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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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15 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

she probably can stay in the  basement of the mcmansion as Robyn's spawn are far too precious to give up their room for anyone.

You'd assume with a house as big as the McMansion that it's easy for a sister wife to move in once the oldest 3 leave. If they ever leave... If they stay, Robyn and Kody never have to think of potentially accepting a SW in their own house. Now that is convenient.

I find it still striking that all Brown kids move out once they turn 18, apart from Robyn's kids. That's another way to turn them into the outcasts of the family but of course Robyn won't see it like that.

I know a woman who still has her 30++ year old son at home because it is so hard for "the boy" to qualify for a mortgage and running your single person household really is a lot to ask when you have a fulltime job. She thinks she's doing an amazing job but in truth, her son is the laughing stock of the family and the neighbourhood.

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In many parts of the world family members live together their whole lives so I don’t see why this man should be a laughing stock. My husband lived at home ( paying rent) until he was 30 because his dad died and his mom needed his help. My own son is 24 and lives at home because he is just starting out in his career and rents around here are $1400 a month and up. I think there are right and wrong reasons for living at home as an adult.

Edited by Madding crowd
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@Mahamid Frauded Me, I hope you were kidding when you said Janelle could stay in Robyn and Kody’s basement, because we know there is no way in Hades that would happen. I don’t think  there is any love lost between J and R— they just coexist, imo.

This not a show about polygamy anymore, it’s about the failure of polygamy in this family. Kody is only married to Robyn and has a friendship with Janelle. He barely tolerates Meri as a spiritual wife (in name only—imo, there is nothing spiritual about it) and has an ex, Christine, from whom he is estranged.

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6 hours ago, LilyD said:

You'd assume with a house as big as the McMansion that it's easy for a sister wife to move in once the oldest 3 leave. If they ever leave... If they stay, Robyn and Kody never have to think of potentially accepting a SW in their own house. Now that is convenient.

Ah, I think you've uncovered Robyn's Stealth Plot, Chapter 12.  It makes perfect sense to keep the oldest three captive home because then, there's simply no room for anyone else to move in....kind of like how she's kept Airabelliobla sleeping in her and Kodork's room and partying until 3 every morning - it's a convenient way to shut down the baby machine.

Is there anyone Robyn won't use for her own diabolical means?

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

In many parts of the world family members live together their whole lives so I don’t see why this man should be a laughing stock. My husband lived at home ( paying rent) until he was 30 because his dad died and his mom needed his help. My own son is 24 and lives at home because he is just starting out in his career and rents around here are $1400 a month and up. I think there are right and wrong reasons for living at home as an adult.

This. Nowadays with rent being as high as it is in many places, it’s unaffordable for many people. There’s no shame in living with one’s parents, unless one is a lazy freeloader who doesn’t help around the house.

And as you said, in many cultures, this is normal. Only in recent history has it somehow become disgraceful to be living with one’s parents longer than is socially “acceptable”. 

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6 hours ago, LilyD said:

She thinks she's doing an amazing job but in truth, her son is the laughing stock of the family and the neighbourhood.

Well, then I guess I was the laughing stock of my neighborhood although I was not aware of that.  My parents graciously allowed me to stay until I was 30 at which time I had saved enought to purchase my own home outright.  My father, especially, thought that was fiscally responsible as I was not wasting money on rent.

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I have no problem with younger adults living at home, I grew up in an area where you pretty much lived at home until you were married, or if you had at least 3 friends to rent someplace together because rents were very expensive, my problem is that I find Kody hypocritical because he feels that you should kick your kids out at 18, sure some 18 year old's maybe ready some may not be. He wanted Janelle to kick out her son's but yet Robyn's kids could stay. I know he mentioned it was because of their social life, but he had the nanny and husband in and out of their house 

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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

 I find Kody hypocritical because he feels that you should kick your kids out at 18, sure some 18 year old's maybe ready some may not be. He wanted Janelle to kick out her son's but yet Robyn's kids could stay. 

