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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I get what you are saying, I really do but at the same time isn't Katie supposed to trust her husband and her sister? And let's face it if she said nope this isn't a good idea, she would have been verbally beat up for not trusting them.

Except the whole thing was Katie's/hack writers' brain child. So yeah, she asked for it.

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True enough, but this is far from the first time Brooke (and Taylor to a lesser extent) has had a man put her first. Thorne told Stephanie to go pound sand when she used his inheritance as a ploy to sway him from Brooke. Likewise, when Nick was first introduced on the show, he never bashed Brooke for Hope's paternity and was livid when he'd found out Jackie had hid the true paternity of RJ. Putting aside the horrendous mess that Nick N.Sane became in later years, he was by far the best threat to usurp Ridge.

But both of those stories were years in the making. The Brill stuff was slower paced than the ToD that was consuming the show at the time, but in no way do I buy Bill and Brooke as a love story for the ages, imo.

The difference for me with Bill is that he never wavered from his support of Brooke. Thorne eventually kowtowed to his family and went back to treating Brooke like Mommy Dearest wanted him to. Nick bounced back and forth between Brooke and Bridget for years, not exactly a ringing endorsement for his replacing Ridge in her life, although I had high hopes for them when he first joined the show. 


I get that few buy Brill as the love of a lifetime but the show moves so much more quickly now, almost whiplash pace and they don't take time to build storylines like they used to, which is a shame, but, as I said, it's about the quality of the relationship, not the totality of the years that matters to me.

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If Bill was the love of her life, why did Brooke let Ridge lead her down the beach as if she was child away from her wedding to Bill? She put up no fight at all and obediently got into the helicopter.

I didn't see anything like that and I've just rewatched the scenes.


After Ridge stops the wedding and confronts Bill over sleeping with Quinn - which happened the night Brooke and Ridge were supposed to remarry so obviously WGAF, Ridge - he grabs Brooke by the hand and runs off for the helicopter, Brooke almost stumbled a few times and was looking back over her shoulder at Bill. 


That doesn't sound like being led docilely to me, but you can view that for yourself:




Cut to the next scene, where they are in the helicopter and Brooke is pissed as hell, grabbing at the safety belt, with Ridge blocking the exit and telling the pilot to take off. Brooke certainly isn't sitting there, like okay, Ridge, you're so right, please take me away from this very bad man now. We don't even get to hear her reaction to Ridge telling the pilot to take off because they cut to Bill telling the pilot (Justin) to cool Ridge off and then the epic f-a-l-l. But we do know she didn't want to be there by her own words and angry motions being strapped in the seat and telling Ridge she wanted to go back that instant.



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I just feel bad for poor Heather Tom. She's gone on record being sick of Katie's heart blowing up every time Bill steps out of line.


At the same time, I don't know why she was losing it since Brooke could be heard saying 'I love you but I won't hurt Katie like that again.' So Brooke was trying to, you know, do the right thing. Had she heard Bill saying that he was basically settling for her while he still had feelings for Brooke, then I could understand her flipping out more. She had to know that Brooke hadn't gotten over Bill but had stepped aside to allow Katie her happiness.


No, Quinn, you don't get points for looking up concussion symptoms and hospitals after taking a man who dropped like a rock in front of you to your private cabin instead of calling 911. And of course if/when she's caught for this, she'll be let off the hook by Wyatt and others due to her being 'emotionally compromised' by her and Deacon's break-up. I really wish Katie would step up and go protective step-momma bear on Quinn's ass over Liam as Bill is too much of a wuss to do anything (although I guess Katie will no longer be step-mom anymore). And incidentally, I think the woman Liam never got over losing was his mother.


So, yeah, upon reviewing more of last week's episodes while Liam should've just come out with it regarding Wyatt and Steffy, I get where he was coming from in not saying anything because it was important for him for her to admit her 'infidelity'. In his mind, her not being honest about what happened was just insulting and showing a lack of respect. In their conversations, Liam actually was giving Steffy a lot of opportunities to 'confess' and she didn't. Which just infuriated him more. Honestly, I think Steffy should've bought a clue since 1) she did say that Liam's anger seem disproportionate to her actions against Ivy, like he felt she'd betrayed him and 2) she noticed upon seeing him on his return from Australia that he was wearing different clothes than when he left. It really should've crossed her mind that maybe he came home and saw her in bed with his brother and 'misinterpreted' what he saw. Instead she's seeking comfort in Wyatt's arms.


