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Which 20 year friend could it be that got a call from someone at the crime scene BEFORE the police were called, and who made that call?


Could this be Marcus Allen?  I still believe the rumors that Nicole was involved with Allen and this relationship pissed Simpson off to no end.


It's been reported that Allen and his then-wife left suddenly for the Bahamas very early in the morning of June 13.  Why?  It would make sense if Allen had shown up at Nicole's condo that night and discovered the bodies.  He could have left to avoid having to talk to the police, the press and avoid Simpson, who surely he knew did it.

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Q. When did you make plans to leave for the Cayman Islands?

A. I am not sure.

Q. What was the purpose of that trip? A. The NFL contacted us about an opportunity to go to the Caymans for a fish-off to catch a marlin for $250 000 and I thought it was a great opportunity to do that.

Q. What time did you leave Los Angeles?

A. I think to the best of my recollection, we left around 10 o'clock or so.

Q. In the evening?

A. Yes.

Q. Had you spoken to Mr. Simpson at all that day?

A. I can't recall if I did.

Q. Did you know that he was leaving town that night?

A. I don't recall. I don't think so.


I never put it together than Marcus left the same night.  IF he really did leave at 10 though, he'd have left for the airport sooner than the murders.  I wonder if he lied about that too?


Yes, at first I didn't believe Faye Resnick about anything, but in reading over the criminal trial transcripts, it's obvious that several  other people knew about the affair with Marcus Allen.  He lied and said it wasn't true on the stand.

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Which 20 year friend could it be that got a call from someone at the crime scene BEFORE the police were called, and who made that call?


Dominick said it was a man he knew and trusted-- I don't know if Marcus Allen fits that description?  But it could be somebody from DD's show business connections-- maybe Fred Levinson, who created the Hertz ads for Simpson.  He was interviewed for the recent A & E 'OJ The Hidden Tapes' and said why he thought OJ did it: 



In another interview (maybe for the Aphrodite Jones OJ show?) Levinson said that when you went to OJ's to play cards, you couldn't leave unless he said so.  That he was very controlling of the people around him. 


Fred Levinson on creating the Hertz campaign:  http://www.dga.org/Craft/VisualHistory/Interviews/Fred-Levinson.aspx


Or it might be Don Ohlmeyer, NBC west coast President, but I don't know if OJ would ask him for favors like that.  Ohlmeyer got OJ cast in the Frogmen pilot, where a stuntman taught Simpson how to do a silent kill from behind by slitting the person's throat.  But Ohlmeyer visited OJ in jail and supported his innocence--  I don't know if he'd have done that knowing for sure Simpson was guilty.  Huge risk for a guy running a network.


And I'm not sure that OJ's long-term friends like Mike Gilbert and Norman Pardo, or even AC or Ron Shipp, were people that Dominick would have connected with.  But who knows. 

Edited by Isabella15
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Yeah, but Nicole's house was full of lit candles...maybe it was Marcus sneaking over again, and she was waiting for him.  I wish I knew what time that flight of his left, and if he arranged an earlier flight. 


Marcus and OJ were still friends, still played golf, talked frequently, after OJ found out.

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Given the fact that Nicole was BFF's with Kris Jenner & Fay Resnick, I can't help but wonder if, had these tragic events not happened, she would have a reality show of her own in which she tried to pimp Sydney out.  

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Yeah, but Nicole's house was full of lit candles...maybe it was Marcus sneaking over again, and she was waiting for him.  I wish I knew what time that flight of his left, and if he arranged an earlier flight. 


Marcus and OJ were still friends, still played golf, talked frequently, after OJ found out.


Were you thinking the call was from someone that was going to drop by to visit Nicole that night?  I think we know that since Ron went home after work to shower and change before going to Nicole's to drop off the glasses, she wasn't expecting anyone else that night, so the candles were for their date.  And we know that OJ was furious that he had seen Ron driving Nicole's Ferrari around Brentwood, so he knew they were friends. 


I thought the call from someone at the crime scene was someone OJ had called on for help after the murders.  Harvey Levin said he was sure that OJ had help at some point afterwards.  A 20 year friend of OJ that Dominick knew and trusted?  Since DD wasn't much involved with sports, I figured it would be somebody from the industry. 

