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S04.E04: The Slender Threads That Bind Us Here

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Rock star Marcus Keen (Riley Smith) makes demands on Rayna as she struggles to tend to those around her. Layla and Jeff get into a lover's quarrel. Jeff arranges for a journalist to shadow Juliette on tour, but after another emotional setback, she leans on pills and alcohol to get through her days, and Zoey (Chaley Rose) returns to see Scarlett.
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Deacon is Beverly's younger brother! How did I not know this? It explains some things, I think.


Markus isn't Keen.


"Shut up, Jeff." I loved Connie Britton's delivery here: perfectly balanced between perky and truculent.

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I really enjoyed this episode. I thought Rayna was at her best, as were Jeff, Maddie, Emily, Avery, Gunnar, Zoey, and Scarlet. 

I loved watching Jeff with Layla. And this exchange was great:

Jeff: "Thanks for finally treating my client with the respect she deserves..."
Rayna: "Shut up, Jeff"

My other favorite line was this exchange between Rayna and Daphne

 "you don't want to come? the (rock star forgot his name) is going to be there. He's your favorite singer."

D "He's Maddie's favorite singer."

That line rang so true to me it made me smile.

I like seeing Gunnar be there for Scarlet ... and Caleb.

I like seeing Scarlett's friend Zoey come to support Scarlett.

I was proud Deacon went to a meeting and met with his new sponsor (although I wish they brought Coleman back). 

Juliette is a mess. She needs to fire her best friend, who didn't tell her her baby was sick. If she led with "your daughter is in the hospital", Juliette would be there. That woman (the friend) would have said the same thing if a phone solicitor trying to sell a free wireless home security system called. "Some guy wants to talk to you."  "It's not a work thing." 

Also sad to see Juliette be the new Judy Garland. I thought it was illegal to give some that many drugs without serious medical conditions.


At least Avery is getting a new job. I hope it's a success for him and Highway 65. 

Edited by Temperance
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So Deacon has decided his sister died because Charlotte "gave up."  I find it very hard to feel bad for him. After everything Charlotte did him for in the aftermath of his cancer diagnosis, after everything they've been through together and knowing that his sister was a shitty mom...his behavior toward and attitude about his loving niece is inexcusable. Ugh.


Avery is a great dad and Emily is sweet with Cadence. The Will-Layla scene was also great.


Re: the previews, it seems like Luke calls out Juliette? Yeah, her taking stimulants and sleeping pills and thinking she can advise Rayna's teenager is crap.

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Hate to seem so negative, but this Juliette storyline just sucks. Seriously? The 'friend' who doesn't give the message? Why wouldn't Emily tell Avery  what she knows? Ridiculous daytime soap era tropes.


Avery is also a songwriter. Why doesn't he try to sell some of his songs/get them published? Show, please give my guy Avery a win sometime somewhere. And by the way, maybe let him sing a song too (along with Will).


Surely there will be more to the Markus Keen character than what they are showing. If not, then the storyline seems pointless and yet again a useless plot device.


Angry/scary Deacon still is great

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I liked the character interaction. Rayna and Avery, Rayna and Will, Rayna and ""Shut up, Jeff." Even Will and Layla were kind of nice.

I want Avery producing again, but Markus is going to be a pill.

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Marcus Keen is full of himself and I wouldn't be surprised if he was high to boot. I get Rayna not wanting to tick off the moneymaker, but I think he's gonna need a firmer hand.

I get Deacon's sorrow, but I hope he manages to step off the pity train next week and show some love to his niece. Hated seeing Maddie become afraid of Deacon, but he's darn scary when he starts to throw things...was glad he took himself away from Rayna!s though when he knew he couldn't handle it anymore and that he asked for help. It's progress for him but terrible for his daughter.

Liking Layla more now, wasn't impressed with the song though. But I liked her interactions with Will and Rayna. She needs to stand up for herself a bit more. If I was supposed to sing a duet with Rayna at the Opry I wouldn't have yielded the floor to Keen so quickly.

Watching the Juliette stuff was hard. Partly because of her real life concerns, but also because Juliette's own mother was a drug abuser and it just felt slimy to see her seeking a "doc" to provide her uppers and downers. Also that scene with the shot was way too reminiscent of Michael Jackson for me.

Thought Clare hit it out of the park again this week. And looks like Maddie just takes off next week and that Luke is not a total doink as a parent. I hope when Rayna finds out what Maddie saw at Deacon's house that he doesn't get land in the doghouse for too long. Loved their scene at the end tonight, him identifying his feelings, her acknowledging them, and just being willing to cover him up and hold on.

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That doctor was creepy as hell, and I got Michael Jackson vibes too. I find it hard to believe Juliette wouldn't tell her 'friend' that she has a husband and small baby, and the idiot friend wouldn't have told her the baby was sick. And yes, Emily should tell Avery about their conversation, but no one tells anyone things on TV.