Wyatt is as messed up as Quinn. No matter that Liam is a waffle, at least he can snare a woman on his own with no outside assist. Wyatt has such low self-esteem and inferiority issues as to intentionally seek out the emotionally vulnerable cast-offs of his brother, think it's a love connection, and can still only manage to do so with outrageous assistance from his crazy mother. Wyatt should know that as long as his mother is in the picture, he will never have a healthy relationship with another woman for any period of time.

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I just feel bad for poor Heather Tom. She's gone on record being sick of Katie's heart blowing up every time Bill steps out of line.



I  can't get over the stupidity of Katie pushing her sister who banged her husband and almost married him to work with them like none of that happened. Its so forced and stupid.


Although they had her remarry the guy who only wanted her again because her sister put herself out of the picture so the stupid ship already sailed.

Also, at this point Katie shouldn't be crying over any of this.  She should just be pissed and tell both of them to kiss her ass and walk away.  This wash, rinse, repeat shit is not interesting.


Just like watching a replay of Wyatt and Ivy with Steffy in place.  I can't comment on what happened with Hope because I wasn't watching the start of that.  I can't buy a story for a character I would like to see because the writers are too busy having their own version of groundhog day.

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I didn't see anything like that and I've just rewatched the scenes.


After Ridge stops the wedding and confronts Bill over sleeping with Quinn - which happened the night Brooke and Ridge were supposed to remarry so obviously WGAF, Ridge - he grabs Brooke by the hand and runs off for the helicopter, Brooke almost stumbled a few times and was looking back over her shoulder at Bill. 


That doesn't sound like being led docilely to me, but you can view that for yourself:




Cut to the next scene, where they are in the helicopter and Brooke is pissed as hell, grabbing at the safety belt, with Ridge blocking the exit and telling the pilot to take off. Brooke certainly isn't sitting there, like okay, Ridge, you're so right, please take me away from this very bad man now. We don't even get to hear her reaction to Ridge telling the pilot to take off because they cut to Bill telling the pilot (Justin) to cool Ridge off and then the epic f-a-l-l. But we do know she didn't want to be there by her own words and angry motions being strapped in the seat and telling Ridge she wanted to go back that instant.



I don't care to watch that dreck again. I do recall her never once trying to run back to Bill or get out of Ridge's grip. And Ridge didn't force her onto the helicopter.

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JMW looks so much better with the toned down hair and make-up. She has an athletic body, and wardrobe misses the mark every day.

I'm not loving the repeat SL, but maybe some angst will liven things up, Maybe Det. Hardon will be paired with Brooke.

Good to see Ivy for a few minutes.

I could do without Quinn channelling her inner Misery. Obviously he needs medical attention, and she needs a life. Poor RS.

Edited by AussieBabe
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Katie does know who her sister is right? She's met her? She knows they cheated together before,  Why is she so shocked that Brooke has no boundaries when it comes to Bill? The woman slept with her own daughters husband. 

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Is Bell trying to make Quinn into a newage version of Stephanie? I'm seeing the Oedipus complex working between Wyatt and Quinn and she feels she can control his love life. He follows her every word and now hes making moves on Steffy.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Is Bell trying to make Quinn into a newage version of Stephanie? I'm seeing the Oedipus complex working between Wyatt and Quinn and she feels she can control his love life. He follows her every word and now hes making moves on Steffy.

I really hope not. One Stephanie Forrester was enough.
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I've thought that Quinn did inherit some of Queen Stephanie's meddling traits while Steffy absolutely inherited her just-can't-leave-a-bitch-alone gene, and this story is proof. Rena Sofer at least brings some whimsy to it, but it's still not the saaaame...

Honestly, I'm just holding on for Liam to hallucinate Steffy...or, since Ivy is back in the picture, to waffle over her way. Again. But I REALLY want the hallucination.

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TobinAlbers, on 26 Jan 2016 - 08:17 AM, said:

I just feel bad for poor Heather Tom. She's gone on record being sick of Katie's heart blowing up every time Bill steps out of line.


At the same time, I don't know why she was losing it since Brooke could be heard saying 'I love you but I won't hurt Katie like that again.' So Brooke was trying to, you know, do the right thing.


And Brooke was trying to, you know, do the right thing when she opened up this can of Greatest Love, confessing everything to $Bill, then the two of them talk non-stop about their still smoldering desire for each other.


