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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Why is Brooke even there?  Is she is another Liam who just shows up where they don't belong.  

When Liam talks all I hear is bla bla bla. He can't even fantom that Steffy has her own mind.  Eric is right, Wyatt will stand behind Steffy.  All Liam wants to do is stand in front of Steffy.  I would pay a million dollars to see Hope return, to LA, with Liam Jr in hand as a result of one last night of meaningless sex before she left.  

Ridge is ready to fall on his sword for the good of god, country, the company and man kind.  Brooke and Eric be dammed, full speed ahead.  

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Where is Steffy going to sleep when she moves in with Eric and Quinn? I know it's a 3 bedroom mansion (my 3 bedroom  house must be a mansion I guess.  NOT EVEN CLOSE)  but Wyatt is there and I thought IVY was there also (you know, the gal from Australia. )  Would have loved it if Steffy had moved in with Brooke and Ridge, or back into her apartment with the tub in the living room, or Thomas' loft.  Anywhere but Eric's mansion. 

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That mansion is huge....back in the day, all the Forrester spawn had their own rooms, and I think Brooke did too during her first pregnancy. That's at least five or six rooms right there.

That said,if the house has any more tenants, they'd have to change their name to Tanner. Doesn't Zende live there too?

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

When Liam talks all I hear is bla bla bla.

No kidding. I think I much prefer the good ol days when he'd just stare off into space in most of his scenes to all the white noise that passes for his dialogue these days.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

.  I would pay a million dollars to see Hope return, to LA, with Liam Jr in hand as a result of one last night of meaningless sex before she left.  

That poor kid would get teased at school, getting called Mini Eggo. :(

But with the current crop of singles, I'm kinda glad that Bell isn't too big on baby stories ( this last year aside). If Liam is this obnoxious, imagine if he had any actual kids to keep yanking at as a way to control the unfortunate mother's life the way Nick Newman does with Sharon.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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This episode pissed me off. Who the hell does Eric think he is, ordering Steffi to move out?  And how dumb is Steffi to kowtow to grandpa's orders?   She's an adult, for shit's sake and she should have told him to fuck off, even if it means she's no longer President.  And since when did Eric give two shits about honoring marriage vows?   His whole family has been nothing more than a bunch of musical carousel sex fiends, jumping from bed to bed regardless to whom they're married. 

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While I agree Eric should stay outta this (Steffy and Liam need no help in self destruction), seeing Waffles flail and gnash his teeth was hilarious. FFS, she was asked to move out, not break up entirely. He acts like she was sent to International or something. :/

KLovestoShop brings up a good point about Steffy rolling over and accepting this. His usual thinking with his penis aside, Eric has no one else that's remotely trustworthy. If she told him where to shove that hypocritical BS, who would he have hired? Bill Sr. tried something similar with Thorne way back in the day, promising him a job if he married Caroline (who had split up with Ridge at this point) and Thorne told him thanks but no thanks.

See, this is exactly why I find the B&B legacy children to be so completely boring. Liam is the most extreme example, but if Steffy was as spirited as everyone claims she is, she'd push back harder on this or tell Eric to hire someone else.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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This entire business was built on Eric's and Stephanie's hard work and efforts over many years. None of these people would have jobs, much less grown up in an extremely privileged lifestyle, gotten elite educations (although did we ever see any of them graduate from college?) been able to travel all over the world, etc. without their efforts. After the way they all treated Eric over his wedding and then Christmas (although they all relented at the last minute), I don't blame him one bit for exerting his influence over his family and HIS business. Steffy could have declined and resigned. She chose not to do that. That's on her spoiled ass.

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Honestly, I think Steffy secretly agrees with Eric.  Liam's behavior over her being offered and accepting the position has opened her eyes to some degree.  I think that she really is starting to ponder whether she wants to be with Liam, or if Wyatt is actually a better fit for her.  It's just going to be hard for her to come to that conclusion, fully, because it's been years of her fighting to be with him, and now she finally has him.  

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Of all the legacy children, only Bridget actually graduated college and went to med school. Steffy went to college in London, then came home for some crisis that was mentioned in the clip of her first ever scene on the show (it may have been Taylor's continued spiral down Batshit Alley after InVitroGate) but never went back. I honestly don't remember if Rick graduated but even with the insanity of Amber he still attended college.

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1 minute ago, KerleyQ said:

Honestly, I think Steffy secretly agrees with Eric.  Liam's behavior over her being offered and accepting the position has opened her eyes to some degree.  I think that she really is starting to ponder whether she wants to be with Liam, or if Wyatt is actually a better fit for her.  It's just going to be hard for her to come to that conclusion, fully, because it's been years of her fighting to be with him, and now she finally has him.  

This in itself would be infinitely more interesting than any other story they could have with one another...one I've waited years for either her or Hope to realize. Hell, I've waited decades for this message to stick with Brooke, but she's a lost cause at this point.

Ivy at least had months of good ( mostly off-screen) memories with the guy, so I can sorta understand why she wants to fight for him a bit more than I understood for Hope or Steffy.

But now, she gets to eat her full Belgian Waffles Combo without having to share with anyone else and is coming to realize IHOP is overrated and maybe she should've went with Roscoe's ;) 

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My take is that Steffy thought she could play both sides of the fence and make it work, but clearly, it isn't.  So, she's decided to pick the safe bet and stick with Grandfather.  She probably would have been OK if Waffles would just STFU and stop pitching such a hissy fit. Seriously, I thought he was going to resort to holding his breath until his face turned blue or something to get Eric to back down.  It's not like Eric said to terminate the relationship. All he is asking is for Steffy to not live with Liam until her divorce is final. And FFS, Liam is always at FC anyway, so what's the big deal. Lock up the CEO office/fuck sofa and have at it ... or ... there's always the STEAM room. (That might be good for them to wander in on Quinn and Ridge sooner better than later.)

