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Brain Bleed: The Shows We Hate & The Reasons We Hate Them

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I somewhat got into Doctor Who, but I seemed to mostly enjoy the historical episodes where they went back in time more than the futuristic episodes. I know some people like the show because the Doctor uses his smarts to defeat evil or to solve problems. But I guess my problem is that this isn't done in a mystery-type way where once the solution is found, it makes sense and you admire how the person got to the end. Maybe this is a thing with all sci-fi (admittedly, I only like a few sci-fi shows), but I found that the solutions are often just made up answers that do not exist at all in our world, so I couldn't really enjoy being witness to the explanation. Not sure that makes sense at all....I feel like I'm a decently intelligent person, but when the stories were resolve I often would just think to myself, "Okay, what?" And the screwdriver's capabilities often seemed like an easy copout. 


I initially enjoyed Modern Family, but I felt like it got full of itself after the accolades and started to overemphasize things that were getting it the positive attention. Then it started to feel stupid. And it often felt like laughing at poor rich people problems. For years, I preferred The Middle. It has its issues, but I found it much more relatable in terms of a real family going through mostly real problems. As someone else mentioned regarding comedies they like, it has heart.


I tried to get into Game of Thrones, as it seemed just up my alley with historical and fantasy aspects. I tried to get through the first episode probably 3 times and just couldn't do it. 


Agree with others who never understood the appeal of Seinfeld, Friends, or Sex and the City.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.  I quickly got tired of Rachel Bloom's quirkiness.  I saw her recently on a late-night talk show (can't remember which one) and she was so manic that the host couldn't even communicate with her.  I call her the female version of Robin Williams.

Edited by Ohwell
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The Bastard Executioner. I watched the first few episodes and just got bored with it.


I've got all that recorded. And I'm a fiend for medieval history, in all forms, yet I simply cannot summon the enthusiasm to watch it. It just sounds too nihilistic and unpleasant for my tastes.


Also, I'm a big scifi fan, yet so many scifi shows leave me completely cold. I only watched one episode each of Dark Matter and Killjoys, because I found both so uninspiring and cheap.


Anything with canned laughter will immediately make me switch off. I simply do not need to be told when something is funny, and nor should anyone.

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I just found this forum and agree with a lot of what others have written.

I don't understand the appeal of Seinfeld. The characters are loud and mean spirited. For example, when George starts wearing a toupee, Elaine snatches it off his head and tosses it out a window because *she* doesn't like it.

Also didn't, and don't, get the appeal of The King of Queens. Hated Jerry Stiller's character on Seinfeld and it appeared to be carried over here. Also couldn't/can't stand Leah Remini's character. Mean and loud.

Found Friends and Big Bang Theory to be snooze fests.

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Yeah, Firefly tends to be a love it or hate it series. I wish I loved it, but I hated it. Just struck me as... wrong, somehow. I remember it being a little too quippy, maybe at the expense of the actual storyline.

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I've tried to watch Farscape a few times, because of all the online love and hype, but am always left shaking my head in confusion. Is the super cheesiness and wooden acting deliberate and I'm just not in on the joke? People advise me to keep watching, but I gave it five episodes and nothing got any better.

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I've tried to watch Farscape a few times, because of all the online love and hype, but am always left shaking my head in confusion. Is the super cheesiness and wooden acting deliberate and I'm just not in on the joke? People advise me to keep watching, but I gave it five episodes and nothing got any better.


While this probably won't change your mind, it took me until the last few episodes of season 1 to really get into it. And that seems to be the consensus for when the show hits its stride. From that point onwards, it's a weird, wonderful ride, with some amazing character development and tons of fun.

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Yeah, Firefly tends to be a love it or hate it series. I wish I loved it, but I hated it. Just struck me as... wrong, somehow. I remember it being a little too quippy, maybe at the expense of the actual storyline.

Firefly hasn't aged well at all for me. I did love it back in the day, bought the DVD and everything, loved Serenity. I started rewatching it last year I could barely stand it. The quip, as you mentioned, was just unfunny, and I could not stand Mal or Jayne. I still liked Zoe and River, but the rest was just boring.

