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S03.E07: Storm's A-Comin'


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Regarding touching food with bare hands...that's how it always used to be done in restaurants.  Using gloves is a relatively modern thing.  It doesn't prevent more bacteria from entering your food than bare hands and in many cases it can be worse.  Gordon Ramsey hates the gloved hands thing because people think their hands are clean since they are wearing gloves and they wash their gloved hands far less or don't switch gloves as often as they should so they actually transfer more bacteria into your food.  I'd much rather have a chef in a kitchen that washes his hands constantly prepare my food instead of someone in Subway who uses the same gloves to make everyone's food.

  • Love 13

This is why I don't think it's just Kate that brings out the worst in Leon.  His behavior is not something that was borne from cabin fever and a couple weeks of dealing with a woman with an attitude and a resting bitch face.  The way he spoke, his mannerisms, his facial expressions have been cultivated over years. 


He reminds me of someone with 'roid rage.


I'll bet he'd be a blast to work for at his restaurant.  IF his restaurant was still open.  Apparently, "Wink ll" has been permanently closed.  (But if you follow the link for Wink ll that is posted on his resumes, it leads to a website for male strippers. WTH?)

Okay, just got busted at work for laughing out loud on this ryebread.  Lurking when I should be working.

  • Love 2

There are a couple articles about him and his restaurant - when it was open.  The restaurant's Face Book page and twitter have all been locked but here's a link that lists his background.  Read the Web References. He sounds impressive on paper.  Wonder where he's employed now?  And why did the males strippers take over his restaurant's exact web domain?  And they're aussies, too.



Thanks for the info!


Did they request those things, or are those just the “impressive” things Leon happens to have recipes for and he was paralyzed until he had them in hand?  I think Kate’s point was that if he had provisioned in anything but fucking beef cheeks, he could have improvised with all sorts of things.  Pork loin meant for sandwiches at lunch the next day, or veggies meant for the next day’s chopped salad could have been repurposed for an early course in the tasting menu, and a CHEF would have done that on the fly. It’s almost the whole premise of most cooking competition shows – here are the ingredients on hand, now GO!  

My understanding about why Leon didn't have that food was that the guests sent their preference sheet before they got there that had stuff they wanted, but it did not include the frog legs, rabbit, etc. But then when they arrived and the guy talked to Leon about what they wanted for their tasting menu, he requested that Leon make those things. But Leon hadn't bought them because they weren't on the initial preference sheet used to do the shopping. 


I fully agree that Leon is lazy though. I'm tired of him griping every time he has to cook something that isn't beef cheeks...you're on a boat, obviously people on vacation are going to want some random food that you probably didn't feel like making. Ben did the same exact thing though!!! He did it all the time - bitching and moaning about doing anything he didn't feel like, or being expected to serve a meal sometime before midnight when he had all damn day to chop the beef cheeks or whatever. He just did it with a smile on his face! Ben and Leon aren't very different to me, Ben just has a better personality to mask how lazy and whiny he was. I would rather have Ben come back though, so I don't have to listen to any more pointless Kate-Leon arguments...

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 2


This is why I don't think it's just Kate that brings out the worst in Leon.  His behavior is not something that was borne from cabin fever and a couple weeks of dealing with a woman with an attitude and a resting bitch face.  The way he spoke, his mannerisms, his facial expressions have been cultivated over years.

Great observation Rye.  I was giving Leon the benefit of the doubt because of the instigator.  He's just plain arrogant and combative.   Though...he should still get a pass because he's British.  Lol!   Just joking...

  • Love 3

Gotchu...and to think Subway is the NUMBER 1 fast food chain in America. I could not believe this when someone told me on another forum.  I always thought it was Taco Hell.   


Subway goes along with the health conscious ideals right now.  It's not fried and you can put a ton of veggies on it so people probably think it's healthy so they go to it.


I knew Leon was going to have problems when he first met Kate.  She made a joke about him doing his hair, and I bet if he had laughed at it Kate's whole demeanor would have changed.  That's because she was feeling him out at that time and he was too obtuse to realize it.  Even if he didn't find it all that funny he should have responded in some way, by laughing or being mock wounded or sarcastic, something other than stodgily just staring at her.  Because Leon meant business when he was telling her to keep the bathroom clean, he really expected her to conform to his standards in their personal life on the yacht.

  • Love 5

The Dane Skit was hilarious.


