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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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That cracks me up that she finally gets a home and it's huge for no reason.


Like, did FH insist on it as a condition of re-signing?


FH:  I don't want Anna to be homeless anymore, ok?  It's embarrassing.


TPTB:  Ok.  Fine.  We'll re-purpose some giant thing we used to use for ... something.  Happy now?!

  • Love 3

Well of course. The writers won't let Sam look like anything less than a saint.


Eh. This isn't her first Amnesia!Jason rodeo


Except now nobody is going to be able to be mean to poor poor hurt Nikolas because he is in the hospital and almost died.   So there goes my anticipated Sam/Nikolas confrontation.


Maybe she'll try to smother him with a hospital pillow

  • Love 4

I get that it makes Sam look more mature to not fight over Jason, and not freak out on Nik or Liz ... but it's also really, really bad drama.  


Like, all this convoluted crazy bullshit happens, and then the truth comes out ... and then everyone cries or sulks or whines or glares a bit, but then they just move on to the next ridiculous bullshit story.


Sam should throw a fit and jump up and down on Nik's hospital bed -- if only to have something actually happen.   


As painfully idiotic as everything involving Nina was and is, I still think it was totally dumb to have the build up of "oh, Nina's lying to worm her way back into Silas' bed and get revenge!"  And Sam is just like "ugh, Silas, your coma wife is up to something .... but I can't be bothered to fight for you ... I'm outtie."   Wow!  Such drama.   Sam and Silas may have been a snoozefest, but Sam giving a good goddamn and taking Crazy Nina down would have been better than anything they've done with Sam in the last year.  

  • Love 7

I don't care either way whether the show decides that Sam and Sonny were, are, or will be close friends. If they're in the same scene, at least it's convenient for me, as I never have liked either one of them. But I decided not to fast-forward anything today, and I've rarely been so glad for the existence of captions. What a mumble-off with those two. I was having fun looking away from the screen during Sam's lines and just pretending she was saying things that weren't even close. This isn't even the much-debated "whispering." KM has a tendency to speed through lines on gusts of breath, so all the consonants get flattened out. 


Now, Laura Wright, in some of the same scenes...she can enunciate. I can't stand Carly either, but she's always crisp and intelligible.

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 3

Sonny/Sam is still one of the skeeviest things I've seen on a soap. That entire affair happened on FF for me

I think Sonny and Emily was much worse- I would feel physically ill while watching them, even on fast forward.

Nik flying over the edge was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Hayden is nuts to care about the man that hired someone to kill her.

  • Love 5

Right. I'm "eager" to see how this is supposed to work. A criminal would be bribing someone as low-level as Valerie the cadet? Also, they'd be sitting there laughing together and openly passing money back and forth? Not even in an envelope?

Has brawny and formidable-looking Nikolas ever come out on top in a fight on this show? Off the top of my head, I recall him getting beaten up by Jason, Luke, Jax, Zander, Anthony Zacchara...oh, wait, I just remembered the absolutely hilarious scene of Nikolas pulverizing Logan (edit: I removed the clip; maybe too "history thread").

Edited by Asp Burger


Where is Lulu living these days? Is she still couch surfing at Maxie's with Rocco?

Dante should do the right thing and move out of the apartment so that Lulu and Rocco can stay there.  He can move in at Kelly's or the Metrocourt or Sonny's.  But then again, if Dante did the right thing, he wouldn't have believed Valerie's lies that Lulu was cheating with Dillon and screwed Val in his marital bed.  No, I'm not bitter.



Hayden is nuts to care about the man that hired someone to kill her.

I've seen this a lot since yesterday, so I'll take a minute to defend Hayden (before I go back to hating her).  She just watched someone fly off the side of a building right in front of her eyes.  That would freak out anyone, even if said person tried to kill her six months ago.  Maybe five minutes from now she'll be all, too bad he didn't die jerkoff, but right now, I think she has a right to be freaked out.  


