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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Did you notice the picture of a stallion on the wall in Bill's Booty Call Room? 

Gee, Nicole, don't trust your boyfriend and his wandering dick? BTW, when was the last time St. Maya, the LEAD MODEL, did any modeling?

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WTF. The one time this board decided NOT to save my fucking post.

Anyway, Bill's talk to Liam the entitlement prince was a thing of beauty. I'd even put it above the epic Dare campaign smack down. Hell, I think I'd put it right up there with Brooke shooting Ridge down despite him leaving Taylor for her hypocrisy and just below Bridget telling Nick "You owe me" for her sleeping with Owen. Nice of Liam to drag up his Mini Eggo, one that he gave nary a care about as soon as Steffy headed to Paris and he could go back to Hope.

All of this is deserved. Besides Thomas, Liam is the one character that's deserving of a Stephanie Forrester karmic bitch slap. Bill has shown so much more favoritism towards him it's ridiculous and the one time he says no, he pulls a Rick Forrester. GTFO with that rubbish.

Here's a tip: the next woman you get, actually get to know her, maybe not sniff around Steffy, Hope and/or Ivy and not jump into something on the rebound. That way, when you break up and disappear, she won't assume you'very gone back to one of your exes and she'll wait longer than five minutes for you before moving on. :/

Speaking of which, I think this is the longest period that Liam's ever been without a woman, even without including the time he spent at Captive Cabin (Liam is a ripe twat, but he was a legitimate victim. Only on B&B can someone come across as manipulative when they as victims should be sympathetic, the same as Brooke towards the end of her rape story).

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4 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Did you notice the picture of a stallion on the wall in Bill's Booty Call Room? 

Gee, Nicole, don't trust your boyfriend and his wandering dick? BTW, when was the last time St. Maya, the LEAD MODEL, did any modeling?

For that matter when was the last time Nicole, the intern, did any interning even before she was pregnant?  I guess macking on Zende is now considered her work now that she's back.  Nicole, can you please make love to Zende before you cut off his balls. I guess she is still hurting from her Episiotomy so I guess Nicole wants him to feel her pain in his nether region. Zende, the hair department is not doing you any favors. 

Nice fuck oad in your office but you should have a separate entrance so Brooke can slither on up without being seen. How many times that Bill tells the receptionist to hold his calls with no interruptions can he get away with when Brooke comes to his office?  For a supposedly smart man your little brain is not letting you squeeze Brooke's Charmin without impunity.  

Can you see, one day, Liam saying "Hey dad can I borrow the key to your fuck pad so I can get something straight with Steffy. After all your fucking your wife's sister.  I guess respect  is a bitch dad".  

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Did you notice the picture of a stallion on the wall in Bill's Booty Call Room? 

OMG. That cracked me up. He should have a horse whinny go off everytime they hit the sheets. Twits.

 A booty room right  ff your office? Really Bill? Like your WIFE Katie might never happen upon it looking for you in your "personal gym"? Like no one else knows about it? What about your personal secretary or the guys who retrofitted in the damn thing?

This is so sick & twisted...after all his preaching to Liam about staying away & respecting Wyatt's marriage to Steffy? Geez, why don't they just move to Utah and have all their sisterwives in one handy place. RME

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I guess she is still hurting from her Episiotomy

Never ever make light of an episiotomy. Just sayin'. Never a joking matter. ;-)

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Hopefully, Liam catches Bill & Brooke. It would be hysterical for Liam to rip into $Bill. Of course, Bill would have an answer for it and say it's totally different. LOL!!!

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Hi Boys and Girls, Mr. Bill here:


Today we are going to discuss MARRIAGE. I will be using my hands to help illustrate my points.

Mr. Bill’s right hand says that marriage is a serious union, and should not be entered into lightly. Mr. Bill’s right hand also says that it is important to remember the sanctity of marriage, and to respect not only yours, but those of others. Mr. Bill’s right hand says that most important of all though, is to honor your marital vows. If one of the marital members finds them self in doubt, or begins to question their commitment, they should revisit their wedding day and remember their marital vows. Those were not just pre-written words you repeated before your family and friends and God; those were heartfelt sentiments being said to a person that you were pledging yourself to. Finally, Mr. Bill’s right hand says that marriage is a lifetime commitment and should not be viewed as something to be thrown away because you are horny.