Now, I agree that it's Steffy's life and it's 2017, not 1950.  She's a consenting adult and can live wherever the hell she wants. Personally, I think it was just heartless and insensitive for her to move directly from the home she shared with Wyatt back into the one she'd shared with Wyatt's brother.  It's like her marriage to Wyatt didn't even exist, which is all fucked up -- given her stubborn refusal to give Liam an annulment so he could marry Hope was because that would mean the marriage didn't really happen. But that type of behavior is in line with Puffy's character. This sudden feeling "torn" about the situation seems to have come out of nowhere and must have been conjured up to try to create some sympathy for her. Sorry. That ain't working here. This is the bitch who had no problem busting up Liam and Ivy, Liam and Hope, and attempting to do so with Oliver, Owen and $Bill. Nope. Not buying it.

Anyway, Eric can't dictate where she lives and who she lives with. She also could have told him to go f*** himself and the CEO-ship and stayed with Liam.  I guess that's really what she should do if Liam is the end game for her. Doesn't look that way. Again, if Liam would stop acting like a pouty two-year-old who didn't get his way and acted halfway supportive of Steffy, things might have turned out differently. So instead of changing his behavior and buying a clue about self-awareness, Waffle Boy does the next best thing and runs to Ridge to do the dirty work for him.  It was also a nice touch for the camera to linger on the Brooke single-eyed tear of romantic angst on Waffle's face after Steffy left.

Why can't Steffy move back into the kept-woman apartment where she used to live (pre-Maya); where it all started with the Liam imprinting. That might be a nice way to rekindle memories (like the one of Liam catching Steffy and Wyatt in bed???)

Ridge was being awfully cagey with Brooke today and I about barfed when she remarked how RJ got his "handsomeness" from Ridge.  Maybe it was just a heavily veiled compliment because the two do favor each other, just not in the way that I think Brooke was intending. How KKL could deliver that line with a straight face is beyond me.  (I also felt sorry for her for having to touch his hair.) I don't think she's going to be very happy or forgiving when this ridiculous scheme of Ridge's comes to fruition. Either way, it's going to cast him in the light of having more or less cheated on her.  (Even if it meant "nothing" -- winky wink!)

I have no idea what's going on with Quinn. Surely, the thought of that slovenly garden gnome running his hand up her calf can't excite her THAT much. Can it?

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I have zero sympathy and even fewer fucks to give about Brooke's feelings in this, because she's been down this road with Ridge far too many times to could to count. I feel more sorry for Liam and his antics crack my shit right the fuck up.

I applaud Steffy for choosing her (heavily gift wrapped, granted) career over trying g to appease Waffle Boy. Too many women in this genre and especially this show choose their trifling Bell Boys that bounce in six months anyway. So, it's a nice departure.

As mentioned above, it doesn't erase all of Steffy's sins but seeing her deal with Waffles acting like an even bigger manchild than Rick somewhat warms the cockles of my cold, dead, originally Team Lope heart.

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Quinn! Think about what Eric just said. He said he was going to take a SHOWER! Those are words you will never hear come from Ridge's lips. Ever!

I had to laugh when Brooke ran her fingers through Ridges hair and said it was damp. She had a such a surprised look on her face like she didn't know who he was.  

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I'm usually quick on the uptake, but I admit I'm a little perplexed as to what Rumple hopes to gain by seducing Quinn and exposing her as a faithless slut to Eric.  Oh I get that he thinks this will drive Quinn out of FC and their lives.  But what's in it for Rumple?

I really doubt Eric will say "Oh thank you son for betraying me by seducing my wife.  I see that you were just doing whatever needed to be done to protect the company and the family. Here's the CEO position for your trouble."

I cannot see Brooke saying "Oh Ridge, you're so brave and noble, sacrificing yourself to sleep with Quinn to protect the company and the family.  I totally forgive you for cheating on me -- on purpose with intent and malice aforethought.  Let's get married tomorrow."

It's possible that Eric would forgive Quinn -- he's seen Rumple do this before.  Or Ivy will chime in and expose Rumple's plan.  And even if Eric does kick Quinn out, I don't think he'll fire Steffy and put Rumple in her place.  Plus -- Even if he did fire Steffy, I think Eric would just resume the CEO job himself.

I truly believe that when Rumple talks about protecting the company, he means from Quinn's "evil influence" and from Steffy as CEO.  It's obvious to me that Rumple wants Steffy out of the job and he'll do what he has to do to get her bounced -- no matter how underhanded.

The Ridge character has always done sketchy and somewhat douche-y things, but this plot of Rumple's goes straight into villain territory. He's not being written as a good guy or even a grey character, and TKRidge is playing this with barely concealed glee at screwing Quinn over and ruining her life.   I don't see how the TPTB/ IIC can redeem him after this.

Edited by La di Diva
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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

The Ridge character has always done sketchy and somewhat douche-y things, but this plot of Rumple's goes straight into villain territory. He's not being written as a good guy or even a grey character, and TKRidge is playing this with barely concealed glee at screwing Quinn over and ruining her life.   I don't see how the TPTB/ IIC can redeem him after this.