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I thought he meant the friend was a friend of OJ's, but maybe you are right.


Showering after working in a restaurant all night isn't uncommon, you usually feel pretty grungy by then.  I don't know, I wish DD had spilled before he died, but he did protect his sources when they requested it, which is probably why everyone felt safe talking to him.

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Given the fact that Nicole was BFF's with Kris Jenner & Fay Resnick, I can't help but wonder if, had these tragic events not happened, she would have a reality show of her own in which she tried to pimp Sydney out.

I think that both Jenner and Resnick were less than her "BFFs." Mike Gilbert (OJ's agent) has said that Kris was a "groupie" and would go to the trial only on days when there were interesting or famous witnesses. Plus her story about how much she knew about the abuse keeps changing. A true friend wouldn't write the book that Resnick did.

All of this to say that I doubt she would "pimp out" her kids a la KJ. By all accounts she was very down to earth, so I hate to ascribe that guilt by association, especially with those wretched witches.

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I think that both Jenner and Resnick were less than her "BFFs." Mike Gilbert (OJ's agent) has said that Kris was a "groupie" and would go to the trial only on days when there were interesting or famous witnesses. Plus her story about how much she knew about the abuse keeps changing. A true friend wouldn't write the book that Resnick did.

All of this to say that I doubt she would "pimp out" her kids a la KJ. By all accounts she was very down to earth, so I hate to ascribe that guilt by association, especially with those wretched witches.

Nicole Simpson and Faye were close enough friends that druggie Faye had stayed at her house up until a couple of days before she went off to rehab.  The fact that both Faye and Kris have ended up on TV does not make it a far stretch that Nicole could have too. Birds of a feather, you know.

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Yeah, but Nicole's house was full of lit candles...maybe it was Marcus sneaking over again, and she was waiting for him.  I wish I knew what time that flight of his left, and if he arranged an earlier flight. 


Marcus and OJ were still friends, still played golf, talked frequently, after OJ found out.

I know the theory has been floated that Ron and Nicole were involved and she was expecting more than just a delivery of her mother's glasses but I tend to think not.  First, Ron had made plans to meet friends around the time he was dropping off the glasses.  If he planned a romantic encounter with Nicole, I doubt he would be planning to go out with friends.  Second, while Mark Fuhrman claimed somewhere they had evidence Ron and Nicole were involved, I believe Marcia Clark on this one.  She denies it and was in Nicole's condo the morning after the murders.  She says that Nicole's bed was messy and unmade, as well as the bedroom.  Generally if you are expecting a guest that will be in there, you would probably make the bed and straighten up the room.   And although I generally don't trust Faye Resnick, she says nothing was going on with Ron and Nicole, other than friendship, and I tend to believe that.


I think Nicole was involved with Marcus.  I think if she expected anyone that night, it was him.  Simpson was insanely jealous of Marcus by all accounts.  Losing Nicole completely and finally, and potentially to Marcus, as well as Paula's break up with him earlier that day would have sent him over the edge.


As far as the 20 year friend and DD, it's possible the 20 year friend was an entertainment friend of DD's who got information from someone else (i.e., Marcus) that was at the crime scene.


Given the fact that Nicole was BFF's with Kris Jenner & Fay Resnick, I can't help but wonder if, had these tragic events not happened, she would have a reality show of her own in which she tried to pimp Sydney out.  


I think if Nicole had lived, she would have rented out the Bundy condo and moved to Malibu.  Once she got there, she would have been surrounded with an entirely different group of people.  I think she would have moved away (physically and emotionally) from Faye and Kris.

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I think if Nicole had lived, she would have rented out the Bundy condo and moved to Malibu. Once she got there, she would have been surrounded with an entirely different group of people. I think she would have moved away (physically and emotionally) from Faye and Kris.

