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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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What the what????   Gotta be student loans, and I’m not convinced Mariah has a full course load.  She has way too much free time.   It’s not like I trust anything that comes out of her mouth, she IS her mother’s daughter. 

*disclaimer, I’m not personally aware of the demands of a masters degree.  However, from what I have heard, it’s a LOT!   Logan’s fiancé got one and spent tons of time on it. 

  • Love 12

My step-dad takes CBD for depression and anxiety. It's $80/mo and his insurance doesn't cover any of it. My co-pay for Zoloft & Wellbutrin is less than $10/mo. His argument that CBD is natural hits a hard wall when it's going to cost me $70 more every month.

I did my Master's program online through the University of Denver. I took one class a quarter and got approximately $4,500 each quarter after paying for my tuition and books. I also worked 2-3 part-time jobs.

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

What the what????   Gotta be student loans, and I’m not convinced Mariah has a full course load.  She has way too much free time.   It’s not like I trust anything that comes out of her mouth, she IS her mother’s daughter. 

*disclaimer, I’m not personally aware of the demands of a masters degree.  However, from what I have heard, it’s a LOT!   Logan’s fiancé got one and spent tons of time on it. 

Oh yeah, the time demands when getting a masters is way more than a lot. My children were teenagers when I was getting mine. They started complaining that I was not home enough.  When teenagers notice you're not around, that is significant.

  • Love 9
On 12/15/2018 at 4:30 PM, ginger90 said:

Snowflake shilling medicine that she knows little to nothing about is the exact same thing as Janelle hawking random health food fads that she Googled on the interwebz and now spouts off on as if she knows what she's talking about.  Both of them need to just knock it off and work a real job.

And can someone PLEASE explain to me why over 1,000 people "hearted" a post from Mariah stating that she dreamed about breakfast and then made breakfast?  10/10 would recommend...what?  Ten who?  Recommend breakfast?  Or recommend dreaming?  What a stupid post.


  • Love 16
28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Snowflake shilling medicine that she knows little to nothing about is the exact same thing as Janelle hawking random health food fads that she Googled on the interwebz and now spouts off on as if she knows what she's talking about.  Both of them need to just knock it off and work a real job.

And can someone PLEASE explain to me why over 1,000 people "hearted" a post from Mariah stating that she dreamed about breakfast and then made breakfast?  10/10 would recommend...what?  Ten who?  Recommend breakfast?  Or recommend dreaming?  What a stupid post.


* They won't as long as the show goes on and there are stupid people who follow and share their crap. 

* Social media seems to make some people feel insanely self important, that anything they do is "special". Sometimes I think we need a reset to jolt people back into reality--and what would Princess Mariah do if Her Preciousness (and the rest of her self-entitled demographic) could not post  artistic selfies and photos of eggs and coffee? What if.............NO ONE CARED? 

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, neh said:

Oh yeah, the time demands when getting a masters is way more than a lot. My children were teenagers when I was getting mine. They started complaining that I was not home enough.  When teenagers notice you're not around, that is significant.

I read up on it and several people said that getting their masters in social work wasn't to hard, it just required a lot of reading and writing papers.  Some group work.  Then others stated that they had a hard time doing all the work.  Some of us require more study and work time than others.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

I read up on it and several people said that getting their masters in social work wasn't to hard, it just required a lot of reading and writing papers.  Some group work.  Then others stated that they had a hard time doing all the work.  Some of us require more study and work time than others.

I think it depends on the rigorousness of the program you're in, plus the quality of the school.  When I got my MS in Counseling Psychology the well known and acclaimed program was notoriously tough and a lot of people eventually dropped out.  Plus in the late 80s there was no such thing in most universities as a program in either Social Work or Counseling tailored with the needs of working students in mind.  And we did not have online degrees then either.  Researching papers meant spending long hours in the library in dusty card catalogs.  You either kept up with the work or too bad for you.  If you complained about it, the advice was quit your job.  I was 30 years old and working full time, I couldn't afford to quit my job.  The amount of work required of me would have been too tough for the average "snowflake" of today to handle without a job, much less with a full time job.  Then again I wasn't coddled and told that every poop that came out of me was made of gold.  I was taught that I had to work hard and make great sacrifices to achieve something worthwhile.  After my 4th semester I was so burned out I had to take a semester off.   When I graduated, my apartment was so dirty it took me weeks to clean it.  I had no social life of any kind for a year and a half.  I managed to graduate with a perfect 4.0.  When I look at some of the "colleges" that offer these degrees today I have to wonder how many of them are offering anywhere near the quality of education I received.  Plus, I seriously doubt that Mariah would be up to handling the program I attended.  I doubt she could handle it intellectually or have the work ethic to keep up with the demands of the program.