Maybe TPTB are doing this intentionally? I mean, it's been a long time since I've considered Ridge to be any kind of hero (way back when Tomagachis and jelly shoes were in style), but Ronn Moss had a kind of grace that transcended the horrible writing more often than not. I mean, the guy raped two women on two separate occasions and came out smelling like a rose, FFS.

But he always, always care about his children and Brooke's (that horrid comment about newly SORASed Hope notwithstanding). He was willing to go to prison to cover for Rick shooting Grant and for all Steffy's grumbling about preferring Brooke and her kids, he was very much a part of their lives. It's unfortunate that they're busting up one of Ridge's few good qualities but TPTB and the show have been sorely lacking a decent(ish) villain since Stephanie was killed off.

Playing the suave, graceful Ridge is just not in TK's wheelhouse and I'm fine with taking him in a different direction.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I would like to start a pool as to how many Liam has STFU moments in a week. He's already had 3 in the first 2 minutes.  I'm not crazy about Steffy and Wyatt but he can make her smile a lot more than Liam can.  Is it more Liam's insecurity, paranoia, or the fact that Steffy can't think for herself drives his frantic behavior.  

I finally realized Katie's purpose on B&B. She is the harbinger of the modern day Greek Tragedy.  Hold on a second; was Liam the voice of reason?  As I do when Liam talks, Ridge, gods gift to women, just heard bla bla bla.  I did it before and I will do it again.  Hopefully not. 

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Part of Eric's epic whoop-ass on Liam before Christmas included the observation that Wyatt made Steffy laugh, that he made her happy -- as opposed to Liam where it was always one crisis after another.

Liam looked really put out by that but he didn't try to deny it.  Because it has always been one crisis after another.  If I were Steffy I'd just be so, so, so tired of all the drama and angst with Liam, and not withstanding her "love" for him, would pick Wyatt.  Because she still loves Wyatt.  

Although Steffy won't admit it, at least not to Liam, Quinn  isn't bothering or threatening her --and she's not going to start if Wyeffy reunite. 

I think Steffy is fighting for her and Liam to be together because it's what they do, it's the defining reason for their relationship -- it's who they are.  And now that they are together (minor impediment of getting a divorce not withstanding) Steffy is starting to see that what she was fighting for isn't really worth it.  It's just hard to give up the identity of a star-crossed lover to realize that you outgrown and moved past the relationship you thought was your life.

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I've been MIA for a few days, & honestly, been kinda hit-&-miss throughout the holidays, but popping back in to say that even though we all knew the Ridge/Quinn thing was coming, I'd have really loved for Ridge to be the first one to realize he had feelings for Quinn instead of vice-versa. I know, it would never happen, but that would've been a good story. Of course, he eventually will realize it, & they'll have an affair, which Eric will catch red-handed, causing yet another medical emergency, then faked-amnesia, then a surprise who's-the-daddy pregnancy...I've just done the writers jobs for the next few months, because we all know they have no idea what "slow burn" in BelLA means.

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The Steffy/Liam things reminds me of a recent convo I had on another board about the original Star Wars and it came up how Luke was all about leaving his farming life until Obi-Wan gives him an out. Then Luke is like "Yeeeeeah, see, I got my family and all that " about two seconds before they notice the Stormtrooper tracks headed to his house. 

But long story short, one of the comments that came up in that discussion is that having is not nearly as fulfilling as wanting. And that's kinda what I see here. To Steffy's very marginal  credit, she comes across as sincerely trying to make this work and keeping her interactions with Wyatt about work; a big departure from Hope who came off as using Wyatt as a weapon to passive-aggressively do to Waffles what had been done to her. And it was just as tiresome with her as with #1 Bell Boy and showed how she was just as immature. But I digress. 

If--and that's a HUGE IF--Steffy comes out of all this with some actual character growth and a true maturity with wanting the type of commitment and stability she never got growing up with Rumple as her father, that would be a win in my book. Until Lizzie is SORASed and barring any long lost daughters that Ridge, Thorne or Rick may have sired or off screen births Bridget or Felicia have, she's the only Forrester granddaughter left. May as well attempt to not make her a vapid shrew.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, La di Diva said:

I'm usually quick on the uptake, but I admit I'm a little perplexed as to what Rumple hopes to gain by seducing Quinn and exposing her as a faithless slut to Eric.  Oh I get that he thinks this will drive Quinn out of FC and their lives.  But what's in it for Rumple?

I really doubt Eric will say "Oh thank you son for betraying me by seducing my wife.  I see that you were just doing whatever needed to be done to protect the company and the family. Here's the CEO position for your trouble."

I cannot see Brooke saying "Oh Ridge, you're so brave and noble, sacrificing yourself to sleep with Quinn to protect the company and the family.  I totally forgive you for cheating on me -- on purpose with intent and malice aforethought.  Let's get married tomorrow."

It's possible that Eric would forgive Quinn -- he's seen Rumple do this before.  Or Ivy will chime in and expose Rumple's plan.  And even if Eric does kick Quinn out, I don't think he'll fire Steffy and put Rumple in her place.  Plus -- Even if he did fire Steffy, I think Eric would just resume the CEO job himself.

I truly believe that when Rumple talks about protecting the company, he means from Quinn's "evil influence" and from Steffy as CEO.  It's obvious to me that Rumple wants Steffy out of the job and he'll do what he has to do to get her bounced -- no matter how underhanded.