And it was the middle of a pandemic.  Landlords were probably charging extra for cleaning between tenants. Since Gabe's GF had her own apartment, Kootie would have pushed Gabe to shack up, which goes against what he claims are his religious beliefs, so he was doubly hypocritical.

Edited by deirdra
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As long as Robyn can keep her kids in her house, that's what she'll do.  They were told from jump to suck up to Kootie, and to seek his approval in every which way.  I fill adult children should get jobs, or at least help with the household chores.  Her kids seemingly do nothing, unless it's maybe online classes.  

Telling Janelle to kick out her sons was Kootie being pissed that they're on to him and also that he does whatever RobChyn tells him to do.  For once, Janelle stood her ground and said no.  Even Janelle, as much as she seems to love that buffoon, realizes that her kids' needs come first.  Why should she tell her sons to leave, when she probably only sees Kootie when it suits him?  FTS.

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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

This. Nowadays with rent being as high as it is in many places, it’s unaffordable for many people. There’s no shame in living with one’s parents, unless one is a lazy freeloader who doesn’t help around the house.

Which is what I meant with my original post. I talked about a normal, healthy 38-year-old, who uses his mom as a free hotel and has no intention to move out because running his own household (cooking, washing) is too much work beside his fulltime job. And that in particular makes this mom with three kids, a fulltime job and a barn full of animals roll her eyes (hence the laughing stock reference)
@Madding crowd I hope this clarifies my point. I wasn’t referring to all young adults who are stuck at home because of the housing market or for another good reason. You were right in pointing that out because that’s the sad reality in this world.

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Telling Janelle to kick out her sons was Kootie being pissed that they're on to him and also that he does whatever RobChyn tells him to do.  For once, Janelle stood her ground and said no.  Even Janelle, as much as she seems to love that buffoon, realizes that her kids' needs come first.  Why should she tell her sons to leave, when she probably only sees Kootie when it suits him?  FTS.

I didn't think that situation really had anything to do with Robyn. What that situation said to me was that Janelle and Kody had never worked together to parent their children. They were incapable of working together to set boundaries and rules and expectations, and I think that's because Kody has never really been the second parent for Janelle's kids. Janelle was a single mom with Christine to help. Years have passed with that arrangement, and now Kody walks in and wants to start parenting. Except his version of parenting involves no compromise or actual negotiation. He was right about his concern for Janelle catching Covid because her sons demanded to socialize, but the way he handled it was awful, and his absence for most of their lives in a real parenting role meant he had no right to speak up now. 

As Kody pointed out, he can't kick his sons out of Janelle's house because his name isn't even on Janelle's lease. 

Janelle's parenting wasn't so stellar either though. It's clear those boys do whatever they want and walk all over her, while probably living rent free in her home. The way Gabe spoke to her made me cringe several times. There are some maturity issues there. 




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Maybe my post wasn't very clear.  I agree that RobChyn didn't direct Kootie to kick his sons out.  What I meant was she controls Kootie in other ways.  He had to ask her if King Sol and Princess Ari could go to the cookout.  I think you are right too about Janelle and Christine doing the child rearing as co-parents, without Kootie doing much of anything in that regard.  His sons Gabe and Garrison don't respect him, because he had little to do with them, and instead focused himself on RobChyn's five kids.  Janelle has been said to be lax with the kids discipline-wise.  


  • Love 14
7 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Janelle and Kody had never worked together to parent their children. They were incapable of working together to set boundaries and rules and expectations, and I think that's because Kody has never really been the second parent for Janelle's kids. 

And that is really pathetic because he probably spent more time with Janelle's boys than any of the other non-Robyn's kids, since they were into wrestling, which made Kootie feel more like a manly man.  When he had that outing with just the girls to show what a great father he was (traveling and doing things paid for by TLC) it was clear that he didn't know what his daughters liked or aspired to at all.  To him, being a father is to be adored by his spawn.