The new Markcus guy seems like a jerk, I wonder where they are going with him. I was happy to see Layla and Jeff make up, for some reason I kind of dig them as a couple, age difference and dysfunctional as they are. Still love Gunnar and his gorgeous voice and Dr. Caleb does nothing for me. 

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Deacon is Beverly's younger brother! How did I not know this? It explains some things, I think.

There was a scene some point in the second season at an AA meeting where he talked about his family and mentioned Bev stepping in to protect him from a beating at one point. That loyalty and shared history, not to mention a shared liver, makes things REAL complicated.

Edited by Clemgo3165
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I didn't really like the Cyrano thing, cuz I don't like the doc with Scarlett, and have always liked a Mica-free Gunnar. Plus, it seemed so out of character for him to suddenly "get it" after being so out of touch and dismissive of the music world. Bad writing, again.

One thing I did like, though, was Rayna making a point to include Will in that selfie with a fan backstage at the Opry. Or maybe it wasn't intentional (related to his coming out), and it's just her nature to be inclusive to whomever's nearby. Either way, it felt like something Tammi Taylor would do.

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I think my favorite scene tonight was Rayna pulling in Will for a photo. On the heels of being dumped by Luke and shunned by that "famous" guy for photos a few episodes ago, it was a nice touch.

Chris and Aubrey had a great scene too.

Can Juliette's 'best friend' get run over by a tour bus soon?


EDITED: because typing on a Kindle after midnight is never a good thing for AuBrey. 

Edited by dbell1
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Can Juliette's 'best friend' get run over by a tour bus soon?


Not soon enough to suit me. Loved the scenes of Rayna being a supportive, warm-hearted mentor and friend to Layla and to Will. I doubt anything could match the power I found in last week's episode, but the majority of this episode felt formulaic to me. Let's see: Juliette -- booze, check; pills, check; skeezy doctor, check; interfering, useless "best friend," biffs family crisis, check. Layla -- gets set up for attention, and once more something, this time a pissant self-adoring rock baby, pulls focus? Yep. Deacon pulls away, writes sentimental, lionizing eulogy, check and double-check. Oh, and bonus round: Deacon pulls down bookshelves, punches mirror! Oh, show.


I hope like hell that someone -- preferably Scarlett -- calls Deacon on that "Beverly never gave up" crap he's pulling straight out of his ass. Because, no. She did give up, on being a decent mother to her child, for one. Mental health is not a choice, but being unappeasably selfish is. Cruelty is not the same as a fighting spirit. Scarlett has the right to forgive her mother, and we minimize others' flaws all the time when we're grieving, but, good God, man! A little perspective is healthy. I hope he gets there before his relationship with Scarlett is wrecked. (What am I saying? It's Nashville -- a tearful reconciliation is inevitable, and a ratings bonanza.)  At least they didn't have him fall off the wagon.

Edited by Sandman
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Well, if we include the Cyrano twist this week I've been right about every single point on my year-old checklist for S/G thus far.


I fast-forwarded most of the episode because it sucked so bad it wasn't worth watching and we got no good songs either.


ETA, "ratings bonanza?" You do know how this show is scoring, right? :D

Edited by Telepath
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Deacon is extremely selfish, he puts his pain above all others. He has to throw his pity party while other people like Scarlette who was the sole person with him through out the entire cancer diagnosis and for the hard parts he shows no sympathy for. He's just a douchebag. 


Scarlette's a bigger, more mature and adult person than the adults in her life that should be there for her instead she's always parenting them. First her mother and now Deacon.

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How did everyone forget what an abusive bitch Beverly was? They’re all acting like it’s “poor, poor, Beverly, gone too soon”. How did they all forget? 


I am so sick of Juliette & her storyline, & even though everyone keeps saying she has postpartum depression, they have never said that's what it is on the show. To me, she's looking like an addict, not someone with postpartum depression.


Please show, do not have Duncan start drinking again, you've been there, done that more than enough times.


Zoe better not be permanently back, I was too happy when she left.

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Well, everything's relative.

Truth be told, I think this is the breaking point. The show is losing viewers like a leaking bucket in a desert. They've pulled bullshit after bullshit move on us for two years and people have finally had it. I wouldn't be surprised to see their audience cut in half over the season.

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I don't think Deacon is a douchebag, at all.

I think he's overcome with grief and guilt, and everyone is going to handle that differently.

Seriously, can you imagine being in his shoes? He knows that his alcoholism destroyed his liver. His Sister, with whom he had such a complicated relationship,his entire life, became his donor. While he is recovering well, complications lead to her death!

I don't know if I would even be functional!

Since the show chose to write the storyline, as they did, it would have been totally unbelievable, even offensive, if they had not written Deacon (or any character, in that situation) overwhelmed by guilt and grief. I think anyone dealing well with it, would have either been In total denial, or a mighty cold human being!

As for the Deacon/Scarlett situation, I think we're going to see it get better, very soon, but, it's actually pretty common. Grief and end of life issues, can be incredibly divisive, in families, especially, when it happens quickly.

