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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, tricknasty said:

His thirst knows no bounds (and also his love of crescent rolls). He is the most pathetic character in soaps, ever...

The only thing more pathetic than trying to pursue a woman who has expressed no interest and took off at the first opportunity is a man acting as a paranoid sore winner, IMO.

I expect nothing less from Wyatt and Liam, but tbh the one pissing me off most with this is Bill, who is way too old and too experienced to be begging Brooke to come back. WTF. Where the hell is this Bill Spencer, Jr:

you know, the guy who called Brooke and Donna both out for being so willing to throw Katie under the bus? Bill Spencer these days is less a Stallion and more a lovesick puppy.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Not even 2 minutes into the show and Liam needs to STFU.  He answers questions, for Steffy 

All that frantic running back and forth got impotent Liam all sweated up and spoiling for a Told You So! fight -- He shows up at Forrester to mark his territory around Steffy and bitch about a company spreading their game by merchandising cosmetics, jewelry and perfume with the schmatta they sell. Then he runs out the second he receives the text from Ridge, to make the same annoying noises he's been making for two weeks at Ridge. Then runs back, barging into the office buoyed by the idea Ridge is going to put it all on the line and seduce Quinn that night, to prove to Eric she needs to get the Hell off Planet Ridge! Liam was practically doing the peepee dance whining and bitching at Wyatt, that his and Quinn's influence and reign was very short-lived. Liam admitted he had run off to speak to Ridge and he had told him about the trip to San Fransico; basically alluding to the trip as the end.

With all of Liam's snide commentary and shit-eating behavior, were I Wyatt, I would wonder why Ridge contacted Liam first about the trip, not notifying Steffy (particularly when Liam made such a big show about people at Forrester Creations respecting his opinion and that was the reason he had quickly responded to the text). I would be warning Quinn something was afoot with Ridge and the trip could be used to damage her position. 


It's a one hour flight so why does it have to be an overnight? There is no mention of a two day symposium.

The Ridge Sets Up a Honey Trap of Quinn to Prove to Eric She's No Good is idiocy. When he told Brooke (who oddly has no interest in what Ridge plans to do as long as she ends up at the altar with DESTINY!) getting rid of Quinn was going to get "dirty" ... I think he meant greasy ... anyway ... Since the recast, nothing Ridge has done on his own has been successful.

Picked up and dropped Brooke, Katie, Caroline 2.0, Doug, Thomas, CEO and the big office, his relationship with Eric a couple of times. He talked the whole family into dispossessing Eric of his company and their support because of Quinn. His augmentative behavior presaged Eric's stroke. He had the Forrester Creations corporate lawyer hide Eric's will and had Eric's marriage to Quinn declared voided to separate them. Ridge keeps arguing and pushing his father, finally to the point where Eric dared Ridge to prove Quinn is a faithless cow and bring him the proof -- Which I thought was the most disgusting thing Eric could do, knowing Ridge has a long history at stopping at nothing to get what he wants from Eric's bed -- Why Eric didn't tell Quinn Ridge was out to ruin their marriage is disturbing; trusting Quinn is one this, but when someone is out to destroy your wife YOU SAY SOMETHING!


I'm not sold on Ridge's plan working but what if it does?  What than?  Quinn is out, Wyatt is out, and Eric sulks.  Than we have two of the best actors on the shelf to elevate the self entitled ass hats. Than we have two of the best actors on the shelf to elevate the self entitled ass hats.  Could you imagine that Liam would actually have to memorize new lines?  How about having to watch Ridge plant his flag in Eric's ass?  If Quinn is out, the only thing that will keep me tuning in would be Hope's return and the havoc that it would create.  The show might still include the bold but the beautiful would become mundane. 

Wrecking Eric and Quinn at warp speed is typical of the Bell's writing for popular couples. Wringing Wyatt out over Liam "winning" Steffy, would be mean spirited. If this stupid seduction plot works, I have no intention to watch Ridge jack off and gloat how far he shot his load over Eric again or Liam jabbering inanely with new dialog along the lines of "We won!" when he did nothing but feel sorry for himself and complain.

I'm hoping Quinn senses the poison in Ridge's sneering public compliments after months of attacking her and Eric, and openly hating her very presence at FC. Ridge may be telling her what she wants to hear, but it was only the day before he was spitting venom at her. After what Eric told her about his historic relationship with Ridge, she shouldn't trust anything Ridge says without verifying his statement for accuracy.


Could Quinn be anymore beautiful?  That's how a corporate executive should look. Quinn covered to the neck is sexier than well the rest in their undies. 

She was exquisite and graceful in the white tunic. She looked very every inch the eclectic jewelry artist; chic yet polished for a public presentation for her design peers.

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Today was the day I wanted to punch Rumple in his very smug face.

Really Rump? You don't know how to put this but ... you know women? It's a blessing and a curse.? And because you know women, you're going to be able to seduce Quinn.  And Brooke will understand if it gets Quinn out of your lives?  Uh huh, yeah sure .   Keep telling yourself that.

Make no mistake Rump plans to seduce and have sex with Quinn.  I don't care how many times he says he just wants to get her in a compromising position and he won't cross the line.  Ridge has always crossed the line when it comes to women. 