There was nothing romantic or redeeming in their relationship in the first go-round. When they pant at each other, re-hashing of their yeast-infested fuck-cation, I don't care.


All Brooke had to do was say no, and keep saying no to the job offer at Spencer Publications. When pressed for a reason -- You don't want to work at Spencer/It isn't appropriate for you to work with $Bill, and then shut the fuck up. When $Bill shows up at the house, leave and tell him to not come over without Katie. When Katie loses her mind over what you've said, tell her she just dodged a bullet, so shut up and be grateful.


Katie can snarl I trusted you noises at Brooke, but $Bill is an equal participant in this betrayal.

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I want to know what kind of mascara the makeup artists used on HT today so I'll be sure to never buy it. I'm not a crier, but my eyes water a lot, especially during allergy season. (She had to be either using fake tears or a PA was spraying water on her face.) That display of ugly cry and histrionics was complete OTT. I guess I'll show my age and saw that Katie looked like she was channeling Alice Cooper!


Wouldn't it have made more sense for *smug secure* Katie to walk into that office and calmly ask what was going on?


You know, it's really sad when three current front-burner shows are all based on misunderstandings/assumptions either overheard or observed through POD. That's the epitome of lazy writing. Now, Brooke and Bill will have to play 20 questions wrangle out of Katie what caused her to go into hysterics and collapse. I'm on Brooke's side right now with her, "Bitch, get to a hospital!!!"


I really don't like how Wyatt seems to feel that he has to "sell" Steffy that he's a decent guy. I'd be all up for those two having some casual rebound fun, but you know those Spencer guys--it's all or nothing. Steffy better be ready to jump into a committed relationship with Wyatt NOW! Quinn is probably doodling engagement ring design as she wills Liam to open his eyes and there will be a betrothal by Valentine's Day.


When I saw yesterday's spoiler video, I didn't know that was Ivy. I like her new haircut.


I was watching some old YT videos of "Knot's Landing" today and I figured out that Quinn reminds me of a bantam-weight version of Abby Ewing. Abby wasn't certifiable like Quinn was/is and her kids were more or less absent, but there are a few similarities.

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I thought Katie's flailing around was comical. The running mascara was the icing on the cake!

Liam has been unconscious, with one brief spell of semi-consciousness, for, what, hours now? This is a ridiculous story. Someone like that needs to go to the hospital ASAP.

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Katie's flailing will likely earn her another Emmy, black mascara-ed tears and all. It was almost as bad as RM's Ridge's dying cockroach scene (I wish I could find it on Youtube, but sadly, I don't think it can be found under that apt description).


This storyline with Quinn and Liam is really starting to piss me off. He's clearly in need of medical attention and yet nothing is being done for him. I liked Quinn with an edge, not this hyped-up x1000000 Quinnsane. Lazy, lazy writing.

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More spoiler hints for February....


B&B February spoiler hints

• She has her own storyline, which gives a glimpse into her childhood and what makes her tick.

• Steffy is hesitant about being with Wyatt. She is waiting to hear from Liam. Steffy doesn’t know that Quinn has been sending texts from Liam’s phone. When Steffy reads something devastating (that Quinn sent), what does Steffy do?

• Katie is unconvinced that Bill will be true to her. Katie seeks relief from her fears -- by turning to a form of release -- a release of the type that she loathed when Brooke and Bill did this. Later on, Katie may wish she had faced her fears.

• Sasha makes a move on Zende.

• Ridge has been away on a business trip but returns in February.
• Ridge decides -- that with the birth of a child coming, he doesn’t want his family with Caroline to live in his small place anymore -- and he wants them move into the Forrester mansion with Caroline, as he feels that’s his place. Ridge asks some workers to do a bit of “rearranging”.
• Friday, Feb. 19, Ridge decides to reclaim his place at the Forrester mansion. He decides to hold a business cocktail party at the Mansion, inviting a wealthy buyer and some long-time vendors.
• The cocktail party was spoiled earlier – in the announcement about the guest appearance of actress Dawn Wells (Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island). Dawn Wells will play Alice, a well-to-do Forrester Creations buyer and longtime friend of Eric and Stephanie.
• But before the cocktail party, Ridge takes down the portrait of Maya and replaces it with the portrait of Stephanie.
• Rick isn’t pleased with the changes.
• Also, during February, Caroline’s baby’s gender is learned.

