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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Few things about Meri here. Just watched the episode where she explained her involvement with this "evil person." Not one mention from either herself or from any one of the rest of the Browns that Meri's intention in this whole matter was to cheat on Kody. If, like they claim, they are still "spiritually" married, Meri's intention, before she found out this "man" was a woman, was to meet up with him and have a relationship. And yet, Meri refuses to accept responsibility for that decision. It's all this "evil person's" fault. No honey. You wanted some strange. You got caught. That's why you are pissed off.

Also, in Meri's defense now, if the marriage to Robyn is "paper-only" and was done solely for the purpose of adopting the kids, why wouldn't they just do the same for Meri now, since the adoptions have gone through? She obviously feels rejected by the family. Maybe having that paper license with her name on it would make her feel like a bigger part of the family. But, not even a mention of that from anyone. That's because there's no way in Hell that Robyn is giving up that No. 1 status of "legal wife," even though they claim it means nothing.

Edited by MarkySnark
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...why wouldn't they just do the same for Meri now, since the adoptions have gone through? She obviously feels rejected by the family. 

Because no one in this so-called family gives a rip whether or not anyone else is happy.  It's every sheep wife for herself to see how much she can grab and hang onto.  They are probably secretly happy that Meri dug her own grave.  More time with the Supreme God on Earth for them.  Excuse me while I go throw up at the thought.

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On 8/17/2016 at 1:10 AM, auntl said:

Yep. I think that this is true for all of the wives except poor Christine. The other three would destroy each other to take top spot. I think that Christine was raised as plyg royalty and honestly believes that she should act with integrity in this sicko plyg world. She was smiling and laughing and going along like a fool as Robyn moved Aspyn in to solidify her top spot and keep Christine down. I feel bad for poor, brainwashed Christine. She's a lamb in a den of lions.

I think Christine just wants Kody to love her the way she loves him. She is just as backstabbing as all the rest but her family had generations to perfect the art of polygamous wife mistreatment. Christine knows when to fight and knows when to keep sweet. Aspyn moving into the favorite wife's house just might be to Christine's advantage. Depending on their relationship and closeness, Aspyn just might be the one to help Christine spy better on Robyn.

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On 3/1/2016 at 10:19 AM, Juliegirlj said:

I'm a bit confused re: Cofcinci remarks about JO being part of the " Twitter troll army" and the Catfish documentary? I realize JO has many online personas, but the mock batblog sites and the documentary site seem to be trying to expose JO- are y'all saying JO is pretending to bring herself down? Sorry, I don't pay too close attention and I don't tweet - guess I need a primer to understand the whole clusterfruck.

she's not part of the troll family persae but she does have a few fake accounts we suspect are in the private message groups with the trolls. so she has fake accts they may have accepted as 'real trolls' against JO

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7 minutes ago, TreeStand123123 said:

she's not part of the troll family persae but she does have a few fake accounts we suspect are in the private message groups with the trolls. so she has fake accts they may have accepted as 'real trolls' against JO

What a waste of a life.

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If that's true, good freaking riddance.  But I bet Kadoofus is frantically trying to come up with something controversial enough to buy them another season.  Apparently he thought we gave a rat's ass about his court case.  Wrong.

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5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I hope not.  I want them to get JOBS.

If they ALL got jobs, "Do you want fries with that?" isn't going to pay the mortgages on those McMansions.  And what else CAN they do?  Have you actually seen any skills that would pay enough for $2,000,000 worth of mortgages?

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The houses go soon after the show ends. I don't think anyone except maybe a couple of the Brown adults see them hanging onto those houses.  TLC may be waiting to see how their current crop of shows does before committing themselves to more Sister Wives.  Given the other premiere ratings, I'm at least 50% expecting we'll see more of the wet bar.

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1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

If they ALL got jobs, "Do you want fries with that?" isn't going to pay the mortgages on those McMansions.  And what else CAN they do?  Have you actually seen any skills that would pay enough for $2,000,000 worth of mortgages?

See, that's the thing, I know they will be fine.  And beyond that, I am fine with nosy updates via social media unless one of the women leaves.  They are pathetic now.  

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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

 And what else CAN they do?  Have you actually seen any skills that would pay enough for $2,000,000 worth of mortgages?