Yeah, like Yolonda from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Totally different class of people out there. ;)

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I know the theory has been floated that Ron and Nicole were involved and she was expecting more than just a delivery of her mother's glasses but I tend to think not.  First, Ron had made plans to meet friends around the time he was dropping off the glasses.  If he planned a romantic encounter with Nicole, I doubt he would be planning to go out with friends.  Second, while Mark Fuhrman claimed somewhere they had evidence Ron and Nicole were involved, I believe Marcia Clark on this one.  She denies it and was in Nicole's condo the morning after the murders.  She says that Nicole's bed was messy and unmade, as well as the bedroom.  Generally if you are expecting a guest that will be in there, you would probably make the bed and straighten up the room.   And although I generally don't trust Faye Resnick, she says nothing was going on with Ron and Nicole, other than friendship, and I tend to believe that.


I think Nicole was involved with Marcus.  I think if she expected anyone that night, it was him.  Simpson was insanely jealous of Marcus by all accounts.  Losing Nicole completely and finally, and potentially to Marcus, as well as Paula's break up with him earlier that day would have sent him over the edge.


As far as the 20 year friend and DD, it's possible the 20 year friend was an entertainment friend of DD's who got information from someone else (i.e., Marcus) that was at the crime scene.



I think if Nicole had lived, she would have rented out the Bundy condo and moved to Malibu.  Once she got there, she would have been surrounded with an entirely different group of people.  I think she would have moved away (physically and emotionally) from Faye and Kris.

Interesting-- so many questions and so many of the key players, i.e. Marcia, Fuhrman, etc. with different information-- and all of them convinced they have the right story.  This forum has developed so many knowledgeable and thoughtful people, I wish we could discuss at length in person!  Or call in our questions to Dominick Dunne, who sadly persists in being unavailable.  One thing we do know is that his heart was with the victims in this case.  And he took no prisoners in his belief that any trash-talking of victims is inexcusable.  The person who murdered them is the person at fault.


I had not heard that Ron made plans with other friends the (fateful) night he was returning the glasses.  And I wasn't sure that Nicole was still involved with Marcus Allen--so those are things I need to catch up on.  I'm pretty sure that there's testimony that OJ had seen Ron driving Nicole's car in Brentwood, I think from one of the LAPD.  And Ron was such a sweet guy, she may have been discovering what a healthy, non-abusive relationship would be like.  I hope so.


I think your thoughts on the move to Malibu are excellent.  Emotional and physical distance, and healthy adult relationships for perhaps the first time in Nicole's life.  And out of the controlling orbit of her ex-husband, with his powerful, well-connected friends.  Many women in abusive marriages don't survive that escape to freedom.

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Nicole Simpson and Faye were close enough friends that druggie Faye had stayed at her house up until a couple of days before she went off to rehab.  The fact that both Faye and Kris have ended up on TV does not make it a far stretch that Nicole could have too. Birds of a feather, you know.

IIRC Faye's fiance kicked her out of their house, so she went to Nicole's.  Nicole staged an intervention and got Faye into rehab a few days before the murder.


I think the Marcus affair was ongoing, and still, OJ let Marcus marry Kathryn at his estate, Nicole was not there.  Reportedly (and not just from Faye, from other testimony) Marcus would wait until OJ was going out of town, then park down the block from Nicole's because he knew OJ was having Nicole's house watched, sneak in.

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First, Ron had made plans to meet friends around the time he was dropping off the glasses.

​But, would Nicole have known that? If not, the candles still could've been for Ron's sake (not that there would've been anything at all wrong with that).

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Interesting-- so many questions and so many of the key players, i.e. Marcia, Fuhrman, etc. with different information-- and all of them convinced they have the right story.  This forum has developed so many knowledgeable and thoughtful people, I wish we could discuss at length in person!  Or call in our questions to Dominick Dunne, who sadly persists in being unavailable.  One thing we do know is that his heart was with the victims in this case.  And he took no prisoners in his belief that any trash-talking of victims is inexcusable.  The person who murdered them is the person at fault.


I had not heard that Ron made plans with other friends the (fateful) night he was returning the glasses.  And I wasn't sure that Nicole was still involved with Marcus Allen--so those are things I need to catch up on.  I'm pretty sure that there's testimony that OJ had seen Ron driving Nicole's car in Brentwood, I think from one of the LAPD.  And Ron was such a sweet guy, she may have been discovering what a healthy, non-abusive relationship would be like.  I hope so.


