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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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On 12/7/2018 at 3:18 PM, Galloway Cave said:

This almost-60 life-long desert gal, who worked outside her entire life, uses Savannah Bee Body Butter (Amazon and costly) for overall body moisture. You don't need much. I do my own glycolic face peels at home and it has definitely helped the fine lines and sun spots. Instead of bag balm or those other petroleum-based goops, I use an all natural salve that a friend of mine, Lee Bennion, makes called Mom's Stuff. Better than anything I have ever used. She started making it for Grand Canyon river guides (our hands and feet are horrible from the sand and water) then went commercial. She grows most of the ingredients, harvests others and purchases only the best grade for the rest. Mom's Stuff has healing properties due to the ingredients. My 86 year old dad has cleared up the big dark splotches on his hands. My diabetic grandfather used it on his sores. I use it instead of neosporin. She has also developed day and night balms too.  Pinion is a base for the everyday salve, so you smell a bit like Christmas! www.momsstuffsalve.com The testimonials say it all. (unpaid endorsement!)

And to tie that in with the Browns, my friend Lee's great great-grandmother was one of John D. Lee's wives! He was the operator of the ferry across the Colorado River at the beginning of the Grand Canyon and also the scapegoat for the Mormon's Mountain Meadows Massacre. There hasn't been polygamy in Lee's family for a while, but it is a small world here in the southwest...

Your mention of Savannah Bee Company makes my heart happy. The owner lives right behind my dad. One big perk is my dad’s vegetable garden is prolific ;) He also used to get regular visits from the chickens, but I think the fence issue has since been resolved. My dad laughed that the owner would probably be horrified to know their organic/free range/etc chickens were raiding the Publix brand cat food at my dad’s house.

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Just now, AZChristian said:

They're expecting 18 to 24 inches of snow in Flagstaff this week.  Wonder whether the Lord will tell any of them that they need to move back to the cult-de-sac.

Hope they took the snow blower with them when they moved!!   This may be an eye-opening experience to actually have snow to blow!

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2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Hope they took the snow blower with them when they moved!!   This may be an eye-opening experience to actually have snow to blow!

Do you mean when they moved from Utah to Las Vegas?  When we moved from snow territory to Phoenix, we did NOT bring chains, shovels, or snowblowing equipment.  It was all sold in the pre-move yard sale!!!

2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Do you mean when they moved from Utah to Las Vegas?  When we moved from snow territory to Phoenix, we did NOT bring chains, shovels, or snowblowing equipment.  It was all sold in the pre-move yard sale!!!

Someone recently posted a pic of one of the Brown wives using their snowblower on about a quarter inch of snow.

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51 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

Is the universe trying to tell me something? I noticed this for the first time today in my neighborhood.  It snowed in the early this morning here: 

SW in BK.jpg

What is the "this" that you are noticing? a) the snow?  b) the dead tree that may fall on your car? c) that people can park on the left side of a one-way street in the big city? d) the frost-heaved asphalt on the southwest "sister wives" corner? or e) the orangey-brick façade of the building that the lady is in front of that is leaning toward the street and may completely fall off?  I've seen this in Baltimore where it has killed or injured people in parked cars and sidewalks.  Maybe that is why your rent is so cheap.

Edited by deirdra
41 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

Is the universe trying to tell me something? I noticed this for the first time today in my neighborhood.  It snowed in the early this morning here: 

SW in BK.jpg

Oh great, now I am going to start to see Tea for Two posting 85 hashtags after her chia pet toast and 8.00 organic coffees - her spin class with her luver and posting on the intranet a cutesy picture after spin class.   