I can see RM uttering that "know women" line, not that he ever would have  But when TK did it was just laughably ridiculous, delusional, and oh so very, very smug and self-satisfied..  TKRidge is not a suave seducer, and for Show to try and make us believe that is also laughably ridiculous.

Edited by La di Diva
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3 hours ago, La di Diva said:


Really Rump? You don't know how to put this but ... you know women? It's a blessing and a curse.? And because you know women, you're going to be able to seduce Quinn.  And Brooke will understand if it gets Quinn out of your lives?  Uh huh, yeah sure .   Keep telling yourself that

I don't think Rump even cares about Brooke. That's been true of most of their breakups,  but there was usually some attempt at a mitigating situation  (ie, Steph's fake heart attack,  Thomas's paternity) that forced Ridge's hand. Even from day damn one of Bridge Episode VIl: The Filth Awakens, it's been a tool for Ridge to use to gain power. That didn't work, so now he's going this route.

I've never been a fan of their relationship but unlike most of the supercouples I'm familiar with first hand, I always felt that there was some level of respect and caring that existed. They didn't use RJ as a prop to fight over like Nick and Sharon use their kids and we're never flat out be hateful like every major couple on ATWT became near the end, and Ridge would never, ever, EVER wish death on Brooke for any reason at all, not even if she were playing the most dangerous of games, YOUGOTTHAT? :p I mean, after the Pose blink was revealed,  his reaction was basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I mean, WTAF?

But the point I'm making is this current portrayal of Bridge is just a fucking insult to everyone that loved the couple. Just, no. Even if Brill is still endgame,  there was no other way to stall that wedding out? At this rate, they'll beat their idiot children's record of failed wedding attempts by Christmas.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Cupid Stunt...your entire post is a thing of beauty & succinctly said everything I've been thinking about this gawdawful storyline. I am hating nasty Ridge/TK, whiny Liam/SC so much at this point...it's been a chore to even FF through it.


5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I really don't care what shape anyone on this show is-the script is so repetitive and boring. Liam, Wyatt, Steffy, Ridge, Brook, Bill--shut the hell up and move on! Zzzzzzzzzz. And if they show Quinn and Ridge having sex in their only hotel room tomorrow, d.o.n.e. Quinn and Eric has been the only interesting story line this show has had in ages. If they screw this up, they just need to shut it down for good. 

I have to agree...I will be removing this from the DVR schedule if Quinn falls for "His Nastiness, Sir Ridgepen's"  smuggy growling seduction attempt. GAH! Eric & Quinn are the ONLY reason I bother with this crap show....with that busted up, I am done.


And...Thomas is back & didn't know about Steffy or how it all came about. Really?? And he are Caroline are a solid couple? Terrible writing, Bell, terrible.

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As I watched The Slovenly One wax on to Waffle boy about his animal magnetism, and how he is dangerous, and knows women, and is nothing short of a veritable vagina magnet, all I could hear was STP's Sex Type Thing:

I am I am I am I said I wanna get next to you
I said I wanna get close to you 
You wouldn't want me have to hurt you too, hurt you too? 

I ain't I ain't I ain't a buyin' into your apathy
I'm gonna learn ya my philosophy 
You wanna know about atrocity, atrocity?

I know you want what's on my mind 
I know you like what's on my mind 
I know it eats you up inside 
I know you know, you know, you know

I am a man, a man I'll give ya something that ya won't forget 
I said you shouldn't have worn that dress 
I said you shouldn't have worn that dress, worn that dress 
I know you want what's on my mind 
I know you like what's on my mind 
I know it eats you up inside 
I know you know, you know, you know

Here I come, I come, I come, I come
Here I come, I come, I come, I come

Because, after all, Ridge is THE MAN. Yes, he will get Quinn into a compromising position, and Eric and Brooke will just be all like "It's ok! It was all done in the name of family! Ridge saved us!!" 

Ridge has become such a blatant Mother Fucker that I absolutely have no use for him anymore. He called the hotel and cancelled one of the rooms? How will he explain that shit to his fiance and his dad? He can try and say Quinn did it, but the hotel clerk knew she was speaking to a man, so I can't see that working. Oh shit, what am I saying, Ridge won't even try to cover his tracks. He will remind everyone that it was all part of his Master Plan to De-Quinn the family. We must all remember that Ridge is the noblest of son's and that he was willing to take one for the team. 

I hope he gets Quinn down to her skivvies, and Ridge finds himself drawn to her in ways he didn't expect. I would then like to see Quinn take her panties and shove them down Ridge's disgusting throat, and him have to have them removed at the emergency room. Or, she could stuff them up his ass. 

She could also revert to her Dominatrix past and get him in a compromising position and take lots of photos. Oh, but Ridgey would have a lot of 'splaining to do! 

Does Liam not realize how contradictory he is? In one breath he says Steffy is the best thing since sliced white bread, that she is smart and tough, that she is a dynamo who can take care of herself and is capable of anything she wants to do. Theeeennn, in the next breath he goes on about how easily she is manipulated and how she hasn't made a decision for herself since the advent of Quinn. Liam is just playing the odds, and will whine to anyone who will listen, and likes to talk about Steffy like she isn't even in the room. I ain't no CEO, and I might not be the toughest person, or a dynamo, but I am smart enough to recognize a person that doesn't support me. I am also smart enough to know that I want to be addressed directly, and not talked about in the third person. Because it can't be said enough:

STFU LIAM! Go somewhere and for God's sake do something other than run your friggin mouth about Quinn! 

