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S05.E05: Dreamcatcher

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I'll join the "well, helloooo there" chorus about Merlin. I find him very appealing, and even though he's only had a few lines, he (or maybe the actor) seems to radiate intelligence, which makes him sexier. But he reminds me of someone and I can't quite place it -- someone I actually know or some other actor -- and it's driving me nuts.

And finally, just how did Merida know to look at the storybook to find Gold’s weakness/motivation?

I was wondering that, too. How did she know the book exists, and how did she know where to find it? However, I must say I kind of enjoyed her in this one, possibly because it's fun hearing someone talk smack to Rumple, and she definitely pulls off the air of "I'm only doing this because I'm being forced."

I’m not sure I can buy that Henry’s tears of puppy love heartbreak would be enough to break Merlin’s curse though.

Yeah, that seemed kind of lame to me. He only just met the girl, and she never said she didn't want him because he wasn't a hero. In fact, before the heart reveal she struck me as being sensible. He's likely not going to be there for long, since the plan is to fix things and get home. Why get involved with someone who's literally from another world? That's just asking for bigger heartbreak later. But he is Regina's son, so maybe getting friendzoned by a girl he's known for a few days and knows next to nothing about is so life ruining that his tears of heartbreak would be powerful enough to break a curse. I'm impressed that they tried Regina first, though, because that's what I was yelling at the screen. Goodness knows, all Regina's tears have to be good for something.


I thought Emma was maybe going to play Hook to get one of her own tears...break up with him or something. I think that definitely would have been upsetting.

And that was my next guess, either get him to talk about Milah or break his heart, and that's what the tears while holding the dreamcatcher were about.


I think this one was rather blah. Nothing outright offensive, but nothing I'm eager to rewatch.

  • Love 3

The whole episode, all we saw was Emma digging herself in deeper and deeper with the dark magic, so if she felt she couldn't hang in there anymore, and that she had no other option...


Agree. The power of Dark Magic was also going to her head. She looked positively wild with delight when she did the magic to free Merlin. 


Now, I wonder why we were treated to these walks down memory lane with both Daniel and Neal.


I guess they were trying to parallel Neal/Daniel with Violet as First Love. If so, it didn't really work.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 3

There was so much in this episode I just don't care about. I don't even have a "Pros" list this time.



* I don't give a fig about Henry and Violet. A&E's attempt to sell a corny teen romance belongs on Full House.

* Merida is unlikable. She's supposed to be a brave heroine, but her hero lessons with Rumple were just so meh.

* Where the heck did Merida get the storybook? She apparently knew about Rumpbelle enough just by glancing at the illustration.
* Merlin's entrance was so fanfare-less. He's here now... yay? Even Isaac had a better entrance than he did.

* The Arthur/Merlin confrontation was a letdown.

* I was expecting a major twist in this episode to climax the first half of the arc. Never came.

* Stop the Neal whitewash PLEASE. Stop forcing us to love a character you never cared about in the first place, writers!
* Team Storybrooke spilling all the info to Team Camelot in present day. They were so careful about trust in the past, but not in Storybrooke?
* Weak parallel to the pilot.

* The Daniel memory was forced. Comparing Emma to Cora was strange as flip.


That was 5A's version of Breaking Glass - a snorefest of the ages.



Now, I wonder why we were treated to these walks down memory lane with both Daniel and Neal.


Underworld, Underworld, Underworld!

  • Love 3

For all its faults, I liked this episode. I was intrigued to see what would happen, and didn’t see the twist coming (even with the Cora foreshadowing, so maybe I’m just dumb).



  • “Hey… moms.”
  • Dark Swan vs Regina at the end there was pretty epic
  • Glad Dark Swan finally did something actually dark
  • I thought Jared Gilmore did a decent job. Better than I expected.
  • The CGI for the light and dark magic to free Merlin was pretty cool for once.
  • I like Merlin so far. I like how Merlin does magic, too. And also, yes, he's hot.


Less so

  • So much Woegina.
  • Henry is technically a prince. He should be using that to impress girls and their dads.
  • Emma’s house protection spell is terrible if it is so easily fooled.
  • I like Merida’s characterization, but her plot feels woefully undercooked.
  • How did Merida know about the story book? How did Belle know that ropes means Rumple had been there? Try a *little*, please show.
  • Love 4

A lot of Henry but it ended actually being a part of the plot, SHOCKER!! Seriously though they set up the ending really well. I was dreading all the Henry, though I loved the friend zoning, but glad and surprised to see that it wasn't all filler.


