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S31: Ponderosa


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I noticed the lack of Joe, and I wondered if maybe something further happened to him medically (another relapse or something-I didn't think he looked that great at tribal).  Anyway, lack of Joe was made up for with the Kass/Andrew fight.  That just rolled together perfectly, from Abi saying Andrew was Kass's Ponderosa husband (I liked the look on Ciera's face more than Andrew's) to Kass picking the fight with Andrew and keeping it going.  Seemed like we saw more of Wiglesworth here than we did all season, too.


LanceM, Abi's Ponderosa vid might as well have been a sitcom about a dysfunctional family.  I'm surprised they didn't make them bunk together for that reason lol



Joe was there looking happy and healthy eating breakfast sitting next to Abi.  

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Joe was there looking happy and healthy eating breakfast sitting next to Abi.  


Yeah, I did see that.  I was just surprised, given the drama between Abi/Joe, we didn't see him weighing in.  Maybe he was trying to steer clear of her.  I don't even remember seeing him sitting at the table when Abi first got there, but I'd have to go back and watch.  There seemed to be an obvious edit they were going for in her vid. 

I think Stephen probably has it right, if history is any indication.  At least in Philippines Abi was a total sweetheart once she got voted out.  Here again she has honest, non-bitter final words, gets her Twix and is charming and nice with the doctor, etc.  "Tasha is fake" is the only really unpleasant thing she said that I can remember, and it's hardly an insult for the ages.


Honestly I sort of understood Savage, although he was awfully annoying about it.  If Kass really goes on about Tasha all the time it must be annoying, especially if you're friends with her as Savage is.  Sure, Kass has "the right" to go on and on about it but so what?  Andrew also has "the right" to ask her not to.  Kass reminded me of Abi during The Case of the Missing Bracelet, really--"I'm not going to say anything about Tasha but fuck Tasha, it's my right to say so."  They both should have just shut up, really.


Given that Joe has said he and Abi went at it really hard I'm not surprised he was laying low.  I don't think he enjoys drama or conflict at all (something we share in common and something that makes him, and me no doubt if I were out there, bad at Survivor.)

  • Love 8

I honestly would be shocked if Tasha got one vote, if she did somehow make it to tribal.  She wouldn't even get Andrew's unless she somehow got there with Kimmi and Kelley, and I would give that a zero chance of happening, based on the editing and the skills we've seen so far.  

I don't see Andrew voting for Keith either, honestly, so she probably would get Savage's vote over Keith if he were in the mix. But if Jeremy or Spencer are in there, then probably not unless a vote for Tasha is a vote of spite toward Kass.

I think Andrew would vote for Tasha over Spencer. He seems to genuinely like and respect her. But I don't see him voting for Tasha over Jeremy unless there's some very explicit discussion of who's voting whom at Ponderosa, and he does it to spare Tasha having no votes. (similarly, I don't see Ciera or Kass voting Spencer over Jeremy unless they do it to get Spencer ahead of Tasha... which is something I think is quite likely).

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I thought it was Abi who said that Tasha was fake and then Kass said that it's a very sensitive subject to Savage and Kass doesn't want to elaborate. But Savage acted like a 3 yr old walking out.


Oh yeah, I'm very sure Kass was talking about it a lot, but I'm just going by what is shown in the video and how they went about talking about it, and Kass has a matter-of-fact tone and Andrew is sulky and whiny and grouchy.  I'm sure she gets on his nerves, but it's on him as a grown man to figure out how to display that.  And as he has come across in every Ponderosa as a crotchety ol' guy that has to be jollied out of his resentments, well....


Yeah, I'm sure Kass has been annoying with anti-Tasha comments given that Savage likes Tasha, but in that specific incident, I thought it was all Savage. Kass seemed like she was trying to warn Abi off that line of conversation, and Savage just bristled (and came across as sensitive).


I didn't see Kass instigating.  Abi insulted Tasha, Kass calmly said "I'm not commenting on Tasha, but Andrew doesn't want to hear it..."  Andrew went off.  I'm glad Kass defends her right to speak against Tasha.  This is the jury.  They can't ignore the game because Andrew doesn't share their opinion and doesn't want to hear it. 


This was how I saw that scene as well. But I'll admit bias, I like Kass and I hate Andrew!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I have a hard time remembering Savage is an attorney.

Kass: Why don't you just go?

Savage: No, you go!

Kass: No you!

Savage: No, YOU!

It's not like attorney Kass's follow up was any better.


I will say I'm starting to see what Andrew was saying about Kass. She loves to cause chaos. Though that makes Andrew that much more dumber since he knows what she's trying to do and actually gives her what she wants.

  • Love 7
I will say I'm starting to see what Andrew was saying about Kass. She loves to cause chaos.
Kass was doing the opposite of trying to cause chaos. She was trying to cut Abi off at the pass and avoid chaos. Throughout Ponderosa, we've seen Kass actively work as a peacemaker.