I think your thoughts on the move to Malibu are excellent.  Emotional and physical distance, and healthy adult relationships for perhaps the first time in Nicole's life.  And out of the controlling orbit of her ex-husband, with his powerful, well-connected friends.  Many women in abusive marriages don't survive that escape to freedom.


One thing I have to remind myself of with this case is that Nicole had just turned 18 when she first met Simpson.  Her only job was the one at The Daisy waiting tables.  While she was 35 years old at the time of her death, she had not done many of the normal things the majority of us do.  No college, no first "real" job, no roommates, no living on her own.  Yes, she had her own rental place on Gretna Green and bought Bundy but she had the children by then. 


I feel sadness when I think that "all" she had accomplished in her life up to the point of her death was partying, marrying Simpson and having children (and I'm not knocking marriage or children.)  I don't think she ever had the time for find the "real" Nicole, to find what made her happy.   I think she may have been able to find that, had she managed to get out from under Simpson's thumb and away from the shallow, superficial and party-happy people that seemed in her orbit in Brentwood.   Maybe too Simpson would have stopped obsessing over her and what she was doing and who she was with.


I had heard too of Marcus parking down the block to go and see Nicole and to be in your mid-thirties and sneaking around like that?  Sigh.  Of course he was also married so that wasn't good for either of them but still.

​But, would Nicole have known that? If not, the candles still could've been for Ron's sake (not that there would've been anything at all wrong with that).


That's something we will never know.  It's possible she didn't know; it's also possible that Ron could have told her he was on his way to meet friends but would drop the glasses on the way.  We'll just never know.


Faye Resnick wrote in her trashy book that Nicole wasn't interested in Ron at that point but had debated sleeping with him because he was attracted to her.  She was very much into Marcus Allen.  I believe that.


Of course it's also possible that Nicole simply liked candles and her way to unwind was to light them and take a bath.

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Yeah, just to be clear, the affair with Marcus began before he was married, and continued afterwards.  Reportedly Marcus was much more into Nicole than she was to him.  It makes me wonder if being desired was a big part of her motivation there, much more than Faye's words, saying basically, "Nicole liked big dicks."

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I'm not sure that I buy that Nicole was just misunderstood. I think its entirety possible she really was just an LA party girl who married for money. On the kinder side of that type? Sure, but a gold digger all the same. Do I think she desperately wanted to drop Kris and Faye for a group of intellectually and ethically superior friends? No, not really. I'll buy she loved OJ, but do I buy she would have loved him if he hadn't been rich and famous when they met? No. Do I think if she had lived she would have enrolled at UCLA and become a doctor, or taught inner city High School, or done much of anything outside of rich lady stuff? Not really. I think she absolutely would have been on a reality show pretending to be friends with the Richard sisters or whatever. And so what? She doesn't need to be a saint to be a victim. She didn't have to be good enough not to get beat and murdered.

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I'm not sure that I buy that Nicole was just misunderstood. I think its entirety possible she really was just an LA party girl who married for money. On the kinder side of that type? Sure, but a gold digger all the same. Do I think she desperately wanted to drop Kris and Faye for a group of intellectually and ethically superior friends? No, not really. I'll buy she loved OJ, but do I buy she would have loved him if he hadn't been rich and famous when they met? No. Do I think if she had lived she would have enrolled at UCLA and become a doctor, or taught inner city High School, or done much of anything outside of rich lady stuff? Not really. I think she absolutely would have been on a reality show pretending to be friends with the Richard sisters or whatever. And so what? She doesn't need to be a saint to be a victim. She didn't have to be good enough not to get beat and murdered.


Nicole reportedly did not know who Simpson was when she met him.  I believe that.  This was pre-Naked Gun and broadcasting.  Unless you were a football fan, you wouldn't know.    Robert Kardashian defended her during the trial when she was accused of being a gold digger; he said she was not, that she legitimately loved Simpson.