Of course, 3 days from now when she's all schmoopy moopy, I forgive you for shooting me in the head because you fell off of a building, I'll be pissed again, but for now, I'm ok with her reaction.

  • Love 3

I think Anna's Giant House (which I am not begrudging for the record, even if it is also AMC's L.A. Chandler mansion) has been on a number of times.

Has it?  I watch her scenes, and I only recall the new house (so far just a living room and foyer) from the Emma fashion show/Paul visits set of scene.


Otherwise, it's been doctor's visits at GH and run ins on the pier.

  • Love 2

Dante should do the right thing and move out of the apartment so that Lulu and Rocco can stay there. He can move in at Kelly's or the Metrocourt or Sonny's. But then again, if Dante did the right thing, he wouldn't have believed Valerie's lies that Lulu was cheating with Dillon and screwed Val in his marital bed. No, I'm not bitter.

I've seen this a lot since yesterday, so I'll take a minute to defend Hayden (before I go back to hating her). She just watched someone fly off the side of a building right in front of her eyes. That would freak out anyone, even if said person tried to kill her six months ago. Maybe five minutes from now she'll be all, too bad he didn't die jerkoff, but right now, I think she has a right to be freaked out.

Of course, 3 days from now when she's all schmoopy moopy, I forgive you for shooting me in the head because you fell off of a building, I'll be pissed again, but for now, I'm ok with her reaction.

Ha, I like your interpretation.

We almost needed someone standing next to her who says, "don't worry, you'll get used to this. Stuff like this happens all the time."

Oh, I remembered one more good thing about yesterday's ep: Valerie's hair. It was so beautiful.


I think Anna's Giant House (which I am not begrudging for the record, even if it is also AMC's L.A. Chandler mansion) has been on a number of times.


I, like Francie do not remember this at all. I'm fairly sure it was only shown when Paul came and took pictures of Emma in her Halloween costume.


Except now nobody is going to be able to be mean to poor poor hurt Nikolas because he is in the hospital and almost died.   So there goes my anticipated Sam/Nikolas confrontation.


And no one can be mean to poor poor hurt Liz because she saved someone's life. Instant redemption for both of them. Yay, great storytelling!


I'd love Lulu and Johnny. Dante is boring. Let him have Valarie. Coparent and be done with that dreck.




What was the horrific series of shaky shots of the dude spying on Dante and Val?


Honestly it was so embarrassing. And then they have the fakeout with the gun bag that's carrying a camera or whatever. I laughed so hard. This show is just awful. I'm sorry but this shit is worse than RC's shit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Honestly it was so embarrassing. And then they have the fakeout with the gun bag that's carrying a camera or whatever. I laughed so hard. This show is just awful. I'm sorry but this shit is worse than RC's shit.

It's pretty bad but to put it in perspective: at least they're not celebrating the holidays/50th anniversary by killing important legacy characters (and others) like Higley is doing at Days. 

  • Love 4

It's pretty bad but to put it in perspective: at least they're not celebrating the holidays/50th anniversary by killing important legacy characters (and others) like Higley is doing at Days. 



They need to stop killing major characters on soaps so much.  They know it pisses off the audience, so why do they keep doing it??  And then they might have to bring them back to life, which is embarrassing for everyone involved.  


Wasn't AJ murdered around the 50th anniversary of GH?  And wasn't Robin being basically dragged off by Victor Cassadine around the same time?   I feel like I remember a lot of offensive bullshit happening at that time.   Or was the 50th anniversary the Giant Luke Retcon (which was mostly well-acted and directed as a stand-alone episode, but changed Luke's entire past and made no sense and really did not explain Fluke at all)?

  • Love 3

Lulu can have several seats as long as she is only going after Valerie. 


Honestly, I would much rather she either hooked up with Johnny or just went after her stupid husband, Dante. He is the one who cheated! Get Valerie on your way to making that idiot's life miserable. 


