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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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When did Vicki get so Jesus-y? I don't remember her invoking religion in earlier seasons.



Vicki mentioned that she and Brooks were attending Saddleback Church when Tamra mentioned finding Jesus.  Also, I think Vicki and Brooks mentioned praying together and he led "Grace" a couple of times on the show...one of the many tools of scammers.

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When did Vicki get so Jesus-y? I don't remember her invoking religion in earlier seasons. Before anyone slams me, keep in mind, I'm an orphan, people! An orphan! And, if we've learned anything this season, we've learned that once your mother is gone, you can be the biggest, flaming asshole on earth and all is forgiven.

Vicki has been filmed doing the Jesus thing off and on throughout the years.

She was filmed reading the Bible at least once that I recall during one of the early seasons.


Good points. But Vicki certainly has ramped up the showiness of her religiosity more this season....and frankly, since she has been involved with Brooks. Note the signature on camera Brooks thanking and praying to God for every meal or event. Simpleton Vicki has found her religion an easy out and useful all purpose tool to not try to understand shades of gray in a complicated world. Her religion makes life so much easier.


Hey, when you don't understand nuance in people and situations, or even complicated words and concepts, it is so much easier to blame it on the devil ! With the added advantage of not taking personal responsibility for your own actions, inadequacies, mistakes, and....put in the hard work to change them. See ,...when life gets hard, it's either everybody else's fault or the DEVIL !!!


Cue Putty on Seinfeld !!!

Edited by Bossa Nova
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oh and as for Shannon being upset at Ronda- just moments before the blow up, Vicki said in her diary session that she'd kept Shannon's secret. Even if every single person on the planet BUT Ronda knew about it, it was TOTALLY out of line for her to say WHAT she said and HOW she used to to be hurtful. The two scenarios aren't even remotely on the same level.

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Maybe I should take a few pages from Brooks' cancer book.  His "nose" cancer reminded me...

I had "eye" cancer.  Well...a skin cancer was removed from the corner of my eye requiring 12 stitches.

I had "hand" cancer.  A skin cancer was frozen off.

I had "lip" cancer.  Well...kinda.  A skin cancer was removed from barely below my bottom lip...3 stitches.

Need I go on?  I could!   Freckled redhead growing up in Arizona!

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Well tonight marked my final episode viewing the Housewives.  I'll certainly be keeping with all the shows via this awesome forum.


Still mystified that a baptism was held at a hotel instead of on church grounds.. only in the OC I guess LOL




I've been to a lot of baptisms. My family is Catholic so all those baptisms were held in church, but I've been to adult baptisms for non-catholic friends that were held in backyard swimming pools and one at the YMCA swimming pool. I think the thing is that in some denominations they dunk your whole body and the churches they belonged to didn't have a pool they used.

I don't know, that didn't bother me. I agree with the poster up thread who said it bothered them that this was used as the finale (fight) party for the season. 

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Maybe I should take a few pages from Brooks' cancer book.  His "nose" cancer reminded me...

I had "eye" cancer.  Well...a skin cancer was removed from the corner of my eye requiring 12 stitches.
I had "hand" cancer.  A skin cancer was frozen off.
I had "lip" cancer.  Well...kinda.  A skin cancer was removed from barely below my bottom lip...3 stitches.
Need I go on?  I could!   Freckled redhead growing up in Arizona!


I've had three separate abnormal pap smears over the years, that required a biopsy. That alone should make me a "cervical cancer survivor". (All three biopsies were negative, but you know...details....)

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Not a religious person, but Tamra's baptism made a mockery of that practice. All those friends standing around pretending it was a meaningful ritual, when we all know she's simply trying to redeem her terrible reputation. What's next if this conversion doesn't take (which it won't)? Sister Tamra joins the Sisters of Eternal Bitchiness and Coarse Behavior in their OC convent?


Like others, I've known all along that Vicki knew Brooks didn't have Stage 3 NHL, yet still promoted the charade to the season's very end. I never saw her lose her composure or go into one of her automatic self-pitying crying jags once (as she did when Brianna had throat surgery) over the prospect of losing her gas tank nozzle with a drawl. And she always seemed to conveniently time her trips out of town to most of his supposed treatment appointments for alibi purposes.