So I guess that Emma took their memories so that they don't remember that she lowkey likes the darkness, and I'm assuming she wants Excalibur whole again so that she can snuff out all traces in darkness in herself.

I'll join the "well, helloooo there" chorus about Merlin. I find him very appealing, and even though he's only had a few lines, he (or maybe the actor) seems to radiate intelligence, which makes him sexier. But he reminds me of someone and I can't quite place it -- someone I actually know or some other actor -- and it's driving me nuts.

Lewis Hamilton -- at least that's immediately who I thought of. Formula 1 race car driver and former boyfriend of Nicole Scherzinger. And very easy on the eyes.

Edited by sharky
  • Love 2


Now, I wonder why we were treated to these walks down memory lane with both Daniel and Neal.


guess they were trying to parallel Neal/Daniel with Violet as First Love. If so, it was silly.




I may not like Regina, but it's impossible to ignore that she had genuine, deep feelings about Daniel.    He wasn't some crush she'd shared a couple of conversations and a soda with.  


It's a little closer with Emma/Neal, but, again, as with Regina and Daniel--it just doesn't work.  You have to completely ignore that Emma and Neal spent months together on the lam, and again, there were deep, genuine feelings there.  


This was definitely a concept fail.



 Henry is technically a prince. He should be using that to impress girls and their dads.

I thought that, too.  One of his mothers is a queen, the other a princess, and he's probably technically the heir to Snow and David's kingdom (oldest child of oldest child).  He may not be a knight, but he's got some social value in their world.

  • Love 4

Lewis Hamilton -- at least that's immediately who I thought of. Formula 1 race car driver and former boyfriend of Nicole Scherzinger. And very easy on the eyes.


Yes! He looked like a bigger version of Lewis Hamilton. I've seen Lewis Hamilton in person a few years ago, he is one tiny dude. I think he and Nicole Ican'tspellherlastname broke up.


Anyway...I liked his presence, and thought he had enough of it given the character he's playing. The way he looked at Arthur and told him he was disappointed in him was harsh as hell. It's the thing you never wanna hear or the look you never wanna see from your parents for instance.

  • Love 2

My grown son, who doesn't watch this show, decided to hang out with me watching it, to keep me company.  (Hubby had work things to do, and daughter had things for class to do).  Snippets of conversation:


Me (clarifying):  "Nobody remembers the time in Camelot and that date took place there."

Him: "In the diner?"

Me: "Oh. Yeah, they brought the diner with them..."

Him: ??

Me: "In a portal hopping tornado."

He just stares at me, while I bite the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh. 

Me: "Yeah, I know."


Later... "Oh, my son, how heartbroken you are! Oh, cool!... Just let me borrow a tear, ok?  Thanks, kid."  Both Henry's moms are pretty lame when it comes to dealing with the fact that he's having his very first heartbreak, eh?


Needless to say, this is probably not an episode that will sell my son on this show.  Though he did find Hook pretty.


Other than that, agree with the above posts:  A party? Really?...  Merlin = hot... Snowing's dusting didn't last long, and really seemed pointless...  Henry can't carry the show...  Merida and Rumple... no, no foreshadowing there at. all.  Whyever would we think that?  Sure, show.

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 6

Well...that happened, I guess. 


Sorry, but I have a slight rant ahead, excuse me...


We get it show. We really do get it. Regina is the the freaking wobbiest woobie that ever woobied. She is our lady of perpetual woobiedom. At the big Fictional Character Convention that happens due to a collapse in the laws of Narrative Casualty, everyone sits around saying "Have you heard about Regina? Truly SHE has suffered more than any woobie in the entire history of the universe!". Cry for her! Cry for her and her sad tears! CRY DAMN YOU!


Sorry, rant over. I just do not get why we have to waste time flashing back to Dan getting murdered again, and seeing how sad it made Regina. We know already. Geeze. Could you just cut back on the flashback already. Honestly, Regina didn't even bug me that much here. She was alright. I am just so tired of the show pushing her as just the saddest sad person ever. We get it, sad backstory. We have all seen it before. Literally, WE HAVE SEEN THIS. Move on.