Some people take longer than others to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Sometimes people shut down and retreat into denial, they can't believe that "John and Tom", want to let Mom go, how could they? And of course there can be all kinds of family dynamics, making things more difficult.

It's not so much, who is right, and who is wrong, because, coping with grief, is intensely personal.

Edited by pattycat
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While part of me wishes Deacon could get some non-weepy/non-dramatic storylines, he does them so well. He really sold the grief and pain he was feeling at Beverly's funeral. But I was annoyed with how angry he was at Scarlett and then he took it out on Rayna with his pissy "I don't want to watch a movie or eat a casserole!" It's hard for me to get too upset that Maddie saw Deacon breaking shit at his own house. I get that it's scary to see someone you love lose control, but Deacon kept a lid on it all day and then he deliberately left Rayna's house so that he wouldn't lost it in front of the girls. It's not his fault that she walked into the house without knocking and saw him throwing things and punching a mirror. I've seen people do far worse for way lamer reasons (I can't tell you how many guys I know who have punched walls for reasons far less serious than death).


Scarlett's boyfriend annoyed me during the funeral. Listen, dude, today is not about you or your feelings. Your role is to be there for Scarlett while she is mourning, however she needs you to be. There is no need to get pissy because she leaned into Zoey during the service. Not only did Zoey know Beverly, but she has known Scarlett a hell of a lot longer than she's known you, so quit with the jealous/left out attitude. Gawd. And FYI - hugs from everyone are allowed at funerals, even from ex-boyfriends.


But I really appreciated that Caleb later made such an effort to connect with Scarlett on her level by writing a song for her. Then on top of that, he swallowed his pride and went to Gunnar for help. I am glad that he has enough self awareness to get what the problem was with Scarlett and then try to find a way to communicate with her in a way that would make her feel comfortable. I also loved that Caleb apologized for his previous music comment and admitted how difficult it is to write a song.


Jeff is an ass, but he did some good stuff this week. I really liked when they were watching Layla perform at the Grand Ole Opry and he told Will, "I always thought it would be you out there." First of all, an unsolicited compliment with no ulterior motive? That might be a first for Jeff. I also liked that when Layla was in bed complaining about Highway 65, he was honest with her about how she was doing well at Highway 65. He could have taken it as another opportunity to talk shit about Rayna but he was savvy enough to realize that Rayna getting her a performance at the Grand Ole Opry was good and that signing a big name artist like Markus will (hopefully) bring more attention/publicity to the label and hence Layla.


And then after the performance, he was totally supportive of Layla after Markus showed up, even after she threw her out of her dressing room and threw her boots at him. What is going on? Jeff is not being a complete ass! Hee, but Rayna telling Jeff to shut up will never get old. If I could get Rayna saying, "Hey, y'all," and "Shut up, Jeff," every week, that would be more than enough reason to get me to tune in, even before the music.


Oh, Juliette. She knows that Emily is her employee and that Avery is taking care of Cadence on his own, so her first reaction to the tabloid story is to call Emily and accuse her of being a gold digging backstabbing whore? Way to keep it all in perspective instead of, you know, asking Emily or Avery what is actually going on.


Haha, I cracked up at how quickly Juliette's shot put her to sleep. I've seen people take longer to go under before surgery.


I like that Will and Layla are in a place where they can be there for each other. It was nice to see him give her a little pep talk after her temper tantrum.


I am glad that Rayna told Markus that what he did at the Opry was not cool. I don't think he is deliberately an ass, but I think that he is impulsive and used to getting his way. Like Juliette, he is a big star so he probably has a lot of yes men and not many people reining him in so he's used to doing whatever he feels like at the moment with very little consequences.


I liked that Rayna was so supportive of Layla's debut and that she made sure to tell her what a great job she did and how proud she was of her. And what I really liked is that she wasn't saying those things because she was handling a client but because she sincerely meant it.


I also liked that Rayna made sure to include Will in that picture, and again I liked that it was not because she was making a calculated decision about her career (like Luke) but because that's just how she is. I know that Rayna has done some dumb/selfish/foolish things, but it's moments like that make me like her


When people are grieving, they get a pass to do a lot of things but damn, Scarlett - a hemp choker at your mother's funeral? At least she didn't wear one of her granny nightgowns!


I hope like hell that someone -- preferably Scarlett -- calls Deacon on that "Beverly never gave up" crap he's pulling straight out of his ass. Because, no. She did give up, on being a decent mother to her child, for one. Mental health is not a choice, but being unappeasably selfish is. Cruelty is not the same as a fighting spirit. Scarlett has the right to forgive her mother, and we minimize others' flaws all the time when we're grieving, but, good God, man! A little perspective is healthy. I hope he gets there before his relationship with Scarlett is wrecked. (What am I saying? It's Nashville -- a tearful reconciliation is inevitable, and a ratings bonanza.)  At least they didn't have him fall off the wagon.