But I'm curious about how Brooks is now getting by without her money and support. Did he successfully hook another relatively wealthy divorcee or widow and move in with her? The man is totally incapable of earning a living through conventional and legal methods. Or is Vicki sending him support monies on the sly?

Oh, I think he has direct deposit monthly payments from Vicki for life.  He has too much dirt on her.  

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This episode of RHWOC is brought to you by the letter 'V':


V as for Vickie

V as for vile


Ronda had no business bringing up Shannon's affair - she apologized to Vickie on camera, so it's not like she didn't know it was wrong to say.   And Ronda isn't a sister in law - she is the brother's girlfriend, so she has absolutely no dog in the hunt.


I'm tired of Vickie.  She needs to go off into the Orange County sunset with her worthless business and family and personality disorder.  Maybe she can make up the lost income on her juicing line.  But she needs to go.  She is hopelessly lost in her own delusions.

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Yes. What you wrote.

The big mystery for me is why do people keep believing Tamra?

I am completely baffled.

Who is it you think believes Tamra?  I think it's a much more likely the public and the other HoWives disbelieve Brooks/Vicki.

 Tamra hasn't even said anything definitively. She's been doing her damndest to quietly play the middle man, "he said, she said" role.

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As mentioned by many of you in this thread, and the threads for other episodes, WHY is someone (Vicki) away for EVERY significant/serious cancer treatment for the man she claims to love so much?

THAT there is the first root of all our suspicions. Not the hinky psychic's proclamations. (Focusing on the psychic just confuses things....takes away the focus from the real inconsistencies and lies.)

The second reason for serious suspicion is that faux medical document Brooks was brandishing for all to see. I mean, not all....just Tamra.... The person whom he tried to discredit previously.

I can think of other inconsistencies but those are the two that seem to lend the most credence to Brooks being a liar.

The gray area is whether Vicki is 'in on it' or not? Who knows? I haven't seen anything to sway me enough either way.

Normally I wouldn't delve into the is he/isn't he... Is she/isn't she questioning, but, as I have mentioned before, I had someone in my life lie about having terminal cancer so I am not in the "how dare you question if they have cancer" :gasp: camp. I'm now cynical enough to focus on questioning what is and what isn't credible information.

The other thing I wanted to mention was when Vicki asked, in a TH, what Brooks' hypothetically lying about cancer had to do with her. Well, Vicki...if you are being duped by him your friends would be worried about you! For a narcissist, I couldn't believe she didn't see/articulate that self important perspective (heck, maybe she did and it got edited out?)


I don't know what was up between Vicki and Brooks and his treatments. I also thought it was strange that she would have vacations scheduled when they took place so she couldn't be there for the man she supposedly loves. But I think some women sometimes believe what the man they loves tell them. For example, I have an aunt who was married for 15 years to this man who was never around. He would come home some weekends a few times a year and from what it looked like they had a good marriage. Of course people asked him or her why he was gone so often and his story, that she firmly believed, was that he was in school the first 6 years of their marriage and it was out of state. It made no sense to anyone because it was mechanic's school. No one believed it except my aunt. No one said anything to her because she was happy being married to this guy. 

When the time came that he couldn't be in school anymore he was working on a government contract that kept him out of the state, but it wouldn't last forever so no reason for her to move. 


During their marriage there were several times when he would call and tell her he was sick, or that he had vacation time and was going to go here or there and she would make arrangements to be with him, but then something would happen and she would have to cancel. My point is that even through all that she believed every word. He had surgery and she couldn't be there because she made arrangements for the date of surgery and then it was moved up and she missed it and then he would come home for the weekend. Just bizarre shit like that and she still believed him. 


I don't know but maybe a similar situation was going on if Brooks was lying and he would wait until she was scheduled to be somewhere else and then all of a sudden he had a treatment or appointment. Not saying this is what happened, and Vicki didn't catch on until late in the game. 


Not saying this is what happened, just maybe. I still don't care if he's faking or not. Oh, and come to find out, my "uncle" was married to another woman the whole time and had 4 kids with her. 

Edited by Rainny
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Shannon gives the full text and what Andy failed to read:  http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/10/13/shannon-beador-vicki-is-a-liar-who-betrayed-me/


Someone is mad.  I think Vicki is too committed in any areas of her life to stay focused on this show.  Vicki seems to lead more than one double life.  Double and double talk.

