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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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59 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Throughout all of his campaign to snatch (manipulate) Brooke from Bill has Rumple ever said "I love you" to Brooke?

I know he's prattled endlessly about how they belong together and their history and their DESTINY and the fact they have a son and that Satanie wanted them together (since when?).

But I cannot remember a single instance where he told her he loves her.  Now Bill says it all the time.  I know talk is cheap, but if Ridge thinks he and Brooke are fated to be together for all eternity, don't you think an 'I love you' or two would have popped out?

Now that I think about it I don't remember a single 'I love you' to Carowhine.   Queric say it to each other all the time

I don't ever remember him saying it. The closest he came was saying something like "you know how I feel about you".

36 minutes ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Ridge only says 'I love you' to his damn self.

Truer words have never been spoken.

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As much as I love TK, I can't get into this relationship.  There was more steam when he and Quinn were standing on the edge of the runway after the fashion show than there has ever been in Ridge/Brooke since I've been watching them (about 3 years).  It's like she is sacrificing her happiness for their "family" - no one seemed to worried about the fam when their little monster was off in boarding school.

Which is where I wish he would return.  I work in a high school so I'm around teenagers a lot.  What kid that age is more worried about his parents' "destiny" than his own life, friends, interests, etc.?  Why isn't this kid IN school?   If the storyline has to go this way, I'd rather see a pissed-off, sullen, bratty RJ back determined to make his parents suffer for sending him away - and Brooke/Ridge reuniting in the hope of straightening him out.  Why isn't this kid constantly looking at his cell phone.....drinking milk right out of the container right out of the fridge...throwing his teenage boy stuff around?  This kid is a wussy.

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Since Brooke is all about the children now, where in the heck is Jack??? (And please send Slouchy to wherever Jack is hanging out) 

Brooke knows how many times Ridge has pushed her to the side for other women, so I refuse to entertain the notion that Ridge somehow manipulated her into this decision.

She is officially an idiot in my eyes. She deserves whatever heartache she gets from this decision.

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Today's episode is brought to you by the letters W G A S.  As in Who Gives A Shit about Bridge and Bill. Quinn and Eric, by just sitting on the couch, have more chemistry than any  love scene between the usual suspects. Quinn, making Steffy CEO is like giving the fox a key to the henhouse.  Steffy is too stupid  to realize Quinn is offering her a olive branch.  I would imagine that the olive branch would be withdrawn once Quinn finds out that Eric was talking to Wyatt. A mutiny over Wyatt as CEO or a Ridge takeover via Steffy?  Hum!  

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22 minutes ago, donovan said:

Since Brooke is all about the children now, where in the heck is Jack??? (And please send Slouchy to wherever Jack is hanging out) 

Brooke knows how many times Ridge has pushed her to the side for other women, so I refuse to entertain the notion that Ridge somehow manipulated her into this decision.

She is officially an idiot in my eyes. She deserves whatever heartache she gets from this decision.

I agree - no one can manipulate you unless you give them license to do so.

That same argument used to be thrown out on Ridge's behalf - years ago - that Satanie and Taylor manipulated him - uh uh. He's a grown-ass man and if he does something, he does it because HE wants to.

Same goes for Brooke. 

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I don't know why Quinn didn't talk to Eric about this so he could offer the job to Steffy.   Wouldn't it be accepted quicker coming from him?

Am I making too much sense here?

While I'm ranting about the character of RJ, the kid's family is all about fashion yet he dresses like Eddie Haskell.  Even a sports team hoodie would be more suitable than those geeky shirts he walks around in.

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11 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

 That's Brooke's decency right there. She never had a thought about the children getting in the way of whatever penis is today's destiny. 

And that's the damn problem, as much as her suddenly being in love with Ridge once again. Smug sourpuss or not, Katie is still her sister, Will is growing up in a broken home and Brooke played a part in that. And now, it's time for her to disrupt that for her grown AF teenage son?