Eric needs to back off a bit. Enough of the family Kumbaya stuff; you just can't fit a square peg into a round hole. 

I can't believe I am saying this, but I was glad to see Thomas. But I am so disappointed that Sasha is gone. Who will they hook him up with without Caroline on the canvas? 

Quinn looked amazing in that white blouse. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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If I had been a random channel-surfing TV viewer (unfamiliar with B&B) and just happened on that bizarro comedy gold scene with Sludge and Waffles, yesterday I would had thought I'd lost my mind or stumbled onto some bad foreign telenova.  (Either way, I'd have peed my pants laughing.) Ridge "knows women?" Ha! Ha! Ha! OMG! One look at his disheveled clothes and unkempt greasy hair, seriously? Then his audience ... pasty, beady-eyed stubbly-faced Liam? His boasting and bravado were just that.  The cockiness and arrogant assumptions were off the chart. Oh, I have no doubt that he's going to have his way with Quinn. He's already working on it with the shared room and now he knows that she's susceptible to tequila* and I'm sure that he'll have a large bottle of the good silver stuff ready and waiting.

What a disgusting pig. I would see RM's Ridge pulling that off with no problem, but this slovenly clown? No way. Quinn is a fool to fall for his phony compliments and falsely honed apologies. She is already in a vulnerable state with her feeling "a little less than," complicated feelings for Ridge and being away from Eric and highly susceptible to his "considerable charms". (Barf!) I SOOOooooo wish that she were just playing him and would give him a knee and dump the bottle of Don Julio Blanco over his head and crotch.

Sadly, I don't think that's the way it's going to play out.  She's off her axis and while she's struggling to gain her emotional footing, he's going to swoop in for the kill.  Ivy was right about one thing -- the slob IS dangerous. I was so hopeful that Quinn was moreso.

Yes. Quinn looked stunning in that black and white outfit.  I eagerly hit WornonTV.com every day to see what she wore and where the stylists got it from. My other guilty pleasure is also looking up where the hell Steffy gets some of those bizarro clothes.

*A tequila sunrise was my first ever grown-up/thrown-up drink when I was 16. I have hated the nasty stuff with a passion ever since!

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12 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Today was the day I wanted to punch Rumple in his very smug face.

Really Rump? You don't know how to put this but ... you know women? It's a blessing and a curse.? And because you know women, you're going to be able to seduce Quinn.  And Brooke will understand if it gets Quinn out of your lives?  Uh huh, yeah sure .   Keep telling yourself that.

Make no mistake Rump plans to seduce and have sex with Quinn.  I don't care how many times he says he just wants to get her in a compromising position and he won't cross the line.  Ridge has always crossed the line when it comes to women. 

I can see RM uttering that "know women" line, not that he ever would have  But when TK did it was just laughably ridiculous, delusional, and oh so very, very smug and self-satisfied..  TKRidge is not a suave seducer, and for Show to try and make us believe that is also laughably ridiculous.

Yesterday's episode was sleazy, even by B&B standards.  When Sludge said he 'knew women', I burst out laughing.  Only women with no sense of smell, Sludgy boy!

To watch Quinn begging Eric not to send her to San Francisco was pathetic.  What the fuck happened to Dominatrix Quinn?  THAT woman had sleazebags like Sludge for breakfast.

Is there no security at Forrester?  Can ANYONE just roam the halls at will?  Liam doesn't even bother to knock, he just bursts into whatever office he wants.  I used to like Liam but I'm just about done with him.  When he was telling Wyatt that he too thought Steffy was the most wonderful woman on earth, I wondered if he recalled that he was singing a different tune that night he found Steffy in bed with Wyatt.  He read Steffy for filth then.  And it doesn't really matter if Steffy didn't fuck Wyatt because Liam BELIEVED that she did.  He believed that she was capable of doing something like that.  Like I said, I used to like Liam but right now I'm wondering if he doesn't deserve to be stuck with a creature like Steffy.

I was never much of a fan of $Bill; I thought the way he spoke about women, especially Brooke, was disgusting.  But I have to say, I don't know who the fuck the guy wearing $Bill's clothes is.  $Bill doesn't PINE for a woman.  The REAL $Bill would be hatching some scheme to get rid of Sludge.  He sure as shit wouldn't be a gentleman.  This is the man that pushed Sludge out of a flying helicopter for fuck's sake!  And it hurts to see Brooke go against her true nature.  She KNOWS Ridge isn't her 'destiny' anymore.  If anyone knows that marrying a man to make a spoiled brat happy is a recipe for disaster, it's Brooke Logan.

When Quinn realizes that Sludge booked them in the same room, I want her to laugh in his slimy face, take the elevator down to the lobby and book a room for herself.  And if for some bizarre reason, every hotel room in the Bay Area is booked, then she can hop on the first thing smoking back to LA.  She's in San Francisco, not Kurdistan.  Planes are flying to LA every fucking hour.  If Quinn falls for Sludge's sexual harassment, I will hate this show.