Compiled from these sources:
TVInsider and SON board


Well at least Ivy isn't MIA and she called and now Quinn knows the circumstances of his injury. Which makes her just sitting around staring at him and contemplating what to do next while his brain continues to bleed and swell all the more heinous.

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Steffy is hesitant about being with Wyatt. She is waiting to hear from Liam. Steffy doesn’t know that Quinn has been sending texts from Liam’s phone. When Steffy reads something devastating (that Quinn sent), what does Steffy do?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Delurking, still not watching (except I'm watching yesterday's episode).


I'm not steeped in B&B history (watching for less than 3, I think, years) but I'm gonna call bullshit on Bill being the love of Brooke's life. I thought it was RonMossRidge.


Back to lurking, might not get through this episode with Steffy's bad hair and drinking beer from a bottle because she's FUNFUNFUN, still missing all y'all.


Edited to add: about half-way through watching it, the website said "no longer available. try again later." I'm taking it as a sign ...

Edited by catalogrrr
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Ridge takes down Maya's clown portrait and puts Queen Stephanie's portrait back? Awesome! :-)

Neither woman deserves to have a portrait above the fireplace.


One depicts a self-centered, manipulative piece of work (despite the attempts at giving her a halo).


The other glorifies a woman who, among other crimes, set up another woman, the mother of one of her grandchildren to be brutally raped.


If it were up to me, I'd light them both on fire.

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• But before the cocktail party, Ridge takes down the portrait of Maya and replaces it with the portrait of Stephanie.

Is it sad that this is the only spoiler I'm looking forward to?
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Sasha makes a move on Zende.

Of course. Stevie Wonder could see that coming.


I wonder when Detective Hard-On is hitting town? Give Katie a real reason for her heart to flutter.

If Katie has a lick of sense (yeah, sure) she will climb him like a tree--should the opportunity present itself. Now that's a solid hunk of man right there. LHM. And I hate to be advocating adultery but it might do $Bill some good to be the one who's cheated on for a change. The way he takes Katie for granted is disgusting to me.


But even that aside, certainly there is room enough in the mansion for both couples?

It's not just them though. There's also Nicole and Zende. I assume Steffy has moved back too since Liam kicked her out, plus Ivy may return at any moment. And doesn't Eric live somewhere on the estate too? I guess it's a good thing Mr and Mrs Avant stayed in the motel. (Speaking of which, how much must that be costing unless they got a monthly rate? Seems like it'd be cheaper to get an apartment since they're planning to stay in LA. It'd also be nice if Mr Avant did something besides practice his putting..like maybe get a job?)

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I don't get that split sleeve look. Either wear a short sleeved blouse or a long sleeved one. Make up your mind!

I didn't like Katie slut-shaming Brooke. Guess we should give Katie a boost so she can get back on her cross.

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IMHO, I don't understand how this show can be so awful and so boring at the same time. Between Quinn with her amnesiac prisoner, and Wyffy talking & talking about nothing and Bill being insufferable and Katie being clueless and oh I can't forget Caroline holding up her suddenly blooming stomach, I have no where to turn !  So why am I still watching? Because I always have hope (not THAT Hope!) - LOL !

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Just a few random observations...

1. Isn't this only the 2nd day that Brooke has worked at Spencer? The first day, she wore the white shirt with the sleeves that are open to the wrist, then the next day, she wore the matching blue shirt, which is what she's still wearing. Two whole days it took for her to tell $Bill that he's the love of her life & blow Katie's world apart (granted, she was a moron for allowing Brooke close again, but still)?

2. Someone upthread mentioned it, but it is odd how the frontburner stories right now are mostly based on eavesdropping through an open/cracked door. First, Quinn hears Ivy confess her love for Liam, which set in motion all of that plane drama and Wyffy whatnot. Then, Sasha hears Nicole tell Rick that she appreciates him firing her, which, we haven't seen them this week, but they're sort of the B-story until the inevitable Sasha/Zende hookup, when they'll be back in front. Now, Katie overhears Brooke tell $Bill he's the love of her life and she'll never get over him. I'm thinking the writers should challenge themselves and come up with an original way for eavesdropping, or at least, not have the same rehashed story several times concurrently.

