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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Dunno why this popped into my head today but Meri has done exactly that Kody said was essential to being in his good graces, being nice to Robyn and he still won't even entertain a relationship with her. She goes out of her way to be nice to Robyn and it doesn't seem to be acknowleged at all by Kody

I hope shes gotten the message that hes never going to try again after watching this season

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45 minutes ago, maggiegil said:

Dunno why this popped into my head today but Meri has done exactly that Kody said was essential to being in his good graces, being nice to Robyn and he still won't even entertain a relationship with her. She goes out of her way to be nice to Robyn and it doesn't seem to be acknowleged at all by Kody

I hope shes gotten the message that hes never going to try again after watching this season

So true! But sadly I don't think Meri is ever going to give up hope that Doufus will eventually take her back into his graces. (Why any sane person want him is beyond me, but she seems to really want him...)

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1 hour ago, maggiegil said:

Dunno why this popped into my head today but Meri has done exactly that Kody said was essential to being in his good graces, being nice to Robyn and he still won't even entertain a relationship with her. She goes out of her way to be nice to Robyn and it doesn't seem to be acknowleged at all by Kody

I hope shes gotten the message that hes never going to try again after watching this season

Meri is in complete denial. So far this season, Kody has said:

* Kody doesn’t — and never will — feel “emotionally safe” with Meri.

* Kody said he’d be okay if she moved on and married another. 

* Kody doesn’t consider himself married (spiritually) to Meri.

* Kody asked her why she doesn’t just move up to the B&B. 

* Stated his relationship with Meri was a “mess” before Christine came in (the most recent jab which Meri said “stung”).

How many more obvious clues does Meri need? Kody wants Meri out of the way. He is not interested in working on anything with her. I think she stays to avoid admitting it’s “over”.

I also hope she’s accepted reality after seeing Kody’s overall anger, his disdain for her and even how he’s treated Janelle. Robyn’s the only one that matters to him. 

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I think Meri stays for the TLC money and to keep a TV appearance.  She says a lot of stuff about staying, but then leaves Flagstaff most of the time so she's giving lip service to being in the family on the show.  If she stays with Kody and Robyn when the show ends, I'll be surprised.  I could see her joining them for holidays if she isn't invited to be with Janelle and Christine and the rest of the family which doesn't look promising.  

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What does Meri do all alone in that large house in Flagstaff?  I mean….does she store merchandise there?  Rent it out for yoga classes?  Run an animal rescue? Lease out the place except for 1 room for herself?  I don’t get it.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What does Meri do all alone in that large house in Flagstaff?  I mean….does she store merchandise there?  Rent it out for yoga classes?  Run an animal rescue? Lease out the place except for 1 room for herself?  I don’t get it.  

All of her spirit children have their own bedroom and bath.

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

Meri is staying for $ and to sell her mlm stuff. Being on the show is her claim to fame. If she leaves her vans will forget her. 

Christine sells MLM and she left — I don’t think Meri stays just for the money. I’m sure it helps, but out of all of them, Meri would be the “okayest” without the show money.

Meri Brown will never let her fans forget her. I think she’s gearing up to try and become a motivational speaker herself after the show and she might do okay if she stops asking for $6k to spend a weekend with her. 

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Let's see, what excuse will Meri concoct to cancel the retreat for lack of applications and/or everyone's checks bouncing?  A filtered photo of Meri on an airplane, claiming she had to take a "last-minute trip" for "work?" (i.e. - she's escaping to Disneyland with Blair Michael to hide out for a few days).  An "unforeseen problem at Lizzie's?" (Just Jen wasn't going to be around to entertain these people when Meri peaced out by 7pm).  Or maybe "circumstances beyond my control?" (she ran out of orange foundation or her eyebrow stencil finally disintegrated).

I don't see this happening.  But if it does, I can't wait to hear all about it.

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I'm still thinking about those NDAs. Why would someone who is promoting a business make their customers sign an NDA? If it were me, I'd want them out there talking about what a great time they had and what a fun host I was. Is she afraid that they're going to go on Yelp and trash her after it sinks in how much they spent on so little? It just seems a little pathetic and insecure to me.

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More paranoid.  She's probably certain her Inn is going to be full of haters and snarkers and she wants to try to head them off at the pass, as it were.  Or that someone else is going to make money off of her.  She wants to be the only person who's going to make money off of her with this overpriced weekend thing!