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32 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Sadly, I don't think that's the way it's going to play out.  She's off her axis and while she's struggling to gain her emotional footing, he's going to swoop in for the kill.  Ivy was right about one thing -- the slob IS dangerous. I was so hopeful that Quinn was moreso.

Indeed! My real fear is that she will have one of those panic type attacks, and will strike out at Ridge and hurt him in some way. Of course, it will all be her fault, and of course Liam won't pony up with his knowledge about Ridge's plan or that he knew Ridge cancelled one of the hotel rooms. Ridge will probably say Quinn did that because she had been coming on to him and wanted to have sex with him. Since Brooke didn't care what Ridge had planned she will be in the dark too. Liam will be dancing his happy dance even though he knows Quinn wasn't the bad guy this time, but he has his agenda to keep Steffy away from Wyatt and that is all that is gonna matter to him. I hope that maybe Eric would believe Quinn; he knows Ridge and what he is capable of, but I still see Quinn taking the lion's share of the blame. 

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

The only thing more pathetic than trying to pursue a woman who has expressed no interest and took off at the first opportunity is a man acting as a paranoid sore winner, IMO.

I expect nothing less from Wyatt and Liam, but tbh the one pissing me off most with this is Bill, who is way too old and too experienced to be begging Brooke to come back. WTF. Where the hell is this Bill Spencer, Jr:


you know, the guy who called Brooke and Donna both out for being so willing to throw Katie under the bus? Bill Spencer these days is less a Stallion and more a lovesick puppy.

$Bill isn't a Stallion, he's a Shetland pony.

Edited to add:  I didn't even recognize Steffy in her pre-Puffy state.

Edited by mightysparrow
forgot something
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So Ridge is slimy and Liam is whiny but what they are not, is wrong about Quinn or Steffy. IMO. Quinn has never been satisfied with what she has, see: Deacon or stopped messing in her son's relationships.  While Liam may think Steffy is the shit, she is not qualified to run FC. And Quinn and Eric really are manipulating her. 

And yes others have run the company equally unqualified but I am just talking Steffy here.

I hope Ridge fucks Quinn bowlegged. 

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And I hope Ridge's plan to fuck Quinn bowlegged backfires, spectacularly.

Considering Ridge's own checkered past, including the rapes of two separate women, trying to fuck over FC by joining forces with Spectra, and trying to bamboozle Brooke out of what was rightfully her's, BeLieF included (none of which he paid for), and this is just the short list, he has zero leg to stand on with with respect to Quinn. Even now, he has been every inch the predator, inserting himself into her life, ogling her, touching her, preying upon her and while I have seen Quinn's flashbacks, I still haven't seen her hot and bothered, but freaked out (not exactly proving to me she reciprocates any of his so-called feelings). How are Ridge's actions of preying on his father's wife, including setting her up to share a room with him so he can seduce his father's wife (hey, maybe he'll go for Rape #3), justified? Two wrongs don't make a right. Him succeeding in his plan - to oust Quinn - but betraying his father and fiancee' in the process will ruin this character beyond redemption if he isn't already. And this doesn't have anything to do with protecting his father because I guarantee you that if Eric had kept Ridge on as CEO, he wouldn't give two shits about who Eric bedded or wedded so long as he was running FC. So STFU, Ridge!

Liam is the only one with a leg to stand on with respect to Quinn but he has squandered every opportunity to put her behind bars and his beef with her now has nothing to do with that and everything about the possibility that Steffy might be reconsidering whether she wants to be with a waffle or a thirsty chicken. Maybe somewhere in his mind, he has some hint of a memory of seeing Steffy and Wyatt sleeping in their bed when he arrived back from Aussieland. So STFU, Liam.

Switching topics to Brooke - Stepford is an apt description, RunTheTable, although part of me is thinking her lack of affect is because she truly is just going through the motions and being the good little Brooke she thinks she's supposed to be, but even with the romp in the bed the other day (which I really didn't need to see or at least not without a hefty bottle of Pepto nearby), I see no real hint of love or chemistry or longing to be with Ridge as there was with Ronn. But the moment DD's $Bill is in the room...it is so incredibly obvious that there is there there. So I don't think Brill is over, not by a longshot.  Moreso because of their feelings but certainly Ridge's little plan is going to weigh into that and hopefully, give Brooke the final push and permission to burn the Bridge once and for all.

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I have a feeling that Bell is going to try and have it both ways.  Sludge will probably get Quinn drunk and take a photo of her either naked or in bed with him and then accidentally send the picture to Eric.  That way Sludge won't be a pig who fucks his father's wife (AGAIN!), just the pig who pretends to fuck his father's wife (AGAIN!).

What I'm praying for is that Brooke somehow sees the picture and believes the worse (since she's known Ridge for decades) and send an SOS out for $Bill, who just happens to be sailing the Italian coast in his yacht.  They fall into each others arms and the Stallion returns.

I'm also hoping that Hope decides to return to LA with her mother, to support her when she finally gives Sludge the boot.  While she's there, Hope can remind Steffy that she (Hope) has always been first choice for BOTH Liam and Wyatt and anything that either man has ever said to Steffy, he said to Hope FIRST!  After putting Puffy in her place, Hope can return to Italy, taking Liam with her because SC deserves better than this shit.

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3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Like I said, I used to like Liam but right now I'm wondering if he doesn't deserve to be stuck with a creature like Steffy.