ITA - I know that people have a tendency to put a halo on someone who just died, but it's like Deacon wants to forget what a horrible mother Beverly was to Scarlett. Having a crappy childhood doesn't excuse the way she treated Scarlett.

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For me, this was a great episode.  I am ready for angry Deacon to get over it and quit being a jerk to Scarlett who has always been there for him.  


I am glad that there was a short scene of Zoey and Gunnar discussing Scarlett and that she was the real reason things did not work out between them.  Gunnar being a good guy and helping Caleb was so sweet.  Just please let Scarlett get a clue and go back to Gunnar.


Layla was even pretty good.  Jeff was somewhat pleasant. he seemed to really be supporting her.


Juliette is a stone cold witch.  Why she would jump to the wrong conclusion about Emily, I do not know.  Emily has been nothing but helpful all of this time.  And "Lindsay" the hanger on just needs to go away.  And why was the tabloid insulting to Avery?  He is Juliette's husband.


Rayna is going to have her hands full with the new guy.  At least she called him out about what he did to Layla though.

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For some reason, people insist on referring to Avery as Juliette's "baby daddy" rather than her husband. That's pretty insulting, it's not like he's just some fly by night guy who knocked her up and then flew away. She's his wife and he's the full-time caretaker of their daughter.

ITA - I know that people have a tendency to put a halo on someone who just died, but it's like Deacon wants to forget what a horrible mother Beverly was to Scarlett. Having a crappy childhood doesn't excuse the way she treated Scarlett.


It's funny because it seems as though Scarlett's forgotten too. All those kind words to each other after she came out of the coma and at the funeral. But then again Bev had been retconned into this monster during the 2nd season, prior to that she'd just been crazy old Beverly, not abusive unstable Beverly.

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I liked Jeff and Layla's "You dropped these" hallway interaction. The character "development," or maybe I should just call it character pinball, continues to baffle. First Avery goes from emotionally abusive, jealous cheater to Saint Yoda, and now we have Jeff shedding his evil incarnate Snidely Whiplash persona to become the voice of reason who's head over heels for Layla? I can't remember, does she know that he's the reason she almost died last season?

And does Scarlett's doctor boyfriend really think she's not going to find out that Gunnar pretty much wrote the entire song? I would have appreciated his efforts so much more if he'd just mentioned that Gunnar had helped him.


[Edited because Scarlett and Charlotte are not the same thing! Note to self: Don't post while multi-tasking. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, Clemgo3165!]

Edited by dcinmb
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Seriously though if Hayden is suffering from PPD 10 months after giving birth, I cannot imagine how hard this story line must have been to act through.  Maybe having real life issues helped her get more "into character".  Wishing her well on her recovery.


I am also growing tired of the "soap opera" tactics they are pulling on viewers now.  Giving it more time, but I fall asleep on this show more often than not lately!

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Oh God, another miserable episode. I love, love, Deacon but it's hard to like him the way he's being written at the moment. He's behaving so immature, by pushing everyone away, it's painful to watch. At least he didn't drink and next week he makes up with Scarlett, so that's good. Loved Rayna's "shut up Jeff". Trying to be positive but hope we get some relief from the misery soon.

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And does Charlotte's doctor boyfriend really think she's not going to find out that Gunnar pretty much wrote the entire song? I would have appreciated his efforts so much more if he'd just mentioned that Gunnar had helped him.


It's Scarlett, and he did admit to having help, he just didn't specify that it was Gunnar though I'm pretty sure she's figured that out. I thought it was kind of him to try to speak to her in her language.

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I don't know if Nashville is really bleeding its audience, but damn. It deserves to. This wasn't a bad episode overall, but still. Yes, people forget a lot of a dead person's faults and tend to remember only good things, and yes, Deacon always acted like what Beverly did to Scarlett (and Rayna, frankly, and him) was just a little wacky parenting, but "she never gave up" is total BS. All Beverly ever did was give up...and try to push others to do the same thing. The fact that we aren't even seeing Scarlett addressing the fact that Beverly was a nutjob is a bizarre rewrite of history. Then again, Nashville loves to rewrite its history.

I don't fault Maddie for being very scared. Punching walls and mirrors and throwing furniture isn't anywhere close to normal, and by all accounts, Maddie grew up in a calm, stable, loving home, which was the whole point of Rayna's big lie. So it should completely upend and shock her to see Deacon acting like that. I do think it's bizarre, though, that neither of these kids tells their mother anything. Yes, kids can be secretive about their lives, and I guess it's possible that Maddie worries if she tells Rayna she'll leave Deacon, but we'd need to see that conversation between Maddie and Colt. I just do not buy Maddie seeing Deacon punch a mirror and bloody his hand, saying nothing to Rayna, and then taking off next week in her usual teen tantrum. I don't believe a kid like Maddie with a parent like Rayna wouldn't tell her mother about that. I think the writers of this show really struggle with, among other things, accurately predicting how people, especially kids, behave.

