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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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The rumor is the builder gave them a three year, interest-only loan on the homes. After three years, they have to qualify for a conventional loan to keep the homes. otherwise they go back to the builder. Some (including me) have wondered if that is why they all got to have different room configurations and additions, so that the builder wouldn't end up with four same-plan homes at the end of the cuddle-sac to re-sell.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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The rumor is the builder gave them a three year, interest-only loan on the homes. After three years, they have to qualify for a conventional loan to keep the homes. otherwise they go back to the builder. Some (including me) have wondered if that is why they all got to have different room configurations and additions, so that the builder wouldn't end up with four same-plan homes at the end of the cuddle-sac to re-sell.

Thanks so much!

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The rumor is the builder gave them a three year, interest-only loan on the homes. After three years, they have to qualify for a conventional loan to keep the homes. otherwise they go back to the builder. Some (including me) have wondered if that is why they all got to have different room configurations and additions, so that the builder wouldn't end up with four same-plan homes at the end of the cuddle-sac to re-sell.

Thanks. I remembered the interest-only loans but couldn't recall whether they reverted back to him WHEN they fail to obtain that financing. Because you know they will fail to obtain conventional financing. (As surely as the sun rises in the East...)

A thought whizzing through my brain when I read this: so when they run back to Lehi, the odd wife out clearly will be Meri. I can see that as being either being a blessing or a devastating outcome for her, depending on whether or not she's as over it all as she sometimes seems to be. Hard call, because I also believe she truly loves that ass.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

There was a leak in Meri's portion of the house. I think in the laundry area. But when they went in to visit during the road trip, it looked like a major renovation was going on. Meri and Kody also had that really bizarre conversation/melt-down over discussing the construction plans last season. At the time there was talk on the forums that maybe they were converting the place into three separate apartments so that the place could sell easier but it still has appeal as a plyg home in an area known for polygamous families. Who knows. Since we can't get a straight answer from these people they could be building a mini-Disneyland for all we know.

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Because you know they will fail to obtain conventional financing. (As surely as the sun rises in the East...)

Indeed. Now, if the Browns had a shred of money sense...hang on, I need to control my laughing fit...whew, okay. If they had money sense they would have spent the past few years socking away every spare cent and cutting every bit of extravagance out of their lives as possible, all with an eye to banking the TLC money and paying off the homes ASAP. There would be no trips to Disneyland, no zip-lining on the Vegas strip, and no whole-family movie nights. Their parties would be limited to birthdays, and would be done on the cheap. Young adults going to college would have to choose the cheapest option available (UNLV) or acquire their own funding to make up the difference. ETC. In addition to controlling cash outflow, every able-bodied adult would find regular employment that could be worked around TLC time and childcare for little ones. If they did ALL THAT, they may very well have been able to at least pay down the four homes enough to keep them when the TV ship runs aground.


Of course, that's what adults with BRAINS would do. The Browns' economic history shows a pattern of immediate gratification, pie-in-the-sky scheming, and the refusal to live within the miniscule means that is the territory of having a family of TWENTY-TWO PEOPLE. Sorry, but as the Stones so eloquently put it, you can't always get what you want. Suck it.

Edited by SometimesBites
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Does anyone else suspect that the Meri and Robyn clip episodes were thrown together to fulfill the contracted episode number and that they had difficulty making episodes this season because everything has fallen apart behind the scenes? Perhaps certain people weren't acting/filming together? Perhaps they didn't make it to staged settings?

I do. I made a comment about that in the episode thread. I think that TLC may not have found out about the divorce and marriage until late, maybe until sometime in January. The shows that have aired were filmed during the summer then, as we have just proven in the episode thread, in November. The anthro episodes were dull and had no mention of divorce or impending marriage. What happened to anything filmed in between August and November? I think TLC found out about the d/m, scrambled to catch up by getting rid of two planned shows that were filmed during the fall, airing the anthro shows (which may have been the planned final episodes), cobbled together the Behind the Scenes shows and patched together two new shows on the divorce and marriage.

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At first I did think TLC knew all along because of how the leak of the divorce/marriage files seemed premeditated, but now I'm also thinking TLC didn't know until recently given the order the episodes are airing (things that happened and were filmed in November being shown before divorce stuff).  Also, in one of the recent RV episodes, maybe the Ken-gate one, there was supposed to be talk about Robyn's ex. I think the episode was edited last-minute to get rid of that content after TLC caught wind of the divorce and marriage so that Robyn wouldn't be cast in a negative or opportunistic light. 