3. What's with the sleeves on these women? Brooke wore 2 back-to-back shirts with the sleeves cut out, and Quinn has been wearing the matching black version for like 2 weeks. I'm not that fashion-forward right now (at 30 weeks pregnant, "fashion" is lots of elastic, and anything I can comfortably fit around my very actively-kicking son), but is that the new trend? Ugh, I hope not, I hate showing my arms.

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So squeaky baby voice Caroline is back and the first part of her body that entered the room was her hand which of course was rubbing her "I am due any minute" stomach!  I guess she just had a haircut after that long vacation.  Her hair is too short!


Women everywhere should be up in arms at how stupid we are on screen in this show.  They panned the liquor in the office with Katie behind it so I guess she is next.  

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Women everywhere should be up in arms at how stupid we are on screen in this show. They panned the liquor in the office with Katie behind it so I guess she is next.


Don't be silly, B&B is an equal opportunity offender, the men are pretty darned stupid too.


Is Bell trying to make Quinn into a newage version of Stephanie? I'm seeing the Oedipus complex working between Wyatt and Quinn and she feels she can control his love life. He follows her every word and now hes making moves on Steffy.


I hope so.  I hope she doesn't cut her hair and wear pantsuits with broaches, but I think the producers struck gold with Rena Sofer, they'd be wise to craft a family around her, like they did with Bill.

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tricknasty, on 27 Jan 2016 - 1:34 PM, said:

Of course he has amnesia *SMDH*.  Chicken head is so pathetic, proposing to Ivy last week & chasing Puffy this week.


This is the same way Wyatt marketed himself to Hope when he was pursuing her.


"You're not having FUN with whatshisface, but we have FUN! together! Be spontaneous with me! Let yourself go! Be free with me! We have FUN! together! We are FUN! together! Let's go on a beach weekend in my custom Airstream! We are sexy together! Liam who?"


Wyatt has a tedous sales spiel, but it works in wearing the Ladies down when getting in their pants.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I guess I'm alone over here because I thouht the show was great today. Some of the conversations were fun, they all made sense, and I'm so super excited that there's a good chance we might get a Quinn/Liam hookup, which I've wanted for a long time! (I haven't read any of the spoilers...just guessing.) I don't care how convoluted the road to Quiam is, as long as it happens!

Anybody who also watches Y&R knows what a fucking mess that show is, so B&B looks like Masterpiece Theater to me in comparison. And I don't even mean that in a "damning with faint praise" way. B&B is giving me what I watch soaps for, so I can be more forgiving when they do something stupid.

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Katie slut-shaming Brooke was wrong, if somewhat understandably so...but it all took a hard right into awesomely fucked up when it got to "Women like that should be paid." That was an honest to God Stephanie moment, and Heather Tom rocked it hard enough that the rest of the ep was white noise by comparison.

Except perhaps Liam officially having amnesia, and I won't lie: the moment that happened, my mind did a fist pump. The door is wiiiiide open for that Quinn\Liam hookup, y'all!

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Yes, I loved Katie's going beyond angry to hard and unforgiving. I agree she's made her own share of mistakes, but I didn't see her trusting her sister as necessarily one of them. Brooke as usual couldn't stop herself being swept away on a tide of self-indulgent emotion, and enjoyed the knife-edge she was walking as long as she thought she could scramble back from it. All those "We have to forget this!" declarations, as if she didn't know perfectly well she was stirring up more drama every time she insisted that was not what she wanted. She was totally hoping to reel Bill back in for her own narcissistic neediness. And Katie seeing her clearly, finally, was long overdue. That cold speech was perfect, even though she was heartbroken after she said it.

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"You're not having FUN with whatshisface, but we have FUN! together! Be spontaneous with me! Let yourself go! Be free with me! We have FUN! together! We are FUN! together!"

You'd think this would easily work on Steffy since it's basically the ploy she used to get Liam away from Hope. (Well, that plus her actual cooch.)


Thirsty motherfucker

Heh, Prince should record a remake of his song.


Katie slut-shaming Brooke was wrong, if somewhat understandably so...but it all took a hard right into awesomely fucked up when it got to "Women like that should be paid."

Presumably Brooke was getting paid a salary by SP. Being able to push up on Bill during work hours was a perk.


Sigh, I had such mixed feelings. I cheered at Katie going in on Brooke and then was disgusted at how self-righteous she was. Because first all, Katie's surely not now just figured out, after all these decades, that Brooke is an unabashed garden utensil with no boundaries. Second, Katie basically dropped an atomic bomb to destroy one ant hill. How's she gonna top that if she catches Brooke doing more than simply declaring her endless love to Bill? A heart attack would be so trite at this point. Third, SHE CREATED THE SITUATION HERSELF! Whatever, I guess we have Katie's tearful shredding of Bill to look forward to next.

