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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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As to other detritus: Nina and the Green Issue is so bizarre. How do you sell that?

Considering this is a show named General Hospital that regularly makes up medical information it broadcast and has serial killers become art therapists and nurses double as physical therapists, I shouldn't be surprised they also screw up publishing issues of pictorial magazines as well. Mind you, I only got to work as a production artist at a promotional products companies for a few months, but even that outfit, when something major was going to print, like catalogs that would be distributed at car dealerships around the country, a top level designer would be at the printers the entire night to sign off the first few runs of the issue to make sure it prints correctly.  No way would printers worth its salt think sending green colored magazines would be okay. Even if all the files were sent to them were corrupted , they would be calling someone at Crimson, probably the art director, asking if it is correct. 

  • Love 4


I sure Mac would fly all the way to California for the evening to babysit Emma.  He is the best dad, who never had his own children :( , ever. 


Robin and Maxie and Georgie are his children.  Blood's not everything.


And I am so tired of these shows leaning on "Roger Howarth with Kids", a well that ran dry a long while ago.



  • Love 12

Has Julian ever denied ordering the hit on Duke to anyone in the know, like Carlos? He'll say anything to Alexis or Anna or the public, but I mean anyone on the inside. Because IIRC, the way the story was presented at the time, however adroitly, was that Julian ordered the hit and Carlos got it done.


I did, however, always suspect even then that Ron was going to weasel his way out of it and throw some bullshit complication into it just to be faux-clever and keep Julian 'innocent' - reveal that someone else (like Hornsby) ordered Carlos to do it, not Julian, or that it was Sloane and not Carlos who finished the job. I still expect one or both of those to play out. This entire raggedy-ass show is now hanging onto fuckin' average-talent Julexis like they're some supercouple (plus reheated Jasam), so they can't have him be the one who gave the order on Duke Lavery.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

like that whole thing with Robin talking about her life at GH vs. another hospital.

I really liked how that was written, mostly because it was so accurate. I could totally see how Robin wouldn't want to be surrounded by her friends and family at the hospital, as co-workers and as patients. It really did cloud things, at the end of the day.

And I thought that transitioned really well to the next part...wanting to build and create a new home with Patrick and Emma. That's what they were doing before everything went to shit in 2012. Patrick purchased the land and they were going to build their home together. And they bantered about all the rooms and his man cave! I don't know if the writers even made that connection, but I think it's there. They want the life back that was stolen.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

I loved Julexis when it first stated. The initial build-up, the first time they were a couple, the first break-up and then first reunion were all great. But then they broke up and reunited so many times that it became boring. And then Will and Nancy did odd and dumb as fuck things off-screen, resulting in me no longer seeing "Julexis" but "Will & Nancy".

  • Love 4

"Danny and I just love this apartment", which is why I moved in with Alexis because I couldn't bear to be here.  Then I listed it for sale, forgetting to mention it to Jason, who might wish to live here. 

Dear writers, pick a story and stick to it.


think it was listed for sale after Alexis moved out before Jason was "alive" because Sam was going to marry Patrick?


That sounds like the kind of thing that would be explained on RC's twitter when one line of dialogue could've cleared it up. Good to know the OLTL imports still aren't bothering to make any effort at continuity!

Sooooooo stupid!!!!:


Time to Mooooove On, little Dogies!

Jasam has to continue dissecting over and over whether Jason has any memories of his former life with Con-girl Sam? I think she even engineered the misstep on the stairs to start a "do you remember..." close moment. And added the cross-fingering as further manipulation. Hey, didn't his DNA already get checked out as Jason's? Why continue to prolong the guessing game that bores to tears? Who cares if he remembers? Sam is just manipulating him to remember as a shortcut to get Jason to fall for her again. How weak! If she really had confidence in herself as the woman for him, she'd be HERSELF NOW. After all, everyone changes, and SAM CHANGED TOO since they were a couple and she was with the Douchecanoe.  If Jasam are going to be a couple, they need to fall for each other as they are now.


Don't Cry for Me, California!

Somebody explain to me like I was Patprick why Robin feels the need to explain, apologize, or grovel to Anna about taking her husband and child from whom she was illegally kept for 4 years and moving to California to real jobs and a real house with a yard? Anna was so OK with not seeing or hearing from Robin during her protracted suffering in captivity. It was "La-Di-Dah Dewq-ey, Dewq-ey Dewq-ey" as Anna the SuperSmart Spy overlooked signs that all was not right with Robin and acted like a dizzy 20-year-old dazzled by "mob-peen". Anna can't say squat about Scrubs reuniting and moving away. I will always feel she abandoned Robin again in favor of a man (this time, not even Robin's father).