You start out with the idea of just having a lil nip to unwind. But before you know it half the bottle is gone and you are babling outside your mates door hoping they will come out and play. I loved it,  but felt bad for connie because it must have brought up some bad memories for her. However, she was swiming wearing P.Butter so I assume she is a big girl.

From Capt. Lee's blog:


What was the reason you didn’t wear a chef’s coat when you came out to address the guests? You told Kate you didn’t feel like it, and it depends on how you feel, right? But that is not how charter work goes. You don’t want to make midnight snacks for the guests, you make muffins out of a mix, and give everyone a hard time all while espousing how you don’t care. That certainly is a newsflash to me.



I guess he didn't know the extent of Leon's corner-cutting and resentment toward the guests until he saw the episode along with the rest of us.


Another week, another #TeamKate from me. She was able to keep her cool and stay unflappable in the face of Leon's insults and confrontations. I watched carefully to see her role in their squabbles, and what I saw was Leon sniping at her repeatedly and her refusing to take the bait. And her TH about his "moobs" was golden.


Speaking of, Leon's the worst. A real chef would've been excited about a special tasting menu, not whining and acting put-upon. I agree he should have put on his chef's whites (what the hell kind of "chef" wouldn't?!) to greet the guests. Or rather, to warn them that they'd be getting no midnight snacks from him! 


Even Capt. Lee TH'd that the meal was good but did not blow him away. Some professionals you put up with because they bring so much talent to the table. It doesn't seem like Capt. Lee or the guests' reactions have justified that.

  • Love 9
Your lack of planning was what caused the problem; then when confronted with your mistake, you got defensive and really just made yourself look incredibly inept at getting along with anyone who doesn’t agree with you. You have even managed to alienate Amy, who loves and gets along with everyone. That’s a tall order.

I am so glad that Captain Lee wrote that—Kate's a big girl and apparently can take it as well as she dishes it out, but Leon's behavior is growing extreme enough that it's also negatively affecting ultimate team player Amy (and should worry Rocky as well if doing her job properly were ever a priority of hers). Taking time out in the midst of working to announce to a room full of co-workers how much you dislike one of them is just beyond the pale. And while Kate may not be able to step in and cook luxury yacht-quality meals in the event of Leon stomping off to sulk in his room, he should remember that there are plenty of other chefs who can.


That said, while Leon has claimed my gold medal for obnoxious personality this season, I actually think Dane should be the next person Captain Lee pink slips. His particular brand of unprofessional behavior looks to be actually threatening to his co-workers and the multi-million dollar equipment they're in charge of.

  • Love 6

I was really disappointed to see the text message from Eddie. I had thought that the previews were suggesting that Rocky lied to people by saying they hooked up. If they actually did hook up--and it was at Eddie's instigation, no less--and then he insisted on keeping it secret, then he's not as much of a good guy as he seems to be. I think that the "Let's hook up, but no, don't tell anyone!" thing is really shitty to do to someone.


I was uncomfortable just watching Dane on TV; can't imagine how it would have felt to be in his presence when he was drinking that way.

  • Love 1

I loved it,  but felt bad for connie because it must have brought up some bad memories for her.


I missed the first episode or two.  Why might drunken behavior bring up bad memories for Connie?


I was really disappointed to see the text message from Eddie. I had thought that the previews were suggesting that Rocky lied to people by saying they hooked up. If they actually did hook up--and it was at Eddie's instigation, no less--and then he insisted on keeping it secret, then he's not as much of a good guy as he seems to be. I think that the "Let's hook up, but no, don't tell anyone!" thing is really shitty to do to someone.


Eddie gets the side eye from me for A.) the crap he takes from his girlfriend, B.) mismanagement of his anger/frustration C.) the way he talks to the crew sometimes and D.) texting Rocky.


It was mentioned, upthread, that he should run from the crazy (Rocky).  But something tells me, just from the phone conversations with his long term, cheating ass girlfriend, that he's no stranger to crazy women.  He might even be one of those guys that thrive on it.  Texting Rocky, tells me that's probably so. 


They might be perfect together.


And even if it turns out he wasn't pursuing Rocky, he still strikes me as one of those guys that love the drama of a tumultuous relationship.


  • Love 6

Hard to argue against that for someone who's tying himself up in knots every week over arguments with his cheating/distant girlfriend rather than just kicking her to the curb. His work situation would make cutting off contact ridiculously easy if he actually wanted to do that.


There are a couple articles about him and his restaurant - when it was open.  The restaurant's Face Book page and twitter have all been locked but here's a link that lists his background.  Read the Web References. He sounds impressive on paper.  Wonder where he's employed now?  And why did the males strippers take over his restaurant's exact web domain?  And they're aussies, too.