Oh, Steffy could do so much better than that lame candy ass. On any other show, I would think this CEO story would lead to the realization that she's long since outgrown this man child (and by extension the petty jealousy she had about Hope....more that than anything); but knowing how full tilt stupid this show is, Liam will remember her in bed with Chickenhead and get to walk away smelling like a rose. If Steffy is Brooke's heir apparent, than Liam Spencer is certainly Ridge's.

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10 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Cupid Stunt...your entire post is a thing of beauty & succinctly said everything I've been thinking about this gawdawful storyline. I am hating nasty Ridge/TK, whiny Liam/SC so much at this point...it's been a chore to even FF through it.

Thanks, Red Rock Rosie.

As much as I hate to agree with $Bill (Any man that plots against my son and daughter for financial and personal gain, ends up chum for sport fishing), his prediction that Ridge will fail and disappoint Brooke again before he marries her. I expect Ridge will fail to seduce Quinn and gets caught with his pants down by an audience trying to lure her into his honey trap.

4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

As I watched The Slovenly One wax on to Waffle boy about his animal magnetism, and how he is dangerous, and knows women, and is nothing short of a veritable vagina magnet, all I could hear was STP's Sex Type Thing:


Because, after all, Ridge is THE MAN. Yes, he will get Quinn into a compromising position, and Eric and Brooke will just be all like "It's ok! It was all done in the name of family! Ridge saved us!"

Ridge/TK can only tremble on the sidelines, sick with envy and seriously turned on by the youthful prowess and raw uninhibited talent that was Core-era Scott Weiland. It's like comparing a leaking D cell battery and Haley's Comet.

Speaking of which ...

It's sing-along time, Preverts!

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2 hours ago, seasons said:

New to this forum... hello all.

Quinn - who takes a bath in a hotel tub? Ewww.

Hello and welcome seasons. Hotel bathtubs + sex with Rumple = Double Ewww

Edited by tricknasty
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Yay!!  Quinn got a clue.....even tho I would not be sitting in my bathrobe, in front of Ridge, putting on lotion.  Especially after what happened in the steam room.  I'd of gone back to the bathroom.

I want the blouse Quinn was wearing.  That was beautiful.

When Steffy finds out Liam knew about her dad's plan she will be pissed.  Glad the front desk guy let slip about the "cancellation".  I was hoping Quinn would find out.  I would be on the jet immediately and go tell Eric what his bastard son was up to.  I wanna see Ridge try to 'splain his way out of this one...to everybody.

Welcome seasons!  Some very funny folks here.  Makes the show bearable (but only barely some days).

I must confess I like SC and DB.  Especially in their brotherly banter/sniping with one another.  They both have great reactions.

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4 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

So Ridge is slimy and Liam is whiny but what they are not, is wrong about Quinn or Steffy. IMO. Quinn has never been satisfied with what she has, see: Deacon or stopped messing in her son's relationships.  While Liam may think Steffy is the shit, she is not qualified to run FC. And Quinn and Eric really are manipulating her. 

And yes others have run the company equally unqualified but I am just talking Steffy here. 

Slimy and Whiny ... sounds like an offensive pair of Renaissance Festival street performers.

Forrester Creations revolving door of chief operating officers is ridiculous. Family-wise, there's hardly anyone qualified to run FC. Everyone else is untrustworthy, not in contention, rarely seen on Show or is too stupid to realize the person they are having sex with is unconscious.


I hope Ridge fucks Quinn bowlegged. 

The odds don't look good.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Thomas and Caroline's revisionist history would actually be an improvement over the last three weeks, because neither Waffles or Rumple would be involved.

....yeah, I can't believe I wrote that, either.

Okay, you've gone too far this time. Thomas and Caroline's blithering, clumsy eye fucking and cooing at Doug was revolting.

Liam and Ridge need to have their clocks cleaned for plotting against Eric and Quinn, again.


....yeah, I can't believe I wrote that, either.

It's a plea for help.



The bar cart is loaded, we've got plenty of ice and snacks ... It's Friday afternoon. Let's relax and enjoy the weekend.

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Did the writers really have Quinn ask " What kind of person does that " ?

I guess pushing one person off a bridge, another off a cliff, kidnapping a 3rd and (possibly) kidnapping another man and forcing him to alter his will and then killing him so your son can give his brother's girlfriend a diamond (R.I.P. Mr Montemayor), is not as bad as pretending you like somebody. 

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I'm on my way Cupid.  I just made a chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese icing.

Party time!  Excellent!  *cue air guitar*

"Slimy & Whiney" sounds like a local law firm here. The two shysters  on my TV every. damn. day. fit that description.

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Another voice in the choir that Steffy didn't earn the CEO position on merit. But, how does Thomas know that it was handed to her by Eric and Quinn being in NY while this was playing out. I guess a little birdie or shall I say waffle told him. Liam told everyone else that was in earshot. Does anyone else feel it was inappropriate for Thomas to be talking to Steffy, on the couch, with his shirt open?  At the beach or poolside it would be ok. But, to his defense, Thomas' abs have more talent than he does  

Today it took 15 min into the show for me to give Liam his well deserved STFU. Written in the stars Liam, WTF?  Maybe a supernova that shines for a moment but is bound to explode.  Liam is like a 2 year old with a secret that he's dying to tell. 