The Ridge character has always done sketchy and somewhat douche-y things, but this plot of Rumple's goes straight into villain territory. He's not being written as a good guy or even a grey character, and TKRidge is playing this with barely concealed glee at screwing Quinn over and ruining her life.   I don't see how the TPTB/ IIC can redeem him after this.

That's been my issue with buying this story from the start.  There's no way he doesn't damage his relationships with Eric and Brooke by going through with this.  He claims now that he's not going to actually sleep with her, just get her into a compromising position, but, it's going to be a hard sell to Brooke that nothing happened.  And, even then, she might still hold it against him that he hurt Eric like this and did it all behind her back, never mind how intimate he might have to be with Quinn to get her into an appropriately incriminating position.  How many times will he touch her?  Kiss her?  Even if it's in service of "saving" Eric and FC, going that far, behind Brooke's back, should be a deal breaker.  

3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Maybe TPTB are doing this intentionally? I mean, it's been a long time since I've considered Ridge to be any kind of hero (way back when Tomagachis and jelly shoes were in style), but Ronn Moss had a kind of grace that transcended the horrible writing more often than not. I mean, the guy raped two women on two separate occasions and came out smelling like a rose, FFS.

But he always, always care about his children and Brooke's (that horrid comment about newly SORASed Hope notwithstanding). He was willing to go to prison to cover for Rick shooting Grant and for all Steffy's grumbling about preferring Brooke and her kids, he was very much a part of their lives. It's unfortunate that they're busting up one of Ridge's few good qualities but TPTB and the show have been sorely lacking a decent(ish) villain since Stephanie was killed off.

Playing the suave, graceful Ridge is just not in TK's wheelhouse and I'm fine with taking him in a different direction.

I'm thinking it has to be intentional.  Between how Ridge is pretty happily flirting with Quinn and how Bill has not blown his fuse and gone all revenge minded on Brooke and Ridge, I think that something is up here.  On one hand, we have Ridge's behavior (and the pretty clear signs that, despite his insistence to the contrary, he's actually into this thing with Quinn), and, on the other, we have Bill, not being an ass to Brooke and calmly telling her that he knows this is something she needs to get past, but he's confident they belong together.  He's not fighting with her or Ridge, he's not out drunkenly sexing up someone else, or crawling back to Katie.  He's just waiting for her to figure it out on her own.  

Speaking of Bill, Wyatt did a pretty decent impression of Bill during his argument with Liam.  I wasn't looking at the screen at the time, and I honestly had a moment where I thought Bill had walked in and interrupted their conversation.  

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Um ..... Ridge... that thing you said today about everyone in your family thinking you're selfish and power hungry?  You really are.  Everything you've shown us about yourself has been me, me, me, all about me. Me and why I, Ridge Forrester, must be CEO.

After today I totally believe he wants to oust Steffy and seize the reins at FC. He really doesn't care if he hurts Eric with this scheme to seduce Quinn and reclaim the CEO title for himself.  And that is the very definition of selfish and power hungry.

Because we can never say this enough -- Liam, STFU and quit whining about ... well.... everything.

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Eric & Quin were just so adorable together...for about 5minutes & now they are going to trash it all for this boring & ever so predictable Ridge "seducing" Quinn? Poor woman must not have much experience not to be able to see through his shallow & lazy attempts at "seduction". This is all so lame.. UGH! And then Ridge...saying "she's hooked". Puh-leeeze.

Seriously if I had to choose between Eric/JmcC and Ridge/TK...there is NO CONTEST. Give me the silver fox over greasy & rumpled any day. (And I used to like TK back on his AMC days!)

These writers are so heavy handed with their writing. Its painful to watch...could be why I FF a lot. ;)

Oh, and Liam...shut it. Aren't you tired of listening to yourself whine & complain? I'm sure tired of listening to you. Seriously dude.

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14 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Eric & Quin were just so adorable together...for about 5minutes & now they are going to trash it all for this boring & ever so predictable Ridge "seducing" Quinn? Poor woman must not have much experience not to be able to see through his shallow & lazy attempts at "seduction". This is all so lame.. UGH! And then Ridge...saying "she's hooked". Puh-leeeze.

Seriously if I had to choose between Eric/JmcC and Ridge/TK...there is NO CONTEST. Give me the silver fox over greasy & rumpled any day. (And I used to like TK back on his AMC days!)

These writers are so heavy handed with their writing. Its painful to watch...could be why I FF a lot. ;)

Oh, and Liam...shut it. Aren't you tired of listening to yourself whine & complain? I'm sure tired of listening to you. Seriously dude.

Shit, even if RM were still on the show, I'd still choose Eric over Ridge! The guy has always been a loathesome pig in pants, and now they've got someone who matches that appearance.

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I just have no idea what to say about the latest turn of events. The scene with Ridge and Quinn talking about the sample dress was very riveting and both did a great job with selling the seduction.  It's just so difficult to fathom, as well as being disappointing, that Quinn would fall for that slob, especially when she has such a glorious Cinderella-story life with Eric.

I think that what's going to happen is that Katie will be the one to either walk in on something or pair up with our favorite acting partner, POD, and observe/hear something (probably innocent put compromising, nonetheless -- go figure) and run with it to Eric.  She's got to keep her meddling active, you know?

I'm bored with Steffy/Liam/Wyatt and the whining and groveling from the Spencer brothers, respectively, have got to stop. It's frustrating and befuddling that Ivy and Sasha are nowhere to be seen (FC now on recurring?) while those two duke it out over that trifling heifer.