Dollhouse for me has aged better. Rewatched that last year too and found it much more engaging (even if Eliza Dushku is the weakest link). The first season has its ups and downs but the second (and last) season is just terrific.

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^ yep that's exactly how it was for me. Stick with it I promise you'll be glad you did. John Crichton is one of my favorite characters ever.


Same here. I think I tried at least 5 times because I thought the pilot was excellent. The disorientation John Crichton must have felt was so overpowering. But I hated the next few episodes. They were weird and not very good and I had a hard time with the puppets and I got really grossed out by the fact they were living inside an animal-type thing.

Eventually, I just started with the last 3 episodes from season 1 and it really was the awesome show everyone told me about.

I can't say I like Ben Browder but he became wonderful as John Crichton. And Aeryn Sun is my fourth-favorite female Sci-Fi character. After Dana Scully, Kara Thrace, and Laura Roslin.

Edited by supposebly
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Yeah, Firefly tends to be a love it or hate it series. I wish I loved it, but I hated it. Just struck me as... wrong, somehow. I remember it being a little too quippy, maybe at the expense of the actual storyline.


I just preferred Space Westerns to be a little less literal about it.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I've always liked police procedurals (like Law & Order, Hill Street Blues) and hospital/medical examiner dramas (early ER, Quincy, etc), but I've never been able to get into CSI or any of its iterations. I know there are character arcs and some amount of character development, but somewhow the characters never grab me and I never care what happens to them. Even with Law & Order, where we only saw glimpses of the characters' personal lives, I really cared about Lennie's recovery and Green's penchant for gambling and expensive clothes and Van Buren's cancer. I never feels this way about the CSI characters

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To expand the topic a bit, I simply can't watch what I think of as heist/caper shows. They seem fun and I want to like them, but shows and movies like Leverage, Alphas, Scorpion, Person of Interest, Oceans [X], Mission Impossible, etc. are impossibly boring to me. A problem arises, a group of people lay out a plan, they begin to execute plan, they're stymied, they overcome the problems, and success. I don't enjoy the build-up and planning and outright dislike the fake "tension" of carrying it out. No thank you!

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I've always liked police procedurals (like Law & Order, Hill Street Blues) and hospital/medical examiner dramas (early ER, Quincy, etc), but I've never been able to get into CSI or any of its iterations. I know there are character arcs and some amount of character development, but somewhow the characters never grab me and I never care what happens to them. Even with Law & Order, where we only saw glimpses of the characters' personal lives, I really cared about Lennie's recovery and Green's penchant for gambling and expensive clothes and Van Buren's cancer. I never feels this way about the CSI characters

It was more the constant insistence on realism and graphic content that has caused me to avoid CSI altogether, and not even to give it a first glance. 

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To expand the topic a bit, I simply can't watch what I think of as heist/caper shows. They seem fun and I want to like them, but shows and movies like Leverage, Alphas, Scorpion, Person of Interest, Oceans [X], Mission Impossible, etc. are impossibly boring to me. A problem arises, a group of people lay out a plan, they begin to execute plan, they're stymied, they overcome the problems, and success. I don't enjoy the build-up and planning and outright dislike the fake "tension" of carrying it out. No thank you!

These types of shows/movies only work if the group have chemistry and the central premise works. I thought Leverage did it well. It was fun without being overrought. I wanted to like Person of Interest but I never could get into the central premise. I think it was too dreary for me. As for Alphas; I liked the idea that maybe having superpowers wasn't always so awesome. They could screw up a perfectly good life.

Scorpion is just boring and silly and stupid.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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To expand the topic a bit, I simply can't watch what I think of as heist/caper shows. They seem fun and I want to like them, but shows and movies like Leverage, Alphas, Scorpion, Person of Interest, Oceans [X], Mission Impossible, etc. are impossibly boring to me. A problem arises, a group of people lay out a plan, they begin to execute plan, they're stymied, they overcome the problems, and success. I don't enjoy the build-up and planning and outright dislike the fake "tension" of carrying it out. No thank you!