Fuck that. That excise didn't fly with Taylor, Patron Saint of Necromancers , when she thought she was entitled to pick where she left off and it doesn't fly here. I've never been on board from Brill and I'm still not, but it's plain as day that he wanted a life with Brooke. He's risked the relationship with both Will and Liam (insufferable hypocrite that he is) to be with her and not settle with Katie.

What excuse will Ridge give this time when he leaves Brooke? Ridge and Steffy are strangely (irritatingly) supportive. Stephanie is dead. Taylor is gone, presumably reunited with Throne. Just like Liam and Steffy/Hope, the only hinders will be each other.

I wish they'd recast Nick. Or Dave. Or even bring back Rocco cuz annoying as he was, I'd like to see one of the guys who knew the Logans before they were Logans  and maybe Katie can move on from the ugly duckling image she still has of herself.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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14 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I wish they'd recast Nick. Or Dave. Or even bring back Rocco cuz annoying as he was, I'd like to see one of the guys who knew the Logans before they were Logans  and maybe Katie can move on from the ugly duckling image she still has of herself.

I've been wanting a Dave return for a while now.  But, since Brooke has been with a cop before, I'd like to see something happen with Lt. Baker.  Hell, I'll take a torrid affair with Loading Dock Guy (who I hope is single with no children)! 

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When has Brooke ever concerned herself with the children? Hers or anyone else's?!  Or dignity or legacy or any other morals or ethics that most people live their lives by? Where has this attitude come from and how can these actors spew this trash? Talking about insulting the intelligence of their viewers!!!

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Speaking as an attorney, Quinn's POA over Eric should be revoked by now. He is no longer incompetent. Anyway, while I don't want Quinnsane to return, I want her to put the steel back in her spine and quit kissing Puffy's ass. Puffy treated her like crap today, as usual, and Quinn groveled at her feet. Cut it out!

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Facebook did a podcast the other day with TK and KKL answering fans' questions.  They were adorable and funny together - obviously get along very well.

So why doesn't that translate to the big screen? 

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TK and KKL have decent friends chemistry onscreen but no sexual tension at all.  If the show lasted another 10 - 15 years, I could maybe see them as endgame but not right now.  Especially not after Brooke was so close to having it all with Bill and just walked away for a memory of something that never really existed. (As far as I can tell from long-time viewers.)  

Brooke deserves better than being someone else's comfortable old sweater.  Too bad she doesn't see that.  I have no desire to watch this train wreck anymore.   

ETA: I'm really irritated that this show sucked me back in for Tasha/Queric with a side of Brill.  Honestly, I should know better by now. 

Edited by tessaray
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16 minutes ago, tessaray said:

TK and KKL have decent friends chemistry onscreen but no sexual tension at all.  If the show lasted another 10 - 15 years, I could maybe see them as endgame but not right now.  Especially not after Brooke was so close to having it all with Bill and just walked away for a memory of something that never really existed. (As far as I can tell from long-time viewers.)  

Brooke deserves better than being someone else's comfortable old sweater.  Too bad she doesn't see that.  I have no desire to watch this train wreck anymore.   

ETA: I'm really irritated that this show sucked me back in for Tasha/Queric with a side of Brill.  Honestly, I should know better by now. 

That pales in comparison to when Brooke and Thorne got torpedoed. That was years and years of build up, of Thorne fighting with Stephanie, of Macy being "killed," of Thorne being financinally cut off, of Bridget being understandably embarrassed their her uncle-turned-brother was now also becoming her stepdad, to Kimberly falling for Thorne and living about a pregnancy....for them to FINALLY walk down the aisle, with Stephanie's blessing....all for Brooke be be like "LOL, j/k".

Tasha was kebashed before I had any kind of investment. But I have the sneaking suspicion that TIIC are setting up a story for Doug to actually be Ridge's kid. It's going to be that reveal that sinks the Bridge this time, or Ridge and Quinn getting together. The only question is whether this will be an event for February sweeps or May.