Edited by deirdra
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I think Kody was the fun dad; he was around for the fun or interesting things but not so much for the tedious every day kind of stuff. He couldn’t even watch (some of) the kids alone without the help of Aspyn or Logan.
In one of the very first episodes either Janelle or Christine said that he’d always come round to tuck the kids in. So he obviously wasn’t around for homework, bath time, brushing their teeth or story time. As I said, the fun and easy things and definitely not the nasty things like discipling them or simple parenting.

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On 3/13/2022 at 1:56 PM, ginger90 said:

Janelle and Christine have a competition  going. They’re  telling Plexus users to choose one of them to encourage them through their journey. This is for current customers and those who buy a starter pack. Tough choice. 🤣


Quoting myself to show what Christine posted about the “teams”:




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8 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Quoting myself to show what Christine posted about the “teams”:





Janelle is working out "alot" or she's helping others work out "alot?"  Christine is doing "something Active?"  Like what?  And she's just "beginning on the product" but she's in a competition with Janelle, who has been shilling the stuff for awhile now?  I guess I'm glad that Christine is drinking water, I suppose that dilutes the concentration of the Plexus crap she's been swigging...but if it weren't for the fact that most of the words are spelled correctly, I'd think this was written by Mykelti.  That's quite the word salad.


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"Interesting piece of marketing!"  So, if you start on Plexus and work out a lot, you'll probably lose weight. Hmm...I'd say there is a fair chance of losing weight when you don't drink Plexus and do proper work outs.

And Christine is selling Plexus but is just active and drinking water? Why aren't you drinking your own poisonous medicine if it's so amazing?

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On 3/25/2022 at 5:20 AM, laurakaye said:


Janelle is working out "alot" or she's helping others work out "alot?"  Christine is doing "something Active?"  Like what?  And she's just "beginning on the product" but she's in a competition with Janelle, who has been shilling the stuff for awhile now?  I guess I'm glad that Christine is drinking water, I suppose that dilutes the concentration of the Plexus crap she's been swigging...but if it weren't for the fact that most of the words are spelled correctly, I'd think this was written by Mykelti.  That's quite the word salad.


ok here’s my interpretation of “Christine speak” 😋

“Active” is a Plexus product that you drink.

Janelle is “working out a lot” and helping others to get to the next level with Plexus.

Christine is “doing something” (not working out a lot like Janelle) and drinking “Active” 

Maddie drinks “Active” for energy and she also drinks a product called “Slim” to kill her appetite.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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3 hours ago, deirdra said:

Christine has also mentioned using "Plexus Hunger Control" and "Plexus Lean" (a whey-based meal replacement shake).  Who needs food when you can drink all day and do nothing to change your lifestyle? (sarc)

Oy I wonder if they wear depends? All those chemicals have to give them diarrhea!

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On 3/15/2022 at 2:13 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

As much as I snark on J, that is a nice pitchur. It really would make complete sense for Janelle to move to NC. She could find a small house close by and feed those little tykes canned cabbage as much as she wanted. Also, her and Maddie can shill that poison in plastic together, heck maybe even throw Tupperware parties. I would think NC has better weather to grow her veggies she just throws in her pot and serves on chipped plates for her new venture of farm or can to table restaurant. 

Can-to-table!!!  Perfect description of Janelle’s meals. 


last rites, DEAD.   Arms across chest, Requiem Mass, joined the choir invisible, buried. 