Henry should not carry an episode by himself. I like the kid, but wow is he boring when left to his own devices. He and Violet are cute and all, but his fist date game sucks. I mean, Harold and Maude? Really? This poor girl has never seen or heard of movies in her whole life, and you decide to introduce her to the art form with Commando or Harold and Maude? For Christs sake, your Disney! Give the poor thing some Lion King, or Star Wars or The Avengers, or literally ANYTHING ELSE than those two movies. Maybe let Hook give you some dating advice there, kid.


For the most part, this episode was just kind of boring. Nothing to really get mad about, or get excited about, so nothing really else to say, beyond saying that I do not buy for one second that the tears of a friend zoned 13 year old with a crush on a girl he met two days ago are going to be the Tears of Loss" or whatever.  

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 11

I just realized from looking at last week's thread, it looks like I called it with the reason Arthur wants to kill Merlin. And he even used the phrase "you ruined my life." I'd been thinking while rewatching just before this one that he was mad about the prophecy not being right, so I guess he's pissed about getting half a sword.

  • Love 3

I see some people bothered with Emma bringing up Neal but people need to remember this episode is all about first loves. So for Emma and Regina to try to connect with Henry in the situation he's going through they need to bring up their first loves which were Neal and Daniel. 


There's a huge difference between Neal/Daniel and Hook/Robin. It's not just that one is true love( H/R) while the other isn't(N/D).

Edited by Hookian
  • Love 1

Robert Carlyle continues to just make me love Rumple.  I know he's a coward, useless piece, but damn if Robert doesn't draw me in and make me love him.


I kinda of love the dreamcatcher concept.  And Jennifer Morrison is really doing a nice job this season.  I think giving her something new to play has refreshed her a bit.


I too could have done without the retcon of Neal.  Suddenly, he's an authentic, song sharing dreamcatcher maker?!  Cmon, man.  


I feel like Merlin is a bit like the Wizard of Oz in that we are to assume he is all-powerful and can fix everything, but I think we're going to see some considerable limitations.  I realllyyyy want to know what made Emma bring everyone back without their memories.  Obviously, it isn't her thinking Snow/Charming betrayed her like I thought last week.  With all the flaws, clearly the writers are pulling me into their story.


(shallow note) Merlin is all kinds of fine though.  Whew.  Hello. (/shallow note)

Edited by TrininisaScorp
  • Love 10
I find it very frustrating that David and Snow have still not sought out Emma when Henry, Hook and Regina have all had multiple encounters.

This, 1000 times this.  Maybe the writers think they are just teasing the viewers by drawing things out, but it REALLY makes the Charmings look bad.  It makes me think back to all the episodes where they knew they were having a baby who might have a possibility of turning bad (which is basically anybody who has had or ever will have a child, ever) and they went to such great lengths to prevent it that they stole Maleficent's baby.  It gives the impression that if Emma isn't the perfect daughter, which in their eyes means 110% goody two shoes, then they don't love her anymore.  That the reason they haven't even tried to call her name isn't because she's mad at them but because she isn't perfect anymore.


Too many Baelfire references. The guy was a douche as an adult.

This cannot be said enough.


I didn't mind Henry's crush story previously, but it just took up too much of the episode this time.  And I agree with those who find it ridiculous that Violet's "Let's just be friends" could cause a tear of true loss or whatever.

Agree it took up too much of the episode.  It's cute but doesn't deserve this much air time.  Plus there's no way "crush tears" should be enough to power that spell.  Of course for someone in Henry's position it can feel devastating, but from the perspective of what is needed to break a spell strong enough to imprison an extremely powerful wizard, tears from Henry's feelings being hurt shouldn't be enough.


I do feel that even though it's only a few episodes in, things have been going kind of slowly.  It would be nice if the pace could pick up now.  I was open to liking Merida but she seems to be equating bravery with just getting angry.

  • Love 1

I was mostly bored, but I will also echo the appreciation of Merlin eye candy. He's just gorgeous.


I did note the mention of Henry being a hero, but I don't know how it's going to affect the story. I think we're pretty sure he's not going to be the one to pull out Excalibur. I did kind of  like the Henry/Violet stuff, but if a 13-year-old's tears is powerful enough to counter -act dark magic, then tween me would be the most powerful wizard of all time. And I did chuckle at the suggestion of "Harold and Maude" being a good date movie. I love the movie, but it's a good date movie for goth kids maybe.