Furthermore, it's good that Robin and Patprick will make buckets of cash out in California. They will need it to buy a house there, especially one with a yard. And get earthquake insurance.


If it Bleeds it Leads!

How could two airheads like Neener and Maxie ever churn out a magazine, or for that matter, sausage? What about galleys and proofreading and approving a small batch (not 1 million copies!) before giving the OK to more prints or reprints? Having a million first copies of an issue of a dinky mag like Crimson printed is so amateur it stinks. Let me guess--they sent a single PDF to the printer without a backup? What does their contract with the printer say? Do they have a contract? Were they so gullible to sign a contract with a printer that does not include safeguards and limits? Ironically, the dummies were celebrating the widespread fame of their efforts (even drinking champagne) without adequate due diligence.


Somebody Call 911

So, what's the rationale for making an art gallery go-to into the fast-track candidate for Police Commissioner, a chica who dates known mobsters and whose son lives with the top city mob boss? Why is Jordan the PC Police Boss? Does the corrupt mayor want it that way to keep the PC police weak and off-guard? Since Jordan has run the PCPD, the mob has grown more heads and has more game than ever. A hit man is Most Eligible Bachelor, and citizens live for months wearing masks and aliases.

  • Love 2

Considering this is a show named General Hospital that regularly makes up medical information it broadcast and has serial killers become art therapists and nurses double as physical therapists, I shouldn't be surprised they also screw up publishing issues of pictorial magazines as well. Mind you, I only got to work as a production artist at a promotional products companies for a few months, but even that outfit, when something major was going to print, like catalogs that would be distributed at car dealerships around the country, a top level designer would be at the printers the entire night to sign off the first few runs of the issue to make sure it prints correctly.  No way would printers worth its salt think sending green colored magazines would be okay. Even if all the files were sent to them were corrupted , they would be calling someone at Crimson, probably the art director, asking if it is correct. 


Didn't it also get ink all over Maxie's sweater? I cannot believe WE NEVER CARED's brilliant idea was to "embrace the suck" and that Maxie - who knows exactly how idiotic that was - went along with it. 

  • Love 1
Jasam has to continue dissecting over and over whether Jason has any memories of his former life with Con-girl Sam? I think she even engineered the misstep on the stairs to start a "do you remember..." close moment.


I like this theory, and thought about it myself, but then I remembered it's General Hospital, where women just cannot manage stairs. She's probably just practicing contrived clumsiness for the next time she gets pregnant.

  • Love 6

If it Bleeds it Leads!

How could two airheads like Neener and Maxie ever churn out a magazine, or for that matter, sausage? What about galleys and proofreading and approving a small batch (not 1 million copies!) before giving the OK to more prints or reprints? Having a million first copies of an issue of a dinky mag like Crimson printed is so amateur it stinks. Let me guess--they sent a single PDF to the printer without a backup? What does their contract with the printer say? Do they have a contract? Were they so gullible to sign a contract with a printer that does not include safeguards and limits? Ironically, the dummies were celebrating the widespread fame of their efforts (even drinking champagne) without adequate due diligence.

This is out of character for Maxie. 100%. I guess this is to make INeverCared happen, but Maxie would never let this happen, especially if she isn't having her focus being dramatically shifted in her personal life, as it is not happening. I am not writing this because I think Maxie is some super genius, but Maxie with her years of experience working directly for Kate and even taking up the slack for her during her mental issues, would know by now how a print companies work, and I pretty sure some has that sign off on pages when they officially go to print and go over each printed page with a fine tooth comb for the smallest thing. Maxie might be a disaster in everything else, but working in the fashion industry is the one thing she was good at.

  • Love 7

I don't like the way they are writing Olivia. She's not behaving like herself when it comes to Julexis. Obviously the writers are trying to bring some kind of conflict to Julexis's relationship, but I really wish that the weren't using Olivia to that end. Jealousy just doesn't look good on her. She's probably lonely due to Ned leaving her (and how broken up Dante/Lulu are), but this is just...not a good story for her.

  • Love 12


Maxie with her years of experience working directly for Kate and even taking up the slack for her during her mental issues, would know by now how a print companies work, and I pretty sure some has that sign off on pages when they officially go to print and go over each printed page with a fine tooth comb for the smallest thing.