What Kass doesn't do is back down when someone else escalates just to hold the peace. Savage could have said something like, "Yeah, I like and respect Tasha and don't want to hear negative things about her. Let's talk about someone else." Instead, he just couldn't bear the idea that he's sensitive about Tasha (which is not a statement I personally find to be rude, so I'm unclear what he was so bothered by), and went on the attack of Kass as the real problem. Kass then attacked back, leading to the argument. It seemed more friendly than unfriendly to me, and none of us were there, so we don't actually know whose version is closer to the truth of conversations. (For once, I'm inclined to be on Savage's side, though, since I totally buy that Kass would have been trashing Tasha until Savage said something.)

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Kass was instigating. The way she said it was snotty. She could have said "we are trying not ot discuss the game too much." or "We are working on not attacking poeple" or any number of things to Abi but she choose to say, in a snarky manner "Savage is sensitive about Tasha" or whatever it was she said. Her tone was mocking.


Andrew's retort, that he said something once and he is sensitive while Kass repeatedly says she doesn't like Tasha is telling. I don't doubt that Kass is bad mouthing Tasha. Kass was very clear in her interviews that she has a very large bone to pick with Tasha. Their fight at camp tells us that they both have issues with each other. So I can full on see Kass bad mouthing Tasha at Ponderosa.


Andrew likes and respects Tasha. He flat out said to Kass that he did not want to talk game with her because he did not appreciate how Kass played and he does not want a repeat at Ponderosa. The two didn't talk for close to two days. Kass flat out said that she was going to be active in Ponderosa to influence the winner. I am sure that Kass is talking game a ton and Andrew hates that and as part of her talk Kass is bad mouthing people that Andrew likes.

  • Love 3

This was how I saw that scene as well. But I'll admit bias, I like Kass and I hate Andrew!

I thought I was the only one who likes Kass. I've always wondered how people would feel about Kass if she looked more like the stereotypical bleached blonde with implants. I'm always surprised that much of the criticism directed her way are things like - she's the ugliest woman I've ever seen. Keith is no Adonis (and he spits more than a pack of camels) yet I've never read a negative comment about his looks.
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I don't think Kass is bad looking.  It could be me from a female perspective saying that, but I think she looks pretty darn good for her age.  Ciera always strikes me as younger by the way she looks.  I'd never guess she was in her 20s. 


I still think the funniest thing about that whole exchange was Abi sitting between them happily eating her cheeseburger.  Cracks me up each time I watch it.



And her one liner "you guys really are married" as they bickered around her.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't think Kass is bad looking.  It could be me from a female perspective saying that, but I think she looks pretty darn good for her age.  Ciera always strikes me as younger by the way she looks.  I'd never guess she was in her 20s. 


I don't think Kass is unattractive, either. She looks like all redheads look on this show (as does Spencer). Sunburned and freckled. I actually appreciate that Kass usually has a smile on her face, unlike another cast member who suffers from permanent bitchy face. I also think she upped her bathing suit game from her first season.

  • Love 4

Kass is a new favorite of mine.  I enjoy her presence at Ponderosa.  She will not be able to influence voting, as is her plan, but it is fun getting a glimpse of her trying!  I wish the videos were longer.  I look forward to them more than the episodes.  


I also wish these were longer, and not so choppy with the editing.  Abi's Ponderosa was great (mainly thanks to Kass and Savage) but this hasn't been my favorite season as a whole for it.  Though if the episode is boring, like I thought this week's was, Ponderosa usually makes up for it.

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Kass was doing the opposite of trying to cause chaos. She was trying to cut Abi off at the pass and avoid chaos. Throughout Ponderosa, we've seen Kass actively work as a peacemaker.


What Kass doesn't do is back down when someone else escalates just to hold the peace. Savage could have said something like, "Yeah, I like and respect Tasha and don't want to hear negative things about her. Let's talk about someone else." Instead, he just couldn't bear the idea that he's sensitive about Tasha (which is not a statement I personally find to be rude, so I'm unclear what he was so bothered by), and went on the attack of Kass as the real problem. Kass then attacked back, leading to the argument. It seemed more friendly than unfriendly to me, and none of us were there, so we don't actually know whose version is closer to the truth of conversations. (For once, I'm inclined to be on Savage's side, though, since I totally buy that Kass would have been trashing Tasha until Savage said something.)


I must respectfully disagree - Kass reminds me of my mother, who makes little digs like that and then does the, "What? What?" innocent act, when she knows exactly "what".  I say to her, "You have to understand that there is something about your tone that puts people off" and she pretends she can't imagine what I am talking about.  But she knows, and I know that Kass does to.

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Stay classy, Abi.


I would never criticize Kass's looks, but her attitude is what bugs me.  Chaos for chaos's sake makes me think she isn't serious about winning the game, she only wants to sow as much discord as she can.  Even at Ponderosa by bringing up her dislike of Tasha several times a day she is needling Andrew needlessly.  Someone who intentionally tries to make other people feel angry/uncomfortable/unhappy is not someone I can root for.  Maybe in the game context, ok, but the game is over now.  Give it a rest.