Do I fault her for getting involved with a married man?  Sure.  But I also have to take into account she was very young and impressionable.  It was a mistake and she was wrong but he was more so.    Who's to know if she would have loved Simpson just the same if he had been a post office employee or work at McDonald's?  One thing that is clear to me, however, is that she wasn't really trained or educated to do much else and Simpson's privilege kept her tied to him (he gave her father a Hertz dealership and allegedly paid for her sisters' education.)  I think, sadly, Nicole was your typical LA area trophy wife (at least then.)

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The night OJ took a baseball bat to Nicole's car (and yes, the police arrived then too, and OJ smoozed them as usual) it was because Nicole was going to attend a new class, in interior decorating.  He was mad, because he wanted her on his arm, and to hell with school, so he went nuts. 


When Nicole met him at 18 (18!  Barely!) she told him of her plans to go to college and she did resist him because he was married.  He told her the marriage was bad, over, etc. the same kind of thing all older married men tell inexperienced girls.  Eventually it really was over.  Yes, OJ cheated on his first wife non stop, she never admitted to any abuse though.  Many kept that kind of thing quiet back then, and she did need his goodwill, since he was the breadwinner.  BTW, OJ stole her away from AC.  AC had asked OJ to talk to her about something, explain AC's feelings for him, since he stuttered and knew OJ was a better talker.  So much for that idea AC, she was OJ's from that moment on.

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Perhaps.  They went into the marriage more as equals than trainee/trainer with the age difference between Nicole and OJ.  Then again, someone who beats women?  Yeah, my bet is that there is not much of a chance that OJ didn't pull that with his first wife as well. 

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Perhaps.  They went into the marriage more as equals than trainee/trainer with the age difference between Nicole and OJ.  Then again, someone who beats women?  Yeah, my bet is that there is not much of a chance that OJ didn't pull that with his first wife as well. 

I have little doubt that he was abusive toward Marguerite. Domestic violence tends to be an escalating pattern that begins when a man is young. She had many good reasons to keep it quiet--the culture of the 1960s/1970s, OJ's success, the fear of police intervention within the Black community, etc.

Their marriage definitely wasn't happy and she began filing for divorce as early as 1970 (they married in 1967). She has kept a low profile ever since and I respect her for that.

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Perhaps there wasn't any.


There was definitely abuse toward Marguerite (see @ 2:10)  but that and the violence toward Nicole was kept out of the news thanks to OJ's lawyers, and OJ got slaps on the wrist thanks to celebrity-loving judges like the one below.   LAPD knew too, of course, but  OJ had a great relationship with LAPD, he did appearances and benefits for them. 


Keeping OJ's Wife-Beating Quiet:

How local KCBS-LA news team missed the story in 1989 :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkuTrjawxIA

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AC had asked OJ to talk to her about something, explain AC's feelings for him, since he stuttered and knew OJ was a better talker.  So much for that idea AC, she was OJ's from that moment on.


Oh, God. That's news to me, and I don't even know which grim joke to make first. It's like Cyrano, but with stupid jocks and the woman eventually getting murdered! 


I have to remind myself that OJ isn't a verbal moron. He's a pretty smooth talker. It's only in writing that he's stayed at a pre-junior-high level. The news media did him such huge favors by extensively copy-editing when they reproduced his "suicide note" and other written communication.  

Edited by Simon Boccanegra
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Oh, God. That's news to me, and I don't even know which grim joke to make first. It's like Cyrano, but with stupid jocks and the woman eventually getting murdered! 

His first wife was not murdered.

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The Goldmans are slamming The People v. OJ Simpson & will be on The Steve Harvey Show TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 15th, to talk about it. Check local listings for the correct time & channel in your area.


Responding here since I couldn't find a thread for Steve Harvey. I enjoyed the interview with the Goldmans. Fred managed to bring me to tears again. Just seeing how the loss of Ron still affects him. And Kim. I feel guilty now for getting hooked by this show.

That said, I feel for them. I really do. But even though this happened to them, it's not the first murder to be televised. And Harvey made that point-that Hollywood doesn't give a shit. But I'm totally on their side that the creators of this show should have talked to them about it. I mean, they would have ignored their objections, but still at least tell them. And the Browns.