Hmm, I must not like this type of show either because I've never watched any of those. 

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 A problem arises, a group of people lay out a plan, they begin to execute plan, they're stymied, they overcome the problems, and success.


This is unintentionally the perfect explanation of why I hate House.  Patient is ill, the staff of medical professionals nearly kill him/her...twice,  they figure it out before the patient actually, permanently dies.  Best diagnosticians ever!  The formula of it all made me unable to watch.

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How To Get Away With Murder. I want to like this show simply because Viola Davis seems like a cool person but the show is boring me. I think I might be over Shonda Rhimes.


I'm still debating whether its Rhimes or if I have my quota of flashback/flashforward narrative and just can't deal with any more.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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The Expanse.

I was fooled by the hype that promised the next BSG. But instead of BSG, where the characters came to life from their first scenes, the characters seem flat, boring, with no clear anything. Technically, it was a disaster, half the time I couldn't see anything, the other half I could barely understand anyone and it was overall an experience of huh? Where are we now? Did we go somewhere else? What happened? Why is he acting that way? Who is this again? Why are we showing people we don't know in a flashback dying horribly that doesn't have much to do with anything except .... some character's backstory who is barely in the show.


So, I stuck with it for the whole season but it really didn't work for me. The idea and the concept of the show is so interesting but the execution was just....perplexing.


I really really tried. I never try for more than 5 episodes.

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I agree about The Expanse, although I gave up around episode six. Too many characters and convoluted storylines to follow? Too murky, both literally and figuratively? I'm not sure. The world as shown was intriguing but in the end I didn't care about any of the characters, which is a problem. Those of us who found the show confusing were chided about needing things spoon fed to us and, frankly, not being smart enough to get it. This did not improve my personal receptiveness.

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Generally, I don't care if someone thinks I'm not smart enough for a bloody TV show. I tend to think that goes together with not being smart enough to distinguish between critique and whining. I don't have time for whining, not my own and certainly not anyone else's, so I try to ignore it. My own too, sometimes. ;-)

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Oh thank God I thought I was the only one who didn't like The Expance. I was kind of embarrassed about it really considering how much I love science fiction. If it ever appears on Netflix and I can binge maybe I'll give it another try.

For the record. I got it. I just didn't care. I found everyone and everything boring. I don't have to like anyone on a show to like a show but if I find everyone boring then that is a problem.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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There were a lot of problems with The Expanse, but as a book reader I enjoyed it for the most part.  It's unfortunate that the show writers decided to give us conflict! and drama! among the Roci crew instead of them being a tight knit family.  That's the appeal of the books to me, that the four of them would do anything to protect their family and I think that's where the comparisons to BSG arise.

Those of us who found the show confusing were chided about needing things spoon fed to us and, frankly, not being smart enough to get it. This did not improve my personal receptiveness.


Yeah, that was rude and uncalled for.

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So another thread inspired me to give Sleepy Hollow another shot.  I tend to catch several episodes every year because I should like it.  Its in my wheelhouse in terms of types of shows I do watch and enjoy.  So I watched the last episode.


The acting is so overwrought.  I just can't take it.  Maybe this one will be the one that is so overwhelmingly awful to me that I'll remember next time that there are reasons that I just can't get into this show for any length of time.


Sleepy Hollow: the cheese is still stinky with this one.

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I actually don't watch as many series as most of you seem to, but I get the feeling that when I do watch one, I watch a lot of it, and maybe too much, and then sometimes I lose interest in the show.  I used to watch Shark Tank all the time, new shows and repeats, and now I don't watch it at all.  I even forget it's on.  I think there was a turning point for me when Lori Grenier said "women don't understand technology" and then a couple of weeks later she got two female computer experts to do a deal with her "because Lori's a woman!"  You can't make up stuff like this, but that doesn't make it entertaining.