Mr. Bill’s left hand says “Fuck all that!” If marriage is a lifetime commitment then why did they make divorces? Mr. Bill’s left hand also says that you should only honor someone else’s marriage if you do not desire either partner in that union. Mr. Bill’s left hand is also not fond of hearing about the marital vows; those are just words, and words can be changed. For example:

Wedding vow – “I promise to love and honor you through sickness and health”

New words – “Yeah, I promised to love you, and I do, but I am sick and tired of being married to you. Oh, and I have met this other person……..

Sadly, Mr. Bill’s hands now find themselves engaged in combat over this disagreement, and will be at odds until further notice:


Seriously, did I really just watch Bill call a family meeting to discuss Wyatt and Steffy’s marriage, while he knew he had built his own private den of ill repute right there in the very office in which he was pontificating? How unseemly! If I had any doubts before about Bill being under the power of the GC, that shit certainly laid them to rest. Good grief, Bill must be layered in it’s special Pixie Dust. I wouldn’t be surprised to discover he is snorting lines of the stuff. That would go a long way in explaining Bill’s erratic behavior. Can you imagine Bill copping that to a divorce judge “Well, your honor, my only defense is I have become addicted to Couter Dust. But not just any ole Couter Dust. Oh no, I only partake of the really, really good stuff, and I get it right from the source; that magical Golden Couter. And I consider myself fortunate to be a select member of the GC club.”

Edited by RuntheTable
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I love how $Bill had a Stallion pictures in his Love shack for Brooke!  lol  i couldn't stop giggling at itOn ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 6:28 PM, politichick said:

I know. Why does Sasha even have her own keys to the Forrester estate? To let herself in to fuck Zzzzende? 

I love how $Bill has a pic of a STALLION in his Love shack  did anyone else notice.


sorry for the multi post, I hit a wrong key a while ago and I guess it saved that post and it never went away!

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So who is going to get accidentally locked in Bill's secret room for an undetermined amount of time? Bill? Katie? Brooke?

I call Wyatt gets locked in due to an uncharacteristic dirty move by Liam who decides to show Wyatt how it feels to be removed from your life for someone else to swoop in and take over.

Someone I watch with made a great point: Who will Bill have cleaning that room? Washing those sheets? Are there discrete maid/cleaning services businessmen employ to clean their secret hideaways? Will he make poor Alison take care of it?

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2 hours ago, Cindylou said:

I love how $Bill has a pic of a STALLION in his Love shack  did anyone else notice

Yes, see up thread.

I wish Ridge had asked Nicole why she was sitting on her ass down in the photo studio instead of working. I also wish Sasha would quit groveling to that bitch.

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Wait, that room is right off Bill's office?  Wow.  How stupid, but then it matches the stupidity of this story.  Bill pontificates about the sanctity of marriage one day, and then tells Brooke the next that unless she has an affair with him that he will leave Katie and really cause her pain.  WTF?  This show makes no sense, and both DD and KKL look awful. 

Also, Nicole and Zende are fucking boring.  Terrible writing plus terrible actors.  I wish they'd free Felisha Cooper from RE and RF; she's so much better than the two of them.

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11 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:


Also, Nicole and Zende are fucking boring.  Terrible writing plus terrible actors.  I wish they'd free Felisha Cooper from RE and RF; she's so much better than the two of them.

ITA.  Brooke, just go ahead and fuck Bill. You've already betrayed Katie by making out with her husband every chance you get, might as well finish the deed.

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Steffy's hair is looking good these days.  That was the worst lingerie cover up, just so weird.  And yes first Nicole tells Ridge she needs a private moment with Zende then continues her new role of CEO by hanging about the studio?  GMAB  Why are they dressing Brooke is those huge clothes, so unflattering but I loved the red.  Puhlease do something now with her hair! 