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On one hand TK and KKL look adorbs in that shot. They're just so smiley!

On the other Brooke and Ridge are a little old for rose petals in the bed afterglow. Also the shot is so color popping are we sure the ole boinkberries haven't reared their ugly head again? Maybe Thomas sent Dad a bottle of wine dosed with boinkberry juice as congratulations for securing Brooke and they used it to toast their new union, got high, and then got freaky.

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Yes, as someone mentioned before, there's no attraction, sexual tension, sly glances, slight touching of hands, etc to suggest any kind of attraction between Brooke and this Ridge. They've acted like friends (not co-parents because they seem to have forgotten they had a son together until Slouchy showed up out of the blue) and that seemed genuine. But this? After how hot she was with Bill?  How insulting to the viewers. I will never buy a romantic relationship between these two. 

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I'd rather see Ridge and Quinn  - something totally new and out of the blue.

Why is Caroline sidelined just because the Thomas actor is off making a movie?  That kid will be in high school by the time we see him again.  This show needs a shot of adorable babies - why don't we ever see Rick/Maya's baby? (Can't remember her name - she obviously needs to be on more).

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Caroline was also off screen a lot when Ridge was MIA due to TK's tapeing schedule. It was just the actress's dumb luck that she went from TK to PF just as he got a movie that took him offscreen.

This show doesn't even bother anymore to juggle/schedule actors and pace/interweave story. They just write you out for the duration along with your unfortunate scene partner until they get around to writing you back in again.

Casting News for Y&R. Looking at him would he have made a better RJ?

Edited by TobinAlbers
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OK...it pains me to say this, but I have to be honest.  I wish I didn't know the whole history about what a dick Ridge has been to Brooke, because (IMO) that picture with the rose petals & huge smiles is pretty damn adorable.

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B&B has not been doing right by TK, in my opinion.  I don't think he should have been cast as Ridge.  I think a whole new character should have been created for him.  I've only been watching for three years, but Ridge sounds like he's been a massive jerk a lot of his life.

TK in real life sounds like a wonderfully affable fellow.  In interviews he is funny, self-deprecating and charming - and onscreen he can do romance like no one's business.  But this doesn't seem to have translated into his characterization of Ridge. On the podcast the other day, it was like seeing another side of KKL - she too was so lively and personable - yet Brooke seems so flat on the screen sometimes.

I blame it on the writers.  I've never heard such horrible writing for a soap in my life (and I've been watching them since the days of Ryan's Hope).  It's stilted and unrealistic.  The characters are so one-dimensional. 

Like I said, I've only been watching for three years, so maybe I don't have a right to criticize, and maybe B&B used to be better.  But I watched All My Children and One Life to Live for years, and Agnes Nixon certainly knew how to create and sustain soaps that over the years maintained realistic character development and storylines.

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3 hours ago, maisie said:

I'd rather see Ridge and Quinn

Oh dear merciful heavens, nooooooooo!

We know it's probably going to happen because Show won't let us keep nice things like Queric or Tasha (understanding mileage varies). But why put that ish out in the universe so the interns see it? Why? Whyyyyy?

*retreats to her safe space*

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So was anyone else mortified last Monday when after Rick was afraid to chance eating leftover pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving, Maya took it to "the girls in the sewing room" and then reported back that they had a good lunch of pie? Food sitting out for days? Don't throw it out, take it to the illegals toiling away in your sweatshop. What a hero that St. Myron is.

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5 hours ago, maisie said:

Like I said, I've only been watching for three years, so maybe I don't have a right to criticize, and maybe B&B used to be better. 

All the shows used to be better. B&B was always big on the camp factor, but at its heart could tell a really strong story between the haves and the have nots, and that was when the show was at its best.

