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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Whiskered cropped jeans are like so 7 years ago already.....😉

It's probably all that hate she's exposing herself to (and absorbing) from spending too much time on social media.  It's no wonder so many people her age are depressed and need therapy.  Then she goes online and regurgitates the hate on her own social media pages.  I don't even have a Twitter account and I want to keep it that way.  I blame social media for a lot of the divisive, hateful atmosphere these days.  You can't even respectfully disagree with someone anymore without being shouted down and called the devil or worse.  It's such a waste of time and bad for the soul and the world in general, IMHO.  It gives people a very skewed view of reality and the social situation in our world today.  They generalize from their own tiny little perspective to the rest of the world.  Everything is blown up out of proportion.  If there are a handful of truly nasty people they start projecting that nastiness on everyone that even remotely disagrees with them and conclude that they're all these horrible things.  They think they are victims of this horrible mob of millions of people out to squelch them.  Social media encourages paranoia, and then groups of similarly paranoid people get together and perpetuate that paranoia tenfold via confirmation bias and pit themselves against this imagined horde of people that hate them.  It's dangerous.  Meanwhile, recent studies support that people in the US today are by far more socially open minded and accepting of alternate lifestyles than ever before, even on a subconscious level, as this article explains.  The reality doesn't match up.

Amen.  For me SM has done more harm than good - so much stress and hate and back biting! I ended up going on a Social Media diet. Will post more in the small talk thread.


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I was on a FB group for a popular discount grocery store.  I joined early, when there were only a couple hundred members - it was supposed to be a fun group where people could talk about the best things to buy there.  Lately it's become so vitriolic that people are leaving the group, creating their own hate groups and some victims of the hate have apparently had to delete their FB accounts.  From a grocery store group!!  I mean - is this the world we live in now?

Mariah is such a perfect example of the carelessness of SM.  She thinks she has a platform to speak on things that she has literally no knowledge of, or actual concern for.  She posts to make herself look good to those people that, for whatever reason, think that she knows what she's talking about.  Same with the crap that Janelle puts out there.  It's dangerous to get your information from someone whose only real purpose in posting is to make themselves feel important.

It's interesting to be of an age growing up without SM, and then trying to navigate it when it becomes clear that the only way you're going to get information about your family and friends is to join.  It's a necessary evil, IMO, at least for now.

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16 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Oh, poor widdle Z-list "celebrity" spoiled brat is feeling put upon.  So now she'll need to quit school and work so that she can devote all of her time to self care.

I good swift kick to the rear end would be my cure.

Right? Self care is all she does! How can she do it any more than she already is? It’s like an addiction with her. 


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Mariah is such a perfect example of the carelessness of SM.  She thinks she has a platform to speak on things that she has literally no knowledge of, or actual concern for.  She posts to make herself look good to those people that, for whatever reason, think that she knows what she's talking about.  Same with the crap that Janelle puts out there.  It's dangerous to get your information from someone whose only real purpose in posting is to make themselves feel important.

It's interesting to be of an age growing up without SM, and then trying to navigate it when it becomes clear that the only way you're going to get information about your family and friends is to join.  It's a necessary evil, IMO, at least for now.

Everyone’s an expert on social media, aren’t they? Janelle is so obviously clueless she’s not successful—thank goodness—but she still pretends.

I don’t know what Mariah’s issue is—all the girl does is self care. She acts so traumatized you think she’s going to be found rocking in a corner because life is sooooo hard for her. Try being an autistic kid in school before teachers were educated about it—you get bullied from all sides. So you’re gay, Mariah. Yes there’s still hate but things have come a loooong way for the LGBT community.

Mariah—maybe stop being a know it all on social media. You’re not the Dalai Lama and your opinions don’t carry much weight. The more you run your mouth, the less woke you seem.  Speaking of weight......lighten up on the brunches. You’re already too “full up”.  

Now go quiver in the corner and find a therapist because the world is so mean. Sorry, we don’t want to hear the ramblings of a 20-something wanna be woke goddess. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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7 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

She acts so traumatized you think she’s going to be found rocking in a corner because life is sooooo hard for her.

She's getting on my last nerve with this crap.  At her age I was already working full time having put myself through college.  I didn't have time for "self care" because I was putting in my 40 hours a week as a nurse plus any mandatory overtime we were dealt due to the nursing shortage.  Brunch?  Yoga?  Who had time for that with cleaning and doing laundry on my day off.  Give us all a break and STFU you lazy-ass snowflake.

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I know that Meri "hearts" all of Mariah's IG blatherings, but does anyone else in the family "heart" or comment?  I only follow Mariah, Meri and Janelle.  I mean, does her own father like her crap?  I would think that Kody would want his family to comment on each other's social media to pretend that they are, you know, an actual family.  For the ratings, of course.

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14 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

"What more do I need....."

A job?  A conscience?  Caring for someone other than yourself? Humility?

Yes to all that.  Does Snowflake even pretend she's in school now?  