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

#manbun #ratsnest #overprocessedboxcolor #sallowskin

Man bun! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love it! And the dog is hiding somewhere in it! 🤣🤣🤣 For someone who spends a lot of time making sure her hair is never its natural color, she sure doesn't spend any time combing it!

That girl is a mess from top to bottom. Including what's going on between her ears (all the navel gazing).

And yes, where exactly IS that support dog? In any of the pics? Better get on that Princess, or Mosby won't be flying for free this Christmas!

  • Love 6

WTF is that green shit?  She calls that coffee?  Or is this her magic CBD potion?  No thank you, please.

Poor dear.  To dill with the DMV is a huge issue for her?  Cry me a river.

Posts like this prove she's trying to justify her dog as a service animal.  

Not a thing about classes, or anything to do with her special masters' program that necessitated moving halfway across the continent.  

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

WTF is that green shit?  She calls that coffee?  Or is this her magic CBD potion?  No thank you, please.

Matcha is a tea and its green.  But even with the CBD stuff.  Chasing it with two coffees, and all that caffeine did absolutely nothing to calm her anxiety.  Caffeine stimulates the fight or flight response in our bodies.  And anyone properly diagnosed would have been told foods and drinks to avoid or limit.

  • Love 10

I got a Masters in Social Work in the 80s. I was a single mother. I graduated and was prepared for a job in social work. It was a very laborious program but I never pulled an all nighter. I am no genius but kept up with things. I typed my own papers. If it had been counseling I would have needed a rigorous supervision program. Social workers need a license.  There are steps to go through. I still do all my continuing education to keep my license. There are many types of jobs in the social work profession. I never did counseling or therapy. Student loans have to be paid back - as far as I know if she is using her loans for whatever purpose she will still have to pay them back. Also as far as I know student loans are never forgiven even in bankruptcy. Anyone know if this is true?  

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Also as far as I know student loans are never forgiven even in bankruptcy. Anyone know if this is true?  

There are a bunch of reasons for loan forgiveness. I'm betting Princess is counting on using one or more reasons down the road since that's the Brown Family Financial Plan for just about everything.  So why worry now?  Use the money for those $5 cups of coffee and spinning classes.  She'll weasel out of paying somehow just like she faked the ESA need to get out of paying to fly the dog or pay a kennel fee. 

These people just take and take.  But because they are Persecuted Polygamists, the world owes them a free ride.  Puke.

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

There are a bunch of reasons for loan forgiveness. I'm betting Princess is counting on using one or more reasons down the road since that's the Brown Family Financial Plan for just about everything.  So why worry now?  Use the money for those $5 cups of coffee and spinning classes.  She'll weasel out of paying somehow just like she faked the ESA need to get out of paying to fly the dog or pay a kennel fee. 

These people just take and take.  But because they are Persecuted Polygamists, the world owes them a free ride.  Puke.

Interesting.  Is that just for federal loans?  Is that what she got?  I'm just guessing they researched how to get a loan and then bug out on it.

  • Love 3

That was my first thought too...that dog is quite large, I guess I assumed Sludge had a little dog who could sit on her lap, like Princess Mariah does. No wonder Southwest had a bit of a problem with her trying to scam her way onto the flight with her dog! What a couple of pukes. Just pay to have the dog on the flight legitimately, you entitled little brats.

  • Love 10

Sweet dogs, too bad they drew Mariah & Audge as parents; the dogs probably need support dogs.  Federal school loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy but I don't know if that is what she got or if she had Mom & Dad take out second mortgages on their homes to pay for it.  Mariah doesn't seem to have a teaching or research assistant position to help pay her way or she would have mentioned how annoying the students & other researchers were and interfered with her lattes, matchas, avocado toasts and trips to the DMV.  I couldn't even afford a car in grad school.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Sweet dogs, too bad they drew Mariah & Audge as parents; the dogs probably need support dogs.  Federal school loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy but I don't know if that is what she got or if she had Mom & Dad take out second mortgages on their homes to pay for it.  Mariah doesn't seem to have a teaching or research assistant position to help pay her way or she would have mentioned how annoying the students & other researchers were and interfered with her lattes, matchas, avocado toasts and trips to the DMV.  I couldn't even afford a car in grad school.