Edited by purpleflowers
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If the other two shows were supposed to be about Janelle and Christine, the filming schedule still doesn't make sense. It just seems weird that TLC would film during the summer, take off for several months, then come back and start filming again for a little podunk show like Sister Wives. They hired the anthro-actors, why not just have them do their scripted 4 days in September rather than November? I think they had regular, boring shows for the four slots- the two that have been filled by Meri and Robyn, plus the two that are on March 1. When they caught wind of the divorce and marriage, they had to scramble and figure out how to salvage the season with the news. First was PR- polish the turds that are Meri and Robyn with their own eppies, then stretch out the revel in two episodes. Reroute the original two episode finale as filler.

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There was a leak in Meri's portion of the house. I think in the laundry area. But when they went in to visit during the road trip, it looked like a major renovation was going on. Meri and Kody also had that really bizarre conversation/melt-down over discussing the construction plans last season. At the time there was talk on the forums that maybe they were converting the place into three separate apartments so that the place could sell easier but it still has appeal as a plyg home in an area known for polygamous families. Who knows. Since we can't get a straight answer from these people they could be building a mini-Disneyland for all we know.

Would that be Plygneyland?  Where all the ride have extra wide seats to accomodate 4 or more wives? Its a Plyg World After All?

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Does anybody have any news on the people in Polygamy USA?  I actually was interested in that group and wondered what happened with Eli and Hyrum and the girl who turned herself over to the elders to find her a husband.  And interested but horrified at the guy who was a teacher att the girls school who was also building railroad cars in hopes of expanding his family even though his wives all worked 2 jobs except for the one who took care of the babies and pre schoolers who looked ready to drop dead.

Edited by Micks Picks
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Does anybody have any news on the people in Polygamy USA?

All I have heard is Rose Marie Cawley did get married (her last name changed on her FB page) but not sure which person she married (info from The Principle tumblr). Don't know what number wife she is either. Apparently the containers are still in Michael Cawley's backyard according to Google Maps. One of the wine-drinking young wives (blanking on their names at the moment) had a baby. The show won't be coming back, apparently they only wanted to do one season to show what polygamy was really about, compared to Kody's World, and they feel they accomplished that.


If you want more information you can visit http://politicsrusprinciple.tumblr.com/ and search Centennial Park in the tags list.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Does anybody have any news on the people in Polygamy USA?  I actually was interested in that group and wondered what happened with Eli and Hyrum and the girl who turned herself over to the elders to find her a husband.  And interested but horrified at the guy who was a teacher att the girls school who was also building railroad cars in hopes of expanding his family even though his wives all worked 2 jobs except for the one who took care of the babies and pre schoolers who looked ready to drop dead.

OMG   was that the guy who bought those huge storage things, they looked like movable warehouses?    I really hated that guy. What a pig.

Edited by Cherrio
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Does anybody have any news on the people in Polygamy USA?  I actually was interested in that group and wondered what happened with Eli and Hyrum and the girl who turned herself over to the elders to find her a husband.  And interested but horrified at the guy who was a teacher att the girls school who was also building railroad cars in hopes of expanding his family even though his wives all worked 2 jobs except for the one who took care of the babies and pre schoolers who looked ready to drop dead.

I wonder if Hyrum and his wife ever had any kids.


Holy crap, the inbreeding!

Take a gander at the AUB tags. Inbreeding, abuse, incest, child brides, it's all there. Kody and Ko. are so full of shit when they try to whitewash their background.


Reading that blog has been very educational. The owner is ex-FLDS. She does an excellent job at documenting both current and historic polygamy issues, and her family wreaths are unbelievable. I don't know how she does it.


I am a little partial to the MormonHair reposts. Love those swoopy-braids! 

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Just start with the Browns... Christine's family alone will make your head spin. 


You know, the same Miss Ingenue who didn't know that men could be such bastards.  Apparently either she didn't look up (or over, or down) into her family tree branches, or maybe she's wearing blinders the size of mock tapioca bowls.  I would hazard a guess that she's just willfully ignorant.

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Just start with the Browns... Christine's family alone will make your head spin. 


So true! I am getting sucked into this blog. So interesting and detailed and....wreath-y hahaha. It's crazy. Kody and Christine are third cousins! What I found intriguing about that connection is that since his grandmother and her grandfather are first cousins, and Robyns' ex has the same grandfather as Christine, that would mean Kody IS biologically related to all of Robyn's children. Interesting stuff! 

Edited by purpleflowers
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Is there another wife in the future? Does anyone remember the show Mari asked Cody how he would feel if she brought another husband into the family? He was upset because that would be wrong. Why would that be so wrong?


Personally, I would LOVE any of the wives to have another man but Kody is correct. Their faith allows only men the privilege of multiple partners....and he's milking it for all it's worth. However, now that Meri is divorced form him, this now allows possibilites...