  • LOL 3

I've only been reading the Forum for a couple months, really enjoying it, and just wanted to say that I've actually met the Browns! I kind of forgot about it, but back in the summer of 2012 I was in Las Vegas when Aspyn had a job at a popcorn store in Henderson, and the family did a "meet &  greet" with fans at the store. (Yes, that was pretty much all that the store sold, different flavors of popcorn. I bought some chocolate popcorn that was delicious- kind of like chocolate turtles but with pocorn instead of pretzel or whatever.) Anyway, I waited on a long line of other fans, mostly women and kids, for about 20 mins, and finally it was my turn and I chatted with Kody & Christine for a few minutes. Kody had a very firm handshake, was much taller and more solid than he looked on the show (even at that time), and had a certain magnetism. Very charismatic and confident. He was very interested in my job at the time because I worked at a casino back then. Christine was very friendly and outgoing, greeted me effusively and seemed to be enjoying the whole thing. Janelle said a quiet hello, standing next to Christine and Kody, but looked uncomfortable and didn't say anything else. Robyn was there but Sol was a baby so they were some distance away, surrounded by other kids. I didn't meet any of the kids or Robyn. It really was a meet & greet with just the adults even though it seemed like most of the kids were there. If I recall correctly, Meri was standing by Christine and Janelle but she didn't interact. Kody invited me to a green-goo get together taking place the next night( (he called it a "special business opportunity by invitation only") but I had to work and couldn't go (not that I would ever have joined, but I might have gone just for the craziness of it). So there you have it, my brush with the Browns (ha ha ha).

ETA: After they bought the "homes," I admit to driving by the gate on two separate occasions, during the day, but I did not stop or take pictures and I was kind of relieved that no one observed my stalkerish behavior. My closest male friend thought I was certifiable for doing that and teased me no end.

Edited by Teafortwo
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9 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

I've only been reading the Forum for a couple months, really enjoying it, and just wanted to say that I've actually met the Browns! I kind of forgot about it, but back in the summer of 2012 I was in Las Vegas when Aspyn had a job at a popcorn store in Henderson, and the family did a "meet &  greet" with fans at the store. (Yes, that was pretty much all that the store sold, different flavors of popcorn. I bought some chocolate popcorn that was delicious- kind of like chocolate turtles but with pocorn instead of pretzel or whatever.) Anyway, I waited on a long line of other fans, mostly women and kids, for about 20 mins, and finally it was my turn and I chatted with Kody & Christine for a few minutes. Kody had a very firm handshake, was much taller and more solid than he looked on the show (even at that time), and had a certain magnetism. Very charismatic and confident. He was very interested in my job at the time because I worked at a casino back then. Christine was very friendly and outgoing, greeted me effusively and seemed to be enjoying the whole thing. Janelle said a quiet hello, standing next to Christine and Kody, but looked uncomfortable and didn't say anything else. Robyn was there but Sol was a baby so they were some distance away, surrounded by other kids. I didn't meet any of the kids or Robyn. It really was a meet & greet with just the adults even though it seemed like most of the kids were there. If I recall correctly, Meri was standing by Christine and Janelle but she didn't interact. Kody invited me to a green-goo get together taking place the next night( (he called it a "special business opportunity by invitation only") but I had to work and couldn't go (not that I would ever have joined, but I might have gone just for the craziness of it). So there you have it, my brush with the Browns (ha ha ha).

ETA: After they bought the "homes," I admit to driving by the gate on two separate occasions, during the day, but I did not stop or take pictures and I was kind of relieved that no one observed my stalkerish behavior. My closest male friend thought I was certifiable for doing that and teased me no end.

I would have done the same thing (drive by the gates) if I lived in Las Vegas.  I would also go to a meet and greet if they had one near me.  I'm not some obsessed fan, I just think it would be nice to see how they compare in real life to what we see on tv.  Unless you are hate watching Sister Wives wouldn't you be the least bit curious to see how they are in person?

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1 hour ago, smarty2020 said:

I would have done the same thing (drive by the gates) if I lived in Las Vegas.  I would also go to a meet and greet if they had one near me.  I'm not some obsessed fan, I just think it would be nice to see how they compare in real life to what we see on tv.  Unless you are hate watching Sister Wives wouldn't you be the least bit curious to see how they are in person?

I am one of those "hate watchers" and I would still go to see them in person, if it wasn't too inconvenient or too far to travel. 

I've seen several "television personalities", and it's very interesting to see how different they often appear off screen.  

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Here are some of my celebrity sightings: my parents lived in Palm Desert near Palm Springs in the '70s. I still lived in our home town in the mountains (Big Bear Lake) a couple hours away and visited my parents often. My daughter was well-behaved in public so my mom and I could go into the deluxe PS shops like Covers For Lovers and Bed, Bath And Me (both long gone now). 