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I wonder when Detective Hard-On is hitting town? Give Katie a real reason for her heart to flutter.



If Katie has a lick of sense (yeah, sure) she will climb him like a tree--should the opportunity present itself. Now that's a solid hunk of man right there. LHM. And I hate to be advocating adultery but it might do $Bill some good to be the one who's cheated on for a change. The way he takes Katie for granted is disgusting to me.


If any of the characters were honest for one minute, a marriage license means for right now, not until the next Nielsen ratings book or until death blah blah blah. A marriage license on B&B is an excuse for a dress designed by Eric, bountiful floral arrangements and a catered wedding party at the Forrester Mansion. Marriage in their neck of LA is no hindrance to involving a third, fourth, fifth party. The kids get to adjust to a new normal of the next serial marriage, which is neither new or normal when the Partner Exchange Square Dance begins anew. The only people who care about betrayal are those who's partner left them in the lurch for a personal rival or family member. Other than the fancy dress party, I don't know why anyone bothers to go through the motions of a marriage or get bent out of shape when it takes a handbasket to hell; it's anathema that any marriage last more than 18 months on Show.

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Brooke, shut up about this "no one crossed the line" bs.  You crossed the line the nano second you opened your mouth and told Bill you loved him.  And all in the name of honesty, bish please.  If you don't intend to act on your feelings, then you should have kept your mouth shut.


Katie slut shaming Brooke today was going a little too far, but I understand it. She's hurt and she's angry -- very angry -- at Brooke and at herself. She feels like an idiot for trusting Brook's promise, and she feels that Brooke has been playing her.


HT rocked the confrontation with Brooke like a boss. I loved her fire.  This is the Katie we need to see more often -- and I think she's just in the right place to need a little TLC from Det. Hardon.


I've never really liked Katie and Bill together. There is just something about him that always suggests he thinks he's doing Katie a big favor by being with her.





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I'm sure those who hate Brooke were cheering watching yesterday's scenes but even if I weren't a Brooke fan, I can't condone slut-shaming, especially when Katie is in no position to cast stones in anyone's direction.


Watching her diatribe against Brooke in all her sanctimonious, self-righteous glory confirmed what I have always known about her - she's been jealous of Brooke since childhood and apparently, Brooke was the favorite daughter, who used her golden blond locks and, presumably, golden cooter, to achieve said favored status. Which is just ridiculous and if Brooke's parents favored her (which I never saw and I've watched since day one), then that's on them and not Brooke. Maybe it's because Brooke was, I don't know, actually working to help the family, instead of sitting in her room, staring out the window, picking at her pimples and hating her sister for no good reason. 


Katie needs to grow the fuck up and stop blaming Brooke for everything that has gone wrong in her life and take some goddamn responsibility. Of course, it's no wonder she is the way she is with everyone,  Brooke most of all, coddling her like she's still that sullen teenager in need of a good spanking. Then there's her poor heart to tippy-toe around.


Katie knew good and well that Brooke still had feelings for Bill and vice versa. She's passive aggressive at its finest. Of course she wanted Brooke to come work at SP so she could torture Brooke, heaping extra punishment on her, internally wagging that pointy little finger and saying, "You can look, just don't touch because $Bill is ALLLLLLLL mine." All under the premise of being ohhh sooooo confident in her place as Bill's life.


This spoiled little twit has learned nothing. She played with fire with open eyes and she got burned. Boo fucking hoo.


Don't tell me she didn't want to put the screws to Brooke and wanted her to want was Katie's (she pulled the same crap with Ridge) and then portray herself as all magnanimous over what a great sister she is and such a strong, confident woman that she has to run right over and tell Eric so she can be patted on her head like the good little girl she thinks she is. 


Katie never forgave Brooke - it was all a lie orchestrated to punish Brooke for taking the one thing Katie was so sure of - Bill's love. I wouldn't necessarily have blamed Katie if she didn't forgive her (although Brooke forgave her for Ridge and blamed herself for driving Katie to cheat with Ridge which no, that's not her shit to own) - it's the deception and the pretense I take issue with.