A juicy tell-all could maybe put a small dent in one of their mortgages, lol.  Not that any of them have any desire (or even the capacity) to actually be honest about their lives, but I would love to hear it!  That's the only thing I can think of that would earn any of them much more than minimum wage.  Yeah, those houses are history without the income from the show.  Meri can kiss her wet bar goodbye.  I envision them having to peel her off of it and put her in a straight jacket to get her out of there. 

So where would they all go?  Just pack it up and all move back into the house they fled from in terror?   But there are only three "units" right?  So which one of the wives is going to live in her car parked in the driveway?  

I wonder if it has ever occurred to any of them that there was absolutely no reason to leave their original house where everyone was so happy and this whole escape to Las Vegas was completely unnecessary. They were never going to be prosecuted, that is obvious now. Instead of squandering money on those houses, they could have used the TLC money to build on a little addition for Robyn, the kids would never have been split into different houses or had to leave their schools, and they might actually have some money in the bank.

Kody might have even been able to afford a fifth wife!  

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19 minutes ago, Absolom said:

They can go back to the three wife house and put a travel trailer for Meri in the backyard or rent her a one bedroom apartment nearby or she can go ahead and flee from it all. 

Kody should go in the travel trailer. 

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You all know damn well Kody and Robyn will be living in a house miles away from the Original Three, who will go back to their apartments in the Lehi house. No way will Robyn share a house and husband with anyone else. Out of sight, out of mind. Hell, I can even see those two staying in Vegas while the others go back to Utah.

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I want Meri to announce that the divorce hit her harder than she anticipated it would, and she feels like she's no longer part of the family.  So she's making the break public by refusing to film with any of the other adults and going back to her maiden name.  TLC will happily pay for another season of filming her pretending not to look at the others when they are outside, and they'll do the same to her.  Then Meri can get some TLC sponsored 'dates' as she gets back into the social scene again.

Kody will handle the very public snub by informing Janelle, Christine, and Robyn that he's taking on another wife.  Watching them cry as he gets ready to go out with matrimonial candidates will be epic, and as he drives past Meri's house he can honk and flip her off, then get even more angry when she appears to not notice because she's hanging on the arm of one of her new beaus.

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5 hours ago, Zahdii said:

I want Meri to announce that the divorce hit her harder than she anticipated it would, and she feels like she's no longer part of the family.  So she's making the break public by refusing to film with any of the other adults and going back to her maiden name.  TLC will happily pay for another season of filming her pretending not to look at the others when they are outside, and they'll do the same to her.  Then Meri can get some TLC sponsored 'dates' as she gets back into the social scene again.

Kody will handle the very public snub by informing Janelle, Christine, and Robyn that he's taking on another wife.  Watching them cry as he gets ready to go out with matrimonial candidates will be epic, and as he drives past Meri's house he can honk and flip her off, then get even more angry when she appears to not notice because she's hanging on the arm of one of her new beaus.

Even better if she really does NOT care.

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I'm just wondering what kind of desperate move they are going to pull to save the show. 

Is it too late for them to decide to "get real" about what happened with the catfish?  They have gone pretty far out on a limb with their cover stories.  It's a pity because if they had been open and honest about it on the show, they could have probably scored another season or two because people would tune in to see the fallout. 

haha look at me using the words "open" and "honest" when talking about the Browns.  As if! 

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Then Meri can get some TLC sponsored 'dates' as she gets back into the social scene again.

I don't know about anyone else but "frankly, Scarlett" about Meri.  She has no skills and little work history so what would she do to support herself?  I can't see there being all that much interest in watching her lose the house and go back on welfare.  And who would date her with both her toxic personality and the history of stupidity?

I don't think TLC has interest in any kind of spin off from the Master Grifters Show.

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On 8/30/2016 at 1:38 AM, Zahdii said:

I want Meri to announce that the divorce hit her harder than she anticipated it would, and she feels like she's no longer part of the family.  So she's making the break public by refusing to film with any of the other adults and going back to her maiden name.  TLC will happily pay for another season of filming her pretending not to look at the others when they are outside, and they'll do the same to her.  Then Meri can get some TLC sponsored 'dates' as she gets back into the social scene again.

Kody will handle the very public snub by informing Janelle, Christine, and Robyn that he's taking on another wife.  Watching them cry as he gets ready to go out with matrimonial candidates will be epic, and as he drives past Meri's house he can honk and flip her off, then get even more angry when she appears to not notice because she's hanging on the arm of one of her new beaus.

Or Jackie.  

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I'm glad they fled to Vegas.  It brought so many opportunities for the kids. They discovered diversity and choices for their lives.  It's definitely paid off for Logan, Mariah, and Hunter and maybe some of the others will benefit as well. 