It doesn't add up, I agree. If she helped Kate, Maxie must have seen that when you publish something, it has to be correctly written and produced as well as entertaining or teaching.

  • Love 2

I loved Olivia with Ned- now she's some ridiculously scorned one night stand? Stupid ass writers.

Did love the Scorpios stuff and will probably be back on the barge after this. Though staring at the new psych doctor was nice. I see them doing a triangle with Anna. At least Jordan is dating someone who isn't a goon.

I liked the Crimson stuff. Am I coming down with something? I feel as if this storyline isn't causing Nina to be as flailing as she usually is.

Creepy Jake is just as bad on FF. And Kelly Monaco has that sparkle in her eyes again working with BM.

  • Love 1

I'll bite: I think they are definitely testing the waters for real with Franco and Liz. This is the same script they have given Roger Howarth with every woman he's ever been paired with (on ABC, at least) for over 20 years. We are the outcasts, we are our only friends, let's crash a public event and be damaged together while I hold you up with pride and show you how good I am with children. I am Roger Howarth the Child Whisperer, only I can heal your broken home/heart/vagina. Won't you see past my body count and mountain of corpses to the me inside?


They've already shown Franco and Nina having a bit of a missed connection on NYE as he buys the black market necklace and then aggressively horns in on her friendly flirty talk with Curtis. I think they may have made the calculation that Howarth and Stafford together will not allow both to survive and they're going to try and strategically diversify them across the canvas; Nina with Maxie and Crimson and Franco with almost-teflon Becky Herbst. They may pull the trigger, they may not but I think they are definitely playing with it.


I understand their logic, or I would if this particular scenario didn't involve A FUCKING SERIAL KILLER along with another one of the worst new characters the show has ever seen (Nina). Carly was at least a moral reprobate in a lot of people's eyes; this is something Liz can't come back from on the heels of what she did to Jason. I hope to God they don't do it, but I think it's at least 50/50.


BTW: What was this horseshit about their having to embrace the suck because Julian wouldn't give them another million for a recall? Nina has that kind of money for pocket change and she's already indicated she has no problem sinking her own cash into the magazine.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11
that whole thing with Robin talking about her life at GH vs. another hospital.


TBH, I was surprised we got that dialogue. It was miles better and sharper than almost anything we've heard in months. That's how you work in history. And it's actually an extremely logical reason why Robin would want to leave GH, despite its familiarity. That was really good writing.


Has Julian ever denied ordering the hit on Duke to anyone in the know, like Carlos?


No, because Julian told Carlos to skip town afterward. Julian doesn't know Carlos is alive, I don't think, so if it's ever revisited, who knows what bs will come out of Julian? I liked him at the beginning—and I loved his DGAF attitude when Connie was going to reveal he wasn't Derek Wells—but the writing for him now is so lazy and WdV's acting is so thudding. 


I work in magazines, and these days no one goes down for the print run, but there's no way someone wouldn't call and say, "Hey, the issues are completely green. Do you mean to do that?" But in the context of the show, I think we're supposed to know that Julian sabotaged the issue, so it's plausible he told the printer to go ahead. But that would be exposed after Maxie called down to ask what happened. "Oh, Jerome said it was intentional, so we went ahead."


At any rate, I don't think it's the dumbest story this show has had. And I like that Nina is being proactive for once, instead of retreating to her baby voice and "I don't know nothin' 'bout making no magazines" crap we got earlier. I don't like Nina, but anything beats passivity.


I don't like the way they are writing Olivia. She's not behaving like herself when it comes to Julexis.


It's her extreme passive-aggressiveness that drives me nuts. She hates Julian and Alexis, so why bother? I'd rather she be a stone cold bitch about visitation and all of that than this drivel we're seeing.


I'll bite: I think they are definitely testing the waters for real with Franco and Liz.


I floated this idea earlier. UGH. DO NOT WANT.


What was this horseshit about their having to embrace the suck because Julian wouldn't give them another million for a recall?


There was also a time factor.

  • Love 2

Alexis and Julian had better not get any pets because I think that Olivia may go into boiling bunny mode any second.

I don't get this whole Olivia and Leo thing.  It is trying to be cute, scary, annoying, a wrench in Julexius?  Whatever it is, it is taking a nice chemistry and ruining it....no one like Olivia in the picture and since when does she care so much about the mobster....


I don't like to FF past my Julian and find I have to when Olivia is on the scene.  UGH!!!!!