I was actually okay with a lot of the Emma/Regina stuff. Yeah, Regina lecturing Emma on being self-righteous was ridiculous, but she was upset about Henry seeing what happened. I can understand that.

As good as an episode can be with no CS :P


I actually liked Regina and Emma's dynamic. Even if Regina was being hypocritical in the last scene, that scene had great chemistry, and Regina kind of aknowledged it. They have such great chemistry when they're bickering. And, surprisingly and fortunately, I quite liked Regina in this episode.


I agree with everyone else about: Neal being "himself", Regina did as bad as Emma to Henry (hope it gets forgiven as easily), Henry's crush wasn't enough, the DO being the woman Merlin loved, it's totally ok if Regina's the one using dark magic, the one hand comment being maybe foreshadowing, Merida being too angry, the block party being thrown because Camelot people need more hope than Emma apparently....


I loved JMo's performance again, especially when she looked like she was getting high on dark magic.

I actually found Henry really cute this episode, and, for once, realistic. He should care more about his crush than his mom's adultery.


ETA: I liked the moment when Regina stopped Hook from pulling Excalibur out and their little banter there. It was cute.

Edited by MaiLuna
  • Love 4
Lewis Hamilton -- at least that's immediately who I thought of.

I wouldn't know who that is, as I have been required to develop the ability to instantly tune out anything to do with F1 for the sake of my own sanity, or else I'll be forced to gnaw my own arm off (I have a friend who's obsessed and assumes everyone else in the world is equally obsessed and wants to hear about it in minute detail -- and who has oddly enough a bad enough memory to not realize when he's had the same conversation with someone before and a good enough memory to repeat the exact same discourse verbatim). But I think Merlin actually reminds me of a friend I used to work with. We keep in touch very sporadically and manage to have dinner every decade or so. They aren't quite separated at birth, but have similar enough qualities that I can see why I get "he seems so familiar" vibes from Merlin.


I think the reason I was expecting something bad to happen to Hook to get the tears was the fact that Merlin's tears came from losing someone he loved to the Dark One (and I'll agree that we're going to find that his love became the Dark One). If that's what made the spell, then you'd expect it would take the tears of someone else who lost a love to the Dark One to break it. A crushed crush doesn't seem strong enough.

  • Love 1

A promo showed up in the corner of the screen during the show with timing so precise that made it look like Emma’s VW bug was farting fire.  I thought it was a manifestation of Dark One power.


Ditto. Actually, I didn't even register that it was a promo - figured either darkness or something very wrong with a very old bug.


And Violet drinks soda for the first time.  "It's like a carnival in my mouth."  Let's not go nuts, Violet.  It's just a generic soft drink.


I might have heard wrong, but I'm pretty sure she actually said 'in a can'. Which, are cans a thing in Camelot? A lot of Spaghettios and tuna there? Stuck out as wonky to me when they easily could have said exactly what you did instead.


If Granny's has no electricity, wouldn't the soda be warm?


My thought was, uh, how is Henry's phone still charged in Camelot?


My big takeaway? JMo's Dark Swan voice is grating on the ears. I can't take her seriously when she sounds like that.


So awful. I really don't like hearing her strain like that, gives me a sympathetic sore throat.



Overall, I thought it was better than last week. Kept me more engaged, anyway. Even Henry's stuff didn't completely suck. And as much as I don't want to see Emma being so eeevil, I did kind of like the reveal of her being so manipulative in both realms.


ETA: Wtf, Merida, you don't make any sense in this show right now.

Edited by Randomosity
  • Love 4
I might have heard wrong, but I'm pretty sure she actually said 'in a can'. Which, are cans a thing in Camelot? A lot of Spaghettios and tuna there? Stuck out as wonky to me when they easily could have said exactly what you did instead.

That stuck out to me. I don't think canned food became a thing until the Napoleonic wars. But then I thought Camelot, timelines, fairytales, blahblablah, suspension of disbelief. Still, no I'm pretty sure there was no canned food in Camelot.