The one thing I like is Deacon being a selfish asshole. I do think that's believable. I buy that he'd take it out on Rayna and Scarlett, but try to hide it from Maddie. The extreme selfishness of the addict is on point, and I like watching Deacon make little steps of progress. I do not believe for a second, however, that Rayna wouldn't worry at all the he'd start drinking, and so I just felt like she was lying at the end. I don't think that's what we were meant to believe, but it ruined the last scene for me. I'd rather see them be honest with each other.

Not sure what I think about Marcus yet. He seems to live in a totally different musical world than Rayna does, and that clash could be interesting to watch...on a show that won't make them sleep together or some crap.

Juliette is just an addict. That's how addicts behave. Avery needs to leave her.

Edited by madam magpie
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I am glad that Rayna told Markus that what he did at the Opry was not cool. I don't think he is deliberately an ass, but I think that he is impulsive and used to getting his way. Like Juliette, he is a big star so he probably has a lot of yes men and not many people reining him in so he's used to doing whatever he feels like at the moment with very little consequences.


I agree completely.  I was particularly annoyed when he was poking around in her office while she was at the funeral.  Apparently basic human courtesy is beyond him also because he couldn't quite accept the idea that Rayna didn't drop everything and run to the office to take care of him.  And when Emily called Avery about the baby being sick (still hate that name Cadence) he couldn't seem to understand that a sick baby is pretty important.   That's not even taking the "baby daddy" comment into account.

I'm more than ready to have Deacon get over himself and be a decent sharing human being again.  Yes, I know that everyone grieves in their own way but being so hateful to Scarlett at the funeral and so dismissive to Rayna and Maddie when their trying to be there for him was wrong.  I'm sorry that Rayna didn't insist that the girls, or at least Daphne go to the Opry with her to give him his space.

As for Markus snaking Layla on stage, she shouldn't have stomped off.  She should have stood her ground with a smile on her face and sung along.  Or, in the least, come back out on stage to one-up him.

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Yes, Deacon is being extremely selfish; he's putting his pain before everything else, because that's what alcoholics do. He's an addict, and he's behaving exactly like one -- except he's not drinking. I think this is what is called the "dry drunk" stage. (I think it's actually less in character for Juliette to behave this way, because we haven't really seen her try to avoid her pain with drugs or alcohol before now.)


If Scarlett doesn't call Deacon on his ridiculous sanctifying of Saint Beverly of Bitca, I hope Rayna does. Rayna might be the best placed to give him a reality check that he'll actually listen to. I hope. I agree that it's nice to see Will and Layla building a positive, mutually supportive relationship. Will might have be overstating a little when he told Rayna that they're still friends, but I'd like to see them get there.


I rather wish Will has busted out a "Shut up, Jeff!" of his own when Jeff said he had always thought he'd see Will on the stage of the Opry. That remark was pure Jeff Whoredom: It sounds like it ought to be supportive, but it's actually underhanded and snide.

Edited by Sandman
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(I think it's actually less in character for Juliette to behave this way, because we haven't really seen her try to avoid her pain with drugs or alcohol before now.)

Sure we have. She got drunk and slept with Jeff last season. Didn't she drink with that football player she married back in season one? And remember that time when she got drunk at some event when Deacon and Rayna got back together in season one? She was yelling at Deacon (I forget why), and then Avery put her in a limo and sent her home. Juliette's always been pretty unstable and just on the verge of addiction. I think that would be OK if there were other, calmer storylines to balance her out (like Deacon being a successful recovering addict) and if they didn't try to sell it to us as PPD, which does not usually turn women into drunkie druggies.

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How did everyone forget what an abusive bitch Beverly was? They’re all acting like it’s “poor, poor, Beverly, gone too soon”. How did they all forget? 


I am so sick of Juliette & her storyline, & even though everyone keeps saying she has postpartum depression, they have never said that's what it is on the show. To me, she's looking like an addict, not someone with postpartum depression.


Please show, do not have Duncan start drinking again, you've been there, done that more than enough times.


Zoe better not be permanently back, I was too happy when she left.


They have called it postpartum on the show, at the end of last season Avery went to a doctor who said that is probably what is wrong with her. But the show is writing it way over the top and making her just completely melt down, to where it is not even recognizable what she has and people seem to forget that is supposed to be her issue. They have handled it really poorly and it looks even worse now with Hayden Panettiere having it in real life. 

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Watching the Juliette stuff was hard. Partly because of her real life concerns, but also because Juliette's own mother was a drug abuser and it just felt slimy to see her seeking a "doc" to provide her uppers and downers. Also that scene with the shot was way too reminiscent of Michael Jackson for me.


Juliette is a tiny thing and Sleezy doctor has no medical history. She could have overdosed in a heartbeat. Literally.


That doctor was creepy as hell, and I got Michael Jackson vibes too. I find it hard to believe Juliette wouldn't tell her 'friend' that she has a husband and small baby, and the idiot friend wouldn't have told her the baby was sick. And yes, Emily should tell Avery about their conversation, but no one tells anyone things on TV.