If Lulu simply hooked up with Johnny, that would a) make too much sense and b) not make the cheaters look like victims. Therefore, your idea is denied!



Dante should do the right thing and move out of the apartment so that Lulu and Rocco can stay there.  He can move in at Kelly's or the Metrocourt or Sonny's.  But then again, if Dante did the right thing, he wouldn't have believed Valerie's lies that Lulu was cheating with Dillon and screwed Val in his marital bed.  No, I'm not bitter.


He did. She didn't want to stay, which is understandable.

  • Love 5

I think Emma should go off with Patrick and Robin but come back for frequent visits with Anna and invisible Great Uncle Mac.  Sonny and Carly but especially Jason for being the reason Robin was lured out of town in the first place. Then Emma should hide her weaponry only to use it again when this show starts to suck again and she returns. Once a month ought to do it, really.



Fixed that for you!


I get that it makes Sam look more mature to not fight over Jason, and not freak out on Nik or Liz ... but it's also really, really bad drama.  


To be fair, it can take weeks to fully recover from carbon monoxide poisoning. Given their obvious levels of exposure as witnessed during their oh-so-touching love story both Sam and Patrick should be in a hyperbaric chamber right now. Sam just doesn't have enough oxygen in her bloodstream to do anything active at the moment. Except remind me that she and Sonny had that horrific affair. 

  • Love 3

So. I watched it. Should have watched this first and then watched North by Northwest. That way, I'd still have Scrumptious Cary Grant on the brain instead of this show.




First off, I didn't think there was anything wrong or eye roll worthy regarding Liz trying to staunch Nik's bleeding, and yelling for help at the same time. I think I read someone posting why didn't she just call 911. Well, she did. She yelled, put her shawl underneath his neck, pressed it against his wound, AND called 911. And being a surgical nurse, would know a thing or two about nicked arteries.  And this shouldn't be considered something that should be considered a step toward her redemption, because this is what she does. She's a fucking nurse.  I'm convinced nothing short of Liz being stripped naked and being pilloried in public would appease those that believe she needs to be punished for lying. No one died when she lied about Jason's identity. No one, other than Monica and to an extent, Sam grieved his "death."  Cujo doesn't count, because she was too busy fucking Franco, and spent like five minutes grieving him and sought to "be" with Franco, when she thought he was Jason's twin, as the closest she would ever get to "have" Jason; and even when that was proven false, still fucked him and was ready to marry him. Sonny? Please. He had Shawn. Pfft.


Saw nothing wrong with the way Laura looked at Jason or asked him what she did. She's a mother. And her son is "touch and go" even though Lucas said he expected a full recovery.


And wow, gee! I can see Miller channeling Burton's Jason with his dead eye stare and the "not without my lawyer" spiel. So.Typical.Jason.  BUT, in this case, I can see why: Hayden's hysterical screams/statement are being taken at face value and Jordon sucks as a cop, let alone Commissioner. Or should that be Commissioner, let alone a cop?  This is still an amnesiac Jason, who hasn't done bubkus that the old Jason did, but is being treated like he's Jason with memory recovered and back to killing people. And I can't believe I'm typing this shit, defending a character I've loathed since the day he accused Robin of "betraaaaaaaying!" him.


And what part of "not until I talk to my lawyer" do Dante, Jordan NOT understand? Yeah, yeah, this is GH, and a soap, but it still irks.


And Cujo can just STFU. Like Whoopi often pontificates on The View: "You don't KNOW. You Weren't THERE!"  Liz's defense of Jason makes more sense-she knows him and what he would or would not do.  And she also didn't bring up Jake just to bring up Jake. Though I don't agree that he's Jake's father; that would be Lucky. Jason was just the sperm donor. But since the last two regimes have seen fit to make him his daddy, in that context, there wasn't anything manipulative about her saying what she did, since that's what she believes now.  The midgety moobster can also STFU and go back to feeling sorry for his sorry ass not being able to walk. And Liz's defense is not the same as Cujo's, who I believe automatically accused Nikolas trying to kill Jason.