I have so many reference I can make to describe Quinn putting Ridge on blast but I have to use "You Don't Mess With The Zohan".  As a worrywart, now I'm obsessing that Ridge will cross the line and do away with Quinn. But one could be hopeful that you have Dirty Harry in SF and not Det Hotdog in LA.  Det Hotdog is actually the former Police Chief of Genoa City.   

Edited by Waldo13
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Um, yeah-why was Thomas sitting on the sofa with his SISTER with no shirt on?! Ditto on everything Waldo13 said in spades. I didn't miss Thomas at all, ever, in any way. 

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Heh @cupid Stunt,  I could use the booze after the week I've had :p

And before I have to sit and hear Thomas bitch about Steffy, what the hell has *he* done to earn CEO? Nothing. The only Forresters who don't spend time pissing over who is owed what are Ivy and Zende.

...um, not that I've missed Winters Avant Wednesdays, but...what happened to them? 

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Whew!  What a relief ... I just did a quick pass through here today and "sex with Ridge" and "hotel bathtub" jumped out at me.  I couldn't bring myself to read the posts until just now.  I was also prepared for the brain bleach after watching the show. Thank goodness for the loose-lipped bellboy for blowing Ridge's cover and also that I didn't need the brain/eye bleach.

What an asshole! Did he actually try to turn everything around on Quinn because she was taking a shower in her own backyard? Sludge followed her into the steam room at FC, not the other way around. Now, rubbing the lotion on her legs right in front of him was kind of brazen and stupid, but I think that Quinn was just caught up in the moment that they were talking like friends and didn't really think about it. All I can hope for is her ratting Ridge out to Eric. I hope that Eric throws Ridge off the planet

3 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:


Liam and Ridge need to have their clocks cleaned for plotting against Eric and Quinn, again.



Ha! Ha! At first glance, I thought you'd written something else. Well, that, too!

OMG! AGAIN! Liam at the door and pressuring Steffy to break her word to her grandfather and move back into the Waffle House. At least this time she acknowledged what a shitty thing it was for her to do to Wyatt. What does it matter now? The heifer* is already out of the pen. (Do you like that? LOL!)

Wyatt had a really good term for Liam's demeanor today: glowering. Spot-on!  I had also hoped that Wyatt would have picked up Liam's slip of "the plan" whist he was talking to Ridge on the phone. Just wait until he finds out that their master plan backfired in the worst way. I also hope that Liam ends up 'fessing up to Steffy. She's going to be none to happy with that one and might even withhold the syrup for a while.

Yeah, I liked Quinn's outfit, too. It was so demure in front, then in the back, surprise!  I guess that would be the opposite of a mullet?

*I'd classify $Bill as a gelding.

Happy Weekend!  We're bracing for an ice storm. Ice this weekend and pushing 70 by next weekend. Gotta love the good 'ol midwest! Speaking of the midwest, I had no idea that Genoa City, WI was a real place. Seriously. I heard a news item last night and whatever happened was in Genoa City, WI. Son of a gun.

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So, Quinn caught on to Ridge. Does that mean she won't do any version of the nasty with him? Will the show pick up on Mondy where the tequila hits her and she passes out? Ridge sneaks into her bed and takes a selfie? I'm just wondering if they head right back to Los Angeles or the scene picks up in the hotel room on Monday? I'll be watching. I actually felt some heat before the bellhop interrupted them. 

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8 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

I must confess I like SC and DB.  Especially in their brotherly banter/sniping with one another.  They both have great reactions.

Supposedly when DB tested for the role of Wyatt, it was his chemistry with SC in scenes that TPTB really loved. Hence them always being at odds and having the same damn fight for the past 3 years. No denying they can be fun to watch and they manage to have great brother chemistry where they manage to convey an undercurrent of 'If we weren't screwing the same women and didn't have daddy abandonment issues we'd be really great friends and brothers' and always manage to play off the more savage lines where the other brother can zing right back and neither take it too personally in their fights. 

When you look at it that way, for the writers it's not about the women between the brothers, but the brothers themselves which is why they write the same story of them butting heads over a woman and just change the names in the outlines from Hope to Ivy to Steffy. It's a bit lazy IMO to rely only on the antagonistic side of the relationship. If they have to fight, fight over who daddy loves most and their position at Spencer Publishing and give their romantic competition a damn rest. It would be interesting for them to be able to be friends and support each other in their personal relationships even as they battle it out in business. They'd at least have a neutral area to commiserate and bond over rather than every facet of their relationship being a battleground. 

However part of me wishes that they hadn't had Wyatt be Liam's brother so the show could really go there. The chemistry is there!

Prediction! Once Ridge falls in step with Quinn and bails on his plan with Liam -because it's happening- and Steffy dumps him for keeping the plan of breaking up Queric from her which would've hurt her grandfather, Liam has no one in his corner-except Katie who for some reason she feels she needs to save her BFF Eric from Quinn. The two team up to scheme against Quinn to save Eric and Forrester Creations and they begin spending a lot of time together and then one thing leads to another with Latie ship setting sail. What do you do with two busy bodies with no love interest! Put them together so they can get busy with each other.