One day we were at our last stop before lunch, BB&M, my mom was in the dressing room, I was browsing and I kept hearing my 5-year-old laughing somewhere. She was allowed to wander because she didn't touch and I moseyed over to see what was up and found her playing under the clothing racks. As I began saying "Nuh uh, no ma'am," and wagging my finger I realized she was playing hide-and-seek with Mr Roper/Norman Fell, and this was just after the first season of Three's Company. They both froze and I'm not sure which one feared me more. He apologized for encouraging her to hide under the clothing and I said "Well, I won't hold it against you this one time," and he laughed. I asked what he was shopping for and he said "Oh, my wife's in the dressing room, I'm just killing time while she spends all my money," and I laughed. 

My mom came out wearing a robe she was trying on and he told her to buy it because it was perfect on her. She said "I agree," and we all laughed. She adopted my low-key celebrity attitude for once, didn't make a big deal out of recognizing him and went back to the dressing room. Mr Fell held out a shiny silver dollar toward my daughter, asking me with raised eyebrows if that was OK. I nodded and my daughter thanked him without being prompted. Yay.

Unlike the rest of my star-struck family I didn't make a big deal out of running across celebs, which happened a lot in SoCal. My take was that they appreciated being noticed and perhaps greeted but not called out. You literally couldn't go to Canter's Deli or Musso and Frank or Pink's Hot Dogs without seeing or standing near or walking past "someone." I locked eyes with Cary Grant in Canter's once and he gave me a nice smile and, another time, so did Joe DiMaggio. I watched Dean Martin shoot craps for about an hour in Vegas, a bit after the Rat Pack era, he was a total gentleman, kibitzed with everyone and wasn't the least bit boozed. Also in Vegas, I was surprised at how short Elizabeth Taylor was (in kitten heels) and needless to say I made no attempt with La Liz. Richard Burton kept his eyes down or beyond the gawkers, which was understandable. 

I was a housecleaning service for many years, in SoCal and in Northern Utah. One Cali client was an owner of Le Dome on the Sunset Strip which was the hawt spot for many years. Really nice guy, very appreciative. I opened and closed his mountain chateau for his visits and sometimes had to call him with a weather or damage or maintenance update - "Unfortunately, the bats are back. The windowsills are loaded with moth wings." (Bats eat the bodies and drop the wings, leaving what looks like blood drops everywhere). Each time I called I was told "Me-shell (Michel) is in ze wine cellair, he will call latair." Ahem. He always called back, quickly. 

Merlin Olsen was a Utah client, he and his wife were extremely nice and would profusely apologize for their kids sometimes being in my way. They were strict about the kids staying out of each room I completed or at least not messing it up. I went to cosmetology school in Logan UT and one of my favorite clients, Mrs Booth, raised her family next door to the home where Merlin grew up. There were nine little Olsens and she said he always was the little shit who would break windows in the neighborhood and blame anyone else, usually one of her boys. No love lost there. 

My family was crazed about the '60s-'70s LA Dodgers. A good friend in 8th grade belonged to one of the families that was finally forced out during the last couple years of the ten-year Battle of Chavez Ravine to make way for Dodger Stadium. As their turns came her parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles stationed the kids at the windows of their homes, with hammers to fend off the marshals who were trying to enforce eminent domain orders. They surrendered after a few hours, as most families did, but they took a stand. The whole deal was a huge scandal (1800 poor families were removed) so I thought Naomi and her family were celebrities, and I remained a bit disappointed that she didn't pound any marshals. 

In those days you could hang around this one parking lot at Dodger Stadium after home games where the players headed for their cars after they showered. And we haunted that parking lot. Some players said hello and didn't linger and fans respected that. Drysdale, Koufax, Garvey-Lopes-Russell-Cey - - the longest running infield in baseball (9 years), Wes Parker, Maury Wills, Manny freakin' Mota and so many more - they remembered your name and where you were from after just a few encounters and for all those years never failed to ask something like "How was your 2-hour trip from the mountains today?" or "Where are you headed for dinner tonight? Are you going for Polynesian?" or "Are you driving home tonight or are you staying over? You usually stay in Laguna, right?" Customer service like that keeps customers coming back! Good times. 