Notice Bill isn't getting one iota of the blame here because of course, he just couldn't help himself from lusting after Brooke's siren call. GMAFB. Katie is so delusional that she doesn't even realize Bill reciprocates Brooke's feelings and even if she did realize that he was still in love with Brooke (which again - blind man in a snowstorm would have realized) - she would have blamed Brooke for opening her mouth and revealing her true feelings. As if Bill is Pavlov's dog and ding ding ding, could change his feelings on a dime. So what if Brooke opened her mouth (which I doubt she would have, had Katie not emotionally manipulated Brooke into working at SP). So what? Bill didn't have to respond in any way, shape, or form that would have strayed from his commitment to Katie. And yet he did - not because Brooke is some siren but because he's still in love with her and his own boundaries (or lack thereof).  That's not on Brooke.


Although at least we finally saw the real Katie and she is ugly as the day is long.


But her for to stand there and have the gall to slut-shame Brooke like she was channeling the ghost of Stephanie Forrester, when she herself is no saint, she is dead to me at this point and I seriously hope TPTB don't reward this bitter bitch baby harpy the likes of Det. Hardon. 


Girl, bye.


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I guess I'm alone over here because I thouht the show was great today.



You are not alone, I replayed that final scene with Brooke and Katie at least 5 times.  No one has talked to Brooke like that since Stephanie was diagnosed with cancer.


Katie slut-shaming Brooke was wrong,



If that was wrong, then I don't want to be right!


I'm surprised Brooke lasted two days at Spencer Publications without falling into Bill's arms.


Question of the Day:


What in the holy hell is a Detective Hardon?

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Notice Bill isn't getting one iota of the blame here because of course, he just couldn't help himself from lusting after Brooke's siren call.

I threw some blame on him a couple of days ago. Brooke clearly hasn't been holding a gun to his head every time she's gotten in a clinch with him. I'd actually put more blame on him because he's the one who's married to Katie and made public vows to her to be faithful.


Katie needs to grow the fuck up and stop blaming Brooke for everything that has gone wrong in her life and take some goddamn responsibility. Of course, it's no wonder she is the way she is with everyone,  Brooke most of all, coddling her like she's still that sullen teenager in need of a good spanking.

I agree that they both need to stop living in the past. Problem is, IMO, Brooke still doesn't seem be able to stay in her own lane and she knows how easy it is (or how easy she thinks it is) to push Katie out of the way in pursuit of what she wants. Unfortunately, some people regard forgiveness as permission to keep doing the hurtful stuff they were doing because if you forgave them once, why not again? This is a losing situation for Katie and I think she might do best to be done with the both of them. That way she won't have to spend any more time worrying if they're betraying her behind her back. She also might want to get some help for her self-esteem issues since so much of it still seems to be built upon proving that she's as good as if not better than Brooke in the Logans' Winning Life contest.

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I'm sure those who hate Brooke were cheering watching yesterday's scenes but even if I weren't a Brooke fan, I can't condone slut-shaming, especially when Katie is in no position to cast stones in anyone's direction.

I couldn't agree more with your entire post and could have quoted the whole thing, but I selected this part, because really, how you view this storyline does seem to depend on how you view Brooke. I've been a Brooke fan from day one, so you can guess my opinion :) My feeling is that Katie lost her "holier than thou" rights when she faked a heart attack to keep Brooke from marrying Ridge and had that smugger than smug attitude the entire time she was with him. Yes, Brooke has done some awful things, but Katie has no right to be on a high horse herself. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought Brooke was telling Bill that she still loves him but they can never be together. Did Katie really think that Brooke's feelings for Bill magically stopped? She was saying they wouldn't ever be together; if Bill can't be emotionally faithful to Katie, that's Bill's fault IMO.
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I threw some blame on him a couple of days ago. Brooke clearly hasn't been holding a gun to his head every time she's gotten in a clinch with him. I'd actually put more blame on him because he's the one who's married to Katie and made public vows to her to be faithful.



I meant that Katie wasn't putting any blame on Bill, so I wanted to clarify that. I agree that Bill is as much, if not more to blame, than Brooke. And Bill is the one that wants to full-on rekindle things, having the constant fantasies, etc. It's Brooke who is saying no, we're not doing this, it's over, you're with Katie, etc. etc.


I also agree that Katie needs some therapy to figure out why so much of her own self-esteem is tied up with another person. She needs to figure out how to step out from Brooke's shadow, but more importantly, why she chose to put herself in that shadow in the first place.