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10 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

However part of me wishes that they hadn't had Wyatt be Liam's brother so the show could really go there. The chemistry is there!


i mean, it's not like Scott Clifton has lit up with any of the other women they've paired him with besides Quinn.

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


i mean, it's not like Scott Clifton has lit up with any of the other women they've paired him with besides Quinn.

DB's Wyatt has it in him to be a relentless funny, witty flirt that seduces SC's clueless, flattered, suddenly sexually confused Liam. All they have to do is have Bill finally complete a blood test that proves Wyatt isn't his son and the show can get real about why Wyatt always screws Liam's women- because he really wants Liam. Boom!

I kid. Mostly.

Actually forget Wyatt and Liam, SC and DB should do a rom com TV movie in the vein of My Best Friend's Wedding with DB in the Julia Roberts role to SC's Dermot Mulroney. Make it happen Freeform, Hallmark, or Logo!

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Watched Friday's show once I knew there was no Ridge/Quinn hookup to worry about.  I really don't see any chemistry with those two though I did think there was a little bit at the fashion show,  

And I'm confused at the direction of the show, as in - is there one?  A lot of the familiar faces are nowhere to be seen, Thomas is back (though why if he and Caroline are a happy family?) and Liam/Wyatt/Steffy is just sadder and more pathetic than the last time I watched some weeks back.        

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 6:28 PM, Gam2 said:

Um, yeah-why was Thomas sitting on the sofa with his SISTER with no shirt on?! Ditto on everything Waldo13 said in spades. I didn't miss Thomas at all, ever, in any way. 

I don't care how buff Pierson Fodé's body might be (meh), randomly sitting shirtless next to his sister is inappropriate.

On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 3:59 PM, OhioSongbird said:

I'm on my way Cupid.  I just made a chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese icing.

Party time!  Excellent!  *cue air guitar*

On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 6:48 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Heh @cupid Stunt,  I could use the booze after the week I've had :p


Excellent, Ohio!

Y'know, Anna ... I'm not sure what's up since New Year's, but people are mighty snarly and spiky, and the weather doesn't help.


And before I have to sit and hear Thomas bitch about Steffy, what the hell has *he* done to earn CEO? Nothing. The only Forresters who don't spend time pissing over who is owed what are Ivy and Zende.

...um, not that I've missed Winters Avant Wednesdays, but...what happened to them? 

Thomas has been bitching and grasping for position at FC that he isn't qualified or doesn't deserve since the Pierson Fodé version of Thomas was cast.

I really miss Anna Maria Horsford and Obba Babatundé as Julius and Vivienne --The very annoying Maya and Nicole can take a long walk into the Algodones Sand Dunes of Imperial Valley, never to be seen again.


Liam and Ridge need to have their clocks cleaned for plotting against Eric and Quinn, again.

On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 7:19 PM, grisgris said:

Ha! Ha! At first glance, I thought you'd written something else. Well, that, too!


You have a filthy mind, grisgris. I like that about you.

44 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Watched Friday's show once I knew there was no Ridge/Quinn hookup to worry about.  I really don't see any chemistry with those two though I did think there was a little bit at the fashion show,         

RS talent raises all boats, including TK's anchor; she draws your attention and becomes the focus of her scenes.

Quinn was jubilant that she had saved the fashion show she had produced as CEO and for Eric, in spite of Ridge and Steffy's plotting to keep the show stopper off the runway. Quinn was radiant in the showstopper, while Ridge was snarling in defeat and slumping in his wrinkled suit.


And I'm confused at the direction of the show, as in - is there one? A lot of the familiar faces are nowhere to be seen, Thomas is back (though why if he and Caroline are a happy family?) and Liam/Wyatt/Steffy is just sadder and more pathetic than the last time I watched some weeks back.   

I don't know what direction Show is taking ... Meandering aimlessly in a sort-of oval of story-telling.

The writing has been in a 2 month cycle of repetitive arguing whimpering begging beseeching between LiamSteffyWyatt, while Ridge threatens all sorts of revenge havoc truth-telling through mendacity retribution and reprisal on Quinn. 

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Rena Sofer is the best thing that's happened to this show in forever. She's elevated everyone else's acting especially John McCook's. He seems to delighted to finally have an interesting story line with an accomplished actress. If the writers screw this one up, there's no hope for this show. And holy cow--is she beautiful!!

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1 minute ago, Gam2 said:

Rena Sofer is the best thing that's happened to this show in forever. She's elevated everyone else's acting especially John McCook's. He seems to delighted to finally have an interesting story line with an accomplished actress. If the writers screw this one up, there's no hope for this show. And holy cow--is she beautiful!!

Yes, I so agree.  And this is from a viewer that despised Quinn over the Adam and Eve story, and attempted murder of Deacon.  For me to now be rooting for her is amazing to me!  This is all RS who is incredible.  Like you, I want Queric to be a successful and long-standing union.  I am okay with her side efforts to interfered in Wyatt's life, and manipulate Steffi.  But I don't want her anywhere near Rumple.

However, I fear the writers don't know what they have, and will torpedo the marriage, and suddenly Katie will end up with Eric.  Too bad.

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I don't mind the occasional May/December romance but Eric and Katie is just too awful to contemplate.  (I'm more grossed out by the fact he's been married to both of her sisters than the age difference but it is a lot.)