Oh, that is just hilarious. Wonder if his stage name is now Beef Cheeks?

  • Love 5

The yacht is actually called "Mustang Sally", but I haven't been able to locate ownership yet. It was recently in Gibralter and then sailed to the Caribbean. The show seems to film around January, in the Abacos. Andy Cohen, SIGN ME UP! I would be a terrific guest!

So far, his group has been the only guest group who looked "at ease" on a yacht, except for the sorority sisters. Some of these other people... It's Iike a bus went to Wal Mart and drove people to Nieman Marcus. I wish Andy Cohen would bring the cast of Southern Charm on board. They would make for an excellent episode and nobody would cringe watching them enjoy the privileges that being a guest on a mega yacht affords.

  • Love 6

Leon is at fault. There is a code, he doesn't follow it. His pride is getting in the way of his performance and he seems to be going out of his way to "act out". It's very unprofessional and "not how it's done" for a chef to come to get the guests after dinner in anything else but his chef whites. He is displaying violent tendencies and has now twice threatened Kate, I don't know why he hasn't been fired yet. And for that matter, why was he hired in the first place?

  • Love 3

"And clearly some really don't follow those dress codes.  As Belowdeckchatter said, the Captain should be telling him to dress professionally.  The responsibility falls on the Captain."

The Captain should not have to tell Leon t wear his chefs jacket. On the QE2, the worker bees (chefs included) are not allowed "above deck". Only the elite, guest facing employees and officers of the ship are allowed to be seen by the guests. Leon knows better. He just refuses to follow the rules and cannot stand having to do what somebody else says. And, he didn't order provisions for a tasting menu. He is obviously inexperienced. Otherwise he would have known to specific "please thaw" on his provision order from Miami. He is in the wrong line of work here on a yacht. Go back to the cruise ship, dude!

  • Love 1

I missed the first episode or two.  Why might drunken behavior bring up bad memories for Connie?

Connie said she hadn't talked to her father for 12 years. He died while she was on charter. She was concerned for her brother but rattled off a list of their father's alcohol induced tendencies as the reason she was distant. It was something about passing out on the steering wheel, etc, and "coming into our room, drunk, to do *whatever*", etc.

She didn't state anything horrific but it certainly didn't sound fun, either.

Is Leon just getting a bad edit or is he this much of a jerk?  Flat out telling Kate that he doesn't like her at all.  She's just doing her job.  He really had no idea what he was going to serve the guests at 6pm for dinner at 9pm?  What if the shipment hadn't arrived?  More beef cheeks for everyone?  The guests said on their info sheets that they wanted a tasting menu, that's when the food should've been ordered, not half way through the cruise.  It seemed like Ben always had a bit of everything on hand just in case the guests ordered something different from their request sheet (which they always did).  Leon isn't even stocking hamburger for the potential drunk snacks that are requested every cruise.


I didn't really care for Rocky cheering Leon's treatment of Kate on either.  Rocky only wants to swim and hook up with the guy of the week, she doesn't want to work so she's made Kate the villain.  At the moment she has the easiest job on board, which is just doing the laundry.  I do find it odd that Kate and Amy didn't atleast have the table set for dinner, they had 3 hours to do that, perhaps they were trying to decide what the weather would be like based on the time dinner started?  Asking guests to wait until 9 or 9:30 for dinner is ridiculous.


I can't believe Eddie would choose Rocky over Amy.  Really?  I also can't believe that Capt Lee wouldn't have broken up the argument between Kate and Leon.  What if a guest had been lurking in the hallway?

  • Love 3

First time poster on this thread. I guess I'm in the minority thinking Kate's kinda a bitch. IMO - she went mean girl on perfectly nice Amy last season (her new ally - really Amy?) and Leon maybe her new target. The QE II - God forbid. Everybody does seem to like his food (see also God forbid beef cheeks never served twice to the same guests).

I also think I remember in previous seasons some of the charter guests waiting hours for Ben to serve them dinner....

  • Love 3

I feel bad for Amy. Last season when she liked Eddie he had a GF. Now that things are on the rocks between them he decides to hook up with somebody else. Poor Amy just can't win. But if that's the kind of guy Eddie is showing himself to be, she deserves better anyway.


I agree with you completely about Amy.  She looks like a super nice person.  She's genuine and works hard from what I've seen since being on this reality show.  No comment about Kate, Eddie or any of the others on that yacht.  Captain Stubbing seriously needs to retain Amy and fire the rest of his crew (except that one crew member we never see).