I have an undergrad degree, and if I wasn't in class, I was studying, and you know, doing chores, etc., not hanging out in overpriced coffee shops and pontificating about nothing.  Of course, I was also working part-time, and Pudge has mother Meri to support her lazy ass.  

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11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

It's probably all that hate she's exposing herself to (and absorbing) from spending too much time on social media.  It's no wonder so many people her age are depressed and need therapy.  

Deleting the comments that she doesn't like and posing with fake deliriously-happy squinty faces isn't making her happy nor does it delete the truth that commenters are pointing out.

I do have FB & IG accounts, but only to see family pics occasionally and don't have Twitter because you don't need an account to merely look at public postings (a few times a year when someone snarks about something on Twitter and one failed attempt to keep up as election results were coming in).  I don't know how anyone has time to read the verbal diarrhea that is emitted on Twitter. 

Edited by deirdra
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On 1/8/2020 at 8:50 AM, laurakaye said:

I was on a FB group for a popular discount grocery store.  I joined early, when there were only a couple hundred members - it was supposed to be a fun group where people could talk about the best things to buy there.  Lately it's become so vitriolic that people are leaving the group, creating their own hate groups and some victims of the hate have apparently had to delete their FB accounts.  From a grocery store group!!  I mean - is this the world we live in now?

Yeah, I've left a few groups in the past due to this very issue.  Some folks are quite passionate about their POVs, and just won't let the subject drop.  I too can be guilty of this, but as I've aged I've come to realize that sometimes I'd rather continue being a part of that (otherwise) great group that be right. Being right all of the time can get very lonely, and who wants that?  I just wanna snark with the best of them...you know..so I can .improve my own skillz.   😛

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On 1/8/2020 at 10:35 AM, Kohola3 said:

...I didn't have time for "self care" because I was putting in my 40 hours a week as a nurse plus any mandatory overtime we were dealt due to the nursing shortage.  Brunch?  Yoga?  Who had time for that with cleaning and doing laundry on my day off.  Give us all a break and STFU you lazy-ass snowflake.

BTW, I love nurses.  For me, they were the best people in the hospital., and went out of their way to make me more comfortable and the pain I was in more tolerable.  They hold a special place in my heart.  😍

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13 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Top Notch???  Top Nosh??? 

At $1.00 per oz., that's more expensive than filet.  Eat a steak Mariah, you'll feel better.

So is it LIKE 10 ingredients or 10 ingredients?  

If it's like 10 ingredients, does it have something similar to an ingredient that is not an ingredient?  

How did this girl get into Loyola?

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12 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

What is it with this family posting their dairy substitutes this week? First Janelle and Maddie and now Her Wokeness. Did Kosher Kody issue another dietary decree?

In their defense (can’t believe I’m doing this), lots of people can’t have dairy. Mariah mentioned “and no stomach ache”.  Finding a good dairy substitute is like winning the lottery.

Still, why they need to post it? Full of themselves “influencers”. 

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On 1/8/2020 at 7:25 AM, TurtlePower said:

Right? Self care is all she does! How can she do it any more than she already is? It’s like an addiction with her. 


Everyone’s an expert on social media, aren’t they? Janelle is so obviously clueless she’s not successful—thank goodness—but she still pretends.

I don’t know what Mariah’s issue is—all the girl does is self care. She acts so traumatized you think she’s going to be found rocking in a corner because life is sooooo hard for her. Try being an autistic kid in school before teachers were educated about it—you get bullied from all sides. So you’re gay, Mariah. Yes there’s still hate but things have come a loooong way for the LGBT community.

Mariah—maybe stop being a know it all on social media. You’re not the Dalai Lama and your opinions don’t carry much weight. The more you run your mouth, the less woke you seem.  Speaking of weight......lighten up on the brunches. You’re already too “full up”.  

Now go quiver in the corner and find a therapist because the world is so mean. Sorry, we don’t want to hear the ramblings of a 20-something wanna be woke goddess. 

I make sure to practice self care because I do think it is important. BUT I have a job and responsibility (well not as much as moms, I have a pretty cush schedule, LIKE MARIAH!) so it has its place.  Mariah just isn't busy enough.  Too focused on her belly button lint, perfect picture of her food or yoga-posed ass and trying to be woke without realizing her privilege and ease of life.  Maybe she needs to practice a better diet by cutting some of the excess sugar and fat and maybe she will feel better.  A bad diet effects everything and shows her LACK of self care.  If she cared about herself she would care what she puts in her maw.

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27 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

No offense to anyone who has one, this is my personal thing, but I absolutely hate nose rings.  All I can think of is the globs of snot coating that thing in the cold Chicago wintertime.  Puke.

It's gross. It looks like snot coming out of her nose. The nostril stud doesn't help. I think I have to stop reading this category because it is just yuchhhh.

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9 hours ago, questionfear said:

The one thing that concerns me on this thread is that there's a lot of times where people seem to equate Mariah's half-assed ramblings with the position of the LGBT community...and Mariah seems to explain clearly about 20% of what she's trying to say, rather than actually educating people-so even when she has a point, she manages to miss the point. 

