is just messing with Ridge in an effort to seek revenge for Australia. Otherwise, I don't get this at all.  Luring somebody into a steam room with full intention of much more than a good pore cleansing is not giving that person their requested space.  So Brooke, I dare you to whine and complain about Ridge "pressuring" you. You are the one who is sending mixed messages and not firmly establishing and enforcing boundaries. Shame on you.

(Sorry for all of the bolded entries, but I was just pissed off.)  Actually, today, I caught a glimmer of chemistry between TK and KKL in the steam room. The light in their eyes read more like, "This is a bunch of sad BS. Let's just play along," than hot passion and longing. At least it looked like they could tolerate one another today. Maybe that's the only way they can coax a convincing performance out of each other.  I guess resignation is better than just going through the motions like they have been. Even KKL gave upon that pairing.

I am beginning to wonder if KB is having second thoughts about her Congressional run or is having her cake and eating it too, in case she loses. I don't live in CA, so I know nothing about her district, the competition, etc. I do know that CA is mostly Democrat, so maybe her chances are dim ???

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8 hours ago, Pickles said:

Thorne is way too orange/bronze. I am so sick of every man wanting to be with "the perfect woman" Brooke.

It's the same line they use with Steffy. Wyatt, Bill and Liam have all fallen to their knees worshipping her like Ridge, Eric, and Thorne have with Brooke. The show thinks if they have the men say it enough that the audience will believe it.

Women rally around women they admire, respect, or would love to be friends with/be like. Erica Kane was a selfish little thing, but you respected her brass ovaries being unapologetic in going after what she wanted, juggling both business and pleasure, and moving on when a man disappointed her too many times. Steffy hasn't shown any of that ambition or edge or moxie. Sally is the closest that comes to it on this show with her one big flaw being she kowtows to her Prince Charming of the month. I would've enjoyed any possibility of Lally a LOT more if she wasn't even thinking 'bout Liam and focused on WTH to do about Spectra's next steps and how she could relaunch. Go to Katie or Brooke who have craploads of money as investors, hell Brooke could push for a divorce settlement from Bill that she turns around and gives to Sally as her startup money.

Brooke fell somewhere in between Erica Kane and Steffy because once she got fed up with Ridge's crap and began manipulating and fighting back against the Forresters (BeLief being a big turning point) you kind of bedudgingly respected her. She was no longer a cowering 'slut from the valley' but a woman who held her own power in a family that alternately played games with her (Eric and Ridge) and outright detested her (Stephanie).

Again, Steffy has none of that complex web of history and character work around her. She's missing that other half - a foil, a confidant, a frenemy- that she can play off of to show us who she is outside of her romantic pairings. Killing Aly was a mistake as she had the Forrester blood and blood vendetta against the Marones-Forresters for how they killed/treated her mother and so was easily the judgy, don't mess with a girl who can smell evil, type of person to take action and say 'Yeah and what?!' when someone confronted her.

I'm still pissed Quinn got away with threatening to toss her over the railing. If only Eric knew.

21 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I agree. To me, he has a sinister air about him. Not at all like Thorne.

I think casting a Thorne that can evoke a sinister air about him was purposeful. Bless WH but his breakdowns were less 'I will destroy you' and more teenagery foot stomping temper tantrum. Ingo definitely looks like if Ridge pushes him too far, his Thorne will cut a bitch DEEP and leave a nasty mark

Edited by TobinAlbers
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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

I was pissed as hell at Brooke Logan today. WTH??? First of all, she meekly let Sludge lead her away from her pleasant lunch with Thorne to sit side-by-side in an empty office and munch salad out of plastic clamshells with sporks.

Then, inexplicably, she then let Sludge lead her out of the office for a "surprise." I would have said, "I have a surprise for you, buddy! Get your hands off of me and get the hell outta here," and hurried back to the restaurant to try to find Thorne. Not sure if that would have been a good thing but it would have been interesting if Brooke had caught Sheila red-handed in outing Quidge.

So, then, Brooke had to willing disrobe and wrap her naked body in a towel and go sit in the steam room with Sludge. (I can't un-see a half-naked greasy glistening Ridge ... shudder ... ) She proceeded with flirting, reminiscing, giggling and even giving him a little love tap on the tip of his nose. DA FUQ??!!  This is about the only time I will side with Ridge in this debacle, but after today's demonstration, I can see where he has hope and determination because BROOKE IS LEADING HIM ON ...