Edited by Fosca
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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Two more sleeps until the retreat! 🤣😂

Came here to see if anyone has the scoop as to whether Meri is going ahead with it, or has canceled due to lack of paying guests.

2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Christine sells MLM and she left

I think at least in Christine's case (idk about Meri) she has garnered enough interest for her fans to stick around. Also, she will be in at least one more season. If Meri left, I don't think TLC cameras would be interested in following her.

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We will never know the truth about the fantasy retreat.

If she cancels for lack of attendees, she will post something about illness or weather or something to cover her ass.  O she may recruit her LuLaCrap friernds to pose as attendees and take pictures of them communing with nature and sharing jolly laughs. 

Or she'll just go to her Big Book of Platitudes and post all kinds of word salad stuff and pretend there never was a retreat planned at all.

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1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

O she may recruit her LuLaCrap friernds to pose as attendees and take pictures of them communing with nature and sharing jolly laughs. 

I'm pretty sure she was planning to let half the spots go for free or deep discount for her downline in any case, so I definitely see this happening.

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Haven’t been on here in literally years, but dang. Meri stays bc she has no where else to go. Not necessarily physically or financially, but emotionally and spiritually/religiously. 
She tried and miserably failed to one up the other wives by leaving with the Amazing Catfish, and it all imploded on her.

Nobody else wants her, not another man, not her kids, not her sister wives, and she’s grasping at straws to try to regain a spot above the bottom of the totum pile. If Christine leaves, Meri gets knocked down a spot. Janelle is irrelevant except for the income she provides. If she tries to bring in wife #5 she risks another Robyn to bump her down again. She’s really put herself in a bad spot being so selfish and condescending to Christine and janelle and they lot kids for literal decades.

So the whole retreat - Meri is insane to think she would sell $8k spots for Podunk, Utah with out even describing anything of value, or basically describing anything. I could take my entire fam on a week long cruise or Disney or whatever for less than that and have it jam packed with first rate activities.

Who wants empowering advice from a doormat with zero personality? Her life is a train wreck and I wouldn’t pay $8 for a lifestyle retreat.

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3 hours ago, Cetacean said:

We will never know the truth about the fantasy retreat.

If she cancels for lack of attendees, she will post something about illness or weather or something to cover her ass.  O she may recruit her LuLaCrap friernds to pose as attendees and take pictures of them communing with nature and sharing jolly laughs. 

Or she'll just go to her Big Book of Platitudes and post all kinds of word salad stuff and pretend there never was a retreat planned at all.

Big Book of Platitudes!! Ty! I just belly laughed. Now, as I drift off to sleep, I'm going to think of a name for it. 😃 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:


What does this even mean? This woman cannot (or will not) communicate plainly. Does this mean no one’s coming to her thing And she’s mad for being called out in her prices? 

It’s shady AF she has NDAs. As mentioned, typically the host would WANT people talking about the experience versus being quiet about it. It’s as if Meri herself knows it’s an unfair deal.

Regarding cryptic posts, I know everyone has freedom of choice on how to communicate but as an autistic person, I couldn’t be friends with anyone who plays cryptic games like this. As an example: “This person is mad at you didn’t you see their post (cryptic nonsense)? Yeah I saw it, had no idea what they were talking about and if they won’t tell me plainly, I don’t have time for the relationship. 

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6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Meri must read every negative comment written and posted about her and feels slighted when they don't get her name right. She's the kind a vaguebooker you block on FB.

Yes! The “Vaguebooker”. I remember reading about the most annoying social media habits and this was near the top. 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Yes! The “Vaguebooker”. I remember reading about the most annoying social media habits and this was near the top. 

Yup, that's her.

(I had to look it up. For anyone else living under a rock: Vaguebooker - A blend of vague and Facebooking, vaguebooking is the practice of making a post on social media, primarily Facebook, that is intentionally vague but highly personal and emotional. Designed to elicit concerned responses from friends and family, it's often looked down upon as a desperate call for attention or need for validation.)

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So the retreat is tomorrow and all Meri can post are her deep words of wisdom penned by other people - nothing at all about the retreat itself?  Meri, you marketing genius, you!  Keep 'em guessing!