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Wardrobe on this show is all over the place.  KKL's outfits are a step away from Stephanie's pantsuits and brooches while DD wears silly-looking clothes that no one should be wearing.  Both of them desperately need new hairstyles, too.  I caught DD on an ancient episode of Diagnosis Murder the other day and almost didn't recognize him.  That thin beard thing he's been wearing for the last several years doesn't do him any favors.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

So who is going to get accidentally locked in Bill's secret room for an undetermined amount of time? Bill? Katie? Brooke?

I call Wyatt gets locked in due to an uncharacteristic dirty move by Liam who decides to show Wyatt how it feels to be removed from your life for someone else to swoop in and take over.

Someone I watch with made a great point: Who will Bill have cleaning that room? Washing those sheets? Are there discrete maid/cleaning services businessmen employ to clean their secret hideaways? Will he make poor Alison take care of it?


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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

So who is going to get accidentally locked in Bill's secret room for an undetermined amount of time? Bill? Katie? Brooke?

I call Wyatt gets locked in due to an uncharacteristic dirty move by Liam who decides to show Wyatt how it feels to be removed from your life for someone else to swoop in and take over.

Someone I watch with made a great point: Who will Bill have cleaning that room? Washing those sheets? Are there discrete maid/cleaning services businessmen employ to clean their secret hideaways? Will he make poor Alison take care of it?

I guess it'll be the same people that cleaned Brooke's office after her romps with Deacon and the jizz moppers that would swabbing the Forrester steam room in the 90s.

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the sad seashell of marital martyrdom ranks right up there with Ridge's raggedy red ribbon of commitment.the sad seashell of marital martyrdom ranks right up there with Ridge's raggedy red ribbon of commitment

THAT is the most hysterical thing I've read in ages.  This is a thing that happened?!?  Oh my god, I can't wait to see this lunacy!!!

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Quinn is her own worst enemy first by showing up to profess her love to Liam and trying to become Steffy's best friend. If Quinn would only play it cool for a while and let things settle down. You keep letting Steffy and Liam bond over a common enemy.  

The way Nicole gestures, with her hands, is annoying as is Brooke's squint, Rick's whining, and Maya's bitch face. There are a lot more annoying gestures but I just wanted to keep it in the family.  Sasha, throwing her body on the grenade, is not going to be looked upon an act of selflessness but an act of superiority when Nicole relates the events to Rick and Maya.  Rick and Maya will be all up in Ridge's face for promoting Sasha without their permission.  

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Sometimes it seems like Sasha wears clothes meant for Caroline but rejected by Linsey Godfrey, like the midriff tops and tight skirts. 

Steffi's side eye when Katie talked about Bill and her having up and downs and staying committed in comparison to her love life. Puff's eyes said "whatever" but the reality is apt. Waffle was the waffler between 2 competitive relatives just like his dad. Now Steffi is the Waffles or Bill in her life. 

Brooke looks bigger in the bosom area and booty. 

Secret rooms are a bit creepy. I know they're common (my friend has one in her house in the back of a closet that is a disguised door that opens to a room). But they're still creepy. It was decorated weird too. Like a Cinamax movie or Red Shoe Diary. Now one noticed all the huge & heavy gym equipment lugged out and construction? Why is he so pushy? 

If Zende, Sasha and Nicole were written out tomorrow I wouldn't care. 

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Eh, I don't feel remotely sorry for Sasha.  Nicole doesn't have to trust or forgive her at all, but in the interest of a good relationship, she should trust Zende.

Brooke and $Bill have completely lost their minds.  My favorite part is when she asked $Bill to hold her... he made an exasperated face like, "This room isn't for holding."

I don't have it in me to care whether Wyatt and Stuffy stay together or not.  I just don't care at all.

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That drives me nuts with the women on the show. Either you trust the guy you're with or you dont. If it's the latter, cut your frigging losses and move on. It got tiresome to see Hope dangling Wyatt on a string after all the shit Waffles put her through, and they had an actual relationship (however dysfunctional and immature it was). Nicole and Zende have nothing and it would be easy enough for the writers to forget they ever were a thing.

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Not sure which one disgusts me more....Brooke & Bill or Phyllis & Billy on Y&R.

Talk about couples to hate. Beyond me how either can have anyone rooting for them.