How does idiot friend not know that Juliette Barnes is married and has a child? Idiot friend was at the radio interview, wasn't she? 


If they refer to Avery as baby daddy again, I'm going to spit. 


Beverly is a new woman in death. Not a narcissistic bitch as all. I thought it was ironic that Rayna ended up giving the eulogy.


All I want for Christmas is Rayna's funeral hat! 


I tried to care about Dr. Dull but I just can't bring myself to. They're making him into Scarlett's version of Zoey. Becoming more jealous by the episode. At least he did reach out to Gunnar to help him connect with her. I think that ship is probably halfway sunk though, post-funeral sex or not.


Speaking of Zoey, it was good to see her AND good to hear that she's moved on. 


I can't with this PPD/addict storyline. Can't. I have no comment on it. I'm just waiting it out. BUT I don't know why Emily didn't volunteer Juliette's new phone number to Avery when he was frantically trying to get in contact with her. I'm sure he would have asked how Emily got it (later, after the baby was okay) but why put him through the machinations of trying to get in contact with Jeff (and Emily knows the history) who was obviously not answering his calls?

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I loved all the Opry scenes. More music of Nashville, please show!

Hate pretty much every scene with Juliette now.

Add Deacon to that. Sad, angry, depressed to almost drink Deacon is no fun.

Gunnar and Caleb. Don't really care, the song was meh.

Markus is kind of a dick

I see Hwy 65 in Will's future!

I like Avery and Emily together. Even if they do stay as friends. But I wouldn't mind more. However, my feeling is that the show will somehow get Avery and Juliette back together although I find it hard to believe he would forgive her and take her back after she abandoned him and her baby.

Shut up, Jeff!

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While part of me wishes Deacon could get some non-weepy/non-dramatic storylines, he does them so well. He really sold the grief and pain he was feeling at Beverly's funeral. But I was annoyed with how angry he was at Scarlett and then he took it out on Rayna with his pissy "I don't want to watch a movie or eat a casserole!" It's hard for me to get too upset that Maddie saw Deacon breaking shit at his own house. I get that it's scary to see someone you love lose control, but Deacon kept a lid on it all day and then he deliberately left Rayna's house so that he wouldn't lost it in front of the girls. It's not his fault that she walked into the house without knocking and saw him throwing things and punching a mirror. I've seen people do far worse for way lamer reasons (I can't tell you how many guys I know who have punched walls for reasons far less serious than death).


I liked that Rayna was so supportive of Layla's debut and that she made sure to tell her what a great job she did and how proud she was of her. And what I really liked is that she wasn't saying those things because she was handling a client but because she sincerely meant it.


I also liked that Rayna made sure to include Will in that picture, and again I liked that it was not because she was making a calculated decision about her career (like Luke) but because that's just how she is. I know that Rayna has done some dumb/selfish/foolish things, but it's moments like that make me like her


Chip Esten really sells the emotions on Deacon so well.  I love him when he is happy and upbeat, and I get tense when he is agitated/angry.  For all the other things this show gets wrong, they seem to get Deacon and addiction right. 


I liked how supportive Rayna was of Layla and Will. 

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I know my reaction at this point is not what the writers have in mind but I'm actually laughing at this thing at this point - it is ALL so dramatic and hysterical and over the top - it's like a parody of a soap opera in its extreme "darkness" - sorry, can't take any of it as good drama given the ridiculously over the top story lines.  


Normally, I wouldn't be laughing but when every single scene and person is a mess (well, almost everyone - who isn't?), I find it all a joke.  


Balance is needed or put this thing out of its misery.  


HP was such a joy to watch the first year - since then, they just can't stop twisting the character into more and more knots to milk drama - Not working on me.  

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roomtorome, I am right there with you.  I laughed out loud several times last night.  Oh Nashville, I wish I could quit you. You are so over the top now that it's amusing.  The whole abusive Beverly to St. Beverly is completely laughable to me.  I was mad at Deacon however.  He has always been my favorite character, until now.  Grow up, dude.  

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I don't fault Maddie for being very scared. Punching walls and mirrors and throwing furniture isn't anywhere close to normal, and by all accounts, Maddie grew up in a calm, stable, loving home, which was the whole point of Rayna's big lie. So it should completely upend and shock her to see Deacon acting like that. I do think it's bizarre, though, that neither of these kids tells their mother anything. Yes, kids can be secretive about their lives, and I guess it's possible that Maddie worries if she tells Rayna she'll leave Deacon, but we'd need to see that conversation between Maddie and Colt. I just do not buy Maddie seeing Deacon punch a mirror and bloody his hand, saying nothing to Rayna, and then taking off next week in her usual teen tantrum. I don't believe a kid like Maddie with a parent like Rayna wouldn't tell her mother about that. I think the writers of this show really struggle with, among other things, accurately predicting how people, especially kids, behave.


i thought the same thing. Why didn't Maddie go to Rayna with what she saw? How did she get back into the house as upset as she was and Rayna not notice that? And why would Maddie be worried about Deacon leaving after what she'd just witnessed? That would be some scary sh*t for Maddie, to see the Dad she's put on a pedestal for the last two years lose it in a fit of violence like that?