I just had a thought...I'll bet this big empowerment retreat is going to consist of guests sitting in the darkened living room of Lizzie's in uncomfortable, straight-backed chairs, watching a Powerpoint presentation of all the platitudes Meri has posted over the years on IG.  After each one, she and Jen will look at each other and giggle over some secret inside joke.  Meri will break once during the 5 1/2 hour presentation for potty breaks, rice krispie treats ($25 each), bottled water ($14) and bananas ($16).

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9 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Is this from Meri? If so,   I can’t figure out if it’s in his defense or a slam.  But, whatever it is it’s bizarre.  This photo could really be polarizing and/or triggering.  A woman who claims to support courageous and independent women, should think twice before posting a photo of a person who has lost at least one trial regarding the mistreatment of women.  

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13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Is this from Meri? If so,   I can’t figure out if it’s in his defense or a slam.  But, whatever it is it’s bizarre.  This photo could really be polarizing and/or triggering.  A woman who claims to support courageous and independent women, should think twice before posting a photo of a person who has lost at least one trial regarding the mistreatment of women.  

Didn’t those two have only one trial so far? Did I miss something? If we’re being fair, didn’t she lose more than him? The evidence showed that mistreatment went both ways, some of it (from her towards him) on video. I’d be afraid of both of them. But anyways…….

Maybe what Meri’s trying to say is don’t convict her retreat of failure before people can’t say anything about it (since they are forced to signed an NDA 😂) because JD was convicted in the court of public opinion before the facts came out (?). 

But we’ll never know because no one will be able to say anything about it. Essentially, to me it’s this:

Meri: I’m about to unfairly charge you for a mediocre weekend retreat and am already being hated on before it has begun. Sign this legal document so you can’t truthfully say how not worth $6k it was.” 

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22 hours ago, Elodia said:

Merry she is not  😉

And neither is she real with all those filters!

Today is the BIG day! Is anything happening??

Oh and signing an NDA? Wtf??!! Did I miss something there?

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12 minutes ago, LilyD said:

And neither is she real with all those filters!

Today is the BIG day! Is anything happening??

Oh and signing an NDA? Wtf??!! Did I miss something there?

The people attending Meri’s “retreat” (if there are any willing to part with 4-6k for this rubbish) are forced to sign an NDA. This is strange because most of the time, you want people talking about your event — unless you know it’ll suck or think someone would spend 6k just to trash you.

I cannot think of anything this woman is offering in Parawan that’s worth that. Now if she were flying then to some exotic location, okay maybe, but she’s talking about them staying at the B&B (more like D&D if they’re staying there for that price 🐉 Episode 4 Dungeon GIF by The Simpsons

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Didn’t those two have only one trial so far? Did I miss something? If we’re being fair, didn’t she lose more than him? The evidence showed that mistreatment went both ways, some of it (from her towards him) on video. I’d be afraid of both of them. But anyways…….

Maybe what Meri’s trying to say is don’t convict her retreat of failure before people can’t say anything about it (since they are forced to signed an NDA 😂) because JD was convicted in the court of public opinion before the facts came out (?). 

But we’ll never know because no one will be able to say anything about it. Essentially, to me it’s this:

Meri: I’m about to unfairly charge you for a mediocre weekend retreat and am already being hated on before it has begun. Sign this legal document so you can’t truthfully say how not worth $6k it was.” 

She won in England.  Normally, when an issue is decided by one court, it’s decided and can’t be re-litigated at a later trial on the same issue between the same parties. (Res judicata).  Even, issues decided in foreign courts can be used as a defense.  I’m not sure why the Heard legal team didn’t pursue it.  

Here’s a link about that case.

IMO, regardless of the point Meri was attempting to make, posting that photo was a huge mistake.  Huge.  It boggles the mind.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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If the participants have to sign an NDA, does this mean that Meri can't post any pitchers of her retreat?  It should go both ways - they can't talk or post about anything that happened, but also Meri shouldn't be able to use their likenesses to advertise how great it was.

Actually this is kind of genius - no one can talk about the retreat, or post pictures of the retreat...so if the retreat never happens, who would know except Meri?  

In other words, if Meri falls down in the woods and everyone who saw it happen signed an NDA, did she really make a sound?

Edited by laurakaye
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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

She won in England.  Normally, when an issue is decided by one court, it’s decided and can’t be re-litigated at a later trial on the same issue between the same parties. (Res judicata).  Even, issues decided in foreign courts can be used as a defense.  I’m not sure why the Heard legal team didn’t pursue it.  