That said, Ridge was always a Grade-A cockwobble of the highest order, to borrow a phrase from my British friends, and Kaye cannot pull off the balance of cockiness and charm that make the character anywhere near tolerable.

Fun fact: funny you mention Agnes Nixon, because she and Bell were both protégés of  Irna Philips, who all but invented the genre. They both wrote for ATWT and/or GL if I remember before creating their own series.

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Recap for Friday 12/2:

We open with Steffy and Liam making out on the couch. 

Liam: "You taste like the ocean."

Me: "Gag!"

Quinn and Eric are sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper, the picture of a contented couple.

Eric tells her how happy she makes him: "Happier than I've ever been in my life." Take that, Satanie!

Quinn: "Well, I am so glad because I feel the exact same way about you. You have given me so much, including control of your company against your family's wishes."

Eric: "Well, I trust you. You're the only one I do trust."

Quinn asks him about going back to work and Eric surprises her - and me - when he tells her he's not sure he wants to. He's enjoying being away from all of the drama and it's hard to argue with that.

Wyatt shows up and he is back to being all sad sack about Steffy. I'm going to give you about another week to mope, Wyatt.

Wyatt: "It's just -- I can't compete with how happy you two are. And I... I can't stop thinking about her." 


Quinn tells him how sorry she is and Wyatt grouses that what's done is done but he is happy that they are so happy. He leaves to go raid the fridge. Um, don't be porking out now, Wyatt, you have plenty of other lovely ladies just waiting to make your acquaintance or (in the case of Ivy or Sasha, re-acquaintance).

Quinn: "Wyatt gave Steffy his whole heart. I know how much he's hurting."

Eric: "Well, if there's anything I can do, you have to let me know. He means a great deal to me, too." And I love how close he and Eric have become.

Eric leaves to let Quinn and Wyatt (who is scarfing down some has to be past it's shelf life Thanksgiving pie) to chat.

They talk about who should be CEO since Eric doesn't want to come back to FC when Quinn has one of her brilliant ideas - name Steffy CEO.  


Please excuse me while I laugh hysterically.


Wait, I'm not done.


Wiping tears...

So apparently Quinn thinks this will make inroads with Steffy where both she and her son are concerned.

Quinn: "In addition to you, Eric is the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me. And I want that for you so much, Wyatt, and -- and it can happen. It's just -- you know, your marriage doesn't have to be over. Couples go through difficult times and they work through them."

Wyatt: "Yeah, well, it's a little too late for that, Mom. She's already back with Liam." She is as back as back gets, Wyatt. 

Quinn: "So what? Doesn't mean you have to give up on her, so don't! Don't give up on Steffy." Dammit, Quinn, stop beating the dead horse and let your son move on.

Wyatt goes upstairs and chats with Eric for a few minutes. He wants to know if Eric meant what hesaid earlier about not returning to FC as CEO.

Eric: "Yeah. You want the job? Take it." 

Wyatt: "Is that a yes?"

Eric: "Yes. It is." And while I can't blame Eric, I'm not ready for him to be put out to pasture just yet.

Eric: "I feel for you, Wyatt. I know what it's like to lose the woman you love. But if death doesn't take her, then, there's still a chance. Don't give up on Steffy." Not you, too, Eric.

Wyatt: "Yeah, that's exactly what my mother says."

Eric: "Well, you should listen to her. She's a wise woman." Not when it comes to being convinced Steffy is THE woman for him. What would happen if Hope returned, hmm?

Wyatt: "There's just one small problem, Eric. Steffy went back to Liam." 

Eric: "Liam. Yes. I like Liam. I have a lot of respect for him. But my advice to you -- you got to fight for Steffy, all right? I mean, if your mother and I hadn't fought for what we wanted, we wouldn't be enjoying this wonderful life right now." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! When push comes to shove, Steffy is always going to want Liam. Wyatt is always going to play second fiddle. 

Steffy manages to drag herself away from the couch - and Liam - to get ready to go visit Eric.