Edited by Mars7

There are a couple articles about him and his restaurant - when it was open.  The restaurant's Face Book page and twitter have all been locked but here's a link that lists his background.  Read the Web References. He sounds impressive on paper.  Wonder where he's employed now?  And why did the males strippers take over his restaurant's exact web domain?  And they're aussies, too.




Thanks for the link with the link. I'd guess what happened is that the domain has some meaning for the retired stripper who has it now. He probably has no connection to Leon nor, apparently, to any good site developers.


Leon's former website, on the other hand, was pretty professional and the food looked great. His signature dish? 48 Hours Braised Beef Cheeks, served with caramelized sweet potato and pumpkin compote, glazed peaches, summer vegetables and red wine jus


While Leon might not be the best chef for these charters, I wish Kate would stop busting his balls about the beef cheeks. It's not like the same people are chartering every week...and as mentioned up thread, they ARE very tasty.  Also, since the main idea is for the crew to impress the charter guests, then Leon is doing his part.


I was just about to post the same thing.  Kate being tired of beef cheeks is irrelevant.  Leon is not cooking for her, he's cooking for the guests.   And so far they seem to love his beef cheeks (OMG that sounded weird!!) and everything else he has cooked.  Why should he make changes just for the sake of making changes?  He's cooking what he knows he cooks well, and lots of chefs do that.  Not one of the guests has ever complained about his food or seemed bored with it.   And we've never seen them served the same thing twice.  They certainly all seem to be very happy with everything, from the more complicated dishes down to an omelet or whatever it was that one of the women was orgasmic about this week.


He could make beef cheeks for every single charter, and I would have no problem with it.  It's not as though the same guests are getting beef cheeks over & over.  It's a petty, silly thing for Kate to be constantly complaining about.  

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 4

So on the target!  That Subway employee runs the cash register and counts change with those same gloves on too.


Not at the Subway that I go to.  They put on new gloves for each sandwich, and take them off when they handle money.  I watch closely for things like that.


I've often wondered how tired they must get of the constant gloves-on, gloves-off routine!   And how many gloves they must go thru in a day.  I guess it's not like that at every Subway.  I always assumed it was.


Back to Amy:  I didn't like her little frogs' leg routine, but overall I like her a lot.  She seems to be the only one who truly has her head in the game and understands why she's there.  She manages to be fun for the guests, friendly yet professional, and very focused on serving their needs.  I would hire her - for any job at all - in a heartbeat!

  • Love 3

... at the Subway that I go to.  They put on new gloves for each sandwich, and take them off when they handle money.  I watch closely for things like that.


That is a good thing!  Glad to hear somewhere they are doing that.  For a customer who knows and watches, viewing the food prep provides assurance of proper handling.  It's any customer's guess what happens when the food is prepared out of sight.


It is likely Amy does not know proper food sanitation procedures, however Leon is really responsible for explaining her behavior was inappropriate.  Had Amy known what was acceptable and unacceptable she would not have done that.

Edited by Liberty

Easiest thing to do would just be to pitch out that particular set of frog's legs once Amy was done playing with it. I don't think the loss of one pair would throw off the meal prep.


Of course, this is Leon we're talking about; maybe the disruption of only having 19 pairs of frog's legs to cook instead of the planned 20 is what pushed him over the edge.

  • Love 3

Not at the Subway that I go to. They put on new gloves for each sandwich, and take them off when they handle money. I watch closely for things like that.

I've often wondered how tired they must get of the constant gloves-on, gloves-off routine! And how many gloves they must go thru in a day. I guess it's not like that at every Subway.

It's sadly not. I'm a vegetarian and don't care for "meat juice" on my vegetables/bread so I always ask them to change their gloves (it's a good excuse to have them change them anyway since I never know when they last have) and get pissy looks. Once the girl went in the back, touching the door and whatever else to get more sauce and looked at me like I was nuts when I asked her to change the gloves she wore while doing all that when she went to grab bread to start my sandwich.

Wearing gloves seems to make people not think.

  • Love 1



It is likely Amy does not know proper food sanitation procedures, however Leon is really responsible for explaining her behavior was inappropriate.  Had Amy known what was acceptable and unacceptable she would not have done that.


As I've posted before, I like Amy.  However, I don't think anyone should have to tell her that playing with food the guests are going to eat is not a good idea.  She's a grown woman.  How could she not realize how inappropriate and unsanitary that is?   For me, it wasn't so much the touching - It was the playing with it.  Touching food in order to prepare it is one thing - Playing with it is another. 