Here’s a link about that case.

IMO, regardless of the point Meri was attempting to make, posting that photo was a huge mistake.  Huge.  It boggles the mind.  

I’ll take any replies to small talk 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

If the participants have to sign an NDA, does this mean that Meri can't post any pitchers of her retreat?  It should go both ways - they can't talk or post about anything that happened, but also Meri shouldn't be able to use their likenesses to advertise how great it was.

Actually this is kind of genius - no one can talk about the retreat, or post pictures of the retreat...so if the retreat never happens, who would know except Meri?  

In other words, if Meri falls down in the woods and everyone who saw it happen signed an NDA, did she really make a sound?

Come on now, you know fairness is not in Meri’s vocab unless we’re talking about imaginary children who require the same amount of money for food and clothing as like real living humans. 

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The NDA concept should have been disclosed in Meri's initial proposal for the retreat.  As it turns out, it only came to light when Meri suddenly realized she had 2 (hehe) available spots left to fill.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

As @Laurakaye said, this is genius.

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Ok so I figured out who might think about paying $6k for this retreat - tabloid reporters who might be able to write off a business expense and get a scoop? Well except for that NDA. 
I just cannot fathom who she thought would want to pay that much money for a vague itinerary and self help from one of the messiest, boringest reality celebs.

I mean if I had the cash to burn and time to waste, I might let one of the glam yet tacky Real Housewives indulge me with shopping and pampering for a weekend. Guaranteed drama and booze, but Meri Brown? Yawn. 

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47 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Ok so I figured out who might think about paying $6k for this retreat - tabloid reporters who might be able to write off a business expense and get a scoop? Well except for that NDA. 
I just cannot fathom who she thought would want to pay that much money for a vague itinerary and self help from one of the messiest, boringest reality celebs.

I mean if I had the cash to burn and time to waste, I might let one of the glam yet tacky Real Housewives indulge me with shopping and pampering for a weekend. Guaranteed drama and booze, but Meri Brown? Yawn. 


I might like to go shopping and glamming with Dorit Kemsley or maybe fly around with Sutton Stracke. But Meri Brown?

I second the “yawn”. 

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“Real Life Retreats” sounds like a canned presentation but I can’t find anything on line about whether it’s a company. 

The only real problem I have with this is the price. I can only think she set it so high to keep out snarkers. But $6k is just outrageous. 

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

If the participants have to sign an NDA, does this mean that Meri can't post any pitchers of her retreat?  It should go both ways - they can't talk or post about anything that happened, but also Meri shouldn't be able to use their likenesses to advertise how great it was.

Actually this is kind of genius - no one can talk about the retreat, or post pictures of the retreat...so if the retreat never happens, who would know except Meri?  

In other words, if Meri falls down in the woods and everyone who saw it happen signed an NDA, did she really make a sound?

So theoretically if people sign an NDA, we do not know if the retreat really happened or not?

Meri can post filtered pics of herself and her platitudes and pretend there was a retreat, but if the attendees have NDAs, it might not even really be happening but Meri can pretend that it did and was a big success and charge big bucks for the next one.

I guess we won't know until we see what is posted.

Ugh - that was hard to word, hopefully you all can figure out what I mean! 

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It could be the NDA is specific to anything Meri says about her personal life. Kind of like the guidelines of group therapy. A group member can talk about what was said and what they did, they just can't identify members, or in Meri's case, not repeat what Meri says about herself. I'm also going to guess TLC is in there too, in case Meri or her BFF lets anything slip out.

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Years ago, Ree Drummond, who you may have seen on the Food Network -- she runs The Pioneer Woman, did some kind of weekend with fans. One woman who went blogged about it, because she had a bad experience.

Since they had to sign NDAs, I wonder if we'll see anonymous Reddit posts about Meri's weekend.

Edited by General Days
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58 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

It could be the NDA is specific to anything Meri says about her personal life. Kind of like the guidelines of group therapy. A group member can talk about what was said and what they did, they just can't identify members, or in Meri's case, not repeat what Meri says about herself. I'm also going to guess TLC is in there too, in case Meri or her BFF lets anything slip out.

What Happens in Parawan, Stays in Parawan.

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The first announcement on her Fridays with friends nonsense is, “ that show will not be discussed here”. I doubt very much Meri will be discussing family matters.

Must be a secret recipe for empowerment. 😁

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