The part that is the most interesting to me is that Shannon reveals that she and Vicki didn't really talk while they weren't filming.  She said Vicki didn't call her for 4 months, and that she never returned her texts. I guess that makes me wonder why Shannon thought they were such good friends. What good friend does something like that? I am not doubting Shannon; I think she is nuts, but I don't think she is a liar. I just don't understand why she was giving the impression during the beginning of the season that they were so close, when clearly they were not. It doesn't really surprise me; Vicki has said many times that she doesn't have any real contact with any of the ladies when they are not filming, save for Heather. 

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Forgive me if I missed a comment on the Heather purse.  Someone was gasping over her jeweled bag - Chanel maybe?  And 'ol Heather said "sometimes you have to treat yourself."   Yes Heather, you deserve a little treat.  Maybe a doggie treat - there must be some left over from your dog trial.  I wish Heather would just go and sit under her carport.....sorry - porte-cocherrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee and count her dam blessings and keep it to herself!    

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Wow, Andy went really soft on Vicks on WWHL.


Andy keeps hitching his wagon to the star he thinks is going to catapult him into some unknown stratosphere.  It's the same crap he's doing with RHONJ with Teresa.  Both of these people bring the drama, for better or for worse, and that's what does it for him.


I've already abandoned RHONJ for the current story line (checks in, indeed......) and will probably do the same for OC if Vickie returns.  The redemption tour for both of them has hit the skids.



Vicki was ultra icki last night. First, what was up with her kissing everyone on the lips??? Ewwwww!



From scripture, maybe it was an indication of who was betraying her??  (Judas saying to the soldiers, 'the one I kiss is the one"????)

Edited by b2H
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Yes. Exhibit A = NeNe Leakes.

I agree...Vicki's not cooperating. On WWHL she's still protecting Brooks' cancer diagnosis.

Did anyone, besides the bartender feel Andy's dislike of Vicki coming through. When asked if she had "recent plastic surgery" to her face because she looked great, she answered no. Then Andy who had notes about her plastic surgery from a few years ago starting reading from a card what she had done. Vicki made a point that the caller mentioned "recently" and Andy seemed to blow her off. It was as if he was upset the caller said she looked good? At the end of the show the bartender said something about not allowing a guest to receive a compliment without saying something negative!..or something to that effect. Seemed wired & wierd to me.

I agree it does sound like NeNe. I have a feeling that Vicki's attitude this year has caused a rift with both cast and crew. In trying to control her story things back fired and somehow I doubt it will go well for her next time she negotiates a contract.

Edited by talula
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Vicki said on WWHL that she told Briana she was NOT to talk about Brooks ON CAMERA this season!



This is dangerous ground to be walking on for HW's, When you try to orchestrate things and think that YOU direct the show is usually where things go bad for HWs, OG or not OG.  The fake storylines and manipulation will strictly come from Bravo/Andy only, do not attempt to concoct things yourself.


Additionally - hate to say this but if you really have nothing to hide, why would you need to tell Briana not to talk about Brooks.  What was Vicki afraid of?  I am the biggest believer in privacy but why would she tell Briana this?  It looks even more suspicious.


I really wish I saw this Ep of WWHL!  I hope it reruns tonight or later this week.

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Three things stuck out to me:


1. When Tamra was in the limo, telling Vicki about Newport Imaging not doing PET/CT scans...I think that was when Vicki realized she'd been duped.  Her expression changed, and she got quieter.  It read to me like her lightbulb moment.  I like Vicki, and while I certainly don't think she's any kind of paragon of virtue, I do feel bad for her because she never questioned her man, and in that moment, I feel like she realized that maybe the other women were right.  Personally, I don't think Vicki perpetuated a scheme...but I do think she was duped, as well.  IMO, she has a lot on the line here, especially with her business, and I think she may be the biggest victim of Brooks after all--they might be broken up, but he could very well have compromised her livelihood with his grifting bullshit.


I think that Vicki knew something wasn't right, but didn't want to question it. Vicki is a lot of not so good things, but I couldn't see her knowingly perpetuating a lie that her bf does not have cancer. I honestly couldn't see any cast member doing that, even Tamra.

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Are you talking about what that paper Brooks showed her may or may not have said? Well...That's why you don't show a paper full of medical jargon to dumb ass Tamra and expect good results.