Cheating is cheating...pretty hard to put a positive spin on it. If you want to be together with the other person then tell the person you are in a marriage/relationship with & end it...if you don't want to hurt them then suck it up & break off the illicit affair. Trying to have both always ends up biting everyone in the ass...really hard.

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7 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Wait, that room is right off Bill's office?  Wow.  How stupid, but then it matches the stupidity of this story.  Bill pontificates about the sanctity of marriage one day, and then tells Brooke the next that unless she has an affair with him that he will leave Katie and really cause her pain.  WTF?  This show makes no sense, and both DD and KKL look awful. 

Right? If you don't make secret love to me I'll leave my wife for you, said no man ever. This show is hysterical!

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1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

Not sure which one disgusts me more....Brooke & Bill or Phyllis & Billy on Y&R.

Talk about couples to hate. Beyond me how either can have anyone rooting for them.

Cheating is cheating...pretty hard to put a positive spin on it. If you want to be together with the other person then tell the person you are in a marriage/relationship with & end it...if you don't want to hurt them then suck it up & break off the illicit affair. Trying to have both always ends up biting everyone in the ass...really hard.

This is true, but from a perspective of story telling, this is boring as all hell. I've said Katie needs to say what she bloody means, but that goes for Bill too. Nothing that either of them said last week about the other was incorrect. It just means they're way incompatible.

There's nothing to be said about that hasn't already been said the last 37568854 times we did this "We're in love! He's my destiny! I didn't want to hurt you!" crap with Brooke, and if TIIC didn't take the year of Ridge's absence to do anything new with the character, I suppose the writers never will. More's the pity for that.

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Nicole is ridiculous insisting Zende not take the photography job where he would be shooting lingerie clad Sasha. It is his JOB. If she doesn't trust Sasha, fine. But, shouldn't she trust Zende?? Is Nicole going to have to give her approval for every photography job? Why would Zende put up with that, much less Ridge?

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Was that supposed to be some kind of character growth statement on behalf of Sasha today when she offered to step aside so Zende could proceed as photographer on the lingerie campaign? Whether intended or not, her actions certain made Nicole look like a spoiled petulant princess, even with the turned down bottom lip. Why is Nicole dictating who Zende can and can't work with? Selfish and insecure much? I thought that perhaps Ridge had set the whole thing up as a genius roundabout FU to Rick. A twitchy bitchy Nicole would upset Maya, which in turn, would domino on to Rick and trouble in paradise!

Doesn't Nicole understand that the more she tries to control Zende, that the better and better Sasha is going to start looking in comparison? Nobody said the girl was smart.

Bill is beyond ridiculous. Who blackmails a woman into having an affair by saying he'll leave his wife if she doesn't? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Loved Brooke's feeble, "I'll never be able to live with myself" right before swallowing $Bill's tongue. Yeah, both KKL and DD are looking rather long in the tooth, especially when compared to the fairly recent flashbacks/montages. KKL does look like she's sporting a little more padding, but it's not a bad look on her.

Dare I get my hopes up of a full-blown Quinn vendetta on Steffy. Oh Please! Please! Please!  However, I have to admit that JMW looked really good today. I like the latest incarnation of wig or natural hair or whatever that is and I thought the sundress with the asymmetrical neckline and lace racerback and straps was da bomb! The stylists need to get Quinn out of those frumpy floral blouses and back in to her bohemian-goth style. That was perfect for her. And start growing out those awful bangs.

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1 hour ago, Pickles said:

Nicole is ridiculous insisting Zende not take the photography job where he would be shooting lingerie clad Sasha. It is his JOB. If she doesn't trust Sasha, fine. But, shouldn't she trust Zende?? Is Nicole going to have to give her approval for every photography job? Why would Zende put up with that, much less Ridge?

FC better start a infants line for that's the only thing that Nicole will allow Zende to shoot.  Maybe Nicole wants to be the model.  Ridge will have to let Nicole do it because, you know, Rick will insist on it and  Ridge has to be nice to Rick.  I still can't get over Thomas being all over Douglas but Nicole seems not to give a crap, about Lizzy, if Rick and Maya move out of LA IMO Nicole cares more about Zende than the baby she gave birth to.  