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I've watched every episode of Project Runway, including all-stars, accessory, threads, junior, and other specials, since 2004. That's a long time, right? The new season started last week -- I stared at the premiere in my DVR queue for a while before deleting the season pass. I cannot bear to look at one more "garment" of any type, runway show, unconventional material, Tim Gunn mentor walk-through, judging session, and especially workroom backbiting. There was no precipitating factor, no final straw. I just can't.


Other competitive reality shows lasted even less with me -- 7 seasons for Survivor and 11 for The Amazing Race. I'm also currently bored with Ink Master and Face Off, so maybe I'm simply over this genre. And doesn't everyone at some point give up on Real World to make way for a new generation of viewers?

Edited by lordonia
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I've watched every episode of Project Runway, including all-stars, accessory, threads, junior, and other specials, since 2004. That's a long time, right? The new season started last week -- I stared at the premiere in my DVR queue for a while before deleting the season pass. I cannot bear to look at one more "garment" of any type, runway show, unconventional material, Tim Gunn mentor walk-through, judging session, and especially workroom backbiting. There was no precipitating factor, no final straw. I just can't.

I quit watching Project Runway after Anya won (season 9). That was just the last straw; as far as I could tell she couldn't even sew a sleeve, and though it was a design competition you would expect the contestants to at least know how to sew. I did watch the "All Stars" season that Mondo won. I liked Mondo (and he should have won season 8!)

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In the past year, I've cancelled a lot of shows.


Amazing Race - I had been watching this steadily (except for the Family season) since Season 4, but last fall I just couldn't care enough to watch the five episodes I had built up on my dvr, so I cancelled the season pass and deleted those episodes.


So You Think You Can Dance - I had the entire summer's worth of shows on my dvr and only got around to watching them before Christmas, and even then, I deleted the final three eps of the season when I realized I wasn't really rooting for anyone to win and was only fast-forwarding to the dances just to clean the eps off of the dvr. I still don't know who won the season, and probably couldn't pick them out of a line-up, anyway.


Criminal Minds - I did watch this show regularly from middle of Season 5 (when I first got hooked on it) up through the very end of the 2013-2014 season, when I realized I was just watching the eps praying that I would see anything that was even remotely as good as those early season shows. That's when I took it off of the dvr. I did tune in for the Gideon-centric ep from last season and a Reid-centric ep from this one, and I was glad to see both of those because they were decent eps, but not good enough for me to renew my season pass.


Also, if they weren't canceling Mythbusters, I probably would be tuning out of that one, as well. After the producers got rid of the Build Team, the quality of the show went downhill, IMO. As much as I love Jamie and Adam, they need the buffer of the other personalities on the show.

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Quantico. It just got odd and stopped holding my interest.

Blindspot - possibly. I'm gonna have to see how yesterday's episode was but I haven't made an effort to watch ASAP, which is the first indicator to me, that I'll probably drop it soon.

Elementary - Gave it a few episodes, but I think the introduction of John Noble put me off too much.

Fear the Walking Dead - third episode and I just wasn't interested at all, yet it's been Must See TV for all six years of The Walking Dead.

The Big Bang Theory - apparently this season is good, but I just don't care about selfish Sheldon and Leonard anymore. They grate on my nerves.

Chopped/Chopped Canada - I'll watch it ONLY if it's DVRed, so I can fast-forward through the sob stories, the idiot judging and the tears. I just want to see the baskets and what the contestants make with the end product.

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Elementary - Gave it a few episodes, but I think the introduction of John Noble put me off too much.

Ah, crap. I'm still on Season 2, and I'm loving the show. But I have this scene-hog to look forward to? 

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I want to murderize every show I've never watched but still know their cast and plots because they're fucking constantly being shoved in my face by people in my life, discussion boards, ads, news/entertainment media, etc. It's not enough for me not to watch; I genuinely don't want them to exist in the same world I do because I can't escape them otherwise.


More examples, past and present:


Veronica Shitting Mars


Law and Order. Never one minute in the zillion seasons it and its spawn have been on. I hate that it takes up so much TV real estate.


Dallas, even though that was before the Internet.


True Detective, mostly because I irrationally loathe Matthew McConaughey and will never watch anything he's in. Then season 2 because it has the same name as the one McConaughey was in.