The dogs need support dogs, ha ha ha! Yes I say let's get those poor dogs some help in having to deal with their humans!

As far as the 2nd mortgages from mom or dad...with a kid from some other family, I might suspect this, but Kody & Meri? Kody has to be up to his eyeballs in debt, and Meri just took out a mortgage for her B&B. They are way to intent on spending money on themselves, I don't see how they could take out loans to help Princess.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Meri isn't sending Mariah some of her LLR cash to stay in her good graces...I think Meri is finding money to give her, from somewhere, and Mariah probably uses their somewhat strained relationship as a way to extort money out of her mother. But I don't think Kody is sending her a dime.

  • Love 8

When this relationship ends, (and it will end sooner or later) I have a feeling it's going to be one of those messy break ups.  Very messy.  Sure, Mariah seems narcissistic,  self centered, egotistic, and entitled, but good old Audge seems to be even more so on all points.  

Although they don't even rate as D Listers, Mariah's family has a certain amount of fame and fortune with a reality television program.  Mariah is somewhat known because she has appeared numerous times on the show.  Audge has no such background, and yet she's right up there with the entitlements.

Although they are infuriating with their attitudes, i genuinely don't wish ill on either of these two.  However, i must admit, they will be much more fun to follow with the break up feud.  

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, MonicaM said:

When this relationship ends, (and it will end sooner or later) I have a feeling it's going to be one of those messy break ups.  Very messy.  Sure, Mariah seems narcissistic,  self centered, egotistic, and entitled, but good old Audge seems to be even more so on all points.  

Although they don't even rate as D Listers, Mariah's family has a certain amount of fame and fortune with a reality television program.  Mariah is somewhat known because she has appeared numerous times on the show.  Audge has no such background, and yet she's right up there with the entitlements.

Although they are infuriating with their attitudes, i genuinely don't wish ill on either of these two.  However, i must admit, they will be much more fun to follow with the break up feud.  

lolol I have thought this myself.  They both seem to have "mean girl" type attitudes and (remembering back to an old movie) I can see their breakup being in the range of "Heathers" proportions.

  • Love 16

Ok, I'm sorry but my hair looks better than that when I roll out of bed. BEFORE I run a brush through it. And I consider my hair downright scary when I roll out of bed (natural curls are sometimes not your friend...)

I certainly wouldn't take a picture of it at its worst and post it on social media. And I don't consider that to be vanity, I consider it being kind to people who don't deserve to be subjected to my scary hair.

She really thinks every excruciating detail of her life is fascinating, doesn't she? My dog butt-surfed across my area rug today. I'm going to take him to the vet which won't be fun for either of us, but the look on his face while he defaced my area rug was entertaining! More entertaining to me than Mariah riding a stationary bike. ;-P

  • Love 8
On 12/21/2018 at 5:26 PM, Kohola3 said:


OMG, what a supercilious ass.  She is so in love with herself.  Sludge better be ready to step aside when the Princess decides to just marry herself because she's such a perfect specimen.

Wow you nailed it. I get accepting yourself and all, but she's taken it to a whole new level. 

  • Love 6

Mariah has only had uncontrollable "crazy town" hair since Audrey has entered the picture and they are trying for the matching hair and eyebrows.   Mariah has even copied the constant running your fingers thru your hair that Sludge does.  How nasty.  Mariah will never be a trend setter or have an original thought of her own. #Notherfaultshewasraisedinacult #nevertaughttohaveathoughtofherown


Edited by aimlessbird
  • Love 11

Spoiled and selfish Mariah would only consider a hugely expensive private college.  She played the religion card, which turned out to be a bullshit lie.  She also claimed to want sister wives, to curry favor with her douchebag of a father.  Another bullshit lie.

Sludge, I love that name!  Such a perfect fit.  Those two are totally narcissistic beyond belief.  

#justlikemothermeri #bullshitartistextrordinnaire #whatiwantisallthatmatters #icanliewiththebestof'em

Edited by xwordfanatik
to make better sense, hopefully
  • Love 10
On 12/15/2018 at 5:16 PM, xwordfanatik said:

 As my cousin used to say (we're old) the Browns are as full of shit as a Christmas goose.  "Oh, but I read about it on the internet" is not proof of anything, so stop shilling, most especially with medical advice.  

"If something seems too good to be true, it probably is" was drilled into my head by my dad. It's good advice.

The Browns "thrive" on customers who didnt get that memo.

  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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