From my viewing perspective, I'm glad he had the wherewithal to take the out of the house and away from the girls so that they didn't have to be exposed to it. But he's going to have to do a lot of work where Maddie is concerned now that she's seen the difference between Teddy and Deacon.


I also wondered, since they focused on Deacon's hand after he punched the mirror, how he got away with that in front of Rayna later that night? That was a big cut but apparently he didn't even need a bandaid for it?


Given how Lennon and Maisy react to their own character's behavior I think you're spot on with the writers' issues. Wish they'd do some listening.

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i thought the same thing. Why didn't Maddie go to Rayna with what she saw? How did she get back into the house as upset as she was and Rayna not notice that? And why would Maddie be worried about Deacon leaving after what she'd just witnessed? That would be some scary sh*t for Maddie, to see the Dad she's put on a pedestal for the last two years lose it in a fit of violence like that?


From my viewing perspective, I'm glad he had the wherewithal to take the out of the house and away from the girls so that they didn't have to be exposed to it. But he's going to have to do a lot of work where Maddie is concerned now that she's seen the difference between Teddy and Deacon.


I also wondered, since they focused on Deacon's hand after he punched the mirror, how he got away with that in front of Rayna later that night? That was a big cut but apparently he didn't even need a bandaid for it?


Given how Lennon and Maisy react to their own character's behavior I think you're spot on with the writers' issues. Wish they'd do some listening.


It's a total contrivance that, as the kids are getting more to do, is becoming more and more annoying for me. Rayna and Teddy were never portrayed as particularly strict, overbearing, pushy, controlling parents (save Teddy's freakouts about Deacon and music), and both of them have been shown sitting down and talking to both kids about important things at different times in the show. The kids sass them and do lame stuff, but they always back down because they're both total permissive softies. (I mean this in a positive way; I dig permissive softie parents for the most part.) Deacon picked up that parenting technique right away as well. So you've got two kids who have been raised by people who talk to them, listen to them, don't beat them, barely yell at them, fall all over themselves to make said kids happy, aren't scary overbearing nightmares, and I'm supposed to believe that when big, scary things happen, these girls don't run to their mom first thing?? Not telling your parents that you have a boyfriend is one thing. I get why Maddie would keep that and any possible sex or almost sex secret from all three parents. Fine. But she sees Deacon punch a mirror and she goes home and...nothing with regard to her mother?? That's bizarre, especially since we're given zero reason for it. Or hey, maybe she doesn't go home at all. Maybe she stays out all night with Colt and then runs away and...Rayna doesn't even know her kid never came home??


And right? Deacon's hand was bleeding, the skin was broken, and then...Rayna notices nothing? It's like how they wanted us to believe that Rayna, who'd been with an alcoholic for more than a decade, had sex with him and didn't realize he was so drunk he'd never remember it. The two options for explanation are...1) the writers have no idea how people behave and no understanding of how action moves cleanly from one event to the next, or 2) Rayna is the dumbest, least observant, most blase person on the planet. I like Connie Britton, and Rayna, so I'm going with #1.


And yeah. The fact that Lennon and Maisy are actually on that set and have expressed in their recap videos how ridiculous and childish they think their characters are also makes me feel justified in my assessment. I realize they have nice parents and no father issues and their mom seems super involved and communicative with them and they adore their family, but it's like...come on! Ask the kids right in front of you how dumb this is. They'll tell you! Kids just don't act like this...except when they are cliches on TV.


You know what else really bugged me last night? That Rayna said nothing to Scarlett at the funeral. Or at least nothing that I saw (I did wander in and out during the show; did I miss it?). Scarlett is right there, Rayna knows how sad she is, Deacon is being a total jerk, and Rayna does/says nothing. Yet later, she's super kind to Will and Layla. Once again, that's just not how someone like Rayna would behave. She wouldn't ignore poor, crying, miserable Scarlett just because Deacon is being a dumbass. (Plus, if she'd spend any time with Tami Taylor, she'd learn how to turn around Deacon's dumbassery in about half an episode, but I digress.)


And also, who actually says "you're in a world of hurt" seriously, not as a joke, to be comforting? No one!

Edited by madam magpie
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They have called it postpartum on the show, at the end of last season Avery went to a doctor who said that is probably what is wrong with her.

A doctor who didn't even examine her, as I recall.


You know what else really bugged me last night? That Rayna said nothing to Scarlett at the funeral. Or at least nothing that I saw (I did wander in and out during the show).

You missed Rayna sadly noticing Deacon turning away from Scarlett and how Scarlett was obviously upset at that. Rayna went over to her and comforted her.


I like how well Rayna handles the unexpected. She sure gets ambushed on stage a lot but always makes it look OK.


"I appreciate that." Classic Tami Taylor.