Adam West, TV Batman, was in town skiing nearly every weekend and was a real hambone. My first outside-the-family-business job was attaching ski passes to the skiers who bought them. Couldn't attach them to jackets because jackets came off or got traded around but pants stayed on. We attached the passes to zipper tabs with wires that we crimped with pliers. Most young guys and shady guys of any age preferred that we attach to the fly zipper instead of a pocket zipper and let's just say that Mr West shared this preference. We were about 15, 16 and thought he was icky because he didn't mind at all that sometimes it took longer because our hands got stiff from the cold and we couldn't wear gloves. Why they hired girls for that job instead of boys I do not know but that's how it was fifty years ago. Let alone at the slopes Batman struck poses all around town in case someone had a camera, always offering his profile. 

For many years my sister swam in Local, Regional, State, National and the International Special Olympics Summer Games (Mt Pleasant MI in '75) and the SO celebs were right up my mom's alley. I didn't go to the MI games so who knows who she glommed onto there - she said she had a nice conversation with Eunice Shriver. At various times at Cali games I either nudged or dragged my mom away from Michael Landon, Don Meredith, Frank Gifford, Joe Namath, Farrah Fawcett, Vince van Patten, Chad Everett, Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland, Michael Cole, Bert Convey, Mac Davis, Merlin Olsen (15 years before I worked for him) and many others I can't remember. She got fairly sideways with Michael Cole and his wife and I had a photo of them holding coconuts to their ears after they finished their drinks, pretending they were telephones and laughing their butts off. 

I was the oldest kid and I got married and aged out and drifted away from family baseball games. Vera Miles had a weekend home a few houses down on our lake point and she walked her dogs twice a day and would smile and say hello; she was sweet with my daughter.

This is not my encounter but Lee Marvin was in Big Bear (population maybe 5,000 then) filming a movie and frequenting Chad's Place on Main St where the motto was and the T-shirts the staff wore said Work Is The Curse Of The Drinking Man. Mr Marvin fitted right in. He decided to try for a nap in the middle of Main St but didn't fall asleep and decided to sing instead. He'd been in town for a couple weeks and if someone was singing while lying on the white line everyone knew it was probably Lee Marvin. My mom was one of those who were driving by very slowly and she leaned out her window and said "You look like you're having fun," and he said "You have noooo idea how much fun this is," and right about then the gendarmes arrived and gave him a ride home. 

Beginning at age 7, my younger brother attended at least a few (and often many) games at Dodger Stadium each and every season until he died last year at age 63 after 6 years with the plasma cancer multiple myeloma, which was in an advanced stage when they found it. Living that long with MM is nearly unheard of. Because he was so grateful for all of the obviously successful experimental treatments he received he agreed to donate his body for MM research. One year after someone donates, a tree is planted in their honor and the family is granted a wee bit of input as to where the tree is planted. We're putting in for center field, all the way back as Vin Scully used to say, in Dodger Stadium. 

Edited by suomi
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Thanks Suomi, that was a fun read!  

I ran into Mrs Roper at a Footlocker store in Vancouver BC.... She was giving the sales person a hard time and trying on shoe after shoe....after she left the sales people were saying what a cranky old hag she was. Lol

Also saw Elizabeth Taylor at a fragrance promotion at a dept. store, she sat up on an elevated platform with her little white dog "Sugar" in her lap and signed things for a while, she looked a little strange and kept laughing quite loudly when anyone asked her a question and typically used that to not really answer the questions, she seemed sort of impatient and not really interested in the whole thing.... As she left the platform she came down a couple stairs and seemed a bit wobbly...  I was standing right there and I was surprised how short she was as she walked past me.....This is when she was older and had just divorced her last husband Larry.... Her eyes were amazing and yes they were violet.