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I wouldn't mind a season where they go bankrupt and everyone has to move into Meri's McManse to save money.  I kind of want to see the Wet Bar of Tears defaced by King Sol and Truely scribbling all over it with Sharpies, and poor Mer having zero down time to "chat" with "friends" on the interwebz due to the comings and goings of all of her precious bonus children and her beloved sister wives.  I also want to see Kody completely lose his mind when he realized he no longer has a quiet place to nap, crash on a couch, or run away from whichever wifey is giving him grief.  And his hair falls out.

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On 9/6/2016 at 1:20 PM, laurakaye said:

I wouldn't mind a season where they go bankrupt and everyone has to move into Meri's McManse to save money.  I kind of want to see the Wet Bar of Tears defaced by King Sol and Truely scribbling all over it with Sharpies, and poor Mer having zero down time to "chat" with "friends" on the interwebz due to the comings and goings of all of her precious bonus children and her beloved sister wives.  I also want to see Kody completely lose his mind when he realized he no longer has a quiet place to nap, crash on a couch, or run away from whichever wifey is giving him grief.  And his hair falls out.

Think of the hijinks!  I am thinking he can use the garage or a hidey space under the stairs to nap.  

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Not that I'm a big defender of Meri - she's made a very messy bed and she can now wallow in it. That said, real "karma is a bitch" would be close family quarters in Robyn and the dope's homey abode. He wouldn't get to escape the responsibilities he so easily ignores; she can do more than pay (fake) lip service to the "always meant to be together" nonsense. Oh, and losing her cozy little love nest would be not enough poetic justice, but still be a little satisfying.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
Language, man...
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On 9/10/2016 at 4:51 PM, toodles said:

Ugh.  The pebbles Flintstone hair is back.  Maybe his new wives will make him get a haircut.

When your hairline goes back to the occipital bone its time to give up the ghost.  Lotta forehead!

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19 hours ago, ginger90 said:


I moved this from the Janelle thread because I just had to comment. Looking at the LuLaRoe website, I had no idea how awful these clothes were until I saw this photo. Thank you, Ginger 90.

It really does look like a Halloween gathering, so I'll give awards. The best costume award goes to the Victorian dining room with the red wallpaper print top and the green drapes hanging down the sides.  I'm not sure how the black ski boots fit the theme, however, unless they are supposed to be fireplace anvils. Runner up is the Manson girl with the long pink coat and floppy black hat. Do not let her on your property. Third place goes to the archeological dig--black background highlighting the large hanging artifact, a prehistoric jawbone, perhaps? The floral coat with lace scarf should get an honorable mention, but I'm not sure what the costume is other than a representation of bad taste. I'm giving striped cosplay girl a break because she'd look right at home on a Tokyo street. 

Good luck with this venture, Meri. Good luck. 

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I don't think the LulaRoe pieces are that bad individually but when you put a bunch of them in one room they get scary. I notice even on their main website they combine prints in the most ridiculous ways. I have a theory about that: it sounds as though consultants do not get to choose their own prints and just have to try to sell whatever mishmash they are provided with, so it benefits LulaRoe to pretend that orange flowers and green paisley look fantastic together. Just throw a purple dinosaur print on top of that and you're ready for the red carpet. With this mentality their customers don't have to agonize over trying to find two pieces that coordinate, because nothing will. I have to say Meri's own LLR outfits, so far, look relatively inoffensive. Certainly better than her old sausage casing jeans and weirdly layered tops. I am mildly interested to see how she does with this.

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6 minutes ago, momofsquid said:

I don't think the LulaRoe ...

LulaRoe? that sounds like a cross between a hooker and fish eggs.  Oh and yeah that movie with Laura Dern and Nick Cage, can't even remember the name of it, but 'Lula' I'm pretty sure was Laura's name in it. So unfortunate .

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3 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

I moved this from the Janelle thread because I just had to comment. Looking at the LuLaRoe website, I had no idea how awful these clothes were until I saw this photo. Thank you, Ginger 90.

It really does look like a Halloween gathering, so I'll give awards. The best costume award goes to the Victorian dining room with the red wallpaper print top and the green drapes hanging down the sides.  I'm not sure how the black ski boots fit the theme, however, unless they are supposed to be fireplace anvils. Runner up is the Manson girl with the long pink coat and floppy black hat. Do not let her on your property. Third place goes to the archeological dig--black background highlighting the large hanging artifact, a prehistoric jawbone, perhaps? The floral coat with lace scarf should get an honorable mention, but I'm not sure what the costume is other than a representation of bad taste. I'm giving striped cosplay girl a break because she'd look right at home on a Tokyo street. 