On the appearances front: What's going on with Quinn's hair? She's approaching JMW territory with the new lengths and textures every day. Obviously, RS looks much better, but the stylists must be going for the "Ice Quinn" theme in overdrive.  At least she grew out those awful bangs.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

I'm bored with Steffy/Liam/Wyatt and the whining and groveling from the Spencer brothers, respectively, have got to stop. It's frustrating and befuddling that Ivy and Sasha are nowhere to be seen (FC now on recurring?) while those two duke it out over that trifling heifer.

That is grating. Back in the good ol' days people were allowed to have fulfilling relationships. Brooke had plenty of men while Ridge was off waffling with Taylor, and even Stephanie had many beaus (including boy toy Clarke! So totes jelly about that! ?) when Eric was gazing at Margo or Beth or Brooke.

I thought that Steffy/Liam were endgame, but after this past year when they spend all but the last six weeks of 2016 broken up I'm not so sure. Waffles is losing that golden boy status with just about everyone except for Ridge and probably Katie, who are more than willing to turn a blind eye to his BS to have an audience for their Two Minutes Hate for Quinn. Steffy isn't spending much time soothing his ego, which was always her primary role in the ToD 2.0 days.

 Bizarrely (but refreshingly!), he hasn't drifted back to Ivy or began comiserating with Nicole as he used to do. Considering the lines about  his waffling, I'm guessing someone is taking the message boards and/or the surveys from a few months ago very seriously. But it would be interesting academically to see if Steffy would run back to him if he started talking to another chick. I have the feeling that the bell wouldn't work on Pavlov's dog this time.

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I think the problem with this version of Steffy is that tptb are ignoring the most important part of the character; Steffy is and has always been a nasty piece of work.  'Saint' Steffy who wants everyone to be happy isn't the REAL Steffy.  The real Steffy is the chick who told her grandmother she would fuck $Bill in a heartbeat.  The real Steffy is the chick who dropped her panties for Liam, just to break Hope's heart.  The REAL Steffy is the woman who returned to LA and offered cold hard cash for exclusive use of Liam's dick.  This isn't a nice person.  This isn't a good person.  If Brooke is the 'slut from the Valley' then Steffy is the 'ho from Malibu'.

There are a lot of young woman in the cast who would be a much better fit for the role they're trying to squeeze Steffy into.  I bought that two men would fight over Hope. She's the blonde dream girl, a male fantasy.   I don't buy that those same men would repeat history over Puffy.  Go to any mall in North America and you'll see multiple copies of Steffy.  She's 'common'.

I'm furious that Quinn is going to be torn down over Ridge.  They can tell us that Ridge is the dreamiest dreamboat that ever sailed but that's not going to change what we see on our tvs.  Why would a woman who has been through as much as Quinn has, risk a life with a man who adores her for RIDGE?  From my very first B&B episode, when Ridge slipped into his brother's bed and raped his sister-in-law, I've never liked the character.  Ron Moss had a certain Ken doll charm about him, but Ridge has always been a nasty piece of work, just like his daughter.  There's no way a woman as savvy as Quinn would fall for Ridge's bullshit, especially when Ridge is played by TK.  I didn't like TK back in his AMC days.  The character he played was very domineering and controlling and he's brought the same qualities to B&B.  A lot of women seem to like that but he makes my skin crawl.  I've seen interviews with TK and he seems like a very nice man, so I guess those are choices he makes as an actor.

B&B is flailing and flailing badly.  They need to resolve this triangle bullshit NOW.  Give Liam a nice, simple girl that he can barbecue tofu with and live the boring, simple life he desperately wants.  Put $Bill and Brooke back together.  Let Quinn have Eric and send Ridge back to Europe with RJ.  There, I fixed it.  You're welcome.

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Between the holidays and the flu, I'm still catching up on episodes. Recaps will likely resume next week.

But what I have seen of Rumple and Quinn is stomach-turning.

I find Quinn very confusing - she has been absolutely, 100% steadfast in her love and devotion to Eric, a lioness in fighting for him and their relationship. This 180 with her thinking about Rumple is just all around shoe-horn plot contrivance at its not-so-finest. I just don't know how to take her - I don't know if I buy that she's all ga-ga over him all of a sudden, but rather, Ridge is interested? In me? Why? Not that Quinn should question why any red-blooded male should be interested, I mean, look at her! But her Spidey senses should be tingling overtime with what the hell is he up to now? Unless she's onto him and playing the game that she can play a whole lot better than he can even think of. I could get onboard with that scenario, but as the days goes by, I just don't know. 

And Rumple, even with two rapes under his belt (Caroline I when she was drunk and thought he was Thorne until it was retconned that she knew it was him all along, but he clearly didn't know that at the time he slipped into her bed and Brooke when she was zonked on pain medication and had told him prior to his "visit" she wanted nothing to do with him), has never before come off as as the pathological predator he does now.

It makes my skin crawl to see him interact with Quinn and having to see those flashbacks of him putting his greasy paws on her because he can, invading her space, spouting off innuendo after innuendo, and all so he can fuck her over and his father for daring to name his daughter CEO instead of him, which means he's okay with fucking over Steffy, too, and Brooke...as we all know, clearly he has no fucks to give towards her. It's clear where Thomas got his rapist behavior from.