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My personal take on the Brown Clowns is that Janelle is the only one who truly has religious beliefs and that's she tolerates Kody the Manchild.  Christine claims to believe but I think it's just part of her upbringing and she's used to it more than anything. That blinds her to the truth that her mother has come to accept.  Meri only went along with it to keep Kody.  She was a wallflower and he was cute and she was truly in love with him and would anything to keep him.  Robyn is a gold digger who saw the TV show with its Fifteen Minutes of Fame and the mistaken belief of lifelong wealth.  She doesn't give a rat's ass about the whole Sister Wives thing, she wants her own car on the gravy train.  She wouldn't care a wit if the other 3 dropped dead.  In reality, she's got her plan working to shed them ASAP, either by alienating them all or forcing Kodoofus into dumping them.  After all, he has a boatload of kids for his planet;  why would he need feuding wives there?


And King Kody is only in it for as much booty as he can get, all wrapped up in a Change the Rules to Suit the Situation "religion".  He's no more religious than my dog.

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Well i have been watching documentaries now on polygamy and lds beliefs etc...and its just messed up. No two ways about it. I always thought it was a standard christian-ish religion but it is wack and the celestial planet stuff is batshit crazy. The polygamy aspect is just an excuse to be able to screw as many women as you want without having to support them or their children in any way. And the "we have had to live in fear" b.s.?? Former members say that is to keep everyone behaving in their place and also because if mainstream ppl had any CLUE the rank shit going on with underage girls and basically how all women are mindless brainwashed slaves, everyone would be getting arrested.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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Is there a new season being filmed? How on Earth are they affording the vacations? Must be comped through filming/promotions.

When something expensive enters into their msierable lives, I think, " AHA! TLC treated them!" Though TLC obviously did not do so for the Vegas homes, I think it

did for Hawaii being Kody's not in a habit of taking honeymoons & Robyn may very well have manipulated it as a freebie for stimulating ratings.

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Is anyone trying to watch this mess on Hulu? Hulu is calling it season 6 but it is the seasons with the committment ceremony. I've already seen that and it is making me bitter that I can't access the current season. 

BTW, once I was waiting at the dentist and SW came on the waiting room TV, the dentist came out and told the receptionist to change it. BWAH!

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They're each over 4,000 square feet.  They should move all the mothers-in-law in with Meri; she has plenty of extra space.


Their family is so convoluted that if they moved in Janelle's mother, his mother, and his mother's sisterwife, they'd still only be moving in two people.  Kody's father married Janelle's mother in later years.



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K i would like to discuss something here but feel the need to state that if you are deeply religious or easily offended, please don't read any further.

Does it skeeve anyone else out if they let their mind wander too far in thinking about the actual logistics of these kinds of relationships? I am by no means a prude and actually believe people should be allowed to live however the hell they want.

However....I know for me..i find it absolutely disgusting when he goes from wife to wife to wife to wife with that mouth open for a kiss. Then my mind takes me even darker places and i am practically gagging. The thought of my husband's parts mashed into another woman's parts who i can barely look at,let alone chance getting "parts of her parts" on MY parts..ugghhhh.

Maybe i have watched too many forensic shows, maybe i am just sick in the head. ..but the intimate acts they say are private and separate really aren't. .they share EVERYTHING.

Let alone the power involved in say Meri hates Janelle so goes out of her way to mess with Janelles head with Kody as a willing participant. Also i think it is no coincidence that Christine had the hardest time with the introduction of Robyn into the family and then has suffered the worst as far as her individual marriage is concerned since then. She was vocal about her problems and Kody started treating her like shit and neglecting her and her kids.


Edited by MarysWetBar
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Does anyone know the sq footage of each of the houses ?  Meri's house looks huge.

According to the Clark County recorder's office, each of the houses is 4,238 sq. ft. Although the difference in what they cost is marginal, Meri's was the most expensive. The cost of the 4 houses, in descending order, is: Meri $447,017.00, Robyn $445,039.00, Janelle $443,700.00, and Christine $443,315.00.


So yep. Meri rattles around in over 4,200 square feet, all by her lonesome except once or twice a week when Kody wanders in. I honestly can't imagine it. Granted, I choose to live in a small house--a post-war bungalow of about 1,100 square feet. For my husband and me it is PLENTY of room (we're empty nesters). I try to imagine living here alone and having almost four times as much square footage, and it just seems ludicrous.

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Marigold, I hope you came over here from the Maddie page.  Thank you for your insight about the LDS church.  Although I personally don't agree with a lot of their beliefs I found your explanations to be easy to understand.  I have a question -- is there a place to go where you can see who the LDS church as baptized after their deaths?  I'd be interested to see if any of my family was.  Thanks.

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