I'm also willing to bet that if Leon had said anything, he would have been jumped on for criticizing her.  He's a pain in the ass for sure, but sometimes it seems as though whatever he does is considered to be wrong, and at that point he may just have been choosing his battles. 


I don't think this has anything to do with Amy knowing or not knowing proper food sanitation procedures.  I think it has to do with simple common sense.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 3

It's kinda funny, I'm a nurse and there is actually research about how often we wear gloves vs washing hands and it seems that as far as cleanliness with procedures it's better to wash hands well than wear gloves, because they give you a false feeling of protection (I'm not saying to forgo gloves at all as their main reason for use is to protect the wearer not necessarily the patient... Just that research is showing hand washing is more effective as far as cleanliness goes).

I get that the menu is more geared toward the guests than the crew but my impression is that these charters are only a few days, so that means Leon is making the beef cheeks possibly twice a week. That's fine if the guests want them, shoot if the guest wanted them daily then that's their perogitive, but I can understand Kate's annoyance a little too. I'm not sure what the eatung arrangements are for the crew, I know we saw they have a separate meal from the time Rocky cooked it, but do they do that every meal or do they get the guest leftover sometimes? I worked at a summer camp, where we had a different group each week and the menu was set the same for each group unless otherwise specified, and we the staff are whatever the group ate... And I was so tired of those foods halfway through the summer (which is weird because I'm actually a pretty habitual eater, I tend to fixate on one food and eat it repeatedly, sometimes even daily for a week or so until I change foods) so like I said I get some of Kate's annoyance, but really it's about the guest regardless.

  • Love 1



I would never consider myself as a "foodie"because, to me, it seems to apply to a bunch of people who take pics of every thing they're about to eat just so they can post those pictures on social media.  Nothing annoys me more when people do that in high-end restaurants.  Anyway, from most of my experiences with pricey tasting menus, you are usually offered the menu with the date of the meal as a souvenir. The sommelier at a very memorable meal made me a handwritten, ilustrated list of wines that were paired with our courses.  Nice touch and very classy.

Edited by cuphead
  • Love 3

It's kinda funny, I'm a nurse and there is actually research about how often we wear gloves vs washing hands and it seems that as far as cleanliness with procedures it's better to wash hands well than wear gloves, because they give you a false feeling of protection (I'm not saying to forgo gloves at all as their main reason for use is to protect the wearer not necessarily the patient... Just that research is showing hand washing is more effective as far as cleanliness goes).


Also, the crew should always wear shoes in front of their chartered guests.  If not regular shoes, then perhaps boat shoes or espadrilles.  The last thing I want to see are bare feet.  

I didn't really have a problem with Amy playing with the frog's legs. Sure, it was rather childish, but Leon hadn't even skinned and cleaned them yet. If he had, I'm sure he would have had something to say about it. Also, the high heat used to cook them would have killed any bacteria. I'm not saying it's ok that she played with them, but I hardly think it was catastrophic.

Edited by kitten59
  • Love 10

Also, the crew should always wear shoes in front of their chartered guests.  If not regular shoes, then perhaps boat shoes or espadrilles.  The last thing I want to see are bare feet.  

No. Normally, on a yacht, you go bare feet. Crew and passengers.


"Obey the "Barefoot" rules

Teak decks are expensive and fragile, and for that reason most yachts require that you go barefoot when walking on the decks. If you are unsure about whether shoes are allowed in the various parts of the yacht, please ask your captain. Normally the crew will provide a basket to keep your shoes in once you board. High heels and dark soled shoes have no place on a luxury yacht as they can easily damage and mark the decks."


Source : http://www.boatbookings.com/yachting_content/crewed_charter_top_tips.php

  • Love 5

RE:  The synopsis up thread - I hope this means Dane is the one going home.  I am not meshing with him for some reason.  I would like him recast.

My friend, you are not the only one. He isn't even fun to watch misbehave. It sounds mean, but he is the guy you always want to say "just go away" to. If he didn't pull this (fake) I come from money stuff... Because we all know that southerners who come from money never announce that to people or TV cameras, GAH!!!!..... I'm sure he is a nice enough guy but he is a casting failure.

If only Andy Cohen would run these things be me first.....

  • Love 4


The husband/significant other (Joe?) of the female lead passenger was an idiot - how do not think that something with a propeller on the bottom is going not going to snag a line hanging in the water?  