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I came back for the Scorpio-Drakes, and have been fast forwarding as much as possible.

However, I was too late and caught some of the Nina ridiculousness. As a publishing professional, my eyes almost rolled out of the back of my head, for one. For two, WTF happened to Michelle Stafford and her acting abilities? Or was she only able to pull off Phyllis on Y&R? Because all I saw was a disturbingly thin, delusional woman overacting the role of, I'm assuming, editor?

  • Love 4

And Kelly Monaco has that sparkle in her eyes again working with BM.


She really does. She's practically giddy around him. I really enjoy it. I hate that I do, but it is what it is.


I'll bite: I think they are definitely testing the waters for real with Franco and Liz.

I agree. IMO it's blatantly obvious they're testing them for real. Like you said, they may not actually pull the trigger, but they're definitely thinking about it.


BTW: What was this horseshit about their having to embrace the suck because Julian wouldn't give them another million for a recall? Nina has that kind of money for pocket change and she's already indicated she has no problem sinking her own cash into the magazine.

This was my first thought as well. Are we supposed to not remember that Nina's rich?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I did, however, always suspect even then that Ron was going to weasel his way out of it and throw some bullshit complication into it just to be faux-clever and keep Julian 'innocent' - reveal that someone else (like Hornsby) ordered Carlos to do it, not Julian, or that it was Sloane and not Carlos who finished the job. I still expect one or both of those to play out. This entire raggedy-ass show is now hanging onto fuckin' average-talent Julexis like they're some supercouple (plus reheated Jasam), so they can't have him be the one who gave the order on Duke Lavery.


Slow clap into standing ovation. 



Jasam has to continue dissecting over and over whether Jason has any memories of his former life with Con-girl Sam? I think she even engineered the misstep on the stairs to start a "do you remember..." close moment. And added the cross-fingering as further manipulation. Hey, didn't his DNA already get checked out as Jason's? Why continue to prolong the guessing game that bores to tears? Who cares if he remembers? Sam is just manipulating him to remember as a shortcut to get Jason to fall for her again. How weak! If she really had confidence in herself as the woman for him, she'd be HERSELF NOW. After all, everyone changes, and SAM CHANGED TOO since they were a couple and she was with the Douchecanoe.  If Jasam are going to be a couple, they need to fall for each other as they are now.


If this Jason/Sam reunion is just for hardcore Jason/Sam fans then can we get a disclaimer before their scenes. If you didn't care about them before, you won't care about them now so how about getting that sock drawer organized? This a chance to a) allow BM to own the role instead of keep it warm in SBu's absence and b) have Jason & Sam fall in love as the people they are today and, most important, c) give the entire audience a chance to invest in this couple. I don't mind a few flashback/do-you-remember scenes. Their fans deserve that. But there has to be more to this couple than that for the general audience - the future of this show, frankly - to connect with them. It's baffling. I'm starting to see a fun flirty chemistry between BM/KeMo but it's like I'm not invited to the party because I don't already 100% believe they are DESTINED. 

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 4

I'll bite: I think they are definitely testing the waters for real with Franco and Liz. This is the same script they have given Roger Howarth with every woman he's ever been paired with (on ABC, at least) for over 20 years. 


BTW: What was this horseshit about their having to embrace the suck because Julian wouldn't give them another million for a recall? Nina has that kind of money for pocket change and she's already indicated she has no problem sinking her own cash into the magazine.


No. No. NOOOOOO! Ew. Ew. Ew. This idea is so sucky that they might actually do that BUT ... what I see is GH's equivalent of "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child."


It Takes a Serial Killer to Forgive Liz. Also, it takes a serial killer to recognize a fellow serial killer, a'la notDeadAgainJake. It's also a way for the show to fanwank how Jason would "forgive" Franco - if Franco healed notDeadAgainFutureSerialKillerJake. Because that's how things work.


Word x1000 in agreement of the utter bullshit around the green issue of Crimson. No printer would do that. No major publication wouldn't have someone on press to approve a test print. Also, it looked like a dirty printer drum problem. That would never happen with off-set printing or digital print. That's a laser printer problem. Also, Nina, ask yourself for some money. Everyone else does. 

  • Love 3

Has Julian ever denied ordering the hit on Duke to anyone in the know, like Carlos? He'll say anything to Alexis or Anna or the public, but I mean anyone on the inside. Because IIRC, the way the story was presented at the time, however adroitly, was that Julian ordered the hit and Carlos got it done.