  • Love 5

That stuck out to me. I don't think canned food became a thing until the Napoleonic wars. But then I thought Camelot, timelines, fairytales, blahblablah, suspension of disbelief. Still, no I'm pretty sure there was no canned food in Camelot.

Maybe they can a lot in Camelot.


...I'll show myself out.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • LOL 1
  • Love 21



I may not like Regina, but it's impossible to ignore that she had genuine, deep feelings about Daniel.    He wasn't some crush she'd shared a couple of conversations and a soda with.  


It's a little closer with Emma/Neal, but, again, as with Regina and Daniel--it just doesn't work.  You have to completely ignore that Emma and Neal spent months together on the lam, and again, there were deep, genuine feelings there.  


This was definitely a concept fail.



I thought that, too.  One of his mothers is a queen, the other a princess, and he's probably technically the heir to Snow and David's kingdom (oldest child of oldest child).  He may not be a knight, but he's got some social value in their world.


He'd more likely be third in line to the throne behind his uncle Prince Neal and Emma.  While the show has never been clear about whether it applies here, the rule of succession in medieval royalty was that the throne always passed directly to the first viable male heir before passing to any prospective female heirs regardless of actual birth order.  That's why Edward VI directly succeeded Henry VII in England ahead of Mary I and Elizabeth I, despite the fact that they were actually born first.  If that's the rule in the Enchanted Forest, Prince Neal would ascend to the throne before Emma did, even though she's the firstborn.

  • Love 2

This tweet had me in hysterics:

Well to be fair to Regina, Belle consented.

I actually liked Regina and Emma's dynamic. Even if Regina was being hypocritical in the last scene, that scene had great chemistry, and Regina kind of aknowledged it. They have such great chemistry when they're bickering. And, surprisingly and fortunately, I quite liked Regina in this episode.

That's probably because it was a direct echo to the S1 pilot, when Emma and Regina were at their best. Even though it was hypocritical to the max, most of what Regina said was right. It didn't strike me nearly as gross as her scene with Zelena in the last episode.

Anyone else see the Dreamy parallel with Henry, Violet and the carnival? I was worried the event would be too awkward with all the tension. I'm glad it was played more as a necessity for Camelot's morale than a random shindig we should all be excited about.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2

That stuck out to me. I don't think canned food became a thing until the Napoleonic wars. But then I thought Camelot, timelines, fairytales, blahblablah, suspension of disbelief. Still, no I'm pretty sure there was no canned food in Camelot.


I'd say Camelot worked on Fractured Fairy Tale logic, but no.  That'd just be silly.  Should be more Fractured Fairy Tale logic on this show, though.  Loved the one episode where Snow White was running a company called "Consolidated Dwarves" in which she outsourced dwarves to various places, including to Hollywood as child stars.


What were we talking about again?  Oh, yes, Once Upon A Time.  I don't mind the story  between Henry and Violet.  Henry's actor is what?  14?  15?  Can't be the innocent wide eyed child forever.

Oh, Henry, I still just don't care about you as a character. Though I was surprised that Emma made Violet break up with him. I didn't see that coming.


If Merida is so brave, why can't she pull the sword from the stone? If they explained some time this season why it has to be Rumple (other than dramatic irony), I must have missed it. Also, the writers of Brave must be pissed at what this show has done to their character. Merida is vicious.

  • Love 2

This episode was kinda eh.  Not terrible, but definitely not as much fun as the last few.  I didn't mind Henry's crush story previously, but it just took up too much of the episode this time.  And I agree with those who find it ridiculous that Violet's "Let's just be friends" could cause a tear of true loss or whatever.  Between that, angry Merida (what happened to the poor girl to make her like that?) equating bravery with getting mad, and the Neal references, are you trying to make me roll my eyes, show?  (Cuz it worked.)

Merida Iost her father and her brothers are missing.

I haven't watched the episode yet (WWE PPV on right now.) but Fuckboyfire will never be considered a good person to me show. What he did to Emma is forever unforgivable. Stop trying to make Fetch happen.

Hook was fine With Cora Massacring a Village, Hit Belle Repeatdley and shot her in the back almost killing her and once tried to Kill Emma. I love how He got so easily forgiven. Oh that's right he's hot(NOT) so he gets a pass. It just angers me that Bae gets so much scorn when Hook did worse deeds

  • Love 5

So, let me get this straight...Neal gave hookup tricks to his 11 year old son?