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On 6/16/2016 at 0:16 AM, Artsda said:

So Bill gives family meetings and lectures on marriage respecting then he has a cheating room installed in his office? LOL 

I started to say, really, Bill? when I saw the BCSCR (BootyCallStallionCheatingRoom) but then shook my head at myself.

This is $Bill - nothing about him surprises me anymore.

ETA - Brooke looked gorgeous in that red dress, especially her curves. Now, if she could just have the hair to match.

Like this...


Or, if she wants to keep it longer...


Just a few inches off and some lowlights would make this gorgeous woman even more stunning.

Edited by CountryGirl
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9 hours ago, Pickles said:

Nicole is ridiculous insisting Zende not take the photography job where he would be shooting lingerie clad Sasha. It is his JOB. If she doesn't trust Sasha, fine. But, shouldn't she trust Zende?? Is Nicole going to have to give her approval for every photography job? Why would Zende put up with that, much less Ridge?

Clearly, she doesn't trust Zende but rather than come off as the jealous, insecure little twit she is, she's putting all the blame on Sasha. Just like she put all the blame on Sasha for Zende choosing to be with her when they broke up before. 

I wish Ridge would have told Nicole that this is a business decision and that she needs to focus on actually doing her job (a novel concept for her, I'm sure) and move it along to wherever it is the interns congregate these days (which, I suspect, is not lounging around all day in the photo studio with their boyfriends).

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Is Nicole still an intern? Or was her original internship put on hold when she got pregnant and she's making it up now? Seriously, she just popped out a Forrester heir, she should have at least a FT position with health benefits.

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@CountryGirl I totally agree about Brooke's hair. It looks so unhealthy and ages her! Why wouldn't she try a new style? It'll grow back if she hates it. I think it's good for soap actors to change up their hair or makeup and keep it fresh. 

About my comment on her chest and tush looking bigger it wasn't shade at all. They just visually seemed more voluptuous but natural. 

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Steffy isn't out of line not wanting to be friends with Quinn. At the very least, literally and figuratively she screwed over someone she cared about, still has massive boundary issues, and continues to think she can do whatever the hell she wants. Her behavior helped to end his marriage with Hope and if he isn't careful, it'll end his marriage to Steffy. He can't keep putting Quinn above everyone else in his life and if he really wants to find support outside of Quinn- which he says he wants and acknowledges she isn't healthy and needs to break the bad cycle -then he really does need to make it clear that she needs to give him and his wife their space.

Not sure why, but I did like the scenes earlier with boss Ridge telling Sasha that he was keeping her on and giving her a promotion. Sasha's reaction was cute (she's been such a kicked puppy) and TK has a nice paternal vibe with her (and Steffy). Forget Zende, it's time for sad Oliver to come back as photographer and he work with Sasha, his career takes off, she helps him love again and they leave Zende and Nicole pouting in the dust. It'd especially be an interesting dynamic for Sasha to see Maya in a different light other than saint when Oliver continually gives the cold shoulder to Maya and Rick for their treatment of Aly.

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That episode was a snooze until Waffles discovered the Boom-Boom Room!

BTW, how did Brooke get out of the building? Does the BBR have an escape hatch?

Edited by LittleIggy
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I wondered how Brooke got out of the love nest too! There she was in Katie's kitchen and I thought she would have to hide in the office bedroom until Liam left the office. 

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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

 I still can't get over Thomas being all over Douglas but Nicole seems not to give a crap, about Lizzy, 

The show doesn't do middle grounds.  There's only creepy obsessiveness (Thomas) or complete obliviousness (Nicole).

As far as the Sasha/Zende/Nicole/Ridge situation goes, Ridge is the same guy who tried to send his son to two different continents purely for personal reasons.  He may not give a shit about their issues, but he should be able to understand Nicole's POV.  (Unfortunately, Nicole's POV just happens to be sophomoric.)

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42 minutes ago, Pickles said:

I wondered how Brooke got out of the love nest too! There she was in Katie's kitchen and I thought she would have to hide in the office bedroom until Liam left the office. 