Also, we saw the same show. We just interpret what we saw VERY differently.

That's cool. It would be boring without differences of opinion.

I fully admit I have my biases. I work in healthcare (I won't elaborate on what capacity except to say I'm not a doctor or a nurse). That is a big reason why I am so turned up about the storyline and the way it was presented.

I don't know if what's his face is lying, not lying, or exaggerating. All I can definitely say is I don't disbelieve the diagnosis based on the specious evidence presented, filtered through Bravo.

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I'm wondering if this is a case of willfull blindness on her part. Vicki's "So what if he's lying, what does that have to do with me?" talking head was very telling, IMO

Anything is possible but I am in the camp that Vicki knew from the beginning that his cancer/treatment story was/is a lie or that she knew shortly before filming began but was desperate enough for a storyline that she willingly went along with it. Just a week or so ago, Vicki was tweeting that she never lied and only repeated what Brooks told her, so, IMO, she is already starting her campaign to put full blame on Brooks and take no responsability herself for anything she said/did.

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Hey gang, just a quick reminder that if you feel like someone is being rude etc. it's best (and forum policy) to report them, not to engage with them. Loads of posts have been removed. Let's try to just discuss the episode/Housewives and not fight with each other please. Also remember you can totally ignore people! Thanks. 

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This is dangerous ground to be walking on for HW's, When you try to orchestrate things and think that YOU direct the show is usually where things go bad for HWs, OG or not OG.  The fake storylines and manipulation will strictly come from Bravo/Andy only, do not attempt to concoct things yourself.


Additionally - hate to say this but if you really have nothing to hide, why would you need to tell Briana not to talk about Brooks.  What was Vicki afraid of?  I am the biggest believer in privacy but why would she tell Briana this?  It looks even more suspicious.


I really wish I saw this Ep of WWHL!  I hope it reruns tonight or later this week.

Vicki said that she asked Briana to not talk about him on camera because everyone already knows that Briana can not stand him. LOL IMO, she was afraid that Briana would repeat things like the IV/Terry lie ON camera and then Vicki could not deny she said them to begin with.

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I'm watching again - who the heck is the other blonde woman that was with Vicki, Billy and Ronda outside the hotel and in the limo with them?  

One is the dress designer the other is Club Detox.  Vicki believes in keeping her endorsements very close.

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But when Vicki wanted Briana to like Brooks, then their first actual meeting at the wine party was OK to be on camera, and when Vicki wanted her therapist to talk to Briana, that was OK to be on camera.  But when Vicki decides she wants to shut it down, then she calls the shots and tells Briana it's not to be spoken of?  LMAO.  Good for Briana for having her own mind in it.  With a mother that sells you out the way Vicki did in the limo, I say go Briana.

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When Meghan said that having cancer or a disability can allow you to modify your child support, it started to make more sense. Is child support a public record? I liked this episode. I also loved the baptism, I thought it was really sweet and Jesus is for everyone. I don't like the idea that you have to act a certain way in order to be religious or go to church. If she found Jesus and wants to celebrate, let her do it in her own way.

Yeah, except that Brooks couldn't just go to court and say "I have cancer, Your Honor. My cancer tank is all full." He would have to submit proof and his exs lawyers could challenge it. It really wouldn't be hard to disprove, so sorry Dective Meghan. That doesn't just magically clear things up either.

Bottom line is that while I think there is something really hinky about Brooks situation, they have all asked Vicki and she has responded. Brooks even showed a record which was immediately dismissed as fake. So what are they still arguing about? Vicki is right. They're not going to be satisfied so it's time to leave.

Also, my daily dose of Shut the Fuck Up Shannon. Shut Up! You don't want to be friends with Vicki anymore. Fine whatever. This isn't about David or his affair or who knew what was painfully obvious or if Vicki discussed information you publicly confirmed a year ago! Stop using that fucking affair as your get out a jail free card every time you act kind of bitchy!

Very interesting the BOTH Vicki and Bravo pretty much called out Brianna as the source of all the Brooks stories. That should be fun to watch at the reunion.

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Vicki has been filmed doing the Jesus thing off and on throughout the years.

She was filmed reading the Bible at least once that I recall during one of the early seasons.