And he said that it worked every time? And he used it on Emma, a 16/17 year old girl? So, he either used it before her and she was just another conquest. Or, he continued to use it after her.  Or both. Epic love there.


At least we now know why Henry insists on playing such an old song for his love interest.

  • Love 3

Oh, Henry, I still just don't care about you as a character. Though I was surprised that Emma made Violet break up with him. I didn't see that coming.


If Merida is so brave, why can't she pull the sword from the stone? If they explained some time this season why it has to be Rumple (other than dramatic irony), I must have missed it. Also, the writers of Brave must be pissed at what this show has done to their character. Merida is vicious.

She's not vicious. And how dare she be pissed cause her brothers are missing, and she's being forced to teach Rumple to be "Brave" when Dark Emma literally has her heart in her possession

  • Love 2

How is the Merlin actor more beautiful as Merlin than he ever was as Michaela's fiance on HTGAWM?

Thank you! I was wondering why he looked familiar. More eye candy on this show? Thank you, casting team.

I liked Henry's crush, and Hook and Charming's reaction to it. Something about Meredia bothers me. No Captain Swan goodness but was spoiled from last week so I guess they needed a break.

I kind of wanted Arthur to follow up Merlin's smack down with "Your so disappointed in me? You halfwit, moss growing jerkwad! What is with giving false hope to orphans and providing on half the prophecy? Stick your disappointment up your root hole. Try giving some clear instructions next time.". 


For once, it would be nice if the dude just spelled it out. Stop complaining that people aren't doing what you want when your giving them cryptic clues when they are 8 years old.


I figured that Emma had Violet's trapper keeper in the house because she was reviewing how to help Henry win her heart.


Merida doesn't understand bravery if that is the way she is going about inducing it. Psst....Merida...that's how you make somebody turn to the Dark Side.


Speaking of the Dark Side, why does Henry have Harry and Maude on his phone? Show her Star Wars. That will impress her and fits into his previously voiced movie preferences. And it would be free promo for the mothership who has a movie coming out (although that movie almost promotes itself).

Take one part "Breaking Glass", one part Nickelodeon teen romance and one part "we have nothing else to do with the actors of play Merida and Rumple", and apparently, you end up with a dreamcatcher.


I laughed when Regina practically gasped at Emma mentioning she used a dreamcatcher, before describing all these supposedly useful things that dreamcatchers can do that we have never heard before.  You just need to wave it over someone to get their memories?  Really?  Why didn't they stock up in the last few seasons then?


I'm glad the spell on Snowing didn't last, but it continues their pattern of making the previous episode a moot point before the next one.  So Emma's parents were LITERALLY frozen while the show took time to give Emma and Regina plenty of screentime.  And in the present-day, they go off-screen to plan a block party. 


So what's the take-home message from this episode?  Emma is practically like Cora now, Emma can no longer be self-righteous with Regina, wow, listen to Emma try to justify herself after doing that to her young son's girlfriend!  For shame.  That whole scene at the end at Regina's door was pretty much a role reversal which I don't buy at all.  And then mirroring/ruining the Season 1 scene of Emma looking up at Henry in the window.  Just like ruining the unicorn mobile last season.  Thanks for the memories, Show.  At least now, finally Emma can empathize with Regina after seeing the pain she went through with Daniel.


I like Henry, but those date scenes and Regina/Emma's dating advice sure felt hokey.  They were almost painful to watch.  


I don't buy Emma taking Violet's heart with that frame of mind in this episode.  I could perhaps buy Emma becoming more like that after she used so much Dark Magic to free Merlin from the tree.  You could see the ecstacy in her face as she did that.  But not before.


So in the present-day they had Hook "rejecting" Dark Emma last week, and Regina and Henry "rejecting" Dark Emma this week.  They just need Snowing to finally the break the straw on the camel's back and destroy Dark Emma's remaining humanity forever.  I'm guessing this is where we're going with this.


I actually thought the best acted scene in the episode was between Merlin and Arthur.  What I don't get is the weird tone shift with Merlin acting shady in that scene but seeming completely normal in the diner later on.  


I feel bad for Robin's pointless lines.  About Rumple: "Now he's gone."  About what Emma might want the sword for: "I wager whatever it is, it's not good".  Is Robin Hood also Captain Obvious?