Enter Hurricane Bill who walks in without knocking (well, it is his house).

Liam asks if he's okay. Does he look ok, you nimwit?

Bill: "Brooke's going back to Forrester." Because she is stupid.

Liam and Steffy make soothing noises, Steffy even remarks that "For what it's worth, I believe she loves you." Steffy makes a hasty exit.

Bill: "I know she does. I guess not -- not as much Ridge/family and 'doing what's best for the children,' as she said." See how ridiculous it sounds when Bill says it, but that's Brooke for you.

Bill wisely surmises: "Ridge and RJ, they just got in her head with the guilt." He underestimated how much pull they had with her.

Liam asks what he can do to help.

Bill: "Scotch."

Liam: "How about a pep talk?" An if looks could kill look from Bill. "Scotch."

Liam, after handing Bill a hefty glass of Scotch, "I don't know what to say, Dad. I mean... yeah, I know about Ridge and Brooke's legendary connection, but I've also seen your connection with Brooke, and... I thought she was all in." So did we, Liam. So did we.

Bill: "She was all in. Brooke loves me. That doesn't just disappear." It does when the writers from hell conveniently erase what was years in the making. 

Liam: "Wow, she really did a number on you. Listen, can I give you some advice?"

Bill: "No." Ha!

Liam: "Don't give up. When I was in your shoes, I didn't. I couldn't. I mean, I knew Steffy was the one, and I wasn't gonna let her go no matter what. And neither should you." Oh shut up, Liam, and really Bill's too good to keep fighting for Brooke. Let her be with Rumple and get dump-led.

Bill: "You're right. Forrester got in her head. I underestimated him. And he's underestimating me if he thinks I'm gonna go away." So is this now about Brooke or beating Ridge, Bill? Time will tell, I guess.

Bill: "All right, enough about Brooke and me. How are things going with you and Steffy?" Wow, he sure shifts gears, doesn't he?

Liam: "Uh...that's kind of awkward to talk about, considering what you're going through, don't you think?" Liam, in a moment of not being completely myopic and self-centered.

Bill: "No, I don't. Life doesn't stop, Liam, just because my relationship is over...for now. Doesn't mean I don't want to know how yours is going."

Liam: "Okay, um, it's fantastic. Steffy and I are closer than ever. And, um... and then there's Wyatt, who's kind of the sacrificial lamb in this whole thing, and I feel really bad about that. But, I mean, once their divorce is final, Steffy and I can get married, and... I am telling you, nothing will stop us this time." You do not feel bad about what you did to Wyatt. At all. Although apt description of him. But here come the anvils and I just don't know if it's a Wyffy reunion (gag) or Still reunion (eh) in the works but something is.

Steffy shows up at the Forrester mansion to be enthusiastically greeted by Quinn, who thanks her again for Thanksgiving.

Steffy: "Yeah, I was doing that for my grandfather. My feelings for you haven't changed." Well hello to you, too, bitch. Would it KILL her to be nice to Quinn? Yeah, it probably would...bonus if you ask me.

When Steffy sees Eric isn't around, she turns to make her second hasty exit of the day when Quinn tells her there's something she wants to talk to her about.

Steffy can't resist the sarcasm and assumes it's about how Quinn is a "better person" or how good Quinn is with her grandfather and Quinn puts her in her place by telling her it's not about her (Quinn) but about her future at FC.

Steffy: "Oh, I get it. I see where this is going. You're angling to become permanent CEO." You really are thick, girl. 

Quinn: "Uh, no. No, no, no. There's somebody else that I intend to push for.

Steffy: All right. Who?

Quinn: "You." Well, that oughta shut Miss Thang's trap for two seconds.

And it does but then the arguments against it start coming out of her mouth, that Quinn unseated her as president, that her father was CEO before Eric reclaimed it, that it's all a ploy to get in Eric's ear so Quinn can run FC herself, but somewhere, underneath all of that, I can just see her salivating over the prospect of being CEO.