As I mentioned, if Quinn is on to him and is just playing a con to oust him - once and for all - to Eric, his fiancee, and the rest of the family - for the sociopath he is, then fine. But I'm wise TPTB ways and don't trust them not to whip out Quinn is drunk or on meds or both and Ridge takes advantage with Liam and/or Katie filming it no doubt and Quinn being painted as the Whore of Babylon while Ridge gets a heaping helping of the same Teflon coating Taylor wore for years. 

This is why we can't have nice things - we love Queric and so of course, we must be punished. 

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He just wants what he wants.  Liam wants you to stay at home, sit by the fire, and play it safe.  ??  What if Hope comes back?  What then?  Liam is committed to me says Steffy and she could even look Eric in the eye when she said that.  Eric's true feelings about Ridge taking Brooke away from him is once again on the front burner.  Steffy is like a 2 year old child who constantly has to be reminded that Liam is no where as trustworthy as Wyatt but even some 2 year olds eventually learn not to touch the hot stove.

In one way or another, the only Commandment Ridge has not broken is thou shall not kill. His favorite Commandment, to break, is thou shall not covet.  It's not that Quinn is evil.  Its that he wants everything that Eric has and he thinks Quinn is standing in his way. He's not satisfied with being the son of Eric Forrester, he wants to be Eric Forrester with all the perks that go with it. Job title and the mansion are at the top of his list.  How does Ridge plan to make Quinn go over the line where he doesn't have to?  Is he going to drug her and take pictures in compromising positions or is he going to record her flirting with him?  Better yet, he will have Katie video tape Quinn completely out of context. 

I was a little disappointed with the last scene where only Ridge's eyes appeared as Eric and Quinn were dancing. I fully expected them to morf into turn green with the pupils of a serpent. ?  Bummer. 

In a scene where Quinn was standing in front of Ivy, admiring the green dress, I didn't cares about what was said or done. I was just lost in a pool of beautiful mesmerizing blue eyes.  

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32 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

The real Steffy is the chick who told her grandmother she would fuck $Bill in a heartbeat. 

I really can't hold that against her, honestly ?


But I agree. I don't mind an actual evolution of her role--Y&R has had plenty of bad girls who eventually mellowed out. Lauren Fenmore was just as hateful and nasty and insecure as Steffy is. But fucking own up to that shit. Throwing obstacles at her to manipulate sympathy outta the audience who has access to YouTube isn't going to cut it.

38 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

From my very first B&B episode, when Ridge slipped into his brother's bed and raped his sister-in-law, I've never liked the character.  Ron Moss had a certain Ken doll charm about him, but Ridge has always been a nasty piece of work, just like his daughter. 

Damn, that's one helluva first episode to pick up the show with! I'm not sure if I'd have bothered tuning in after that.

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On 1/4/2017 at 0:39 PM, Waldo13 said:


He just wants what he wants.  Liam wants you to stay at home, sit by the fire, and play it safe.  ??  What if Hope comes back?  What then?


Thing is, Hope was surprisingly naive and sheltered for a child who lived her entire life in Beverly Hills, but not even she was some delicate flower looking to get married and be a doting housewife. She had her own mind and took her HFTF line seriously.

If Waffles wants a wife like that, he ought to move to Genoa City and marry Summer Newman. That girl has no brains or ambition at all. I'd pay good money to see Victor Newman shut his Jan Brady game down when Prick inevitably came between them! And having Phyllis as a MIL? ? Now there's the rom com I'd pay to see! ;)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Before I get to my UO's let me just say the following

Thank you writers for letting Ivy speak with her natural accent, I'm hoping that means that idiotic story line is over.

STFU Liam. The whining is over the top, and that's what you get when you dump your girlfriend for the girl who just killed her cousin.

As for the UO's

The real triangle is Steffy/Liam/CEO, she's already proven how little she cared about Wyatt. She's about to prove it to Liam too.

"Fight for your marriage" .... Fuck you Writers/Eric,  I knew you were going to go there.

And most UO of all;

As much as he and/or his partners may be responsible, someone is always messing with Liam's love life. (Steffy, Hope, Wyatt, Quinn, Eric, $Bill, Deacon, Rick, Thomas, Brooke, Taylor, gondola guy, Othello.....)

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46 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

As much as he and/or his partners may be responsible, someone is always messing with Liam's love life. (Steffy, Hope, Wyatt, Quinn, Eric, $Bill, Deacon, Rick, Thomas, Brooke, Taylor, gondola guy, Othello.....)

True as that may be, what does it say that the women in his life see him as being so completely gullible? None of those people force him to tear up the annulment papers to Steffy and not tell Hope about it before the wedding. No one forced him to go through with the Aspen wedding in the first place. And not one person manipulated him into dumping Ivy for Steffy after shutting the latter's bullshit 1990s Brooke Logan game down just six months earlier.

But that does highlight the problem I've had with the character in that he has no agency in his life. And it's gotten old and stale to sit through.

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54 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

Thank you writers for letting Ivy speak with her natural accent, I'm hoping that means that idiotic story line is over.

Yes, definitely this.  I hope they don't revisit it. 

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Thank you, mightysparrow, for articulating so perfectly what I was trying to explain how the new and possibly giving a fuck, Steffy that's been suddenly thrust upon us doesn't ring true to the hellion we've all grown to know and hate.  I am glad, though, that she attempted to stand up to Eric today. He went W-A-A-Y overboard with insisting that she move into the mansion and demanding her to "work on her marriage." If she's truly in love with Liam (which I question whether or not it's love she actually feels for him) then no amount of cajoling or coaxing or out-and-out threats will make her change her position towards Wyatt and her marriage.