There is another door to the BBR that Bill told her to use.  I hope the BBR has a shower.  Allison knows the score and has no problem covering for Bill. Just a thought; how about Allison and Liam?  She is not a pretty as Ivy but she is cute. 

Steffy, Quinn took away your integrity and your freedom to make your own decision??  First of all you don't have integrity and second you made a decision.  

We get 10 seconds of Nicole not wanting Zende to do the photoshoot but we get week's and weeks of we were robbed, Quinn is nuts, Liam is still after Steffy, Steffy still loves Liam, etc etc. Zende and Nicole are actually slapping Ridge, in the face, and being insubordinate for going against his business decision. Next we will have Zende working out all day and Nicole just watching him sweat.  Now, that the baby is born, how long before Nicole askes to come back to the Forester Estate so she can keep an eye on Zende 24/7.

Once again they showed Brooke's Estate just before her scene with Katie in the kitchen.  WTF is wrong with Rick?  Brooke's Estate is not big enough or is the pool to small or or there is no fireplace to hang Maya's hideous portrait over or it's only worth 30 million when the Forester Estate is worth 31 million?

I love the way Bell writes that only Brooke and Katie can be alcoholics when there is hardly a scene where Bill doesn't pour himself a drink.  

Is Katie's apology to Brooke real or is Katie just laying a guilt trip on Brooke. Is Katie that smart or is she just following the 12 step program?  I know that Liam and Brooke are not related but Liam does have Brooke's squint down pay.  I guess Steffy can't squint because of her Botox injections.  

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Maybe it was just my imagination but when Katie hugged Brooke and it showed her face, it looked like Katie did a small little grin.  I'm hoping that she already knows that Bill and Brooke are hooking up and she's going to pull a Sami Brady on them.

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I never notice Liam had the same squint as Brooke, mostly because I'm so distracted with his facial hair. By if it weren't for having to simultaneously work her way into a second family of men (or third, if we're counting Nick) and go after another relative's ex, I'd be all for putting Liam and Brooke together. Neither of them can go without a lover for longer than 90 seconds, like frigging bonobo monkeys :/ it's a match made in Heaven.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Is Katie's apology to Brooke real or is Katie just laying a guilt trip on Brooke. Is Katie that smart or is she just following the 12 step program?  I know that Liam and Brooke are not related but Liam does have Brooke's squint down pay.  I guess Steffy can't squint because of her Botox injections.  

I thought it was real because that's how BB does irony: Oh, look, Katie accused Brooke of trying to steal her husband when nothing was going on between them, and now that it is, she's all sorry and forgiving.  Gotta love Katie saying to Brooke, "What's mine is yours." The only thing missing was Brooke replying, "I'm already on it."

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I'm going to have to watch yesterday's episode again, because I could have sworn that Brooke convinced Bill that they couldn't be together for Katie's sake (again) and that spun off into his utterly Nick N. Sane "Put some respeck on Wyatt's marriage, dammit!" reactionary speech to Liam and Brooke looking guilty as hell when she was with Katie.  That aside, however, the fact that Bill let the POD expose his fuck den...er, let's go with Boom-Boom Room...to Liam?   Plus Brooke's missing earring?  I couldn't help thinking this was a sort of weird do-over for Liam conveniently forgetting about Wyatt and Steffy "sleeping together."

Meanwhile, Nicole officially continues transitioning into a proper B&B character and insists her boyfriend not work with his ex (however brief that relationship was)...just so Sasha could have a little bit of karma recycling and try to bow out for Soulverine's sake.  The fact that it makes Vanessa Williams-chibi look petty as hell is just...par for the course.

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So $Bill has to blackmail the woman who declared her undying love for him into sex because of the tiny, little inconvenience of him being married to her sister. Why? A destined love being married to a family member was never even a speed bump on the way to the horizontal bop or even a vertical bop for Brooke before. And isn't the whole point of the destiny thing that he will leave Katie for their forever love? Sometimes on an admittedly rare occasion this show does make a little sense. This is just stupid and confusing. 

Why is it so hard and guilt inducing to hurt Katie now, when it didn't stop her before? 


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