Yes, and Jesus hates divorce and sex outside of marriage. All said by Vicki in earlier seasons.

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Okay, I'll explain it again:

1. Vicki calls up Briana in OK and tells her Brooks became deathly ill from chemo, so ill Vicki was forced to call Terry and ask him what to do. Terry then sent a doctor colleague to Vicki's house to hook Brooks up to an IV - according to Vicki's story to Briana.

2. While lunching with Tamra Briana tells Tamra about the phone call from Vicki talking about Brooks,Terry and the IV.

3. Tamra asks Heather if Terry did indeed send a colleague to tend to Brooks while he was dealthy ill from chemo and if said colleague put Brooks on an IV.

4. Heather asks Terry if this ever happened. Terry said absolutely not! That even if Brooks had called him (which he did not) he would have sent Brooks to the ER

as that is what is proper medical protocol.

5. When Heather and Shannon are talking about Brooks Heather shares the story Tamra told her about Briana getting a call from Vicki with the lie about Terry

sending a colleague to Vicki's home to tend Brooks.

6. Shannon then shares with Heather that Vicki called her with the same bullshit story about Terry, a colleague an an IV. Shannon siad she hear it from Vicki

herself, not from Briana.

7. This is why Shannon made a point to say she has never ever spoken with Briana, to be sure it was understood that Vicki told her the IV story, not Briana.

Hope that help clear it up for you :)

Great job mapping g out the time line. I would also like to add that maybe this had not come up during lunches with Shannon and Heather as Meghan was present and both have been shown to be very uncomfortable with Meghan's investigation tactics

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On WWHL Vicki said she told her brother and Rhonda the morning of the Babtism about David cheating on Shannon.

For some reason, I did not believe Vicki had only told them on the way to the Baptism party. Speaking of which, were my ears deceiving me when I heard Rhonda request a "Red Bull and vodka"? How classy!


I may be completely off, but my memory is insisting that Vickie DID break up with Brooks sometime last year -- and started dating a wealthy guy? Something like that. Then the next thing I remember, regarding the story, was breaking news that Brooks had cancer and they were back together. This was before the season started. Does anyone else remember this?


My point: I think you are right about Brooks pulling this scheme to get back with Vikie's reality show money.

I remember Vicki and Brooks breaking up at the of the previous season and then suspiciously reuniting right before filming , but I do not remember her seeing anyone while he was gone or any news about Brooks having cancer.

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Yes, and Jesus hates divorce and sex outside of marriage. All said by Vicki in earlier seasons.


Ah ha--- I thought I remembered Vicks laying on the "NO SEX before marriage cuz the Bible says so" guilt to Brianna as a way of preventing her from having sex with Colby.



Believing Tamra is not the issue.


It's NOT believing Vicki and Brooks.


'xactly.  I don't trust Tamra as far as I can throw ... Vicki.  But I do believe Shannon.  And I know there is definitely a camp who disagrees, but I believe Brianna, too.  And, therefore, I believe that Vicki told both of them that bullshit late-night IV story.   


Speaking of which, were my ears deceiving me when I heard Rhonda request a "Red Bull and vodka"? How classy!



LOL. How early 2000s! Think she ordered a shot of Tuaca or Goldschlager on the side? 

Edited by Duke2801
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OH I forgot to say


Did anyone else see Terry right after the speech, i think he was about to start laughing-realized the camera was on him, shoved his face in his glass and turned around so nobody would see. 


It was hilarious and I love him for it. totally perfect. I would have done the same. it just stuck out to me when it aired lol

Shannon also looked like she was holding back a laugh or two


Edited bc i had the timing wrong, 

My favorite moment of the night was the look on Shannon's face when  she was standing behind Tamra at the baptism.  They caught her mid-eye roll and with a smirk on her face.  She somehow expressed my feelings perfectly. 


Otherwise, I am very tried of this season.  Can we put a fork in it yet?  It is so far past done, it is burnt, crusty and turning to ash. 

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Ah ha--- I thought I remembered Vicks laying on the "NO SEX before marriage cuz the Bible says so" guilt to Brianna as a way of preventing her from having sex with Colby.




'xactly.  I don't trust Tamra as far as I can throw ... Vicki.  But I do believe Shannon.  And I know there is definitely a camp who disagrees, but I believe Brianna, too.  And, therefore, I believe that Vicki told both of them that bullshit late-night IV story.   