  • LOL 11
On 3/15/2022 at 12:13 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

As much as I snark on J, that is a nice pitchur. It really would make complete sense for Janelle to move to NC. She could find a small house close by and feed those little tykes canned cabbage as much as she wanted. Also, her and Maddie can shill that poison in plastic together, heck maybe even throw Tupperware parties. I would think NC has better weather to grow her veggies she just throws in her pot and serves on chipped plates for her new venture of farm or can to table restaurant. Hunter isn't too far away and it seems like Gabe and Garrison are just starting their lives on their own and not because Kdouche got his way and had them thrown out. She can go back to visit twice a year, its about the same amount she sees Kdouche anyway, she probably can stay in the  basement of the mcmansion as Robyn's spawn are far too precious to give up their room for anyone. Another perk is I am guessing cost of living is a bit better than Flag

Too funny!   😂🤣😂

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14 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I would’ve put some feta on the spinach and added half a dozen sugar bomb tomatoes.  

LOL, this is Janelle we are talking about. She's possibly never even heard of feta! The tomatoes would have added a pop of color but doubt Janelle would have thought of that.  Garlicky spinach and scallops with a toasted crostini would be just fine for me. 

This is the closest that Janelle has come to an edible recipe that she has posted!! 

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11 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

LOL, this is Janelle we are talking about. She's possibly never even heard of feta! The tomatoes would have added a pop of color but doubt Janelle would have thought of that.  Garlicky spinach and scallops with a toasted crostini would be just fine for me. 

This is the closest that Janelle has come to an edible recipe that she has posted!! 

Cue next post:

omg you guys what is this new cheese? Feta! It’s sooo good with salad. 

I never heard of feta is it a new cheese?

oh yeah buy some plexus. It’s working wonders on me.

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Happy Monday!! If you’re already exhausted & wishing it was the weekend, maybe it’s time to change things up. 🙌🏻
A balanced body promotes steady natural energy, mental clarity, better sleep, better mood, and more control when it comes to cravings and appetite… which all adds up to more motivation and a healthier outlook on life. And’s that’s the power of my little pink drink alone! I like to mix it with my collagen and all-natural energy drink. Literally brings me back to life! Join our challenge - #teamjanelle #teamchristine for accountability, fun, laughter, community and more!!!

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You know I really don’t care that any of the Browns are fat by why are so many of them pushing shit that supposedly helps with cravings and appetite? They all seem to be getting larger by the second.  I get the shill aspect but why this product, aren’t there tons of other crappy products that would be somewhat believable for her (them)? 

If Janelle wants to shill nonsense why doesn’t she find some mlm shit about “finances” since she’s the “family accountant”.  I want to know how you can all have multiple bankruptcies and still afford million dollars homes, plague-filled dirt patches, and rent every moving truck in the state of Arizona for years.  Janelle can give both sides of the story: how to keep your sometime dinner companion livin’ large with Top Ramen weaves as he’s banging’ his lantern-jawed Precious Moments loving eye booger wife, yet still find the time and money to fish out of the drainage ditch on your dirt patch, while buying 50 pounds of canned cabbage.  Janelle proudly presents- BROWN FAMILY FINANCES: Lots of Bills, but Zero Sense Cents

Edited by Irate Panda
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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:


What’s going on with Maddie’s hair? She said she was going blonder and had a picture recently of her lighter hair. Did she give up the process? Her hair would look better lighter given she’s blonde naturally (and has a nice shade people pay hundreds of $$ for).

Janelle has a cute haircut. It’s nice and doesn’t look like a “Karen” haircut (the type of cut commonly seen on older women that screams “I want to see your manager”).  

Edited by TurtlePower
Autocorrect was wrong. AGAIN.
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Are those bottles their "fake" ones? Like back in the day you go to a restaurant and they would wheel out the dessert cart with the plastic looking desserts you could chose from? All the photos of them with the poison in plastic look to be the same amount that is always gone. How are they making any money if they claim to drink this crap all day long, I assume they get it at cost, but they still are a few dollars a bottle 

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

What’s going on with Maddie’s hair? She said she was going blonder and had a picture recently of her lighter hair

Must be an interesting side-effect of the poisonous Plexus...

PS Bring on the cooking with Janelle! I'd love to see Meri freak out, I'm sure that's going to make for some awesome and frosty SW-episodes. 


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