And Sam, remains with Sonny, when told about Nik's fall and being in the hospital? Really?? Unless I missed a line of dialogue when I was fast forwarding all those scenes? All of it played out as if Nik is someone Sam knows, but is not related to, or cares about.


I hope Laura* didn't believe Hayden. I really really do.


So, no previews for today's show, but according to my dvr, there is going to be a new episode.


*Y'all know I am a proud and unashamed Laura Apologist, so short of her killing someone in cold blood with no provocation, I will always like her. So, nyaah, nyaah! Followed with a "lalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaa I can't heeeeeeeeear you!" with good measure!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 15

I don't care either way whether the show decides that Sam and Sonny were, are, or will be close friends. If they're in the same scene, at least it's convenient for me, as I never have liked either one of them. But I decided not to fast-forward anything today, and I've rarely been so glad for the existence of captions. What a mumble-off with those two. I was having fun looking away from the screen during Sam's lines and just pretending she was saying things that weren't even close. This isn't even the much-debated "whispering." KM has a tendency to speed through lines on gusts of breath, so all the consonants get flattened out. 


Now, Laura Wright, in some of the same scenes...she can enunciate. I can't stand Carly either, but she's always crisp and intelligible.


Jason apparently has a thing for short brunettes who mumble. 

And Sam, remains with Sonny, when told about Nik's fall and being in the hospital? Really?? Unless I missed a line of dialogue when I was fast forwarding all those scenes? All of it played out as if Nik is someone Sam knows, but is not related to, or cares about.


Why would Sam care about anything going with Nik after everything he did to her and her son? He was up in that rooftop before he fell still defending Liz and asking Jason why he would want to try to reconnect with Sam? 


I am sorry but Sam giving zero fucks about Nik serves him right. 

  • Love 12

Why would Sam care about anything going with Nik after everything he did to her and her son? He was up in that rooftop before he fell still defending Liz and asking Jason why he would want to try to reconnect with Sam?

I am sorry but Sam giving zero fucks about Nik serves him right.


I wanted Sam to step over his body and do a Kanye shrug while doing it indicating that she didn't give a feck about that ass.

  • Love 6

I am sorry but Sam giving zero fucks about Nik serves him right. 



Of course it does. But last we knew, Sam and Nik were supposedly still on good terms. She wasn't shown to confront his lying ass about knowing who Jason was, the reason for his lying, blah, blah, blah.  Her not giving a shit would be more acceptable to me, if we had gotten a conversation at least, between them, with her ripping into him, like she ripped into Liz.


But the way she talked about him, he could have been a stranger.

  • Love 1

Of course it does. But last we knew, Sam and Nik were supposedly still on good terms. She wasn't shown to confront his lying ass about knowing who Jason was, the reason for his lying, blah, blah, blah.  Her not giving a shit would be more acceptable to me, if we had gotten a conversation at least, between them, with her ripping into him, like she ripped into Liz.


But the way she talked about him, he could have been a stranger.


Sam knows Nik knew for months and was probably the one who told Liz before telling her, his cousin. What more reason could she need to knowr? Also, Nik and Sam haven't been on good terms for a while now. 


Furthermore,  Sam had one scene with Jakeson, Laura and Liz since it was revealed Niz/Laura knew for months. So, Sam confronting Nik means she would get POV in this whole Jason reveal and she has gotten the least amount of POV. The writers are more focused on how this effects Liz and others more than Sam, Jason's wife. 

  • Love 9



And Sam, remains with Sonny, when told about Nik's fall and being in the hospital? Really?? Unless I missed a line of dialogue when I was fast forwarding all those scenes? All of it played out as if Nik is someone Sam knows, but is not related to, or cares about.


Sam went to GH right after Carly called.  She didn't stay with Sonny.  Of course, it was because Carly told her Jason needed her, but I am sure she found out about Nikolas offscreen, unless it is continued today.

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