I couldn't agree more with your entire post and could have quoted the whole thing, but I selected this part, because really, how you view this storyline does seem to depend on how you view Brooke. I've been a Brooke fan from day one, so you can guess my opinion :) My feeling is that Katie lost her "holier than thou" rights when she faked a heart attack to keep Brooke from marrying Ridge and had that smugger than smug attitude the entire time she was with him. Yes, Brooke has done some awful things, but Katie has no right to be on a high horse herself. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought Brooke was telling Bill that she still loves him but they can never be together. Did Katie really think that Brooke's feelings for Bill magically stopped? She was saying they wouldn't ever be together; if Bill can't be emotionally faithful to Katie, that's Bill's fault IMO.

Your memory is correct. Brooke admitted her feelings, which some take issue with, for me it was addressing the enormous elephant in the room that was going to be there every.single.time she came into contact with Bill. She acknowledged, she told him in no uncertain terms, they would not be doing this again as she wasn't going to do this to Katie. It was Bill who was of the attitude, to hell with it, let's act on our feelings, which is totally on him. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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It was Bill who was of the attitude, to hell with it, let's act on our feelings, which is totally on him.

But Brooke never pulls away when Bill kisses her. Remember when he went to her house and she just had to give him a goodbye tongue down the throat? She's been sending the most mixed of mixed messages, IMO. Bill is no helpless little boy but yikes, it would take a very strong person to stand up to Brooke's style of passive aggression. (Ridge did but only because he could hide behind Caroline while doing it.) Brooke's pheromones must be like man Kryptonite.


Re the slut-shaming, I generally think it's wrong. It doesn't really accomplish anything except perhaps make the shamer feel superior and it doesn't change what's already happened. In the case of Brooke however, I think Katie was entitled, in the heat of the moment, to throw that barb because of what Brooke has specifically done to her. Sure, it may be hypocritical of Katie since she insisted on putting Brooke and Bill in each other's daily orbit and isn't exactly a vestal virgin herself. Sure, Brooke and Katie are both grown-ass women who are responsible for the bad choices they've made. The fact remains though that Brooke has long been accustomed to using her sexuality as a weapon, most often against her own family members that she claims to love. She got caught red-handed doing something she knew was out-of-bounds and it wasn't the first time. (And it was right in Bill's office where Katie always could've walked in on them!) In that moment I think Katie was still reeling from the realization of the betrayal and had the right to call her own sister whatever she wanted. Odds are she'll think better of it later. I'm just hoping she's going to take Bill down for the dog he is too.

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Yes, I loved Katie's going beyond angry to hard and unforgiving. I agree she's made her own share of mistakes, but I didn't see her trusting her sister as necessarily one of them. Brooke as usual couldn't stop herself being swept away on a tide of self-indulgent emotion, and enjoyed the knife-edge she was walking as long as she thought she could scramble back from it. All those "We have to forget this!" declarations, as if she didn't know perfectly well she was stirring up more drama every time she insisted that was not what she wanted. She was totally hoping to reel Bill back in for her own narcissistic neediness. And Katie seeing her clearly, finally, was long overdue. That cold speech was perfect, even though she was heartbroken after she said it.

I agree 100% with Katie not holding back on laying into Brooke. No matter what, Brooke should of never professed her love for Bill for It gave hope, to Bill, that the door was still open to the golden cooter. But this seems par for the course, with Bell, with Ivy professing her love for Liam and Liam's and Hope's parting scene. Now I'm betting on Wyatt to tell Steffy that she is the love of his life so there will be a superfecta.

Steffy still looking good!

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I don't think there would have been an "elephant in the room" if Brooke had kept her dang mouth shut about her feelings. Which we all know are so much more important than anyone else's. Bill and Katie did seem pretty happy, not that we saw them a whole bunch and Bill begged and pleaded Katie to allow him to come back and swore he would never hurt her. So did Brooke but her fucking feelings HAD TO BE ADDRESSED!!!! So she waved the red flag of her glittery hoo-ha at the raging bull that is $Bill and whimpers Oh! Oh! No! We mustn't hurt Katie! While swooning like a dime store romance novel heroine and welcoming his tongue down her throat.

I have no problem with someone slut-shaming a slut and if my sister makes a play for my man she would be grateful if that's all I did to her ass.

I would be thrilled if Katie gives Bill the same treatment.

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