I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's safe to say that most people here would never equate anything out of Mariah's mouth with any point of view coming from the LGBT community in general.  And I don't think it's just that she isn't explaining what she's trying to say clearly enough but that she doesn't even understand it enough to explain it clearly, and just wants to look smart and "woke" anyway.  BTW, I have a degree in Philosophy too.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

And I don't think it's just that she isn't explaining what she's trying to say clearly enough but that she doesn't even understand it enough to explain it clearly, and just wants to look smart and "woke" anyway.

The sad thing is that her fawning followers really think she IS speaking for the LGBTQ community.  Such a brave wise little woke TV star educating them on the inside story of that life.  All the more reason to buy all of the crap she shills.

I ache to slap the squint off of her smirky face.

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26 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

The sad thing is that her fawning followers really think she IS speaking for the LGBTQ community.  Such a brave wise little woke TV star educating them on the inside story of that life.  All the more reason to buy all of the crap she shills.

I ache to slap the squint off of her smirky face.

Pretty much all of the gay people I know are in their 40s/50s/60s. Mostly friends at work...

Otherwise known as the ones who really faced discrimination, worked and suffered for marriage rights, inclusion and diversity. 

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8 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Otherwise known as the ones who really faced discrimination, worked and suffered for marriage rights, inclusion and diversity. 

And still live in fear today.  My cousin and his partner adopted a child who cried every night during the last presidential campaign because she was afraid she'd be taken away from them due to the comments being made.  So much hatred and prejudice still out there.

When Princess Pudge truly faces adversity, then we'll talk.

Edited by Kohola3
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4 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

And still live in fear today.  My cousin and his partner adopted a child who cried every night during the last presidential campaign because she was afraid she'd be taken away from them due to the comments being made.  So much hatred and prejudice still out there.

When Princess Pudge truly faces adversity, then we'll talk.

I'm so thankful my friends live in San Francisco and the Bay Area. The gay community has been so influential here - in very positive ways, politically, artistically, in business and environmentally.

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12 hours ago, deirdra said:

Kootie won't let her sleep in the same room as Sludge "under his roof". That is probably the worst Pudge has encountered.   

And if you really believe that wasn't just for the cameras I've got a GREAT Bridge I think you'll like (it connects to the property I can sell you in Florida.)  I'm sure they made a pretense of throwing random crap in one of Meri's many bedrooms so Kody could pretend they weren't living together in on of "his" houses but Meri gave absolutely no shits on if they slept together or not.

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12 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

And if you really believe that wasn't just for the cameras I've got a GREAT Bridge I think you'll like (it connects to the property I can sell you in Florida.)  

Of course I know Kootie only said it for the cameras and that Meri lets Mariah do whatever she wants since Kootie hasn't lived with Meri for years.  But to appear "woke" to her followers on TV & SM, Mariah only cares about the perception that she is being persecuted by her father, not the reality of her life.

Edited by deirdra
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I had to take a break from Mariah's thread due to that I can't handle looking at her smarmy, self-satisfied mug right now.  She has apparently inherited both doses of her parents' narcissism, and she's become unbearable. 

In the past I hoped Mariah would grow up and out of it, for that's what many grad students do once they begin to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them, but she hasn't grown much at all.  Honestly, I don't see her helping folks as a career, for that generally takes the ability to step outside your own issues and concerns, and Mariah is all about Mariah.  

Audrey needs to run, now.  😕

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47 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Every time I see a photo of her, I can't help to think what it reminds me of. Don't worry, the cow is also a vegetarian as well Mariah





What I don't understand, and maybe someone can enlighten me, is that the concept of a nose ring seems to contradict the self-image Mariah is trying to project about herself.

I get it that she sees herself as woke guiding spirit and her mission is to lead the masses to the same level of awareness as herself...but...but, isn't the bovine nose ring present so the farmer can snap a leash on to the ring so thxy could control the beast. 

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5 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I get it that she sees herself as woke guiding spirit and her mission is to lead the masses to the same level of awareness as herself...but...but, isn't the bovine nose ring present so the farmer can snap a leash on to the ring so thxy could control the beast. 

Yes, I would expect to see the ring on Audge, though she probably follows along without one.

I thought traveling and routinely consuming non-local food and beverages like coffee were BAD for the planet. 

Edited by deirdra
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13 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Imagine if the builders of the great pyramid felt this way: “That block wasn’t cut perfectly? It’s ok, you did your part.”  

I certainly wouldn’t want her helping build a new barn, that’s for sure. 

Indeed.  One of the key tests in surveying (land, roads, etc.) is to loop back to the starting point to see how big your cumulative error is.  A millimetre or two per leg seems insignificant, but you can be a metre or two off when all of those errors between each pair of measuring points add up.  Heaven forbid a million imperfect people construct the plyg palace.  Meri's toilet could end up in Christine's kitchen.

If all you are worried about is a million imperfect people spilling coffee, then things may be tolerable, as long as you have a big mop. But don't expect me to work at your many favourite coffee shops.

Edited by deirdra
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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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