Yup. She had to have because both have the exact same version of a story each says Vicki is the author of but they've never met each other.  


Upthread somebody mentioned the moment in the limo when Tamra tells Vicki they don't do scans anymore.  That she was kinda stunned/stung into silence for a minute before attempting to recover with I don't know, I wasn't there.   I think it's possible that she didn't know she was lying because if someone you love says he has cancer, your first instinct isn't to ask him to pee on this stick so you can prove it, you believe him because who would it even occur to, to go there?  When you add how, it's not just narcissistic she is, but how much she relishes being/playing the victim, I can see why it was, even if only subconsciously, beneficial for her to stick with the story.    If she wasn't at any of the appointments and all this jibberish and paperwork and juice cleansing bullshit is really all she had to go on, I just want her to say something contrite and ownershipy.    While we're wishlisting, Shannon I'm gonna need you to quit regaling us with booty hole stories. 


eta: because lipo and limo are two different things.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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One is the dress designer the other is Club Detox.  Vicki believes in keeping her endorsements very close.

I'm assuming the one with the white bat-wing dress is the designer?  That dress was pretty fugly, imo.....that woman looked like a broken down version of Big Ang from Mob Wives.

Edited by njbchlover
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Very interesting the BOTH Vicki and Bravo pretty much called out Brianna as the source of all the Brooks stories. That should be fun to watch at the reunion.

When did Vicki and Bravo say that Briana is the source of "ALL" the stories about Brooks? I have not seen/heard that at all.

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Geez Tamra is taking no prisoners-she makes a definitive statement Brooks does not have cancer.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2490825/rhoc-star-tamra-barney-on-brooks-ayers-health-i-dont-think-he-has-cancer/


From the link 


“There were so many inconsistent stories circulating on camera and off. We all started noticing them immediately. Things just didn’t make sense! Why wouldn’t he see Shannon’s doctor? He was scheduled to film with her until she wanted to see his medical records.


Then he couldn't make the appointment because he had 2 flat tires? Smh. 

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Yup. She had to have because both have the exact same version of a story each says Vicki is the author of but they've never met each other.  


Upthread somebody mentioned the moment in the limo when Tamra tells Vicki they don't do scans anymore.  That she was kinda stunned/stung into silence for a minute before attempting to recover with I don't know, I wasn't there.   I think it's possible that she didn't know she was lying because if someone you love says he has cancer, your first instinct isn't to ask him to pee on this stick so you can prove it, you believe him because who would it even occur to, to go there?  When you add how, it's not just narcissistic she is, but how much she relishes being/playing the victim, I can see why it was, even if only subconsciously, beneficial for her to stick with the story.    If she wasn't at any of the appointments and all this jibberish and paperwork and juice cleansing bullshit is really all she had to go on, I just want her to say something contrite and ownershipy.    While we're wishlisting, Shannon I'm gonna need you to quit regaling us with booty hole stories. 


eta: because lipo and limo are two different things.

I do think Vicki knew he was lying before filming began or at the very least,right after filming began. She has told too many stories about going/not going to chemo treatments and Dr appointments for her not to know the truth. Had she just said that she never went to any treatments or Dr visits because of work/trips/whatever, she could say that she relied on what  Brooks told her and that she had no reaon to doubt him until things started to not add up BUT instead she did the opposite and here we are. Vicki is a rat trying to jump off the sinking Brooks cancer storyline that she helped to create.

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Most disturbing thing I heard this episode:


Shannon telling Heather about her enema disaster. She said she ate an orange (a whole orange) and felt like her stomach was sticking out to far and needed to get it out of there, so she gave herself an enema. So much wrong with that statement, including:


a) how weight obsessed are you that eating an orange makes you feel fat enough to give yourself an enema


b) I am no doctor, but if you just ate something, it wouldn't be in your colon for hours, right? . How would giving yourself and enema rid you of something that was still in your stomach?


Not as bad as Yolanda and the almonds, but to freak out about eating an orange is nuts. Woman is a walking head case. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I do think Vicki knew he was lying before filming began or at the very least,right after filming began. She has told too many stories about going/not going to chemo treatments and Dr appointments for her not to know the truth. Had she just said that she never went to any treatments or Dr visits because of work/trips/whatever, she could say that she relied on what  Brooks told her and that she had no reaon to doubt him until things started to not add up BUT instead she did the opposite and here we are. Vicki is a rat trying to jump off the sinking Brooks cancer storyline that she helped to create.