Good luck with this venture, Meri. Good luck. 

THANK YOU for posting what this clothing looks like.  It looks like that tshirt material clothing popular in the late 80s where one shirt could be worn a million ways but it never looked the same once it left the store.  WHAT was the name of that??  

I for one an very sick of all my friends adding me to their LuLaRoe shops.  They don't ask and all of a sudden I am getting invite to all these pop up stores.  I applaud their drive but its like Amway for clothes.

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I had to put a post like this to tell FB friends I would "unfriend" them if they kept posting offensive things that included - specifically - the "F" word.  In the meantime, I have "unfollowed" a lot of people until the elections are over.  We're still friends, but I don't see their propaganda in my newsfeed.

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14 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

THANK YOU for posting what this clothing looks like.  It looks like that tshirt material clothing popular in the late 80s where one shirt could be worn a million ways but it never looked the same once it left the store.  WHAT was the name of that??  

I for one an very sick of all my friends adding me to their LuLaRoe shops.  They don't ask and all of a sudden I am getting invite to all these pop up stores.  I applaud their drive but its like Amway for clothes.

I grew up knowing how to sew, thanks to my mother. I learned early is that patterns, especially stripes, have to match at critical seams. Also, cutting on the true fabric grain is important to keep the garment from shifting around during wearing. Any clothing that doesn't get this right will be in the rag pile soon. 

The Lularoe stuff doesn't seem to meet the basic requirements for clothing that will last more than a couple of washings. The problem is that the wearer won't know until it's too late. I've never seen it in person, but the photos don't look promising. I can't imagine spending $35 for a thin t-shirt that probably was produced for $2.00. It's not even stylish!

Also, would someone tell fashionista Meri that shoes in the same color as the leg coverings will make her legs look longer? Fashion 101. Who would take style advice from a woman who dresses herself to look as dumpy as possible? No matter what they try, the Browns become their own worst enemies.

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8 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

THANK YOU for posting what this clothing looks like.  It looks like that tshirt material clothing popular in the late 80s where one shirt could be worn a million ways but it never looked the same once it left the store.  WHAT was the name of that??  

You may be thinking of the Donna Karan Seven Easy Pieces collection popular in the 80s.        http://www.reddresswithpairofshoes.com/blog/more/7-lakih-komada-donna-karan/  

Edited by Love2dance
Added link
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I cannot believe Jackie Overton is still pretending to be a wealthy businessman. The whole thing would be pathetic if it wasn't so malignant. Wonder if Meri goes to JO's blog just out of curiosity. 

I liked this show when it first aired but it really has tanked- I find it hard to give a crap about anyone in their family. If it gets cancelled I don't really care. 

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And here I honestly thought Lularoe was just made up of crazy-print leggings.  I didn't know lace curtain overcoats were part of the brand.

I'm still not understanding Meri's XXXXL gray t-shirt bunched together on the bottom with a scrunchie.  That's a Lularoe piece?

EDIT: I just glanced at the site's homepage.  That's an awful lot of loud and bold prints mixed and matched at random.  Yikes.  Best of luck, Meri.  Might want to get a full-time job or two on the side just in case you can't pay the electric bill with your Lularoe income.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And here I honestly thought Lularoe was just made up of crazy-print leggings.  I didn't know lace curtain overcoats were part of the brand.

I'm still not understanding Meri's XXXXL gray t-shirt bunched together on the bottom with a scrunchie.  That's a Lularoe piece?

EDIT: I just glanced at the site's homepage.  That's an awful lot of loud and bold prints mixed and matched at random.  Yikes.  Best of luck, Meri.  Might want to get a full-time job or two on the side just in case you can't pay the electric bill with your Lularoe income.

Let's not forget what huuuuuge stars the Browns are and how their adoring fans will climb over themselves to pay to be part of it all. Right, Janelle Strive and Robyn MSWC?

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Back in the early days of MSWC, almost every "fan" post on their FB page was, "I l-u-u-u-u-v everything on your website, but it's over my budget."  These people have no shame, that they would take money from poor people to pay for their McMansions.  Sounds like Meri's new clothing sales are more of the same.

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