Outlander, since it's yet another rape show. I don't even subscribe to premium cable channels and still know the plot. Plus its rabid fans are scary.


Happy Endings. This was mostly the fault of Entertainment Weekly, who just would not let it go.


The Sopranos

Edited by lordonia
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Outlander, since it's yet another rape show. I don't even subscribe to premium cable channels and still know the plot. Plus its rabid fans are scary.


It's been my experience that rabid fans of anything are scary! ;)

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Grandfathered has petered out for me. I wanted to love it because I like most of the cast, but eh. The eppie with Drake Bell was great (probably mostly for Drake & Josh nostalgia reasons) though.


I just got bored with The Middle. Only Brick's plots were actually entertaining me anymore.

Edited by Silverglitter
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Ah, crap. I'm still on Season 2, and I'm loving the show. But I have this scene-hog to look forward to? 


Ah, sorry for telling you that! But yeah. And I think you can figure out WHY it put me off. Maybe ask someone in the Elementary forums if he's actually a good addition to the show, and if the season is any good. But I just couldn't.

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I think I may finally be over Pretty Little Liars. The show is stupid. It has always been stupid but I think I have either outgrown it or reached my threshold.

I used to love this show. But somewhere towards the end of the first season, I realized I was no closer to learning the mystery than I was when the season started. Yes, it was stupid but entertaining. But then I got bored with it. 

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Ah, crap. I'm still on Season 2, and I'm loving the show. But I have this scene-hog to look forward to?

Ah, sorry for telling you that! But yeah. And I think you can figure out WHY it put me off. Maybe ask someone in the Elementary forums if he's actually a good addition to the show, and if the season is any good. But I just couldn't.


I'm not a Noble fan at all, but he definitely hasn't ruined Elementary. As ABay mentioned, he hasn't been in every episode of season 4 (and hasn't dominated most of the episodes he has been in), and JLM is so awesome in their scenes together (particularly the most recent episode) that I've been able to overlook Noble's Nobleness.

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Portlandia - It has annoyed more than amused me this season.

I think it tries to hard to be hip. It's hit or miss with me. I do like it's intro, though.

I can't watch Teachers. Don't find it funny at all.

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I want to murderize every show I've never watched but still know their cast and plots because they're fucking constantly being shoved in my face by people in my life, discussion boards, ads, news/entertainment media, etc. It's not enough for me not to watch; I genuinely don't want them to exist in the same world I do because I can't escape them otherwise.

More examples, past and present:

Veronica Shitting Mars

Law and Order. Never one minute in the zillion seasons it and its spawn have been on. I hate that it takes up so much TV real estate.

Dallas, even though that was before the Internet.

True Detective, mostly because I irrationally loathe Matthew McConaughey and will never watch anything he's in. Then season 2 because it has the same name as the one McConaughey was in.

Outlander, since it's yet another rape show. I don't even subscribe to premium cable channels and still know the plot. Plus its rabid fans are scary.

Happy Endings. This was mostly the fault of Entertainment Weekly, who just would not let it go.

The Sopranos

I sort of feel this way about Buffy. In fact, I've often thought that many of these very forums should have their own Buffy sub-section so the rest of us don't have to read page after page after page after page about Buffy Unpopular Opinions, for example. Edited by MaryPatShelby
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Yeah, Buffy is another one for me. I probably know more second-hand info about it than any show other than The Sopranos.


While I freely acknowledge that some, or even most, of the shows I avoid are likely well done and entertaining, it's their very popularity and acclaim -- all the awards and hype and chatter -- that start to pile up and smother me. I'm psychologically unable to watch a show unless I start from the pilot, so can't just jump in on series that are already underway. ("Huh? Who's that? Why is X looking at Z like that? What did I miss?") Streaming services can help me catch up, but that's a big commitment for something that's been on for multiple seasons already. Besides, even if I did decide to start on, say, Veronica Mars, I'm thoroughly spoiled and somehow already know about Logan, Duncan, Lily Kane's murder, etc.

Edited by lordonia
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