I totally agree. More than a few posting here have lived with a cancer victim/survivor and know from first-hand experience how the illness comes to dominate the lives of everyone in the household, even the extended family. Long and frequent trips to the infusion centers, the oncologists, the scan labs take center stage, as does making the patient as comfortable as possible as they endure the disease and its often toxic treatments.


Knowing how I responded to my spouse's cancer and how I would feel if it happened to me, Brooks has been way too cavalier, relaxed, and nonchalant for a man potentially facing iminent death. Instead, he seems to to have relished his down-time at Vicki's house, like some extended vacation, downing fruit smoothies and making only a few cryptic statements to the camera about his treatments and discomfort. At no time has he impressed me as someone suffering Stage 3 cancer. He's just not that strong a man, physically or morally.

Edited by Should Be Working
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We've heard rumors that Vicki will insinuate and/or claim that she was duped by Brooks.

Of all the talking heads we've seen over the years, this one has to be the most revealing.

And so it begins.........


Exactly. I was like, wait what???

It has everything to do with you, fool! That was your big storyline now you're acting like, so what?

Bring back Jeana, Lauri and Knickerbocker. Done with Vicki

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Shannon has severely bad friend radar. The Mistress was able to befriend and get intel on her marriage, Vicki and Tamra is just a disaster waiting to happen. 


 Allll this!!! 


What kills me is if Brooks was actively getting chemo, it means he was under the care of an actual oncologist at the time. So why in the ever loving hell would he call someone who lifts tits and asses for a living instead of say oh, I don't know calling his doctor who is a specialist treating him for the disease he has instead of a vanity doctor or going to a hospital where they have someone on staff/call who can help better help him? 


I have been one who is loathe to see that Vicki is in on it.  She is either the worst partner/caregiver ever OR she was in on it. Those are the only two options as far as I am concerned.  I don't see how you can claim that someone is the love of your life as Vicki claims Brooks is and be so apathetic and laissez faire about him having such a potentially fatal illness. She manages not to be there for his all his alleged chemos, PET/CT scans, doctor's appointment but yet somehow manages to be there to capture the money-making schemes and streams of revenues to be had from some detoxing bullshit generated from this storyline? I see you Vicki. I see you! Girl bye. 

Ditto on your post Islandgal140...especially the last paragraph. Vicki sure is sketchy about Brooks' cancer care but right on top of money making schemes derived from his so called treatment. She just might have gambled away her future financial profits with this season's bluff. Vicki is a lot more like Brooks than I imagined. They might have orchestrated this hoax believing she would sell her house and move down south with Brooks living high on the hog with profits from a miracle cancer cure...Detox Cleanse!

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Yeah, except that Brooks couldn't just go to court and say "I have cancer, Your Honor. My cancer tank is all full." He would have to submit proof and his exs lawyers could challenge it. It really wouldn't be hard to disprove, so sorry Dective Meghan. That doesn't just magically clear things up either.

Bottom line is that while I think there is something really hinky about Brooks situation, they have all asked Vicki and she has responded. Brooks even showed a record which was immediately dismissed as fake. So what are they still arguing about? Vicki is right. They're not going to be satisfied so it's time to leave.

Also, my daily dose of Shut the Fuck Up Shannon. Shut Up! You don't want to be friends with Vicki anymore. Fine whatever. This isn't about David or his affair or who knew what was painfully obvious or if Vicki discussed information you publicly confirmed a year ago! Stop using that fucking affair as your get out a jail free card every time you act kind of bitchy!

Very interesting the BOTH Vicki and Bravo pretty much called out Brianna as the source of all the Brooks stories. That should be fun to watch at the reunion.

You win today. " My cancer tank is all full"


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The problem now is Vicki can't say she was duped. She went on camera and cried over how she was the one taking care of him when he was vomiting, how weak he was, how sick he was. While she was not out of town of course. I think this is why she hates Shannon more than Heather & Tamra. Shannon said point blank if they're living together there's no way Vicki wouldn't know he was faking. 

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