I don't know why he even had Kato on there, unless it was for him to say that the actor playing him is playing him like Garth from Wayne's World instead of as...Kato. And I certainly am not thinking or believing that everything I'm seeing is true and really happened.

But they didn't say anything about this show that I hadn't already read.

But I did like what Fred said about forgiveness and why, in the case of Ron, why he doesn't believe in it. And I actually felt Kim's pain deep in my gut when she said that Ron may have been alive, even for a minute, watching his killer walk away. And why she wanted to see OJ in chains as she walked away from him. It didn't happen because she said that OJ would only agree to see her if she signed a nondisclosure agreeing to say that she never saw him when she did.

So yeah, I won't be watching it tonight.

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I saw the Steve Harvey interview yesterday too and I thought he did a good job.

I know for a fact that no matter how much time passes, the pain of losing a loved one never subsides. I can only imagine that the pain of losing a loved one is a lot bigger when you lose them in such a cruel way like the Goldmans did. Both Fred and Kim Goldman seem like such lovely people and it's heart-breaking to see their pain to this day especially given the outcome of the trial where justice wasn't truly served.

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The night OJ took a baseball bat to Nicole's car (and yes, the police arrived then too, and OJ smoozed them as usual) it was because Nicole was going to attend a new class, in interior decorating.  He was mad, because he wanted her on his arm, and to hell with school, so he went nuts. 


When Nicole met him at 18 (18!  Barely!) she told him of her plans to go to college and she did resist him because he was married.  He told her the marriage was bad, over, etc. the same kind of thing all older married men tell inexperienced girls.  Eventually it really was over.  Yes, OJ cheated on his first wife non stop, she never admitted to any abuse though.  Many kept that kind of thing quiet back then, and she did need his goodwill, since he was the breadwinner.  BTW, OJ stole her away from AC.  AC had asked OJ to talk to her about something, explain AC's feelings for him, since he stuttered and knew OJ was a better talker.  So much for that idea AC, she was OJ's from that moment on.


I missed this before but the night Simpson took a bat to the windshield of Nicole's car, he not only shmoozed the LAPD but he jumped in his car and took off!  Was he pursued and arrested for fleeing the scene?  Of course not.  Because he was O.J.  Yet another example of the "celebrity exception rule," where celebrities are treated as if basic rules and morality don't apply to their special little snowflake selves. 


I missed the Steve Harvey interview with the Goldmans.  I wonder if I can find it On Demand.

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I like that Steve mentioned A&E's O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes, and that a person would have to be a complete idiot to still think O.J. was innocent after watching it.

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I like that Steve mentioned A&E's O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes, and that a person would have to be a complete idiot to still think O.J. was innocent after watching it.

I was looking for something else. Ok, it was the new show Damien, which I kind of like.

Anywoo, the hidden tapes is in a & e on demand. Of course it's downloading right now. I watched all the other hidden tapes shows, so why not.

Dan I can't spell his last name. the civil trial atty is my hero.

Edited by toodles
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Marcia Clark was on Ellen and once again being coy about Chris Darden. The fact that she won't flat out say nothing happened makes me think something HAD to have happened at some point.

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Marcia Clark was on Ellen and once again being coy about Chris Darden. The fact that she won't flat out say nothing happened makes me think something HAD to have happened at some point.

Clark just will not quit milking this case for publicity will she?

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Clark just will not quit milking this case for publicity will she?

Is she supposed to hide in a cave for the rest of her life?


Alan Dershowitz isn't shy about being in the media either.  Where's the ire directed toward him?

Edited by starri
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I was 4 years old when the trial was happening so of course, I was too young to understand what was going on or even remember any of it. That being said, I actually like Marcia Clark being so much in the media nowadays because she was a huge part of this case so I like hearing her perspective along with those of others so many years laters. It helps me to gain insight on what happened back then.

Edited by Steph619
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At least Clark actually was involved in the case. I had never laid eyes on Greta van Susteren before CNN fished her out to be one of its legal analysts very early in the OJ case. I couldn't stand her the first day, it got worse rather than better, and she's never gone away.  