Steffy: "Have you talked to my grandfather about this?"

Quinn: "No. Not yet. I wanted to run it by you first. But I'm not worried about Eric. He and I have been in sync lately, and I don't think he's gonna disagree with me. Look, I know that you and Ridge were trying to get Bill's shares so that you can take over the company. Well, you're not gonna need to do that anymore. Not if you'd be willing to work with me and Eric."

Steffy: "Partner with you?" She looks as if she'd rather eat worms.

Quinn: "And Eric. And then we, together, can take the company and the family into the future, kicking and screaming, if need be. Come on, Steffy. We would be such a formidable team, if you could just let go of your animosity towards me and realize that I'm not the same person I used to be. I am still your mother-in-law. I love you. I would love to be close with you. And I want your grandfather and you to be closer than ever, and it can happen. If Eric decides not to go back to being C.E.O., then... Forrester's gonna need a makeover. New blood at the top. And that's you."

Steffy is practically licking her lips.

And on that nice visual, I'll share with you all the lovely details of the GarBridge reunion #666.

They're still on the stupid bridge, kissing and then pulling back to grin at each other like loons.

Rumple checks her hand as if to make sure the sword ring didn't magically appear and yes, Bill is just that amazing and powerful. 

Ridge: "You're home. You're finally home." Um, he's the one who left her.

They head into the office where Brooke is sashaying around like she's high or something. That would explain why she made yet another asinine decision.

She giggles and talks about feeling like she's "caught in a whirlwind" and I kind of hate her right now.

Ridge: "But we're here. Together. The way it was always supposed to be." The way it could and should have been decades ago except you were a selfish ass (correction - ARE a selfish ass). "Are you okay?" 

Brooke: "Yeah." I mean, she only ripped out Bill's heart and stomped on it and set it on fire.

Ridge: "I know that can't have been easy." Big of you, Rumple. "But we're here now. Got to focus on our family and the future. So tell me you're here with me in this moment." Oh, in this moment? Yeah, that's very telling for you, Ridge.

Brooke, laughing and I just want to punch her: "Yes. Yes, I am. I am here with you in this moment." 

RJ comes in then and what is this, a 1950s sitcom? 

Brooke: "I'm back!"

Ridge: "We're back!"


RJ: "I can't believe it. You know what? No. No, I can believe it. You know why? 'Cause you two are meant to be together. You just forgot that for a while. Mom, you made the right choice. For me, for Dad, for this family. God, I love you so much." Oh shut the hell up, you stupid little punk. 

Brooke: "Oh, honey, I love you, too." 

RJ: "We're a real family again." How insulting to all those families out there, mine included, where the parents aren't together. 

Ridge: "I like this day." Oh well, good for you, Rumple.

Brooke: "It's a good one." I wish Bill were here to see/hear this. 

Ridge: "One more hug. Come on."

Brooke: "Another hug." And they all laugh and it's just oh so wonderful.


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Aside from Ridge and Taylor's first marriage  (after months of hiding Thomas' paternity) and Thorne and Darla (that began as a ONS), "real families" are as mythical as unicorns, the Easter Bunny, and Liam's sex appeal. This in a world where Ridge has played step-dad to his brother and sister...gimme a break with this BS.

Just now, tricknasty said:

MY EYES!!! Ridge went down on Brooke! I need a hug :(

I never needed to read that sentence.

Thanks, Bell!

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12 minutes ago, Pickles said:

This show! Brooke goes from being so in love with Bill. She can't wait to marry him. In the span of a day or two, she dumps Bill and is in bed with Ridge. Who lives their lives like this??!


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I couldn't even watch today because I knew what was coming. There's no relationship here, folks. I give credit to KKL and whats-his-face for even trying to fake this nonsense. Wow. The paycheck must be great.