However, I did love Eric asking Steffy point-blank how Liam would react if Hope returned. Steffy looked flabbergasted and she had to think about that one for a moment. Hee!

I see that the old saw about Ridge taking Brooke away from Eric is raising it's tired old ugly head again, this time from both sides of the street.  And thank you, writers, for now leaving no doubt in our minds that history is going to repeat itself again very soon, I'm afraid. The thing I felt, was that RM's Ridge felt maybe the tiniest kernel of remorse for hurting and betraying his own father, even though they often fought bitterly about what happened.  It was one of the places they "went to" (along with Ridge's paternity) whenever it was necessary to strike a really nasty low blow. This Ridge just cavalierly shrugged the whole incident like, "Yeah, so what if I did?" His unwavering confidence and arrogance that he's going to strike again is appalling. Said with a smirk and cocky demeanor, he reassured a very nervous and frustrated Waffles that he was going to "rid the family of that toxic woman." Moments earlier, he seemed enthralled with and submerged in the depths of Quinn's deep blue eyes. Just blergghhh ...

Waffles and Sludge together don't work for me. The two actors don't play off against each other very well.  All I heard were the same words over and over and neither one seemed to be listening to the other.  They were like two trains going off on different directions and just blowing the whistle back and forth at each other.

At this point ... PLEASE!!!  I'd rather see anything at this point. Let Steffy realize she doesn't want either Spencer spawn and go after the big kahuna -- DADDY $BILL! That would certainly be a more interesting SL for JMW and KKL. Hell, even get Katie involved. I'm sure she doesn't want Will about Steffy.  Bell could still focus on his beloved junior varsity and leave Eric and Quinn out of the spotlight. I'd hate to see them back-burnered, but that is preferable to seeing them break up over Ridge's ego-driven divide and conquer quest.

Man, was I coveting Quinn's green gown.  Emerald green is my absolutely fav color and she was absolutely stunning in it.  While I enjoyed her old artiste-chic boho look, I like the new "Lady of the Manor" styling.  The clothes are elegant and classy but still always have just a something-something to make them not be cookie-cutter Beverly Hills or matronly.

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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I really can't hold that against her, honestly ?


But I agree. I don't mind an actual evolution of her role--Y&R has had plenty of bad girls who eventually mellowed out. Lauren Fenmore was just as hateful and nasty and insecure as Steffy is. But fucking own up to that shit. Throwing obstacles at her to manipulate sympathy outta the audience who has access to YouTube isn't going to cut it.

Damn, that's one helluva first episode to pick up the show with! I'm not sure if I'd have bothered tuning in after that.

It WAS quite an introduction.  I couldn't believe that not only was Ridge the brother-in-law of the woman he raped but that he was supposed to be the HERO of the show.  All these years later, I've never been able to wrap my head around it.  What's interesting is that now Ridge LOOKS as sleazy as he has been all these years.  Ron Moss was one of the worst actors in the history of acting, but there was something likeable about him that mitigated a lot of the horrible things Ridge did.  TK's Ridge is slimy.

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 1:54 PM, Waldo13 said:

I would like to start a pool as to how many Liam has STFU moments in a week. He's already had 3 in the first 2 minutes.  I'm not crazy about Steffy and Wyatt but he can make her smile a lot more than Liam can.  Is it more Liam's insecurity, paranoia, or the fact that Steffy can't think for herself drives his frantic behavior.  

I can't listen to Liam repeat the same whining woe is me what are you going to do we was robbed Quinn is Eric's puppet master Shinola.

Liam's real fear is that Steffy will choose Wyatt again, because she still cares about Wyatt -- in spite of Liam running around in circles, yelling at Eric, busting into business meetings, demanding Ridge DO SOMETHING TO STOP QUINN panicked hysteria, Liam hasn't been able to stop her from doing anything he considers a threat to their relationship.

Steffy chose to marry Wyatt. She chose to lead FC as CEO, and is work with Quinn and Wyatt. She chose to listen to Eric's concerns of her lifestyle, agreed with him and acted upon those concerns. She chose to move out of Liam's beach house because she never felt right living there while still married to Wyatt. Steffy could easily chose to return to Wyatt because he's always supported her ambition to lead and Steffy still loves him.


I finally realized Katie's purpose on B&B. She is the harbinger of the modern day Greek Tragedy.  Hold on a second; was Liam the voice of reason?  As I do when Liam talks, Ridge, gods gift to women, just heard bla bla bla.  I did it before and I will do it again.  Hopefully not. 

I've always considered Katie a Jonah. To quote myself (which is always fun): "By just showing up, she (Katie) could cast a pall on whatever romance was in full swing, waiting for an anvil drop. Katie, like Taylor, is a Jonah -- Bad tidings and worse possible luck for those she says she has nothing but the best of intentions."

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3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

It WAS quite an introduction.  I couldn't believe that not only was Ridge the brother-in-law of the woman he raped but that he was supposed to be the HERO of the show.  All these years later, I've never been able to wrap my head around it.  What's interesting is that now Ridge LOOKS as sleazy as he has been all these years.  Ron Moss was one of the worst actors in the history of acting, but there was something likeable about him that mitigated a lot of the horrible things Ridge did.  TK's Ridge is slimy.