And despite the mediocrity of the disjointed mess in that 2/3 of the episode, nothing compared to the utter irritation of the 1/3 with Merida and Rumple.  So if Rumple fights in self-defence, he automatically becomes a "hero"?  As others have said, how did Merida even know about the Storybook and how did she know it was in Regina's office?  Making Rumple into a "hero" to pull out the sword makes absolutely no sense and devoting so much time to it doesn't make it any more fathomable.  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 4

Hook was fine With Cora Massacring a Village, Hit Belle Repeatdley and shot her in the back almost killing her and once tried to Kill Emma. I love how He got so easily forgiven. Oh that's right he's hot(NOT) so he gets a pass. It just angers me that Bae gets so much scorn when Hook did worse deeds

I thought we were talking about Neal, not Hook? Hook was a bad guy, no question. But you know what this show doesn't consistently do with his character? Try to make me believe he was a saint, which they do all the livelong day with Neal. I only scorn Neal because the show never does. Then again, I'm someone who didn't want Neal to die. I wanted him to live and make up for his deeds and have the show acknowledge what he did with no "I had no choice" excuses, and since his death, the show has done exactly the opposite. Probably because it was easier to kill him than to fix him. 

  • Love 22

Funny how Emma's "dark magic" is always a glowing gold effect. 



So in the present-day they had Hook "reject" Dark Emma last week, Regina and Henry "rejecting" Dark Emma this week.  They just need Snowing to finally the break the straw on the camel's back and destroy Dark Emma's remaining humanity forever.  I'm guessing this is where we're going with this.


The irony is that Emma's wicked deeds aren't even comparable to what many of the people who are rejecting her have done. Yet she's portrayed as the troublemaker who needs to learn a lesson. I want to see her dig at Regina like she did in 5x02, and more importantly her parents. They simply must follow up on that unsettling stroke against Snow's face from the premiere. 



I like Henry, but those date scenes and Regina/Emma's dating advice sure felt hokey.  They were almost painful to watch.

I didn't mind Henry/Violet when it was just a simple crush. Now it's starting to get a little too solidified in the Outlaw Queen way. Violet's rejection was a godsend until I found out it was all a ruse. Their relationship got speedy quickly. But maybe that was just Henry's hormones.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't buy Emma taking Violet's heart with that frame of mind in this episode.  I could perhaps buy Emma becoming more like that after she used so much Dark Magic to free Merlin from the tree.  You could see the ecstacy in her face as she did that.  But not before.


The shift was rather abrupt. I kept expecting some scene or flashback to explain her sudden shift to Dark Swan mode. Even a scene of Not!Rumple goading her would have been good. And since when have Dreamcatchers been imbued with Dark Magic?


Hook was fine With Cora Massacring a Village, Hit Belle Repeatdley and shot her in the back almost killing her and once tried to Kill Emma. I love how He got so easily forgiven. Oh that's right he's hot(NOT) so he gets a pass. It just angers me that Bae gets so much scorn when Hook did worse deeds

I never said Hook was a saint but like others have said on the show they've never made it seem like it was easy for Hook to be forgiven. Maybe that's why I'm not much of a Neal fan? Also I've hated Neal since S1 before I met him so it has nothing to do with hotness. I didn't even like Hook until late S3. I still maintain what Neal did to Emma is among the worst anyone's ever done to her. I don't give a rats about freaking Belle.


I don't get why Emma's magic is considered dark but Regina's are ok. Isn't Regina throwing fire balls at her enemies still? Even when she's saving her life they are treating her magic as if she'll combust any minute. Also if Emma needed a heartbroken tear (WTF, dd they get this shit from Disney Channels Descendants? Their was a storyline about the same shit in the movie.) then is she technically the bad guy if she thinks bringing Merlin out means it's a good thing? Unless of course she's lost her mind and wants to kill him like Arthur does?



They simply must follow up on that unsettling stroke against Snow's face from the premiere.

Still easily my favorite thing to happen in the past 2 seasons of the series. I don't know what it is about that stroke on Snows cheek but it was chilling and I want to know why Emma did that to her.