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I didn't get the impression her chaos stuff is without a purpose or she's not serious about the game.  When you're not in a majority alliance you need to shake up the game and ruffle some feathers.  I feel like that's all she means.  She's not going to be a meek lamb led to the slaughter like some players on the bottom.  


I also don't fault her bringing up Tasha at Ponderosa.  She has said she wants to effect the final vote.  I don't blame her.  What else is there to do out there with fellow evictees besides discuss the game you just played?  If a player did to me what Tasha apparently did to Kass, I'd be doing a little subtle (or not) campaigning against that player, too.  The game's not over.  

Yea I think Kass was serious about playing but Tasha refused to forgive her for last time which screwed her over. Varner's just pissed because Tasha torpedoed his game by Bubbaing him.


 In that situation I was on Andrew's side. He made a remark. They weren't even fighting over Tasha, just his sensitivity. If she wants people to respect what she says then she needs to give people the same respect.

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I agree that Kass doesn't want Tasha to get any votes and so is probably discussing Tasha  in terms of final 3 and trying to influence that because of........whatever their issue was. So she isn't going to quit talking about Tasha especially when anyone new shows up.  And Savage isn't going to quit trying to negate

Kass's anti Tasha vote strategy. 

I would love to see the jurors discussing who they think is the final three and why.  More strategy please!  If Kass is going to anti-Tasha campaign who is she campaigning for?


I'm a little surprised at the lack of huts or whatever.  Aren't they right next door to a major resort?  Or maybe that's it.  They didn't have room to expand or there is some other resort related reason why they can't do huts vs. tents. 


Its weird how personable Wigglesworth was on S1 and is not now.  Or rather its weird how her new closed off personality seems to match her new face or vice versa.

I keep wondering what that story that Probst referred to was....a car accident or something? and she's had reconstructive surgery and her near death experience

led her to major life changes like moving to Mexico? She doesn't strike me as the plastic surgery type.  Although if her yoga business is in an affluent enclave with lots of rich people then I get it.   


Lets see lets see, something spoiler related......

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This says they rented out local houses, though it's not clear if they rented them just to vacate and hide them?  I'm guessing that's the case.  


“They are taking a long time to prepare because they have rented out houses of local villagers as they have to cover them up to make the jungle look untouched and are decorating in the forest and along the sea,” the governor said.



I was curious what size resort is on Koh Rong.  All I see (didn't spend long) is one 5-bungalow resort and another 8-bungalow one.  The spa resort reward was on another island and the players went by helicopter.  Though I guess crew could come by boat.  

The hatred of Andrew expressed so fulsomely on this forum makes me want to cry.


So what he's an older guy. So what he wears a dumb snood. Maybe his head is cold, maybe he got to Ponderosa and freaked out about his hair.


He's not my favorite player, but the contempt and loathing he cops here makes me really sad.


I haven't figured out where I sit with Savage, but I don't read him as a bad guy. Maybe not to my taste, but he's not mean or evil or even hurtful. 

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I just think Savage is an over 50 year old guy who still thinks Ponderosa is high school. And, this is coming from a guy who is a year younger than him. I liked him on his first season and voted for him to be on 2nd Chances. I thought he was so obnoxious during his confessionals. Then he gets to Ponderosa and he's acting like some high school jock in the popular club who didn't want certain people in his clique. As for the beanie, I do think he's a little long in the tooth for it. Someone Joe's age I can see wearing it but Savage is trying to be all hip or whatever. IMO!

  • Love 9

I don't loathe Savage, and his headgear is silly but ultimately his business, but I do agree with Byanose that someone as old as he is who still seems to operate by HS clique rules in all seriousness is not someone I'd enjoy spending time with, and I do question why he has held onto this code as a modus operandi in life.  If I delve into it, it's actually more sad than loathsome in his case, but I do think cliquishness itself can verge on the loathsome.

  • Love 9

I don't loathe Savage, and his headgear is silly but ultimately his business, but I do agree with Byanose that someone as old as he is who still seems to operate by HS clique rules in all seriousness is not someone I'd enjoy spending time with, and I do question why he has held onto this code as a modus operandi in life.

Probably because it's associated with the best times of his life.

Consider it a form of adultescent/arrested development behavior.

Not uncommon in those who view their lives as having "peaked" in high school/college - it helps "preserve the moment", so to speak.

Pretty boring to those around them of similar age who have moved on to more emotionally mature forms of social interaction.

After hearing for the ten zillionth time how they threw the Big Pass which won the Big Game, one sometimes has to forcibly restrain oneself from (a) applying a 2x4 to their head in a repeated manner until you get their attention, then (b) explain - using small words - how precisely NOBODY ELSE ON THE PLANET cares about the outcome of a high school football game in 1982.

And no, the fact it was the Regional Championship game still doesn't make it matter - not in 2015, anyway.

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