I did, however, always suspect even then that Ron was going to weasel his way out of it and throw some bullshit complication into it just to be faux-clever and keep Julian 'innocent' - reveal that someone else (like Hornsby) ordered Carlos to do it, not Julian, or that it was Sloane and not Carlos who finished the job. I still expect one or both of those to play out. This entire raggedy-ass show is now hanging onto fuckin' average-talent Julexis like they're some supercouple (plus reheated Jasam), so they can't have him be the one who gave the order on Duke Lavery.


I do think they're going to ultimately weasel out of it to save Julian (and maybe Carlos), but unless I'm misremembering, didn't Julian admit to Alexis that he ordered the hit? So even if it turns out that there was a second hit on Duke from someone else (because why? STOP ASKING LOGICAL QUESTIONS), Julian at least thinks he's responsible and Alexis knows that, which is why it's so odious to me that they act all put out that Anna won't let it go, when, as far as they know, Anna is correct.

  • Love 3

BTW: What was this horseshit about their having to embrace the suck because Julian wouldn't give them another million for a recall? Nina has that kind of money for pocket change and she's already indicated she has no problem sinking her own cash into the magazine.

Obviously Dillon didn't inherit Tracy's business acumen like special snowflake Michael, because the print company that thought "Sure, lets print a million green copies of fashion magazine without asking about it" would be liable. They screwed up for not doing to do their due diligence in finding someone and holding off on printing the magazine, especially if they had printed out several issues beforehand. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

Emma is supposed to be so precocious. But still, how confusing that first, Daddy was going to marry Sabrina; a baby brother came and went so suddenly; then Daddy was going to marry Sam; a slightly older little brother (Danny) was in the picture; then Mommy reappeared from the land of the dead (or Paris), and now the rock-solid family will be Daddy, original sauce Mommy, and Emma in California. With all of Emma's roots torn away--even Grandma Anna and Emma's familiar house--she will be expected to adjust and thrive.  Scrubs ought to get some kiddy counseling for Emma to ensure she is OK with this amount of breathtaking change.


No doubt the most sweeping important consideration will be: how do these Scrubs decisions affect Sonny Corinthos? ;


And don't forget poor Spencer, whose heart will be broken as he is separated from his wittle wuv, Emma.

  • Love 6

 And Kelly Monaco has that sparkle in her eyes again working with BM.

I wish he could show a spark.  I swear, the only look I ever see on BM's face is this quizzical WTF look.  When Sam tripped and he caught her, it was to have them have a "moment."  It's not hard to do:  Just gaze soulfully into your partner's eyes and try and act like there is "something" there.  The GH actors out act BM because they are always in the moment, and he's sort of somewhere else.  jmho.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 5

No, I definitely don't think the Nina/Crimson story is the worst on the show - I reluctantly liked elements of it before. But Michelle Stafford refuses to go beyond her baby-talk tic-laden schtick she picked up over the last five years, and the dumb details (let's make this green issue work for us!) really kill the story. When all Kirsten Storms has to play off of is a woman who insists on doing scenes like she's an eternal giggly virgin and a man cloned from the toenail clippings of Vanilla Ice, it's hard to make something really good out of this. I'd sooner see them square off with Lucy's new venture if Nina has to be on the show, which I still don't feel she does. If it was up to me I'd drop Nina from the show and refocus the Crimson story.

  • Love 7

Relatedly, I do think parking Dillon at Crimson was actually a deft idea.  It still lets him do something creative vs. just being a drone at ELQ, but is less isolating (and stupid) than him directing his indie movies about his wuv wuife.

Maybe Joss, Cam and Spencer will finally be SORASed


Thank goodness Ron isn't still writing, because Emma's leaving town would have led to him making a hugely embarrassing public spectacle of himself and nobody needs to see that.

  • Love 7

You're just saying that because he ripped up Sam's sofa with his teeth. And eats rocks.


Just wait until he pisses on the carpet.....

Sam is not the one that manipulated him for 7 months. Even if she is manipulating, which I dont, then how evil of her for trying to get her husband to remember things and want him to. Or "conning" her way back into his heart.

Yeah, unless I missed something, Sam is the one that straight out told him they could just be friends and HE was the one that said his feelings for her were more complicated for just friendship....Also, he is the he one that keeps approaching her. So yeah, she is SUCH a great con that she can foresee the future and manipulate events she didn't know we're going to happen....shit, she isn't a con, she's some kind of witch! BURN her/Monty python

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