The resulting backlash that William Bell got for that story (which led to the rewrite of Caroline knowing it was him all along and absolutely NOT wasted off her ass as Thorne made the world's longest sandwich) is why I could not believe Brad Bell, who has been a writer from day one on the show, pulled this shit AGAIN with Thomas and Caroline II. Attitudes were....let's say different in 1988 than they are today and Brad was entirely tone deaf to think he could pull that one off a third (possibly fourth) time with Brock Turner making news.

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5 hours ago, grisgris said:

However, I did love Eric asking Steffy point-blank how Liam would react if Hope returned. Steffy looked flabbergasted and she had to think about that one for a moment. Hee!

Forgot to address this earlier, as I have burned myself out on discussing those two idiots. But I'm really glad it looks like they're acknoledging past history instead of ignoring the last six years as if Hope wasn't a major part of the Steffy/Liam dynamic as they have been since JMW returned. 

Now, if only we could get some dialogue acknowledging the absolute shitheel Steffy has been since at least 2009, throwing her cooch at unavailable men well before Waffles even entered the picture and not giving any fucks who she hurt in the process. Show her make some effort to truly apologize to Ivy. The best apology would be to not even breathe in her direction if and when Waffles slinks back to Ivy when she chooses Wyatt. Oh, and maybe apologize to Hope the next time Kim Matula makes a guest appearance on the show.

If the person(s) in CBS reading this board needs inspiration on how to redeem a bad girl, feel free to look into Y&R's archives and see Lauren Fenmore. Or even Sheila Carter's earliest days on B&B when it looked like she was moving past her obsession. The Proctor & Gamble series may have a few such stories in their canon as well.


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Once Ridge betrays his father, I'm probably out.  I took a break after Ridge and Brooke had their lab-boink after the BeLieF discovery, so I'll probably do the same once Ridge manipulates and/or beds Quinn.  The character of Ridge has never willfully betrayed or hurt or cheated on anyone, as far as I can remember.  Even the lab-boink was some contrived "I thought their marriage was over because of some note or something" nonsense.  But this?  This is deliberate, premeditated betrayal that will destroy what had been, despite their differences, a very nice father-son relationship when RM was in the role.  But, as TK has none of the charm, grace or smoothness that RM has in the role, maybe they have no choice but to take the character in another direction.

I know it's an Unpopular Opinion but, as far as the "taking Brooke away from me" bit goes, I never thought Brooke was Eric's to begin with.  No one "belongs" to another person, of course, but every character on this show should know that Brooke and Ridge are the ultimate, never-to-be-forgottens for anyone they've been with in the past.  And as the original Brooke/Eric pairing was one of the first "incestuous" relationships, my ire was always fixed on Eric.  Who the hell marries his son's former fiancee?  That's disgusting.  Thorne did it too with Caroline I.  It's commonplace on this show now, but those were the first instances.  Ridge slept with your wife?  No, you married his fiancee!

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Not only are they beating a dead horse, they are roasting it and cramming it down our throats.  Liam constantly talks about Steffy like she is not in the room and Steffy constantly allows it.  No Liam, you are the only one being demeaned not Steffy. Ultimately, Steffy enjoys the limelight. 

Ridge apparently slapped Eric, in the face, and challenged him to a duel.  The biggest problem that I have is they seem to be going to sacrifice Quinn and Eric for that lowlife Ridge.  

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51 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Not only are they beating a dead horse, they are roasting it and cramming it down our throats.  Liam constantly talks about Steffy like she is not in the room and Steffy constantly allows it.  No Liam, you are the only one being demeaned not Steffy. Ultimately, Steffy enjoys the limelight. 

Ridge apparently slapped Eric, in the face, and challenged him to a duel.  The biggest problem that I have is they seem to be going to sacrifice Quinn and Eric for that lowlife Ridge.  

Even if you're not fans of the Steffy/Liam duo, as I am, and/or believe Liam does not to stop constantly whinging, as I do, if you were him, would you want your lover hanging out with your kidnapper/captor?

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I'm just .. I can't even ...  

After today's throw down between Rumple and Eric I'm convinced Rumple is going to physically/ sexually assault Quinn to make it look like she'd betraying Eric.  

Rumple is so angry and so frustrated that Eric won't do what Rumple says and wants that he's going Def-Con 5 to get rid of Quinn.  I'm not sure the Big Rump understands that he's going to burn down not only Queric, but also FC, Bridge, his father-son relationship with Eric  and possibly Steffy/Liam and Rump/RJ in the process.

When it comes out -- and it will -- that Rump orchestrated, manipulated, and faked Quinn's betrayal Eric won't forgive him, probably ever. Brooke won't forgive him. Remembering her own assault she is not going to hand wave Rump assaulting Quinn, That would definitely be a bridge too far. Steffy, for all her faults, will be appalled he went there and that Liam was complicit in the whole thing. RJ won't be happy his father cheated on his mother.

I'd like to see Rump actually pay for his machinations this time -- thrown out of FC, Queric reunited, Brooke happily married to Bill, RJ back in boarding school and not speaking to him, and Steffy CEO of FC and back with Wyatt.

Rump is a man completely obsessed with having what he wants Right. Now.  And what he wants is Quinn out and Rump in as CEO.  He's moved past plotting into downright evil.  He wants to hurt Quinn and he wants to ultimately hurt Eric -- for his own good.

I want Liam to lose Steffy because she's disgusted with him, and when he goes sniffing around Ivy for a shoulder to cry on she reads him for filth. And while we're at it a smack down from $Bill, who doesn't care about Quinn, but would never condone Rump's plan.

And yet again I must add -- Liam STFU and quit whining.  

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