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6 hours ago, tricknasty said:

MY EYES!!! Ridge went down on Brooke! I need a hug :(

OK, so I was out today, and didn't watch live.  Since Monday is my son's scouts night, he and my husband are out, so I was thinking "I'll get my dinner ready and watch the soaps I missed today."  Then, I realized that, given what's been going on with this show, I should check here before firing up the DVR over dinner.  And, yeah, I'm not watching that while I eat.  

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You me and RJ, the family back together

Our bubble

I love the way your skin feels

I can never loose you again

This is our journey

My Logan


My mind is agog; I am trying to process it all. It is only a soap, but I am just so pissed off. Brooke needs to totally wipe that smile off her face. And stop emoting! You absolutely cannot be this happy. I mean, what the serious fuck?

You know something is wrong in the universe when KKL can't make a sex scene work. But that shit fell flatter than TK's man boobs. It is worrisome because historically, Ridge and Brooke have spent a lot of time in bed.


For reasons I can't explain; I like this Steffy CEO idea. It will at least put a kibosh on the never ending Rick/Ridge battle for the spot. And Mr. Rumple's over there better have his full, undivided attention on "His Logan", and better not have a lot to say about what Quinn and his daughter want. Another win will be Liam's reaction. Oh, boy howdy, but Liam is gonna be all kinda butt hurt. And of course Steffy will bolt back to Wyatt while he is still available; who will take her back without a second thought. Something tells me Bill will factor into this too. He is likely to be a whole lot less hostile toward FC's with Steffy in charge.


What was up with those random Zende/Liam scenes? It makes me fearful that Zende is going to somehow bring Sasha into Liam's orbit, and he will be reeling from losing Steffy, and Sasha is just so thirsty.....

I really don't want to see a Liam/Sasha pairing.


That's for you writers! Why can't we have one couple who is fun, and who makes sense, and who have spark and passion? It doesn't happen very often on this show, but every time it does you find a way to fuck it up. Ridge and Caroline. Thomas and Sasha. Brooke and Bill. Now you have Katie inexplicably sniffing around Eric; just when Quinn seems more firmly grounded than ever. Every soap has a least one "power couple", or at least they used to. And Show, if you think Bridge is that couple? You are dead wrong. Maybe twenty years ago, but not now. Something doesn't work with them anymore. There is no romantic chemistry between KKL and TK. I can't wait for this nonsense to end.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Doesn't Rick, Maya, Nicole, and Lizzy live in Brooke's house?  I guess an afternoon delight makes everything right.  

To me it looks like Ridge is ready to move in also. Ridge and Rick under the same roof.  What a concept Rick calling Ridge dad.  

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Every soap has a least one "power couple", or at least they used to. And Show, if you think Bridge is that couple? You are dead wrong. Maybe twenty years ago, but not now.

Probably not even then, IMO. But they are deader than dead now. If they were any more dead, Bridge would be registered to vote for [insert party of choice here] in the 2018 midterm.

B&B has never really had a supercouple, has it? Given how supercouples ultimately turn out and watching Y&R and ATWT bend itself in knots propping some horribly abusive relationships, Victor and Nikki *cough*, it's too this show's benefit that they've had so few. Mainly Bridge, the revisionist history of Eric/Steph and the last few years of Liam pinging between Steffy and Hope. I want to have some investment as we got with Katie and Bill, but not at any and all cost..no getting married and separated on three occasions in five years and have four affairs between them in that time.* couples are allowed to end on this show and that's not a bad thing. In theory at least.

*Holden/Lily from ATWT, in case anyone was wondering. I still hate them more than I ever hated Bridge...including this version. Like Billy ButtBiscuit Abbott hate. I need hobbies, guys. :(

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

My favorite part was RJ standing at the side of the bed throwing rose petals on them.

That's hyperbole, right?

B&B doesn't do subtle very well, and this is the same show that gave us the family going into hysterics when Deacon banged Bridget for the first time. These people have no boundaries.

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