Maybe we should all be posting Queric hate instead of love. Then it might have a chance to last.

It's funny though, with all that Forrester matriarch stuff, RS could actually be a worthy successor to SF if they would only go with it.   

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Yes, I too worry that the writers will torpedo the only good story line in ages. I want Eric and Quinn to have a long lasting union and to run FC together. I hope they kick the horrible Ridge/boring Steffy, Liam and Wyatt to the curb never to be seen again. Where the hell is Brooke? Visiting Hope? No scenes, no Bill, no interacting with the love of her life, Ridge?  I'm amazed at how characters are continually showcased and then dropped completely. Can't they integrate these people? And their stories? Aaarrrggghhh.

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On January 13, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Gam2 said:

Um, yeah-why was Thomas sitting on the sofa with his SISTER with no shirt on?! Ditto on everything Waldo13 said in spades. I didn't miss Thomas at all, ever, in any way. 

I grew up on  a farm, so I was very used to seeing men shirtless.  Steffi is on the beach, so maybe it is the same thing?

But, I will say, I was in Maui recently and there were so many old walking/cycling or whatever shirtless men, and I kept yelling in my head, put a shirt on!  Apparently I have standards. If I saw Thomas in Maui walking around without a shirt, I would have been totally happy.  Just sayin.

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15 hours ago, Gam2 said:

 I'm amazed at how characters are continually showcased and then dropped completely. 

It IS amazing, isn't it?  Does it have to be all Steffy-Wyatt-Liam-Rumple-Quinn all the time & nothing else?  Not too long ago Rick and Maya wanted nothing more than for Lizzie to have a sibling.  Nicole grows a spine and says no to a second surrogacy, so now what?  Is that being dropped?  I assumed the writers would follow up on them pursuing another option for having a second baby, but I suppose this does prove the thing about what happens when you assume :)

17 hours ago, tessaray said:

Thomas is back (though why if he and Caroline are a happy family?)   

Thomas said Caroline wanted to spend some extra time with her moms, so I assume she's supposed to be coming back eventually.  Ugh, there I go assuming again!

On 1/13/2017 at 7:54 AM, RuntheTable said:

STFU LIAM! Go somewhere and for God's sake do something other than run your friggin mouth about Quinn! 

He is doing something else...he's also jumping up & down and flapping his arms like a deranged chicken.  I half expect him to go airborne at some point.

On 1/12/2017 at 8:37 PM, Cupid Stunt said:

Liam was practically doing the peepee dance whining and bitching at Wyatt, that his and Quinn's influence and reign was very short-lived. 

This made me snort :)

I have a feeling things aren't going to be so great with Quinn.  Things never go well for a soap character when they threaten another character with "I'm going to tell so-and-so what you are up to ASAP" when both characters are alone with no possible witnesses.  I hate the direction Ridge has been going, I hope they don't make it worse by making him violent.

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I don't know what the writers were smoking when they decided Quinn should give that monologue, but Rena Sofer delivered it brilliantly. 

Also: weird neighbor Katie can stop any second now. Seriously. "Teehee I found this ball, let me rub your arm, Eric." STOP.

I think Steffy and Liam were in this episode too but I'm too offended by her terrible (and oddly wide) extensions to watch them. Also I was eating and didn't want to throw up. 

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Could Steffy be anymore clueless were Liam is concerned. Steffy, "Is it really your decision."  Liam is so dismissive, of Steffy, but she can't see the waffle for the syrup. 

RS has given us another masterclass in acting. RS is the only one who can still sore with eagles while working with turkeys. Eric excluded.  Quinn, putting Ridge on blast was an absolute thing of beauty especially when she dismissed Ridge with "NOW You Can Go."

Liam and Katie are the king and queen of STFU and mind your own dame business. Ridge and Liam are the king and prince of being full of oneself.  

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That was indeed a master class in acting on Rena's part. Emmy award winning! Do y'all think the other actors on this show (excluding John of course) understand that she's head and shoulders above all of them? 

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One thing Katie is right about: Eric needs to stop pushing Steffy. Even Stephanie knew when to back off. Then she had to ruin it with the "Steffy wouldn't have been married if not for Quinn." No, Steam would've gotten back and broken up at least one more time before she'd have moved on to Wyatt anyway.

And holy shit , Quinn rememberedThorne exists! And called Sludge out on how hrs basically overshadowed him hos entire life! Master class indeed. 

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A day off thanks to the ice storms, so I was able to watch earlier than usual. Friday's episode ended so promisingly I couldn't resist. 

Parts of Quinn's dialog didn't make a lot of sense to me (maybe some lines were cut?) but then I've also missed the last 3 or 4 weeks of Quinn's current personality tweaking. RS rocked the delivery though.  Too bad the ultimate goal seemed to be Quinn and Ridge sharing their inner selves. 

Whoever wrote today's episode had a nice line with Liam/Steffy - something to the effect that what Quinn did will always be a part of them but doesn't always have to come between them.  I might have actually found it touching if I cared about their relationship.   (And does Liam really think Steffy's going to appreciate Ridge's little seduction plan?  After everything Eric went through just a few months ago, she'll be okay with her father hurting him again?  Especially when he's still after the CEO position. Imbeciles, both Liam and Ridge...) 

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