Also saw a couple of female stars from the soap opera Young and the Restless... Tracey Bregman and Beth Maitland....they stood on a stage in the middle of the mall taking questions from people and one of them said that their fiances were there with them, so the fiances who were off to the side of the stage stood up and waved to the crowd.... Then a few minutes later this lady actually said to Tracey Bregman that she was surprised how homely her fiance was because she's such a pretty girl... Everyone *gasped* and Tracey said something snotty to the woman (I was so shocked by it all that I can't remember exactly what she said)  lolol

And last but not least I was living in Calgary Alberta during the time that Farrah Fawcett left Charlies Angels and was replaced by Cheryl Ladd...  I was sitting in my car at a stop light listening to a local radio host say that they were waiting for Cheryl Ladd to arrive for an interview... Right then a black suv pulled up beside me at the light,, I looked over and there in the backseat was Cheryl Ladd.. I stared and she smiled... Seemed very friendly and cute.

I've seen a couple others over the years but can't recall who or where at the moment.

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Since we're now on this topic: My favorite celebrity encounter of all time was bumping into Bryan Batt (Salvatore Romano from Mad Med) at large interior decorating convention in 2015. Bryan and his partner have (or had) a home decor shop in New Orleans, so he was there as a buyer. I first saw his name on the badge around his neck as we approached each other, had some stirring of recognition, looked up and was like omg, it's him! what is he doing here?! but quickly recalled that I'd read about his store. I was thrilled! We chatted for a bit and I told him how sad I was that his character was written off the show. He was delighted to be recognized. Lovely guy; super attractive. Rumor was that he made a comment about the acting abilities of Matt Weiner's son (who played Sally's friend Glenn), it got back to Weiner, who retaliated by writing out the character of Sal.  Such a shame

I did also once pay to stand on line at a Star Trek convention to meet William Shatner, gave him a folded up piece of paper with my phone number on it after he autographed one of his CD's for me (which I'd brought with me) and he said "for me?" -- but for some reason, he never called me.  (This was 20 years ago and I would have left my boyfriend for him lol.)

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I was with a group in Hawai'i doing humpback research and we had a night off.  A bunch of us went to a swanky hotel just to look around (couldn't afford more than a drink) and ran into OJ Simpson and Nicole.  He was drunk and bought us a round of drinks.  She was clearly intimidated by him, never said a word and pretty much cowered whenever he talked to her.  I hated him on the spot.

There was never a shred of doubt when I heard what happened that he did it.

Here is my celebrity sighting.  Minor celebrity.  We were walking on the Beltline in Atlanta a few years ago and my son pulled me out of the way and said "Here comes Vern on his bike".  And Vern Yip of Trading Spaces fame whizzed by with a child on the back of his bike.  

Does anybody know Kinky Friedman?  I met him once.  Long story.  Disappointing.

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We were in California on vacation several years ago, and went to Universal Studios on the day when all of the TV stars were walking the picket line out front.   Jackpot!

We saw, Ed Asner, Robert Blake, Gil Gerard, Danny DeVito, Avery Schreiber and a bunch of lesser-known folks.  I also saw Dustin Hoffman at the next table in a restaurant at La Guardia airport.  He waved and smiled.  Saw Tom Kennedy, Ruta Lee, Ray Walston, Peter Breck and others (watching tapings of "You Don't Say" when hubby was a contestant).  And - top of the list - met Alex Trebek when I was a contestant on "Jeopardy" in the late 1980s.  He was SOOOOO good looking, and every bit as nice as he appears on camera.

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Saw Bruce Willis and family at Nobu last October. They sat in the booth behind us. Back in the 70s, I was directling  traffic at a small concert venue in my hometown, when a car tried to turn where it shouldn’t have. I stopped the car, leaned in to talk to the driver, and he said, “I have Miss Merman in the car.”  If looks could kill, I wouldn’t be here. 

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Oh my...I even have a celebrity meeting!  It was ages and ages ago (mid 80s).  I'll add that I grew up in rural Western Pennsylvania and we only had one television channel and even that was scratchy and sketchy at times.  Needless to say when I went to college in another state I was quite naive to the big world.