I remember her yelling at the other analyst that she was just so sure Judge Kennedy-Powell was going to claim the detectives illegally searched when they scaled the wall of Simpson's home, and thus all the evidence collected was inadmissible, and then Judge Kennedy-Powell ruled otherwise. I don't know if "Looks good on you, ass" was a thing we were saying yet in 1994, but that was essentially my silent reaction when they cut back to Greta. 

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I've been "enjoying" this series quite a bit and find it a shame that they are going to follow this season up with a season based on hurricane Katrina. Seems like a great way to ruin the momentum this season had going for it.

I hope that if there is a third season it will be based on actual unsolved murderous crimes such as this season as opposed to natural disasters that were handled wrongly by all parties. I also hope I remember to tune in because I'll be skipping season 2.

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I've been "enjoying" this series quite a bit and find it a shame that they are going to follow this season up with a season based on hurricane Katrina. Seems like a great way to ruin the momentum this season had going for it.

I hope that if there is a third season it will be based on actual unsolved murderous crimes such as this season as opposed to natural disasters that were handled wrongly by all parties. I also hope I remember to tune in because I'll be skipping season 2.

I agree with you. I was sort of hoping for an anthology series of famous American criminal trials. Maybe Leopold and Lobe? Or if they don't want to do another murder, the Chicago 7 trial or the Rosenburg espionage trial?

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I've been "enjoying" this series quite a bit and find it a shame that they are going to follow this season up with a season based on hurricane Katrina. Seems like a great way to ruin the momentum this season had going for it.

I hope that if there is a third season it will be based on actual unsolved murderous crimes such as this season as opposed to natural disasters that were handled wrongly by all parties. I also hope I remember to tune in because I'll be skipping season 2.

I too was hoping they would stay on murder cases. After they announced that the second season was going to be focused on Hurricaine Katrina, I was really hoping they'd do the season on the criminal case regarding Memorial Hospital, in New Orleans where a doctor and two nurses were charged with murder. I'm on my phone, so unfortunately I can only paste the link, but here's the Wikipedia page about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Medical_Center_and_Hurricane_Katrina

It would be a way to keep it focused on a crime, it's one that a lot of people probably don't know a lot about, the case wasn't black and white, and there's a fantastic book they could pull from called "Five Days at Memorial". It's meticulously researched, and I found it to be unbiased. I cannot recommend that book enough, and there is SO MUCH there, that it would've made a wonderful installment in this series.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Katrina is overdue really, but like many, I can't watch it.  I had friends there, the wounds are deep, and still happening.  I don't think I can watch that kind of tragedy again, even though the government ineptitude and criminality should be exposed and dissected. 

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I've been "enjoying" this series quite a bit and find it a shame that they are going to follow this season up with a season based on hurricane Katrina. Seems like a great way to ruin the momentum this season had going for it.

I hope that if there is a third season it will be based on actual unsolved murderous crimes such as this season as opposed to natural disasters that were handled wrongly by all parties. I also hope I remember to tune in because I'll be skipping season 2.


Co-sign.  This series is far better than I thought it would be and having the next season be about Katrina deflates me a little.  Not to say what happened there was right or not as important or "exciting," but I was really hoping they would go with the Manson case (I had heard that Ryan Murphy wanted to do a season of that through American Horror Story.)  Short of that, the West Memphis 3 would be an interesting case to focus on, or something old school, classic Hollywood like the William Desmond Taylor murder case and/or the Fatty Arbuckle scandal.  Even the Jeffrey MacDonald (i.e., Fatal Vision) case would be interesting given people are divided and vocal on it (although it is still an ongoing case.)


There is (sadly) so much material to choose from.

Edited by psychoticstate
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Katrina is overdue really, but like many, I can't watch it.  I had friends there, the wounds are deep, and still happening.  I don't think I can watch that kind of tragedy again, even though the government ineptitude and criminality should be exposed and dissected.

That reminds me of the retort to "Nobody saw it coming"...yeah, nobody but THE WEATHER CHANNEL!!!
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That reminds me of the retort to "Nobody saw it coming"...yeah, nobody but THE WEATHER CHANNEL!!!

Or the people who originally designed the city and were concerned about just such a situation...200 years ago.

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