Seems to me like this season, there are a lot of one or two night charters - I thought the charter trips lasted longer in previous seasons - two or three nights??  I could be wrong.  


Will be interesting to see what happens next week, especially with this crew loose in some probably fairly upscale resort.

Jet skis don't have an outward facing (or otherwise) propellor. Lol they have hydro (meaning water) propulsion systems. Not propellers. Did you think they were these tiny dangerous propellor vehicles floating around that could shred legs and hands and feet? Thankfully, they aren't. They use water to go fast. The rope mistake was avoidable and both the guest and crew should have known better.

And yes, the charters are two days. Bravo only charters this yacht for a series of weeks and they make it look like a longer time. Short trips, rube guests, sometimes an elegant one slips in, like these wine people. The rest came from Wal-Mart or something. Like Leon. And Rocky. And the chunky peanut butter that weird chick smeared on her body before going swimming. Note to Bravo: please, in the future,edit out any Connie food bikinis, they turn my stomach. Like really. I almost threw up at the chunky peanut butter smeared on her chest. She is sweet, love her, but no more food bikinis. K?

  • Love 2

Seriously, no more food bikinis please, Connie! For me the peanut butter was one of the most random WTF? reality show moments ever.

Poor Capt. Lee got invited to the tasting dinner and then was totally uncomfortable the whole time because he was completely aware of the delays and problems AND the guests' impatience with them. Awkward! And then the meal wasn't even that fabulous. I hope he at least enjoyed the fine wines.

  • Love 4



His argument with Kate went way too far, and the way he would constantly talk over her, speak condescendingly, wink at her in such a smug bastard way, issuing a vague threat - it all came across like bullying to me, even though I am loathe to use that overused term.  And to continue berating her afterward in the kitchen, to make sure she was very, very clear on the fact that he doesn't like her at all, in front of the staff...wow.  He's supposed to be a grown up?  I appreciate that Kate is able to take that kind of thing in stride, because I cannot, and I would have been pretty shaken up after all that.  I wish I had her ability to just shrug off people like Leon, whose words ultimately don't matter.


I think his attitude towards women is the reason we only hear him talk of his girls. No mention of the mother of his children, a wife, girlfriend. They probably kicked his smug ass to the curb.


Also on his Twitter he claims he only had $1,300 to feed 7 guests and 11 crew each week. I'm calling bullshit on that one.

  • Love 1

Also on his Twitter he claims he only had $1,300 to feed 7 guests and 11 crew each week. I'm calling bullshit on that one.


Even if that excludes alcohol, that's an insanely small budget. $1,300 a week ends up being ~$186 per day, or approximately $10 per person per day. That's doable for normal people, but probably not for people looking for a 7 course meal for dinner and filet.


Of course, that would explain the boxed brownie ... and the abundance of beef cheeks, considering you can get a pound and a half of fresh beef cheeks for something like $4.50 (and even less if they're frozen).

Edited by McManda

Even if that excludes alcohol, that's an insanely small budget. $1,300 a week ends up being ~$186 per day, or approximately $10 per person per day. That's doable for normal people, but probably not for people looking for a 7 course meal for dinner and filet.


Of course, that would explain the boxed brownie ... and the abundance of beef cheeks, considering you can get a pound and a half of fresh beef cheeks for something like $4.50 (and even less if they're frozen).


I think Leon is lying. I just don't buy it. I just don't.


He did the boxed brownie because other than cutting up fresh fruit and slinging a sauce over it I'm betting he has very few desserts in his repertoire other than that summer berry pudding we saw once which is super easy to make, berries, bread, liqueur, and sugar. He's ordering beef cheeks because it is his cheap no fail go to recipe that he shoves in the oven to braise for 4-5 hours giving him down time to nap.

  • Love 1

No. Normally, on a yacht, you go bare feet. Crew and passengers.


"Obey the "Barefoot" rules

Teak decks are expensive and fragile, and for that reason most yachts require that you go barefoot when walking on the decks. If you are unsure about whether shoes are allowed in the various parts of the yacht, please ask your captain. Normally the crew will provide a basket to keep your shoes in once you board. High heels and dark soled shoes have no place on a luxury yacht as they can easily damage and mark the decks."


Source : http://www.boatbookings.com/yachting_content/crewed_charter_top_tips.php




The women carrying entrees to the table in this video showed they were wearing what look to be booties or some sort of slipons.  Then again, this is Palm Beach International which appears to be a 10x times more luxurious charter.

Edited by Mars7

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