The only thing that my mind will allow me to accept is that Brooke is just messing with Ridge in an effort to seek revenge for Australia. Otherwise, I don't get this at all.  Luring somebody into a steam room with full intention of much more than a good pore cleansing is not giving that person their requested space.  So Brooke, I dare you to whine and complain about Ridge "pressuring" you. You are the one who is sending mixed messages and not firmly establishing and enforcing boundaries. Shame on you.

(Sorry for all of the bolded entries, but I was just pissed off.)  Actually, today, I caught a glimmer of chemistry between TK and KKL in the steam room. The light in their eyes read more like, "This is a bunch of sad BS. Let's just play along," than hot passion and longing. At least it looked like they could tolerate one another today. Maybe that's the only way they can coax a convincing performance out of each other.  I guess resignation is better than just going through the motions like they have been. Even KKL gave upon that pairing.

I am beginning to wonder if KB is having second thoughts about her Congressional run or is having her cake and eating it too, in case she loses. I don't live in CA, so I know nothing about her district, the competition, etc. I do know that CA is mostly Democrat, so maybe her chances are dim ???

Do you have room for one more at that table, GrisGris?  There is a reason that this show consistently scores in third place in those all-important demos for women of a certain age.  This prompts me to ask if there are any female writers on staff at all?  It is 2017, and there is no excuse to write a woman of Brooke's age this way.  It's beyond disgusting that a 50-something woman has to constantly be REMINDED by ANYONE of what a shit stain her ex-husband has consistently been.  If I closed my eyes, I could have sworn I heard Bill talking because he literally said everything to Brooke--repeatedly--that Thorne said to her today.  And, yet, she persists.

Not to mention KKL is getting a little long in the tooth to be keep playing the giggling ingenue who saw her "destiny" for the first time, first in a newspaper wedding announcement and then in person at a party she and her mother were catering.  For fuck's sake!  There is nothing cute or sweet about anything Sludge has done.  It's about control and making sure that another little boy doesn't take his chew toy, which he'll cling to until he's ready to throw her away for someone else.  Brooke lived with that fucker and knows how he operates.  She was reminded of it yet again as recently as a few days ago.  Yet, she becomes a doormat whenever that cretin is around.  From sitting there and allowing him to have any kind of opinion about whom she invites to stay in the house she pays the bills for, to allowing this rumpled fucker (who looked like he wandered in off the street) to interrupt her lunch and meekly going with him back to the office to this shit today.

Where is the woman who rightly dragged Bill's lying, trifling ass for filth a few weeks ago and hasn't really looked back?  Where are Sludge's "consequences?"  

And, why in the ever-loving fuck am being punished for daring to look at Sludge with Brooke in the steam room?  After having the guilty pleasure of seeing Bill shirtless and wearing black drawstring pants?  Show...just no.  FUCK NO!

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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Women rally around women they admire, respect, or would love to be friends with/be like. Erica Kane was a selfish little thing, but you respected her brass ovaries being unapologetic in going after what she wanted, juggling both business and pleasure, and moving on when a man disappointed her too many times.

There is no fucking way in hell that I would ever admire, respect, or love to be friends with someone like Erica Kane.  Erica Kane was a slut of the highest magnitude.  I also thought the actress that portrayed Erica Kane, Susan Lucci, could not act as evidenced by her multiple Best Actress Daytime Emmy nominations before the Acadamy felt sorry for her and gave her the pity party award on the 19th try.  Another woman I wouldn't give a flying fuck about is Marlena from Day of Our Lives.

Edited by SimplePleasures
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Team Thorne here!  Ridge has just done Brooke dirty over the years and now he just looks too dirty!  I don't think Bill will be trying to woo Brooke back anytime soon due to his blind Steffy obsession, but can we hope he finds out about Ridge and Quinn soon and runs into Ridge and just lets him have it?  He's one of the only ones who doesn't know the reason why Brooke and Ridge didn't get married right?


Why can't Sheila go after Bill and start Fing with Steffy? cause I don't want her messing with Erik anymore!  let the man live in peace.

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