I was an Equestrian major and a major celebrity famous person was coming to speak at the college.  Everyone was buzzing with it.  Included in his visit was a tour of the college and a tour was scheduled to be given by our head of the program of the stables and facility.  I will add that at the time I had NO clue who the person was (the great famous celebrity), but everyone was just so excited. I was a student and all of us spent so much time cleaning the stable and tidying the grounds etc.  His group had a late afternoon time to do the tour and I was up there all afternoon picking stalls and making sure everything was ready to go.  I was completely alone at the time, the head of the program and her favorite students were gone, but she was due back to give the tour (and I was supposed to disappear when that happened).  One horse in particular had messed up his stall pretty good and his feet needed cleaned, so I pulled him out and put him in cross ties while I cleaned up his stall and then set on giving him a good clean.  I was dressed in barn clothes, and was pretty sure I smelled like I had been cleaning a barn as well.  So, there I was, bent over cleaning hooves and legs with my butt to the door when I heard people enter the barn.  It was the tour group with the famous person and they were early.

I welcomed them and was nice and told them the Director had stepped out and should be back soon, and they all started asking questions so I answered them.  I took them around and talked about the program and talked about the horses, told little stories and they seemed happy and very interested.  I honestly had no idea who the famous person was, even after meeting them.  Tho I had a vague recognition that I thought he had done a commercial or something. The director never showed while they were there and then they left.  I finished what I was doing and right as I was walking back to campus to clean up for dinner the director arrived and needless to say was fuming pissed that she had missed them and they had arrived early etc.

At dinner I told my friend group that I had given the tour to the famous person and they were all amazed and jealous and had to explain over and over who he was, I just didn't know who Sugar Ray Leonard was at the time.

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9 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Can't say that I do... Please elaborate. 😉


my maiden name is Friedman. Without my knowing it my girlfriend got a note to him backstage with my name and phone number. We went home. I went to bed. Around 4 am phone rang and it was him. Come to the holiday inn.  I called my girlfriend and said you are coming with me. It was dawn by this time. We were mid 30 year old divorced with kids. Not looking for anything. Just curious. He and his posse were all stoned - boring. Very disappointing. We visited a few minutes and then left. Back then we didn’t have sense enough to think anything would happen. Nothing did. 

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7 hours ago, lookeyloo said:


my maiden name is Friedman. Without my knowing it my girlfriend got a note to him backstage with my name and phone number. We went home. I went to bed. Around 4 am phone rang and it was him. Come to the holiday inn.  I called my girlfriend and said you are coming with me. It was dawn by this time. We were mid 30 year old divorced with kids. Not looking for anything. Just curious. He and his posse were all stoned - boring. Very disappointing. We visited a few minutes and then left. Back then we didn’t have sense enough to think anything would happen. Nothing did. 

I love these type of silly quirky stories.. I guess because it sounds like something I would have done.  😁

I like him already since his bio says he's a defender of stray animals. 👍

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My most recent celebrity sighting was Eliza Dushku in an army-navy store in Salem Massachusetts a couple of days before last Halloween. Everyone in the store was low-key buzzing about it but no one made a scene. I got a good picture of her. She was born in Watertown Massachusetts and lives in Boston. 

Back in 1997 we opened a new mall in our town and I worked security for a major department store. For our opening week we had two soap stars from my favorite show at the time, Guiding Light, make a personal appearance together and sign autographs - Liz Kiefer and Jerry ver Dorn. I was part of the team that stayed with them while they ate and then went to their table on the sales floor to meet the fans. 

I was in heaven! You couldn't pry the smile off my face. They were both so friendly and nice - they signed autographs and chatted with fans for three hours nonstop and never faltered.

The next week we had Walt Willey from All My Children make an appearance...it was anti-climactic to me after the previous week, lol.

Edited by Gothish520
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On 3/1/2019 at 1:40 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Oh great, now I am going to start to see Tea for Two posting 85 hashtags after her chia pet toast and 8.00 organic coffees - her spin class with her luver and posting on the intranet a cutesy picture after spin class.   



Who is that and why do they have block heads?  😂 

I'm old and confused....  lol

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This basketball star’s uncle ran a polygamist cult. He hopes to help bring his small Utah town into a more modern world.

HILDALE, Utah — His last name for years had evoked memories of backward evil, but the boy known as Slim knew he represented progress as he was introduced during warmups of a Utah state playoff game in February. He couldn’t use his nickname in the outside world, so the announcer bellowed James Jeffs! to the gym’s rafters, and the 6-foot-8 Water Canyon star kept his head high as he jogged onto the court.


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