Edited by mjgchick
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I didn't enjoy this episode very much. It didn't flow from last week AT ALL. It felt like there was somehow an episode missing in between. Last we saw Emma, she was happy in a field of flowers kissing Hook. This week, suddenly she's got the Dark One voice going on in Camelot. That was too jarring. And it was ridiculous that she found out about Snowing being under the sand spell because a dreamcatcher randomly told her. That was so contrived!


And where was Hook? He would have been GLUED to her, knowing about her Rumple visions, but he could've stopped her from going darker, so the writers simply had him inexplicably missing. I found the writing very awkward and inauthentic. Not the first time, of course. But sad that A&E produced another subpar ep.


All in all, it was kind of boring, which is weird to say given that Merlin was released, they found Excalibur and Emma pulled out Violet's heart. But it just wasn't an enjoyable, entertaining episode to me. Total letdown from last week's excellent episode. The SQ baiting wasn't as bad as 4x05, but it was still bad in the double-standard department of ignoring Regina's crimes and letting her yell at Emma self-righteously. And of course the continued Neal whitewashing. I really didn't need all the references to him.


I laughed when Merlin told Arthur he was a disappointment. And yes, Merlin is much hotter here somehow than on HTGAWM.


I do think I may have a concussion from being hit on the head with all that foreshadowing, though.

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I don't think the Neal references were that big a deal.  So what if they throw a bone to the fans who miss a character who was killed off, considering the wealth that other fans might get on a weekly basis.  If a few throwaway lines makes them happy for a moment, then so be it.  As long as the comments were alright in the context of the episode, which I think they were.  Emma, Regina and Henry were discussing whether someone should change to be with someone, or be themselves.  Prior to typewriter gate, we saw Emma did not feel the need to change herself to be with Neal.  And then Henry rightfully contrasted that to Regina changing herself to be with Robin.  Henry missing his father or clinging to the few things he remembered of him was not that out-there.  


So Henry knew he was trying to get Emma out of the house when he went over for Operation Cobra redux?  But at the same time, Emma knew Henry would come over to ask for her help because she let Violet's horse loose to make up for taking Violet's heart and breaking Henry's heart back in Camelot?  


Why bother sneaking out of Emma's house when Regina was just going to steal the dreamcatcher which would tell Emma they were in her house? Oh right, so Henry could walk in while Regina and Robin had their back to the door.

Edited by Camera One
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That was really quite boring. I was expecting some momentum from somewhere and we got nothing except a total wipeout of the Charming sand cliffhanger from last week. What a cop out.


- Henry's date stuff with Violet was lame and I admit to fast forwarding through most of it.


- Why the hell are they telling Arthur everything? And what the hell happened to the security cameras in the station?


- On Emma ripping Violet's heart. I didn't see that as all that terrible. It sure as hell isn't Cora killing Daniel levels of bad. Tween heartbreak will last like five seconds. It was doomed anyway. Whatever, show. But mostly, as jarring as Emma happy in the field to Dark One obsessed here was, if the Darkness is truly driving Emma insane and she feels like she's that close to falling over the edge, then for the greater good, it was more important to break Henry's heart to free Merlin than to just sit around and wait until she falls. And why not just have Violet tell Henry she changed her mind after they got the tear? So badly contrived.


- Merida/Rumpel was only fun because I enjoyed Merida's taunting of him. 


- I'm confused why Neal would have been sharing pick-up tips with his eleven year old son. Did they not have something more appropriate to discuss than how Neal scammed on women?

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To be fair, it was only one ingredient out of a bunch. And I think it was supposed to be the tears of heartbreak over the loss of first love, it didn't need to be some horribly tragic epic first love gone bad, but yeah, I don't remember ever crying over some guy I dated once who admitted he just wasn't that into me. 


I was a little confused about Merlin planning to kill the Dark One with the dagger. Wouldn't that make him the new Dark One? And if that was Merlin's initial solution before being treed, wouldn't that still be his solution today?


Also, no one even considers that Emma is both light & dark magic as we saw with the Merlin untree-ing, so the idea of snuffing either one could potentially kill her. And I still don't understand why everyone considers Emma's motives to be something horrific. Rumpel spent 300 years working on a plan that involved hurting a lot of people, but his ultimate goal was to be reunited with his son. That's it. So maybe they should think outside the box here on why Emma would be planning something that would hurt/kill everyone she loves and realize that maybe that's not her plan.

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