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It's a total contrivance that, as the kids are getting more to do, is becoming more and more annoying for me. Rayna and Teddy were never portrayed as particularly strict, overbearing, pushy, controlling parents (save Teddy's freakouts about Deacon and music), and both of them have been shown sitting down and talking to both kids about important things at different times in the show. The kids sass them and do lame stuff, but they always back down because they're both total permissive softies. (I mean this in a positive way; I dig permissive softie parents for the most part.) Deacon picked up that parenting technique right away as well. So you've got two kids who have been raised by people who talk to them, listen to them, don't beat them, barely yell at them, fall all over themselves to make said kids happy, aren't scary overbearing nightmares, and I'm supposed to believe that when big, scary things happen, these girls don't run to their mom first thing?? Not telling your parents that you have a boyfriend is one thing. I get why Maddie would keep that and any possible sex or almost sex secret from all three parents. Fine. But she sees Deacon punch a mirror and she goes home and...nothing with regard to her mother?? That's bizarre, especially since we're given zero reason for it. Or hey, maybe she doesn't go home at all. Maybe she stays out all night with Colt and then runs away and...Rayna doesn't even know her kid never came home??


And right? Deacon's hand was bleeding, the skin was broken, and then...Rayna notices nothing? It's like how they wanted us to believe that Rayna, who'd been with an alcoholic for more than a decade, had sex with him and didn't realize he was so drunk he'd never remember it. The two options for explanation are...1) the writers have no idea how people behave and no understanding of how action moves cleanly from one event to the next, or 2) Rayna is the dumbest, least observant, most blase person on the planet. I like Connie Britton, and Rayna, so I'm going with #1.


And yeah. The fact that Lennon and Maisy are actually on that set and have expressed in their recap videos how ridiculous and childish they think their characters are also makes me feel justified in my assessment. I realize they have nice parents and no father issues and their mom seems super involved and communicative with them and they adore their family, but it's like...come on! Ask the kids right in front of you how dumb this is. They'll tell you! Kids just don't act like this...except when they are cliches on TV.


You know what else really bugged me last night? That Rayna said nothing to Scarlett at the funeral. Or at least nothing that I saw (I did wander in and out during the show; did I miss it?). Scarlett is right there, Rayna knows how sad she is, Deacon is being a total jerk, and Rayna does/says nothing. Yet later, she's super kind to Will and Layla. Once again, that's just not how someone like Rayna would behave. She wouldn't ignore poor, crying, miserable Scarlett just because Deacon is being a dumbass. (Plus, if she'd spend any time with Tami Taylor, she'd learn how to turn around Deacon's dumbassery in about half an episode, but I digress.)


And also, who actually says "you're in a world of hurt" seriously, not as a joke, to be comforting? No one!


You did miss that part. Deacon very emphatically refused to look at Scarlett and went to sit down with Maddie, even holding his hand out so she'd grab it. Rayna looked at him with frustration and walked over and gave Scarlett a great big hug. She knows Deacon's being a foolish, mulish, child right now.


And frankly, I wonder why Maddie wasn't the least bit concerned about Deacon? If I had a Dad who had a history of alcoholism and had to confront ALL THE THINGS the way Deacon has and I witnessed that - I'd be calling my Mom from my cell in the driveway.


Deacon's maturing slowly, but he is growing, I just wish Maddie would act like the 15-16 year-old that she is sometimes. Most kids that age aren't as immature as she is.

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Re: Scarlett/Rayna. OK, good. I'm glad to have been wrong about that.

I think Maddie probably has no idea what alcoholism even really means for Deacon--and by default, herself, Rayna, Daphne, Scarlett--so I can see how she'd just back away slowly and run away from him. But yes. The fact that she didn't immediately call Rayna crying and worried and scared makes absolutely no sense to me. My mother and I aren't even that close and most of the time as a kid she refused to come to my rescue, but I always tried her first. Maddie has no reason not to call her mother...except if maybe she thinks she needs to keep Deacon's secret because Rayna might leave him. That I'd believe, but she has to say it to someone. We can't assume because it's all too ambiguous. Maybe it'll come out next week when Rayna's yelling at her for taking off. But what's really weird is that the preview made it look like she ran off to the tour to be with Colt and was asking Juliette for advice about sleeping with him...as though we're now, in typical Nashville fashion, dropping a storyline and moving on to something else huge and melodramatic.

I think Deacon is doing pretty well with the drinking and Rayna, actually. He talks to her and recognizes his limitations and doesn't abandon her or the kids really. That was all good.

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I don't know why Emily didn't volunteer Juliette's new phone number to Avery when he was frantically trying to get in contact with her. I'm sure he would have asked how Emily got it (later, after the baby was okay) but why put him through the machinations of trying to get in contact with Jeff (and Emily knows the history) who was obviously not answering his calls?

I assumed that when Juliette called Emily from her new phone, she blocked the number so it showed up as "unknown caller." She probably made that the default setting so that no one but Jeff and her new asskisser would have her number.

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